Does Equestria have a standing military force or do they really think a bit of magic and wishful thinking will keep away rival kingdoms forever?
If another country attacked, the show would turn into Sailor Moon and each episode the mane6 would fight off a single monster with the Elements of Harmony powers
They're like Switzerland with two sentient magical neutron bombs, nobody will fuck with them. That's why Equestria is so enormous, no one can step to their level.
Every male whose skills aren't essential for the regular maintenence of the country is drafted and given golden armor so that they can protect two magical princesses who each have enough power to nuke nearby countries by themselves.
What strategy can possibly counter Celestia's god magic? She's like Gandalf without the ability to give a shit.
Earth ponies infantryUnicorns artillery Pegasi air command
>>924264Pinkie Pie
Celestia. Sun. Your nation. I hope you like fire. Lots of it.
they somehow have tanks, how can rainbow name her turtle tank, if they didn't have equestrian tanks?
Well, to be honest it's safe to say ponies could take care of themselves in a pinch, and do so quite well.An old idea I had for a story (okay, a fanfic) was that Equestria had a deal with the Griffon Kingdom for military protection in exchange for magical goods and food (due to Griffins living in rather rough environments).Thus, Griffins often criticize ponies as soft and pampered, and while the Griffins could theoretically try to take Equestria by force, few of them can stand the sappy, sugary, sweetness of the environments for long periods. Plus, the place mostly looks good because of the ponies and them being actually happy, something that wouldn't work if they were driven out or enslaved.
>>925505Pinkie Pie also has a partycannon, and Dash sings about going fast as a bullet.
>>925505I know it is unlikely but a large water container is sometimes known as a tank.
>>925620whichm if I recall, is how tanks got their name because they were hidden within water tanks on trains.
>>925620That's how the vehicle got its name. In WWI the British military developed the tank, armored mobile artillery, under the guise of an armored water delivery vehicle. They code-named them Tanks to deceive workers, and potential spies.The name just stuck.
>>925712And the original name for it once deployed as a weapon was land-ship. As they were supposed to act as battleships, on land. But no one liked the name, and tank stuck.
Bitch please,celestia's magic destroys every opponent within seconds.
celestia can move sun... no1 would like to piss her off
When Spike turned Godzilla and fucked shit up I'm assuming it was Celestia who sent the Wonderbolts in to save the day.My headcanon forces me to believe that while they are the most talented flyer's in all of Equestria, they also double as emergency air fighters in case of emergencies.
No military, been so long since a fight that the culture doesn't know how to wage war efficiently. They rely on the overblown rumors of Celestia and Luna's magic. They know in reality they could not sustain a true war, but so far the bluff keeps them safe.
>>924032war?hahAll celestia needs to do is not to raise sun for a few days and invading armies will freeze to death, or bring the sun little closer and they will be fried alive
>>929997but this would mean the end of her own subjects as well
>>930014Well duh, she will lead her unicorn servants to drop some megaspell force field over equestria
>>930041Actually Equestria has underground shelters build for this occasion, they call them vaults, so if for some reason celestia will need to start a global cataclysm to end all life, enough ponies will be saved to repopulate and rebuild.But i read they had some minor problems with water chip installations, but I'm sure it's nothing.
>>929847>mfw rainbow dash is KIA while scrambled against a harpy horde>she went down after 197 individual CAC (close air combat) kills in ten minutes>Pony veterans from then on wear rainbow badges for every 100 kills>"Holy shit, he's got a double rainbow..."They have magically cloned pony guards in gold armor and the same for dedicated night-time troops. They only need the original to have infinite troops supplies. For ground troops they could just start cloning Big Mac or Roid Rage pony.Pegasi would ruin your air support since they can break the sound barrier, imagine magical enhancement.There are more convoluted observations, but the war would still be absolutely adorable.
Celestia holds the world hostage. There is a standing threat of "You fuck with Equestria, the world dies." So not only do the surrounding Kingdoms/Nations not mess with Equestria (they probably actually have a great relationship) They'll protect Equestria from external threats.The only real wild card are dragons, who don't seem to have a nation. So they are somewhat prepared for situations like dragons, though really it's alotOf theory without much experience.Of course this is all >Headcanon and will probably change based on what we see in the Season Finale.
Um, what?Saying Equestria has "a bit of magic" is like saying the US has "a bit of nuclear warheads"
well, Equestria does have the Royal Guard (Unicorns and Pegasi), the Wonderbolts (which seem to be part of some sort of military). Cmdr Hurricane referred to the Pegasi as "a mighty tribe of warriors" so we can assume that at least historically the ponies had armies.Add to that the fact that Pegasi can control the weather, Unicorns can possible wreak havoc on a massive scale, (think of the possibilities of the "Want It, Need It" Spell or timetravel, both are documented spells) and the fact that their rulers control sun, moon and stars... yeah, other nations would be pretty fucked were they to attack Equestria
Well if they are going to start a war, they need to take out Celestia first, since she would be too powerfull, but I'm not sure if Celestia is just never aging or full blown immortal in which case she cannot be killed.But i guess they could pact with Luna to overthrow Celestia and trap her somewhere and then Luna would be rising Moon and Sun Too much unknown variables for precise estimate to be made