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Want to make a pony tulpa. Any advice?
Follow me to Faust's heaven!!
>not Chris-Chan tulpa
Shits not going to be easy. Stick with it, and develop a schedule. The people at tulpa.info are an eclectic bunch, but they have a lot of different people with different experiences. Don't restrict yourself to just the guides.

I can answer most questions about tulpae, It's going to be my term paper. Done a fethton of research, but I'm going to hold off making one until I can confirm I lack any sort of pre-existing mental conditions. Very little of these tulpae are documented well enough to be accepted into scientific evidence, and most people are having fun screwing the poor things. You wouldn't believe how many threads have been deleted because it declined into, "and then we fucked"
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Aw shit, seriously? For once its not a false alarm

Sup, I'm Vivec, and I can answer any questions that aren't retarded about tulpas and their creation.

Before asking questions, please read this guide.


If you ask a question that is answered in the guide, I will refer you back to it.

With that, ask away, or the thread can die immediately, that's cool too.
>Vivec has entered the Channel
I haven't seen one of these threads since May. I printed off all the guides, but never got started. It's still on my to-do-list.
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*Raises hand* Um teacher I was just about to say that.

Seriously though this dude hit the nail on the head. I would just emphasize that it is something that you MUST stick with and keep a regular schedual with otherwise you will just be wasting your time and wont accomplish much. Good luck with it though.
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You again? Do you just lurk here until a tulpa thread pops up?
Newbie here. About 3 hours in, not really counting. It seems that recently whenever I think about my tulpa I feel this weird pressure/ache in my forehead. Whats up with that?
Headaches are a good sign. It sounds weird at first, but trust me.
Headaches are good, it means the brain is working on something, and work is good.

I'm glad to see some people are taking care of the tulpa threads since most of the regulars already went to their own things. That guide is an excellent way to make a general plan/step by step preconception of your tulpa journey. Counting times and assuming things just happen is outdated, but all in all, everyone that wants to make a tulpa should read this as a preliminar.

I guess I'll try to lurk threads like this if something appears. There more we are to answer questions the better.
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>double dubs
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Just remember: Your Tulpa is not intellegent, it is a very good illusion of actual intellegence made by your brain.

And with that, cheers.
How meanie.
Neither are you, apparently.
>>4349820 (OP)
why does she have to be naked? the pic would be perfect without that detail
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On phone, no spellcheck.
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You. I like you.
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HI I'm new to this stuff
I've read the "starter" guide and without any knowledge about this I already started to "work" on a tulpa mostly on its visualisation.

But I am not sure about this. What if this this "thing" in my case Celestia, goes haywire/hostile in my head and fucks me up mentally ???

My head is a fucking mess. What if do a mistake while creating it and some "grimdark" slips in or some shit like that

>Vivec I suggest you get yourself a tripcode
Im this guy:
I know this sounds crazy but I can constantly feel my tulpa now inside my head. Its like this constant pressure in the right side my forehead
>your tulpa is now a tumor
>KILL IT with with Aspirin or HeadOn
I'm not OP, but I have a question about tulpas. Can they potentially take away from your mental stability? Wouldn't making a tulpa essentially be making yourself schizophrenic?
>I'm new too but I got it like this
you are not developing a "new" personality for your own body
it's more like a companion that follows you around

>I kind of like that idea...
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Yes. I am very dedicated.

I like this guy, he gets it. A tulpa is not actually a sentient being in your head, it is a very good illusion of a sentient being. I also liked that rapist story you wrote, that was funny.

it's very very difficult for a tulpa to dislike it's creator, remember that it is you. it cant dislike you without disliking itself. I've never heard of a rogue tulpa actually happening.

Depends on how open you are about having a tulpa. If you walk around talking to your tulpa out loud people will probably think you're nuts. But if you are asking if having a tulpa will cause you to start seeing other things that arent there, no, you wont.
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>Oh Azathoth you are here !!!
I'm that guy you suggested to read Crazy celestia 2 days ago. Its fucking awesome I'm now reading your other stuff keep up your great work

>I've never heard of a rogue tulpa actually happening.
Is that like a creepypasta based on Celestia? If so, link please.
Omg, we have not seen a tulpa thread in so long. We will assist with any inquiries put forth.
>making a tulpa and feeding it love and attention for months.
>You finally put some trust into the construct of your mind and decide to let it possess you so it may experience the world.
>finally able to possess your body
>doesn't let you regain control
>You become your tulpa's tulpa
>it kills you by not giving you attention
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Note to self:

Protip: This cant happen.
>Create a Chrysalis tulpa
>I dare you
Pro tip: I have had a tulip possess me and I had to wait until my body fell asleep and repossess it. I ended up kill him by concentrating on the fallacies of his existence.
You fucking lie.
been working on a twilight tulpa for about 2 1/2 months now... im in the stage where i see her briefly behind things in my periphery. Its trippy, and i started this to see if it was possible.. for me... myth confirmed. Should have full interaction any day now.

