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Discuss Twily.

Old horse: >>4441882
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>>4443706 (OP)
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>>4443623 →

>That "beard"

Why do fucking nerds do this? Do they think they look manly? Beards have to be well kept to look good. Neckbeards NEVER look good.

Can you imagine the heart attack Rarity would have if she showed up to a pony con?
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>>4443701 →
only if it's diet semen
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>>4443706 (OP)
...do goatees get a slide?
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>>4443706 (OP)
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Beards are almost always hideous.
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I want to cuddle with Twily
What do
speaking of semen

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1.19 MB
Twily you say?
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obviously you havent seen my beard. its glorious.
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>>4443539 →
sorry if it blows, I guess I'm not on my A game today
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1.98 MB
Can we please talk about pone, p-pleeeeease
Pretend to be a book
Well now you're fast as Smile again
Now what?
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1.81 MB
I'm starving
What should I draw mlpg?

I probably won't post it
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What if ponies were cats and knocked over stuff just to eat your art projects?
Would you smack one with a newspaper?
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easier by several orders of magnitude to maintain a goatee.
Ah, the smell of a fresh horse. I can't wait to have healthy discussions with my fellow peers about ponies!
Would you many Twilies?
Sideburns are top tier though, right?
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1.9 MB
>...do goatees get a slide?

You mean neckbeard goatees? Some regular ones can look okay.
>smack a Snails

Never. The punishment shall be hugs.
Pone as a cat that destroys my artwork, no matter how terrible?

What pone, it's gone now. Forever.
pone or not you will never touch my art
Goatees are meant to be cleaner beards.

They're fine unless they're those shitty scruffy ones that hicks have.
God that is incredibly cute
J-just a soulpatch.

And a handlebar.
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I guess
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she brought in a rat, /co/, and she let it go inside the house so she could play with it before she ate it. what is your reaction?
And once again we see AJ's horrible opinions
That's a pretty impressive load
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For the guys who wanted the Jay breakdown
I'm pretty sure this is it.
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come to bed.
Man, I'm glad my cat isn't an asshole.
If you're not going to post it? Marker Pone dominating your OC sexually
Why the fuck is a griffon in my home? Fuck this where's my bat?
she better not have wrecked the place chasing the damn thing
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You insulting Big Boss?
>She looked you dead in the eye and dropped the unharmed rat in the middle of the living room.
>It was gone under the couch before it could even hit the ground.

Fear for the rat.
>You will never have your mind blown while rewatching Briddle Gossip after /co/ mentions that awkward 4th wall breaking stare
I'd forgotten how ridiculous she looked while eating that
But anon I don't have an OC
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1.78 MB


it's late and I'm tired and can't think straight

is this jay guy jay as in naylor or something?

I haven't kept up with anything since [sipoler]season one, really[/spoiler]

what is the story?
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derpy is a very ugly pony
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He could be insulting anybody
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63 KB
It's shit
Kill yourself then perform Suzuki
Then make it Lyra
Little Miss Jay

I don't even.
...I legitimately thought about sharing my BBQ chips with you for a few seconds before realizing that you're on the internet.

I think it's time for bed.
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>she's the size of an actual griffon but she thinks she's a housecat
>she tries to stalk you by weaving between chair legs
>all she ends up doing it knocking them over
>she never even notices
>she jumps on you and knocks you to the ground and gets really annoyed if you don't act surprised by her pounce
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61 KB
>flawless loop
>large res and good quality
you doned well
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Why is Pinkie so incredifying?
Around 49 minutes is around where he talks about semen eating
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Okay fuck it Dark Souls General won't answer me so I'll ask you guys.

Is Dark Souls' multiplayer element worth paying for the game?
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naylor can actually draw. jay cant.
oh god what happened to my gilda
I need to change her back to her hold self
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If Diamond Tiara is so rich, then why does she go to a school for plebs?
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Do you like donuts?
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She just is.

what dodle now?

It's just ganking, spamming projectiles and shitting on weaker players
>she tries to curl up in your lap
>she just ends up draping herself over your legs
when you've bungled all your bangles
And I don't know what he looks like but I am sure Jay is probably in better shape.

I do very much, as a matter of fact. I like licking them and nuzzling them and squishing them between my fingers.
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I've gone Super Tails!
I'm going to watch Season 3!
...so is Dovne just two different artists, or what?
get your spurs that jingle jangle
>She got into your cat nip tea.
>You forgot you even had it.

There's only one school

Looks like it's about to start oozing puss.
I don't know, can you repeat the question?
Messages and summoning, and once you get better you can start slapping the shit off invaders.
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>memes in manga scans again
With the big iron on your hip.

no. the people who invade spec only to invade, and absolutely nothing else. and then, they just end up spamming projectiles for five minutes, or hide behind NPC's to try and get you to accidentally aggro them and fuck you over.

it's a good game, but either play Hollow, or play offline.
The game is worth paying for the game

That being said, being able to see messages and summon others is very helpful on difficult bosses if you're struggling.

Being invaded and invading can be fun at higher levels, however the games can get pretty laggy depending on the host. Being invaded at low levels is almost always a one-sided fight so you either got to play smart and/or get help, or prepare your ass for annihilation.
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There's something awfully fishy about that doughnut. I just can't quite put my finger on it though.
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>caring about gilda
>not the superior paharita
The multiplayer element is a nice complement to flesh out the singleplayer experience, but it's not worth it if you're only really interested in online stuff; it's just not that kind of multiplayer.
>she snaps out of it while you're in the middle of rubbing her tummy while she purrs like an engine
>she smacks your hand away with one wing
>"What the hell do you think you're doing, you fruit?!"
Do you like using them like a nice, warm pillow at night? What about feeling them grip and clench around your wrist?
No. He's a just a more or less "serious" artist that liked to draw gay pones on the side
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>try to use bleed scythe
>can never proc bleeding effect in pvp
Dovne actually posts legitimate art, and he's an art schoolfag IIRC

He's mastered having two completely different styles out of necessity.
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but she is filthy rich, she could pay for a new school where pleb ponies are not admited
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maybe he's just schizophrenic as fuck
Oh, my, yes. And I like the little coos and gasps they make when I wiggle my fingers around inside.
>I am bad
Because Celestia realised that the private school sector is a scam and banned it
What's the point of being rich if you can't rub it in poor people's faces?
But then she wouldn't be allowed in that school
yes i am
please help
dodle or bed?
>on it
>not in it
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>But she is filthy rich.
No she isn't you moron.
Her dad is.
And for God's sake, at least capitalize his name next time.
He's also an identical twin. Except his brother is straight and doesn't art.
>that rarity

So squishy and marshmallowy...
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>while you rub her belly, she occasionally pounces on your hand, grabbing it with her claws and biting softly
>when you scratch her butt, she lifts it up as high as she can and holds her tail straight up
dubs say do what you want
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Good news for GG!

