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  • File: 1330493342.png-(850 KB, 1200x934, regal sisters.png)
    850 KB Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:29 No.291158  
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:30 No.291178
    dont say rape
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)00:30 No.291187
         File: 1330493434.png-(107 KB, 600x699, 1329112555504.png)
    107 KB

    >that feel when you've discussed music with the singer IRL
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)00:30 No.291188
         File: 1330493436.jpg-(26 KB, 204x331, now now.jpg)
    26 KB
    I like toast, myself.
    >> Ponygon !Gi8l6ezzXk 02/29/12(Wed)00:30 No.291195
         File: 1330493454.jpg-(17 KB, 300x281, bagel.jpg)
    17 KB
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:31 No.291198
         File: 1330493460.gif-(510 KB, 448x360, discord_loves_buildings_ii_by_(...).gif)
    510 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:31 No.291207
         File: 1330493479.png-(44 KB, 650x585, 1318032519752.png)
    44 KB

    About a year or so...been quite the year
    you aussies are a strange bunch
    >> Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:32 No.291219
         File: 1330493522.png-(128 KB, 700x500, lunapop.png)
    128 KB

    No thanks.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)00:32 No.291230
         File: 1330493539.png-(433 KB, 795x800, a4ta4tr4.png)
    433 KB
    oh, yea, post only your countries music ... i enjoy the influences each culture brings to the musical table, sweeden with power metal and whatnot.

    america with grunge and acoustic rock.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:32 No.291243
    My idea lives on.
    Toast is okay.
    >Implying I wasn't the one who came up with the idea
    Why wouldn't I wanna meet you? You sound awesome...
    I even have an excuse to get you out here. My friends' doing a meet up.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:32 No.291244
    and germany with polka!
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)00:33 No.291261
         File: 1330493621.png-(2.16 MB, 2056x2124, 132630868187.png)
    2.16 MB
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)00:33 No.291262
         File: 1330493624.png-(90 KB, 700x700, 1316330910561.png)
    90 KB
    I'd say so too!
    I find that kind of odd, that someone has been around namefriends for a year and hasn't adopted one themself.
    To each their own, and I don't mind you being anon. <3
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)00:34 No.291276
         File: 1330493655.png-(1.06 MB, 1260x1066, problem.png)
    1.06 MB
    >... in every post
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:34 No.291280
         File: 1330493661.gif-(975 KB, 640x360, 1330464026024.gif)
    975 KB
    lol 90s
    I would do anything for love... but I wont do that!
    >> Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:34 No.291283
         File: 1330493668.jpg-(126 KB, 685x700, waited the whole night, al(...).jpg)
    126 KB

    Can't think of anything else..

    Morning. <3
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)00:35 No.291296
    Meat loaf was truly hot stuff.
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)00:35 No.291297
         File: 1330493716.png-(236 KB, 400x301, 110995 - artist milkydayy circ(...).png)
    236 KB
    So, what do you guys do in these threads? I heard there's absolutely no talk of the show, but that's from the guys from /co/. I've never been interested in pony threads, but since there's a whole board for them now I figured I might as well check out this and MLP General.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:35 No.291298
    I'm sorry... I just... I don't know!
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:36 No.291314
         File: 1330493765.png-(11 KB, 512x542, aawwwwrite.png)
    11 KB
    I love you Moshy.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)00:36 No.291317
         File: 1330493784.png-(185 KB, 945x945, 131975504414.png)
    185 KB
    what's the better sounding way for buu to die?


    or this:
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:36 No.291319
         File: 1330493786.jpg-(120 KB, 900x611, dispie_has_been_doubled__by_mi(...).jpg)
    120 KB
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)00:36 No.291324
         File: 1330493797.jpg-(61 KB, 945x945, 1317646491895.jpg)
    61 KB
    >mfw that gif
    >mfw the other thread

    Sup peeps?
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)00:37 No.291338
         File: 1330493825.jpg-(19 KB, 388x309, smirk.jpg)
    19 KB
    >> Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:37 No.291357
         File: 1330493864.gif-(50 KB, 360x360, i say, bravo.gif)
    50 KB
    These threads are mostly just general chitchat, discussion and imagedumps, whatever's the time of the day.

    We talk about the show after an episode airs, but we don't talk about it too much in depth.

    Everyone is welcomed in these threads.
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:38 No.291371
         File: 1330493901.png-(120 KB, 500x558, 1318976203636.png)
    120 KB
    wat am I looking at
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:39 No.291385
    ITT we dick around.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)00:39 No.291386
         File: 1330493948.gif-(75 KB, 640x360, 1330194566136.gif)
    75 KB
    america does punk and grunge REALLY well

    we don't just stare at the threads you know, we do other things, this is just where we share interesting things and talk about stuff ... like an image board cross chatroom.

    takes a while to get to know everyone though, it's the reason we use trips. but ultimately there's no point other than to chat with people from other parts of the world, quite a few people here don't even like the show.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:39 No.291391
         File: 1330493963.jpg-(60 KB, 766x423, 1330399875284.jpg)
    60 KB
    So it's bad that I want to meet you?
    And I bring it up way too often, like a creep?
    I'm sorry, I really don't mean to be like that.
    General conversation, with pony image dumps, trolls, and the rare discussion of the show.
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:39 No.291393
         File: 1330493966.png-(1.08 MB, 566x3100, squeezin___it_further_by_micke(...).png)
    1.08 MB
    Discord and Pinkie Pie?
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:40 No.291408
         File: 1330494021.png-(99 KB, 280x381, 1318470322870.png)
    99 KB
    >> Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:40 No.291411
         File: 1330494031.jpg-(119 KB, 900x900, get off of my case already.jpg)
    119 KB
    Do you have rest of the mane 6 being squeezed aside from Pinkie and Fluttershy?
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)00:40 No.291414
         File: 1330494038.jpg-(21 KB, 320x259, 114787 - artist glittering-pon(...).jpg)
    21 KB
    So, I was right when I said you don't talk about the show? That's alright with me I guess, I'll stick around for a bit.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:40 No.291417
         File: 1330494039.jpg-(22 KB, 363x330, 690.jpg)
    22 KB
    >Rise Against!
    Please.... Stop trolling me with this.
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)00:40 No.291419
         File: 1330494044.png-(188 KB, 700x900, 132630170089.png)
    188 KB
    We discuss, chat or post just about anything here. Also, it's mainly for fun.
    Sometimes people drop in and ask questions about the show, and a few discussions can pop up, but most of us rarely talk about it.
    Overall, it's mainly for fun. And everyone's invited.

    Sup Funtimes?

    Oh god I love you too Umbra.
    And damn the 90s are getting back to me already.
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:40 No.291425
         File: 1330494049.png-(545 KB, 702x1105, are_you_upset_my_dear_by_moder(...).png)
    545 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:40 No.291426
         File: 1330494049.png-(305 KB, 1280x720, 1309068020680.png)
    305 KB
    i see you posting 1/2 luna...
    i don't mind...
    was paranoid about d/l ing the tripcode explorer (not that my compy would be able to run it without dying most likely)
    >i've thought about it, but i saw enough anons try it and get labeled as new, then abandon it
    having a name works great if you're already established...sadly i never was
    But thanks for caring though
    good explanation
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:41 No.291437
    For the most part yeah. But hey, glad to have you here, always nice to have new friends!
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:42 No.291446
    >implying you dont like rise against?

    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)00:42 No.291458
         File: 1330494165.jpg-(3 KB, 114x120, 1317283798862.jpg)
    3 KB
    Do not go to the b thread. I am deeply horrified.

    And I guess everyone's night is going well?
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:42 No.291461
         File: 1330494170.png-(89 KB, 321x276, 1318383235754.png)
    89 KB
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)00:42 No.291463
         File: 1330494179.png-(531 KB, 800x999, 132628116489.png)
    531 KB
    I just love posting her for some reason. People like Lunafall or Funtimes make her so awesome.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)00:43 No.291468
         File: 1330494190.jpg-(17 KB, 203x245, 654y6.jpg)
    17 KB
    GRUNGE, i said punk and GRUNGE
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:43 No.291469
         File: 1330494192.jpg-(45 KB, 830x920, Derpcord.jpg)
    45 KB
    >> Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:43 No.291473
         File: 1330494217.png-(147 KB, 701x1140, hart.png)
    147 KB
    Like I said, we talk about the show for a bit after an episode has aired.