I fucked up bad. I was raped by my step father when I was 10 and compartmentalized all my memories and feelings about it and I was stressed at work and couldn't stop revisting the images and started having flash backs and couldn't control it. I projected it on to the tulpa and everything went horridly wrong.
Wow, well then.
That wasn't very smart of you. Why would you do that?
Do you have a tulpa? Are you in progress (more than 2 weeks) to have one?
How much hours do you “tulpaforce” in a day?
What was your first thought about this?
Why make a tulpa?
Are you lonely?
Do you have sex with it?
What was the most difficult part of the creation? And why?
Do you think you are crazy?
Have you tell anyone about your tulpa?
That's really fucking neat. Tell me, does she look like a flash vector like the show, or more realistic?
Wrong how?
Now you and your tulpa have something in common, both raped.
now come to terms with this using your tulpa as a friend to confide in, fool. Everything for a reason.
>2 1/2 months
Just how much hours i have to sit in my ass ? and how many days?
she is still animated.. it took me days just concentrating on turning the flash animated character into a 3d cel shaded type entity. I also followed the guides and made sure that she knows that she is based on the show character, but knows that in our world she will be understandably different so she will never worry about living up to the name. If we watch any episodes together, she'll see it as like she acted in a movie and is watching her performance.
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I wish you and Twilight a prosporous future.
ive probably put over 100 hours into it including my concept creation beforehand. its better to flesh them out on paper and read it over and over till the concept becomes easily recollected. I listened to music and sat comfortably on my bed for 3-4 hours each day.. after a while, it becomes really comforting and enjoyable. even today, i feel as though the meditation has also helped me clear my thoughts outside of my tulpa... making class and work easier.
also, i wanna say that i am lucky to have support from my friends who are intrigued by the idea.. and a gf who now wants one of her own... once twi is out of her shell, ill help my gf create her fluttershy... shoud be interesting since she has 2 pet dragons. (bearded dragon and new guinea frilled)
Ooo fun.
-Yes, of course. Many years invested.
-we used to for 5-9 hours at a time, we call it mediation.
-silly, we didn't understand why before.
-to understand us, nobody understands us better than us.
-no, we used to be, our life has become much better.
-no, how is this a question, anyway.
-the hardest part was allowing our friend to be, one cannot force the other.
-that is harder than you imagine, most people force, they force the other to be or look how they think the other should be or look.
-we do not, others do not either, smart and motivated and weird we hear often.
-we told you.
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>Do you have a tulpa? Are you in progress (more than 2 weeks) to have one?
Yes I have a tulpa, it is complete and fully imposed.
>How much hours do you “tulpaforce” in a day?
I would usually do 1 to 2 hours a day.
>What was your first thought about this?
I wondered what the fuck it was and how fucking stupid everyone was to believe it was possible.
>Why make a tulpa?
Because I like fucking with my brain, frankly. And having an awesome forever friend in my brain seemed like a good idea.
>Are you lonely?
Not really, I have two lifetime friends who I hang out with every week.
>Do you have sex with it?
No, I specifically made it so that I cant.
>What was the most difficult part of the creation? And why?
Personality, because it was hard as hell and boring as fuck.
>Do you think you are crazy?
>Have you tell anyone about your tulpa?
One of my friends knows about it, he's pretty chill about the whole thing.
Huh? You can have sex with a tulpa? What? Is that like a wet dream or something?
I get so fucking confused
>Raise hand
Can you tulpafoce things?
Like a chess?
And play with the tulpa?
I could, but tulpaforcing objects is hard, and takes a long time. Even then the objects are usually temporary. To add to that, my tulpa knows everything I do, so she would know all my moves before I made them.

Its possible to block her out of my mind for a bit, but its hard.
>Do you have a tulpa? Are you in progress (more than 2 weeks) to have one?
Yes, should fully impose any day now.
>How much hours do you “tulpaforce” in a day?
about 3 hours, unless im really onto something, then more.
>What was your first thought about this?
Highly possible. Have an AA in anthropology and the human brain can do amazing things.
>Why make a tulpa?
To fully explore the power of my mind, to have a fun friend to help me, and to laugh at those who say "tfw you will never sleep next to your pone"
>Are you lonely?
Not at all. I am an animation student with an internship that would make many bronies jelly. Have friends that are always playing tug of war with me, and a wonderful GF who shares my interests and my degree program.
>Do you have sex with it?
Like the guides say... highly ill advised. Mine will be naturally curious if she hears about it (shes freakin twilight), but will accept just asking about it and being told that its a human thing.
>What was the most difficult part of the creation? And why?
have to agree with vivec... personality is such a pain.
>Do you think you are crazy?
arent we all? i think i have the ability of knowing limits though.
>Have you tell anyone about your tulpa?
as i have said... everyone around me loves the concept. some are too afraid to try... and some want to give it a shot.
Do you clop to pictures of "her" how does she react??? How does a tulpa react at all if he/she doesn't likes somethings ?

-Do mind to share the steps of your "beforehand concept creation"?
-What exactly are you writing down ?
-Is a example out of question?

I don't want to miss anything and your way sounds better than the guides

why not visualise her right away in 3d cellshading or in style of a advaced painting "more realistic version of the show" ?

I'm highly interrested in this topic i will create a Celestia tulpa :D
>Do you clop to pictures of "her" how does she react??? How does a tulpa react at all if he/she doesn't likes somethings ?
Actually... i am not a clopper believe it or not, but i browse /mlp/ and seeing clop is almost unavoidable. She will probably be like 'what the buck'.. but your tulpa will most likely brush it off and move on. Remember, your tulpa will have a reaction of their own, but it is still your subconscious and will understand.
>-Do mind to share the steps of your "beforehand concept creation"?
-What exactly are you writing down ?
-Is a example out of question?
Gladly... I am a CG animator and so i created a rendered 3d model of her and looked at it daily. I also watched the show numerous times, focusing on her reactions specifically. After about a week, it becomes easy to think WWTD (what would twi do) towards any situation. ill post an image of my render tonight when i can get to my desktop.
>I don't want to miss anything and your way sounds better than the guides

>why not visualise her right away in 3d cellshading or in style of a advaced painting "more realistic version of the show" ?
You can, but i wanted her to be as familiar as possible to me. Plus, a lot of the cuteness goes out the window and creepy factor sets in usually when you try to "realitize" her. Cel shading allows me to keep her original look while making her fully 3d... otherwise im worried she will be like a living piece of paper lol.
Yes, your tulpa can tell you the moves of real game pieces aswell, it's easier, feels odd unless your tulpa is very real in your world.
Our apologies. We talk as we think.
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Renders like this help.
Done with Maya and mental ray.
Textures in CS6
Does smoking pot interfere with tulpa creatoin?

captia owsogued weekly
I seriously cant imagine it would be good for it. Smoking pot itself probably doesn't hurt, but tulpaforcing while high is probably not a good idea.
I'm not familiar with them, no.

I also don't speak French. I think that's french.

