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    File: 1329698718.jpg-(102 KB, 484x587, 1252693048767.jpg)
    102 KB Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:45 No.86770  
    OK, I guess now is the time to ask some questions.

    When this MLP shit started I assumed for several months that it was some kind of ironic joke. It was only around about September that I realised some/most of you genuinely watch this show and think it's good. Now I have to ask, what is it about watching a show made for pre-pubescent girls that gives you such a raging hard-on? Are you not even remotely embarrassed about this shit? Do you ever think you'll take a step back and consider what this looks like to other people? How can you possibly find this shit in any way good or interesting?

    This shit completely blows my mind, I just can't understand how or why grown men and women like this shit. FUCKING EXPLAIN IT.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:46 No.86795
    We get asked this about every 10 minutes.
    Google it if you're so curious. I'm sure there is a response somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:47 No.86799
    >> Name !DovKkgyPgA 02/19/12(Sun)19:47 No.86807
    This same thread happens every 10 minutes. So have these:

    Why people obsess over it, though? I can't answer for them.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:47 No.86814
         File: 1329698877.jpg-(128 KB, 500x500, oh look it's THIS thread again.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:48 No.86822
    >Now I have to ask, what is it about watching a show made for pre-pubescent girls that gives you such a raging hard-on?
    I find it interesting that you associate pre-pubescent girls with hard-ons.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:49 No.86837
    go watch a couple episodes
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:49 No.86847

    I'm just making the connect where I see it. You all have boners for a show made for little girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:49 No.86853
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:49 No.86854
    "It's not for you!" is not, on the face of it, an argument against liking something.

    That the show is still entertaining for people outside of its target demographic is ironically one aspect of what makes it so appealing. It's just a well-executed quality show that does a good job of transcending its' genre-defined limitations. Against that, "others won't understand" is not a strong counter-argument.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:50 No.86872
    lurk moar
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:53 No.86910
    >eff, messed up the post the first time.

    Personally, it's the first show I've seen in a while where the characters aren't just differentiated by why you're supposed to hate them. It actually has a group of likeable developed characters.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:53 No.86913
    I couldnt read past:

    When you sit on Ventrilo with 15 other close friends while laughing at a cartoon and enjoying drinks together, you realize that My Little Pony is more than a cartoon—it’s a community event that in its simplest form brings smiles to all of our faces.

    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:54 No.86933
         File: 1329699243.png-(51 KB, 211x230, fluttershy.png)
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    Ahh the days of denial.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:54 No.86936
    You've never watched TV with other people? Those sick fucks, honestly. Watching a show together.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:55 No.86955
    to me it's like a man eating ice cream.

    niggas be hating but fuck them, i like ice cream.
    have some appropriate, though somewhat on a tangent, comedy stand up

    sagereportandmovealong because
    >> Name !DovKkgyPgA 02/19/12(Sun)19:56 No.86973

    That, anon, would be "happiness with friends"
    It's a foreign concept to you, I know.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:56 No.86975
    Oh my god, I cant believe this guy
    How many times are you going to post THE SAME EXACT THREAD. People have given reasons why they like the show, you knock away ecah one mindlessly.
    End of story, posting again and again isnt going to get another reaction
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:57 No.86982
    Trolling, no effort is being made to engage with the answers given, ignore thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:57 No.86987

    You're not together? You're on fucking Ventrilo!

    Can you honestly look me in the face and tell me that if you met a normal, cute girl in a bar, you would be in a hurry to tell her you watch MLP, on Vent, laughing and drinking with 15 other nerds, over the internet?

    Would you fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)19:58 No.87002

    OK after reading these articles you can, at best, claim that this show is designed with adolescents in mind, but it is still at its core a little girl show.

