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    Your pal, —mootykins

    File: 1332948706.jpg-(705 KB, 1564x1604, 130454883350.jpg)
    705 KB Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:31 No.890731  
    Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.

    Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.

    Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.

    Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.

    Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.

    Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.

    How's that working out for you?
    >> Chris !!4DNByBUmads 03/28/12(Wed)11:32 No.890743
    This is stupid.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:35 No.890774
    >Fluttershy is Tyler Durden
    my sides

    >Rarity is Katniss Everdeen
    that could totally work

    >Applejack is El Presidente from Tropico 3

    >Pinkie Pie is Notorious B.I.G.

    >Dash is Jon Stewart

    >Twilight is Jeff Bezos
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:39 No.890833
    This is /mlp/
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:44 No.890873
    >no fun allowed

    >last movie you watched
    Pinkie Pie is some chick trapped on a island with two guys and lot of sex scenes. Not a porn, just a very bad thriller movie

    >last novel you read or are currently readying
    Rainbow Dash replaces the dead dog from The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

    >last vidyagaem you played
    Fluttershy is now in Kid Icarus Uprising which is fucking awesome

    >lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to
    Apple Jack is now Lady Gaga, how that would ever turn out?

    >main character of the last TV show you watched
    Twilight is Columbo

    >the CEO of the last store you bought something from
    >mfw Rarity is the CEO of the italian Montezemolo high-quality dress shop I just bought a jacket from
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:46 No.890902
    > Pinkie Pie in Ace Ventura
    > Applejack as the kid from Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
    I like it.
    > Rarity in Assassin's Creed: Revelations as Ezio.
    > Twilight is Jeremy Soule
    > Fluttershy is Ted Allen on Chopped
    "You have been chopped... uhm... if that's ok... you can stay if you want..."
    > Dash as the CEO of Target
    Maybe there won't be shit pony merch then.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:48 No.890919
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:50 No.890954
         File: 1332949826.png-(297 KB, 849x471, pinkiepiewtf.png)
    297 KB
    >Pinkie Pie is that guy from Cowboys&Aliens
    Cowboys&Aliens&Ponies. dude that's overkill

    >Rainbow Dash in the first ME novel by Drew Karpyshyn
    sounds interesting, though I don't know how that would turn out

    >Rarity as FemShep?
    I am Commander Fabulous and this is my favorite boutique on the citadel.

    >Twilight Sparkle is now the lead singer of Godspeed you! Black emperor
    mfw I don't have a face when GY!BE is post rock and doesn't have vocals.

    >Fluttershy Turner and her Fairy Godparents
    alright, that sounds like fun.

    >Applejack is now CEO of (do online shops count? if so: Amazon. if not:) a local grocery store chain.
    sounds legit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:51 No.890964
    I'm sensing displeasure with something...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:52 No.890975
         File: 1332949941.png-(122 KB, 900x709, they__re_cheering____for_me__b(...).png)
    122 KB
    Fluttershy is searching for Harriet Vanger
    Pinkie Pie is in a german concentration camp (oh god, what have I done)
    Rarity is mining for diamonds (oh, Fortune)
    Twilight is member of Boards of Canada (would even work)
    Rainbow Dash is the new Twilight Sparkle
    Applejack is the CEO of Carrefour (does she speak in fancy?)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:53 No.890993
         File: 1332950036.gif-(493 KB, 173x115, pinkie sonic rainboom.gif)
    493 KB
    > Pinkie Pie in Ace Ventura
    >> Library Lass 03/28/12(Wed)11:55 No.891010
    >Fluttershy is Batman
    I guess that could happen.
    >Rarity is Katniss
    I can see it
    >Applejack is the Dragonborn
    ...But... but Fluttershy is the Dragonborn!
    >Pinkie Pie is in Pink Floyd
    >Twilight Sparkle is the main character of MLP: Friendship is Magic
    Arguably true anyway
    >Rainbow Dash is tied with Twilight for my fifth-favorite, but I mostly just wanted to make the joke there, so yeah. Rainbow Dash is the CEO of Lane Bryant
    A lot more plus-sized activewear, I guess?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)11:58 No.891049
    I don't want rarity working at any store much less running one
    >> Sorcerer-anon 03/28/12(Wed)12:01 No.891089
    >Pinkie Pie is Kirk from new Star Trek
    The movie is vastly improved.

    >Twilight Sparkle is Roboute Guilliman in Know No Fear
    The Ultramarine's Primarch is now more adorable. Nothing else changes.

    >Rainbow Dash is the Reach Spartan III
    Mite b cool.

    >Cheerilie replaces Freddy Mercury in Queen.

    >Fluttershy is the Doctor

    >Rarity is now head of Books a Million
    I cannot find a fuck to give.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:03 No.891106
    >Twilight Sparkle is Citizen Kane

    >Rainbow Dash is Artyom

    >Rarity is Adam Jensen

    >Fluttershy is Till Lindemann

    >Pinkie Pie is Will Smith

    >Applejack is the CEO of KFC

    This is the best thing...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:07 No.891141
    >Fluttershy is Till Lindemann
    This needs to happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:13 No.891200
         File: 1332951225.jpg-(48 KB, 622x633, 131670202603.jpg)
    48 KB
    >mfw Twilight Sparkle is in a fuckin' borstal getting gangraped. (Movie was Scum, an 80s Brit movie.)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:14 No.891207
    >Diamond Tiara vs. an Unstoppable freight train?
    I'm liking this idea.

    >Silver Spoon as Harry Potter
    Is an Earth pony - doesn't get Hogwarts letter because no horn

    >Pinkie Pie as Harry Potter
    At least she wouldn't ignore other students when they greeted her.

    >Octavia as (no idea, I don't really listen to CDs...)
    Well, she's a musician, so it would presumably be good.

    >Twilight Sparkle as Twilight Sparkle

    >Angel Bunny (screw the rules, I like ponies) as the CEO of The Warehouse
    That could be interesting. At least one could be sure that he'd only buy quality products.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:15 No.891227
    Fluttershy is an illegal goods trafficker?

    Twilight is the reincarnation of Uriel, the angel?

    Applejack investigates crimes as a prosecutor?

    Rarity is the lead singer from Jam Project?

    Rainbow Dash is the main character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

    Pinkie Pie is the CEO of a chinese store in a suburban town?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:17 No.891250
    I was waiting for someone to mention the actual show with a different protagonist.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:19 No.891260
         File: 1332951550.jpg-(126 KB, 923x865, Good question....jpg)
    126 KB
    >Pinkie Pie as Batman
    This... Um... Sort of works? ... Maybe?

    >Twilight is... A middle-aged humor columnist?
    Curse you Dave Barry.

    >Rarity in Halo Reach
    Not sure if want... Might be cool, though.

    >Rainbow Dash is Dio

    >Applejack is Hank Hill
    And nothing changed.

    >Owner of Brownell's Firearms
    This cannot end well.

    Aside from that last one, I think I did alright.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:21 No.891281
    >Fluttershy is Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding in Battle of Britain
    closest this movie has to a main character I guess. Pretty weird regardless

    >Rainbow Dash is Captain Richard Winters in Band of Brothers (only halfway through, not a Major yet)
    Again, closest thing to a main character. Think a lot of E Company men might have been injured due to her hot headedness.

    >AJ is Super Mario
    Don't think she'd put up with all of the Princesses drama if I'm honest

    >Pinkie Pie and the News

    >Twilight is Maury Povich
    "Mr Cake, in the case of 1 month old Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake... you are not the father"

    >Rarity is CEO of Plume book publishers
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:21 No.891283

    >Pinkie Pie as Minecraft Steve
    Well, if anyone could randomly turn a block of wood into planks, it'd be Pinkie Pie.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:22 No.891287
    i really wish dave barry didn't stop being funny ten years ago. he's the reason i majored in journalism.
    >> zizema16 !!2XuP+uS1HVu 03/28/12(Wed)12:34 No.891393
    >Rainbow Dash is John Carter.
    >Fluttershy is Hazel in The Fault in Our Stars.
    Almost perfect
    >Twilight Sparkle is now Zelda
    >Applejack is Weird Al
    >Rarity is Sean Spencer
    I see him as more of a TS to be honest
    >Pinkie is the CEO of a video game shop in Japan
    couldn't care less
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:35 No.891415
    >Pinkie Pie in Driver
    O..kay... somepony killed Rainbow Dash and now she's seeking revenge, Pinkamina style. That could be cool.

    >Twilight in me completely forgetting what I last read

    >Fluttershy in Pokemon
    This makes so much sense to me and is brilliant

    >Rainbow Dash singing for Crush 40
    I'm sure she'd enjoy singing for all the gotta go fast games, but not sure how well she'd fit in.

    >Rarity in My little Pony
    Well that...errmm...hmmm.

    >Applejack CEO of KFC
    She's just like a real farm girl now!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:38 No.891441
    >Pinkie Pie in the hunger games
    Oh good, more murderin Pinkie.

    >Dash is main character of The Master and Margarita
    Interesting. Main character does learn to fly and is pretty loyal.

    >Applejack in Ocarina of time

    >Twilight is the MC Bat Commander
    hell yah

    >Fluttershy in Southpark
    Can't see it

    >Rarity owns a Mexican restaurant
    I am not making any references
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:38 No.891443
    >Twilight is the driver
    thats more for RD but ok

    >Pinkie pie is Josef K.
    and she was guilty of being adorable

    >Rarity is in P4

    >Applejack is Bob Dylan
    well that makes sense

    >Fluttershy is Stephen Colber
    Im Equestria (and so can you)

    >RD is CEO of mcdonals
    happy meal with the wonderbolts all the time
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:39 No.891458
         File: 1332952783.jpg-(14 KB, 300x182, the_binding_of_fluttershy_by_s(...).jpg)
    14 KB

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:42 No.891479
    >Braindead starring Rainbow Dash
    oh my...

    >Applejack is half of the characters in A Storm of Swords
    how does this even work?

    >Twilight Sparkle is now a Sorceress in Lord of Destruction
    well, this shouldn't be to bad

    >Fluttershy is now the lead singer of Blind Guardian
    I'm not sure really okay with that

    >Pinkie Pie is the main character of FiM?
    >okay, seriously, she is Homer Simpson now
    I don't even...

    >Rarity now is the CEO of
    if you say so...

    well, okay
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:43 No.891495
         File: 1332953016.png-(169 KB, 416x332, fluhurrshy.png)
    169 KB
    >Pinkie Pie as Behmen from Season of the Witch
    >Twilight Sparkle as Eragon
    >Rainbow Dash as Mega Man
    Fuck yeah.
    >Rarity as Daniel Heiman from Lost Horizon
    >Fluttershy as Bear Grylls
    Fuck yeah I'd watch that.
    >Apples Jack as the Kotobukiya CEO'd that even work?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)12:45 No.891526
         File: 1332953156.jpg-(42 KB, 478x468, brofist3536544.jpg)
    42 KB
    >Crush 40
    Fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:01 No.891711
    >Fluttershy of Arabia
    Not sure about this

    >Pinkie Pie is now Winston Churchill
    I can't remember the last novel I read, so I just went with the book I'm reading now

    >Rainbow Dash is Dovahkiin

    >Applejack is now singing for Breaking Benjamin

    >Twilight is now a Brazilian slave in love with a Portuguese aristocrat

    >Rarity is now in charge of Walmart
    It might work
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:06 No.891772
    >applejack is Andrew Detmer a disturbed teenager with an abusive father who gains superpowers
    > twilight is dagny taggart the vice president in charge of operations of taggart transcontinental
    all of my want
    >pinkie pie is rayman
    this could work
    >rarity is mstrkrft
    >fluttershy is a writer who becomes a private detective
    >rainbow dash is ceo of walmart
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:07 No.891777
    >Twilight Sparkle as Luke Skywalker
    Mite be cool
    >Rarity as Leif I don't read many novels
    >Fluttershy is Number 47 from Hitman
    I'd pay real money to play that
    >Rainbow Dash is the lead singer of Europe
    I'll roll with it
    >Applejack is now Jerry Seinfeld
    Whats the deal with apples?
    >Pinkie Pie is the CEO of Toys-R-Us
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:07 No.891780
    pinkie pie and twilight are in the hunger games
    they really should have stuck with book, the actress is too bubblely and all she did was eat

    fluttershy in diablo 2

    rainbow dash sings for Tortoise
    all she does is stand around, great

    Rarity in Game of thrones?
    she fits in at least as the incestuous queen

    applejack is now in charge of Valley Thrift
    but where are the apples
    >> Chocolate Rainbow !ZMARBjvczs 03/28/12(Wed)13:12 No.891847
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Rainbow Dash is The Bride AKA Black Momba. I'm okay with this.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Applejack is The Princess Buttercup. Eh, not bad.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Twilight is Ezio. Pretty boss.