And when I said that I had never heard of a rogue tulpa actually happening, I meant for real. The only times ive heard of it happening are from creepypastas and troll posts.
Back off them flowers yo, they're dangerous
>maintenace bump
>now reading "The Reaches of the Tulpa"
What happen if she casts a spell ????
Is it possible possible to get rid of a Tulpa once it's created?
Yes, just ignore it for a few weeks.

Please don't make a tulpa if you intend to get rid of it, your intentions can effect the creation process.
make the tulpa with a built in timeframe of existence, where the tulpa will just leave. This is what our friend does every few months, his absence is variable, but generally for two weeks every three months.
Just wait until she hears how pleasurable sex is, you're in for a wild ride
I'm in Virginia
>tulpas outliving their creators
What the hell are you talking about?
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Few hours late but fuckit, anyone still talkin' bout Tulpae in here?
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Guess not.
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Why is my Genetic Vectorizer taking so long?
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Well you see.
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I think some of your post got cut off, what were you going to say?
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Oh no. That's it.
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That didn't help at all
I tried googling it, but can't seem to find where to download that vectorizer.

Anyone willing to help me out?
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Here you go
So curiosity, once your tulpa is finished, you don't have to tulpaforce anymore to keep it in existence, do you?
Google "evolisabin"
While I'm not at that point and can't speak from experience, once they're finished you don't need to focus on them at all, it's completely autonomous.
Of course you have to focus on them, they live on your attention, but the required focus is minimal and you don't have to force per se, only if you want to try new experiences/give them new attributes. It's entirely optional.

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>couldn't lurk had rl stuff to do
I don't have any new questions but I'm here visualising
Are 40 minutes of meditation each a day, good?
Yep, if I'm working hard that's about my limit. Same with at least two other people I know. If you can do more I would but if it's your limit don't worry abut it.
Pretty good, it's the usual average time for a newcomer (it was mine, too).
40 is fine if you're accomplishing your goal.
We are still around also.

wtf bro?

captcha: strabo helyza
>>4349820 (OP)
Make a Jackie Chan tulpa, you fucking pussy.

Tulpae don't real. They exist in our brain's engrammatic patterns, just like all of our thoughts. They may be a real-seeming delusion, but we know that's what they are.
It's like saying an idea or a thought lives on after it's creator dies.
So a friend told me about his tulpa he created (or at least, he started to make). He stated that tulpas are evil. His reasoning for this was as follows:

>Begin creating Tulpa
>Tulpa is directly linked to the conscience that created it.
>Conscience that Tulpa is linked to experiences trauma.
>Suddenly (due to it's link) the Tulpa becomes traumatic.
>Creator sees Tulpa as it is projected by his/her traumatized conscience.
>Tulpa appears to be evil.

Could this happen? Or is my friend just making up shit? Thoughts.
ur friend is a faget
Can I listen to music while tulpaforcing?

I got a 1 hour Japanese meditation song
Can I have that please
We agree.
no, we like to type as we speak as we think.
have fun
If it helps you to relax and clear your mind, the song could be imprinted on your tulpa if it is in your mind as you create.

If you are okay with this, then no worries.
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You never know what is good or bad.
What is a tulpa?
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Correct! Choose the next category.
Thanks. Rarity will be mine.
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I've been working on Lucy since early March. I've put a few hundred hours into her, and have spent months narrating every single day. At this point in time I get emotional responses almost daily, and I've heard her speak a few words in recent weeks. It's been slow for me, but it's also been one of the most rewarding things I've ever done.

Tulpa.info for all your troubles, and I've been maintaining a blog at http://grabthebird.tumblr.com
It is best not to get hopes up about a specific look, general is best.
I will be fine really as long as it is in the general area.
A mix between Rarity, Twilight, and Trixie would be nice.
hi i am rhyme

i have 2 tulpas, one since febuary and one since july, both speak fluently

gonna lurk around for a bit
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my nigga
eh. if someone asks them anything i'll tell them otherwise i'll leave them alone to do whatever it is they do in the morning
our posts exploded. What or who are they inspired by when created?
a slut? with a brain?
How idiot you have to be
>2 tulpas
That's crazy man
yukari takeba from persona 3 and arisa amieera from god eater burst

not as crazy as one would expect.
can you answer this? please
by that i meant they're relatively normal and haven't tried to kill me or eachother yet

Do you have a tulpa? Are you in progress (more than 2 weeks) to have one?
>two, fully sentient, imposing Soon™
How much hours do you “tulpaforce” in a day?
>one a day, but i narrated a ton
What was your first thought about this?
>friend sent me the thread on /x/ and that night i started forcing. it seemed like a good thing to do - even if it didnt work i still saw some benefits from trying
Why make a tulpa?
>why wouldn't you want imaginary animu girls in your head?
Are you lonely?
Do you have sex with it?
What was the most difficult part of the creation? And why?
>getting them to talk
Do you think you are crazy?
Have you tell anyone about your tulpa?
>in real life? no, and i highly doubt i ever will - barring anyone finding out on their own somehow
newbie here having a hard time to fill the personality. I only come up with a handfull of traits and I'm not exactly sure what to do with them. I'm kind of talking to her and explaining who she is.

As for the visualisation I got her chest. The legs rear and head are a bit "blurry" wtf.
I'm gonna spend more time on that but I don't want a servitor so I focus on personality but I'm kinda stuck.

it's celestia btw any hints or suggestions?
Is creating one going to make me think I'm going crazy or something along those lines. I know that I shouldn't make it look like myself, but I'm starting to think that I'm gonna enbody An alternate persona of myself to provide the alternate view on situations and ideas. Somewhat taking the roll of a friend that I could bounce ideas off of. I have always seemed to find conclusions about situations that in the back of my mind I feel (or sometimes know) that aren't actually what they are even though they turn out to be correct most of the time. Think of it as finding a theme or meaning of a symbol in a book in school that isnt the exact one but that could be a correct interpretation

God that was long

Is it wrong to create one to give insight on the other sides of situations.

