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  • File: 1330489460.gif-(1.07 MB, 840x470, brokemahleg.gif)
    1.07 MB Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:24 No.290023  
    What was the closest you've ever gotten to quitting the fandom?

    Mines was when I learned Sethisto was the creepiest fucker alive and that Mic the Mic was a babyfur on the same day.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:26 No.290069
    This thread cant end well
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:27 No.290076
    but it WILL!
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/28/12(Tue)23:27 No.290088
    The day of the Derpy butthurt. I felt so pathetic of being a brony I couldn't even believe it.

    I'm gonna get so much hate for this, but seriously guys, you were bitching like 5 years old[/spoilers]
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:28 No.290107
    I know who Sethisto is but what did he do? And who is Mic the Mic?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:28 No.290111
    No dude, i think everyone here agrees with you
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:28 No.290112
         File: 1330489734.png-(21 KB, 318x210, 1329440606199.png)
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    Brony Pizza Hunt.

    Speaks for itself really.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:29 No.290116
         File: 1330489744.jpg-(8 KB, 200x200, 132917319951.jpg)
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    >Mic the Mic was a babyfur
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:29 No.290118
    I continue to watch the show, which entertains me and brightens up an otherwise depressing week if only a little.

    I knew the very second I decided to give the show a chance that a great number of the "fandom" was going to have furfags and speghetti everywhere. The music and art are too good for me to simply stick to the show itself so I ignore the unsavory bits.

    So never I guess. I was never under any illusions that the "fandom" was anything more than it actually is.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:30 No.290138
    Oh OP there. This too. Hence why I made the thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:31 No.290176

    Same questions.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:32 No.290190
    This, but also
    This, and everything like it. Fuck everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:32 No.290193
    When they ruined Derpy.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:32 No.290199
    I honestly know nothing about Sethisto exceptthat he makes the posts at EQD

    Whats so creepy about him
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:33 No.290215
    The fag that owns equestriadaily

    Also, bronypizzahut/the derpy fiasco, those two events told me how fucking stupid this fandom really is and why I shouldn't associate myself with them either.

    I don't even know why I'm here
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/28/12(Tue)23:33 No.290217
    Oh god, don't make me remember this.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:33 No.290223
    For Seth

    And Mic the Microphone is a pretty terrible rapper and ungodly obnoxious livestreamer who has a large fanbase because Seth has a hard-on for him.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:34 No.290241
    I agree, we were acting like butthurt 5 year olds. While I still dislike it, I'm trying to stay calm and keep in mind that any derpy is better than no derpy.

    Ahem, for myself.. Nothing so far. I can ignore the Hoopleheads about the forums and fandom enough to still enjoy the show for what it is: Good entertainment.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:36 No.290265

    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/28/12(Tue)23:36 No.290266
    Sethisto is the one who likes Trixie right?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:36 No.290270
    I've never felt like quitting the show, but jesus christ, this fandom...

    I always knew Seth was creepy, but I completely abandoned EQD after learning Seth was a furfag and commissioned furry porn of ponies.

    4chan is pretty much the only place I've discussed this show, and I came pretty late into the show (May '11) so I've never really been burned, and I know how fucking retarded this fandom is. So and So being a furry or some kind of creepy neckbeard doesn't shock me anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:37 No.290300
    Seth isn't just the one who "likes" Trixie, he roleplayed as her for weeks/months on /co/ back in the day.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:38 No.290313
    Living Tombstone is a jew.

    Toaster is fairly normal as far as I know. So is Alex S.

    Mandopony is a regular dude. Apparently very talented too.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:38 No.290323
    Tombstone (aka Koolfox) and Woodentoaster (aka glaze) are both furries, actually.

    But they're not furfags, thank god.
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/28/12(Tue)23:39 No.290327
    OH THANK GOD. I thought he was the one who liked Rarity.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:40 No.290353
         File: 1330490424.png-(346 KB, 803x585, 1329728192975.png)
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    ...God fucking damn it.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:41 No.290362
    what's the difference between a furry and a furfag?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:41 No.290368
    What's the difference?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:41 No.290381
    furfags jerk it to furry porn
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:42 No.290386

    The whole derpy fiasco. I hate bronies already for being pathetic, obnoxious delusional wastes of air (SODEEP OMG) but that just shows fucking insane and self-entitled they are as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:42 No.290395
    dont furries?
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/28/12(Tue)23:42 No.290400
    If you love humanized animals but not fap to them you're a furry. But if you only want to watch humanized animals fucking the fuck out of each other you're a furfag.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:43 No.290407
    I thought all furries did that
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/28/12(Tue)23:44 No.290427
    Fuck this gay keyboard.
    Nah, man. That's being unfair. It's like saying that all bronies fap to rule 34.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:44 No.290432
         File: 1330490666.png-(99 KB, 287x192, holyfuckyougottabefuckingme.png)
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    yeah, just like how all bronies jerk it to pony porn

    cmon son
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:45 No.290456
    Fake.. how could he have a twilight sparkle avatar in 2009?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:45 No.290460
    Meh, fair enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:48 No.290502
    Actually now that I think about it, I don't know if tombstone's a furry.

    woodentoaster definitely is -

    but I don't think there's any definite proof of tombstone being a furry
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:48 No.290509
    I almost left the fandom when I realized how many "bronies" were just hipsters. a lot of those I got to know early on don't even watch the show now, but back then, they were hardcore
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:48 No.290514
    Well he is still a jew though.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:49 No.290522
    In the case of Seth, I'm always amazed to learn about another individual who is more depraved than I am.
    Same goes for people who have less of a life than I do
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:50 No.290537
    God fucking damnit why did you have to ruin Beyond Her Garden for me?
    >> Small Waves !yrGRe7492g 02/28/12(Tue)23:50 No.290539
    >I learned Sethisto was the creepiest fucker alive
    That is so not news. I already knew that before he even made EqD since he used to avatarfag and roleplay as Trixie all of the fucking time.

    >Mic the Mic's a baby fur
    hahaha oh wow
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:50 No.290542
    Actually did some more stal---err research, bad news man :/
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/28/12(Tue)23:51 No.290550
    He changed his avatar?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:51 No.290560
         File: 1330491097.jpg-(105 KB, 597x527, 1329441312199.jpg)
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    Changing your current avatar on forums affects old posts as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:52 No.290584
    I'd take hipsters over lonely neckbeards and furries any day.
    >> Small Waves !yrGRe7492g 02/28/12(Tue)23:53 No.290589
    You should only hold contempt for the furries that flaunt the fact that they're furries every five Goddamn seconds and have a closet full of fursuits for their various fursonas.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:53 No.290598
    I'm surprised no one is talking about Sethisto's equestria after dark. but don't be hypocrites.. you all know you want to be deep inside a pony, make her moan, and fill her up.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:53 No.290599
         File: 1330491205.jpg-(107 KB, 640x746, kurmit.jpg)
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    And yet, he's the face of the fucking fandom.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:53 No.290606
    He changed his avatar after the post was made. That's how forums work, brah.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:54 No.290622

    >I've always had low confidence
    >I'm shy around my family
    >I've never had a girlfriend

    I don't see what's so bad abou

    >Ever since middle school, I have had a huge obsession with female dragons.


    >Cynder was her name.

    Oh goddddd
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:55 No.290630
    This is why I detest him more than anything. He was some loser asshole that was at the right place at the right time, and his site is staffed with furfags.
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/28/12(Tue)23:55 No.290636
    I guess this isnt a just and fair world
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:56 No.290652
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:57 No.290676
    It's not surprising that furries would be among the more prolific and creative members of the fandom if you think about it.

    I'm fine with it as long as they don't force their furfaggotry on the rest of us.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:59 No.290691
    Don't worry, he still loves Cynder!
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)23:59 No.290698
    When everyone made a big deal out of Derpy being changed in 1 limited episode.

    And people who go everywhere calling everyone and themselves "bronies", just say you like the show FFS, nobody's a product to be labeled.
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)00:00 No.290705
    yea sure. I think people use trolling as an excuse for something stupid more often than people think
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/29/12(Wed)00:00 No.290708
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    >Implying they don't
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:00 No.290713
         File: 1330491646.jpg-(281 KB, 852x1326, KCaR2.jpg)
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    I present to you: the face of the fandom
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:01 No.290725
    I don't get why this has to be a thing. I'm not a Dexterite or Housian.
    I just like a television show. "Brony" was a joke on /co/, it wasn't a title or anything. Why did these faggots have to take it so far?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:01 No.290731
    The day I saw the video of the VA for Applejack saying "Fuh, Forget you! I can eat all these apples!"
    And a brony said "YOU ARE A CHAMPION MY FRIEND"

    I NEVER say I am a brony, I just use the reaction faces with people who are unaware of my bronyness

    The fan base is fuckin' shit most of the time, not gonna lie
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:03 No.290757
    >poorly written Human in Equestria fanfiction

    Too late.

    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)00:04 No.290770
    Yea, that's why I only hang out here and occasionally check out some fanart
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:05 No.290792
    Pirates of The Caribbean.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:08 No.290814
    I was never a part of your faggy ass fandom. I just like the show.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:09 No.290826

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:10 No.290833
    All fandoms have fucking weirdos.

    But that doesn't stop me from enjoying it, fuck what other people think, i started watching at ticket master when it was first aired and no faggot can ruin ponies for me.
    >> OP 02/29/12(Wed)00:12 No.290855
         File: 1330492332.jpg-(8 KB, 215x121, umm.jpg)
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    When I saw this
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:12 No.290864

    See, I'd love to be like that. But then I get really into some pony music by like SoGreatAndPowerful or entranced by some incredible pony art by CrappyUnicorn and bam, I start giving a fuck about the fandom again.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:14 No.290897

    Reading this thread.

    Seriously though, I try to stay on a forum that's extremely hostile to pretty much everything posted in this thread, only venturing out to look for new music or PMVs occasionally.
    >> Mr. Yaridovich !Yari.0UT0s 02/29/12(Wed)00:15 No.290899
         File: 1330492510.png-(214 KB, 640x360, 1303450003306.png)
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    Every time...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:15 No.290913
    That's why I love my ponygoons
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:22 No.291038
    brb clopping
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:25 No.291091
    I just like the show and like to talk about it's characters and all of the silly lines and animations in the show; the fandom just comes with it and the most extreme are always represented in any fanbase. That and the show is a pool of great voice actors from so many productions from my childhood. All fandoms are crazy, I just hate fannon and fanfics and when fans take their headcannon and ramble about it. For the last time, Pinkie Pie is not a murderer, Dash is not a lesbian, stop reading shitty fanfics and asserting characteristics and serialization that is not in their character. The porn also angers me, the characters are far too sweet for rule 34 but that is the internet, I just really hate people fapping to ponies...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:26 No.291119
    lol ppl quitting because of sethisto being a furfag, so what? ...i still enjoy the news and watch the show, just because some dude faps to this doesnt mean you do it too ... if that were true then I should stop watching cartoon shows ... ¬¬
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:28 No.291157
    Two week break. Had important stuff to do and was too sleep deprived for any of my usual time-wasting activities.

    Now that I got my sleep back, I'm wasting time again.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:29 No.291168

    Also fandubs and fan voice acting can really be annoying. Impression are cool if it is done well and the voice acting and character are spot on but when people like Balddumborat(The fannon Derpy voice) make hundreds of videos with really bad voice acting and the fans cling to it dare say it is better than the professionals that makes me rage. For the last time, a poor 21 year old is not a better VA than someone with 15 years under their belt in Vancouver. But at least thanks to the show people are giving VA's more love, they defiantly need more fans for the great work that they do.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)00:30 No.291180
         File: 1330493410.jpg-(34 KB, 500x368, 1328878135127.jpg)
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    I just hate everything. All of everyone. Bronies suck so god damn much.

    The music is shit, save a few gems here and there. I don't even wanna sift through the shit to find stuff I actually like. Whenever a new song comes out, I DREAD to hear what people will do to mutilate the song and make it sound like ass covered ass when they think WUBWUBWUBWUWBUB improves it in any way at all. Or the twats that think they can sing and try to sing pony songs. No male voice should ever try to sing the pony songs unless it is Flim and Flam, and even then that's a stretch. It will sound awful. Not to mention all the drama shit on the music side from all the mediocre musicians that think they're hot shit.