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Pinkie Pie is now the lead singer of Metallica. Um...

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Rarity takes the place of Jerry Springer. Much fun is had.

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Fluttershy owns Wawa. Well no more meat. This sucks.

    How's that working out for you?
    Not bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:16 No.891893
    Pinkie Pie is Tintin from the Adventures of Tintin movie.

    Can you imagine it? Pinkie and Captain Haddock going on adventures? Fund that shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:23 No.891975
    Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Fluttershy in Thank You For Smoking.
    Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Applejack in Franny & Zooey by J.D. Salinger
    Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Twilight Sparkle in Portal
    Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Rarity singing Pet Sounds
    Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Pinkie Pie in Law & Order:SVU
    Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Rainbow Dash is the CEO of Barnes & Noble
    How's that working out for you?
    Not...not very well.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:25 No.892011
         File: 1332955514.png-(361 KB, 900x625, 137012 - artist DMN666 hearts_(...).png)
    361 KB
    Well, this is kind of strange...Been catching up on Hunger games with the movie just out. Twilight is Katniss Movie version...Rarity is the book version.

    RainBro Dash as Adam Jensen in Deus Ex HR? FUCKING HELL YES.

    Applejack as the lead composer for Skyrim's OST???? I'm not sure how that would work.

    Pinkie Pie as Sherlock Holmes? I'm strangely OK with this.

    Flutters as the CEO of eBay? Okay...?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:31 No.892065
         File: 1332955893.png-(159 KB, 786x1017, cool.png)
    159 KB
    >Applejack in Kikujiro
    She'd kick the yakuza's ass so hard.

    >Rarity in Wuthering Heights
    It fits...

    >Twilight in Need4Speed: Undercover
    >stopping at all the stoplights
    >this isn't racing twilight!

    >Pinkie Pie in Abestosdeath
    I can't even....

    >Fluttershy in Misfits
    Well now...

    >Rainbow Dash
    Well, RD has been a bro lately so I don't really mind it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:33 No.892089
    >last movie you watched.
    Rainbow Dash is now Bill Denbrough from "It" (1990)

    >last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Pinkie Pie is now Colonel Commissar Ibram Gaunt

    >last vidyagaem you played.
    Twilight Sparkle is apparently a Capsuleer on Eve Online

    >the last album you listened to.
    Rarity is now David Draiman from the band Disturbed

    >last TV show you watched.
    Applejack is now Wendy Watson from "The Middleman" (2008)

    >last store you bought something from.
    Fluttershy is now the CEO of 7-11
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:36 No.892128
    >RD as Dio
    Oh god, this would be so awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:39 No.892162
         File: 1332956373.jpg-(254 KB, 1200x900, Z1jno.jpg)
    254 KB
    >>Twilight Sparkle is apparently a Capsuleer on Eve Online

    Oh Jesus...Twilight would LOVE Eve.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:46 No.892246
    Twilight Sparkle in Inglorious Basterds
    Rarity in The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
    Pinkie Pie in Super Mario 3D Land
    Fluttershy in System of a Down
    Rainbow Dash in MLP:FiM, I can see where this is going
    Applejack as the CEO of Nuts on Clark
    This is a pretty entertaining combination, I have to admit
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:46 No.892248
    >>Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Rarity is a tribute in Hunger Games? not sure how that would turn out.

    >>Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Twilight goes on timespace distorting adventures in Mark Z. Danielewski's House of Leaves? i think she'd enjoy it.

    >>Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Pinkie Pie in three kingdom's era china? bring it. (Dynasty Warriors 7)

    >>Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    last album i listened to all the way through that had vocals in more then one or two songs was probably Nero's Welcome Reality. and Applejack is about to ruin it.

    >>Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Rainbow Dash is now Rayland Givens in Justified? the US Marshall's service just got a whole lot more awesome.

    >>Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Fluttershy now owns Best Buy. proceeds to run it further into the ground and eventually out of business by allowing customer's to argue her into changing what they want.

    overall, i guess i can be okay with these results.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:47 No.892254

    She would never leave.
    >> Sukamu !mldSCUM7TQ 03/28/12(Wed)13:48 No.892261
    >Rarity is now kei from Gantz: Perfect answer...wat
    >Fluttershy is now Mcmurphy from cukoos nest
    >Pinkie pie is now blackburn from bf3
    >Twilight is now .....I dont even know
    >Applejack is now...twilight if mlp counts, and maybe whoever is the main character or always sunny, maybe charlie.
    >Rainbow dash is now the CEO of Walmart
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:49 No.892277
         File: 1332956944.png-(59 KB, 241x241, 1304193467830.png)
    59 KB
    Seeing all these people list every mane 6 pony from their favorite to least favorite with absolutely no problem whatsoever makes me sad. Why would you do that?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:50 No.892286
    Rainbow dash in howel's moving castle...wut?

    Rarity in the great gatsby, that kinda works

    Fluttershy in rock band 3...there is no story to that but fluttershy headbanging while playing guitar...wait how does that work?

    Twilight singing stuff from the dammed things? This I gotta hear

    Pinkie pie stars in mythbusters? Party experiments galore

    Applejack runs Dunkin donuts, everything will now have apples in it.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:50 No.892295

    >>892248 here, it was actually really hard for me to rank them after the first two, as i don't really dislike any of them.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:50 No.892297


    I agree with the need for more variety though.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:51 No.892299
         File: 1332957065.jpg-(109 KB, 1200x900, w8hlP.jpg)
    109 KB

    She would probably use time-spells to go skip ahead past server downtime. To be fair, she'd be the world's best megacorp CEO...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)13:52 No.892325

    Okay, so I misunderstood the general idea of the thread and you don't only have to only use mane 6 ponies, but still. Seeing such a thread exist still disappoints me.
    >> Sukamu !mldSCUM7TQ 03/28/12(Wed)13:53 No.892339
    I love all pone but some a little more than others
    >> AnonymousHieronymus !xHUxVGp8h6 03/28/12(Wed)13:58 No.892382
    >Pinkie Pie is Sherlock Holmes.
    Fund it.

    >Rainbow Dash is Jack Ravenwild.
    Pretty boss, but Rainbow is way too brave to be Jack.

    >Fluttershy is the Fateless One.
    "Uhm... fate? If you could just change, that'd be lovely... if you want to I mean."

    >Twilight Sparkle is Maynard James Keenan.

    >Applejack is House.
    "Everybody lies, Sugarcube."

    >Rarity is the CEO of Safeway.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:01 No.892435
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Fluttershy in The Girl Next Door. So being raped with a coke bottle and burned with cigarettes.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently reading.
    Pinkie Pie is Katniss Everdeen. See: everyone else's responses about hunger games.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Techno Twilight Adventure!

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Applejack is now in Girls' Generation. Alright then.

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Rarity is a US marshal. Um.

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Dash is a CEO of a local supermarket. Not sure this is what she wanted in life.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:02 No.892449
    >Pinkie Pie is now the drunken master
    Sounds about right
    >Fluttershy is the main character in the Invisible Man
    >Rainbow Dash is now the kid from iwbtg
    >Applejack is now the girl who sings memoirs in rameses B- Memoirs EP
    >Twilight is now in Tosh.0
    This is either good or bad
    >Rarity runs the stop-and-go gas stations
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:03 No.892451
    > Rainbow Dash is John Carter
    > Fluttershy in House of Leaves
    > Pinkie Pie is the Dovahkiin
    > Twilight is Voltaire
    > Applejack is Stephen Fry
    > Rarity is CEO of Walmart

    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:04 No.892471
    Rainbow Dash is Rebecca from Tank Girl

    Fluttershy is Alex Sawyer from Lockdown

    Derpy is the Dragonborn

    Vinyl Scratch is John Lennon of the Beatles

    Lyra is Peter Griffin from Family Guy

    Owlicious is CEO of Papa Johns Pizza
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:04 No.892476
    >Rainbow Dash is Shirotsugh Ladatt
    >Twilight in...I forget, I think it may be something from the Hitchhiker's Trilogy
    >Pinkie is Garen from League of Legends
    >Fluttershy is Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots
    >Does the Sharks game from 2 nights ago count? If so, then Rarity is Joe Thornton. If not, then Rarity is the new Twilight Sparkle.
    >Applejack is CEO of In-n-Out
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:06 No.892494
    >Pinkie Pie on Mystery Science Theater

    >Rainbow Dash in Call of Cthulhu
    Hm... She could either go mad, try to beat Cthulhu, or show him the magic of friendship. The third sounds the best.

    >Twilight Sparkle in Portal 2
    Dear Princess Glados...

    >Applejack singing on the rooftops with the Beatles
    Ah... Ah ah... Ah ah ha... Dig an apple...

    >Fluttershy on Ren and Stimpy
    Oh god... no, just no...

    >Rarity CEO of Fresh and Easy Markets
    New, experimental fashion made out of whole foods? IDK...

    I really REALLY want to see Pinkie Pie doing a film riff now...
    >> Scootaloolol 03/28/12(Wed)14:08 No.892519
    >Fluttershy is now paul from hotel rwanda (oh god, my sides)
    >Rainbow is now Elie Wiesel in Night
    >Pinkie is now my rs character
    >Applejack is now nothing because i dont listen to whole albums
    >Twilight is now the main character of MLP (appropriate)
    >Rarity is now the CEO of QFC
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:09 No.892531
    Rarity - American Psycho
    Pinkie Pie - Novel? Nope. Pinkie is dead.
    Fluttershy - Super Smash Bros. 64! Confirmed for new Jigglypuff.
    Twilight - The Scatman? Fantastic.
    Applejack - King of the Hill. Fucking amazing. These apples won't sell themselves I tell ya h'what.
    Rainbow Dash - McDonald's. I guess the service will be faster and cooler.

    Keep in mind I still love all the ponies equally, just some higher than others.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:15 No.892602
         File: 1332958514.png-(204 KB, 3600x3600, rainbow close up.png)
    204 KB
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Dash in 21 Jump Street

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Twilight as Candide...makes sense

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Rarity is my player in BF3

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Pinkie Pie is the lead singer of Rise Against

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Fluttershy is a competitor of The Ultimate Fighter

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Applejack is the CEO of Gamestop.

    How's that working out for you?
    Well, Applejack knows how to run a business, so that's no problem. Watching Fluttershy get demolished on TUF would be pretty entertaining. Pinkie Pie cannot replace Tim, sorry...I mad. Rarity might have trouble holding a gun in BF3, and doing just about everything else that is required of a soldier. Twilight makes a great Candide, with her being so knowledgeable and philosopher-like. And RD would be a great character, as the one Channing Tatum played. All in all, pretty damn good.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:18 No.892650
    >Applejack in Fistful of Dollars
    That worked out better than expected.