Paul Robertson is doing spritework for Gravity Falls. I hear he likes guro, loli and other unsavory things.

GG has a chance to be on Disney!

Why build a new school when you can have your dad convince the mayor to privatize the current one ?
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Example on how to do it properly.
why doesnt batman have a dedicated clap button
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>implying you are the boss of me now

I think your gif is broken.
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>Browses MLPG
>Draws porn
>Draws good sfw
>Could probably pack up and go pro some day

I want to be this man.
What about stuffing one up with a nice oversized plug before taking the pony out around the town? One just large enough to make it too large for their tail to completely cover up?

Or do you like your pony to be proud of her donut, showing off just how swollen her pucker is?
>not using the GIMP's superior gif support
I hope at least you didn't pay for it.
Batman can't clap.
It reminds him of gunshots.
which pony is the snuggliest?
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>mfw everytime some faggot uses xXx420darkREAPERxXx scythe on me and I ever am close to taking bleed damage I roll through the last hit when the bleed is about to proc and it completely negates all the bleed damage
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>doesn't art
then what do you call this
I liked that one Zecora that he did in his more artsy style, actually
Hops has always been pretty cool around here.
You sick fucking faggot. I was talking about actual donuts. You need help.
swiffer pone
the chubbiest one
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The one that's built for snuggles.

All of them
>this is the real driving force behind his crimefighting career
>his frustrated inability to show his true american pride
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Not even trough a life time of training could someone reach that level...
...Hops... is Dovne?
Holy fuck mind = blown
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I was feeling down earlier, but all that Jay shit last thread made me feel a lot better about myself.

Thanks MLPG.
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>bleed dodge
ffffffuck u
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I cant do snything good right now i am too tired so i will return some other time

take this before i go
>He has no contingency plan for this.
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that is the greatest art of All Time
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Have you picked up your free pokepony yet, MLPG?
welcome to early 2011
either her or Pinkie
what the fuck kevinsano pokemon
Sorry Mocha, you can't pull it off.
Go get the better ponies, like Sooty.
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I came in around mid 2011
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On the one hand I wish there was more porn of her, but on the other I know it's disrespectful.

Rarity isn't chubby, she's voluptuous.
What is it called when a needle reaches the end of the record and the arm isn't automatic so it just sort of sits there scratching and doing a little loop?
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Yes, Jay makes all of us seem like sane reasonable and likeable human beings. So maybe we should try keeping him alive just for that purpouse.
Didn't stop people from drawing Nathan jacking off over Faust's OC.

Or Fausticorn porn in general.
Lets all donate to the bleeding ass foundation.
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he was still drafagging for us by then.
The point is that hops=dovne is not news in any way, shape, or form.
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dat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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It made me feel better about myself that's for sure.
And made me want to hit the treadmill some more.
That's nothing.

Glitter Glue is very poor
I'm not too bright either.
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Spoiler Image, 80 KB

ass time?
full image?
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>Not pony ass

Thank you based Snarky
Already got a why boner from Hops' blog
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1.32 MB
Kinda happens when you don't have a job.
If your where a bee would you sting The Great and Powerful Trixie's Great and Powerful ass?
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1.6 MB

GFG pls leave
so let's get some good ole pony fuckin discussion going

best fuck?
worst fuck?
ok fuck?
cutest fuck?
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>dark souls
Only in defense of The Hive.
best fuck - Pinkie
worst fuck - Fluttershy
ok fuck - AJ
cutest fuck - Derpy
>if your where

>Best fuck
Pinkie Pie (happy)

>Worst fuck
Pinkie Pie (sad)

>ok fuck
Everyone else

>Cutest fuck
Rainbow Dash
She's a very cute pony

best: Rarity
worst: Fluttershy because she'd make you do all the work
ok: Dash
cutest: Pinkie

but, Pinkie gives the best blowjobs, by a country mile.
>that size
>that angle
>that expression
Axel pls
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I like ponies, but their color scheme and logos are stupid.
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The game itself is worth paying for. Whether you like being summoned, summoning people, getting invaded or invading yourself is up to personal preference. I can tell you this though, almost everyone agrees that the game world seems much more lively and slightly comforting even when you can occasionally glimpse others as phantoms doing the same stuff as you. Messages are often useful and bloodstains are hilarious. It never gets old watching phantoms plunge to their deaths.

>still using Spider Shield
>in Ongo Bongo

what are you even doing
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I'm sure it enriches the experience, I'm just on kind of a tight budget at the moment and it's basically between this or pre-ordering Planetside 2.
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Spoiler Image, 314 KB
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made some gifs from the upcoming thing
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Embrace it
>Obama's dat ass face
Every fucking time
I like the version without a cock better.
Pls post more Dark Souls comics
Now try to pass them off as from season three.

The man draws a mean taint and balls
her hair seems to be moving really fast
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Spoiler Image, 275 KB
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>ongo bongo
>not anal orlando
Much better. I love the big, soft teats.
it seems flash export is kinda broken. theres also seems to be stuff no moving thats supposed to be.

>not anal orlando
>not anal rodeo
>tfw i cant invade anywhere

maybe I shouldn't be SL 65


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they need reality, too. without reality, they become shells.

the effects are dissipating almost twenty percent faster now... we need stronger doses, more frequently.