    Drawfags are okay when they aren't going "hey look at my shit drawing I drew it's shit but look at it anyway" or just being creepy all over tumblr with their so edgy grimdark or oversexualized pony tumblrs. And the OC's. Oh god the OC's.

    Not going to say much about pony porn. I have fapped to it, though only months after finding the show. Just going with "To each, their own" here.

    99% of the fanfiction. Mainly the retarded grimdark or the intentionally awful ones like Spidereses or whatever the shit it was, that was just awful. I don't even get why everyone thought it was funny.

    Brony Pizza Hut.

    All this derpy nonsense.

    yes i mad
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:30 No.291186
    when i found out my Brony cousins were actually buying the toys. I'm ok with it now, but having toys just to display has never really appealed to me and seemed sorta creepy at first.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:30 No.291196
    When I read this fat fuck's post somewhere who was sperging about how the show's "real" target audience were the bronies and that hasbro should stop producing the show for little girls.

    I mean, it's a fun show and everything but damn. Stop wanting your fucking shipping and sex jokes in the show.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:31 No.291204
         File: 1330493475.jpg-(257 KB, 800x600, Sexy_Cynder_by_Aaronon.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:32 No.291226
    > I have fapped to it,
    >Liking pony porn
    >Allowed to have opinions

    I agree with you thoughfaggot
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)00:34 No.291274
    If it helps, I don't like that I've fapped to it any more than you do.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:35 No.291295
    Dubstep, Fanfiction, Shipping, Clopping and Meet-ups always make me facepalm and stay far away from them. I love the show and all the fan-art and some of the music.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:36 No.291323
         File: 1330493795.png-(16 KB, 766x243, austinw.png)
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    Yeah, this dude in the pic today made me seriously think about whether I want to be associated with you guys
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:40 No.291404
    >seth commissioned furry porn of ponies

    Wait he did? I already knew about cinder and stuff, but man.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:46 No.291519
    Pretty sure there's a piece with his fursona (a dragon) fucking Fluttershy

    Or something like that, I don't give much of a shit about Seth or furries outside of the fact that they're assholes.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:46 No.291522
    >Making a big deal out of someone you don't even really know or have to associate with. just because they happen to like something you like for odd reasons.

    I curious to know what it's like to be you guys sometimes. It must really suck.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:47 No.291537
    >Never really dug into the fandom aside from music
    >I normally don't pay any attention to the men behind the music
    >See this thread

    Whatever, I'm alright with furries.
    They honestly don't bother me at all. Of course I don't really ever see their work because I don't go where they do.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:48 No.291573
    Someone please explain this brony pizza hut business
    I am curious to be enraged
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)00:49 No.291591
    Prepare your anus
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:50 No.291613
    He's pretty normal looking. Not exact good looking but it could be ALOT worse.
    Too bad about the dragon obsession considering everything else is pretty forgivable.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:52 No.291652
    So.. are these Cynder games atleast good?
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)00:53 No.291672
         File: 1330494829.png-(87 KB, 227x319, wefsdfsfe.png)
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    i assumed i was.
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)00:54 No.291678
    You mean they should change the formula from what made us like it to begin with?
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)00:56 No.291722
         File: 1330494995.png-(107 KB, 417x288, 23rewrwef.png)
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    i like the show because it's infinitely charming and delightfully colourful ... also it appeals to the fact i like cute and adorable things.

    i also find offbeat and witty writing to be entertaining ... but i don't think that justifies what some people project onto this show, it's a show for kids.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:57 No.291745
    When I read this thread. Damn you guys really make this fandom like horse shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:57 No.291750
    The moment they started singing
    I knew I was in for doozy

    This makes me rethink my summer plans of attending the convention in NY
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)00:59 No.291791
    Well, all fandoms are shit. It's good that we have perspective.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:00 No.291806
    Valid point.
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)01:01 No.291819
    Dude, fucking Tabitha didnt go to that convention. Learn from her example
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)01:02 No.291841
         File: 1330495329.jpg-(78 KB, 666x750, 1330053205007.jpg)
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    there's a reason people with lives stay away from the attention whoring that is /co/ and /b/ and the threads that are now present here.

    ultimately you extract what you project, take this place seriously, like it's a fucking lifestyle and you wind up like the people in the photo's that are spammed at us from the meetings.

    Take it for what it is and enjoy the ride, and you can have a real good time with this fandom.

    >plus the artwork is fucking amazing.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:03 No.291866
    Almost all fandoms suck ass. The stories you'd hear from a /cgl/ thread would have us beat.
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/29/12(Wed)01:03 No.291872
    Most fandoms are shit because the really cool people stay out of them. I'm telling you because I lurk in different fandoms aside this one.

    There are some really cool bronies, they are just outside the fandom and trying to stay that way. I try to do it, staying away from fanfic, fanart and generals, but damn, I like to talk with some bronies, because there are quite a few good chaps in this board.
    >> Rainbow Dash ­ !qFPDashiew 02/29/12(Wed)01:04 No.291884
         File: 1330495458.png-(26 KB, 136x138, 1327533337581.png)
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    That is all.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:04 No.291885
    When I discovered RainboomCrash like 2 days ago and now he's everywhere
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)01:05 No.291908
         File: 1330495536.png-(29 KB, 564x800, w45tw45t.png)
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    YOU, come back here.

    who's seth?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:05 No.291914
    Someone on reddit's MLP sub jokingly called Fleur "Sluthooves" and people got all kinds of mad over it. Also, who cares if Mic's a babyfur? He's a decent lyricist, a great singer, and an all around cool dude.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:05 No.291915
    you sir, are correct, fuking love most of the serious artwork they make.
    >> Rainbow Dash ­ !qFPDashiew 02/29/12(Wed)01:06 No.291929
         File: 1330495597.jpg-(28 KB, 421x401, 1327532971235.jpg)
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    The guy who runs Equestria Daily, he commissioned Furry porn of Ponies, and is extremely just...weird. He's a furry.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:06 No.291934
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    Guys I have a confession to make. My friends and I sang Winter-Wrap Up just like in Brony Pizza Hut. It was 4 AM and we were kinda drunk and we also sang other oversang songs such as Bohemian Rhapsody.

    Feels bad now. Does the 4AM + drunk excuse us?
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291940
         File: 1330495627.png-(132 KB, 900x632, 1329411841134.png)
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    the guy who owns the shithole EQD
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291956
    Did she give a reason? Was it directly because of how 'different' the fanbase is?

    Only thing that got me pumped to go was Lauren and the rest of the cast that decides to come.
    Do they all secretly fear us?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291963
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    Back when I read fanfics, some of them kinda turned me off the series. Ones like Cupcakes and Sweet Apple Massacre were just silly, but some of them are just depressingly bad. For example, "Little House on the Quarry" by RagingSemi is basically a story of systematic child rape, with the family being the Pinkie Pie family. The fact that most of the story's content was based on fan suggestions means a lot of people WANTED to read that.

    So yeah, I'd like to avoid that crowd at least... nothing against the sexualized art (which I find funny, at least when it's stuff like MegaSweet). Just not a fan of child rape.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:08 No.291969
    Except he really isn't, and yes, being openly into bestiality and infantilism will make people not like you.
    >> Rainbro !CASH0kdTl6 02/29/12(Wed)01:08 No.291979
    I like the gaming communities. One of which I helped to create and continue to maintain.

    I like the show, along with some fiction and art.

    I dislike fanatics.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:08 No.291986
    You also sung Bohemian Rhapsody
    You've already been absolved of your sins.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:09 No.291992
    Sort of realized that the humor s childish at one point, just didn't participate for a while, then I missed it a little. wondered why, thought about it, realized it's the people in the fandom that keep me here. The show brought me here, and I like to watch it every once in a while, but the fandom kept me, made me stay.
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/29/12(Wed)01:09 No.292000
    If it wasn't in public, welp, you were drunk. If it was in public, you don't need to apologize... You went fully retard in public and you can't change that.

    But may God forgive you if you didn't sing Bohemian Rhapsody properly...
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)01:10 No.292023
    no. Im sorry
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)01:11 No.292033
         File: 1330495879.png-(300 KB, 466x441, 1330085121394.png)
    300 KB
    ohhhh, okay, that makes sense .... EQD is like a sub fanddom in itself, that place gives humanity a bad name, let alone people who identify with the brony terminology. still, i go for the artwork, saves digging around for it.

    i gathered as much, well hey, this is the internet ... social parameters are broken down and people get to express themselves in a more sincere way, like their mentalities set free.

    so it's only natural people are going to express themselves to be sexually twisted.

    more power to them, but i shant be joining.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:12 No.292048

    Mic isn't the easiest person to get along with. He's been butchering the livestream coverage of our TF2 tournament for months now, and has perpetuated a lot of unnecessary drama in our community.

    I don't really care about people's sexual preferences, but I know from experience communicating with him, that he's an arrogant, condescending egotist.
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:13 No.292065
         File: 1330495985.png-(850 KB, 3398x4000, 1329762506602.png)
    850 KB
    I went for news, but now that I read this thread I don't even want to give that site internet traffic.

    >seth should kill himself.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)01:15 No.292115
         File: 1330496125.png-(262 KB, 596x387, ffthdr6yh.png)
    262 KB
    i've found most fuck heads in this "fandom" to consider the segment of it, the small community sub groups they identify with, to be the most important.

    they fight over who is the most tolerant and project niceties, as if to say " look, im really nice, im the nicest person here ... that means you can't have a problem with all the sick and twisted/retarded shit i do "

    classic aeris mentality.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:16 No.292126

    Here try that instead.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:17 No.292158
         File: 1330496260.png-(160 KB, 852x844, 1329678820507.png)
    160 KB
    the day bieber was allegedly a brony and the derpy incident.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:17 No.292159

    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:18 No.292171
         File: 1330496327.png-(107 KB, 325x308, 1329881946393.png)
    107 KB
    I love the sub group I belong to, but this thread makes me hate they I get grouped together with these people who are worse than scum.

    I already go there too, but knw I'm questioning who runs that site and if they're a furfag too.

    go clop to fillies faget
    >> Flim !q4g0GOFLIM 02/29/12(Wed)01:18 No.292178
         File: 1330496336.png-(15 KB, 300x300, 132581414029.png)
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    >Derpy whooves news
    I don't know which one is worst.
    >> i do not speak english dude 02/29/12(Wed)01:21 No.292224

    you were with your friends, drunk, at 4 AM, singing Bohemian Rhapsody and Winter Wrap Up, half of all your sins was forgiven that night......

    btw, everybody knows any fandom without creepiers/arkwards/jerks/strange fans?

    I just lurk here and others things pony-related, because I like the show, and the fanart is very amazing, but I never went to meet ups (well, I'm not american, so I don't have to much options)......

    PS: I saw the brony pizza hut video, oh boy, huahahahah...
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)01:22 No.292231
    I honestly was displeased with how prolific derpy hooves was to begin with.
    It struck me as a joke that didnt go away
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:23 No.292253
    No, like I said, only pony pic that arouses me. I don't even have a fat fetish, I think.
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)01:27 No.292309
         File: 1330496833.jpg-(70 KB, 680x383, 1329875642545.jpg)
    70 KB
    so you like pony tummies?
    >> Dakotafag !AFRMJYEvU6 02/29/12(Wed)01:27 No.292314
         File: 1330496854.gif-(337 KB, 400x295, Scanners-Pinkieexplosion.gif)
    337 KB
    This. God damn, people still won't get over that shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:35 No.292464
    The day I showed up for a Portland meetup in the summer.

    There's nothing to be embarrassed about for liking the show. There's PLENTY to be embarrassed about when you act like those faggorts.

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:37 No.292490
         File: 1330497449.png-(163 KB, 430x518, chubby.png)
    163 KB
    >pony belly

    oh god boner boner

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:40 No.292545
    5 part fanfic about a fatty Twilight.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.292598
    I'm not sure if its worst that you already knew about that or went to go look it up.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.292599
         File: 1330497850.png-(299 KB, 566x539, aftersexcuddling.png)
    299 KB
    >fatty twilight

    ew gross. only pudgy twilight for me :3
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:50 No.292700
    Reading this thread. I found out about a lot of things just now. Seth's history. Pizza Hut. Furries.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:50 No.292705
    So, I'm confused. How does one 'quit' a fandom? Is it negative association? Like there are people you don't like enough to sour opinion of the show because they watch it? That's pretty silly logic. It's like killing yourself rather than share this planet with a bunch of people you don't like.