    >Twilight in the works of H.P. Lovecraft

    >Rarity in Mass Effect 3

    >Rainbow Dash in Queen
    I'm liking this idea

    >Pinkie Pie in Doctor Who

    >Fluttershy is the CEO of Target

    This could go one of two ways. Amazing, and terribly terrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:29 No.892784
         File: 1332959342.png-(255 KB, 500x385, mount_splashmore.png)
    255 KB
    >Applejack in Birdemic
    >Twilight hunting down escaped androids
    >Fluttershy in Stacking
    >Pinkie Pie is Jay-Z
    >Rarity as Homer Simpson
    Wouldn't work
    >Rainbow Dash as CEO of Gamestop
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:33 No.892813
    >Pinkie Pie is now Cale from Titan AE
    >Applejack is now a Blood Angel Space Marine
    >...Twilight Sparkle is now Adam Jensen
    >Fluttershy is now the lead for Adept
    >Rarity is now Samurai Jack
    >Rainbow Dash is the CEO of Tesco (UK Supermarket)

    This is fantastic.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:34 No.892826
    >Twilight Sparkle is Nick Davis from 30 minutes or less (or Scott Pilgrim, can't remember which I watched last)

    >Fluttershy is Scout Finch

    >Pinkie Pie is... um... Jarvan IV?

    >Rainbow Dash is Eurobeat Brony

    >Rarity is Twilight Sparkle

    >Applejack is the CEO of Tim Horton's (all my apple fritters)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:39 No.892901
    Rainbow Dash, so I guess Channing Tatum's character in 21 jump street
    Applejack as lisbeth in the girl with the dragon tattoo
    Twilight Sparkle, so shepard in Mass Effect 2
    flutershy, but I don't listen to albums
    Pinkie Pie-MLP, so she plays herself how very meta.
    Rarity-Anime shop
    >> Aesop 03/28/12(Wed)14:44 No.892957
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.

    Rarity in Princess Mononoke. She'd hang with Lady Eboshi and be fabulous as fuck with her own foundery. Rarity is industry.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.

    Applejack corrals dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. Muldoon and AJ would hang hard.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.

    Pinkie Pie in Twilight Princess. I can't really even see how this would go.

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.

    Twilight signing Down with the Sickness. Meh.

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.

    Fluttershy in Regular show. Hangs out with Pops and chases bunnies in the park all day. Hides in the bunny fallout shelter when shit goes down on a weekly basis.

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.

    Rainbow Dash is the CEO of Krogers. Have fun with that.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:49 No.893019
    Rainbow Dash is now Frodo Baggins...
    Pinkie Pie is now Varian Wrynn (reading Wolfheart)
    Twilight Sparkle is now my orc hunter on WoW
    Applejack is now the rapper Big Scoob
    Fluttershy is now Hank Moody from Californication
    Rarity is now the CEO of Apple (iTunes)

    Odd... quite odd...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)14:50 No.893039
    >Fluttershy in Inception

    >Rainbow Dash = Katniss

    >Pinkie Pie is Sly Cooper
    We learned how well that works out...

    >Twilight leading Of Montreal
    "I want to make you come, 200 times a day"
    kk Twilight.

    >Applejack on Mythbusters
    She's probably the test dummy.

    >Rarity at local comic book store
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)15:18 No.893398
         File: 1332962302.png-(145 KB, 480x360, 130059294623.png)
    145 KB
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy in Tintin? HELLS YEAH!
    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Pinkie Pie in The Fault In Our Stars... I'm sad now.
    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Twilight in Street Fighter X Tekken, yet another guest for the PS3 version
    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Derpy's singing Rhett & Link songs, all is right with the world
    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Rarity and Applejack in Stella, not much changes to be honest.
    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    I don't have a least favourite... HMV has no CEO.
    >How's that working out for you?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)15:23 No.893464
    >Apple bloom a green lantern.

    Aw shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)15:41 No.893698
    >Twilight sparkle of mars

    >Rainbow dash is down and out in the magic kingdom

    >Rarity space program
    This won't end well

    >Applejack singing for Django Django

    >Pinkie pie as Castle

    >Fluttershy runs the local donut store
    I guess?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)15:42 No.893713
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.

    "Separation" want to tell me that Rainbow Dash is Iranian wife struggling to get the fuck out of her marriage and country? Like...what the fuck.

    ...oh, but if anime counts, she would do well as Cardcaptor.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.

    "Der Zauberg" by Thomas Mann...well, Fluttershy is best suited from all ponies to be main character, but...well, seriously? It's becoming more and more depressing...

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.

    Rarity is behind the rocket launcher in Quake Live? I...I guess she can rail people with her horn or something...or be an annoying cunt fragging people.

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.

    Twilight in Metaform. Pffr...meh, I guess.

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.

    Pinkie Pie could be cool Cardaptor (again, if anime counts). Other than that - Pinkie Pie having superpowers in Misfits? WELL, THAT'S SOMETHING

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.

    Apple Jack working as manager of local shop. Well, it's not like she had very bright future ahead of her. I guess it's a good place for a girl from countryside shithole.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)15:51 No.893845
    >Pinkie Pie is Captain America
    Good, good

    >Fluttershy is that guy in The Alchemist
    ... Good, good

    >Rainbow Dash in Kid Icarus
    Good, good

    >Last album I listened to had no singer, Twilight Sparkle disappears forever!!!
    Not good, not good

    >Applejack is the main character of Heroes
    .. Would be different

    >Rarity owns Dollarama
    She would ruin the business model of the store by trying to make the products too high quality, Dollarama would crumble, I would be out of a job, Rarity is still worst pon
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:01 No.893995
    >twilight in the lord of the ring
    Meh, why not??

    >pinkie pie in the call of cthulhu
    holy shit.

    >rarity in street fighter
    ... Holy shit.

    >apple jack in blind guardian
    this geting very weird actualy, i don't think the accent will fit, but eh...

    >rainbow dash in doctor who

    >fluttershy working in a book store.
    well, pretty fitting.
    >> sage 03/28/12(Wed)16:06 No.894051
    >Pinkie Pie in The Hunger Games
    >Rainbow Dash in The Call of Cthulhu
    >Fluttershy in Modern Warfare 3
    >Rarity as Bassnectar
    >Twilight in MLP FiM (not that weird)
    >Applejack as the CEO of Walmart
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:07 No.894064
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:09 No.894097
    OP here, my post was a stealth move to make everyone post their power rankings without realizing what they were doing.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:13 No.894139
         File: 1332965624.gif-(1.83 MB, 200x200, 1332616859269.gif)
    1.83 MB
    >Pinkie Pie in The Castle of Cagliostro


    >Rainbow Dash as the main character of Anthem

    The fuck

    >Play as Rarity in Skyrim

    This actually sounds awesome

    >Fluttershy lead singer for Nujabes

    Flutterrap sounds awesome

    >Applejack as THE DOCKTAH

    Not feeling it

    >Twilight Sparkle is Gabe Newell

    What in the name of Celestia

    >mfw this entire list
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:15 No.894157
         File: 1332965710.jpg-(28 KB, 600x300, 1331394843993.jpg)
    28 KB
    >Pinkie Pie as Ace Ventura


    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:16 No.894166
    >Fluttershy is either Will Smith or Tommy Lee Jones (MiB)

    >Derpy is Dante (Divine Comedy)
    My sides

    >Rarity is now a character from Dota2
    All of my money

    >Twilight is now the lead singer of Pendulum

    >Pinkie Pie starring in CSI: New York?

    >Trixie is the owner of a local cell phone store
    I knew it, they sold some broken charger yesterday
    >> Strelnikov !83CSCGHFaA 03/28/12(Wed)16:16 No.894169





    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:17 No.894190
    >Rainbow Dash is Bucky Larson

    >Pinkie Pie is, well, I can't remember the last time I read a novel

    >Twilight Sparkle is Soap from MW2

    >Fluttershy is LL Cool J

    >Rarity is Carly Shay (I was forced to watch it, feelsbadman.jpg)

    >Applejack is the CEO of my local corner store
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:19 No.894205
    Twilight is now a Japanese monster.
    Fluttershy is now Dave Barry.
    Apple Jack replaced Gordon Freeman.
    Pinkie is now in the beatles.
    Rarity is already in My Little Pony.
    Rainbow Dash runs Target now.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:20 No.894219
         File: 1332966045.png-(191 KB, 500x282, 1332628220620.png)
    191 KB
    >Fluttershy as Hugo
    "Would you please give me the machine man, if it isn't any trouble?"

    >Twilight Sparkle is Francis Poole from 2001 a Space Odyssey
    strangely fitting

    >Luna as Tribes infiltrator sniper
    Sniper Luna

    >Pinkie Pie did the monologue in Tron's The Grid
    oh lawled, I want to hear that

    >Applejack as Applejack in mlp:fim

    >Rarity now runs Canadian Tire
    I don't think she will be happy with her company's hunting attire and gear
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:22 No.894246
    >Applejack in Bio-Dome
    Dude wat

    >Fluttershy As George from Of Mice And Men
    Could totally see her taking care of Derpy

    >Rainbow Dash in Crash Bandicoot
    I would play this.

    >Pinkie Pie in blink-182

    >Rarity is the main character of MLP: FiM

    >Twilight is the CEO of McDonalds
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:23 No.894249
    Fluttershy in Men in Black
    Pinkie Pie as Sherlock Holmes
    Rainbow Dash in Tales of Graces F
    Twilight Sparkle is....idk
    Rarity as Peter Griffin
    AppleJack is the CEO of Walmart

    1, 2, and 3 are so perfect
    >> Sorcerer-anon 03/28/12(Wed)16:25 No.894275
         File: 1332966300.png-(305 KB, 697x439, 1332476605465.png)
    305 KB

    >Pinkie Pie is now Colonel Commissar Ibram Gaunt
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:29 No.894333
         File: 1332966553.jpg-(32 KB, 450x296, ginger_snaps_1.jpg)
    32 KB
    Pinkie Pie in ginger snaps... that wouldn't work
    Fluttershy in the dresden files, cool
    Rainbow dash is in kirby's dream land, EPIC
    Rarity is the lead singer for nirvana? fuck that
    Applejack is in american dad
    Twilight Sparkle is the ceo of walmart
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:29 No.894335
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.

    Fluttershy is now one of the Watchmen. I think she's too nice to be Rorschach. Socially awkward enough to be Dr Manhattan I suppose.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.

    Rainbow Dash replaces Colonel Commisar Ibram Gaunt from the Gaunt's Ghost's series

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.

    Commander Applejack is now saving the galaxy from the Reapers

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.

    Pinkie Pie replaces Till Lindemann of Rammstein fame

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.

    Twilight Sparkle replaces Simon from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.

    Rarity is CEO of Asda

    >How's that working out for you?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:31 No.894369
    Rainbow Dash is Ibram Gaunt for me :P
    Currently reading The Founding at the minute and loving it. It's my first GG novel
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:34 No.894398
    Rainbow dash is Sherlock Holmes
    Twilight is now Caiphas Cain
    Pinkie Pie is now Commander Shepard
    Derpy is now lead singer of Nightwish
    Celestia is Horatio Caine
    >> Broguesman 03/28/12(Wed)16:45 No.894565
         File: 1332967515.gif-(497 KB, 245x138, brushie.gif)
    497 KB
    Is this just out of the main six?

    >Applejack in groundhog day

    >Pinkie Pie is now Bilbo Baggins

    >Rarity now Lucas from Mother 3

    >Rainbow dash lead singer of Judas Priest

    >Fluttershy on RED DWARF

    >Twilight Sparkle CEO of an antiques shop

    I'm feeling pretty indifferent about this.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)16:56 No.894773
         File: 1332968168.png-(234 KB, 348x470, down-naomi-watts-dvd.png)
    234 KB
    Pinkie Pie will be the annoying reporter who turns out very useful in The Shaft, that "horror" movie is about an elevator that kills people. Yeh, no idea why I even watched it.

    Rarity is actually an middle aged man who has an dramatic sexual relationship with his 12 years old step-daughter. (Loli, V. Nabokov)

    Rainbow in Ace of Spades (Minecraft-style online FPS). Meh, nothing significant.