    So you are still a bunch of fags.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:02 No.87069

    As expected, no comeback.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:02 No.87085
    I guess? I think you might have confidence or self-image problems if you think that type of thing would make people worth worrying about think so much less of you.
    >> Name !DovKkgyPgA 02/19/12(Sun)20:03 No.87094

    Upon meeting anyone in a bar, would you mention how you gather together regularly with friends to watch anything on TV?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:05 No.87130
    >implying you ever actually met a cute girl in a bar
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:06 No.87140


    I would much more likely mention that than saying I sit ALONE in my house, talking to 15 people I'VE NEVER MET, watching a CHILDREN'S CARTOON.

    "Hey babe, come back to my place, let me just go in first to, er, hide my MLP figurines"
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:07 No.87167

    Obviously I'm being hypothetical, but by enjoying this shit, you're pretty much giving up on ever having a girl in your life.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:07 No.87176
    I have some jock friends that do that talking about soccer.

    It's so cancerous even the girls have started pretending they are interested in football.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:07 No.87179

    Yes, I might talk about how I get together with friends to watch sports or when I'm chilling with friends we might watch films or TV shows that are made for people over the age of 5.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:08 No.87193
    >Obviously I'm being hypothetical
    You can't imagine how much.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:10 No.87232
    It is true and it is as boring as it sounds. IRL bitches have no real standarts you know.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:10 No.87245
    Because there are no geeky girls? lolol. I wouldn't be interested in a girl who thought this type of thing was too geeky and ridiculous anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:11 No.87256
    I have a couple of gamer friends on Facebook and I feel so fucking embarrassed for them when they post brony status updates and pictures. Do you have any idea how warped you look?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:12 No.87273

    I don't expect that anyone who watches MLP has the remotest clue about how women work, so I am not taking anything that is said by 'bronies' about women seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:12 No.87275

    Enjoy being forever alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:13 No.87289
    I keep thinking that they developed as a subculture from a subculture within Nerd culture.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:13 No.87308
    >watching a CHILDREN'S CARTOON.
    or posting in a site notorious for being a training ground for domestic terrorists where shitloads of bad tasted porn (including cartoon-porn and child porn) are posted

    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:15 No.87343
    The thing I really have trouble understanding is the VOLUME of bronies there are. this isnt just some niche thing shared in the darkest corners of the intarwebz, this shit is everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:16 No.87391
    I've been watching MLP for a less than a year.

    I've been fucking hoes for more than 6 years.

    Not anywhere near being Casanova, but I think your argument is kinda stale, kid.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:17 No.87416
    A lot of bronies get in for the community more than for the show. It's a giant hugbox bandwagon, really.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:18 No.87432

    >implying that everyone who visits /b/ actually likes cartoon and child porn. This is the stupidest argument ive ever seen, wouldn't expect any more from a brony tbh.

    Has it occurred to you that I may simply visit /b/ because I enjoy the laugh / lose and meme culture sort of threads? Sorry im not a domestic terrorist or poster of CP.

    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:18 No.87450
    Most cases, like facebook, are people being ironic. Not that you insecure autists taking internet as srz buziness would know what that means.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:19 No.87451
    OP, just go watch ponies if you care so much about why people like it, you faggot.
    Otherwise, stop asking questions that you are gonna ignore anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:19 No.87466
    That's exactly the point of the post you were replying to. (Or as I understood it anyway.)
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:20 No.87488
         File: 1329700815.gif-(221 KB, 400x589, 1bdaa02cd27495843d2d9798e4b340(...).gif)
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    Very simple, OP. Because MLP isn't shit. :9

    It's crack.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:20 No.87490
    I hate it when other MLP fans casually shit on all my other favorite cartoons like this.