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443 KB
>still no wings
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881 KB
What if...

humans are animals
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>not enjoying the multiplayer aspect of Dark Souls
>not enjoying doing kamikaze karmic justice invasions
>not enjoying being a twinking sunbro who only pulls out OP gear when invaders appear
>not loving the sound of that gargoyle bell after you help out a host.
>not clicking on bloodstains near cliffs and watching player phantoms leap to their deaths
>not summoning three friends to run around with using nothing but channeler's tridents
>not gravelording players in the burg at minimal levels
>not invading as a darkmoon and encountering some havel/giant fag who you proceed to kick off a cliff to his death
>not enjoying the atmosphere created by player messages, bloodstains, and the presence of wierd as fuck looking players appearing by bonfires.
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I bet Fluttershy would give you head the most seeing as it isn't as physical as sex and she probably has a slow sex drive than you perverts

You can get it for half price or less on g2play. The price fluctuates between 15 and 20 euros.
>that feel when you finally get the Void symbol
aww yiss, nexus time

What symbols does your favorite pone write into the descriptive book she uses for her base?
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29 KB
>Create something really cute for once.
>Post it, to great success.
>Can't stop staring, hours later.
Am... Am I falling under a spell?
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1.27 MB
how come pone legs are so widdle and cute
especially the hind legs
Is she ok?
No human will ever be this sexual: >>4444015
Superman doesn't have wings you fucking idiot.
>implying i'm not already a shell
>implying I can even get off to humans anymore
hoooly shit, is there a story behind that ass?
That's pretty neat.
Simple, but neat.

Close the program, don't look at the image, go watch some tv or something, come back, look at it again, make a list of things to improve/try next time
that's a cute pone
would offer blood
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This nigga knows what up.
Someone with oggchan needs to embed Yoshi's hnnnnngggg into this
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Did you see the rest?
I can almost feel dat ass
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We Souls comics now?
It's the spell of pride, anon.
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Ah yeah, that's what I really liked about Dark Souls.
is this a webcomic?
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I don't know. We probably shouldn't.
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mm. it's humanized Mayor Mare's ass. you'll notice, if you look close, she's not wearing any panties? that's because she knows you're watching. she gets off on knowing all her hot young stud secretaries and aides have to go to the bathroom to masturbate to the thought of her, because they'd never dare come on to her to her face.
What if MLPG gets the upcoming 4444444?
>dark souls community in a nut shell

hind legs are best for massaging pone cocks
What would you buy to your least favorite pony out of the mane cast?
Do you not read spoilers, nigga?
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Hate to bring up jay again but watching that livestream... holy fuck, he's an insufferable faggot. Before I hated him for shitty "art", now I hate him as aperson
This is kinda like how I'd want it to be with Applebloom and the mysterious Knight.
We move on with our lives
A PSP Vita
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129 KB
But we're already past the 40 million mark, nigga.
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193 KB
A Wonderbolts t-shirt that's two sizes too big.

I don't have any Dash images what the fuck
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15 KB
You're awful
We know, anon. We know.
>What she really wants is for one of you to lost control and force her over her desk and take it.
>By force, because she will fight, she will scream if you don't stop her.
She wants you to really want it.
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305 KB
While I think people exaggerate the 'atmosphere' of Demon's Souls as compared to its successor... Tower of Latria is by far the coolest and creepiest area in either of the games.
The fuck did she do to you man?
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Everything they ever wanted
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80 KB
I was so fucking close to getting that.

No, I don't actually like Korra.
There's people out there who make horrible art, or have horrible fetishes; but are ultimately rather normal or even decent human beings.

Then there's people like Jay. Repulsive.
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19 KB

just preparing
You don't have a least favorite pony at all, do you Anon?
She's my least favourite

I still like her a whole lot
My nig
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561 KB
MLPG better get it and it had better involve dicks.

Don't you guys let me down. I have to sleep though.
i need more voluptuous ass
if only they weren't naked
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>"i want you to treat me like a bitch. i want you to treat me like i've always treated you."
>"tear my shirt open, gag me, pull my hair, bend me over my desk!"
I'm gonna try and get it with "TWILY"
preferably ponies of the MILF variety

hell or 3dpd milfs, I've been running out of em, can never find any good ones on /hc/ or /s/ anymore
Perhaps Twilights mom?
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313 KB
>You will never be Forest Gump.
Twilight's mom was based on G1's Twilight equivalent.
Perhaps Twilight's mom WAS G1's Twilight equivalent.
And G1 Applejack was Applejack's mother who is now dead.
it's like watching a slowmotion car wreck that crashes into a a group of children. Now I'm at the articism = racism.
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Spoiler Image, 125 KB


>tfw all the "MILFs" in porn are twenty-five and the producers think we won't notice

only Naughty America still bothers to use women over thirty. God bless 'em for it.
>being a pony hunting ape
>not gifted with machine magic like all humans

My HiE > Your HiE
What's wrong with blue and white pone butt?

>You will never be a human savage who abducts mares so that they may bear you centaur children.
Would you teach a pone how to cook?
pony better teach me how to cook god damn it
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1.54 MB
>these fucking texture mods


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30 KB
>your move athiests
Oh god no. I'm shit at cooking. I could help in the kitchen though

Fucking California porn. I want large rumped cougars dammit, not college chicks.
I bet I could be a DILF
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131 KB
>Spending time with favourite pony teaching each other how to cook things we can eat
Yes please
Dear god, I have to get up in 3.5 hours.

I should probably go to bed.
>He goes to church every day.
you know you're staying up for the get
Fuck that.

Someone screencap it so that I can see tomorrow. I'm tired as all fuck.
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254 KB
Well, at least the car didn't get near the nunnery.
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what kind of ruhtard do you take me for
Stop making me want to watch the Hangover again.
Post faster please
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73 KB
>staying up for the get
>for the get
>the get

What in the fuck happened to this place.

Is this what the hiatus has done to us.
No fuck you
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1.18 MB
>Concerned about a 'get'
I know we used to scream at people for caring about post numbers
>staying up cause nothing else to do
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Spoiler Image, 217 KB
just imagine the fury if a 3DPD got it.
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>mfw MLPG gets the get
You can't deny that you aren't just a little bit curious.
That was the point of the post you dipshit.
It's probably a few /b/reads trying to start shit.
somebody stream something
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301 KB
whoa momma
now he's going on about semen. It's true, he's tasted his own semen and he's talking about how semen is good for you and masturbating is great excercise. Also

"I got straight f's in chool but Im actually pretty smart..."


Curious about what? It's just a number, nothing actually happens.