    Maybe it'd help if there was a solid definition of fandom. I'd venture everyone's referring to liking MLP. Certainly not embracing the value of love & tolerance though. This whole thread is about reveling in the opposite of tolerance.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:52 No.292738
         File: 1330498365.jpg-(89 KB, 500x471, 1329884206611.jpg)
    89 KB

    I'm with you, but I knew right when the show got popular that it'd go wrong in ways just like many fandoms.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:52 No.292739
         File: 1330498366.png-(48 KB, 429x410, australia contempt look.png)
    48 KB
    What the fuck, why such a big post.
    You don't have to sacrifice your blood to cthulu while masturbating to tentacle porn.
    All you do is keep watching the show if you want BUT don't associate yourself with "the fandom. Forums, chans, etc.
    >> Ken D. Blackwell !PAGANm/9Uk 02/29/12(Wed)01:56 No.292797
    The #SaveDerpy incident. Dear Lord so much drama. The only good thing that came out of it was an admittedly emotional video from nomorethan9 which was, admittedly, really well done. But then nomorethan9 DOES do good work.

    I just hope the Bronies ease off on Hasbro before the higher-ups do something we'll all regret... like cancel the show.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)01:58 No.292821
         File: 1330498680.jpg-(23 KB, 214x155, IMG_3575.jpg)
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    >cancel the show because of us

    >> Ken D. Blackwell !PAGANm/9Uk 02/29/12(Wed)01:59 No.292838

    It could happen. Hasbro could see the Bronies overreact, decide the show's not worth it, and up and cancel it on us. And boy howdy if you thought the rage from #SaveDerpy was ferocious...

    But let's hope that won't happen.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:00 No.292857
    When I realized that "love and tolerance" was just an excuse for showing off your worst sexual deviations without fear of anyone calling you out on being gross.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:02 No.292887
    Can someone summarize the save derpy thing? I don't look at twitter or tumblr shit.
    >> Ken D. Blackwell !PAGANm/9Uk 02/29/12(Wed)02:03 No.292894

    Hasbro changed Derpy in "Last Roundup," Bronies went apeshit.
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)02:04 No.292903
    that is why you NEVER trust anything like that until it has had a good length of time to be tested.
    >> I'm normal, goddman you! ..... Chainsmoking 02/29/12(Wed)02:04 No.292905
    New person: be kind.
    1. Finding out how creepy most "bronies" are.
    2. Being associated with obese neckbearded closet furries.
    3. Being associated with kids who couldn't benchpress their way out of a paper bag.
    4. Seeing all the anime porn ads for the first time on this site. This is my first day, guys. I'm scared. Hold me.
    >> Legit101 !!SbgYFxeDjEN 02/29/12(Wed)02:05 No.292920
         File: 1330499137.jpg-(30 KB, 640x432, unforgiveable.jpg)
    30 KB
    >4. Seeing all the anime porn ads for the first time on this site. This is my first day, guys. I'm scared. Hold me.
    Go away you unvirgin.
    >> arreally 02/29/12(Wed)02:11 No.293008
    the things that turned me off from the fandom:
    -derpy drama 1 and 2 (stop the petitions and the complaining)
    -people's behaviours and appearances in meet ups/ bronycon (c'mon people fix yourselves the fuck up)
    -R34 doesn't bother me, but it bothers me when people flaunt it, I.E. mic the mic and jackleapp (clean up your fucking tumblrs or keep it in a seperate account where people who don't want to see it can know to steer clear!)
    -STOP using pony creator! and learn color schemes and aestheticly pleasing designs!(i loved deviantart before there was nothing but terrible OCs)
    -actually learn from the show and do something with your life, make friends, work out, practice social skills, be productiveinstead of hugging it out with online people who give little two cents about you.

    For EqD:
    stop posting useless posts, "saucy" pics, kissing ponies, filtering news that makes negative comments of bronies, making a big deal of everything, praising only certain contributers (i.e. mic the mic, John Joseco and the ilk)
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:12 No.293027
    Apeshit sounds vague. I wanna know how far they went because of a change of a single character.
    >> Legit101 !!SbgYFxeDjEN 02/29/12(Wed)02:13 No.293043
    >For EqD:
    What do you expect from Seth really?
    Can't expect much man.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:17 No.293093

    Check the number of comments.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:21 No.293140
    Honestly, reading this thread has made me more confident than ever that most of the people in this fandom are pretty cool, normal guys. It's a shame about the crazy ones, though. Sadly, they come with any fandom. Just as the fans of Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, LotR, any comic...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:22 No.293152
         File: 1330500143.jpg-(33 KB, 747x697, 1328767970968.jpg)
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    >Over 2,000 comments
    >> arreally 02/29/12(Wed)02:23 No.293161
    Now for a bright side, although a very few reasons, on why i choose to still be in this fandom:
    -great fanart, there are a whole lot of great artists in the fandom although they tend to go unnoticed, being overshadowed by big names
    -animations- i really love the amount animations produce, quite a few well made
    -music- although i could care less about dubstep, i really like creative or original works like mandopony, makkon and Ibringdalulz
    games- the games under production are blowing my mind, and the amount of care in making them is equally as impressive
    -comics, the sheer amount of comics is a good way to ease from a hard day
    -although i may get some flac, i generally have fun in the communit, whether it be 4chan, Tumblr, Reddit, Ponychan and Newgrounds, and yes i visit them all, some more tiny communities are also available, but with less hate and circlejerkin and more just plain old talking about the show.

    these are the few reasons what makes me come back, though very slightly

    i'm alittle sad that many artists and contributers to the fandom have expressed their regret and discontent with how we handle ourselves and how we are viewed. i understand the distancing
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:23 No.293168
         File: 1330500209.jpg-(114 KB, 425x316, keanu-reeves-whoa.jpg)
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    >This shouldn't be so bad.

    Then pic related. My actual, IRL reaction. I can't believe how much you guys love her. It's starting to look like...K-On.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:23 No.293171
         File: 1330500225.png-(2.57 MB, 1901x1070, 1330133809390.png)
    2.57 MB
    pretty much, yea, and i maintain that the artwork alone is worth the whole fandom.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:27 No.293225
    Why would Hasbro kill their cash cow? As much of a pain in the ass the fandom can be they're throwing piles of money at Hasbro.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:27 No.293231
    Never, really. What they do it's not of my concern. As long as I keep the pony shit to myself and episodes and good art keep coming out, I will be fine.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:29 No.293257

    Are you fucking me?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:30 No.293274
    The fandom is only this crazy because it's new and novel. The crazy will die down soon enough while the good stuff will keep coming. This is how all fandoms work.
    >> arreally 02/29/12(Wed)02:30 No.293279
    what's there to joke about
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:31 No.293288

    *Being overshadowed by porn artists

    >> /b/tard 02/29/12(Wed)02:31 No.293289
         File: 1330500679.jpg-(20 KB, 250x191, YamiYugi.jpg)
    20 KB
    >be a /b/tard since 2007
    >Omegle discussion gets me thinking about whether or not I'm a brony.
    >Lurk here a couple hours
    >Find out most threads are "Which pony would you fuck", or end up becoming one.
    >Post here
    >Back to /b/

    Thanks for an interesting evening. I'm not really a fan of the show, I'm disgusted by furries and pony R34, so I'd best be off.

    P.S. All that being said keep your head up Bronies... even with everything I've seen here, after /b/ this is probably the most legitimate on 4chan. Don't let jealous fags tell you otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:32 No.293303
    keep saying to yourself that, maybe a rainbow will appear raining marshmallows and kittens who love huggles!

    the fandom won't last long after third season, "giving the crazy enough time to settle down"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:32 No.293304

    No, I mean are you ME?

    I completely agree with that post.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:34 No.293324


    JJ, Slug and Ego are terrible
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:35 No.293340
    The worst moment ever was when I met my first obese neckbeard aspies ponyfag IRL. It was a really disappointing day, because most of the fans I'd met so far were pretty cool people, and though most of them were slightly nerd, none of them were overly so.

    This guy was the epitome of what people expect the fandom to look like... He also immediately started demanding I read his 400 word fanfiction.

    Listening to him, you could also just tell he was a clopper. I don't have a huge problem with clop in general, but it was one of those things... I have problems with the thought of HIM clopping to my precious ponies.

    I saw him wearing a pinkie pie portal t-shirt recently. I was embarrassed.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:37 No.293365
         File: 1330501035.png-(42 KB, 191x173, 1329503942040.png)
    42 KB

    Oh god, I love these situations.

    Please, tell us more of this guy. What made you so sure he clopped to ponies? Tell us more stuff he does.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:37 No.293368
    JJ= sameface, lesbian, animu crap

    Slug=terrible anatomy, terrible ponydesigns and perspectives (why is this guys so loved, even after he made porn of Lauren's OC sucking adick and allowed to sell porn in bronycon, even when he was specifically told not to) i heard he wants to even show lauren some r34...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:39 No.293384
    I got several pony shirts. Does this make me a bad person?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:40 No.293408

    That's nothing. I found my friend masturbating in the middle of some pillars outside of my university campus.

    What was he masturbating to? To a Rainbow Dash toy, apparently.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:40 No.293412
         File: 1330501234.jpg-(15 KB, 154x156, 1329457648420.jpg)
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    Shit, is what you just said fuckin' true?!

    I already hated the guy, yet I didn't know this.

    Did he really sell porn at Bronycon? What images were they?!
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:41 No.293427
         File: 1330501301.png-(170 KB, 452x500, 3tw45t.png)
    170 KB
    i know that feel ... but that's how some people are, just because they latch onto a fandom doesn't mean they represent that fandom.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:42 No.293437
    When I saw a group of real life bronies that fit the stereotype and fapped to horses
    >> Legit101 !!SbgYFxeDjEN 02/29/12(Wed)02:43 No.293449
         File: 1330501402.jpg-(51 KB, 556x417, fuck the police.jpg)
    51 KB
    >even after he made porn of Lauren's OC sucking adick and allowed to sell porn in bronycon
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:44 No.293463
    he sold them hush hush

    right next to the fucking voice actresses
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:44 No.293464
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:44 No.293469
    I found out my brother liked ponies too. He is 26. Cool right?.....well, not until I found his clop folder. Nothing unusual, I guess....until I find images of him painted as Twilight and getting it in the ass with a who I hope was his girlfriend....who was in a Spike suit.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:45 No.293480
    i used to hate r34 of ponies...

    now i actually seek and masturbate to them...

    oh god
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:45 No.293490
    You're joshing me Dash.
    >> Snarky Bastard 02/29/12(Wed)02:45 No.293497
         File: 1330501552.jpg-(15 KB, 350x382, dolph ziggler suspic.jpg)
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    when we got, what, fifty CMC episodes in a row?

    and when people bought in to Lucid's bullshit. remember him?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:46 No.293509
    Did slugbox REALLY sell porn at Bronycon?

    I want some proof.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:48 No.293524
    >fan music

    All of my money.

    I can't quit now. There are too many awesome pony-inspired songs to listen to.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:48 No.293534
    I don't really know him all that well, due to the fact that I try and avoid him. I can't really remember why I was so sure he was a clopper, might have been bias, I'm pretty sure he mentioned some clop artists though. Sorry I can't do better.
    Yeah. That's definitely worse.
    I just try and remember the fact that I know tons of cool/normal fans, and only one of this guy! I feel kinda bad for him though.
    Honestly, that's pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:48 No.293539
    We all know you saved them to use as potential blackmail. So post them now. Censor the faces if you need to.
    >> !StevAn392Y 02/29/12(Wed)02:48 No.293540
         File: 1330501731.png-(196 KB, 467x349, why.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:49 No.293548
    >this whole thread
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:49 No.293559
    i almost just up and quit when i discovered Mic and Jackleapp's tumblrs, i seriously was a fan of their stuff until i saw their OCs fucking each other...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:50 No.293584

    Holy shit, I know!!

    I fucking loved both of them, but discovering their tumblrs and the content on there was a fuckin' nightmare.

    Same thing for Interrobangpie
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:50 No.293586
    >and when people bought in to Lucid's bullshit. remember him?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:51 No.293593
    you're shitting me right? him too?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:52 No.293614
    I REALLY fucking hate Mic the Microphone and Jappleack now after doing some research on them. I used to nothing them, they made some kinda crappy music but I didn't really care. But they are truly the epitome of everything terrible about this fandom. (Mic moreso than Jappleack)
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:52 No.293617
         File: 1330501979.jpg-(37 KB, 640x480, Mistmovie (1).jpg)
    37 KB
    Oh boy. Creepy bronies thread?