    Feel free to stick around, and welcome. <3

    Nothing really, trying to stay up for a few days. I want to hallucinate.
    What about you?

    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:43 No.291476
         File: 1330494237.jpg-(41 KB, 701x713, 1318383092689.jpg)
    41 KB
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)00:44 No.291486
         File: 1330494260.jpg-(104 KB, 1280x1280, 1312550652135.jpg)
    104 KB
    It's mainly for fun.
    Oh it's never too late to get "established"
    Mainly just something I can use to identify you with, but I could probably do that with your typing style.
    All this flattery!
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:44 No.291491
         File: 1330494268.png-(677 KB, 864x849, The fuck is this.png)
    677 KB
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:44 No.291496
    Sorry to say, I really have a lot against them.
    They came from my area, and I know so many bands around here, that are so much more talented, and not pretentious self-righteous idiots.
    The musics okay, the messages, and beliefs are what bother me.
    But come on! You expected me not to comment on the punk part?
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:45 No.291501
         File: 1330494310.png-(348 KB, 600x581, 1318383896034.png)
    348 KB
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)00:45 No.291505
         File: 1330494317.jpg-(57 KB, 365x410, i_would_never_by_teslamarcia-d(...).jpg)
    57 KB
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)00:45 No.291507
         File: 1330494323.png-(243 KB, 400x314, wizardy_and_sleep_deprivation_(...).png)
    243 KB
    Thanks! I probably won't post much tonight though, I have an essay that I need to finish writing tonight, and I need to work on a plot for a Pathfinder adventure my group has pressured me into GMing.
    >> Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:45 No.291516
         File: 1330494356.png-(216 KB, 1000x1000, princess moon.png)
    216 KB
    Aww, thanks. <3
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:45 No.291517
    I love how in the 90s theres all that happy pop shit everyone noticed..
    but then theres all kinds of darker music.

    Smashing pumpkins and stuff like that.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)00:46 No.291520
         File: 1330494371.png-(66 KB, 168x168, 677.png)
    66 KB
    what country are you from?
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)00:46 No.291530
         File: 1330494415.png-(163 KB, 652x710, 1312640978835.png)
    163 KB
    Welcome then!
    I'm your friendly neighbourhood Lunafall.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:47 No.291538
    How exactly are the pretentious?
    They're just activists...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:47 No.291550
         File: 1330494460.png-(220 KB, 500x500, 1319861089201.png)
    220 KB
    yeah, they are pretty awesome and fitting for luna
    you're welcome
    then i guess i'll have to think up something eventually
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)00:47 No.291552
         File: 1330494464.jpg-(16 KB, 257x295, annoyed.jpg)
    16 KB
    ...I like Rise Against...Their Make It Stop video was filmed at my high school...
    but i've said too much already

    >also, dan 4chan banner
    >always make me grin
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:47 No.291555
         File: 1330494477.png-(33 KB, 279x347, 39.png)
    33 KB
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:48 No.291562
         File: 1330494486.png-(967 KB, 795x1005, a_bundle_of_trouble_by_cobalts(...).png)
    967 KB

    Word of advice, if you haven't gotten it yet, don't go tripping in MLPG unless you can contribute. That's one of their major pet peeves.
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)00:48 No.291564
         File: 1330494490.png-(178 KB, 247x320, 121159 - artist gardelius twil(...).png)
    178 KB
    US, I'm on Pacific Time. It's only 9:45, but I didn't sleep very well last night, I just took a caffeine pill, so I should be fine in a few minutes.
    Thanks, nice to meet you.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:48 No.291572
    Dude pathfinder? Is that anything like D&D or Metagame? Or larping?
    Just out of curiosity.
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)00:49 No.291590
         File: 1330494570.png-(291 KB, 500x440, 132631849929.png)
    291 KB
    I wanna preserve this love glow I have, so I'm staying here too.
    And yes I'm fabulous. <3

    I was up for like 19 hours again. I'm gonna see where it goes this time, though I'm not necessarily going to do a Karma and go for 90.

    You love it of course <333

    It's a wonderful pleasure <3
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)00:49 No.291592
    Then Lotus remembered he was alive
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:49 No.291593
    Smashing Pumpkins
    >High Tier
    Happy Poppy shit
    >Shit tier.
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)00:49 No.291594
         File: 1330494577.png-(357 KB, 894x894, 1329520281428.png)
    357 KB
    Could just be a username you use.
    Or a combination of things you like, anything really!
    Nice to meet you too!
    Any particular interests you have in the fandom?
    >> Pennyroyal 02/29/12(Wed)00:49 No.291595
         File: 1330494577.jpg-(51 KB, 396x385, 129414864519.jpg)
    51 KB
    >you will never be told stories of human Luna forcing people to worship her feet
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:49 No.291597
    No fucking way..
    That album was great..

    But unlike most people I still prefer their older stuff.
    they're like.. my favorite band
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)00:49 No.291599
         File: 1330494587.png-(55 KB, 220x213, 1301374691469.png)
    55 KB
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)00:50 No.291614
         File: 1330494635.png-(225 KB, 993x720, 1329463637704.png)
    225 KB
    you guys seriously need to read this thread.

    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:50 No.291616
         File: 1330494644.png-(66 KB, 429x404, 1318470474066.png)
    66 KB
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:51 No.291621
         File: 1330494662.jpg-(140 KB, 800x600, brofist.jpg)
    140 KB
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)00:51 No.291622
         File: 1330494663.png-(26 KB, 191x234, 183.png)
    26 KB
    >video related to everyone here except lotus and MNH

    Hey there.
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)00:51 No.291626
         File: 1330494669.png-(1.78 MB, 1284x1324, 1318028063692.png)
    1.78 MB
    Love glow?
    Sounds like a storrrryy!
    And of course I love compliments!
    Yeah, I remembered I was alive a week or two ago.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:51 No.291642
    I'm an activist. But I stick to key issues, and I don't bring people down about it.
    That's awesome. But my music tastes differ from most peoples, and I understand that. To each their own.
    I don't like the band, doesn't mean you have to agree with me.
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)00:52 No.291650
         File: 1330494744.jpg-(53 KB, 671x551, elise feels bad man..jpg)
    53 KB
    >>291597's weird watching that video. Every single part of the school they show in the video I was walking through less than a year ago.
    Then recently they found a guy from my hs in Mexico burnt alive in his trunk.
    Crazy, man.
    I didn't know him, but...
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)00:52 No.291654
         File: 1330494767.jpg-(12 KB, 256x243, 185.jpg)
    12 KB
    I agree with the guy on the brony pizza hut.
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)00:53 No.291657
         File: 1330494784.png-(181 KB, 320x320, 123269 - artist SpeccySY Trixi(...).png)
    181 KB
    Is namefagging okay by them? It seems weird posting in a thread regularly, with a group that remains moderately constant, and not having a name.
    It pretty much is D&D, only with a couple of changes. I haven't heard of Metagaming, and LARPing is real time, and I've never tried it myself. I just started playing Pathfinder and threw around some random ideas of things I thought would be awesome for a Pathfinder adventure, now they think I'm a genius and are forcing me to GM a game.
    In the fandom? I have a pretty big art folder, always trying to add more to it. I've read a couple good fanfics, but they generally aren't my thing. The ones that I've read are awesome though. And I have quite a bit of music on my ipod. Hopefully that's what you were asking lol.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)00:53 No.291669
    who are those people?
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)00:53 No.291671
    Whats UP
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)00:54 No.291687
         File: 1330494879.jpg-(65 KB, 871x916, 1312622321676.jpg)
    65 KB
    Mhm! About the same for me too.
    Do you draw or write anything? Maybe make music?
    You're a Meanie McMeanie Pants!
    It's been okay I suppose.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)00:54 No.291692
         File: 1330494893.gif-(1.08 MB, 276x260, jefrr.gif)
    1.08 MB
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)00:54 No.291693
         File: 1330494894.jpg-(176 KB, 756x718, 1329416041609.jpg)
    176 KB
    I want to kill everyone who takes this show too far.

    they know their shit, and with all of these furries leading us I think I may bail on this fandom.
    >yes i dont like furries.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:54 No.291695
    Jesus christ.
    Kentucky is nothing like that,
    but you go one state lower and they freaking beat the gay kids. literally.
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)00:55 No.291696
         File: 1330494903.jpg-(5 KB, 124x126, 1317643231947.jpg)
    5 KB
    Because I posted 2x asking how people are doing, etc. and they were just ignored.
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)00:55 No.291702
         File: 1330494918.jpg-(252 KB, 457x479, nope.jpg)
    252 KB
    Should I be glad to not know what Brony Pizza Hut is?
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:55 No.291706
         File: 1330494930.jpg-(23 KB, 360x356, 1318385344226.jpg)
    23 KB
    what was the pizza hut thing?
    >> Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:55 No.291707
         File: 1330494937.png-(354 KB, 976x600, lunarrape.png)
    354 KB
    Thumbnails, I wanted to see that.