I'm waiting for Snarky to post more butts
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I am not at all caring at all about a post number in a channel.
Why the fuck would I care about my five seconds of super internet fame.
This isn't /b/
What the hell chill the hostility I was just agreeing.

0:the get
>that everything

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292 KB
>huh, that's neat
>move on with my life

That's literally my reaction to all that shit ever

It will cause a train wreck, don't you like watching train wrecks?
shit I just looked and it turns out I missed the event
I didn't even know they had one yet
anyone got hunchback of notre dame? I've never seen it.
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1.21 MB
Is there a use for foil in hair outside of dying it? If no, then why is Twilight getting her hair dyed?
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butts, huh? i thought you wanted matures? whatever.
It's not about getting the get stupid it's seeing what the get is, and the reaction to it.

Because sometimes it's funny. Like the "fuck bronies" get. The cap of which I can't find now for some reason.
what are guys doing? Why are there humans in this thread? Why are you getting boners from it?
Why would I like watching a train wreck?
That train was hauling materials to help my country.
What if dangerous chemicals were on that train?
What if innocent passengers were on that train?
What did you think those hi-lights were natural?
Nigga hair doesn't work that way.
She's getting grays in her tail from all the stress she puts herself through.
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Because we're all human fetishists
am I supposed to draw something?
>Equestrian is Russian.
Suddenly the Crystal Kingdom makes sense.
>It's Siberia.
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11 KB
Oh here it is.

This is why gets are worth staying up for.
That would still be entertaining; horrifying, but entertaining nonetheless .
You think those sexy as fuck highlights are natural?
What if it was a train full of pedophile neo-nazi bronies and they were about to head to your hometown and go on a child molesting spree?

What if Ross was on the train? WHAT IF ROSS WERE ON THE TRAIN.
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I knew lyra was a freak for humans, but all of you too? The dry spell is almost over, hold on to yourselves.
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444444444 get?
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41 KB
>Neo-Nazis on a train
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49 KB
what's what i always thought, especially about the architechture.

Shut the fuck up about the get or take it to /b/read where it belongs.
fucking english man
Makes sense as to why the kingdom is inhabited by assholes.
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Hey sometimes you gotta get repeating digits man
>Every board moves as fast as /b/
This is was worst board 2012 goers actually believe.
what if scenes like this constantly happen in equestria?
Funny thing about that...

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though, i think i'll try to get glorious septs for Dolph Ziggler, not human porn.
What, are we getting raided?
That's adorable.

if 4444444 then dolph successfully cashes in mitb sunday and resurrects lawler
It doesn't exist in the channel anymore.
/mlp/ evicted them
>he doesn't know

haha really?
What does that mean? There's no /b/read anymore? They're just gone?
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201 KB

>resurrects Jerry Lawler

why the fuck would we want to do that? for the first time in way too goddamn long, i don't have WEEPing or WOOPing on my TV.
Poof. gone.
And the channel got smart that thought they could get rid of the crotchety old man of the channel.
They ded son.

They moved to MLPchan.net

gone, aw, like a bat outta hell.
w-why do you have that link available at the tip of a hat.
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21 KB
god the tension
Seventy gigabytes of bestiality
Found within a minute

This is why you don't get to sit with the cool kids, anon.
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444 get?
Don't tell me you are trying get that fucking get.
Getting close anon
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of course not. but Ziggler wills it.

mostly, i just don't want Them to get it.
I'm bored
ready to get 4444444
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God I hope it's not a shitty get. I hope whoever gets it at least puts some thought into it and makes it funny.
the get will be gotten by applejack
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it's coming
If 4444443 then ziggles gets buried
come close
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I'm actually tempted to download a horse porn torrent

What have you people done to me
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I want some 4s
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Braeburned is a sexy beast

and Applejack is best pony
Twilight is best pone
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14 KB
Could have been worse

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So it's come to this
Both of those are wrong
pink pony

And it's a picture of Fluttershy!
Best pony gets best number!
incoming shitstorm
congratulation. we have got 44444444
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992 KB
Damn, so close.
And now all /mlp/ comes here
Oh good I get to go to bed now. Goodnight MLPG!
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what is this gay shit? I wanted to summon the beast
This post is as big a failure as its number.
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That's Pinkie Pie you dipshit
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oh fuck

brace yourselves

here comes the piss
Do it.
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And MLPG wins again.
i wish you had gotten the get because this post exemplifies /mlp/ perfectly
The fuck is going on in that picture?
Best pony gets best number!
Is it really piss now that /b/ is gone?
>18 responses to it
You're kinda worse than the people you were expecting.
/b/ isn't gone, /b/'s shitty /soc/ thread is gone.
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Tracey shenigans
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...okay guys, sorry for the delay. Where were we?

Aw, shit. See you in 1111111 posts, I guess.
That sure is one big ol' bag of piss.
>that picture
I. What. How.
Haha spoonying
kill yourself
No MLPG, you are the piss

And then MLPG was the new /b/read

Fuck I need to go to bed.
>dat pic
I lose it, every fucking time
>Tracy never delivered
fucking this. it was like the other day when ponychan was redirected here.
just calm the fuck down already
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Spoiler Image, 56 KB
we now return you to your regularly-scheduled pornography.
a;though, the shitstorm when the ponychan posted here was pretty funny
>>4444546 →
post traps instead.
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Good, now that I have no chance of getting the inane and worthless numbers, I can go to sleep
Got any pumped pussies?
piss pls go
Well it is early in the morning, and the get post was kind of tame frankly.

If I'd just been one post later. I thought I timed it so well. Oh well.


You're welcome.
I'm glad I didn't close the thread
That's the best one yet, Snarky, you have grade A taste in butts
It was made in MLPG, therefore it's an MLPG GET.
I'm liking these sixes.
>My little dominatrix . . . Dust can be such a bitch sometimes. Well, not just sometimes. All the time, but she wants to change. She has to if she ever wants to get back together with Machoponi. But other ponies and the Princess really try her patience sometimes. For one thing, the Dark Princess has decided to go preppy! Seriously, with the sweater tied around her neck and everything. She should be punished. For another thing, Brogene is annoying, as usual. So of course, the Princess sends her on a quest for caulk. But the quest turns into a sexual journey when the Sexual Awakening occurs, in which the repressed sexuality of all the creatures of Poniworld gets unrepressed. Dust starts exploring things, things like pleasure, pain, and punishment. Lots of punishment. But she has her pink Thong of Protection to protect her. (Though at one point she has to have it talked off her.) And she also learns to wield a magical riding crop she gets from a female Nazi she meets. She also meets Strawberry Spit-take, a girl with a spit-take fetish, a rhino in a tutu named Tipsy Gorer who wants to ban cock rock, Ms. Cap-Man, black-and-blueberries and Gardens of Pain! Poniworld is going through changes, and Dust is going through sexual exploration.