    >At work.
    >Two guys like MLP and introduce me to it.
    >I like it, keep watching.
    >Few months later.
    >We are good buddies now.
    >Find out about a website he goes to by looking at his PC page.
    >Go there, should be fun.

    >Find out he is pretending to be a woman.
    >Find out he is an avid clop artist.
    >In a CWC way.
    >Then I find it.

    >"i found a delicious piece of man-flesh to rub all this friendship of mine on"
    >His name is [MY FUCKING NAME]
    >"can't wait for tomorrow."
    >Remember I was going to his home to play videogames next day.

    I think I almost got raped. I stopped talking to him, and asked for a transfer.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:53 No.293627

    Great, music. HUGE FREAK.

    [/spoiler] Notice how he has a "Clop-only-mode" button, this changes his blog to where you can see all the pony porn he's posted/reblogged. [/spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:53 No.293630
    ITT: tripfagging /b/tards complaining about others being losers
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:54 No.293638
    Fandom musicians are always creepy fucks. It's the rule.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:54 No.293639

    I seriously thought I was the only one who thought this.

    My sanity was going down the drain.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:55 No.293659
    >mostly anons
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:55 No.293660

    What artist is he? What's his name?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:55 No.293661
    Why I'm literally on the verge of quitting the fandom?
    Every day I find another artist/musician/etc who I thought was cool, but then I find their fucking tumblr or furaffinity account where they having r34 of their OCs. God FUCKING damn it it pisses me off. Seriously, you guys should check it out. WAY more than you'd expect at first. Pretty much every major artist or musician (except DJ Alex S as far as I know) seems to fap to ponies. The stuff's a lot easier to find than you'd think, too.

    Why haven't I quit the fandom? Well, places like this still exists, and I can't help loving the show. So I keep watching and naturally want to discuss it.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:56 No.293665
    tripfagging? what?

    a lot of people here are anons

    and i'm not from /b/
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:57 No.293684

    Holy shit, are you me?

    You have been feeling and acting the same way I have been for the past months.

    I'm a bit glad to see I am not alone on this.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:57 No.293687

    I am really glad you avoided that man. Really, really glad.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:57 No.293691
    well, i stereotype furries to be more on the hands on creative side, being more active online
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:58 No.293692
    Makkon and SoGreatAndPowerful don't clop to bronies.

    And they're fucking incredible.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:58 No.293693
    Half the anons here probably fap to animu lolicon anyways
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:59 No.293703
    >clop to bronies

    why would anyone do that?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)02:59 No.293705
    I'm afraid to ask.... but what about OdessyEurobeat?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:00 No.293717

    See, I don't mind MLP rule 34. I don't. I hail from /tg/ and monstergirls and /d/ material are just all matter of course. Fapping is fapping.

    But self-insertion and OC generation? That's when your douchebag-sensor should be in the red zone and klaxons blaring. I start hearing about that kind of thing and I nope right out of the room.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:00 No.293718
    i know i do, but i don't go showing it to people as if it's alright
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:00 No.293719
    Well you know, still better than tripfags.

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:00 No.293723
    >Have a brony friend is totally cool
    >He invites me to a minecraft server who is ran by an apparently notorious pony server runner

    >We all get in skype and start playing
    >Later on, the guy we were playing suddenly asks me---

    "So... ya clop to bronies, brah?"

    >So, I'm like "What".
    >He starts linking me to the reddit subforum "/r/clopclop"
    >I am horrified
    >Leave and never come back

    >Me and my friend are sick of that fucking freak
    >The guy sends me his tumblr
    >It's where he posts his art of ponies sucking on horse dicks and female ponies with huge fucking horse cocks
    >Horrified again.
    The sad part is that I've met SEVERAL bronies like him.

    Oh god...

    /mlp/ has actually restored my faith a bit though, I am quite glad to see that I am not the only one who gets fandumb bullshit in their faces.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:01 No.293727

    A nobody. He draws all that creepy shit in MSPaint. What I did see, was that he always draws Twilight's chibi head on the sides of his images, usually saying something.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:01 No.293728
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    > Music Artist OC R34

    I really couldn't care less. I'm not a fan of the musicians because a lot of their music isn't all that good gave save a noted few.

    It's going to take a lot more than stuff like that to make me leave the fandom. In fact, my own personal boredom has more of chance of blowing me away than porn or social awkward people.

    There's too much beta ITT for my tastes.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:01 No.293730

    So the list of non-terrible musicians that don't clop are: ChainAlgorithm0, DJ Alex S, makkon06, SoGreatAndPowerful...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:01 No.293733
    Pretty cool guy. He posts on MLPG sometimes.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:02 No.293744
    IAmNotACleverPony was awesome, still some of my favorite music (back from early days of fandom), and i'm 99% sure he was a fairly normal dude. But he had the right idea and got the fuck out when he realized the atrocity that his creation ( was becoming. Basically it was a site that ended up attracting all the musicians who then turned out to be circle jerking furry faggots.

    IAmNotACleverPony, if you're still lurking somewhere but under a different name, you have my respect.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:03 No.293752
    Clopper here, and I have never found one cloppable image on /r/clopclop. Worst subreddit ever.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:04 No.293767
    I second this accertion. Very poor tastes over there.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:04 No.293780
    >as far as you know...

    although that is a fine quality in an artist

    knowing that they have a lot of audience with different tastes, so it would be intelligent to seperate those liked by the general and those that have special preferences
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:05 No.293781

    I actually read through some comments and pictures and was completely shocked.

    It seems some of the people on there treated "clopping" like a lifestyle.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:05 No.293786
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    So I heard you guys like horse porn
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:07 No.293814
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    He is still my brother. I would never do that. If you need to look at them, here they are. Now imagine the guy painted purple with a purple dragon pegging him.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:08 No.293821
    Tumblr is far worst, the R34 artist tho have the right to do so, feel that they also have to right to show it off to everyone

    like Skoon's "jizz on pony toy" fetish that everyone there felt was normal
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:08 No.293834
    BTW, that's his gf.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:08 No.293842
    My friend knows I like MLP and occasionally asks me questions about things he sees on reddit and elsewhere on the net. At first I would encourage him to watch it, but now I tend not to out of fear he will associate me with the rest of MLP fandom.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:09 No.293854
    You guys want some good shit?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:09 No.293859
    I'm sure it isn't as bad as it sounded, but some people can definitely get REALLY into porn. They quickly end up spending far more time looking for/talking about/sharing porn than actually fapping. It really is an addiction, I flirted with it a couple of times (not with ponies, thankfully), though I don't use it very often anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:10 No.293870

    well this thread just turned for the worst
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:11 No.293887
    I really really want to believe we have a good fandom going. Stop being a douchebag and proving me wrong!
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:13 No.293915
    Hey, don't be a racist.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:13 No.293916
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    That's exactly my situation. A little over a year ago, I told maybe 3 of my close friends that I watch the show. They were just sort of "ew gay."

    But now it's coming back to bite me in the ass. I have COMPLETELY stopped talking about the show IRL. FOr months and months now. Yet the intense stupidity of autist "bronies" as well as the the R34 is seeping into every aspect of the internet (type twilight sparkle into google - it suggests rule 34), so they constantly see it and now associate me with these people. Feels bad man. Not sure what to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:13 No.293925
    That's kind of like saying the UK sucks because the BNP exists. It's over-projection. In a fanbase of over half a million you'd expect to find the 12 year olds and loud outcasts here and there.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:15 No.293942
    Tell them you are no longer into it. Hiding it festers imagination. Imagination creates mental images. Mental images provoke reassurances.

    And then you are creepy.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:15 No.293948
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    >That feel when you follow some great artists, but then they start to draw some pony porn, and now that is all they drawn.

    Damnit.... just damnit...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:15 No.293949
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    Makes you wish you could take it all back if you knew what shit storm you were headed into right?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:16 No.293956
    Unless you give them reason to believe you are like that, then they should know better.
    >In a fanbase of over half a million you'd expect to find the 12 year olds and loud outcasts here and there.
    Every group has it's lunatic fringe.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:16 No.293961
    i only want to enjoy the show and the "great" fan creations being made, that is all

    i really don't want to be associated with the bronies that simply justify the brony stereotype

    people can use a picture of a older man creepily fawning over a pony toy and generalize everyone in the same catagory.

    i can easily do the same with a picture of a buff guy, with a pony shirt and standing with his girlfriend, but will anyone believe that? no

    i'm positive at least i hope i am that the neckbeard autists aren't the majority of the fandom

    hardcore bronies really need a way to reflect on thmselves, and not live in a fucking bubble
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:16 No.293967
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    I kind of find it hilarious that it's 4chan bronies, and ONLY 4chan bronies, that are bitching about these kind of things.

    Disagreement you can find throughout the fanbase, but outright internal conflict is something I can only find here on 4chan.

    .....I wonder why that is.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:17 No.293972
    Well right. As of a few months ago, I've been telling people "it was just a fad, i don't watch it anymore." But it's pretty obvious that they know I do still like the show. So yeah. I'm a creeper in their eyes, and the eyes of anyone else they talked to about it (which I think is quite a few)

    Whatever. I can deal widdit
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:17 No.293978
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    When my dad became a brony.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:18 No.293996
    Became a "brony" or started liking the show?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:19 No.294003
    /mlp/ is a weird amalgamation of /b/, /co/ and ponychan, as well as people from other pony gatherings that are just curious to see what happens in here.

    The only thing that brings us together is hate. So that we can love. That we hate. Together.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:20 No.294018

    I find arguments and disagreement EVERYWHERE.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:20 No.294023
    because people's opinions aren't really filtered here as opposed to eqd or ponychan and hate is usually what people come to expect in 4chan
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:20 No.294028
    a shed a tear
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:22 No.294044
    Because 4chan, despite our claims otherwise, loves drama more than any other board out there. We just dress it up in all sorts of "I'm too cool for this shit, but look at it, let's discuss it" rationalizing.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:23 No.294054
    Yes, but not the same vein of "CANCER" or "AUTISTS" or "NECKBEARDS" that you find here. As in most rational people don't burn the brony bridge when they find out a certain music artist clops.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:23 No.294057
    Real reasons? Well, #1 is because hatred is inherent in anything related to 4chan. So of course that will be emphasized here.

    But more realistically, it's because just about every other fandom website tries to play into the "love and tolerance" bullshit. Basically, you try to talk about parts of the fandom you dislike anywhere else and you get silenced, shunned, banned, a furry comes to your house and assrapes you, etc. That kinda thing.
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)03:24 No.294067
    hey guys, where/who can one go to in order to find the best the fandom has to offer? While mostly avoiding the worst of course.
    This thread has me feeling a need to do this.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:25 No.294071
    that feeling that many artists and contributers are beginning to distance themselves and eventually getting away from bronies because of how we act.

    one quote from a pony fan animator:
    "And yeah, I'm secretly waiting for the day this MLP thing wears out too (which I guess isn't a secret anymore, oh well), or at least when I can start to break away from the community and work on something different. I think ponies are great and all, but with how recent events have been handled in the community and how it all seems to be thrown in my face every day, I'm starting to be fed up with this whole craze and fan base myself."
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:25 No.294073
    oh yeah he did leave. did he ever say why? maybe the perverts were the reason lol
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:26 No.294082
    i heard that he want to branch out...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:27 No.294084
    Up until a few weeks ago I would have suggested Derpy Hooves News. ( In the past they've only posted news and only the highest-quality fan material

    But then they featured two pony porn artists in a row. And I lost all respect for them. (technically, it was a new blog author who did this and wasn't specifically condoned by the admins, but still, it's still there for your viewing pleasure)
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:27 No.294086
    That only really happens if you use your 4chan voice. Smart people package their opinions to be less hostile.