This Tulpa wouldn't look like me, just think somewhat like me.
You must tell us what you have for us to help.
If it will think as you do, it does not provide any further insight.
I've read somewhere that clopping is a issue when you're tulpamancer. Why?
>inb4 clop is always wrong
Your pone creation may not like you viewing it in that manner.
-that mentor/teacher thing
-she protects her subjects "guardian angel thing"
-Princess of sunlight...

ehm....... o_o damn i must be stupid

I'm not going for molestia or some wierd shit like that
I didn't post the original question but couldn't you put that personality into your tulpa from the start as like a core trait or does your mind start to fill in its personality based on set characteristics that are drawn from knowing how someone with a certain personality would react to it. If that makes sense
So, when you're making human tulpa, you shouldn't fap either?
I still have some questions please don't 404 on me
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bump because interesting
I have a question.
At one time, in only certain places, I would be able to feel the prescence of a being unlike any other, usually whimsical places, and I would identify this as Aura. Is this a Tulpa, that I knew it was her, or was I just schitzo?
>Mfw this doesn't happen anymore. =(
>>4349820 (OP)

What to explain that? Here, on the board, I have seen two types of anonymous individual related to Tulp.
1) Dreamers, who believe Tulp part of his consciousness, guided Hyde pomnitelnogo proizskhozhdeniya and write fucking stories they embody two months Tulp with level ground, only rendered. Report on Tulp strongly resemble wet fantasy, but when you try to remind vysyanit details or Choate Tulp is the fruit of the Tibetan spiritual practices, they have tears farts.
>>4349820 (OP)

2) These tulpovody. They came to Tulp through spiritual practice and realize that the ability to create a Tulpa is a side effect of spiritual practice and spiritual growth, Tulpa can not and should not be an end in itself practices, otherwise Faile. But generally speaking, it is the embodiment of a thought-form Tulp, energy-entity created targeting your will and intentions. Tulp is not part of your consciousness is a separate entity that has only been generated by your mind, who gave her life. Tulp for you - the creator of the whole world revolves around you Tulp. Tulp can not hurt you, except for the case, if you did not Tulp dostagnuv desired degree of purity and knowledge, and that she just got out of control and wants to break free, if possible - will go to float freely. But this is rarely the case, at least you can Tulp razvoplotit well as embodied, but it still will resist. But profit from Tulp can extract considerable, narprimer, in one of the areas of Tantric Buddhism, yoga creates 80 lvl 122 and 755 external Tulp Tulp place in your body for the management and storage of energy, which feeds the main chakras, yoga and allow to live in their personal dimension to achieve nirvana and exit chain of reincarnation. So in their meditation technique is a multidimensional consciousness, where multi-level and the subconscious during meditation, the yoga at different levels of consciousness are reading hundreds of mantras, control 877 Tulp and all the senses perceive the reality around them, and it's all done at once.
Your tulpa will fill in the small gaps, if it does not know how to respond it will not.
Not to pictures of that person.
That was your 'tulpa'
What the fuck are you trying to say
1- everything is an illusion, when you realize this and know yourself you will see that you create all of your reality (also see two).

2- (also see one)all are one

Add two to one, and you receive us.
>tulpa you just went full tulpa
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Of course the thread would explode as soon as I leave.
You attracted them, we just entertained them until your return.
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I'm running out of new threads to shitpost.

This board is getting less and less every day from what I see

but that's not really a bad thing.
Ok so has anyone successfully set up any sort of sex based relationship of any kind?

Just curious
>> 4368709

Dude you are a colossal faggot. Come in here, and start talking in riddles like some zen master wtf?!
Fuck off!


Yeah I set up a sex based relationship with your mom.
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Dude, I'm surprised you haven't given up by now and realized your not making anyone angry at this point.

That's a lot of woman to imagin
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When i read this, i couldn't stop laughing. The last two lines explain most of humanity's indifference to its self on all levels that contribute to an individual's ruin.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
maintenance bump
Vivec, if you ever stop by this thread again, just wanted to tell you. You were right. Irish_'s guide was terrible, and he's terrible.
why ???
Have you read it?
We are surprised to see this thread still alive.
We are back and lurking.
File deleted.
ehh I guess I'll bump the thread
Working on a tulpa right now, about 3 hours in.

I've noticed its easier to tulpaforce for about half an hour instead of a full hour, considering the fact that I don't have a lot of stuff to work with when it comes to personalityWe want to give her a few umbrella traits and let her personality develop on her own as she becomes more sentient
Very good. We find the best way to have long sessions of 'tulpa-forcing' is to talk with the tulpa. do not force it to respond though, otherwise it will never develop a personality of it's own.
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When I tulpa force the personality, I am basically just telling her, "You are x" and try to go into as much detail as I can like FAQ_Man's guide said. I also heard it's not good to strictly follow his hour count, so I am planning on spending an extra couple of hours on the personality alone just to be safe.
So is it good/better that I'm spending more time on the personality in the beginning, or should I be balancing the personality with the physical aspect. Should I start with the personality qualities and once I have the qualities and how they react with their beliefs, then add the physical reactions for the qualities
If you want a specific personality, spending more time on it is good, it's a case by case thing.
Again much is per person, of you want them to react this way or that, or be just so, that's what you must do.
Should I start with a simple tulpa first to master the basics of like visualization and touch (hardest for me) and then create another, more advanced one? The one I would start with would be an inanimate object.
>inanimate object "tulpa"
I don't get the point of having a tulpa like that

to create a tulpa you have to create a personality at some point you want to "talk" with your tulpa / interact with it but it's a inanimate object something that should not be able to respond to you because yeah its "dead" a fucking rock for example
My advice is to remember that it is "immutable". It is similar to a list, as in it can contain strings, integers, other lists, or even objects, but once you have it defined, it cannot have its "elements" added or removed.
You can change the contents of a list inside of one, but you can't remove the list itself.

