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I'll be doing the first "PMQ style" Q&A thread (details) on /q/ this Wednesday at 10:00PM ET. Look for a link in the global announcement area.

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File: 1347412989685.jpg-(12 KB, 350x196, Previously On MLP.jpg)
12 KB
In 20 years time, 4chan will be obsolete. Only outdated spam bots and a very small handful of actual users will use it. Even /b/ will only have 5 pages of active threads.

Poor /mlp/ was dead long before this happened. After season 4 of FiM the show was cancelled. As images faded from the internet the community fell apart in just 3 years time; traffic on /mlp/ dwindled and all bronies migrated elsewhere. The last non-spambot post was made 12 years ago.

Maybe you forgot to delete that image. Or maybe you kept it for reasons you no longer remember. But tucked in an unsorted folder on your obsolete pc you have one final image of FiM.

The 13th image in your pony folder is the final image to ever be posted on 4chan.
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159 KB
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19 KB
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Spoiler Image, 33 KB
My folder's mostly 34, so... yeah.
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208 KB
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113 KB
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231 KB
Seems appropriate, given the mood of this.
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2.65 MB
Eerily appropriate
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146 KB
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1.67 MB
star trek ended long ago and you can still find bits of their autism on the internet
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69 KB
I dont know what to think

Oh wait.

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83 KB
>Thinking Star Trek is over
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1.87 MB
>Not using the improved version
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583 KB
I don't have a pony folder. This is literally the only pony image I have. I don't even know how it got there.
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70 KB
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64 KB
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1.89 MB
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45 KB
Its pretty much at the same level as Stargate.
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49 KB
I like Stargate more.
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55 KB
How can we all have the final image. I assume this is our final image uploaded
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3 KB
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307 KB
fuck this shit im goin over to 5chan on my hoverboard
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348 KB
Let's see here.
>final image is a thumbnail
Appropriate, considering how shitty /mlp/ is.
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381 KB
>tfw sorted in descending order of being added
Stargate is the god of Sci-fi.
No human species has ever been as good as that show.
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100 KB
>Here you are, years later
>MLP finished with 6 seasons, each better than the last
>Like Calvin and Hobbes, it quit at its height
>Much as you miss the frequent threads, you smile every time an "MLP discussion" thread pops up
>The nostalgia trickles down your back
>People still genuinely appreciate it, and for whatever reason, that makes you happy

>The years wind by
>Looking back, you have no idea how or why you spent so much time on the internet
>Most of 4chan moved to Moot's new project, and cut its autism factor in half
>But for unnecessary reasons, Moot kept the old 4Chan up and running, and only those who had used it before a certain date, we're allowed to continue using it
>Hilariously, all of the boards are still there
>Depressingly, almost none of them have any kind of posts
>You post "I want to cum inside RainbowDash"
>Days go by
>You're ready to give up on this and move on, but someone replies
>Fast Lesbian,
>Not AppleHorse
>You smile
>You're not alone
I smiled
File: 1347415087974.png-(223 KB, 909x880, 1346373317247.png)
223 KB

dude, that's creepy.

>My folder it's only Rarity.
File: 1347415102484.png-(1.27 MB, 346x2307, Friendship-is-magic-my-li(...).png)
1.27 MB
>Another 13th image thread
I've seen enough of these to know what my 13th image is.......just never thought it would actually come in handy
Does this picture exist in a higher resolution somewhere?
File: 1347415569981.png-(20 KB, 1064x330, feelings.png)
20 KB

>implying you totally ddn´t steal that
too big for /mlp/
File: 1347415739961.jpg-(1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 1342119157312.jpg)
1.01 MB
Thank. You. <3

Also, 13th pony picture.
>Implying implications

You are right though, to an extent
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96 KB
>Last picture ever posted
>Ponies come pouring through temporal rift of sadness
>mlp comes roaring back to life
>Gen 5 starts
>Gen 4 ponies return
>Life is Good
It's extremely likely that by 2032 4chan'll be outright shut down by one or more governments. The internet's gonna change very quickly.
There is a Season 2 version of this?
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707 KB
Kind of ironic isn't it?
Not as of yet, sorry
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3 KB
yay #13 is RD my fave
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27 KB
Nothing lasts forever my comrade, so enjoy it while its still here.
File: 1347418866510.jpg-(411 KB, 1155x995, cmc peter pan.jpg)
411 KB
Future generations will never understand
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65 KB
>>4436775 (OP)
>>4436775 (OP)
It's a good thing I have very little emotionally invested in this community.
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678 KB
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15 KB
last post ever
rollin for dubs
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119 KB
How... fitting.
>>4436775 (OP)
>After season 4 of FiM the show was cancelled.
>Implying there will even be a 4th season.
4chan won't end OP, some say it's the Internet's core.

What? You want 9fag and reddit to be top sites or something?
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134 KB
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139 KB
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334 KB
Well the writers and artists keep tweeting they're working on the show, and the third season is in post.

Granted, it can always be cancelled but still.
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29 KB
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755 KB
So many feels
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96 KB

The pony pool is now closed


>Implying I Won't have all my poni backed up in an External HDD
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548 KB
Yep, that's pretty much exactly what I'd want to be the only image. Or something more feelsy. Kinda depends.
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60 KB
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106 KB
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54 KB
This is suiting.
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49 KB
>On 3DS at the moment, only pony picture on it.
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111 KB
I regret nothing
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269 KB
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71 KB
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17 KB
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33 KB
oh my god, you too? lol but i have a lotta pone shit
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57 KB
Wow. And a fucking classic too.
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177 KB
never 5get
Full picture anywhere?
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148 KB
At least it'll be accurate.
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194 KB
Best filly all grown up into best pony.
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494 KB
>What if discord was lawful
I think that was the idea behind this one.
File: 1347430146189.gif-(1.05 MB, 425x340, 133408901601.gif)
1.05 MB
i regret nothing.
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162 KB
Fuck yeah 3DS Bros.
I also took a picture of a guard in Metal Gear Solid when he was really fucking close.
It's relevant because my photo camo was Twilight and basically made me invisible everywhere.
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183 KB
no this cant happen.

but I know it will one day
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68 KB
I'm so ashamed.
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856 KB
I sort by type, so I knew it'd be a GIF....but this one?

I can believe it.
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101 KB

Pfftahaha, holy shit, I lost it at Applejack.

Also, 13th pic.
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316 KB
>>4436775 (OP)
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246 KB
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54 KB
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1.02 MB
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320 KB
>mfw someone is using the meme I made.
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72 KB
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580 KB
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83 KB
Your pony is inferior.
File: 1347434947060.png-(6 KB, 373x402, 3445221+_8274a095d2274ac0(...).png)
6 KB
>not posting Ponigg

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