    > goes in essentially saying "I fucking hate you group of people over yonder"
    > is surprised when people shun you for being a dick

    Presentation, presentation is key. If you can't present and argument properly than chances are it really isn't worth fighting for.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:27 No.294089
    >As in most rational people don't burn the brony bridge when they find out a certain music artist clops.
    Sane people do.
    Look at the hate the furry fandom gets.
    Are all furries disgusting sickos? No.
    However, the furry fandom's refusal to ostracize the ones who were has only bitten them all in the ass.
    Now, if we don't ostracize the creeps and weirdos, we stand to make the same mistake.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:27 No.294092
    Isn't Alex S doing the same thing?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:28 No.294097
    I'm starting to wonder if all this drama is started by a majority of the fandom, and the level-headed bronies are the minority or if it's started by a very vocal minority.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:29 No.294109
    and eurobeatpony
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:29 No.294110
    because anonamous
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:29 No.294111
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    The creators are the first to go since they can't distance themselves from the community unless they stop taking credit for their work which makes it unrewarding, and sometimes just impossible. Which in turn causes more artist to leave which causes everything to implode.
    >> Daywalker !AKgg1YO9U. 02/29/12(Wed)03:29 No.294114
    Dis nigga...has a plan
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:29 No.294118

    Wait really? What posts, and what artists?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:30 No.294127
    I am definitely a large contributor to the community. (My channel has over 3 million video views, I'm pretty damn well known). And I can attest to this. I'm getting really sick of the fandom. I like the show, that's what originally compelled me to make content. Not the fans. I just got lucky in that sense. But now the fandom is so god damn retarded.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:30 No.294128
    Good for them. Ponies are awesome. The show rocks my socks. But my life is not focused on one thing solely. Why should an artist's creativity?
    >> Scootawho !sF0ELnPONY 02/29/12(Wed)03:31 No.294138
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    I'm afraid.

    And mine was when Rayodragon was unbanned from deviantart. For the second time. Pic related.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:31 No.294141
    i hope it's the second, i met a few bronies, none have met the criteria of that kind of brony
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)03:32 No.294150
    I fucking hate the whole "love and tolerance" shit now. It was okay a year ago back in the very very /b/ pony threads where we had to utilize it by accepting that they hate us, understanding, treating them as friends, and legitimately caring about the trolls in our threads since this was back when there actually were trolls and they thought gore and spiders and CP would do something. Probably would have if we weren't all originally from /b/ in the first place. They freaked the fuck out once you started acting all nice and just doing the complete opposite of what they were anticipating. Even moreso when everyone in the thread would do it. Noone ever got mad or responded negatively to the people trying to drive us out and this sort of behavior even made some of them try out and eventually like the show.

    But jesus christ now it's just a "Holy fuck you're a huge faggot but I'm going to love and tolerate you anyway niggerberry". It may as well be "I think you're a cunt but I feel like I have to keep up a charade of 'love and tolerance' since I'm a brony and we bronies love and tolerate yeah friendship!" Then they proceed to get mad at them anyway. It's retarded and got completely out of hand and lost all of its god damn meaning.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:33 No.294161
    Same, a good portion of my friends are Bronies and none of us reacted in the "omgwtfbbq" way over all of this shit. Yeah, we were a lil bummed about the whole Derpy thing but didn't go out and start burning cars over it. If it really is a minority we just need to step the fuck up and announce loudly that we don't give a single fuck. (or at least not much of one)
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:34 No.294176
    quite a few known people have tried calming the masses

    but no one is listening
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:34 No.294179
    I was being a little facetious in my original post. I actually completely agree with what you're saying BUT, trust me I've tried - even the slightest hint of disapproval, even while being completely civil - and a hundred loving and tolerating bronies jump on you.

    Yes the presentation helps, but too many other fandom sites really don't wanna hear what you have to say if it's not "i love you guys so much"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:35 No.294183
    are you YellinatCats?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:35 No.294184
    level-headed people are always the quietest part of any group because they only speak up when they feel they need to.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:35 No.294186
    This. The one and only thing "love and tolerance" was ever for was to drive away trolls on /b/. Unfortunately, most bronies weren't around at the time and took a joke seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:36 No.294193
    Pretty much the same thing here for me. None of the bronies I know, be it ones I know from the sites I browse or the ones I've stumbled across here at uni, seem to fit the stereotype emplaced on the group. I mean yeah, some of them are nerds including myself, but they're all very level headed and socially workable individuals.......

    .....that or they are really really good at hiding the more scandalous shit, which I wouldn't be surprised of nor care of.

    Again, it's merely another case of loud minority syndrome.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:36 No.294199
    >> Ageha !!rEkSWzi2+mz 02/29/12(Wed)03:36 No.294202
    I started drawing pony 34. Then I got sick. I almost lost my ability to draw. I felt like I'd dragged the pony fandom down. I like mlp. I liked it since the 80's. My sister gave me her color changing ponies because she wanted bath-time kelly instead. then I had a 'spell'. That's what the doctor called it. It was a mini stroke that left the right side of my body numb for a week. I felt like I was being punished for what I did. It was all emotional and shit. But i realize, I like all of you from the really crazy to the really rational. You're all cool dudes to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:38 No.294215
    none of my brony friends fit the stereotype

    then again, we're all serving in the military...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:38 No.294217
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:39 No.294225
    sorry to hear that man...

    but this thread is about venting on the fandom, let's not start a hugbox please
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:39 No.294230
    Just like how far too many (post summer 2011) bronies think seth started the fandom.
    It's a sad state of affairs.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:40 No.294236
    I see MLP R34 just as much as fetish as any R34, not some sneaky trick of the devil or whatever. Claiming its evil or a blight just gives it more power than it deserves. Regardless, there is a place and time for those things and I don't appreciate that the community doesn't understand that.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:40 No.294237
    And I too would agree with you on this, but hear me out:

    The fact that a ton of people are taking the time to challenge you with semi-coherent arguments may be an indication that your opinion is wrong. Just FYI.

    Not trying to flatten you here, just keep that in mind next time you want to go dragon-slaying on EQD or Reddit.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:40 No.294239
    i heard about that.

    cartoonlion and a bunch of 34 artist rambled on how discriminitive and immature else everyone is
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:40 No.294242
    I don't care if people fap to weird porn. Just keep it on the down low, I don't want to know what you masturbate to, goddammit.

    Also, when the manchildren at Bronycon were screaming, hollering, and hooting at the voice actress panel. My god...I was so embarrassed.

    Then this whole Derpy thing where they act like petulant five year olds who didn't get some ice cream. Love and tolerance my ass.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:41 No.294246
    I'm sorry, but I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about. Sounds like it was a pretty emotional experience though.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:41 No.294249
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:44 No.294279
    What I hate it is when people are so fucking flamboyant with their pony porn
    (Blogs dedicated to the porn, constant discussion on pony porn, videos making clop/plot jokes.)

    and when you show even a little bit of disproval, you are flamed to death.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:44 No.294281
    > futa

    Oh lawdy! Not even I would touch that with a 20 foot pole.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:45 No.294286
    >Rule34 community

    The fact that there is a sectioned community of the fandom based around rule 34, is utterly disgusting.
    >> Scootawho !sF0ELnPONY 02/29/12(Wed)03:45 No.294287
    I think I might screencap that post and use it as my canned response to people fagging it up with that credo, if you don't mind.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)03:45 No.294289
    >very very /b/ pony threads
    I'm retarded. "very early /b/ pony threads"
    Took me a while to even notice this god damnit.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:45 No.294290
    Look on the bright side then, it looks like they attracted their target age group after all.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:45 No.294292
    Though I wasn't around in the beginning (was one of those "Oh god, why would anyone watch this?" kinds of people) I still say that it's a pretty good message. Of course the problem is most people say it and don't actually believe it.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:45 No.294294
    >came to this board to troll
    >reads this thread

    wow i never knew you guys were this self aware, or honest about each other, i'll just go on my way then.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:45 No.294304
    Yeah, and they also featured this supreme faggot.

    Basically, DHN is slowly (very slowly mind you, they could still turn around) turning into EqD 2.0, with the amount of fanshit they've been posting. Their reporting on the Derpy stuff has been good though.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:46 No.294307
    I think the blogs are there so people can actually find the porn in question. Nothing flamboyant about that. As for the discussions, well forums are forums.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:47 No.294322
    Honestly I think it should just be on and stay on sites like Paheal.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:47 No.294323
    I've met some of the creepiest people in my life when wearing my pony stuff in public (shirt and messenger bag). that being said, I've met some of the nicest and most normal/coolest people in my life. this fandom DOES have a lot of strange ass people in it, but there ARE some pretty chill bronies out there. I like to think I'm one of them.

    >i'm not
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:48 No.294324
    don't worry, because it will touch you...
    >> BootlessM22 02/29/12(Wed)03:48 No.294326
    >calling yourself a troll
    You must leave and never come back to the internet.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:48 No.294328

    There is a site for that, It's called PAHEAL.

    There are blogs on such sites, like tumblr, that are full-time dedicated to Pony porn. They updated every few minutes.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:48 No.294329
    but that's what ponibooru's for
    >> Scootawho !sF0ELnPONY 02/29/12(Wed)03:48 No.294332
    Dis nigga... Has a good plan.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:49 No.294341
    how so? please do explain.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:49 No.294343
    with Fluttershy's massive penis
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:49 No.294354
    I'm not really part of the "fandom". I like the show, but the only thing I do relevant to it is post about it on an anonymous image board. To "quit the fandom" would be to stop posting here, I guess? Seems melodramatic.

    I don't really keep up with meta bullshit. I don't give a fuck about all these tripfags and drawfags, Seth or Nathan or Yamino or any of their drama shit. It just isn't relevant to me. I don't know why anyone cares about any of it, really.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:50 No.294361
    "how so" what? How have I met them? what exactly are you asking?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:50 No.294368
    >Basically, DHN is slowly (very slowly mind you, they could still turn around) turning into EqD 2.0, with the amount of fanshit they've been posting.

    Yeah, that's what I am afraid of as well.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:51 No.294376
    I read a really long and thorough post about why people like Futashy once, and it seemed pretty convincing, so I went and checked it out. And as it turns out, nope, it's as shitty as you'd expect.
    >Am Fluttershy
    >see picture from ask futashy
    >Why am I a dog?
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)03:51 No.294387
    It was the message of the early /b/ pony threads, and you're right, it was a damn good message. Call me a faggot, but it's the 'love and tolerance' kind of thinking that made me a better person overall.

    The message became diluted the more people tried using it outside of where it was originally conceived and in the wrong context. It went from having a meaning to just being synonymous with hate and god damnit I wanna think of something other than intolerance but I can't think of it so 'hate and intolerance'

    Do what you want.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:51 No.294388
    why do you call yourself not a chill brony?

    how are you creepy?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:51 No.294391
    Did you know Megasweet and CartoonLion have established their own "Futashy Canon?" They have ongoing storylines and everything.

    It's disgusting.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:52 No.294396
    >ITT we bring up everything bad everyone big in the fandom ever did

    Seriously? I don't care that the EqD maintainer is a furry or whatever. Tell me when he kills a few hookers or something.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:54 No.294418
    but CartoonLion hates how Megasweet does futaponies, even though megasweet started the whole futaponies
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:54 No.294421
    Personally I don't care that much about Seth. As much as I and others hate on him, for the most part he's so wrapped up in running EqD he doesn't have time for much faggotry.

    I'm sick of all the other "big names" in the fandom who purposefully make time for faggotry.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:55 No.294433
    i heard a brony was beaten up trying to buy a pony toy

    can anyone confirm?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:55 No.294439
         File: 1330505736.gif-(1.66 MB, 400x363, 1329892189718.gif)
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    P-Please... don't... d-don't remind me...