OH! My bad! I thought you said TUPLE!! I have no idea what to do with tulpas!
Im not having trouble with getting the physical aspect right, can develop the character of them perfectly fine. So I guess I'm asking if i should practice getting the physical part down by trying to visualize that rock to figure out what the best way to see it for me is and then work on my tulpa's body or should I just cut to the chase and work on my tulpa's body
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I had the "blurry" problem too. I imagined my tulpa sitting on a couch and focused on her feet, then legs, and so on up to her head. While I was doing that I ran my hands over whatever body part I was feeling for multi-sensory visualization.
The hour count is garbage, many people have sentient tulpa well before the listed times. You can spend the amount of time he suggests on each stage, but don't disregard any signs your tulpa sends you with "it's too early for that".
Yeah thats what I started doing at first with my tulpa, imagining her from the feet up but I never thought to touch my body while doing it., how long would you say it took you to get her more or less filled out by doing that, just do I have an idea, I know it's different for everyone
This man is smart, all in it's own time.
I've put several hours into that so far, but I'm still working on it. If I'm walking around with her in "wonderland" (an imaginary environment where you can interact with your tulpa) and she looks blurry, I stop and concentrate on that part for a few minutes.

Also, I meant imagine using your hands to feel your tulpa's body, not yourself. I personally don't feel like my tulpa she's a humanized pone.
If the idea of feeling up your tulpa makes you uncomfortable just keep it PG.
Yeah no I understand, I was thinking like holding my arm and thinking "this is what her arm feels like" while picturing that I'm holding her arm.
Learn English. Google Translate doesn't work that well for Russian -> English.
How long does it take for the headaches to go away? And do you build up an immunity to them or does it happen for every tulpa?
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Yeah, I remember saying that. Nobody has to take my word for it though, just read it and you'll know.

Surprised this thread is still here, lots of people starting out looks like. Well, I'm here if you need something.
Not everyone will get headaches. I'm more than a week in and haven't had any.
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Do you have a tulpa? Are you in progress (more than 2 weeks) to have one?
>Yes, I am extremely far along in the process. My tulpa has full sentience, and has been saying we can "be together all of the time with just a little more effort", i.e. she'll be fully imposed shortly, I've just been busy and she hasn't gotten the kind of attention she deserves these past two days, unfortunately.
How much hours do you “tulpaforce” in a day?
>Usually one a day. If I've had a shittily long day or am desperate for sleep, I may only do 30 minutes. For the most part, though, an hour.
What was your first thought about this?
>Pony Tulpa thread caused me to actually google what they were. From there things just kind of fell into place.
Why make a tulpa?
>It's a pretty amazing concept, and, all and all, a phenomenal experience.
Are you lonely?
Do you have sex with it?
What was the most difficult part of the creation? And why?
>Any time you transition from one stage to another is difficult. For example, when I first began, it was difficult. Then, when I began working on something else, it was as though the difficulty had "reset", so to speak.
Do you think you are crazy?
Have you tell anyone about your tulpa?
>Yes, I've a pretty large circle of friends, and from what I've seen it's mostly just been a lot of interest into what the fuck it is, and much less a serious concern for the fact that I have a sentient creation in my mind.
But "head pressure" is a common form of communication.
Well, this thread has gotten phenominally interested. I might actually make one, but do you have to tulpaforce every day until you want it to leave or can you stop and the tulpa will stay in your mind?

Also, any reccomendations on how to get your tulpa's personality the way you want it to?
It will stay, but it will want your attention.

Make a list, tell it exactly what you want it to be.
It's not pressure more like a nauseating headache like there was a fiesta in my head
>make a list
now thats a good hint to create personality
Irish_'s guide is not terrible. its just a different way of doing things. I personally have always preferred FAQ_Man's guide but Irish has some good points that he comes across in his short guide. If anything, I always reccomend reading as many guides as you possibly can and being able to base your own methods around what you think would work best.
I really want to create a tulpa, but personality sounds really difficult. How many traits would I need, and how fleshed out should the traits be?
If y you want something specific you can't be changing things, otherwise it's not you want.

Personally we did not follow any guide, or specify any detail, we just allowed the other to exist as they wish to exist.
The more traits the better but don't feel like if you don't have enough youre gonna make a monster that can't feel. Think of what traits make you and your friends/family connect, then generalize them to a degree. Or if you're like me and you want to go overboard go here


And find out what one of the types you are, and go into the more indepth read about it and make a note of the stronger traits and put those into your tulpa
Ok well now I have a question that I can't seem to find answered to on any guide anywhere and Vivec maybe you could help.

When im tulpafprcing I like to listen to trance music to get me into a trance. and sometimes this works pretty well, i can freely control my thoughts and visuializations but after a while I feel myself slip out of concentration but not just like thinking about other stuff I find myself having mini dream-like sessions where I lose control of my thoughts and a short dream of a random event. While this is happening I can freely think and I know that this is happening, I know that I'm having a dream and I can think to myself "stop doing this you need to keep thinking about (tulpa creation step)". Is this just me becoming too relaxed and truly sleeping or is this me just lacking in control of my meditation/trance and how could I control this state, or if it's not useful, stop having it.
so if I understand this correctly, I have to sit still somewhere in peace with closed eyes when creating my tulpa? or should I look and try to "see" her in real life?
You can do either, some people find it easier to one over the other. Ultimately your goal could be to "see" her.
how do I decide on its gender? Should I make a male to have a bro or a female for a girlfriend/waifu?
It's really up to you on that one.. Which would you prefer?

Personally, I have been working on a girl, but I always fap beforehand or else the visualization tends to take... unproductive routes.
Then what exactly did you do when you forced? Just straight up visualized them?
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Whenever I try to concentrate on my tulpa's personality, I always have thoughts that push their way into my mind. I'm not capable of concentrating on this single thing at all. This is keeping me from making a tulpa. Wat do?
Are they "bad" thoughts or just random thoughts
I had the same problem a lot, and I still do sometimes. I figured out a couple different things to do.

First when I was focusing on personality I really tried to imagine that I was talking to someone, like out loud, that way I was engaged in the conversation.