    Applejack as Eminem. Well, fuck me.

    Fluttershy is cooking Meth and starting a criminal career in Breaking Bad. Would be nice.

    If anime counts, Fluttershy would be the protagonist in Umineko, which would be awesome as fuck, assuming how even Discord had to use foul magic on her because he couldn't break her emotionally, Beatrice would be a perfect opponent for her.

    Seems like Twilight is the new manager of the Turkish shop I get my sunflower seeds, rice and tee at. Well, no idea how this works out.

    Fluttershy is the most interesting here, period.
    >> Captain conundrum 03/28/12(Wed)16:59 No.894857
    twilight is megamind

    pinkie is now eragon

    fluttershy WoW character? i guess?

    applejack is...jimmy urine...huh...

    rainbow is main character of my little pony now it seems

    rarity owns walgreens

    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:18 No.895186
         File: 1332969501.jpg-(68 KB, 513x465, 1325778140022.jpg)
    68 KB
    >Pinkie Pie is the main character in Funny Games (2008)

    >Rarity in A Game of Thrones

    >Fluttershy going around capturing Pokémon

    >Rainbow Dash is Matt Bellamy

    >Twilight is Cleveland Brown

    >Applejack is the CEO of a sports shop where I bought Roller Skates from
    >> Anonynomus !juicy8u0ik 03/28/12(Wed)17:38 No.895488
         File: 1332970685.jpg-(52 KB, 852x404, Tell me why I shouldn't kill y(...).jpg)
    52 KB
    >Rarity is Sergeant Howie in The Wicker Man
    The amount of complaining during the ending would be unbearable.

    >Fluttershy replaces the narrator, Max Brooks, in World War Z
    Zombie apocalypse has never sounded so cute!

    >Twilight Sparkle is Jim Raynor
    Indeed she is.

    >Applejack is David Bowie
    "Y'all, this's Ground Control to Major Tom"

    >Pinkie Pie is Twilight Sparkle
    Wat I don't watch other tv shows

    >Rainbow Dash runs the local grocery store
    The croissants are now made of clouds and the energy drink is liquid rainbow.

    ... I think I'm okay with all of these.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:38 No.895500
    Dash is Crane in Sleepy Hollow, Pinky Pie is now Grubbs from the Demonata series, Twilight Sparkle is a vault hunter in Borderlands, Fluttershy is now the lead singer of Flogging Molly, Apple Jack now Peter Griffin and Rarity now owns Walmart
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:43 No.895597
    >rainbow dash in the hunger games
    The movie would be 30 minutes long

    >twilight in "the stand" (super virus kills 99% of the population)

    > Rarity in fallout 3
    Time to go fallout equestria on these bitches!

    >Pinky is the lead singer of ruka ruka ali
    Oh god, this would be so fucking funny

    > fluttershy in american dad

    > applejack in charge of subway
    Apple sandwitches? Ok
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:44 No.895601
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.

    Twilight is Sam Flynn. Huh. I'm actually very ok with this.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.

    Fluttershy is Ned Stark. Can't possibly picture that happening.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.

    Pinkie Pie is Ryu Hayabusa.

    "Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie and I threw these shurikens just for you!"

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.

    Rarity now does vocals for Daft Punk. And designs new outfits, because fuck you.

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.

    Applejack is Walter White.


    "These aren't apples."

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.

    Rainbow Dash is CEO of Sony.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:45 No.895621
    Rainbow Dash is now a fighter in the Hunger Games

    Applejack is now Raskolnikov. (This one made me chuckle)

    Twilight is now Dovahkin

    Pinkie Pie is in the Black Keys

    Fluttershy is now Michael Bluth

    Rarity is now the CEO of Barnes and Noble
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:48 No.895668
    >Fluttershy is now Josef from movie Josef
    Josef is a coward but, come on, this is just silly.

    >Rarity is Ishmael in Moby Dick
    Guess whale hunting is fabulous

    >Twilight is Vinh from 7554
    Proves the Twilight is asian theory

    >Rainbow Dash is now Thompson

    I don't even watch TV

    >Applejack works in grocery store
    Ok, kinda fits
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:51 No.895727
    Wait a second, why did I day meh? Twilight in the stand would be awesome!
    >> Hyperher0 !hxLhIwyPsE 03/28/12(Wed)17:55 No.895774
    AJ form The Invention of Lying.
    >That fits.
    Twilight is in Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry.
    >I don't know.
    Pinkie Pie in Terraria
    >She'd try to party with the zombies.
    Rainbow Dash is in Frank Zappa's Apostrophe.
    Rarity is main character of Futurama.
    >That sort of fits.
    Fluttershy is CEO of Wegmans.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:58 No.895825
    Rainbow Dash in the Hunger Games
    >would win in 5 minutes

    Fluttershy is Lolita
    >come on, like you haven't thought of this scenario

    Rarity is a co-announcer with John Madden
    >my sides

    Twilight is in Odd Future
    >her flow would be hilarious

    Applejack is Sterling Archer

    Pinkie Pie is the CEO of Office Depot
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:58 No.895827
    Rainbow Dash is now the Father Of The Bride. Er.. ok.

    Applejack is Katniss Everdeen. YES THIS IS PERFECT.

    Fluttershy is now Sonic the Hedgehog. Huh, woulda been better if Dash got this one.

    Twilight Sparkle is now Taylor Swift. Ha that could work.

    Pinkie Pie is the new Twilight Sparkle.

    Rarity is the CEO of Tesco. This could happen.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)17:58 No.895830
         File: 1332971933.png-(157 KB, 500x489, 1332727608460.png)
    157 KB
    >Rarity is the 10th Duke of Chalfont in Kind Hearts and Coronets
    Murdering others so that she can become more fabulous. I can see it.

    >Pinkie Pie as some character in At Swim-Two-Birds.
    This book is chaos. She would fit right in.

    >Rainbow Dash is in Paper Mario.
    She'd save the princess in ten seconds flat.

    >Fluttershy is now Elder Price in the Book of Mormon.

    >Twilight is Walter White from Breaking Bad.
    I could see it.

    >Applejack is CEO of Walgreens.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)18:04 No.895901
         File: 1332972273.jpg-(1.13 MB, 3300x2550, 1328341158787.jpg)
    1.13 MB
    Rainbow Dash
    >The Hunger Games
    Oh fuck yes!

    >Ghosts of Onyx

    Pinkie Pie
    >Commander Shepard
    I like where this is going.

    Apple Jack
    >Red Hot Chili Peppers

    Twilight Sparkle
    >The Venture Brothers


    (pic unrelated)
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)18:05 No.895906
    >Rainbow Dash is Spike in the cowboy bebop movie
    this could work
    >Pinkie Pie is scout from to kill a mockingbird
    wait what?
    >Twilight Sparkle is in super smash brothers
    >Fluttershy is now manian
    i dont know how to respond to that
    >Rarity is the doctor
    >applejack is the ceo of my local comic book shop
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)18:06 No.895926
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Luna as The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I'd watch it.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Fluttershy in The House of Leaves. Oh boy.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Pinkie Pie in Mortal Kombat 9. ...I can imagine her being a perfect fit whilst still being completely in-character.

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Vinyl Scratch as Skrillex. Wow, how coincidental.

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Twilight Sparkle in Auction Hunters. Oh wow, I can imagine her geeking out finding something that would make her huge money.

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Prince Blueblood as the CEO of Gamestop. ...nope.jpg
    >> Zombrone !bjy5qmpeXI 03/28/12(Wed)18:09 No.895967
    >Twilight is Dr. Ellis Cheever from "Contagion"
    Eh, that could work.

    >Fluttershy is Claude Sylvanshine from "The Pale King."
    What the hell? Bumbling, assertive asshole versus timid pony = WTF.

    >Rarity is Chell from Portal 2.
    I would buy this.

    >RD is Dan Auerbach from The Black Keys.
    Not even fucking close.

    >Pinkie Pie is now Leonard from the Big Bang Theory.

    >Applejack is now CEO of Macy's.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)18:09 No.895972
         File: 1332972572.jpg-(26 KB, 550x591, 1332809405300.jpg)
    26 KB
    Fluttershy in Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
    >Oh what the fuck man
    Rainbow Dash in The Great Gatsby
    >Not sure how that would work
    Pinkie Pie in Dead Rising 2
    >Oh hell fucking yes
    Twilight Sparkle is now Kurt Cobain
    >all of my what
    Applejack is now Dexter Morgan
    >That... No, just no.
    Rarity now owns comics to astonish
    >Comic books are now fashionable
    Survey says: meh
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)18:27 No.896257
         File: 1332973661.jpg-(11 KB, 234x200, 3279683+_7218c2d060ed4087323fc(...).jpg)
    11 KB
    >Fluttershy in Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
    >> Stargazer741 03/28/12(Wed)18:53 No.896565
    >Fluttershy is Dante Hicks
    >Pinkie Pie is Alex Patrick from "The Mockingbirds"
    >Twilight is Ragna the Bloodedge
    >Rarity is Drake
    >Applejack is Finn
    I take it Applebloom is Jake?
    >Rainbow Dash is CEO of Bel-air
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)18:59 No.896636
         File: 1332975552.gif-(483 KB, 486x274, tumblr_lzlgovMtwb1qe8enz.gif)
    483 KB
    >Pinkie Pie in Dead Rising 2
    I approve of this...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:09 No.896767
         File: 1332976153.gif-(529 KB, 591x510, 129987272315.gif)
    529 KB
    >Octavia as Katniss
    seems about right.

    >Vinyl Scratch as CrookedStar from the Warriors novels,

    >Pinkie Pie in SSX
    Oh dear lord, Griff has another thing coming.

    >Twilight Sparkle as Kanye West,
    "Imma let you finish Luna, but Princess Celestia is the best Princess OF ALL TIME"

    >Derpy as Finn from Adventure Time,

    >Spike as Paul Raines.
    No feathers given.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:11 No.896808
    >RD is harry potter
    lol good luck with that
    >Twilight is sgt. johnson from Halo contact harvest
    >AJ is the masterchief
    this could work
    >fluttershy is serj tankian from system of a down
    oh god lol
    >pinkie is twilight
    lol wut
    >rarity is ceo of carvel
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:15 No.896856
    >RD is harry potter
    good luck with that
    >twilight is sgt. johnson from Halo: Contact Harvest
    >AJ is the masterchief
    this could work
    >fluttershy as sej tankian from System Of A Down
    oh god lol
    >pinkie is twilight
    lol wut
    >rarity is ceo of carvel
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:17 No.896901
    >Twilight Sparkle is Richard Kimble

    >Fluttershy is Jack Ryan

    >Rainbow Dash is Adol Christin

    >Rarity is now the lead singer in Megadeth

    >Applejack is Hank Hill

    >Pinkie Pie is now CEO of Fry's Electronics
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:20 No.896948
    Rainbow Dash is now Hannah, from "The Devil's Arithmetic". (OH GOD NO)

    Twilight Sparkle is now Michael Gilmore, from "The Ark". (Oh yeah, sounds about right.)

    Pinkie Pie is now Phoenix Wright. ("Not guilty? You know what that means! A party!")

    I can't remember the last album I listened to, so... Rarity is now HertzDevil ("Everything must be PERFECT.")

    Applejack is now Agent Gibbs, from NCIS (YESSSSSSSSSS)

    Fluttershy is now CEO of Hot Topic ("'re getting the shirt with...Rainbow on it, um...that's fine...I guess...")
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:27 No.897073
    >Twilight is Clint Eastwood from High Plains Drifter
    All of my What
    >Fluttershy is Heywood Floyd (2061)
    >Rainbow Dash is Chosen Undead
    Rainbow Dash wouldn't last long in Lordran.
    >Rarity is Gibbs from NCIS
    Jesus, What?
    >Flim and Flam are the owners of GameStop
    Well played, well played indeed
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:29 No.897099
    Twilight Sparkle is the Dark Knight

    Rarity is Shuya Nanahara from Battle Royale.