    Wub woo two <3<3

    Hey there. <3

    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:55 No.291708
         File: 1330494947.png-(50 KB, 804x512, oh_god_ughhhhh_by_devpon5-d4qm(...).png)
    50 KB

    Unless you can contribute with art or anything else don't even namefag, trust me. It makes things much easier on both sides. They're usually civil enough with asking people taking off their names, but it's just easiest to go in as anon. If you can't stand to not have a name then it might be best to steer clear, in all honesty.
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)00:56 No.291711
         File: 1330494964.gif-(1.26 MB, 720x640, 1317873914376.gif)
    1.26 MB

    see above
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)00:56 No.291716
         File: 1330494975.png-(142 KB, 900x836, 1303463719654.png)
    142 KB
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)00:56 No.291718
    That's pretty awesome!
    I can't explain metagaming, I did it once. It was really fun. Larping has it's quirks.
    But that sounds like a really cool game to play bro.
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:56 No.291729
         File: 1330495013.jpg-(51 KB, 280x381, 1318470136126.jpg)
    51 KB
    no rly wat is ths
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)00:56 No.291730
         File: 1330495016.jpg-(29 KB, 412x307, irvrv.jpg)
    29 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:56 No.291732
         File: 1330495017.jpg-(120 KB, 1280x1042, 1327535232756.jpg)
    120 KB
    I'll have to give it some thought. Thanks for the advice.

    I'm heading to bed
    Have a great night everyone!
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:57 No.291739
         File: 1330495027.jpg-(62 KB, 559x800, hotdang.jpg)
    62 KB
    oh hey everyone
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)00:57 No.291753
         File: 1330495075.png-(93 KB, 541x500, 132631904687.png)
    93 KB
    Yeah. Every person just draws me in now. I've been a lot better than usual and I think I'm coming back to what I was before.
    If it wasn't for your help or advice, I'd be left in the shadows for longer than I expected.

    Normally you should post as anon. If they ask for a name/trip, then do so. That's how chans normally work, despite us being a bit different here.

    Yes. Don't watch it. Even the first 10 seconds will kill you.

    You have a great one too. Mucha love.

    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)00:58 No.291756
         File: 1330495082.png-(201 KB, 800x900, I took care of that myself!.png)
    201 KB

    What is what?
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)00:58 No.291758
         File: 1330495085.png-(59 KB, 500x500, 18989764_m.png)
    59 KB
    Btw I keep meaning to say hi..
    But I've been caught up in the music talk.
    But anyway Hi! Nice to meet you, hope you stick around occasionally and get to know everyone.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)00:58 No.291763
    I don't really care. It doesn't affect me personally. I just watch the show and come to 4chan.
    >> Funtimes !Lunatic6MM 02/29/12(Wed)00:58 No.291772
         File: 1330495114.png-(51 KB, 582x528, woooooot.png)
    51 KB

    Sleep well. <3
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)00:58 No.291779
         File: 1330495129.jpg-(132 KB, 900x790, luna hug twilight.jpg)
    132 KB
    Nooo! Don't leaaave!
    You don't want to know.
    Goodnight Mr. Anon!
    Sweet dreams! <33
    My help or advice?
    What did I do?
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)00:59 No.291786
         File: 1330495142.png-(91 KB, 301x352, 1318470829045.png)
    91 KB
    no really I want to know

    all of that over there
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)00:59 No.291795
         File: 1330495179.jpg-(172 KB, 500x500, 1301375166909.jpg)
    172 KB
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)00:59 No.291797
    Well, I must be exaggerating. Maybe it was just talking to you.
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:00 No.291805
         File: 1330495237.png-(262 KB, 800x900, What is fear, in its most (...).png)
    262 KB
    All what over where?

    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:00 No.291809
         File: 1330495239.gif-(Spoiler Image, 10 KB, 100x100, ohgawdmyeyes!.gif)
    Spoiler Image, 10 KB
    >click at your own risk to everyone here
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)01:00 No.291810
         File: 1330495243.jpg-(19 KB, 320x226, you_shall_not_pass__by_teh_pho(...).jpg)
    19 KB
    Unfortunately my best drawing was of Twilight, and I had to stare at a picture of her for about 30 minutes, and I made changes every few seconds. I'm okay at playing guitar, but I'm not a very good singer, and I don't really have the time to make music of any sorts.
    I could probably deal with it, it just seems weird.
    So you've tried LARPing? How is it?
    Pathfinder's pretty fun to play, I never thought GMing would be so much work though, I barely have a plot written out, one of my characters already pretty much confirmed he's going to be an idiot during the adventure, and I can already see that the diversity among the players' characters will probably cause issues. Oh well, I'll try my best I guess.
    Makes sense. So I guess all the Anonymous users that were raging about namefags in some of the other threads were from MLPG?
    Hey, nice to meet you too. So far, you guys seem cool, so I'll probably stick around.
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:00 No.291815
         File: 1330495255.png-(53 KB, 383x560, 1329412399797.png)
    53 KB
    It makes me said to be associated with such people and that these people run these sites that many people use as a reference to get to know what we bronies do.
    >it's sickening.

    I'l stay here, but I think quitting the fandom is fine on my part.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)01:00 No.291816
    I just watched it. stopped when they started singing winter wrap up. fuck.
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:01 No.291826
         File: 1330495282.png-(158 KB, 402x406, 1318384329571.png)
    158 KB
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)01:01 No.291829
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:01 No.291832
         File: 1330495302.png-(293 KB, 500x561, floppy.png)
    293 KB
    I'm so used to things like that happening to me that it doesn't really phase me anymore.
    >pic unrelated
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:02 No.291836
         File: 1330495320.png-(163 KB, 826x966, discord_by_lolke12-d4qhhap.png)
    163 KB
    Trust me, it's better that way. You'll get used to it.

    I'm learning to draw myself, but I don't plan on throwing up a name while in there until I can draw to a somewhat sort of decent maybe degree.