U wot m8
one decade later
This is a little creepy.

It was the only file I have in my folder that would not expose me for doing that bullshit.
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Spoiler Image, 73 KB

none that don't look terrifying. trust me, that fetish really does work best in theory only.
>MLPG gets a get
>MLPG cares about other people caring about gets
>retaliates against the people caring about the get
>gets riled up
>the people who care about the get don't show up
You guys give yourselves blueballs over the silliest things sometimes
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83 KB
>Lotus Rose writes delightfully weird tales about young characters in strange situations. At times dark, silly, or bawdy, his writing owes much to such influences as Alice in Wonderland and Roald Dahl, Piers Anthony and Douglas Adams, and explores themes like disillusionment, and the corruption of innocence. If his books were movies, they'd likely be directed by Tim Burton. He often writes in a style that is a more edgy, "grown-up" version of children's literature interspersed with his poetry and songs.
You should see us when an OC is in danger.
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Cut me some slack, there's nothing I can do about them.

try harder next time
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227 KB
You posted that wrong one, That's not moot's waifu.
>If his books were movies, they'd likely be directed by Tim Burton. He often writes in a style that is a more edgy, "grown-up" version of children's literature interspersed with his poetry and songs.

>Even MLPG will steal away and keep the gets from the channel.
>The rest of the channel cannot respond to the get because it is protected by the general's many defenses.
*woo woo*
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1.12 MB
Oh I know, I was here when COOOLAAAA POOONY happened
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Sorry, let me try again.
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Snarky truly you are a man of taste
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8 KB
>GG's censor bar managed to escape into reality.
Much better, but you're too late to fix wasting the get like that.

it's okay, apparently it can be overcome with the right combination of spells.

and even if we can't deal with it, we've still got Alan Moore and Rob Zombie on our side.
These images are disgusting to me. Vagina's are fucking gross-looking
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Spoiler Image, 111 KB

alright, tell you what, brother. i'll throw you a boner.
>Particularly those ones

You know you're a possible homosexual when...
Don't worry, I won't fail next time.
Tabasco will be the next get.
traps are even worse

I know...
why can't I fall asleep mlpg?
Turn off the computer.
you are dedman
Got some Benadril?

because you know i'll get you.
Because you're haunted by the mistakes of your life? Missed opportunities and bad decisions you can never correct?
Anon, I'm a straight girl and I could gladly preform oral sex on those girls. You must just be a flaming homosexual.
Turn off computer
Warm milk
Take cough syrup
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137 KB
I guess so, everything right now just kind of, has this aura of stress I guess. what's the point of resting for the coming day when it won't get any less stressful? even if I try to do what the forces keeping me stressed want me to, they'll still stay stress inducing

sometimes I wish I had pone to squish to get rid of stress
>go to sleep
>hey before you finally go to dreamland here's a flood of all your fuck ups in life. Oh also here's a list with all your missed opportunities.
>With love your brain

>P.S. None of your fantasies will come true
trips confirm
It's not that I'm gay, I've just only ever been with guys...
Satan: master psychoanalyst
How do you know you aren't already asleep?
He has had an eternity of sinful lives to figure this shit out.
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we leave you with this final image. goodnight, and good luck.


my advice to you is to start drinking heavily.

But anon you have been asleep for so long. We love you and just want you to WAKE UP
you know the brain being a jerk thing works, but then again, maybe I'm just not tired.
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313 KB
>You now realize you will never get to hug a little pony.
>I've only ever been with guys

That's called being gay.
That's practically the definition of being gay.
I did that shit when I was like five
1. go to petting zoo
2. locate pony
3. put arms around pony
4. scare children
5. get kicked out
>tfw before the general I felt that way.
Now a days?
I no longer have Exploding Head syndrome.
I find myself overall in a better mood despite my daily life not changing
My overall health is improving.
And I broken?
How would each of the ponies react to being pregnant?
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397 KB
Close your mouth and pinch your nose shut. Now try to breathe in through your nose.

If you can, you are dreaming right now! Remain calm and take in your surroundings to stabilize your dream. Then try to summon a pony.
Very well.
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59 KB
Why would I be having a dream of hanging out with you all the time? This must real. R-right?
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160 KB
RD: 2slo
Rarity: 2fat
AJ: 2muchtimeoff
PP: She gets to eat for 2
TS: She'd panic about what the princesses would think
FS: Pure happiness
>Hide pregnant pony question
>No new posts in three minutes

I've been seeing this picture around a whole lot recently, who made it?
Why do you have recursive filtering on? Do you enjoy missing out on conversations and not knowing why?

It's as real as you want it to be.
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Your favorite pony just tooted
She is a grown man she can take care of herself
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>pinkie pie get knocked up at a party
>that pony stays with her, mostly so she will stop bugging him "Ugh, fine I super duper promise not to leave you and the baby!"
>Can't eat sweets because of morning sickness
>has sugar withdraws and hormones running wild
>tired and cranky all the time, can't party
>she starts crying and eating a giant cake
>anon pony sees this "Babe, no remember what happened earlier!!"
>he's too late and she is crying and throwing up cake again.
>She starts to go insane
>some pony thinks a shower will snap her out of it
>she opens her mouth and starts drinking the water while humming something about chocolate rain
does no one know?
Nobody important.
>searching "draw"
>hitting 9 posts
more drawing, daily drawing improves my skill. help me with your request.
I was once arrested for statutory rape.
Way to go A-hole
>one of our drawfags
>not important
Whoops, I meant twice.
And also the regular kind of rape.
... nasse?
Well if nobody knows who they are, they can't be important.
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344 KB
hey, look at signature
oh shit didn't notice

i do'nt know of any drawfags that go by tm, there is MT isn't there?
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Why wasn't the kid arrested for mugging him?
never heard of the guy, he a newfag?
He's been around as long as SB
yeah, he's not half bad for a new guy
Longer actually; he didn't get his tablet until early early 2011, but before he drew these fucking creepy pics while wasted on something
How do I acquire a cartoon pony guys?
Such a feat is impossible
Cartoon pony must acquire you
How can I become acquired?
bleach, drink it
I want to keep drawing pone
gib me request
I think there's some sort of spell you can cast to make them real.
mini lyra
hugging finger
pone hacking the gibson

There are less active tripfags and namefags today than there where nearly two years ago. And yet the quality of threads hasn't increased, but decreased.
But it requires the heart of virgin girl and that thing is kind of hard to get
Nearly two years ago there was a show being aired.
but quality is subjective
Draw a pony failing to draw a pony and giving up.
Quite the quandary, isn't it?