    I love how both those artists have claimed to be female, when that is obvious bullshit
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:56 No.294446
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:56 No.294451
    i don't really understand the whole seth hate as well when there are much larger assholes
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:56 No.294453
    >I'm sick of all the other "big names" in the fandom who purposefully make time for faggotry.
    My point is why are we supposed to care about any of them? They're easy enough to ignore.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:56 No.294454
    Is there seriously a futapony community large enough to have futapony community drama
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:56 No.294455
    Well, that really is a damn shame that the message got so diluted. I've always considered myself a bit of a pacifist so the "love and tolerance" motto is really something I dig. At least there's still some bronies out there that hold true to that message.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:57 No.294467
    It's really sad when shippingfags aren't the worst thing tainting a fandom.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:58 No.294478
    To be completely honest, I'm really not. I'm not a neck beard, I'm not over-weight, I'm not disgustingly thin, I'm not zit-covered, I'm NORMAL looking, to say the least. 5'7, about 135 pounds, work out regularly, all that jazz. Just saying this because of the majority of creepy bronies out there, they're what I described as how I'm NOT physically. anyway... I may wear pony merch on occasion, but only to places where I know bronies will be. I don't hop around singing songs (that pizza hut shit freaked me the fuck out). I do wear my messenger bag to school and shit, but that's just college, and I don't know jack shit about the people there, so, it's like, "oh, whatever, i don't care". that sorta deal. I don't blast pony songs on my phone or ipod in public places.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:58 No.294481
    how are shippings a blow to the fandom?

    shippers don't do much other than say i ship this pony to this pony
    >> sage 02/29/12(Wed)03:58 No.294487
    You really can't. The coolest bronies I've rarely show off that they're in the show- at most, they might have a Rainbow Dash pin or something, but they mostly dress like normal people.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)03:59 No.294498
    I really don't understand all this hate in general, I mean I've only recently turned my eye away from the show and towards the community so I'm a bit out of the loop but really, who cares? It's a good show with good people in the fandom, what's it matter if there's a few purportedly "bad apples".
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:00 No.294508
    >i ship this pony to this pony

    but yeah
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:00 No.294513
    They aren't that easy to ignore, because they excel at inserting themselves into every orifice of the fandom. Yes it's possible to ignore them, but if you venture into any fan material, you're likely to run into them a LOT.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:00 No.294520
         File: 1330506052.jpg-(36 KB, 400x466, insane-clown-pic-2.jpg)
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    It's funny how the MLP fanbase is going through all of this bullshit. It's funny because being a "retired' juggalo we experienced a very similar catastrophe...

    Before, in the early to mid 90's ICP was great, the music the first 5 jokers cards... it was fucking something very few people knew about. You were almost privileged to receive it's message. The fans of the music didn't dress like hot topic clowns... in fact outside of the shows a fan could be ANYBODY. People didnt walk around in facepaint chanting and hooting all the time. It was an escape.

    Then with time the music changed (not for the better) and allowed a huge influx of a new breed of fans to experience the music. Queue the hot-topic generation and MIRACLES... Now the band I loved will be immortalized as a joke and though it was never like that in the beginning... that's what it is now. Hard to believe they were anything else at one point in time.

    I imagine that's what's happening to the MLP fanbase now... though much much quicker. Just takes a few clowns to ruin the parade for everyone doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:01 No.294529
    I wear a pony shirt almost everyday, but no one knows but me because I wear a buttoned up shirt with the sleeves rolled up over it. That is my view on this whole fandom. I feel cool wearing my sweet Pinkie Pie shirt but I don't shove it in people's faces.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:01 No.294533
         File: 1330506108.jpg-(107 KB, 800x667, best_friends_forever.jpg)
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    I've been in this rapidly changing fanbase since it conception in /co/, and I've been feeling really alienated for the last few months and the feeling has only been growing stronger.

    Maybe it's time i did something about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:01 No.294536
         File: 1330506111.png-(683 KB, 859x483, 1330315925195.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:02 No.294548
         File: 1330506175.png-(Spoiler Image, 565 KB, 1280x720, Spike.png)
    Spoiler Image, 565 KB
    >end result
    >> this faggot over here 02/29/12(Wed)04:05 No.294569
    looks like we got a lot in common. I'm namefagging now, by the way
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:05 No.294571
    That's a scary thought.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:06 No.294584
         File: 1330506384.png-(113 KB, 350x415, 132413775932.png)
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    The moment I couldn't distinguish a picture from a furry con and a brony con pretty much killed any faith I had in the fandom. I just want to watch my pastel colored pone, check out some art and look forward to FiM. Oh and pretend this is all internet only. There are no iRL bronies... right guy?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:08 No.294601
    Videos of bronycon crowd.

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:09 No.294615
    You know, I thought at first that a bronycon would be a pretty fun thing to go to. Now I'm starting to rethink that.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:09 No.294616
         File: 1330506570.gif-(2 KB, 139x138, 2 fried eggs and a piano.gif)
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    At least now I can realize that /mlp/ isn't a bad board.

    They actually hate rightful things.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:09 No.294622
    Yeah I'm kinda scared of going to Bronycon this summer. I want to meet the people behind this show but I'm afraid of the people I see in the brony meet up pics on EqD.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:11 No.294644
    That file name.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:12 No.294646

    seriously what do you expect by coming to bronycon?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:12 No.294649
    I'm calling it now. This summer's Bronycon will trigger the end of the fandom. Something bad's gonna happen, I just know it. Bronycon has grown WAY too big for its own good.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:13 No.294662
         File: 1330506825.jpg-(850 KB, 2592x1936, Rarity Shrine.jpg)
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    >2 cons for s single children's show in less then a year

    Why is there even a demand for this shit?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:14 No.294667
    If this is true then I definitely want to be there to witness the death of this fandom. It will be like a parent identifying their child's corpse in the morgue.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)04:14 No.294675
    A con I suppose is a bit understandable since it IS a con, after all. They gather to be omeganerds about something they like. It just happens to be composed of 90% furries.

    Is it that hard for someone not to be a massive tool about something you liked? Ponies can be a big part of your life but you don't have to be a fag about it.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:15 No.294689
         File: 1330506949.jpg-(548 KB, 1000x1000, 1329030142908.jpg)
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    oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:16 No.294699
    Furries seem to kill everything they touch, as a bit of a furry myself I am horribly ashamed of this.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:16 No.294702
         File: 1330507008.jpg-(12 KB, 286x340, 1308156014227.jpg)
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    >Something bad's gonna happen
    And Lauren Faust will be there to witness it in all of its unimaginable horror.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:18 No.294724
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:18 No.294727
    I hope she regrets it for the rest of her life.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:18 No.294731
         File: 1330507113.gif-(665 KB, 500x429, 1327246988837.gif)
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    Spotting the RD toy in this is like those 'Finding Waldo' pictures.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:19 No.294749
    Oh shit you weren't kidding.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)04:20 No.294760
    I guess I shouldn't say it is only the furries that are ruining it, because it isn't. There are shameless, unfortunate looking, loud as fuck neckbeards ramming MLP down everyone's throat with only "I'm just manly enough/LOLSOEDGY to like a social taboo" as a defense that aren't furries, it just happens that a good majority of them are. And they also cosplay and sing very poorly.

    I've got the same feelings towards furries that I do bronies. Just don't be gay about what you like and people won't hate you for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:20 No.294763
    I count two.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:20 No.294767
    Nothing bad will happen unless Yamino attends.

    At which point there will be a hilarious lynching.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)04:21 No.294777
    I remember when I was on some pony board, it was in the beginning when I've became brony, and those faggots spam everywhere rule 34 and gore. When I said a single fucking word about it, I've got banned.
    >ban reason: Y U NO LOVE AND TOLERATE?

    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:22 No.294800
    I've always wanted to remove waldo from one of those then print it big and leave it somewhere public.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:23 No.294812
    You have a twisted and sick sense of humor. I love it.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:23 No.294823

    >> this faggot over here 02/29/12(Wed)04:23 No.294824
    i HEARDDD that! so, I'm walking around a local collectors place wearing my messenger bag, and some brony (fat, neckbeard, disgusting) turns to me, facing me, standing 3 feet in front of me, while I'm trying to look at a display case, then literally grabs my bag while it's on me, and is like "IS THIS FROM WELOVEFINE"? i kinda pulled back and was like "...... yah...." and he was like talking on and on about ponies and shit, all along my two non brony friends were waiting (one of which HATES ponies). he then proceeds to shake my hand. I'm chill about that, so, i shake his hand, he grabs it, softly, and shakes it. so i'm like..." okay......" and i try to pull back. he doesn't fucking let go. he holds on to my hand for like, 10 seconds while i awkwardly try to pull my hand back without looking rude. obviously, I'm going to be nice. so, this kid then starts blabbing about a bag he wants and some random shit, he gives me his steam name (didn't add him, duh) and asks me to join him. I decline, and tell him i'm actually about to leave (i had just arrived. didn't leave) and managed to get away, and had to avoid him the rest of the time i was there. he was there with a friend who i could tell was rather embarrassed. bad times man... bad times...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:24 No.294827
    Oh Jesus fucking Christ, when I saw an RD fursuit it made all of the trolling I did on furry threads worth it (before Moot got rid of names, that kind of ruined the fun of it). But yeah, I can safely say from an insider's point of view that there are a LOT of fucking annoying furries. There's also a lot of reasonable people and good artists, but the idiots seem to be a lot louder (wow, that really sounds familiar).
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:27 No.294867

    Is that a Stocking Doll? hair looks too short though.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:27 No.294875
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    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)04:28 No.294900
         File: 1330507739.png-(74 KB, 231x250, 1329701282068.png)
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    In all seriousness I need to thank you guys. This thread showed me how many weird and fucked up people are in this fandom, but you also showed me there's plenty left that are normal and fed up with the weirdos.

    I offer my condolences to all of you and I'd like to let you know I love you guys.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)04:29 No.294901
    nope, it was board for EU bronies, I can't remember how it's called though
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:29 No.294904
    Liking a show means you must be friends with everyone else who likes that show.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:30 No.294923
         File: 1330507811.png-(87 KB, 212x352, 1324120273421.png)
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    >mfw there are rooms on synchtube dedicated to people who roleplay as their OCs and characters from the show
    >> Scootawho !sF0ELnPONY 02/29/12(Wed)04:31 No.294937
    Welp. There goes respecting THAT website.

    I'm trying to determine something. Are you saying that the 400 word fanfiction was long, or just that it was arbitrary? Because, regardless of topic, I'm not sure if I could FORCE myself to write a story shorter than that. It's not that I don't agree that being asked on the spot to read a fanfiction you aren't interested in is creepy/weird/what-have-you. It's the inclusion of the word count that confuses me.
    >> this faggot over here 02/29/12(Wed)04:32 No.294953
    love ya too, you little bastard. here's to us "normies"
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:32 No.294959
    We're the silent majority, silently shaking our heads at these idiots who run around in their fursuits drawing rule 34.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:32 No.294960
    I think the 400-count exemplifies the creepers laziness. 400 words is pretty much nothing and can't contain much of a story. From a guy like that it was probably a clopfic.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:32 No.294964

    I just used to post to annoy the newfriends, took a month before I watched "giggle at the ghostie" and that started the slow descent to watching full shows..
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:34 No.294987
         File: 1330508053.png-(26 KB, 945x945, 1328388910425.png)
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    I only know littlegirlsshow and thats kinda all right. OP of that chanell is a cool guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:34 No.294992
    I still don't get why anyone likes this shit. The art is okay, but other than that it's just a shitty buttonmash flash "game".
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)04:35 No.295012
    Also what I hate is when some retards micspamming low quality pony music in games. I don't mind when it's good, but it's low quality, and lagging music. Thanks to them, everyone shouts at you when you join any server for being ponyfag and you'll get kicked. Also spray their spray pictures everywhere... If those fuckers shut their mouths and just played, noone would hate us at least in games
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:35 No.295014
    Spaghetticon stream.

    Hands down.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)04:36 No.295035
    I don't even get the whole fluffy pony thing. It isn't really cute. It's just weird.

    I went fast and all that game did is make me wake up my roommate. I'm like SANIC but louder.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:38 No.295048
    >> Smoker !theBear.fU 02/29/12(Wed)04:38 No.295051
         File: 1330508321.gif-(1.08 MB, 223x126, 1323412894781.gif)
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    cheers to us norm fags who have a dirty secret.
    >mfw I can enjoy any good cartoon,but MLP FIM ha caught m eye fr some reason.

    I don't consider myself a brony anymore. I'm just someone who enjoys the show.

    I tried watching it as a joke, and the rest is history...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:39 No.295056
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    >> Scootawho !sF0ELnPONY 02/29/12(Wed)04:39 No.295058
    Ego draws porn?