    Rainbow Dash is Megaman X

    Apple Jack is Robert Plant

    Fluttershy is Fluttershy

    Pinkie Pie is now the CEO of Tyson Chicken
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:37 No.897224
    I haven't any fav pony yet.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:38 No.897247
    Fluttershy is now Harry Potter

    Rainbow Dash is now in Hunger Games.

    Applejack is now Commander Shepard.

    Twilight Sparkle is now in Linkin Park???

    Pinkie Pie is now on CSI?!?!?!

    And Rarity is now working for...Target... Huh.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:40 No.897267
         File: 1332978031.jpg-(158 KB, 1280x720, 1310999236552.jpg)
    158 KB
    I assume you mean The Mane Six

    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Pinkie Pie is replacing: the receptionist girl who work for Hitler in Down fall

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Apple Jack replaces: Alek or Deryn From Leviathan by Scottt Westerfeld.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Fluttershy replaces: Isaac Clarke in Dead Space

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Twilight Sparkle is the lead singer of: Rise Against.

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Rainbow Dash is now in: The Boondocks

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Rarity is CEO of: McDonalds
    >> Shepard 03/28/12(Wed)19:42 No.897299
    fluttershy is now in Interstellar 5555 (ponies and Daft punk AWWWWWWWW YEAHHHHHH)
    Rainbow Dash is now Prince Gaborn from the Runelords series
    Applejack is now one of my generals in Napolean total war
    Twilight = Skrillix
    Pinkie pie is now Agent Callan
    Rarity owns EB Games
    >> alittlemongrel !!KTL3hQh3ie1 03/28/12(Wed)19:44 No.897330
    > Twilight is now main character for Immortals

    >Applejack is now main character for Legend of Sleepy Hollow

    >Rainbow Dash replaces Sonic

    >Pinkie Pie is now Eminem

    >Rarity is now main character of NCIS

    >Fluttershy is CEO of GameStop.
    >> Shepard 03/28/12(Wed)19:49 No.897438
    Applejack is bucking all those french generals out of the way of my Prussian armies
    Would never take NCIS seriously if pinkie was there
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:51 No.897458
    Fluttershy is now Maria from the Sound of Music.

    Rainbow Dash is now Randle McMurphy from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
    > Lol, she would stir up trouble, but poor RD. :(

    Twilight Sparkle is now Neku from The World Ends With You.
    > I couldn't think of a better psych master.

    Applejack is now Michael Angelakos of Passion Pit.
    > I'd listen to southern-style Sleepyhead.

    Pinkie Pie is now Aaron Hotchner from Criminal Minds.
    > This... will be... interesting...

    Rarity is now head of Dominos.
    > Pizzas are now vegetarian gourmet. I won't argue.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:51 No.897464
    Derpy is now Steven Seagal.

    Luna is now Danny from The Shibing.

    Fluttershy is now the Courier from New Vegas.

    Lyra is now Ozzy Osbourne.

    Pinkie Pie is now Daryl from The Walking Dead. (I know he's not the main character, but he's the best person in that show.)

    And finally, Celestia is now CEO of Target.

    This world is awesome.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:52 No.897480
         File: 1332978771.png-(2.24 MB, 1640x1024, 1331973355678.png)
    2.24 MB
    Rainbow Dash is now the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo.

    Rarity is currently trying to find her way through the Dark Tower series.

    Pinkie Pie is now Milena finishing people in Mortal Kombat.

    Fluttershy has gotten over her shy side and has become the new Ani Difranco (highly amused at this one)

    AppleJack is now Tony from Wire in the Blood getting into serial killers heads.

    Twilight owns Walmart which sounds about right.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:54 No.897522
    Whoops, I misspelt 'Shining.'
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:57 No.897566
         File: 1332979040.jpg-(118 KB, 800x840, issac_the_space_pony.jpg)
    118 KB
    >Fluttershy replaces: Isaac Clarke in Dead Space
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:58 No.897589
    Rarity is Charlie Bucket
    Pinkie Pie is Katniss
    >Hmmm...not bad
    Rainbow Dash is Chell.
    > god
    Twilight Sparkle is James Hetfield
    Fluttershy is the doctor.
    >Shouldn't that be Dr. Whooves?
    Diamond Tiara is the CEO of McDonald's
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)19:59 No.897604
    >Rarity in Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows
    mite b cool

    >Fluttershy is Norse mythology Odin
    She'd be good at communing with ravens and wolves

    >Twilight is Patrokolos

    >Pinkie Pie lead singer for Ghost Brigade
    Metal ill needs a pink pony for lead vocals

    >AJ is Korra
    musclegirl pony is now brown musclegirl

    >RD is CEO for Farm Fresh groceries
    please lower your meat prices RD!
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:04 No.897674
    Applejack is Winter the Dolphin.
    Pinkie Pie is Okonkwo.
    Rainbow Dash is Adol Christin.
    Twilight Sparkle is Win Butler.
    Rarity is Twilight Sparkle.
    Fluttershy is the CEO of Krogers.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:07 No.897721
    Vinyl Scratch is Jay from Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back. I would still watch it

    Luna is Katniss from Hunger Games. This will be interesting


    Pinkie Pie is now Dave Grohl?

    Scootaloo is Naota from FLCL. That'd be cool

    Twist is the CEO of Gamestop. Now that's something that should keep me from going there.

    All is well in my life
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:09 No.897755
         File: 1332979766.png-(308 KB, 388x380, 1332100993014.png)
    308 KB
    A pony must replace Anakin Skywalker
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:10 No.897766
    Twilight Sparkle is now Austin Powers
    Applejack is now George (Of Mice and Men)
    Rainbow Dash is now Steve from Minecraft
    Fluttershy is now James Hetfield
    Pinkie Pie is now Twilight Sparkle
    Rarity is now the CEO of Dollar Tree
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:13 No.897804
    >Fluttershy as Malcolm Reynolds
    "Do you want to run this ship." "Yes" "oh, um, ok"

    >RD as Cicero
    How long shall you abuse our patience, Derpy?

    >TS as an archaeologist in nethack

    >PP is the singer of bad company
    Oh dear god.

    >AJ is the host of Top Gear
    "but the real question here is, how many apples can the boot hold?"

    >Rarity is the CEO of Kwik Trip
    with 10 gallons of milk, get a free pretty hat.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:20 No.897900
         File: 1332980448.jpg-(147 KB, 800x1000, 1332287257676.jpg)
    147 KB
    >Rarity is Clementine from Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
    this wouldn't fucking work at all
    >Fluttershy is now Joseph K. from The Trial
    oh shit i would love this, i can feel the spaghetti from here
    >Twilight is now The Lone Wanderer in Fallout 3
    haven't read Fallout: Equestria yet, i still like this idea though
    >Pinkie Pie is Black Francis of Pixies
    another failure, pity too i listened to the Beastie Boys just before Doolittle, she would have been a good Mike D, a Pinkie P if you will
    >Rainbow Dash is Keith Olbermann
    i find this really funny for some reason
    >Applejack is the CEO of Shell
    a hat wearing gas CEO who has a southern drawl, J.R. Ewing you have been replaced
    >> Seableking 03/28/12(Wed)20:23 No.897927
    Pinkie pie in hunger games
    Rarity in misery
    Fluttershy in cry of fear
    Rainbow dash in pawn stars
    and applejack is now ceo of Jumex makes sense
    >> Zetto San 03/28/12(Wed)20:24 No.897935
         File: 1332980673.png-(841 KB, 900x629, 1332175545998.png)
    841 KB
    Fluttershy is now Micheal Dudikoff from American Ninja.

    "Did I blow up your base? I'm sorry..."

    Rarity is now Holo from Spice and Wolf
    ...I am ok with this.

    Twilight is now a fighter from in Samurai Warriors.
    Twilight tooling around with Masemune Date would be hilarious and awesome.

    Pinkie Pie is now the lead singer of Foo Fighters.

    Rainbow Dash is now Joel Hodgeson. She's more like Crow then anything, but the riffs would be righteous.

    AppleJack now is the CEO of Target.
    AppleJack longs for the days on the farm now. She's depressed.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:26 No.897964
    >Rainbow Dash is captain Willard from Apocalypse now.
    Somewhat fitting
    >Rarity is the kid from Blood Meridian
    Doesn't make any fucking sense
    >Pinkie Pie is Dovahkiin
    >Twilight is Roger Waters
    >Fluttershy is Sherlock
    Why not
    >Applejack is the CEO of McDonalds
    That's why they have pony toys...
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:29 No.898003
    Oh crap.

    See, I'm a fan of MST3k, and, by extension, horrible movies in general.

    So, for a graduation gift, my folks got me a copy of "50 classic Sci-Fi Movies Collection" or somethign to that effect, it's a bunch of 0-budget B-grade flicks, compiled by Treeline media.

    The Last movie i watched was... "Moon of the Wolf" which, objectively, is a werewolf film.

    Applejack is my favorite Pony. She is now a Sheriff in Louisiana, investigating the murder of a local cleaning girl, while a werewolf stalks the night.

    >*some of my money.jpg*

    I last read a Ciaphus Cain omnibus. So: Rarity is now a Commisar in the Imperial Guard.

    >*Slightly more of my money*

    Last Video game I played was Gradius... so Fluttershy is now the pilot of the Vic Viper.

    >*yay of my money*

    Pinkie Pie is singing for Muse.

    >*Er... no. none of my money.*

    Twilight Sparkle is doing a crappy reality TV show.

    >*All the rest of my money.*

    And Rainbow Dash is the CEO of 7-11.

    >thank you come again with more money?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:31 No.898040
    Rainbow Dash is the main character of High Fidelity. Huh.

    Fluttershy is the lead character of Starship Troopers. This makes no sense at all.

    Twilight Sparkle is the main character of The Binding of Isaac. YEAH this is getting weird.

    Pinkie Pie is the frontman of the Who. Eh, she'd make more sense as Keith Moon.

    Rarity is the lead character of, erm, My Little Pony. This would actually be an interesting development.

    Applejack is the CEO of Papa John's. C'mon, Texans can't make pizza.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:37 No.898113
    >Pinkie Pie is 9 from 9
    I would watch that.
    >Rainbow Dash is now Okonkwo from Things Fall Apart.
    I chuckle at the idea.
    >Twilight Sparkle is now Sgt. Blackburn
    >Fluttershy is now Vanilla Ice.
    I am in hysterics.
    >Applejack is the host of Gabriel Iglesias' Stand Up Revoulution.
    I don't think that would work out too well.
    >Rarity is the CEO of Hot Topic.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:43 No.898221
    >Rainbow dash is Robert Deniro in Heat
    I can't describe the beauty because my eyes have shut down due to awesomeness overload

    >Fluttershy is Ciaphus Cain (Angel Bunny is Jurgen lol)
    Surprisingly fitting

    >Twilight Sparkle as Strelok (aka marked one)
    The monolith better watch it's ass

    >Rarity is Sir Mix a Lot

    >Applejack is Malcolm Reynolds
    and I want RD to be Wash, Flutters is Kaylee, TS is Simon, Pinkie is River, Big Mac is Jayne and Rarity is Inara

    >Pinkie Pie is CEO of Burger King
    The dessert menu will, grow exponentially also high quality pony toys that beat the ones at Micky D's with every meal
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:46 No.898270
    Detective David Mills from Se7en is now Detective Derpy Mills.

    Fluttershy must now carry the One Ring to Mount Doom.

    Rainbow Dash replaces Link in Skyward Sword.

    I don't really listen to Albums. So Big Mac doesn't have to sing anything.

    Twilight Sparkle is now Mordecai or Rigby on Regular Show.

    Applejack is now CEO of Wal-Mart.

    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:49 No.898306
    >Fluttershy is Katniss.
    She'll die of fright before the games start.