We scrutinized them, accused them bringing the quality down, and yet, when we drove them off, things got worse.

I wonder what that tells us?
There was a show 2 years ago
Well it is a hiatus.
Anonymous is to blame. I think we should kick him out too. Once he is gone, the quality of the generals will begin to rise once again.
Are there more or less people overall though?
...Do 8 year olds count?
Uh...Anon kinda is the landlord...
then we kick landlord out
That's not far enough! We must demand Facebook integration, for the only way people can be prevented from shitposting is to require real names.
You have to go younger, you know how kids are these days
Correlation does not imply causation.
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>4chan becomes the next 9cancer
what will you guys do then
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Sounds familiar
Then why keep a general going when there is no show to talk about?

If you say "Talk about the show" and not talk about people, but there is no show active to talk about, then what would be the difference from making a Invader Zim general or a Courage the Cowardly Dog show? /mlp/ is irrelevant, it was made to keep bronies that pestered /b/ and other boards to one place. and you're not bronies of the fandom... supposedly.'

Why not resume these threads when the show actually airs? Popular answers: A meme about Mr Bones that started on /v/ about a ride never ending, the idea that these threads has meta physical power over people. There is no actual reason to have MLPG threads when there is nothing left to talk about.

Nearly two years have gone by and you still haven't talk all there is about 52 episodes?
Hide in the sub and hope that at least half of MLPG comes too
>all the fish have disappeared from the river, and pollution levels are sky high
>obviously the fish were the ones keeping the water clean
4chan-facebook integration
>implying I just wont fuck right off outta here
Did you not see all the Crystal Kingdom discussions we had
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>watching the wire
>they just killed d'angelo in prison

whhhhhhhhat the fuck i was not prepared for this
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We still come her because we sort of like it even though it's worse than when the show is airing

>tripfags where happy fish in the water
>it was hostility for everything remotely ponychan and social that killed those fish
How many threads do you need to talk about a minute long teaser?
>Spoiler abuse all thread
>He doesn't spoiler a spoiler
Fuck you
Relevant discussion is more diluted, but it's still there. And because we like it here.

If you don't like it you can always leave.
woody dies
Remind me, were we this easy back on /co?
>woody dies
This is /co/ anon
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Children children please!
Can't we settle down and just talk about this?
Now, when was the last time we saw a General where every second post was a weeby jeeby tripfag?

And how many Generals were like that children?

You know, this reminds me of a song...
I'm just wondering about this now. You guys (and you do all say this) say to talk about the show and only about the show. The board rules enforces this.

But how much time do you need to exhaust every topic to talk about 52 22 minute long episodes? Do you need 6000+ threads to do it? Do most people even want to? Do you love the show THAT much to extend the time limit that much? What does that say about you?
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Does horse sex count as show discussion?
> You guys (and you do all say this) say to talk about the show and only about the show.
You had me going, but that pushed it too far.
Oh cool! Can we then talk about meta anon? Or how about sports or politics? Video games? Fetishes? Butts? The fandom?
anon pls
anon pls
We like it
I take it that you don't and you're welcome to leave

Or stay and stop being so annoying
oh no fucking way
I just want you to admit it.

You're fans of the fandom just as much as anyone else.
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If you could any episode in season three, what would it be?

Main pone? Supporting pone? Plot?
>inb4 beach episode
but I hate the show and the fans
Okay! Let's talk about meta! I like how we at least make an effort to project the image that we give a damn about the show rather than ignore it completely as the rest of /mlp/ does. I think it's nice. How about you?
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>MLP general

Do you know what general implies? That we talk about everything pony related, not just the show.

Sure, we exhaust everything that there is to talk about when it comes to the show, but we also discuss music, the VA's, art and any pony related vidya.
Well, no.
Being involved in the fandom doesn't mean we're as much "fans of the fandom" as anyone. We don't hold fanon/headcanon above canon. We don't care more about fanon than the show just because we don't always talk about the show. Hell, at least we watch the show. There's people in this fandom, on this board, who don't even watch it. THAT is being fans of the fandom.
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Way too cool to go to sleep.
Cum inflation time?
Not much of an image when you're trying to maintain of instead of living it. I mean if you're trying to be something instead of being it you might as well stop trying if it isn't natural to you.

You talk about the fandom just as much as you talk about the show. Case in point

Tripfags that have nothing to do with the show
The activities of some brony artists
Fetishes and >feels involving ponies

You both love and hate the fandom because it gives you something to talk about. If all you needed was the show to have threads up, you would have ended the threads a while ago, since there are only a finite amount of things to talk about 52 episodes.
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Are all Americans insomniacs?

I'm sorry, but what was the point you're trying to convey again? That we should get the fuck out?
I'm not really getting the point you're trying to make. Are you saying the thread should only exist if it exclusively talks directly about the show and nothing else?