    Since when?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:39 No.295062
    Fluffy ponies are basically the MLP version of yukkuris, it's not hard to understand at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:39 No.295065
    I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you are referring to TF2.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)04:41 No.295085
    yeah, mostly in TF2, but CoD crap too, and sometimes in Garrys mod and CS:S
    >> this faggot over here 02/29/12(Wed)04:43 No.295107
    i play the fuck out of garrys mod. are you just talking about all the pony skins that have been made? that's honestly not THAT big of a deal. i mean, people make stupid shit and upload it all the time.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:43 No.295114
    When people started using the word brony

    Brony meet ups

    bronies from /b/

    people that talk about it IRL

    people that use pony avatars on facebook because its edgyXD

    This board

    Brony con was probably the worst thing. getting the VA's in a room and asking them to quote things and then giving them a standing ovation, seriously what the fuck is wrong with you. then they say HURR DURR YOUR IN-TOLERATE

    no. your just autistic. Hide your powerlevel for gods sake. Why cant any brony hide thier dam power level?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:43 No.295118
         File: 1330508615.jpg-(8 KB, 225x225, nopenopenope.jpg)
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    >google yukkuris

    What in the... no sir, I don't get these and I don't get the yukwhatever.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:44 No.295142
         File: 1330508692.png-(250 KB, 438x524, 1329333800446.png)
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    I like the show but dislike the fandom.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:45 No.295152
    I play TF2 with the pony mods and skins. I think it makes the game just a little bit more fun.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)04:45 No.295158
    not that, that's okay as long someone starts putting them into weird poses. I mean their micspamming, a screaming HURR DURR I'M BRONY, IS THERE ANYONE LIKE ME? BROHOOF
    this happens to me just few times, but it's pretty retarded...
    >> this faggot over here 02/29/12(Wed)04:45 No.295160
    why can't bronies just be CHILL... god damn it, I hate more than 3 3/4 of the fandom. at least there's me. I'm fucking awesome. why must they hop around singing songs, and scream when they see the VA's as if it was teenage girls in 1964 when the beatles arrived in the U.S.? this makes me cry.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)04:46 No.295169
    I had to google that. I guess I'm either retarded or I just don't pay enough attention. Probably both.

    Anyway, I don't really care for fluffy ponies anyway, and yukkuri just confused me further. Why is there such a large wikia article on them. That just doesn't seem necessary at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:51 No.295239
    They're both similar in that they're both exclusively fandom made, and very adorable. You're supposed to feel for them.

    They also end up dying in the most horrific, gruesome ways imaginable.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)04:51 No.295242
    Don't worry you're not alone. The specifics of the Touhou fandom are lesser known.
    >> noko 02/29/12(Wed)05:01 No.295364
    Haven't ever really thought about "quitting" the fandom so to speak. I don't really rage at much regarding the fandom because I ignore most of it the majority of the time. Equestria Daily? Pop in to see the new episode synopsis or the comics that are easily findable. I don't give a flying fuck who's doing it or what that person does in their free time. I come here, go to /b/, ponychan, and occasionally /co/ and I just talk about ponies. I don't observe the petty little bullshit that always pops up. Maybe I'm just unobservant but I have yet to see this overzealous application of love and tolerance on ponychan or other such supposedly juvenile sites. I argue with people for days there and elsewhere and have yet to be banned or called out on it.

    The only thing that really fucking bothers me and many people have stated before in this thread is the god damn rule 34. Not even the fact that it exists, that I can safely ignore. It's the fact that the people who clop to it don't have the decency just keep it under wraps. I've fapped to tons of different weird shit in the past and currently. Bestiality, futa, vore, and a lot of other shit worthy of /d/ and elsewhere but I don't go around letting everyone know of my sexual deviancy. I keep that shit to myself and try to keep it on the down low. No one's stumbled upon any porn folders I have and I'd rather keep it that way because that shit is personal. If you clop to ponies, by all means do so in the confines of your own privacy but don't let me in on that because that shit is weird, just like I'm weird for fapping to all the shit I fap to.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:04 No.295396
    ?It's the fact that the people who clop to it don't have the decency just keep it under wraps. I've fapped to tons of different weird shit in the past and currently. Bestiality, futa, vore, and a lot of other shit worthy of /d/ and elsewhere but I don't go around letting everyone know of my sexual deviancy. I keep that shit to myself and try to keep it on the down low. No one's stumbled upon any porn folders I have and I'd rather keep it that way because that shit is personal. If you clop to ponies, by all means do so in the confines of your own privacy but don't let me in on that because that shit is weird, just like I'm weird for fapping to all the shit I fap to.

    I couldn't have said it better myself.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:06 No.295422
         File: 1330509997.jpg-(254 KB, 900x1025, 68419 - ork pinkie_pie WAAAGH.jpg)
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    yeah man same 'ere

    I keep shit like that far away from everything and everyone else...especially mai ponies
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:09 No.295458
         File: 1330510172.jpg-(1.01 MB, 2592x1936, Dashes.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:10 No.295469
         File: 1330510235.png-(62 KB, 615x477, oh god why.png)
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    >mfw I just saw brony pizza hunt for the first time

    I wish I didn't find this thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:13 No.295507

    It's a Monster High doll.
    >> Haackula 02/29/12(Wed)05:16 No.295531
         File: 1330510589.jpg-(200 KB, 800x600, chris chan.jpg)
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    >Why is there even a demand for this shit?
    Because people like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:17 No.295542
         File: 1330510641.png-(32 KB, 200x200, 1312070552778165.png)
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    There's one thing which made me rage and laugh at the same time..

    Some people started a troll on the finnish ponychan; It was about making a meetup in which the bronies would have a huge sex-orgy. Then alot of people started actually posting their dicks and shit into the thread, and organizing the place/time. People started falling for it, which led to a huge shitstorm about the image of finnish bronies ("butthurt conservatists" vs. "open-minded people"). Now the only active threads in the chan aren't about ponies; basically only about the shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:18 No.295563
         File: 1330510737.jpg-(86 KB, 953x814, 1328253083605.jpg)
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    The fuck?
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)05:19 No.295566
         File: 1330510753.jpg-(44 KB, 468x425, 1311189781708.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:19 No.295568
    There are always fucked up people in every fandom. But the pony fandom does have a knack for showing off most of the fucked up ones therein.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:23 No.295613
    Jesus... Did they had that orgy?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:25 No.295633
         File: 1330511155.jpg-(148 KB, 928x823, 1330177946267.jpg)
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    Everything gets more fucked up when it reaches the Finnish boards.

    Pic related.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)05:25 No.295634
         File: 1330511159.jpg-(32 KB, 496x363, 130605071011.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:26 No.295644
         File: 1330511193.png-(107 KB, 400x400, 1329873343009.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:26 No.295645
    That's just fucking impressive.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:26 No.295648
         File: 1330511202.jpg-(201 KB, 600x600, 1330391281145.jpg)
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    I still haven't watched the Brony Pizza video and never will.
    I hope the people involved are proud of themselves. There is also a really embarrassing school presentation on MLP that I haven't seen. Not the cool physics one, it was something else.
    /sp/ thought it was hilarious. I couldn't put myself through it. That's pretty much when I stopped enjoying the community. The show is still awesome so who gives a feel.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)05:29 No.295669
         File: 1330511373.jpg-(56 KB, 755x624, 1312746558739.jpg)
    56 KB
    Brony pizza hunt? wtf is that?
    >find it on youtube
    >they started singing
    >close the tab
    are they serious?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:29 No.295670
         File: 1330511389.jpg-(235 KB, 500x502, 1330220548104.jpg)
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    Funny howSeth used to fag up badly before he started that shithole EqD, went by the I'd CCCD.
    Just call his waiting a parrot and see the jimmies being rustled on their own.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:30 No.295682
    Oh god I was only able to bring myself to watch only one or two of those pony presentations and only after seeing a shit ton of comments saying it was badass or something like that. For some reason or another I cannot for the life of me stand watching people do something embarrassing. I get embarrassed for them in some bullshit empathetic response. It's genuinely painful for me to watch.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)05:31 No.295684
    I can't get past the first couple words of the singing. It hurts my ears and I feel like they shouldn't be allowed to live anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:32 No.295699

    It gets worse.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)05:32 No.295701
    that was the worst thing I've ever saw....
    Thanks to these retard, we are called ponyfags, and everyone hate us, because they think we're the same
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:34 No.295714
    don't get me wrong, the dicks and organizing wasn't serious. only people throwing fuel to the flames.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)05:35 No.295723
    I actually like ponyfag more than brony. Mind you, both do suck, but ponyfag is a lesser of two evils to me, if I had to be called one of them.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)05:37 No.295735
    well I don't like being called in both ways. I'm just a guy who likes ponies.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:37 No.295740
    A name's a name. If you go with a less popular one you'll just be compared to the more popular one. If people are going to judge you based upon a single identifier then they're going to judge you whatever that identifier is.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:38 No.295746
    There is one I liked, the aforementioned physics presentation, as the guy was pretty funny and well spoken. I think that presentation is what spawned all the others. For whatever reason alot of awkward nerds thought they could pull it off too.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:40 No.295759
    Yeah I watched one really good physics presentation and thought of doing a random presentation on ponies myself. But unless the topic was something that was so stupidly specific as to automatically make me think of doing ponies then I'd just be shoving ponies into a place where they probably weren't meant to be. Then I'd be one of those guys that people get mad at for foisting all their hobbies on everyone else.

    I chose not to be that guy.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:41 No.295763
         File: 1330512077.png-(1.15 MB, 1536x863, 1327952211094.png)
    1.15 MB

    This reminds me.
    I used to watch anime back then when I was in high school. It was a known fact in my class and I was always reminded of that fact....let's say.. not in a good way. So after 5 years I finished high school I was at small class meet up. It was at the time Animefest was held in Brno if you know that shit (I know you're czech). So we were sitting at the restaurant, when whole gang of kids in Naruto cosplays stormed in and decided to eat there. I was sweating like shit and this sitting next to me asked me if I'am still watching anime.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)05:46 No.295816
    yep I've heard about it, but actually I've never been on animefest, but I saw some photos of it.
    >> Not Arreally !a0s68wmEqI 02/29/12(Wed)05:47 No.295818
    wow, i'm impressed by this thread, many posts here are well founded in poignant points.

    people really need to see this and reflect into themselves, too many people are absorbed into this, forgetting reason,

    by the way, what's terrible about brony pizzahut? i never seen it, i only heard that they sing? what exactly is the outrage?
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)05:48 No.295834
    just watch it, and you'll know
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:49 No.295846
         File: 1330512550.png-(249 KB, 900x643, 1310235624054.png)
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    When they reveal giving derpy a line in season 2.
    I knew it was going overboard with fan servicing. I had been bracing for this shitstorm.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)05:52 No.295879
    There are too many things embarrassing about that video to even explain. I was embarrassed for them, and myself for just even liking the same thing as them. I'm pretty sure even a kid riding his bike like a minute or so in screams nerd at them. I've only seen the time where the kid is linked so I can't remember the exact point.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:54 No.295890
    Today, when I read all these posts...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)05:55 No.295903
    I quit it when Derpy shitstorm broke. Hasbro and bronies killed the fucking magic together.

    Reaction too damn muted. Corporation shoves diarrhea in the collective brony face and bronies tell me to not overreact. Once again ignorance and mediocrity have triumphed.

    Fuck you you blind fucking tool.
    >> Derpestia 02/29/12(Wed)05:56 No.295906

    That right there is seth asking for help on EQD when he first started it on furfinty.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)05:58 No.295922
         File: 1330513127.png-(8 KB, 334x279, 130600907738.png)
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    I actually thought it was pretty neat. I figured there would be hordes of rectum wrecked Derpy fans either messing with their head fanon or probably hating the voice, but I never would have thought it would escalate so far. A large portion of people didn't like the way she was portrayed at all, and of course that portion has to be the loudest.

    The situation as a whole is just silly. People hated or for some reason were offended by the 'retarded' sounding voice that she was originally given even though it was sorta deep like that because Tabitha thought Derpy was a colt, or they hated just her behavior because she seemed pretty slow or some bullshit. Then after they went to fix it, everyone got more upset.

    This is how I understand it went down at least. Either way it is completely idiotic.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:00 No.295936
    kinda overreacting don't you think?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:03 No.295954
    i hate it when people use the fact that they have autism as a point to the derpy debate

    no one gives a fuck, and it won't help your cause. it just further justifies the brony stereotype as retarded
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:04 No.295959
    Past Sins, although it was only made by the one guy. Also, fuck the fandom, give Weaver back
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:05 No.295966
    what? give weaver back?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:07 No.295977

    Fuck no. Its was a god damned insult emblematic of everything filthy, rotten, and removed from reality with America. Here's the situation

    >Hasbro: Fuck you fans! two people said it was retarded, that endangers are careful campaign to market blandness.

    >Bronydom: Yes Master, up the ass again please master!