    Also you're implying the ponies aren't flawed and annoying sometimes and that Rarity and Dash aren't the biggest cunts in the universe.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:21 No.87506
    Try explaining that to the cute girl in the bar.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:21 No.87519
    >Has it occurred to you that I may simply visit /b/ because I enjoy the laugh / lose and meme culture sort of threads?
    You mean, the cancerous threads that have ruined /b/?
    Enjoy being a shitposter, go back to reddit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:23 No.87564
    This is the pony fandom in a nutshell, OP. Outcast faggots desperate for somewhere to belong.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:23 No.87569
    >I hate it when other MLP fans casually shit on all my other favorite cartoons like this.
    >I hate it when people ruin my franchises for pre-pubescent boys with shit about pre-pubescent girls
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:24 No.87573
    I'm not one for cartoons usually, so I don't have a great knowledge of many. That doesn't change that the characters and interactions between them in MLP aren't well developed. Also, Rarity and Dash do have their flaws but they (usually aren't) their defining characteristics.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:26 No.87623
    No, I'm talking about their tendency to offhandedly say that poneponepone is the only good cartoon ever when it's just a pretty good cartoon with plenty of flaws of its own.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:27 No.87673
    You really think the people who post here are the type who go to bars to pick up girls?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:27 No.87680
         File: 1329701233.png-(88 KB, 277x243, There.+I+finally+did+it+_d9a79(...).png)
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    This thread sucks.
    let's talk about how awesome rainbow dash is
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:28 No.87700
    Fuck I'm just derping my posts constantly. "aren't" shouldn't be in ( ) there.

    I was mainly trying to compare MLP to non-cartoons too. I used to love House for exmaple, but it seems like every single character is an idiot you're supposed to hate. MLP is refreshingly uncynical.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:29 No.87714
    I've seen animus with less blatant sameface than MLP.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:31 No.87777

    All I know is the cute girls in bars have all liked meme pages on Facebook. I know its cancer but every time I log into Facebook i'm seeing cute girls liking memes like advice dog, Y U NO and Scumbag Steve. What I Guarantee you will NEVER see, is any girl embracing this complete and utter shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:32 No.87787
    Objectively MLP is just slightly flashit, but the characters are very well handled on their simplicity and the script without being genius has the that heart-warming traditional slapstick-cartoon feel.

    Basically it's a cesspool of shit franchise producing a glittering pearl. It's not the best but it's was so unexpectedly good that it's considered miraculous.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:33 No.87813
    It's quads so it must be true.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:33 No.87833
    News flash: Most people don't understand the appeal. OP is speaking for the majority of people, not just normalfags. Even /a/ is baffled. You should be happy they're trying to reach out instead of shit on your board.

    To be perfectly honest, ponyfags kind of have it easy. They were never treated nearly as bad as furfags were in the early days of the internet. Well I guess if you guys start dressing up in pony suits and masturbate in public areas, you might start getting some shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:35 No.87858
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    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:36 No.87886
    >they were never treated nearly as bad as furfags were in the early days
    Liking a TV show =/= purposeless fetishism.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:36 No.87895
    >cute girls in bars
    You do not belong here.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:36 No.87897
    I already know several female bronies so your point is invalid. Try harder.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:37 No.87923
    Never? Well that is just factually wrong. I don't think there are any geeky girls I know who don't watch MLP.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:38 No.87928

    Absolutely no shred of evidence to back that up, so no need to try harder. Your "point" is bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:38 No.87931
    Its a mix. Like how /vp/ is pokeymans but also some fetishists. Don't shit up your thing by doing what furfags do: accept that some of you are perverts and don't deny it. Doesn't mean all of you are.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:38 No.87939
    >implying a good 75% of the fags on this board aren't creepy motherfuckers who fap to rainbow ponies.

    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:39 No.87956
         File: 1329701962.jpg-(27 KB, 320x320, 426486_10150793713959966_16777(...).jpg)
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    Did you guys know that Rainbowdash is pretty much 120% kickass?
    >mfw OP associates watching an animated children's show with fapping to animated cartoons having sex
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:39 No.87959
    He might live in one of those Eastern Europoor countries where all girls are dyed blonde bimbos thinking that internet = facebook.

    I live in one of these.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:39 No.87960

    Im not even talking about those who fap to it. That is another league altogether.
    >> Ashie !!ojR2Xu/eXte 02/19/12(Sun)20:40 No.87976
    >what is it about watching a show made for pre-pubescent girls that gives you such a raging hard-on?

    it dosn't give anyone a hard-on. ....okay, maybe 0r0, but he's an odd one.
    Why do you like dubstep? Why do you like posting on the internet?