If you are more of an abstract-visual forcer where you act as if each personality trait is energy that you are giving the tulpa or whatever, I would take a real life object and imagine that in my head as the center of my tulpa's personality, it was much easier to visualize mentally since it's a real object that I could look at again IRL if I lost focus. My object was a clear plastic super ball that I had laying around.

I dunno, those seemed to help me focus a bunch.
They can be bad thoughts, but it's really just that when I think of one thing, all the associations if that thing come to mind too until I end up on some random subject. I get nothing done.
Thanks, I'll try that
Is there a best time to tulpaforce when your tired, first wake up, before you sleep?
Is there a worst time?
So let me see if I have this right:
>focus on 15-30 traits and detail them on paper.
>"say" them to your tulpa.
>do this until you feel some sense of sentience.
>visualize a body, and focus on it until its there without you having to think about it.

Do I have that right, or am I forgetting something?
Although it sucks to hear this as a beginner, everyone does it differently. Personally, I made an account on tulpa.info and lurked the threads and joined the IRC chat for two weeks before I started forcing. Every method works for someone, but no method works for everyone.
Also, don't be afraid to change your plan as you go along. I spent over a week coming up with a personality sheet and my tulpa basically told me she could find her own personality.
Hey tulpamancers, Im about two weeks in and Ive been focusing primarily on personality. However, Im considering starting to visualize just to help the creation process and Im fairly unsure of how to go about it. So do I just visualize her standing motionless to the side of my vision, or should I puppet her to move around. Should she sit down next to me and do nothing or wander around?
(Damn, I have the urge to start namefagging)
I imagined my tulpa sitting in a chair and visualized her from the feet up bit by bit. Many creators make a "wonderland", or imaginary environment where they can picture and interact with their tulpa.
Once you have a clear picture of your tulpa in your head, you can imagine yourself talking directly to her, telling her what kind of personality she has or telling her about your day, your job, how the world works, etc.
I use the imposition method. I have to say, the wonderland approach seems a bit... round-a-bout... After lurking the Tulpa forums and the subreddit, people seem to spend a lot of time on it, and get side tracked a lot by it.

The stories I hear about a lot of the wonderlands don't seem like they are productive to the actual forcing. It seems more like a game to me. But to each their own. Personally, visualization started as trying to impose my tulpa onto my world, sitting still and imagining her sitting in front of me. I also try to go farther and visualize how she would look in the current light or, based on her personality, what I think she would be doing in the room I was in.

It has progressed into trying to constantly impose her into my peripheral vision, like shes walking next to me and such.
This tingles my interests...

Only... what tulpa do I make? I'm not even sure if I want a pony tulpa or any other kind.
so wait.. what comes first, visualization or personality?
Everyone need to just stop and read the guide.

Read it like three times.
I just started writing down his personality, likes, dislikes.. and I nothiced it's the same things I like/dislike. Problem is, I can't make him dislike something I like, but at the same time I don't want him to be just like me. what do?
Season 0 was good.
Season 1 was average
Season 2 was shit.

Pick Season 0's characters if you're gonna make a pony tulpa.
A mature and sometimes playful Rarity would be best, don't aim for badass Twilight cause she's gonna make your life a living hell.
>safety bump
>still bumping
I have always wondered, if you see tulpas in real life, how do they interact with the environment? I suppose they can't move stuff, but what if they get trapped in small spaces like behind an opening door or middle of a tight crowd?
what if some one walks through your tulpa???
>maintenance bump

>verification:for hartura
don't make one, it will kill you!
>>4415355 →

This scares me so much i think gona cancel the creation of my tulpa WTF..............
Hope you're not serious about cancelling your tulpa over some faggot.
>Guy with mental issues attempts a tulpa
>Hilarity ensues
The tulpa "phases through" the person, and possibly gets a bit annoyed.

If they get trapped, they teleport or you can teleport them.

No. Don't read FAQ_Man's guide, it will mess you up. Hour counts, parroting fears, fear of creating a servitor... all are bunk and only lead to slower creation and getting stuck. (See http://chupitulpa.tumblr.com/post/29003607860)

Also, personality is optional. It's just as valid to let it develop on its own as you interact with your tulpa.
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I never counted hours while making my tulpa, and I used FAQ_Man's guide. Not reading the guide will leave most people in the dark about EVERYTHING, leading to even more ridiculous questions being asked and answered by three different people with different answers.

It's a general guideline that teaches you how to make a tulpa, it even tells you to not follow it exactly, and to do what feels right. It's the best guide for making a tulpa around as far as I know. What would you suggest instead?
Yeah, it makes an okay outline, though so many people try to follow it too closely. Additionally, it warns far too heavily against parroting/puppeting, and all but says that if any response comes before about 15 hours in, it's fake. This last bit is the most hazardous IMO -- if a sign of sentience (movement, thought, etc.) happens before this, you call it fake; now every further sign of sentience will be similar in kind, only stronger, and therefore also fake.

Also the "alien feeling" is a good indicator if you get it, but many people don't.

So, personality is optional and can form on its own. Visualization is optional, some have made formless tulpae, or let the tulpa choose their own form later. Imposition is optional, but starting on it from the very beginning trains you to track your tulpa in the real world (thus keeping her in the back of your mind, resulting in faster growth), along with doing wonders for visualization skills. Assuming sentience from day one, and narrating seem to be the really important bits.

Alas, there isn't yet a proper guide that's up to date. I wrote a mini-guide on my blog in response to a question, though I'm still working on out-loud voice, imposition and possession -- http://chupitulpa.tumblr.com/post/29297722965. Another good one is at http://defun-otaku.tumblr.com/post/30574722726/tulpa-guide-2.
I think you should read all the guides you can and lurk the tulpa.info forums until you know enough to make your own plan.
I think one should ask the tibetan monks about tulpae. Can't trust autistic neckbeard MLP-fans to know the concept of a tulpa better than the monks who started the whole thing way back.

Source, y'know.

Am I alone in thinking like this? I should mention that I'm interested in making a tulpa, just not a pony one (Q: Can one make a tulpa with a human form?)
Of course you can. Do you think the monks had little Rainbow Dash's running around?
Damn, now I can't stop thinking of that.