    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:02 No.291838
         File: 1330495322.png-(101 KB, 600x671, 1317907785069.png)
    101 KB
    I'm guessing you clop?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:02 No.291844
         File: 1330495331.jpg-(329 KB, 1252x1524, Jasonsmash.jpg)
    329 KB
    embrace the hate!
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)01:02 No.291849
         File: 1330495338.png-(684 KB, 900x888, 9sa9awdwajdkwad.png)
    684 KB
    Still... I helped?
    Probably better then any drawing I could do.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)01:02 No.291851
    I don't know if I was ever really a part or not. In a way I am, but I don't really associate myself with ponies much outside of my computer. Like I said, I just watch the show and come here.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:02 No.291852
    >curiosity peaked
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:02 No.291857
    Well shit, how is you
    Naw, I'm totally a bro! I bought you shit for Christmas!
    >I think
    >I lost track of who I bought shit

    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:03 No.291865
         File: 1330495410.png-(381 KB, 668x716, 1317840711005.png)
    381 KB
    I'm good-ish, you?
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:03 No.291873
         File: 1330495430.png-(179 KB, 473x505, 1318468615173.png)
    179 KB
    >doesn't know whats over there
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:04 No.291882
    I've tried a lot of things actually.
    Larping can be fun, but it depends on the group.
    As does any kind of role-playing.
    That's all that can be asked is that you try your best, good luck! And if you need help, maybe I can help.
    That's the problem with our area.
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)01:04 No.291890
    I think everyone has actually. Cause I know they're there for me if something goes wrong.
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:04 No.291895
         File: 1330495481.png-(137 KB, 901x1072, 1328841288035.png)
    137 KB
    It's all grey over there, what am I supposed to see?
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:04 No.291898
    This is one of those were you don't wish to know.
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)01:05 No.291911
         File: 1330495539.png-(302 KB, 600x500, 76246 - artist cassettedeck lu(...).png)
    302 KB
    Alright, as long as you don't leave us! <3
    I'm always here for you moshy. <33
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:05 No.291913
         File: 1330495546.png-(185 KB, 423x448, 1318967798986.png)
    185 KB
    you'll know it.... when you see it
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:06 No.291920
    Pretty good. I was supposed to meet Ashleigh Ball (Rainbow Dash/Applejack VA) again yesterday but I forgot. Talking to you just reminded me.
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:06 No.291932
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:06 No.291933
         File: 1330495610.png-(15 KB, 614x604, 1317749216689.png)
    15 KB
    Hej Rita.

    Lucky turd.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:06 No.291935
         File: 1330495611.jpg-(282 KB, 374x590, jason6.jpg)
    282 KB
    maybe it's one of them "the longer you look it turns into something" things.....or it's a trap....ether way set fire to it!
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291944
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291947
         File: 1330495637.jpg-(102 KB, 600x600, 1329472884471.jpg)
    102 KB
    thanks <33

    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291948
         File: 1330495637.png-(107 KB, 310x304, 13103214442055.png)
    107 KB
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291951
         File: 1330495643.gif-(1.39 MB, 300x225, slap-your-shit.gif)
    1.39 MB
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291952
         File: 1330495643.jpg-(66 KB, 308x340, Rita - Jack Spicer.jpg)
    66 KB
    oh jesus christ...
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291962
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:08 No.291967
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)01:08 No.291971
         File: 1330495687.png-(106 KB, 320x219, 110933 - hoo Owlowiscious Trix(...).png)
    106 KB
    Yeah, I can't draw very well. My only real artistic talent comes from writing and playing music. The idea of writing fanfiction scares me though, so that leaves only music. I'm thinking about making a fingerstyle cover of The Perfect Stallion. It's upbeat, in a major key, there's already an acoustic rhythm piece, the notes are simple, and the notes just sound easy to replicate on a guitar, like I said though, I don't have the time for that.
    Probably not.
    You write and you role-play, have you ever GM'd a game? Those two qualities are sort of what make up a good GM, you can write well, you RP well, and you can act on the spot.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:08 No.291987
    But.. whyy?
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:08 No.291988
    AW YEE
    TRY IT
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:09 No.291996
         File: 1330495766.jpg-(16 KB, 174x188, 13103216478996.jpg)
    16 KB
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)01:09 No.291997
         File: 1330495770.png-(102 KB, 545x548, mlfw1898-132447537378.png)
    102 KB
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)01:09 No.292002
         File: 1330495797.gif-(1.24 MB, 320x240, i'm-coming-at-you1.gif)
    1.24 MB
    >> Luna !Fall.t4kVU 02/29/12(Wed)01:10 No.292006
    Don't do it Lotus!
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:10 No.292010
         File: 1330495813.jpg-(Spoiler Image, 220 KB, 1600x1200, 113.jpg)
    Spoiler Image, 220 KB
    That video is one of the reason they actually think we are autistic.
    It's also very disturbing
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:10 No.292011
    Who the fuck eats bagels anyway?
    Besides my bitch of an ex.
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)01:10 No.292018
         File: 1330495832.jpg-(146 KB, 1000x1050, 132630069028.jpg)
    146 KB
    >not dipping your bagels in hot sauce

    Chillaxing. You?
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.292028
         File: 1330495865.jpg-(79 KB, 1000x1006, 1329480207342.jpg)
    79 KB
    this one time.....almost, but thankfully my friend texted me and got my mind off it and I proceeded to do other thing.
    I'm ok with being a b rony and thats it
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.292029
    Oh god, nostalgia attack
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.292030
    Never GM'd because I'm the guy everyone thinks is the stupid pretty boy. So I'm never given a real chance with that.
    Dude fuck...
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.292032
         File: 1330495878.png-(410 KB, 900x685, discord_by_miokillerwinx-d4qe5(...).png)
    410 KB

    maybe... but I dont see shit, capn
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.292038
         File: 1330495902.jpg-(18 KB, 458x261, gaho.jpg)
    18 KB
    why not eat both like a toasted bagel or something?
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.292041
    Well this Lotus person is a nigger.
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.292042
         File: 1330495912.jpg-(48 KB, 510x587, 1318560802180.jpg)
    48 KB
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:12 No.292049
    What's wrong with being a nigger?
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:12 No.292057
         File: 1330495966.png-(61 KB, 500x500, 1317751482688.png)
    61 KB
    Hmm I should met her and lunafall.

    Kay, and I can kinda see your point on furries but eh. To each their own
    >> Moshy 02/29/12(Wed)01:12 No.292059
         File: 1330495968.png-(720 KB, 680x584, 132630563605.png)
    720 KB
    Oddly enough, I am myself, but I'm not that obnoxious.
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:12 No.292060

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:13 No.292068
         File: 1330496000.jpg-(45 KB, 465x800, quitereal.jpg)
    45 KB
    then it's time for you to use god's cleanser on it!
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)01:13 No.292072
         File: 1330496012.png-(236 KB, 1000x950, mlfw2769_large.png)
    236 KB
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:13 No.292076
         File: 1330496019.png-(233 KB, 881x906, fa_mlp__discord_by_crystal_bla(...).png)
    233 KB
    Look, i'm just not seeing it, pal.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:13 No.292080
         File: 1330496036.png-(89 KB, 443x494, eeehhh.png)
    89 KB
    Whats write with being a nigger?
    No, but theres canadians in canada.
    And French.
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:14 No.292086
         File: 1330496054.png-(269 KB, 1200x1200, WIGGLEWIGGLEWIGGLE.png)
    269 KB
    The Works?
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:14 No.292094

    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:14 No.292095
         File: 1330496074.png-(147 KB, 466x340, unsure.png)
    147 KB
    I...knew her.
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)01:14 No.292100
         File: 1330496085.png-(145 KB, 320x302, i__m_always_in_this_twilight_b(...).png)
    145 KB
    That sucks. I'm begging my friend, who is in the process of writing a book series, which if I remember right is about 8 books long, plus a prequel trilogy, to GM a game. His book has an entire separate world, races, languages, it has everything. If he doesn't DM a game I'm going to ask him to let me use his world.
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:14 No.292101
         File: 1330496087.png-(211 KB, 730x684, 1318469052374.png)
    211 KB
    oh wait it was just a smudge on my lense.... there is nothing there
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:15 No.292106
         File: 1330496100.jpg-(52 KB, 584x532, 13113712494786.jpg)
    52 KB
    Meh... half-panicking because i forgot to renew my goddamn contract, so i'm not sure i'll get to keep this bloody apartment...
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:15 No.292110
    Watermelon, fried chicken, and fine asses.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:15 No.292111
         File: 1330496118.jpg-(72 KB, 820x309, seesyou.jpg)
    72 KB
    I don't see why not
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:15 No.292122
         File: 1330496159.png-(206 KB, 458x326, 1329409925864.png)
    206 KB
    I don't mind furries, but I hate how they talk and act to each other. I can deal with them for the most part, but furfags are a whole different story. I can't stand what they do.
    >there are excpetions
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:16 No.292131
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:16 No.292132
         File: 1330496194.png-(142 KB, 1200x1200, I blame you, yeah you,(...).png)
    142 KB
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:16 No.292137
         File: 1330496205.jpg-(60 KB, 576x590, 1329987352260.jpg)
    60 KB
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:17 No.292154
         File: 1330496253.png-(580 KB, 762x940, 423.png)
    580 KB
    I'm sorry...
    That's horrible.
    Now I want even more to give you a hug...
    Dude! That's freaking amazing!
    He should totally GM a game!
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:17 No.292157
         File: 1330496255.gif-(468 KB, 200x200, 1317835804378.gif)
    468 KB
    I see your point, having hung out with them they are creepy fucks.