    >Rainbow Dash is Will from Something Wicked This Way Comes.
    Da fuq? Rainbow Dash isn't boring as hell.

    >Pinkie Pie is Courier Six from Fallout: New Vegas.
    "And you crucified everyone in Nipton? That's not funny at all. I wanna go home!"

    >Twilight Sparkle is the lead singer of Beirut.
    "♫ Light a candles fire, caries a good name♫" It doesn't work.

    >Applejack is John Stewart.
    Seriously? I mean, come on. Apple politics?

    >Rarity is now the CEO of Valve.
    Now we'll never see Episode 3.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:50 No.898324
         File: 1332982222.jpg-(19 KB, 257x257, 1331213226967.jpg)
    19 KB
    Pinkie Pie is now King Ghidora in Godzilla?

    Rainbow Dash is...well fuck, I can't remember the last novel I read.

    Applejack is in Tekken. TEKKEN.

    Twilight Sparkle is the lead singer of... Skrillex?

    Rarity is now Peter Griffin.

    Fluttershy is now CEO of Tops.

    Well fuck.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:51 No.898345
    >Twilight is Sir Percy Ware-Armitage from Those Magnificent Men in their Flying Machines.
    (I'm picking a main character, since it doesn't really have one.) This turns out... better than expected. He's the basis for beloved cartoon character Dick Dastardly and I can see that working for some reason.

    >Pinkie is either Mahasamatma, or rather Sam, from Lord of Light by Roger Zelazny or Hunter S. Thompson.
    This both could AND couldn't have worked out better. Fucking meta.

    Even synthetics deserve kindness. Synthesis is the only way.

    >Rainbow Dash fronts Pink Floyd.
    Going by the Dark Side cover, I can see it.

    >Rarity was in Monty Python's Flying Circus.

    >Applejack runs Tesco's.
    >> ThatGuy !!KB1M/YZ1ZN8 03/28/12(Wed)20:57 No.898444
    >Fluttershy is Johnny from The Room
    You're tearing me apart Rainbow Dash!

    >Rarity is Bilbo Baggins
    Wants to stay home and drink tea, and not adventure. Sounds like Rarity.

    >Twilight is Steve from Minecraft
    With enchanting and potion-making, she'dlike it.

    >Pinkie Pie is Frankie Palmeri of Emmure
    Pinkie Pie and Deathcore seem to go well for some reason.

    >Rainbow Dash is Twilight Sparkle

    >Applejack is the CEO of CVS
    Bland pony and a bland store. Match made in heaven.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)20:58 No.898461
    >Twilight Sparkle is Captain America
    ... I have no words.
    >Rainbow Dash in the Light Fantastic as Two Flower
    >Because Lady Luck would prevent Rincewind from being replaced.

    >Applejack is Commander Shepard
    This might be kind of cool.

    >Rarity singing the Disney's Tarzan OST replacing Phil Collins.
    Might be cool

    >Fluttershy replaces... (Replacing Sheldon seems like it could lead to the most funniest moments) Someone in the Big Bang Theory
    This might be interesting. Though it would be funnier to also cut back every so often to Sheldon in Equestria.

    >Pinkie Pie as the CEO of my college bookstore
    Finally, the books might actually be affordable and service won't be shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)21:01 No.898505
    dude Sheldon Cooper in equestria sounds like a fuckin' laugh riot
    >> anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)21:02 No.898523
         File: 1332982952.jpg-(29 KB, 417x424, tumblr_lntwakNbEl1qafrh6.jpg)
    29 KB
    >Pinkie Pie is now Jean Luc Picard in Star Trek: First Contact
    Data is going to have a hayday with that one.
    >Rainbow Dash is now the Master Chief in Halo: First Strike
    Surprisingly fitting...
    >Twilight Sparkle is now Nico Bellic
    >Fluttershy is now Deadmau5
    Not overly offensive, seeing the quality of pony music so far
    >Rarity is now Captain Janeway
    MOTHER FUCKER. Welp, there goes the ship
    >Applejack is now the CEO of Gamestop
    >> albinowookiee 03/28/12(Wed)21:02 No.898524
         File: 1332982953.jpg-(20 KB, 465x446, OpoQQ.jpg)
    20 KB
    Pinkie Pie is Jack Black's character from Be Kind Rewind.
    Twilight is now... Tyrion Lannister, Dany Targaryen, Jon Snow, Ser Davos, Sam Tarly, Sansa, Arya and Catelyn Stark... Seems legit.
    Rainbow Dash is Commander Shepherd!
    Fluttershy is Deadmau5?
    Applejack is now Finn from Adventure Time -.-
    and Rarity is now the CEO of Steak n Shake
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)21:09 No.898640
         File: 1332983393.png-(547 KB, 1280x720, flutterstare.png)
    547 KB
    >Applejack in Mission Impossible
    >Twilight is in Enders Game.
    Yes. YES.
    >Fluttershy in Alan Wake American Nigtmare
    >Raibow Dash Singing in Smash Mouth.
    >Pinkie leading Mythbusters
    >Rarity running my grocery store.
    >> DerpyPie !sEXYDeRP5. 03/28/12(Wed)21:18 No.898797
         File: 1332983923.jpg-(4 KB, 259x194, Confused_Haruko.jpg)
    4 KB
    >Pinkie Pie is Jack Torrence from The Shining
    Not surprising
    >Twilight Sparkle is Cujo
    All my Wat
    >Applejack is a dragon born
    Fus Ro Dah?
    >Rarity is the Aphex Twin
    >Fluttershy is Joel from MST3K
    >Rainbow Dash owns FILA
    Well I guess that's athletic?
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)21:27 No.898936
    >Fluttershy is the Lorax.
    Shut up and take mah apples.

    >Sweetie Belle is a private detective with a rough past in a distopian future.

    >Twilight Sparkle in Final Fantasy XIII-2
    Cut Lightning, insert Shining Armor?

    >Pinkie Pie is lead singer for Gorillaz
    I can see it now: Pinkie is introduced to their videos and is horrified to learn that they cut off in the middle of a story so she gets the rest of the mane 6 to finish the videos for Plastic Beach.

    >Rainbow Dash is now the main character of FiM
    20% awesome, 80% disappointed it's not Fluttershy's Lorax thing.

    >Rarity is CEO of Wal-mart
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)21:31 No.899015
    >Pinkie is now the main character of Hunger Games
    >lolbooks (second fav character is Twilight, though)
    >Rainbow Dash is now Skarner from League of Legends
    >Fluttershy is now lead singer of A Perfect Circle (fuck yes, Maynard)
    >Rarity is now... Twilight Sparkle from MLP (?)
    >Applejack is now the CEO of Quizno's

    I find this list appealing.
    >> Anonymous 03/28/12(Wed)22:20 No.899884
    Fluttershy as the leader of Freedonia in duck soup.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:00 No.901865
         File: 1332993600.png-(366 KB, 667x691, commander_fluttershy_by_thepar(...).png)
    366 KB
    >Rainbow Dash is now Ash from Army of Darkness

    >Twilight is the "narrator" in Fight Club

    >Fluttershy is Commander Shepard
    Fucking awesome.

    >Pinkie Pie is 2D from Gorillaz.

    >Applejack is Rick Grimes from The Walking Dead

    >Rarity is CEO of Game
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:12 No.902088
         File: 1332994321.jpg-(25 KB, 200x266, +_729b4bfa605ce82aded006ce9f3d(...).jpg)
    25 KB
    >Rari is Jigsaw
    >AJ is no one, I don't read lol
    >FS is Sgt. Cortez
    >RD is the guy from Gorrilaz
    >TS is Eric Forman
    >And Snips is Capitain D
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:16 No.902175
    Fluttershy is Kermit the Frog.

    Applejack is V. (V for Vendetta and yes i know i'm late to the game)

    RD is the Dragonborn.

    Rarity is Dave Grohl

    Twilight is Twilight o.O

    Pinkie Pie is Sam Marmaduke (Hasting's CEO)
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:26 No.902410
    >Rarity is Channing Tatum in 21 Jump Street.

    >Pinkie Pie as Kvothe from The Wise Man's Fear.

    >Twilight Sparkle as Wallace, my sniper in SWTOR.

    >Fluttershy is Jens Kidman from Meshuggah.

    >Applejack is Twlight Sparkle?

    >Rainbow Dash is Brain J. Dunn from Best Buy.

    Not too bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:29 No.902462
    >Vinyl Scratch is main guy in Red Tails (last movie I can remember)
    >Rainbow Dash in main in Son of The Mob
    >Pinkie is in Gran Turismo
    >Twilight Sparkle is Chad Kroeger
    >Rarity is Terry from Batman Beyond
    >Applejack is CEO of Meijer
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:34 No.902562
         File: 1332995675.jpg-(226 KB, 926x1226, 40k_Ponies.jpg)
    226 KB
    Rarity is now in Troll Hunter(Oh god why)
    Pinkie is now in an old SC novel.
    Dash is in Raccoon city.
    Fluttershy is now in Gwar (I am ok with this)
    Twilight is on Topgear
    Aj now runs Bjs wholesale.

    I think it all turned out ok.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:35 No.902579
         File: 1332995731.png-(181 KB, 500x533, 81273453.png)
    181 KB
    >Twilight is Arvin Larn from 15 Hours
    Kinda cool, I guess.
    Too bad Larn bites it at the end.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:37 No.902618
    >Rainbow Dash is Kerimt the fucking Frog.
    Awww yeah.

    >Twilight Sparkle is... Twilight Sparkle
    I don't read, but I'm reading Tales of Winter Magic Academy fanfic. lolz

    >Fluttershy is Fox McCloud
    StarFox 64 of course

    >Pinkie Pie is Prince Whateverer
    If that doesn't count, then Tim McIlrath of Rise Against XD

    >Rarity is Sakakibara Kouichi
    From Another; for non-anime: Lion-O

    >Applejack is the CEO of McDonald's
    I was only there to get ponies. I need her and Twi still.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:41 No.902672
         File: 1332996075.jpg-(107 KB, 680x711, 131035085404.jpg)
    107 KB
    >Fluttershy in 21 Jump Street.
    Let's partner her with Rainbow Dash and we got a movie/episode.

    >Pinkie Pie flight lead of a WWII fighter squadron.
    Can't remember the last fiction I read, in the middle of the Black Sheep.

    >Rainbow Dash in Armored Core V.

    >Twiight Sparkle singing as the lead in a Ska band.
    No specific band, it was a compilation.

    >Applejack as Archer.
    Gosh darn secret agent.

    >Rarity owns Dunkin Donuts.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:41 No.902683
    >Rainbow Dash is Katness Everdeen
    I can see that
    >Fluttershy is Scout Finch
    Hahaha NO!
    >Commander Pinkie Shepherd
    >Twilight Sparkel is in Anamanaguchi
    >AJ is Rick from Walking Dead
    Aw hell yea sugar cube!
    >Rarity is CEO of McDonalds
    Oh this simply will not do!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:42 No.902689
    >Rainbow Dash is Kerimt the fucking Frog.
    Awww yeah.

    >Twilight Sparkle is... Twilight Sparkle
    I don't read, but I'm reading Tales of Winter Magic Academy fanfic. lolz

    >Fluttershy is Fox McCloud
    StarFox 64 of course

    >Pinkie Pie is Prince Whateverer
    If that doesn't count, then Tim McIlrath of Rise Against XD

    >Rarity is Sakakibara Kouichi
    From Another; for non-anime: Lion-O

    >Applejack is the CEO of McDonald's
    I was only there to get ponies. I need her and Twi still.