Because that's wrong and you can leave now.
To be honest, I'm only here for the art.
Just my normal schedule.
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>4:38 in the morning

Well...I don't know about the rest of them.
This. I actually came here for more sleepypony
As a professional unemployed guy my sleeping schedule constantly cycles so during one week I'm relatively normal and the next week I am a vampire
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>Cupcakes aftermath
I only have to physically go to class twice a week and I don't have a job right now. I live during the night.
Either admit you're fans of the fandom, or stop having these threads if you're not. You have a website of your own, and artists can upload their drawings there on threads of their own. There are no more real writers, and the quest board can still have pony quests. You don't NEED the general, it's only there because you want it to be there. So my point is why? It's either one or the other.
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I only came here to discuss the my little pony cartoon and ponies and maybe some production stuff. I don't like everything here but realistically there's nowhere else to go.
I adjust my sleep schedule to browse the general at its best.
So what you're effectively saying is if you're not something, don't even try to be? If you can't be bothered to try to uphold the rules you don't have to? If you're a struggling artist, just give up? I sure love that logic, oh boy!
>admit you're fans of the fandom
>stop having these threads if you're not.
No. We done here? You leaving yet or what?
>So my point is why? It's either one or the other.
Why does it have to be one or the other.
I used to be here for the art, until I discovered all artists are useless depressive broke piles of shit who can't do anything right no matter how hard they try.

Now i'm just here for the community.
What's it to you whether we have a general or not, stop bothering us.
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>the general at its best.

Do you sleep in weekly periods?
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omg pink
He needs this, okay?

Just play along and rage in all caps.
The ride never ends xd.
kill it.
Saying that about them doesn't make them feel any more useful I'm sure. If they were the people you had hoped for them to be, maybe it would motivate them.
Why would I indulge in the behavior of a brony? Wouldn't that be proving his point that we're fans of the fandom?

Nah, if he wants to stir up shit, he'll have to come back for daytime MLPG.
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>mabel with no pants on
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*grabs dick*
>nd artists can upload their drawings there on threads of their own
Not a chance, I would never, hat's asking for trouble.
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*grab2 diick2*
now I fucked up.
Don't worry, I'm sure his resolution is high.
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I hate this picture so damn much
It always makes my head hurt
Everyone should go to this site

Yeah, but now the worst ponies know what it is like to be the best ponies.
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2.27 MB
Everyone's seen it 5 years ago.
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23 KB
Oh you
Help protect free speech, Donate to Encyclopedia Dramatica
>AJ and RD turn into FS and TS
AJ and RD really are terrible ponies
Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?
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Why didnt you sleep last night, MLPG?
What if I can't put off anything till tomorrow?
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I went to take a look and I found this
It's beautiful but the resolution sucks
I'm going to bed, today will be terrible if I don't
With nobody in your bed, the night's hard to get through.
I've gotta fix my sleeping schedule. I'm gonna try my hardest to stay awake until about say 7 pm, and then hit the sack.
>not having pillows to hug on both sides of you
Congratulations! You're one of the main character on one of Equestria's most popular cartoon shows! Quite a few ponies fawn over you (even though they know you're not real), but which one would drop the most spaghetti were they given the chance to meet you?
Onl three because I'm the equivalent of Trixie and the only people that think I'm greater than the main character are autists
Lyra. I have the most interesting hands out of all of the other people on the show.
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Crap. I wanted to get it. It would ahve been on a picture of Firefly declaring her better than Rainbow Dash. It would have been hilarious.
Her color scheme is horrible
>implying pink exists
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Yeah, hilarious.
Both of them do.
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They wouldn't like me. :C
Boy I don't know, I don't think I can make anyone nervous
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Honestly It;s not bad when it's the right shades of pink and blue. Better than RD most of the time at least.
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Oh Braeburn, don't you know you order that stuff online?
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Ponies look better at night. Fact.
Who drew this?
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"Did you know Anon buys supplements to boost his semen production?"
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he shoulda just put those in her back
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This nigga's onto something
Yeah, it's the third time they changed it.
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Are you sure about that?
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I am.
Well she is named Firefly. I'd assume she would.
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You are. We should post more ponies at night
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Will do.
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Would you stroke Twilight's poofy mane?
So...what is he buying?
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We could have a slumber party!
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sleeping aids
it is implied that he's gonna kill himself
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but I like both
Would you watch a stallion recline against a wall and paint himself white?
In a heartbeat.
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Zinc ups sperm production.
Pygeum puts the Cowper's gland on overdrive, increasing precum production.
Lecithin gives seminal fluid more volume.
L-Argenine does... something. I actually don't know

2 months on the stuff
I don't know what I'm going to do when I run out except order more ;_;
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Your favorite pony just let out an elegant evening toot
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I agree. I actually think the sun is just pretty neato.
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Before day and night there is twilight

You like twilight the most
I do? Is Twilight really my favorite pony? Have I been going about this whole thing wrong the entire time? Oh man, this is heavy.
Before day there's dawn and before night there's evening. 1/10 made me respond.
I do, actually...
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the sun terrfies me
>mfw looking at a carbon star in space engine while listening to Lustmord
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Day Mare!
Fighter of the Night Mare!
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When you consider the scale of the sun compared to the Earth, it does get pretty scary.
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So what you're saying is that I should be worshiping Azura?
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>carbon star
How does it even look like?

Does anyone have that gif of the Earth's scale to the universe that ends with the xbox?
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>tfw I get to post this again
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That's the one, thanks.
Well that was fuckin' cool.
the universe scares the living shit out of me. We're so crushingly small...

It's also like my fear of the ocean, you just don't know what's out there, something that could you whole
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Universe you so big.
like a normal star except if it was in our solar system where our sun is, Jupiter would be inside of it, and possibly saturn too
shit's fucking huge
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is there EVEN an astronaut pony
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Only if he wouldn't let me help
>Mount everest
>West Virginia
>Minecraft world
Alright, I laughed
This is really fucking cool
You'd want him to make you sit on your hands as he gasps and groans, hot ropes of thick spunk splattering all over his face and chest?
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Spoiler Image, 240 KB

Why don't you just relax and take it easy anon?
I wouldn't want him to, but if that's what he ordered me to do then I guess I'd do as I was told. I just hope he either lets me lick him clean or gets me with the next round
I bet Fluttershy could beat up that shark
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But I love that! So much more left to explore!
>PRESSURE will never get made.
Check out Routine, it looks like it's gonna be Pressure in space
it's mostly boring shit unless you feel clever enough to fuck physics and relativity
otherwise the universe will end before you get anywhere interesting
>All dis space
Time for Animaniacs!
He'd pause between orgasms to taunt and tease you, describing in vivid detail just how good it felt to have all that musky cum splattering against his body, how the smell was practically intoxicating and the sensation of it slowly oozing down his chest was exquisite. Not to mention how wondefully warm it was to be caked in his glue-like semen.

