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!TOD33vFX8s 02/29/12(Wed)02:02 No.292885 File: 1330498936.png-(92 KB, 320x240, 130100 - artist dawnmistpony c(...).png)
 >>292789 >>292789
this won't fly over your head, I'm having a discussion about typology
with my friend. The ideal musician would have a developed Te Se and Ni
(and would inherently have an FI). Te is organization, putting the song
together, Ni is the brainstorming aspect, understanding how it WILL be,
and Se is acting in immediate context, or creative soul. Combine the
three, and you could probably make one hell of a song. Unfortunately,
as an INTP I have none of those traits, but my Ne and Ti (understand
why things are how they are, and my analytic nature) allow me to
understand music theory really well, so I understand how music works,
but I can't put it together. I hope that made sense >>292812 Really? I barely know anyone who listens to fingerstyle, that's awesome that you do. |