    Why is there a need to justify liking a show?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:40 No.87989
    I'm supposed to prove I know girls who like MLP? lolol I'm sorry you don't know any interesting geeky girls.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:40 No.87990
         File: 1329702041.png-(81 KB, 480x429, 1329518397615.png)
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    Did you guys know that Rainbowdash is pretty much 120% kickass?
    >mfw OP associates watching an animated children's show with fapping to cartoon animals having sex
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:40 No.87999
    >mfw its an observable trait of your shitty fandom that takes just a glance at the front page to see
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:41 No.88004
    I think I'd like this show more if they were human instead of anthro animals. I tried hard I really did, its just not for me at all. I'm from /a/ though, so it can't be helped.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:41 No.88020
    Yeah just like /b/ never actually fapped to any of the shit posted there >for teh lulz.
    >> Name !DovKkgyPgA 02/19/12(Sun)20:42 No.88029

    Most fans of the show seem to hate the fandom, it happens.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:42 No.88032
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    we need a new sticky thread to link every condescending buck who asks this same question to read these first
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:42 No.88038
    But it DOES give MANY people a hard on. I'm sure you're not sexually disturbed, but a lot of you fucking are. Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:42 No.88048
    Why do we humor these threads? Can't we just let them die? I'm so tired of being expected to explain myself to some dick like OP.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:44 No.88094
         File: 1329702272.jpg-(61 KB, 500x500, 1329531473764.jpg)
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    >mfw its an observable trait of this shitty website we're all using that a lot of the faggots here fap to CP and gore.
    Therefore since you and I are included in the frequent use of 4chan, we're now guaranteed sick fucks who fap to that shit?
    Also nice trips bro
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:44 No.88096
    The ones that really creep me the fuck out are the guys who replace all their nouns with pony and call their hands hoofs.

    I'm convinced if it were wordfiltered half the faggots here would be doing it. It's the same as furries and their yiffmurrpaw shit
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:45 No.88109
    Because if you bury them and ignore people trying to reach out you're just going to get a flood of trolling and shit posts. Its better to contain it in one thread from time to time. Besides, you have nothing to hide right?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:45 No.88115
    I suppose it has something to do with the combination of buttcracks and moe.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:45 No.88119
    Well, as a kid, I secretly watched Power Puff Girls, so.... MLP ain't much of a strech for me. I think it's funny, but it ain't no Dan VS.
    >> Ashie !!gAyq5lzi952 02/19/12(Sun)20:46 No.88151
    >many people

    find one aside from 0r0.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:46 No.88156
    Maybe if you browse /b/. I don't

    It doesn't surprise me a ponyfag would though. You guys have always been prone to bandwagon popularity hopping
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:49 No.88229

    I have nothing to hide, but you know as well as I do that OP will NEVER believe that. So I don't see a reason to waste my time.
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:50 No.88243
    i admit at first i was that guy, talking shit and whatnot, (i would even purposely drop the MLP boxes at toys r us hoping to fuck up the merchandise [im so sorry ;_;] but then one day after work i smoked a bowl and put it on and it instantly sucked me in. it's a cute show and the themes and idk it's just that good and it was something refreshing and a nice change of pace from what i would be doing before that, which was watching the news and depressing myself even more than i already am.
    tl;dr: mlp was a much needed light in my dark life and it's ok for people to like stuff, weird huh?
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:50 No.88245
         File: 1329702609.jpg-(43 KB, 600x421, 1329668911743.jpg)
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    Everyone I've ever spoken to personally that uses this website associates 4chan with general scumbaggery and fucked up porn. That just seems to be the general consensus, same as your argument about no woman you've ever met liking MLP
    >> Anonymous 02/19/12(Sun)20:50 No.88254
    John Joseco posts porn. Shipping and "saucy" stuff is regularly posted to EqD, and the bloggers there openly display their love for sexy trixie and wet mane rarity and shit like that. I'm a brony who's not into that shit, and yet I see it all the time.

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