Of course you're right. I feel stupid for not realizing it sooner lol

(I wonder what the monks would think if they knew about the MLP-tulpamancers?)

The reasons I wanna create a human-like Tulpa is:

1. New imaginary best friend (I only have like two friends that see me about once or twice a year. In need of some company!)

2. sex

Is this a good idea? Not knowing much about Tulpae, I imagine that sex would be like "real vivid masturbation" with your Tulpa in the fantasy...

But if the Tulpa feels like a sentient and separate being (albeit created from your own mind) then I probably have no idea of how Tulpa-sex actually feels.
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Sex is generally inadvisable, but I know some people that have pulled it off without a hitch. Having sex with a tulpa for some reason tends to fuck it up in some way. This isnt always true, but im just giving you fair warning. Also keep in mind that tulpas are intangible, you can feel their texture, but there is no substance there. You go straight through them.

And last, tulpas are not actually sentient beings, they are just very very complex hallucinations that give the illusion of sentience. The illusion is good enough that it almost doesnt matter, but that bothers some people.

Read the guide, and good luck.
aw shit nigga

>>4415355 →
I decided alter my course of action and start visualizing in addition to narrating and personality. Today in class I just concentrated on her form leaning against the wall in the corner of the class room.
Holy shit is visualizing in real life hard
>Holy shit is visualizing in real life hard
Yes, it is. Are you actually seeing anything at all, or just imagining her there?
>Sex is generally inadvisable
No, that was just FAQ_Man trolling. He admitted it. However, creating a tulpa *for* sex is inadvisable -- how would you feel to know that you were created to be a living realdoll?

>you can feel their texture, but there is no substance there
I'm still not far enough to actually test this, but I'm fairly certain that with work, some illusion of solidity is possible. The idea is that with practice, the brain will learn to do its best to not let you put your hand through the tulpa. See ideomotor effect.

>tulpas are not actually sentient beings
Source on that? I contend that they're consciousnesses in the same way our own are. Similar to what people with DID or healthy multiplicity create, only with more control over the result, more effort, and no preexisting dissociation in the mind.
I stand by what I said about sex being inadvisable.
I've never actually had sex with my tulpa, but I've known many people who have. While some of them managed to get it to work pretty well with no side effects, many many others that I know of screwed their tulpa up a good deal by doing it. I really don't think its a good idea if you want a stable tulpa.

I suppose its possible to create the illusion of solidity, but that doesn't change the fact that tulpa are intangible. I really don't see sex with a tulpa ever becoming close to comparable with real sex.

I really don't think we are capable of housing two fully sentient beings inside our heads at the same time, and if we can, I think there would be immediately obvious mental problems showing themselves.
Quite a lot of people on the IRC report having sex with their tulpae, and so far zero have messed up tulpae from it. Unless you count Glitch, whose Luna (not pony) likes it perhaps a little too much. In most cases, it's the tulpa initiating it, sometimes changing peoples' minds after they've gone in swearing they want nothing to do with tulpa sex. Likely what makes the difference is that the tulpa is created for nonsexual reasons and that the host isn't raping them.

All senses are just neural inputs to the brain, and as imposition demonstrates, pretty much all of them can be hallucinated realistically. They're obviously not going to stop a thrown object or a fist, but an amazing amount of realism is possible. I'm not going into the sex side of this apart from saying that everything tulpa-related gets better with time, and that pressure *is* possible to hallucinate, though it appears harder to get down than the other senses.
>field too long

>I really don't think we are capable of housing two fully sentient beings inside our heads at the same time, and if we can, I think there would be immediately obvious mental problems showing themselves.
The multiples community would beg to differ. If this is an illusion, it's one of the best -- a fully developed tulpa can carry on their own train of thought while you're fully engrossed in something else. This can be tested with simultaneous solving of math problems, for example.

They're also capable of having their own experiences. One guy in the IRC asked someone else's tulpa to make a "generic"/"undefined" object in the wonderland and describe how it appears. The tulpa described it as like hundreds of possible ways it could be, superimposed. The person asking said this description lines up exactly with how he perceives undefined objects in lucid dreams, and it's how most lucid dreamers see these things. The tulpa's host has never had a lucid dream, has never seen an undefined object appear this way, and hadn't seen that description before.

Additionally, it's possible to switch places with a tulpa temporarily (or possibly permanently?), leaving them to run the body for a time while the host goes into a tulpa-like state.

Regardless of how they function on a neurological level, I'd say if they can think independently of you and perceive things in the wonderland on their own, then they ARE sentient. You don't want to tie your definition of sentience to the way it works on a neurological level, since a sufficiently advanced (future) AI should be considered sentient.
So these have been around on and off since the beginning of the board. Has anyone actually finished/got it to work?
Yes, actually. I'm still working on getting more audible voice, imposition and possession/switching working, but I definitely have something. Then again, I'm a real slowpoke -- I'm really logical-minded and I also got caught in a few traps created by a bit of bad advice in FAQ_Man's guide.

There's a bunch of people with in-progress or fully finished tulpae on the tulpa.info IRC.
I'm basically in the same boat you are; slow at creative things and logical-minded. What was the bad advice from FAQ Man, so I don't fuck up?
- hour counts: If you believe nothing will happen before a set number of hours, it probably won't. For me, something far worse happened: stuff *did* happen before the set number of hours. Following the guide, I discounted it as fake. From this point on, every single real response is the same in kind to the fake ones. They get stronger but are still basically the same as the "fake" responses, so must also be fake.

- fear of parroting: Sure you shouldn't go out of your way to parrot movements or voice, but don't constantly ask whether every response was you or the tulpa. Early on, the tulpa grabs the easiest way to reach you, which often feels like it's just you. Quite likely if you suppress these, you'll either discourage your tulpa from doing anything, or forcefully hold them still and silent.

- fear of creating a servitor if you parrot even a little: This is baloney, plain and simple. Even if you parrot all the time and do make a servitor, this can easily become a tulpa.