    >no offense to rita

    I even got super trolled by one.
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:18 No.292164
         File: 1330496300.png-(191 KB, 1000x800, 1301832992187.png)
    191 KB
    Così che cosa è tutti fino a
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)01:18 No.292169
         File: 1330496316.jpg-(44 KB, 720x467, 05ae209c4cf115c4edceae1ab5a204(...).jpg)
    44 KB
    >fine ass
    lol you lie.
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:18 No.292174
         File: 1330496332.jpg-(17 KB, 478x357, 418.jpg)
    17 KB
    por quoi?
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:19 No.292180
    Trust me, there's worse.
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:19 No.292182

    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:19 No.292183
         File: 1330496358.png-(77 KB, 700x700, bored rocket.png)
    77 KB
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:19 No.292184
         File: 1330496360.png-(302 KB, 720x720, 799.png)
    302 KB
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:20 No.292193
    parle vous francais petit...

    or something like that.
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:20 No.292194
         File: 1330496405.png-(286 KB, 1200x1200, I herped when I should have de(...).png)
    286 KB
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:20 No.292196
         File: 1330496409.jpg-(42 KB, 745x665, 1303363689936.jpg)
    42 KB
    italiano, non spagnolo. Imparare le lingue
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:20 No.292207
         File: 1330496442.png-(102 KB, 587x678, 1330325718763.png)
    102 KB
    I have a friend who's a furfag in real life and he's socially retarded. The only reason why I hang out with him is becasue he gets free weed and he's one of the only people I know who's good enough at video games to challenge me.
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:20 No.292208
         File: 1330496451.png-(122 KB, 341x302, 1301451421845.png)
    122 KB
    OhDio che cosa?
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:20 No.292209
    They have the best taste in asses...
    I bet.
    I've dealt with shit like that happening to people I know too.
    A teacher at my high-school got stabbed, even.
    Crazy stories...
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:21 No.292217
         File: 1330496496.png-(94 KB, 443x494, smugb.png)
    94 KB
    Well aren't you just a prick.
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:22 No.292230
         File: 1330496533.png-(10 KB, 404x408, 1317713959696.png)
    10 KB
    Lol kay

    Ich lerne Desutch, keine Italiener.

    That's sad.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:22 No.292232
         File: 1330496534.gif-(1.89 MB, 300x181, 1327298716619.gif)
    1.89 MB
    >mon visage
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)01:22 No.292247
         File: 1330496573.png-(59 KB, 320x159, twilight_sparkle_by_kittyisawo(...).png)
    59 KB
    The problem is he's even busier than me. I already have a designated player for when he can't show up, since we're expecting him to rarely be able to show up.
    I'm pretty excited about the book, the only problem is he has a tendency to hop around with the plot, he probably has half of Book 1 finish, and a large portion of all the other ones finished as well. Plus, he's still brainstorming things. He told me if he ever finishes one he'll let me read it first to sort of revise/edit it, which sounds awesome.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:23 No.292251
    I took french.
    First year barely past.
    Second found out I didn't need the damn credit and failed.
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:23 No.292255
         File: 1330496594.png-(41 KB, 700x700, tls iunno.png)
    41 KB
    >> Luck of the !usIrishdUk 02/29/12(Wed)01:23 No.292259
         File: 1330496637.png-(320 KB, 1200x1200, FlimFlamCheckThisGuyOut4000.png)
    320 KB
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:24 No.292263
         File: 1330496660.jpg-(3 KB, 126x114, 1302083730298s.jpg)
    3 KB
    L'oolandese è in linguaggio orrido rispetto all'italiano
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:24 No.292265
    Oh, my friend took french only because he knew the teacher was weak sauce and would give him good grades for just participating.
    I took Spanish in high school, and are now studying German.
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:25 No.292270
         File: 1330496700.jpg-(171 KB, 800x587, 13263717490150.jpg)
    171 KB
    >mein böbbel
    >> Desert !lotusJ8Nqs 02/29/12(Wed)01:25 No.292271
    You heard me
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:25 No.292275
         File: 1330496705.png-(947 KB, 5000x4513, 1329615759895.png)
    947 KB
    I was literally one of his only 3 friends he has had for the past 4 years.
    >the 2 other people he met bcs of me
    >they are my friends
    I can't even bring him around most of my friends bcs he's so awkward.

    I'm one of his only real life friends.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:25 No.292283
    Damn bro, that's still pretty sick though!
    I hope to see his books when he's all done with them.
    And good luck getting him to GM.
    A writer like that is hard to keep a hold of. Trust me.
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)01:25 No.292284
         File: 1330496735.png-(194 KB, 640x360, mlfw1755-1320520761.png)
    194 KB
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:25 No.292294
         File: 1330496757.png-(19 KB, 890x667, wut.png)
    19 KB
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:26 No.292296
         File: 1330496767.png-(103 KB, 363x397, 1317958074000.png)
    103 KB

    Yes, still sad though.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:26 No.292302
         File: 1330496794.jpg-(538 KB, 600x2727, 1327300312112.jpg)
    538 KB

    How are you you person?
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:27 No.292310
         File: 1330496839.png-(63 KB, 700x700, tlsssss.png)
    63 KB

    dun worry about it
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:27 No.292311
    Lucky son of a bitch..
    My highschool only offered spanish and french
    And the spanish teacher was supposedly a dick,
    but my luck, just so happens the year I do foreign language he quit, and I didn't realize.
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:27 No.292316
         File: 1330496860.png-(125 KB, 498x696, 1323176599257.png)
    125 KB
    Non voglio vaffanculo, grazie per l'offerta
    Sì, è vero
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:28 No.292327
         File: 1330496897.png-(148 KB, 1200x1200, Faget should faget faget.png)
    148 KB
    oh god wat
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:28 No.292329
         File: 1330496899.gif-(41 KB, 200x200, 110.gif)
    41 KB
    >Implying I'm ever very serious
    I'm just glad I could make you laugh.
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:29 No.292354
         File: 1330496974.jpg-(65 KB, 720x579, late night.jpg)
    65 KB
    I should really go.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:29 No.292361
         File: 1330496992.png-(19 KB, 890x667, fuku.png)
    19 KB
    don't tell me what to do.
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:29 No.292362
         File: 1330496995.jpg-(71 KB, 600x407, Cold_turkey_by_Culpeo_Fox.jpg)
    71 KB
    see >>292106

    and you, you invidivdual?
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)01:30 No.292371
         File: 1330497046.png-(116 KB, 229x320, 111697 - I_The_Magician tarot_(...).png)
    116 KB
    I need to organize my art folder, or at least put all my Twilight and Trixie stuff into folders, surfing through art is getting difficult.
    I don't have any idea what they're going to be called. I do know it's a fantasy series though. If I remember right his biggest influence was the Lord of the Rings series.
    Thanks, I'll keep trying, but the kid's a freak, he's in theatre, improv, he takes guitar lessons, I don't know how he has anytime to breathe.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:30 No.292372
         File: 1330497050.jpg-(54 KB, 720x579, 5.jpg)
    54 KB
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:30 No.292374
         File: 1330497054.png-(37 KB, 700x700, disssssscord.png)
    37 KB
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:31 No.292379
         File: 1330497103.jpg-(444 KB, 488x667, jrvrvj.jpg)
    444 KB

    I doubt they'll eject you if you're a stable source of rent. Worst case scenario migrate to Australia.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:31 No.292383
         File: 1330497113.png-(1.2 MB, 960x600, 1327515315546.png)
    1.2 MB
    Okay... Bye. I hope you feel better. <3
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:32 No.292388
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:32 No.292401
         File: 1330497175.png-(226 KB, 1200x1200, Lost his marbles gone bonkers (...).png)
    226 KB
    HAH love it!