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:42 No.902699
    >Rainbow dash is Danny Roman from 'The Negotiator'
    She'll be dead in the first five minutes
    >Twilight is a counter terrorist 'The edge of Apocalypse'
    Mission Accomplished
    >Fluttershy is Blackburn
    Oh, my
    >Rarity is Rob Zombie
    What a travesty
    >Applejack is Jay leno
    Who the hay is Jay/
    >Pinkie pie is the ceo of Nebraska Furniture Mart
    Prices so low, you'll think our ceo has ADD!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:43 No.902729
         File: 1332996235.gif-(704 KB, 410x360, mlfw2004-what_the_fuck_edit.gif)
    704 KB
    >mfw I butchered the fuck out of "Kermit"
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:44 No.902748
    Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    >I don't watch movies. I don't remember what was the last movie I saw. So there goes Fluttershy...

    Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    >I don't like reading that type of literature. Sadly, I only read research papers. There goes Rarity.

    Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    >Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater. I'm Okay with this, since it's Rainbow Dash.

    Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    >Pinkie Pie is now Mikael Åkerfeldt... I'm amazingly okay with this.

    Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    >I don't watch TV. There goes Applejack.

    Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    >Twilight is now Starbucks CEO. Sounds plausible.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:46 No.902778
    >says doesn't watch TV shows
    >is on /mlp/
    Seems legit.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:47 No.902797
    >Twilight Sparkle is now D'Artagnan

    >Pinkie Pie is now Glissa Sunseeker
    Very odd...

    >Rarity is now Commander Shephard
    Even more odd than the last one!

    >Rainbow Dash is now the lead singer for Amon Amarth
    Holy shit what the actual fuck?

    >Fluttershy is now Spike
    Dear god-Emperor what is happening?

    >Applejack is now CEO of Walmart
    FINALLY, One that makes Some sort of sense.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:49 No.902821
         File: 1332996544.png-(724 KB, 1440x900, shaving foams.png)
    724 KB
    >Movie: TTGL: Lagaan Hen, Twilight
    >Book: 1984, Pinkie Pie
    >Vidya: Burnout 3, fittingly RD
    >Band: Jamiroquai, Fluttershy
    >TV: Mythbusters, Applejack
    >Store: Amazon, Rarity

    ...fitting? Maybe?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:49 No.902824
    Well, it is true that MLP is a TV show, but I consider it to be more than a simple TV show. Also, I watch it online/have the DVD.
    >> Geekmuffin !SgZO7YGFgw 03/29/12(Thu)00:52 No.902886
         File: 1332996773.jpg-(20 KB, 320x246, genius op.jpg)
    20 KB
    Finally a good thread

    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    I think that was The Blind Side. Twilight is Michael Oher... dear god.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    Pinkie is one of the girls in A Thousand Splendid Suns.... I'm pretty sure that would be the pony story that finally makes me cry.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Rarity is meat boy. That would be golden.

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Fluttershy in Boston. No I don't think that would work, but it would probably be entertaining.

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    I may have recently watched a couple minutes of Phineas and Ferb with my brother. Applejack's presence would mean that show finally has one three dimensional character; also she could be engineer Applejack.

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Trixie is the CEO of Walmart. Whatever I guess....
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)00:53 No.902900
         File: 1332996809.png-(141 KB, 425x450, 1330380512362.png)
    141 KB
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    Pinkie is now the nameless guy from High Plains Drifter. That's a little weird but...

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    Fluttershy is Harry Mason from Silent Hill. This will not end well.

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    Twilight is now the lead singer of Acid Bath. Too bad they broke up.

    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    Rainbow is now the focus of Sons of Guns? Maybe now it's actually worth watching!

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    Rarity is the CEO of... K-mart. lolololllllolololol
    >> RazgrizS57 !Pinkie8ki6 03/29/12(Thu)00:57 No.902967
    >Fluttershy is Wall-E
    >Rainbow Dash is LittlePip from Fallout: Equestria
    >Pinkie Pie is Alex Mercer from Prototype
    Oh god.
    >Rarity is the lead singer of Rise Against
    ...this could work. I hope she knows how to scream though.
    >Twilight is the lead CSI
    Oh god yes
    >Applejack is CEO of the fruit stand down the street
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)01:00 No.903031
    >Applejack is now Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)01:01 No.903038
         File: 1332997270.jpg-(66 KB, 375x260, SuddenlyGarbage..jpg)
    66 KB
    >Rarity in Dune (old version)
    >Rainbow Dash is now Hari Seldon
    >Twilight is Ellis from l4d2 (what is this I don't even)
    >Pinkie Pie is now lead singer for Clutch
    >Applejack is Coop from Megas XLR
    >Fluttershy is now the owner of valve
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)01:02 No.903064
         File: 1332997362.png-(Spoiler Image, 376 KB, 613x613, 1325954481376.png)
    Spoiler Image, 376 KB
    > The Hunger Games - Rainbow Dash
    Actually Quite Fitting.
    > The Cobra Effect - Pinkie Pie
    > Sonic CD - Applejack
    I don't think this would work out too well..
    > Reel Big Fish - Twilight
    > River Monsters - Rarity
    God, that would be horrible, it would just be her bitching about the water n shit.
    > Walmart- Fluttershy
    Well, okay?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)01:03 No.903078
         File: 1332997409.jpg-(66 KB, 600x601, 1332666411333.jpg)
    66 KB
    >pinkie pie is now alex mercer
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)01:04 No.903095
    >Pinkie Pie is in a movie I can't remember.
    >Twilight is the guy from 1984.
    >Rainbow Dash is Jim Raynor.
    >Fluttershy is John Lennon.
    >Rarity is the Doctor.
    >AJ is the CEO of Wal-Mart or something.
    >> RazgrizS57 !Pinkie8ki6 03/29/12(Thu)01:07 No.903138
         File: 1332997637.jpg-(30 KB, 440x391, SWAG.jpg)
    30 KB

    >mfw a reaction image I've made is used as an >mfw for a response to one of my comments
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)01:09 No.903192
         File: 1332997769.png-(636 KB, 801x1239, RarityOptions.png)
    636 KB
    >derpy is now johnny english

    Stopped there.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)01:19 No.903379
    >Nurse Redheart is Johnny Knoxville
    >Derpy is Robert Langdon
    >Octavia is now sucking up King Boo with the PolterGust 3000
    >Twilight Sparkle is now Jared Leto
    >Twist is CEO of Kinetic Designs
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)01:25 No.903530
    >last movie you watched
    Rainbow Dash in the Big Lewboski

    >last novel you read or are currently readying
    Pinkie Pie in Deathnote

    >last vidyagaem you played
    Fluttershy in Mortal Kombat?!

    >lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to
    Rarity Smashing the Opponent Remixes it seems all ponies sing good anyway.

    >main character of the last TV show you watched
    Applejack is The Batman

    >the CEO of the last store you bought something from
    Twilight+Kingsoopers? meh
    >> ThatGuy !!KB1M/YZ1ZN8 03/29/12(Thu)02:12 No.904423
    Where is that screencap from?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)09:12 No.908838
    a fanmade VN
    >> ThatGuy !!KB1M/YZ1ZN8 03/29/12(Thu)09:37 No.909092
    Any links?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)13:48 No.911655
         File: 1333043331.jpg-(108 KB, 959x945, 1332774660337.jpg)
    108 KB

    >that feel when I'm not the only one who ranks TS as worst poni

    I thought I was alone.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:10 No.911885
    Twilight Sparkle

    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:34 No.912152
    >Pinkie is main character of In Time
    aaand somehow everyone has infinite time, thanks to Pinkie's "Time Party" or some shit.
    >Twilight is mirror-verse Jean-luc Picard
    That... Might not go so well.
    >RD is FemShepard
    No change until the last five minutes.
    >Fluttershy is Meat Loaf
    o_O that doesn't even really work with Flutterguy.
    >Rarity is Simon from TTGL
    I don't even know where to go with that.
    >Applejack is now Apple CEO
    That's actually kinda freaky.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:40 No.912245
    >Applejack starring in INCEPTION
    I'd watch it.
    >Pinkie Pie in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
    Hahaha I'd definitely read it.
    >Twilight Sparkle in Deus Ex
    She didn't ask for this. And book augmentations.
    >Fluttershy a part of Pendulum
    I really cannot see this happening
    >Rarity on Flashpoint
    She would be too caught up with designing police uniforms. Insta-demoted.
    >Rainbow Dash running Walgreens
    I don't even know anymore.
    >> Joe 03/29/12(Thu)14:44 No.912293
    Rainbow Dash is Speed Racer. Yeah!

    Applejack is Case from Neuromancer. Okay.

    Rarity is now the Dovahkin. Fus Ro Dah! Most fabulous.

    Twilight is the lead singer for Oysterband. Okaaaayy...

    Fluttershy is now Gary Hobson from Early Edition. Well, at least she and the cat will get along.

    Well, i don't buy things cause, pfft, who does that? So, Pinkie is the CEO of uhhh i dunno, the fuckin' planet. There.

    Not bad, actually.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:46 No.912311
         File: 1333046789.jpg-(40 KB, 640x480, 1332812233538.jpg)
    40 KB
    >mfw I hate Twilight Sparkle but wasn't metioned.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)14:56 No.912423
    >Fluttershy is Henry from Eraserhead.
    Wat. wat wat wat

    >Rainbow Dash is...
    I don't read

    >Twilight is the Assassin from Diablo 2
    Haha, no

    >Rarity is Tyler the Creator

    >Pinky is now Twilight???
    Is Twilight the main character in the show still? She was in the beginning, but it really focuses on all of them now.

    >AppleJack is CEO of Target

    I hate to say AppleJack is my least favorite, they're really all equally after Fluttershy. I like them all for different reasons.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:02 No.912492
         File: 1333047763.png-(353 KB, 626x564, 1332916900573.png)
    353 KB
    Dis nigga serious?
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:06 No.912544
         File: 1333048008.jpg-(202 KB, 550x630, Pinkie drinks red bull.jpg)
    202 KB
    Sticking with mane 6.

    >Twilight Sparkle is now Harry Potter
    This .. makes too much sense.

    >Pinkie Pie is now Bilbo Baggins
    ... I... Guess that... No, not seeing it.

    >Applejack is now Megaman Volnutt
    I can dig it.

    >Rainbow Dash is now with Daft Punk

    >Fluttershy is the 12th Doctor
    What is this I don't even

    >Rarity is now CEO of fucking Gamestop
    Poor Rarity.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:08 No.912564
    >Twilight Sparkle in the Dark Crystal
    Ponies and Jim Henson, I like it!
    >Applejack in The Three Musekteers
    um ok
    >Pinkie Pie in Dragon Age: Origins
    I could see her liking Sten
    >Rarity nows sings for Mastodon
    oh hell naw
    >Rainbow Dash in Jerry Springer
    many lulz
    >Fluttershy is CEO of Nippon Ichi
    actually could work out well.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:09 No.912570
    >Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.

    [Hunger Games]
    Luna in the Hunger Games. Easy mode with magic and wings.

    >Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.

    [Mass Effect: Retribution]
    Pinkie Pie is now on the run from Cerberus. I can't express how awesome that is.

    >Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.

    [Mass Effect 3]
    Commander Derpy Shepard. Vanguard.

    >Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.

    [Rise Against - Endgame]
    Sweetie Bell would make that band much better.
    >Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.

    Applejack in the year 3000? That'd be a sight.

    >Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.

    Now Trixie's face is everywhere. Meijer is that kind of light blue, and her voice plays over the speakers of every store. All the time.

    >How's that working out for you?

    Mostly well.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:09 No.912573
    Fluttershy is Indiana Jones
    This uhhh, belongs in a, ummm ,museum if that's ok
    Pinkie pie is Matt Cruse from airborn.
    i don't even know
    Twilight is Vector (RE)
    So HUNK would be celestia?
    Rarity is gorge harrison
    Applejack is phillip J Fry
    Rainbow dash is whoever is ceo for gamestop.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:14 No.912644
    >Fluttershy in "Hodejegerne"
    No. No.
    >Twilight in Mockingjay
    Sounds allright.
    >Rainbow dash in Tribes: Ascend
    Makes sense.
    >PinkiePie singing in The Division Bell by Pink Floyd
    Urr, i'd prefer instrumental. Fuck.
    >Applejack starring in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air
    Hah, reminds me of the episode of the cutiemark stories.
    >Rarity in charge of Steam
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:15 No.912654
    >AppleJack in the Hunger Games
    Oh god yes!