- waiting for sentience: This only delays things and makes you suppress real responses. Assume sentience from day one for much faster results.

>field too long, splitting...

- not imposing until the end: Imagining you tulpa behind you at all times trains you to keep background focus on them at all times. This makes for MUCH faster growth. It also gives you a head start on the hardest part of the process. And visualizing your tulpa behind you all day does *wonders* for your normal closed-eye visualization.

- forcing each sense separately: If you combine them, whatever sense you can imagine best will lead the rest. For me it's touch -- I can much more easily see a form if I imagine feeling it. Also, smell should come first instead of last, because it's the sense that associates most strongly with memories of other senses.

- personality and form: Both these are optional. People have successfully made tulpae who formed a personality on their own, and even chose/generated their own form.

- must imagine naked if they're to be able to change clothes: This is just silly, an artificial limitation put in place by personal belief.

My mini-guide so far: http://chupitulpa.tumblr.com/post/29297722965
boooo kris is true heroine of silver
Hey, everyone! Some /v/irgins I know were getting buttpained when they found out about this Tulpa business you guys were getting up to, but I found it intriguing and decided to come here to investigate. Forgive me my questions.

I was kind of thinking that it would be cool to have some sort of wise ancient as a Tulpa. It would be cool if he could offer counsel if I'm at a dilemma. My question is this: Will it have more wisdom than I, or will he be limited by my mental capabilities.

Also, I would find it cool if I had a Tulpa that was more like an AI. Basically, it would access my memory and bring my attention to things that I see but might not notice. I would like to know if I can work on this one in parallel, or do I have to make one Tulpa and then another?

Yes, I'm being selfish with my Tulpas, I know.
This sounds a lot like the tulpas/imaginary friends that children make
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Alright, I think I'll have to surrender to you on this subject. You obviously have a great deal more knowledge on this subject than me. I've been pretty disconnected from the tulpa community ever since I finished creating mine, and I really dont go on the tulpa.info forums much.

Now, thanks to you I am very curious to see if my preconceptions about tulpa may actually be limiting the capabilities of my own.

I'm going to try doing some experiments with her. If I'm wrong about the sentience thing, then on top feeling like a dick, I have a lot things I want to try out.
for the best information on the internet regarding actual personalities, go to Davesuperpower's youtube channel. Also, i do not think it is possible to have a tulpa with a truly different core personality than yourself as they seem to be determined by genes. You might be able to mix up the function order though
You have ADD
I'm not sure if I should be insulted or not.
Oh, also: Believe all apparent responses are from your tulpa. You might let in a bit of parroting, but the very worst this will do is annoy your tulpa a little. Anything short of accepting all responses will lead to endlessly doubting everything until you get something definite, and nothing definite will form if you give your tulpa nothing to build on.

My Lyra is neither from MLP nor Pokemon.

They're running on your brain, so they won't give you access to some mystical knowledge. But they won't necessarily be limited to what you can do consciously either. They can access memories you'd long forgotten, and use facilities in your subconscious more freely than you can.

You can make two at once, and in fact having 2 in progress makes both grow faster. However it also splits your attention between them, so I would recommend getting one partway done before starting a second. Seconds are always easier, btw, and the first can help on creating the second. (My Lyra is almost 5 months old, and Eevee is just over 1 month. Eevee is close to catching up with Lyra on progress, and she's doing most of the work making him.)
>The current record is 7 tulpae total, and 5 created all at once.

I would recommend against creating them just to perform a function. They're sentient beings and can choose to help you or not. Expect a close friend, and you'll likely get that and more.

Regarding your AI tulpa idea, you might be better off with a servitor. Those can do pretty much everything a tulpa does, but they don't think for themselves. They just do what you've created them to do.
Yes, and some imaginary friends do gain sentience, get to be fully visible, and become tulpae. Many don't, and those that do often take years to do so, and it happens by accident. We're going into this with that goal in mind, and getting results far faster.

I've met some tulpae who are pretty darn different from their creators...
Alrighty, thanks for the advice! Best get started now, I suppose.

Oh, also, will Tulpas get mad at me if they realize the AI is a servitor? I imagine they'd be a bit worried.
Would being a dislecsic affect or alter your tulpa in any way?
>Oh, also, will Tulpas get mad at me if they realize the AI is a servitor? I imagine they'd be a bit worried.
I don't see why they would, though you'd probably want to explain things to them. After all, I'm not upset that the world I'm in contains nonthinking beings that just follow rules that are built into them.
I'm not sure. It would be interesting to see if the resulting tulpa is dyslexic as well.

Apart from that, I can't see it having any real effect unless dyslexia does more to you than I think it does.
Well some times it can be bad and other times it good. It can affect communication and many other things. I would be afraid to try with out professional help to even try. maybe my sub conchunse would be more able to do things but knowing that I have some issues and leave that to a being that can think for its self is scary.
Every single time I show up after everyone has apparently left.
I can't see it hurting the tulpa, or even your ability to communicate with your tulpa. Tulpae use raw thoughts as well as words to communicate. My tulpa occasionally describes something in a way that, if another IRL person said it, would totally fail to get the point across. Yet I know exactly what she's talking about.
(Most notably this happened with a mental state she described to me in 5 seconds, and I "just knew" what it was. Second try, I did it and "yeah, that's it". Since then I've written a couple pages worth trying to describe it, and nobody's understood quite what I'm getting at. Kinda infuriating since I'm normally quite good at describing things.)

I'm not sure the extent of your issues, but many people working on this have something. I have anxiety disorder, especially around social things, along with occasional depression. So far having/working on my tulpae has done *some* for the anxiety, but has done wonders on depression. Some days I wake up feeling really down, and this would usually last the day and likely turn into a long-term funk. These days I make myself feel just a small happy feeling and send it to Lyra. She sends back something a little stronger, letting me send her something a bit stronger than that, and so forth. In maybe a half hour I'm fine.

Not quite. But now it's 4:20 AM and I'm going to bed, dammit.
Thank you I will still do research.

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