    I'm off, catch you later ponyfolk
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)01:33 No.292410
    I bet none of you will guess what my father got me for my birthday.
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:33 No.292417
         File: 1330497216.jpg-(159 KB, 600x738, Commission__Oh_Hai_Thea_by_Cul(...).jpg)
    159 KB
    yeah i'm gonna run and deliver the new contract as soon as the office opens, but it's 4 days overdue...

    a surfboard
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:33 No.292419
    A hot dicking.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:33 No.292422
         File: 1330497226.png-(165 KB, 900x1375, colgate cringe.png)
    165 KB
    "What was the closest you've ever gotten to quitting the fandom?"thread

    just about killed any hope i had for the potential possibility of normal people being a major part of the 'fandom'

    Internet, you've ruined things again for me....shame on me for being optimistic
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:33 No.292424
         File: 1330497236.png-(9 KB, 417x500, 1317361913343.png)
    9 KB
    He got you a didgeridoo
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:33 No.292425
         File: 1330497236.jpg-(14 KB, 149x256, glare2.jpg)
    14 KB
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)01:34 No.292434

    Nope, a restraining order.
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:34 No.292436
    Get in here
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)01:34 No.292441
         File: 1330497278.png-(78 KB, 848x750, mlfw1092_MaiUR.png)
    78 KB
    Implying i was implying.
    >> plethram  !!0tBvpNbudBV 02/29/12(Wed)01:34 No.292445
         File: 1330497292.png-(89 KB, 700x700, a travesty.png)
    89 KB
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:34 No.292447
         File: 1330497298.png-(690 KB, 960x1280, 1327146932364.png)
    690 KB
    Jesus... He sounds insanely busy. I just stick to a few things and stick to those.
    He's gonna work himself into a fucking rut...
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:35 No.292450
         File: 1330497301.jpg-(20 KB, 493x402, wait.jpg)
    20 KB
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:35 No.292451
         File: 1330497302.jpg-(112 KB, 448x392, 1330040855798.jpg)
    112 KB



    Don't stress my friend, I don't know how things run over there but I've been in similar situations and they've turned out fine
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:35 No.292453
         File: 1330497321.jpg-(208 KB, 600x757, Gray_Fox_by_Culpeo_Fox.jpg)
    208 KB
    What the fuck?
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:35 No.292456
         File: 1330497331.jpg-(79 KB, 579x731, srthgs.jpg)
    79 KB
    Thats the most fucked up thing I've heard in a while
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:35 No.292457
         File: 1330497332.png-(125 KB, 500x455, 1306186235990.png)
    125 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:36 No.292469
         File: 1330497373.png-(48 KB, 300x357, Do not want.png)
    48 KB
    Wait wat
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:37 No.292482
    I don't know... I'm worried about you.
    Sorry... I'll leave you alone.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:37 No.292483
    This is one of those things that probably would've been best dealt with privately....
    ...but since you said that, if you needed anyone to talk to we are here
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)01:37 No.292486

    Well, I had to get it actually, what he wanted to give me was a $1000 dollar computer broken and some form of physical assault.
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)01:37 No.292488
         File: 1330497447.jpg-(24 KB, 320x181, 123362 - artist alexmakovsky c(...).jpg)
    24 KB
    He somehow manages it, and has time for a social life. I'm busy about four days of the week with school activities. By next year it will probably be five days.
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:37 No.292491
         File: 1330497464.png-(73 KB, 277x289, 1307613273647.png)
    73 KB
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:37 No.292495
         File: 1330497478.jpg-(166 KB, 800x642, in_your_face_by_culpeo_fox-d2y(...).jpg)
    166 KB
    We'll have to see about that

    But why?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:38 No.292509
         File: 1330497521.png-(202 KB, 1200x1220, discord_by_invaderpoe-d4nsths.png)
    202 KB
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)01:38 No.292510
    Because he's a giant cunt.
    Eh, doesn't bother me.
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:39 No.292515
         File: 1330497542.jpg-(225 KB, 500x449, give me your phone.jpg)
    225 KB
    Fine, fine, give me your contacts.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:39 No.292516
         File: 1330497546.png-(615 KB, 900x900, voodoo_doll_by_chibivolcarona-(...).png)
    615 KB
    this is the shit that pisses me off more than anything else.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:39 No.292519
    Dude... Fuck that. I would rather be alone making music. That's just me.
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)01:39 No.292523
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:39 No.292524
         File: 1330497564.png-(343 KB, 1280x720, 1305308410780.png)
    343 KB
    Glass him?
    >lol austrailian verbs
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:39 No.292533
    But they're in my eyes!
    Um which? email? Skype?
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:40 No.292542
    not to get off topic..
    But does anyone else think foster the people sound a lot like MGMT?
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:40 No.292548
         File: 1330497639.jpg-(176 KB, 800x644, Khohai_by_Culpeo_Fox.jpg)
    176 KB
    There must be a reason other than that. What the fuck kind of father gives his own son a restraining order just to be a cunt?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:41 No.292555
         File: 1330497689.png-(106 KB, 371x396, 132116994604.png)
    106 KB

    No, Sama had to get the restraining order. His father wanted to attack him.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:41 No.292558
    But MGMT's earlier stuff more so.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:42 No.292563
    you are not alone in suspecting this...
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:42 No.292567
         File: 1330497749.jpg-(31 KB, 364x386, 13103214416155.jpg)
    31 KB
    ohh, okay
    the way he said it just made it seem the other way around.
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)01:42 No.292568
    I got the order.
    Believe it or not, but this is still one of my better birthdays
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:42 No.292577
    I was just listening to "Kids" by MGMT on pandora and it suddenly hit me.
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:43 No.292580
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:43 No.292588
         File: 1330497804.jpg-(52 KB, 622x628, backvew.jpg)
    52 KB
    embrace the hate!
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)01:43 No.292597
         File: 1330497835.png-(1.63 MB, 1000x801, 102409 - artist whitestar1802 (...).png)
    1.63 MB
    By social life I mean he just hangs out with one or two friends whenever he can. Other than that his social life revolves around Improv and Theatre. Outside of D&D and getting lunch with my friends every Friday I don't really do much. I'm not good at composing, I'm too formulaic. I guess I was just taught music theory at too young of an age. When I'm writing a piece I decide on a key, then I think of what notes go well in that key, and think of different ways to blend them, by the time I actually start writing I've taken a couple of hours and get tired of it and stop. I can play well though.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.292601
    You faget,
    why do you have to have a birthday when I don't have a job or a debit card.

    Presents dont fix everything but id still get you one.
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.292602
         File: 1330497854.png-(33 KB, 499x265, CLAIMTHETHRONE!.png)
    33 KB
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.292604
         File: 1330497855.png-(292 KB, 900x1454, discopie_by_spiritto_by_evilsu(...).png)
    292 KB
    All my hugs right now.

    Love you Sama ♥♥♥

    off to bed now, bye all
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.292607
    That's a very good example actually. A lot of artists are trying to create a "unique" sound that has similar styles to songs like that, and stuff by Deadmau5 and Skrillex lately.
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.292612
    Nighty night, I'll be fine.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:45 No.292617
    Well it's in the email field.
    Shoot me a message whenever you want.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)01:45 No.292618
         File: 1330497919.png-(610 KB, 1300x1200, w4tw45.png)
    610 KB
    oh, you're a musician? i write contemporary riffs, can i hear some of your work?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:45 No.292623
    wishing you a happy birthday at this juncture in time does not suffice at all, so instead let me extend a hopeful wish that this next year of your life will be more promising than the last.
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)01:46 No.292639
    Haha, I doubt I will, I have terrible luck with birthdays.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)01:47 No.292653
    hi sama! I was in another chat. happy birthday
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:47 No.292656
         File: 1330498073.gif-(598 KB, 501x405, ogbgbb.gif)
    598 KB

    Because semen horse
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:48 No.292659
    Well still. That's better than what I do lately.
    Formulaic? I'm really the exact opposite! I need more structure, I kinda really suck. But I got the spirit.
    What kinda stuff do you play?
    Hope your birthday get's better.
    I'm sorry about what happened. I just don't know what to say.
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:48 No.292661
         File: 1330498093.png-(623 KB, 900x900, um____by_speccysy-d3ki7c6.png)
    623 KB
    I hope your day gets better
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:49 No.292685
    Whatever you tell yourself, you deserve to be happy.
    I hope that feeling eventually arises within you at some point over the next year. Everyone deserves to be happy on the inside even if the outside world isn't perfect.
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:50 No.292701
         File: 1330498249.gif-(164 KB, 270x152, i'm out 2.gif)
    164 KB