    >Pinkie Pie in Sapphique
    She escapes from a living prison. Id read it.

    >Twilight in Mass Effect 3
    Awww yeah!

    >FlutterShy is now the lead singer of The Beatles
    Holy Fuck. I can actually see that.

    >Rarity is now the main character of Adventure Time

    >Rainbow Dash is the CEO of Shell gas stations
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:16 No.912681
    Probably. She is worst pone, after all
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:17 No.912692
    >Twilight is now Luke Skywalker
    >Rarity is now Socrates
    Rarity would break this now, because she'd become best pony, then retroactively lose status as Socrates, then become second best pony again...
    >Rainbow Dash is now renegade dyke Femshep
    I utterly believe this.
    >Pinkie Pie is now Devin Townsend
    Well that explains why Deconstruction had all the really absurd moments
    >Applejack is now Jamie Hyneman
    I buy it, he's a stick in the mud
    >Fluttershy is now the Western Digital CEO
    I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I'm sure I'll understand when this drive fails.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:24 No.912774
         File: 1333049094.jpg-(126 KB, 850x1424, sample-00d59ce86f3cfae1bac9b36(...).jpg)
    126 KB
    >applejack: old dieing morrie from tuesdays with morrie

    >luna: remmy from that shit pixar film (the rat)

    derpy: noble 6 (its kinda funny cause that means the other characters are more stupid then derpy)

    >twilight sparkle: one of the two guys from flight of the concords

    >rainbow dash: is the guy from breaking in

    >the mayor is now the lead of wallmart wallmart would die in a instant
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:35 No.912899
    Rainbow Dash as Marty McFly?
    That makes sense actually
    Fluttershy as Arthur Dent?
    Twilight as Chell?
    Sure I'll roll with that
    Pinkie Pie as the lead singer of The Offspring?
    errr maybe?
    Rarity is Alan Sugar?
    That could really work actually
    Applejack as Gabe Newell?
    no comment
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:37 No.912920
         File: 1333049839.jpg-(46 KB, 600x375, what.jpg)
    46 KB
    >not liking Ratatouille
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)15:47 No.913058
    >Spike is now the son in an dystopian, after the end setting, where people eat eachother because there's not enough food. Twilight's the Dad.

    fuck this gay earth

    >Rarity has now a reptile head and kills sorcerers

    >Pinkie Pie now is now an ancient alien who the main dude thinks is a beautiful girl

    >Fluttershy is now Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

    that actually sounds pretty cute.

    >Applejack now has the power over three elements and kicks ass in pro-bending matches

    >Rainbow Dash is now Jeff Bezos

    Makes sense since she's a pegasus, and pegasi seem to be the ones to deliver packages.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)17:04 No.914186
         File: 1333055063.jpg-(75 KB, 350x998, 1331317790343.jpg)
    75 KB
    only the comedy is good
    i thought the story was stupid even for a childrens movie
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)18:39 No.915624
    twilight in sarah's key
    >this fits very well
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)19:09 No.916117
    >Fluttershy as Jason Voorhees
    Don't know if should go on...

    >Pinkie Pie is John Rico
    Party pony + marauder gear.

    >Rarity is Simon Belmont
    Oh yeah, break out that whip baby.

    >Rainbow Dash is Kai Hansen

    >Twilight Sparkle is Twilight Sparkle
    Makes sense to me.

    >Applejack is the CEO of a candy store
    Could work.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:12 No.917192
         File: 1333066327.gif-(91 KB, 275x200, TS2.gif)
    91 KB
    "Back to the future", starring Applejack as Marty McFly...
    Terry Pratchett's "Hogfather", starring Twilight Sparkle as Death...
    "Baldur's Gate 2", starring Pinkie Pie as the Child of Bhaal, god of murder.
    Rarity, performing as the lead singer for "Rarity and the Stooges"
    Rainbow "Doctor" Dash, time traveling and saving the universe in "Doctor Who"
    And finally, Fluttershy, taking on her new responsibilities as "Tesco" CEO.
    I'm liking it!!!
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:35 No.917516
         File: 1333067723.jpg-(21 KB, 383x329, Billo.jpg)
    21 KB
    >End of Days
    That actually sounds entertaining

    >Rainbow Six
    That works perfectly

    Has the accent for it

    >The Allman Brothers Band
    Not at all

    >Rainbow Dash
    >Top Gear UK
    Sounds fun, she could replace Clarkson pretty easily.

    >Pinkie Pie
    >Panera Bread
    pic related
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:40 No.917610
    > Rainbow Dash as a MMA Fighter in Warrior

    > Fluttershy is Hank Chinaski in Ham on Rye

    > Twilight Sparkle is Samus in Super Metroid

    > Rarity replaces Glen Danzig as lead singer of The Misfits

    > Applejack is Dexter Morgan

    > Pinky Pie owns Wal-Mart

    I'm okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 03/29/12(Thu)20:41 No.917633

    Twilight Sparkle as Hitler in Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: Complete and unabridged.

    Dashie as Mario with a portal gun... Mari0. Funny because one of the cheats is a Sonic Rainboom.

    Applejack as lead singer for God Dethroned. OMFG I can't...

    Pinkie as Adam Savage in Mythbusters. (Mythbuckers?)

    Rarity as CEO of Sodexo... Making me fat(ter) through school lunches! Oh joy.
    >> Thunderfury !!GERTJLv2OtS 03/29/12(Thu)20:43 No.917672
         File: 1333068228.jpg-(90 KB, 500x1048, 1332714962095.jpg)
    90 KB
    Ok, let's see...
    Rainbow Dash as Puss in Boots. Well, that's interesting.

    Applejack in...the second book in the Halo Forerunner series. Sigh...great, a 343 Applejack. "Ah'm a genius!"

    Twilight in Just Cause 2. XD Blow up ALL the things!

    Fluttershy in...deadmau5? Would that even work? Or does that count? I don't even know.

    Rarity as Dr. House. Wut.

    Oh dear lord, Pinkie Pie as the CEO of Gamestop. That's either really good or really bad.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)00:28 No.921624
    Fluttershy as the Dude in Big Lebowski

    Pinkie Pie as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho
    ....I could possibly see it

    Apple Jack as Commander Shepard in Mass Effect

    Twighlight Sparkle as David Lee Roth in Van Halen
    the newest album sucked

    Rarity as Peter Griffen in Family Guy
    fuck no, it'd be funny maybe though

    Rainbow Dash as the CEO of food bag
    the higher level up of my work is who?!

    Yea this isn't working for me
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:02 No.922240
    >Fluttershy is Hanna

    >Rainbow Dash is...shit I haven't read in a while

    >Applejack as Engineer in TF2

    >Pinkie Pie singing Caravan Palace
    Oddly fitting considering that Clash video

    >Rarity as Michael Weston in Burn Notice

    >Twilight as Starbucks CEO
    Yeah, that bitch would run a place like that
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:13 No.922444
    Pinkie Pie is Katniss Everdeen
    >stages a sing-along at the Cornucopia

    Fluttershy is the kid from Blood Meridian
    >scalping Mexicans and raping their corpses

    Twilight Sparkle is Mario
    >with overalls and plunger

    Rainbow Dash is Trent Reznor
    >like an animal

    Rarity is John Crichton
    >aliens and BDSM latex

    Applejack is is CEO of Target
    >changes bulls-eye logo to an apple
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)01:19 No.922557
         File: 1333084790.jpg-(154 KB, 819x1000, 1317606299577.jpg)
    154 KB
    >Fluttersy as Donnie Darko

    >Applejack goes to a Colombian jungle in "The Vortex"
    >Twilight Sparkle wakes up in a castle with no recall of how she got there, additionally, monsters and madness.
    >Rarity on Radiohead
    >Pinkie Pie bakes some Meth
    >Rainbow dash makes 7/11 10% cooler
    >> Teddyhands !!gQYFtCw/Zqk 03/30/12(Fri)01:23 No.922616
    Applejack- Tetsuo in Akira
    Rarity- Danerys in ASOIAF
    Twilight Sparkle- Artyom in Metro 2033
    Fluttershy- Lead singer of Portugal. The Man
    Rainbow Dash- Jimmy McNulty in The Wire
    Pinkie Pie- Owner of the pizza joint down the street

    It is too late for this bullshit.
    >> Chromium 03/30/12(Fri)01:25 No.922659

    >Fluttershy as adam sandler
    bid daddy
    >Rainbow dash as Katniss Everdeen
    Perfect :/
    >Pinkie Pie is a Player Model for garrysmod?
    Gmod doesn't have a main character
    >Apple Jack is Electronic Music
    No singer :L
    >Rarity as Rob Dyrdek
    >Twilight is the CEO of gamestop
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:28 No.927728
    >> anon-y-mouse !metConJNbA 03/30/12(Fri)08:39 No.927846
    Your favorite pone is now the main character in the last movie you watched.
    >fluttershy is blade
    oh god yes

    Your second-favorite pone is now the main character of the last novel you read or are currently readying.
    >applejack is odd thomas
    oh god yes!

    Your third-favorite pone is now the main character of the last vidyagaem you played.
    >Pinkie Pie in Mari0,
    how's she gonna hold the portal gun in her hooves?! D:

    Your fourth-favorite pone is now the lead singer of the band that released the last album you listened to.
    >Twilight is the lead singer of Incubus.
    oh god no :(

    Your fifth-favorite pone is now the main character of the last TV show you watched.
    >Rainbow Dash in New Girl
    whose that giiiirl? it's Dash!

    Your least-favorite pone is now the CEO of the last store you bought something from.
    >Rarity at Rue 21
    i don't even.

    How's that working out for you?
    except the incubus thing. no. never. no.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)08:46 No.927937
    >Gmod doesn't have a main character
    It does, in a lonely, second-person sort of way.
    I've yet to see any good source models of ponies, though, and I'm starting to doubt if its possible to make 3d pony look good.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)11:51 No.929725
         File: 1333122679.jpg-(74 KB, 1280x720, soylentponies.jpg)
    74 KB
    Fluttershy is Robert Thorn from Soylent Green. O_O
    Rainbow Dash is Jim Qwilleran from the Cat Who books. Wtf.
    Pinkie Pie is the Prince from Katamari. That'd make that a little more interesting.
    Applejack is Thomas Dolby. That explains where that "Toad Lickers" song came from.
    Twilight is Morticia Addams. Neat.
    Rarity is CEO of Walmart. O_O ew, she would never.
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:00 No.929825
    >Rarity is Cobb in Inception
    Can't see that shit happening

    >Applejack is Napoleon from Animal Farm

    >Twilight is my mage in Rift
    Can't get much more fitting than that

    >Pinkie Pie is Chris Cornell

    >Fluttershy is Alan Sugar

    >Rainbow Dash is the CEO of Amazon
    Good god
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:04 No.929872
    Rarity: Nicholas Cage in lord of war

    Twilight sparkle: Ciaphas Cain

    Pinkie: Cypher (ace combat zero)

    Fluttershy: Stevie Nicks (Fleetwood Mac)


    Rainbow Dash: Subway....
    >> Anonymous 03/30/12(Fri)12:16 No.930000
    >Fluttershy is Ace Ventura
    Fits nicely
    >Twilight is Macbeth
    Not a perfect fit, but she'd love being in Shakespeare
    >Dash is Link from Zelda
    Saving the princess with 20% more swagg. Celebrate with lesboseks afterwards.
    >Applejack is Bob Dylan
    Same voice...
    >Rarity is Starbuck from BSG
    >Pinkie Pie is CEO of Whole Foods
    Whole Foods now only serves candy.

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