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  • File: 1330527996.jpg-(108 KB, 640x360, rape.jpg)
    108 KB Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:06 No.298414  
    You wake up one morning to find yourself in Equestria. The ponies are surprised to find you here (obviously), a few are nervous, but for the most part, everything goes smoothly.
    However after spending a bit of time there, you begin to notice that your least favorite pony has a crush on you, and >she wants to fuck
    Who is it, and how do things play out? Remember, somepony's advances may be more..subtle than others.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:08 No.298435
    some questions:

    1. am i a pone
    2. what breed
    3. what gender

    this is critical info for me to have if you want me to answer you honestly
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:09 No.298450
    That's for you to decide, but if you can't, assume you're your original human self, with all of your memories.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:10 No.298461
    >rainbow dash
    >manipulate her to sleep with pinkie pie and AJ
    >if shes a good slave ill let her watch
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:13 No.298505
    >Every flutterrape greentext story.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:52 No.298980
    My least favorite is Fluttershy.
    That's...Sort of awkward.
    I would just kill myself. I'm not gonna fuck a fucking pony!
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:57 No.299035
    Omfg, I'd have to fuck with Trixie? No way. I don't even like r34 on MLP.
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/29/12(Wed)11:07 No.299145
         File: 1330531636.jpg-(74 KB, 480x960, 132077441772.jpg)
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    >Fuck a pony
    I wouldn't even fuck my favourite pony, I find that quite disgusting...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:09 No.299172
    >Kill self
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:09 No.299177
    ITT: We pretend that we're normal and wouldn't fuck our least favorite pony.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:09 No.299179
    My own little Flutterape! Aww those are adorable. I am okay with this.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:12 No.299218
    >Pinkie Pie
    >I am already dead
    >> type i kil u !sSb0GbGtDU 02/29/12(Wed)11:12 No.299222
    Ponies have no genitalia whatsoever, and their mindset would not allow them to think about sex.

    get over it
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:15 No.299255
    Mrs Cake gave birth to two babies.
    Lauren Faust says ponies are concieved in the same way as they are in real life.
    Mrs Cake had sex at some point.

    Though I'm not entirely sure with who.
    >> type i kil u !sSb0GbGtDU 02/29/12(Wed)11:20 No.299315

    That explains it. Well, so basically, pony genitalia are not shown for obvious reasons but they exist.

    Weird point of view.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:22 No.299335
         File: 1330532543.jpg-(22 KB, 490x221, pony genes.jpg)
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    I'm assuming she had sex with Mr. Cake, but isn't it stated in the show that Mr. Cake had unicorn in his family line, and Mrs. Cake had pegasus?
    If that's the case, this image could come into play.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:25 No.299374
    rainbow dash is a shit tier pony for plebs, but she is pretty hot for a horse and would probably be a beast in the sack. hateful sex is also best sex, so I am very ok with this.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:25 No.299375
    To be honest the entire pony world is very realistic in a way. They have no qualms with reality. No stories of storks, no people magically getting a halo and walking up to heaven, ponies are very mortal. They age, they give birth, they die. It may be a fantasy world, but certain real world big topics are very much hinted at. Surprising for a kid's show. Brilliantly implemented--in such a way that very young kids would either not question it or simply not understand(having to ask their parents instead of being lied to or having the whole world told to them in a tv show) which I like quite a bit. It's those little background touches that make it seem so much more solid!
    >> type i kil u !sSb0GbGtDU 02/29/12(Wed)11:27 No.299397

    Never thought about it that way, great point indeed my friend.

    So, after all this 2deep4u chat, we have came to the conclusions that ponies can be fucked in the arsehole.

    We are all happy.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:29 No.299417
    She's a perissodactyl and I'm a primate. I think that's a good enough excuse.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:30 No.299426
    Ressecive genes could explain it if Mr. Cake did not fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:33 No.299469
    So Mr. Cake, going off this image >>299335,
    would probably be PPUu or PPuU, and Mrs. Cake would be PpUU or pPUU. I wonder if all four combinations would be the same statistically.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:42 No.299593

    This implies I have a least favorite pony.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:48 No.299695
    >"Mamas coming darling"
    >Nope, cuck testa
    >kill myself by dragon punching

    but seriously, i wont fuck a pony. Cant celestia turn me into a pony or something?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)11:55 No.299785
    my least favorite pony is Diamond Tiara.

    I'm not sure how this would play out
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:00 No.299832
    OP here. To all those complaining they wouldn't fuck a horse, or want to be a pony (such as >>299695), or something like that, keep in mind that this your experience. You decide where it goes.

    For myself
    >Rainbow Dash
    Since I don't hate/dislike her, I'd probably pursue a romantic interest and hang out with her, but I wouldn't fuck her immediately, probably not for while. She's not that bad of a pony, I just prefer the others more.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:07 No.299897
    My least favorite pony is spike.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:12 No.299944
    I may as well start contribootin my fluterrape folder:

    >Rockclimbing outside of ponyville
    >Fluttershy walks up
    >"Hey anon, do you need me to spot you?"
    >No fluttershy, I don't need a spotter
    >"But what if you fall? here I'll spot you just in case"
    >realize that my grip is slipping...
    >falling of wall
    >"don't worry anon, I'll catch you!"
    >Realize mid-fall that fluttershy is on her back with her erect penis pointed up at me
    >mfw fluttershy has a penis
    >mfw I fall with asshole directly on said penis
    Fucking fluttershy
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:27 No.300202
    Since you are not attracted to ponies what makes you think that changing shape would change you sexual preferences?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:35 No.300328

    well, first, i think my biochemical structure /the chems in my brain would change, as ponys would be attracted to ponys naturally. But even if that werent the case, i would get horny after enough time, and beeing a pony myself would make it probably a lot less weird for me, so maybe i would learn to like it.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:39 No.300383
    What if not having previous experience with humans she changes your biochemistry and makes you gay?

    Also great part of someone's sexuality comes from nurture not nature. Since fucking a horse's ass is repulsive to you'd have to overcome a huge psychological barrier even if your equine hormones were boiling.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:49 No.300534
    >makes you gay
    well then i would commit suicide by punching Celestia in the face and then suffocate on the moon. I have nothing against gay dudes, but i myself dont like it, no sir.

    i still think it would make it easier for me, even on a psychological level, as a pony fucking a pony just seems more right to me than human on pony , also i would be :
    a) able to use magic
    b) fly
    c) or at least a pony

    ...and as i said i would get horny eventuall, and hooves dont seem to be built for masturbation
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:55 No.300599
    I'd rather fuck a horse than become a horse myself.

    Pones are cute but seriously how the fuck they do things without fingers?

    Also I find quadrapedalism kinda degrading.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:55 No.300601
    >Scootaloo wants to fuck
    >Shrug it off and chalk it up to a girl crush.
    >She does her usual zany antics shit trying to get into my pants
    >Eventually she's found out by the others and because it's a show they're be that "DUDE GROSS SHE'S A KID! YEAH I KNOW!" moment.
    >Eventually she's sat down and learns a valuable lesson about not rushing into relationships and love will find her when it finds her.
    > I then proceed to go on a bender, fucking the shit out of Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Applejack and Cherrilee.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:55 No.300607
         File: 1330538153.png-(233 KB, 413x600, 1330405826566.png)
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    make her into my hm slave so she always feels like i need her to keep her happy, but i'm actually just using her for the hm's

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