    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:51 No.292715
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)01:51 No.292716
         File: 1330498306.gif-(136 KB, 200x171, 1317659005632.gif)
    136 KB

    >that top comment.
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:52 No.292722
         File: 1330498322.jpg-(33 KB, 416x588, 13103214452591.jpg)
    33 KB
    But that's just an excuse
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:52 No.292731
         File: 1330498341.jpg-(57 KB, 511x800, ohsnaphell.jpg)
    57 KB
    bye Dan
    >> Dan !DanVS3nmJI 02/29/12(Wed)01:52 No.292732
         File: 1330498345.jpg-(13 KB, 180x202, awesome..jpg)
    13 KB
    oh, awesome
    my "JERK" shirt is being shipped
    srsly though
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)01:52 No.292736
         File: 1330498358.png-(157 KB, 320x320, 122587 - artist kitsuneymg cel(...).png)
    157 KB
    >implying I have the tolerance or attention span to finish a single song
    I'm working on a cover of The Perfect Stallion, which will be finger style. But I'm not sure if I have the time to finish it, it should be easier than starting from scratch though.
    Understanding music theory is pointless without being able to put creative thought into the music. I just recently started getting into fingerstyle, both classical and Travis picking, but up until now I've only really played blues.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:53 No.292760
         File: 1330498416.png-(206 KB, 352x365, osdco.png)
    206 KB

    I don't believe you
    >> Grendo 02/29/12(Wed)01:54 No.292767
         File: 1330498442.png-(440 KB, 720x579, 5.png)
    440 KB
    Forgot to post this
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:54 No.292773
         File: 1330498466.png-(152 KB, 328x332, 13103215400873.png)
    152 KB
    bitch you better believe it
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:55 No.292788
         File: 1330498537.jpg-(45 KB, 658x652, keded.jpg)
    45 KB

    My life is in disarray
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)01:55 No.292789
    Dude, I have some serious respect for that regardless.
    Music theory can be important, but having a creative soul is also important.
    It's understanding how to make the two work together.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:56 No.292791
    >music theory
    Thats going to hold you back.
    While I agree having an aptitude for music in the first place is a good start theory is what sets everything up.
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:56 No.292795
         File: 1330498594.png-(65 KB, 171x171, 13123118406362.png)
    65 KB
    you ARE disarray
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:56 No.292802
         File: 1330498614.jpg-(50 KB, 515x800, nothingtodowith.jpg)
    50 KB
    I want to believe
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)01:56 No.292803
         File: 1330498617.png-(32 KB, 235x243, mlfw137_1302467828872.png)
    32 KB
    That video gave my stomach pains.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)01:57 No.292807
         File: 1330498635.png-(156 KB, 512x512, 1325442533962.png)
    156 KB
    >that feel when you can't name your songs

    this is something i've been palying with, forgive the mistakes, i had a hella itchy nose

    but that sounds quite interesting actually ...
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:57 No.292812
         File: 1330498651.png-(221 KB, 894x894, irefe.png)
    221 KB

    Fingerstyle is besterstyle


    I am late for my disappointment
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:57 No.292817
    This really is true.

    I wish I had worked on my sight reading skills more in highschool and taken the music theory class offered there.
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:58 No.292822
         File: 1330498692.png-(389 KB, 602x590, 13193114404269.png)
    389 KB
    Start running
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)01:59 No.292836
         File: 1330498765.jpg-(320 KB, 505x488, ifvi.jpg)
    320 KB

    But I have no legs
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)01:59 No.292843
         File: 1330498789.png-(184 KB, 380x394, 13103214486347.png)
    184 KB
    you do now
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)01:59 No.292844
         File: 1330498792.png-(174 KB, 945x945, 345345345.png)
    174 KB
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)01:59 No.292846
    That really is pretty wicked.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)02:01 No.292865
         File: 1330498868.jpg-(8 KB, 251x237, g.jpg)
    8 KB

    >now if only I had a torso
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)02:01 No.292866
         File: 1330498876.jpg-(84 KB, 739x751, 85654 - artist whitediamonds g(...).jpg)
    84 KB
    vocaroo. lol you're funny.
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)02:01 No.292876
         File: 1330498898.png-(106 KB, 248x284, 13103318490424.png)
    106 KB
    let's see if i can't produce one
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:01 No.292877
    I like this a lot. The end.
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)02:02 No.292885
         File: 1330498936.png-(92 KB, 320x240, 130100 - artist dawnmistpony c(...).png)
    92 KB

    Hopefully this won't fly over your head, I'm having a discussion about typology with my friend. The ideal musician would have a developed Te Se and Ni (and would inherently have an FI). Te is organization, putting the song together, Ni is the brainstorming aspect, understanding how it WILL be, and Se is acting in immediate context, or creative soul. Combine the three, and you could probably make one hell of a song.
    Unfortunately, as an INTP I have none of those traits, but my Ne and Ti (understand why things are how they are, and my analytic nature) allow me to understand music theory really well, so I understand how music works, but I can't put it together.
    I hope that made sense
    Really? I barely know anyone who listens to fingerstyle, that's awesome that you do.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)02:03 No.292893
         File: 1330498994.png-(171 KB, 900x835, fvd.png)
    171 KB

    I'd like the unpenetrated model if it's available
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)02:04 No.292908
         File: 1330499057.jpg-(47 KB, 320x265, 13103912402768.jpg)
    47 KB
    only have the swiss cheese model available, sorry.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:04 No.292917
    Surprisingly it didn't. What you'd need is a diverse group, that has a little bit of all of the required elements, so to speak, but every one has a different main one.
    You need the writer, the organizer, and the destroyer. I've always been more of the destroyer type, though my shyness would make you think otherwise.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)02:05 No.292924
         File: 1330499147.png-(142 KB, 900x720, idfv.png)
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    Moreso play, but I suppose that's relevant


    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:05 No.292925
         File: 1330499153.jpg-(575 KB, 504x911, jason8.jpg)
    575 KB
    go for the cyborg armor!
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:07 No.292944
         File: 1330499230.jpg-(15 KB, 175x185, 132646034115.jpg)
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    Meant for you, ALSO this is the bridge i was thinking of adding

    acutually can someone tell me if sounds ok? this was spposed to be the opener for a album im writing with a friend whos a pianist.

    >that feel when a company might sign you because of a riff you wrote if you can pull the song together but you can't think of a solo for it.
    >>  Phony !BananavTIk 02/29/12(Wed)02:07 No.292951
         File: 1330499262.gif-(838 KB, 300x168, 1329537151276.gif)
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    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)02:07 No.292954
         File: 1330499275.jpg-(56 KB, 894x894, kmkmkk.jpg)
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    I'll take the pre-penetrated swiss cheese cyborg armoured torso with fries.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)02:08 No.292963
    Id kill to one day be some sort of electronic artist...

    Music is the only thing on earth that I have found that can keep me happy.