    So fuck 'em
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:09 No.296009
         File: 1330513791.png-(413 KB, 923x572, oc hell.png)
    413 KB
    please, please stop making OCs

    just.... please
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)06:11 No.296019
    some OCs are pretty good actually
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:14 No.296052
    but it's their property, they can alter it if they see fit, especially if it's to avoid possible legal issues.

    your not even the target audience...
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:14 No.296053
    I still blame the creators for making derpy canon so early. She could had remained fanon with the subtle nods along the way and then maybe, get her canon part. That way the fans would had been more prepared.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)06:15 No.296064
    There is also an incredible horde of shit or weird ones. And then there are the Mary Sues.

    OCs just aren't okay. The only thing I get reminded of is Sonichu, and that isn't okay.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:16 No.296074
    >The music and art are too good
    Oh wow. That's setting the bar pretty low, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:17 No.296084
    sure there are some exceptions, but quit using that god damn pony creator. devianart is spammed to hell with those types of ponies.

    and if not using that generator, the OCs are hidiously made, no clear paired color scheme, no design appeal and an even more appalling back story.

    this is not the sonic fandom!, your OCs aren't friends or lovers with the mane 6! and no alicorns!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:18 No.296090

    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)06:20 No.296111
    yeah, because everyone is like I WANNA CREATE MY OWN PONY HURR. I saw a few of them which were actually quite good, but most of them suck

    that's the worst part of it, the spam. I saw there is even a page on where others post their OCs
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:21 No.296124
         File: 1330514461.png-(990 KB, 800x821, 118191%20-%20artist_Skoon%20cu(...).png)
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    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)06:22 No.296138
         File: 1330514560.jpg-(27 KB, 240x232, 1316600352828.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:23 No.296144
         File: 1330514617.gif-(222 KB, 337x459, ce1.gif)
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    >hmm doesn't seem to be a problem a little cobweb on rainbow dash can easily...
    >clicks thumbnail

    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)06:24 No.296154
    She's been canon since Feeling Pinkie Keen where she dropped all that shit on Twilight. From what I remember, what you described is what they seemed have done with Derpy. Season 1 they only showed her for a second or two before moving on, no line or impact or her own scene. Just little "Hey you guys look we know you exist" and that was the coolest thing ever. They only started picking it up in Season 2 with that Nightmare Night scene and other shit I probably can't remember, and I think the pace they chose was fine.

    I just think a big part of the uproar was the way her being given a speaking role and scene was done. You do have to admit, while it was still pretty neat that it happened, it probably could have been done better, voice-wise, especially. Derpy was always widely considered as just a clumsy, silly mailmare with wall eyes.. I don't think the whole "her being retarded" in fanon wasn't as popular, but I could be wrong. I'm trying to remember this shit and it is 5 AM. If Tabitha didn't think she was a colt, maybe the initial voice may have seemed less...slow, I guess, to people who might have been offended by it initially.

    I dunno. That's just what I think.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:26 No.296159

    1) Right there in your post.... the creeping moral decay of the modern age. Someone might hypothetically be offended enough to possibly undertake the massive financial burden of suing a corporation over a cartooon, that you trot that out as some sort of legitimate justification only reveal how disgusting and hollow the ethics of the world have become.

    2) Intellectual Property is a morally bankrupt scam ideology to to ensure the "haves" go on having. People need to assert their dominance over corporations, they must be made to serve not command. (Mind you not a communist, I just think executives should be barbarically killed by mobs from time to time)

    3) Recognizing that I certainly will get nowhere over fucking My Little Pony on this, I have simply taken by business elsewhere. May it burn quickly and be canceled swiftly.
    >> Haackula 02/29/12(Wed)06:26 No.296161
         File: 1330514775.jpg-(77 KB, 600x600, blood.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:26 No.296164
         File: 1330514785.jpg-(36 KB, 283x397, 210.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:27 No.296172

    skoon is planning on reopenning another account so he can share his jizzed on pony toys.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)06:29 No.296194
         File: 1330514942.jpg-(29 KB, 233x280, 618c1207.jpg)
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    No but really. I suppose I'm being too hard on OCs and overgeneralizing them.
    Of course there are some that actually make sense, and that I can imagine actually being IN the show as background ponies just doing fuckall.

    But those are lost in the tsunami of shit pony creator made OCs that make no sense and have shittastic special talents like VIDYA or shooting fire some other stupid shit that wouldn't be in the show.

    Well vidya makes a little more sense since they had arcade cabinets in the show at one point, so I guess saying that isn't fair anymore.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:29 No.296202

    spoiler that shit you stupid fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:29 No.296203
         File: 1330514981.gif-(704 KB, 410x360, mlfw2004-what_the_fuck_edit.gif)
    704 KB

    oh god! i can taste it on my tongue!!! ewew ewww!!!
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)06:30 No.296217
         File: 1330515033.png-(94 KB, 367x350, 1311189800863.png)
    94 KB

    That guy must be so fucking retarded....
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)06:30 No.296218
    Well that isn't as bad as >>296124

    At least the cum won't get stuck in her plastic mane.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:30 No.296222
    why? it's not porn, no genitalia or gore here
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:30 No.296223
         File: 1330515059.png-(121 KB, 301x338, 1328632750400.png)
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    poor pinkie
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:31 No.296227
         File: 1330515086.png-(141 KB, 900x827, rage.png)
    141 KB
    And here I am thinking I saw everything. Fuck you people. Fuck you.
    >> Small Waves !yrGRe7492g 02/29/12(Wed)06:31 No.296229
         File: 1330515093.png-(163 KB, 348x362, 1299707709337.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:31 No.296230
         File: 1330515102.jpg-(23 KB, 147x174, 9Why.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:31 No.296231
    you know what semen tastes like?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:32 No.296240
    can we archive this thread? how can i do this? this is funny!!!
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:33 No.296251

    Well I guess Pinkie just can't handle that amout of sperm flow.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:34 No.296264
    The things in this thread...
    I did not need to know them.
    Oh god, why, why can't I stop reading.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:36 No.296284
    I felt the show lost it's direction in season 2, possibly due to the loss of faust, it is still entertaining but i feel like the show originally intended to go somewhere that it now never can.

    When they gave Derpy a voice and naming her, it was already apparent that they were catering to fans but for what? People became fans of the show for what it was, not for canonizing fan content, i feel like giving Derpy a name and voice was the signal that Hasbro will do anything to the show that they think will help capitalize on the fandom. Plus the shitstorm thereafter was just plain embarrassing for any adult calling themselves a fan of the show.

    These days I still consider myself a fan but it's hard to call myself a 'brony'. Also when pony fandom first took off many of the so called bronies seemed and claimed to get something positive from the show to improve their lives or themselves. I can barely describe the change in myself, it made me more motivated about life in general and i put greater care into everything I do and i am getting into fantastic shape, i am no adonis yet but these days i am built, 180 pounds of muscle and fat when 2 years ago i was 235 pound of fat. Exercise is just one example. I am truly disappointed that so few bronies have actually applied the show's lesson in real life in favor of LOLMEMEREACTIONFACECATCHPHRASE
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:37 No.296285
    the jizzer is one of the 34 artists i think, i believe it's spacedeity, since it appeared on his tumblr first.

    this video was to make a point that it's alright to share sexual deviancy without fear of backlash.

    i know it isn't skoon
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:40 No.296304
    searching pony on tumblr, few seconds in i find three r34 (horribly drawn)

    sigh... yup
    >> Haackula 02/29/12(Wed)06:56 No.296430
         File: 1330516564.gif-(123 KB, 384x535, image001.gif)
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    It's one thing to share your sexual deviancy with other people who don't mind hearing about it. It's another to upload videos of yourself spraying plastic toys with your infected sperm.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)06:56 No.296438
    ya, this post is way the fuck up there, so what? u wanna fight about it?

    here my problem with this post: your hatin on all this shit "music sounds like ass covered ass"
    i like quite a bit of pony music to be honest, but wait, here the part of your post that gets me most:

    >Not going to say much about pony porn. I have fapped to it, though only months after finding the show. Just going with "To each, their own" here.

    bullshit sir. your fucking stupid picking and choosing which parts to be judgemental about
    "oh, i dont like brony music, and i dont like brony drawing, but ive jacked off to ponies fucking, so i guess its okay for others to do it too"

    fuck you dumbass, its people like you who ruin the fandom for me. thx alot.

    and the drama with Sethisto, im siding with him. yes loser creeps out there exist, will non of you show empathy for him? so what if he has an obsession with dragons, big deal. he does a damn good job of running EQD. hes clearly messed up in the head, leave him alone ffs
    >> Haackula 02/29/12(Wed)07:00 No.296473
    >"music sounds like ass covered ass"

    He's gotta point.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:01 No.296488
    about 10% of it is actually decent. u just gotta know the right artists
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)07:03 No.296501
    That whole shit about music and drawfags is just my own shitty opinion. I personally just don't like it, and I think a good majority of the artists on both sides are shit. They're still free to do whatever they want. It's not like I could stop them anyway. I still don't like what they do though, and the worship of these a couple of these mediocre artists just makes me hate everyone.

    And you can go ahead and enjoy what you want. That's just what I have a problem with. A lot of the pony inspired music being produced is just not the kind of stuff I like, so naturally, I'm going to hate it. I 'get' that people like shit I don't like, and that's fine.

    Sorry if you got the wrong idea there. I wasn't trying to say fapping to ponies is okay while liking the music isn't. Though I can see why it could look that way.
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)07:05 No.296513
    Fuck, forgot something.

    If it helps at all, I don't exactly like the fact that I've fapped to ponies before.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:10 No.296551
         File: 1330517444.png-(181 KB, 615x615, tumblr_lzvf5siIpg1r5tr095.png)
    181 KB
    >this thread
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:11 No.296557
         File: 1330517501.png-(990 KB, 733x675, mic and jack.png)
    990 KB
    jackalapp is so fucking hairy
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)07:12 No.296566
    >the worship of these a couple of these mediocre
    "...the worship of a couple of these mediocre..."

    I've also realized I catch the retards at 6 AM.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:13 No.296568
    Considering the fact that rule 34 on mlp has existed since the first incarnation of my little pony it should not come as a surprise to anybody that the version with the largest fanbase will also generate the most rule 34, ive fapped to ponies and ive fapped to worse, the only change in my fapping habits is 1 more option in my porn folder depending on my mood
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:17 No.296603
         File: 1330517845.png-(74 KB, 615x615, eaf.png)
    74 KB
    are you guys talking about this Jappleack?, isn't that hotdiggydemon?
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)07:42 No.296811
    actually, Jappleack isn't as BAD as the others...
    have you seen those idiots who post rule34 on their tumblr? I'd kill every single one
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:48 No.296863
    i stopped paying attention to tmbler.

    half of them block questions and the other artists just butcher characters with their 'story' and 'character development'
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)07:49 No.296880
    There is Jappleack and Jackle App. The latter is a hairy musician.
    >> Kere J. !RKvVrkCpps 02/29/12(Wed)07:50 No.296886
    I don't visit tumblr either, but sometimes friends send me link to their shitty posts.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)08:13 No.297102
         File: 1330521181.png-(25 KB, 408x426, 1330521068507.png)
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    OC ponies
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)09:01 No.297636
    >> Petal Blossom !O.O.o.o.kk 02/29/12(Wed)10:34 No.298746
    Ironically, College Humor just stopped being funny to me about 4 years ago while I was still in High School.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:50 No.298953
    This was an INCREDIBLY refreshing thread.

    Thank you all for helping me know I'm not alone in my righteous hatred of all things brony.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:54 No.298994
         File: 1330530855.gif-(147 KB, 316x315, Aaaahhh!.gif)
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    Agreeing with the Derpy drama. It's really brought out the worst in everyone on both sides of the argument.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:04 No.299875
         File: 1330535084.jpg-(58 KB, 560x375, eugenehutz.jpg)
    58 KB
    alright im reading about all these music producers being cloppers and i am horrified.
    Is archie.v or derpity a clopper? please say no.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)12:36 No.300345
    I wish we could do something. Speak out against the creepy fuckers. Maybe start our OWN website where that shit isn't allowed? The show is great, but the worst parts of the fandom are making us look bad and NOTHING IS BEING DONE ABOUT IT. You can't post porn and gore on most Star Fox fansites, why do WE put up with it? Why do we let these guys be our public face? We are BETTER than this.

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