But eventually his words would be cut short as the vibrators buzzing away at his testicles and prostate thrust him over the edge once again, giving you yet another show of his virility as he hosed himself down with a good pint of hot sperm.

Cleaning him would come once he was spent, and only if you lapped up every last gooey drop and were very good would he grace you with a good drenching.
yeah well metroid and halo have been everywhere
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Yeah, no need to panic.
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mint pone
>You will never have a little Lyra hang on to your hand where ever you go
You make me sad and happy japanon
D'aww, that's a tiny pone
Saved, as always
>it's tickle!
Try "that tickles!" instead. Other than that hhhhhnnnnnnnnnnngggg
Squishy cheek ponies are the best
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my English, is it fine?
>We're so crushingly small...
And isn't it great?

I mean look at us. We're so insignificant, so unimportant.
We're not even a speck of dust in the huge sandstorm that is the universe. No importance.
Our greatest actions wouldn't affect the big picture of existence with anything. We're not even worth it to be represented by a pixel.

In the grand scheme of existence, we're nothing, just a simple race of beings, on a simple planet just having a simple life, with no worries that our actions will ever matter. No obligations, no concerns that our fuckup would be something major, no worries that we'll destroy everything important.

We just live, each free to find his own path, their own goal in life, no pressure from the outside, no restriction from the vastness that is everything.

Our lives are hard only because of us, because the weights we put on everyone's shoulder, not because a grand scope, a divine meaning but because we put importance on the smallest things which otherwise would be meaningless.

We made this choice and we're free to change it because no matter what we don't have to follow any path but the one we want.
you are just adorable
we are the ded?

I just drank Milkshake and I'm now so cold that my nipples are erect. Fuck everything.
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You're cute
Absolutely precious.
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>We just live, each free to find his own path, their own goal in life, no pressure from the outside
but that's not true

in the end even our personal world is shaped by the decisions and attitudes of the many
>not random
The biggest and most important part.
Why is broken english so cute?
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daily dose

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i wish for tiny pone to nuzzle my finger
Because it's just the right amount of broken
Hm, it's hardly fair that he gets all the toys and I'm just stuck biting my lip, sitting on my hands and dripping all over the floor, but I guess that's how it goes sometimes. The wait would all be worth it when he finally tells me he's done and I finally get to pin him down and lick him clean. I'm sure he'd love the attention, but I'd have to tease him enough to make him suffer (just a little bit) for the torment he put me through.
Then again, with my limited self control (which is why I assume he's doing this to me in the first place) means it wouldn't be long before I'm going right for the source. Licking the cum off his body is nice and all, but nothing beats having it pumped right down your throat while it's still hot.
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Would you?
Which one?
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>Walk around everywhere with one fist always clenched
>Everyone thinks you're angry
>You've just got a very tiny pone sleeping on your fingers

Would you take a tiny pone everywhere?
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Spoiler Image, 153 KB
This guy shows up and slaps your waifu on the ass. What do you do?
Scrape my waifu up off the ground and give her a proper burial

Turn 360 degrees and flee for my life.


>all those shamefur dispray tweets from kojima

;_; his spaghetti
Some mountains are scaled.

Others are slain.
Or if you're an astronomy nut... I still think of it as exploring.

I'd let her sleep in my pocket where it would be warmer for her, but yes. Yes I would.
But do you have a magic sword that reflects the rays of the sun to his weak spots and a faitfull steed to carry you over the vast land so you can catch that thing?
New Horse
>>4445492 →
>>4445492 →
>>4445492 →
>>4445492 →
>>4445492 →
Wipe it the fuck out with precision that has never been on this Earth before.
Well you fucked up then
Also your waifu is now very disappointed in you for not protecting her honor

Really you just just Sudoku while you still have some honor left
You'd get a few seconds of feeling his cock in your mouth, long enough for you to squeeze the last dribbles of seed up from the base of his shaft to the tip plus a little extra time for him to savor your tongue swirling across his flare before he pulled away from you, scolding you for being so forward. Just for that he might not let you get bathed. Not unless you could prove that you deserved it.

He'd smirk as he told you to beg him for it. Tell him exactly how badly you wanted his hot spunk to spray all over your pretty little face. How you'd obediently sit and take blast after blast of his cum without touching yourself or moving an inch. And if you weren't convincing enough then you'd go to bed clean.
I hope he's not serious! Such threats are not to be taken lightly, after all. Not that I would ever dream of calling his bluff. I guess I'd just take a take a seat and do as I'm told like a good like human. Not that it would be hard to praise his virility after the show he just put on for me. It's not every day you see someone coat themselves so thoroughly with only a vibrator or two for assistance. Can he blame me for wanting to get some of that for myself? If my "punishment" is that I must sit quietly and get painted myself, then that would be perfectly fine by me.
And unfortunately, that's all the time I've got.
Sorry! <3
Once he's satisfied your pleading to get splattered was sufficient he'd tell you to lie down on your back. Standing over you, his cock throbbing mere inches from your body he'd use his magic to flip on his toys. A thin line of pre would drool from his tip all over your chest for a moment as he shuddered from the sudden sensation. Then you'd be treated to a perfect view of him rudely slapping his erection against his belly. For minutes he'd spurt thin streamers of pre all over your face and neck as he grunted and moaned, occasionally asking how you were enjoying the sight of him getting closer and closer to climax. His breathing would grow ragged as he started to remind you not to move a muscle, his orgasm getting closer with every noisy slap.

Without warning he'd groan and unload, a half-inch thick rope of gluey sperm blasting into your face with surprising force. Over and over he'd claim you with his seed, moaning as the vibrators prolonged his climax. After a solid two minutes of gushing and spraying he'd finally step away from you to get a look at you.

You'd be practically glued to the floor, globs of sticky seed clogging your mouth and nose and countless pints caked onto your chest. If you could see through the sperm all over your hopefully closed eyes you'd see his eyes lovingly taking in your body glistening with spunk as he licked his lips. He'd only be able to hold back for a few moments before diving onto you and kissing you roughly, his still erect cock grinding against you. Looks like he wants it just as bad as you do.

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