    Seriously this song im listening too right now,
    so awesome, I just wanna tell all of you I love you soooo fucking much.
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)02:08 No.292969
         File: 1330499334.jpg-(22 KB, 346x305, Megatron.jpg)
    22 KB
    Megatron armor all the way.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:09 No.292972
         File: 1330499350.jpg-(192 KB, 1164x936, ror.jpg)
    192 KB
    its powered by blood just FYI
    >> ­­Rita !Koratorio.!!numyONEQBRO 02/29/12(Wed)02:09 No.292975
         File: 1330499359.jpg-(17 KB, 299x270, 13103017448995.jpg)
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    coming right up
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:09 No.292977
    >that feel when someone thinks "companies" still "sign" musicians
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:09 No.292982
    I love you too, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
    Even if we're going into two different genres, I still completely understand.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:09 No.292984
    That was really fucking good.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:10 No.292989
         File: 1330499401.png-(454 KB, 750x720, 132545548002.png)
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    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)02:10 No.292991
         File: 1330499425.jpg-(18 KB, 264x320, 130973 - artist john_joseco Ga(...).jpg)
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    >diverse group
    That's the genius of ISFP's, which I assume you probably are. Their dominate traits are Fi, Se, Ni, Te, the most important traits for music making.
    Still awesome, most of my friends barely acknowledge it exists.
    I know, sorry I was talking to a friend, he just went to bed though. Sounds good man, I'm curious to see how you'll blend that with a piano though.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)02:11 No.293011
         File: 1330499511.jpg-(181 KB, 900x782, irejfref.jpg)
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    >>  Phony !BananavTIk 02/29/12(Wed)02:12 No.293018
         File: 1330499534.png-(135 KB, 853x854, 1330140514024.png)
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    I'm too cool to be called a faggot.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:12 No.293021
    I haven't actually looked into that, so I can't tell you.
    There's a lot that goes into music, I think it all depends on your style what's most important. But that might be just my opinion.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)02:12 No.293022
    Its not the only genre that does it for me,
    but when I find something just funky and awesome I can't help but feel happy.

    My first job was a shaker boarder for little ceasers
    The guy who shakes the sign next to the road.

    I would stand outside for hours dancing and doing tricks, didn't give a single fuck because I got to listen to my music.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:13 No.293035
         File: 1330499596.png-(362 KB, 720x720, 131755972444.png)
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    it could happen ... just need some money for less shitty instruments and a good recording studio time.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:13 No.293036
         File: 1330499603.jpg-(115 KB, 728x541, choptime.jpg)
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    what if someone has Prime armor?
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)02:13 No.293041
    K, serious question, guys.
    Is there something wrong with me if I have a serious fetish for being chained to a table and ejaculated?
    Like, any time I play a video game and I'm imprisoned (Reckoning, Fable, etc), I get a serious hard on.
    It's not like I'm interested in the BDSM scene. I actually have trouble ejaculating if I'm not in chains!
    Sorry about the randomness. It's just been on my mind, lately.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:14 No.293057
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)02:15 No.293060
         File: 1330499711.jpg-(8 KB, 294x172, images.jpg)
    8 KB
    Dont be a skrillex. For the love of god dont be a skrillex.
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)02:15 No.293064
         File: 1330499734.jpg-(37 KB, 320x320, mlp_the_assistant_by_lolrev-d4(...).jpg)
    37 KB
    I suddenly feel like a single INTP in a group of SP's.
    >implying/assuming/hoping you know what that means
    Not that that's a bad thing, it just means you all are inherently more artistically inclined than I.
    Based on just talking to you (even before we got on this subject I typed you as an ISFP). And you're probably right about that. Remixing/covering songs is largely about Ne, which is understanding multiple concepts about a single idea. Ti would also be used in remixing and covering, however Se is pretty much universal when it comes to music.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:15 No.293065
    Nope. That's pretty normal.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)02:15 No.293069
         File: 1330499751.png-(74 KB, 680x1352, 1330423504263.png)
    74 KB

    That is not a bizarre fetish as far as fetishes go.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)02:16 No.293073

    what if I listen to it?
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)02:16 No.293076
    You'd be surprised how fun it is.
    I almost caused a few wrecks too!

    lol I probably wouldn't do dub,
    more likely house.
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)02:17 No.293084
         File: 1330499824.jpg-(186 KB, 729x564, 1318492112051.jpg)
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    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:17 No.293085
         File: 1330499824.png-(1.18 MB, 1089x1749, 23443343.png)
    1.18 MB

    same way i did it with this

    thansk, you should hear it on an acoustic ... it's really amazing to be honesty, it's brilliant fun to play.

    i appreciate that guys, thankyou.
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)02:17 No.293095
         File: 1330499874.gif-(1.95 MB, 208x164, 1330493919946.gif)
    1.95 MB

    I vote for neither of those
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)02:18 No.293098
         File: 1330499886.png-(155 KB, 640x360, 131756024782.png)
    155 KB
    that not only do I listen to it, I also enjoy it? I thought I've mentioned this many times.
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)02:18 No.293099
         File: 1330499886.png-(143 KB, 1000x1000, atghsg.png)
    143 KB
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)02:18 No.293108
    I think it might be more than a fetish, though.
    Most people like stuff, but I literally rely on it to get hard!
    It actually limits the amount of girls I can stay with, because I would wind up having to tell them why my dick won't get hard!

    There's a rational part of me that's telling me to save this for my shrink, lol.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:18 No.293109
         File: 1330499927.png-(132 KB, 360x300, 132545536377.png)
    132 KB

    >he's actually a fucking incredible musician
    >someone else get the next thread
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)02:19 No.293114
         File: 1330499943.png-(358 KB, 600x793, 1318183714026.png)
    358 KB
    No sir, I do not like it!
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)02:19 No.293120
    and what would you vote?
    >> Nazi Kat 02/29/12(Wed)02:19 No.293122
         File: 1330499973.jpg-(69 KB, 631x564, mlfw235_Seriouslynow.jpg)
    69 KB

    Better but still pretty bad.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:20 No.293127
    I do too. Just please be more creative.
    Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. I will have to look into that though.
    Remixing and covering would have a lot to do with logic, understanding, and organization, making the cover your own would have to do with creativity. So that makes sense, if I'm reading that right.
    Start with covers, but try to set yourself apart from them that's how you begin to understand how they do it.
    Oh. That makes a lot of sense. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:20 No.293129
         File: 1330500026.png-(242 KB, 800x800, 1329571711505.png)
    242 KB
    You don't exist anymore, Derpy.
    How does this make you feel?
    >> Ken D. Blackwell !PAGANm/9Uk 02/29/12(Wed)02:21 No.293135

    Eh, Skrillex is okay in small doses.
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:21 No.293137
    Yes! That's awesome!
    It's a dedicated fetish.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)02:21 No.293143
    according to some test I took I'm either big make or rainbow dash on that chart. I was 50% on that one. Okay enough I suppose. Those online tests are bullshit anyway.

    oh well. would you feel better if I said I hate pop? because I do. dub is a lot like techno and trance which I listened to back in middle school.
    >>  Phony !BananavTIk 02/29/12(Wed)02:22 No.293147
         File: 1330500131.jpg-(46 KB, 559x553, 1304763603644.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:22 No.293153
    Still illegal
    >> Umbra♂ !UGfnowisp. 02/29/12(Wed)02:22 No.293154
    He's obviously made the genre much more popular and known.
    But theres still plenty of artists just as good if not better that aren't too hard to find.

    I still appreciate what hes brought to the genre.
    >> My Name Here !MNH.sLx4pY 02/29/12(Wed)02:22 No.293155
    everything you say? I'd like to see where that ends up.
    >> Overthinking !TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)02:23 No.293159
    >NT's with NF's
    >SP's with SJ's
    >Typing Octavia as INFP
    >Typing Big Mac as INTJ
    >Not typing twilight as INTP
    Aside from the recording itself that actually sounds pretty awesome.
    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)02:23 No.293163
    I guess so.
    It's a good thing the bestiality part of me isn't nearly as dedicated.
    It's even more difficult trying to explain that one to a prospective date.
    >> Trony 02/29/12(Wed)02:23 No.293165
    Give me an example of this pop you hate.
    >should I bake?
    >> HipsterPunk !!U5sZgS7fLYL 02/29/12(Wed)02:24 No.293176
    Don't explain fetishes until you're very serious with the person.
    Unless they bring it up as one of their fetishes first.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:24 No.293186






    >> Sama 02/29/12(Wed)02:25 No.293200
    I'll just subtly introduce it to them.
    They'll be asleep and then...
    BAM! Dog knot in the ass!
    >> Bubble !Buddy23.qs 02/29/12(Wed)02:25 No.293202
         File: 1330500340.gif-(378 KB, 200x200, 1330495857152.gif)
    378 KB

    I don't think from what you've written that you lie at an extremity by any means.
    The anxieties and over-thinking are probably your worst enemy

    I recommend undertaking years of sexual inactivity


    Movie scores?


    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:31 No.300263
    (Just checkin'.)

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