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  • File: 1330355638.png-(343 KB, 900x442, p&p.png)
    343 KB Equestrian RPGs - A /tg/ Discussion Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:13 No.257807  
    /tg/ spent the last few hours having a genuinely productive brainstorm for tabletop pony RPGs and wargames, before the mods woke up.

    We're going to do the last thing they expect us to do- what they told us to.

    Continue as normal. Input from /mlp/ itself is acceptable, but tentatively received.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:17 No.257851
    Aw, we lost the last third or so of the thread with unicorn horn discussion.

    And yes, consider that last post of mine a warning to the rest of you, /mlp/.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:17 No.257852

    Let me read p on the archived thread, this seems interesting - I'll be especially interested to know what the in-universe justification for having a war is.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:18 No.257864
    Just came over from >>>/tg/18120871

    Hopefully this will work, OP.

    Also- fuck, the archive didn't keep the last half-hour or so of work. When we left off, we'd agreed on a classless system wherein cutiemarks allow special abilities and higher potential for certain skills. We had just agreed that a perk/flaw system may be used, and were debating whether the setting should remain true to the show, or be stylised so as to be made more appropriate for tabletop roleplaying.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:18 No.257866
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:20 No.257879
    And I was just about to respond to the fellow who reported the thread regarding the nature of how rules and principals need to be dynamic in order to accurately to reflect and adapt to cultural changes over time. Other wise it's just appeal to group authority, or tradition, either of which is a logical fallacy.

    Ah well. Carry on my good Anon's.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:21 No.257887
    Fuck off.

    As far as I'm concerned, if you're going to base a RPG system on a specific setting, work or style, then you're best off making the game as specialised as you can to it. It works for the 40k RPGs.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:23 No.257911
    >you're best off making the game as specialised as you can to it.
    So you think we should sacrifice complete accuracy to the source material, in favour of making a better game? I can agree to that.

    I particularly liked that idea of lovecraftian Seapony abominations.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:24 No.257917

    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:25 No.257921
    Currently, I'm not even that interested in the system, I think it's more important to answer WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY DO?

    Once you've determined what you want the party to do, you can tailor or adapt a system to suit your needs.

    So are the ponies meant to be investigating mysteries? Fighting off monster incursions from the Everfree Forest? Managing the day-to-day affairs of a business like the Apple Farm, the bakery or Rarity's fashion place thing? Engaging in high politics in Canterlot?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:25 No.257925
    I love you fa/tg/uys, I am going to run pony-themed DnD game (just slightly modified Pathfinder) and need some inspiration. Please, continue...
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:26 No.257934
    I'd guess all of the above and add adventures like that indiana jones pony from that episode the other week, whatsshecalled
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:27 No.257938
         File: 1330356420.jpg-(691 KB, 750x1000, 1299240176496.jpg)
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    Fear not ponies, for I have heard your plight and come to this board bearing wisdom:

    Archives every thread every minute.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:27 No.257944
    We can do better than that.

    No need to thank me. Just don't get too close.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:30 No.257964
    It's a fucking miracle.
    Thank you, filthy but wise and attractive monstergirl!

    So, should we go with classic D&D attributes, or shake it up a bit?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:30 No.257966

    Why not have different variations of settings, scenarios, and possible adventures based on individual pony characters?

    So you could use different adventure themes based on different characters as concepts to flush out the system based on the existing world. While doing this you would also maintain common game mechanics and would be very practically integrating the system into the setting.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:30 No.257967
    Inb4 this 404s because "rpgs belong in /tg/"
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:31 No.257980
    No no no no no no no no
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:32 No.257986
    Clearly we need a board just for making pony RPGs.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:32 No.257987

    But, it's a pony-thread... That's why it got kicked off of /tg/, because of butthurt there. I don't see how it isn't perfectly suited for a board about ponies. At some point the thread will need to find a place to rest its head. Why not /mlp/?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:33 No.257995

    Another vote for shaking it up.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:33 No.257996
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:35 No.258012
    Because, for an example, it doesn't make sense to use an intricate combat system in a game where you aren't expected to solve problems by bucking them in the face.

    Another thing that might or might not be relevant is how important Cutiemark Breakdown Disorder is, where the pony in question goes (temporarily) insane because they can't fulfil the demands of their cutie mark (see Party of One, YOU'RE GOING TO LOVE ME, HIIII GURLSSS and so on)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:35 No.258018
    I was joking, I'm of the opinion that a thread that had two topics should be able to go on a board about either, but mods often seem to think it belongs on neither.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:36 No.258033
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    Strangth - related to general physical power, primary stat of Earth ponies
    Agility - related to speed and fancy tricks, primary stat of Pegasi
    Stamina - dictates how long a pony can work, how much beating it can take, and how long it takes to heal
    Intelligence - related to learnign speed, booksmarts and for unicorns, magic. Primary unicorn stat.
    Charisma - related to social skills.
    Stats go from 1 to 10
    1 being Derpy's INT or Twilight's CHA
    10 being AJ's STR or Twilight INT

    Cutie Mark: one per character, dictates their most important skill. Can be picked from a list of existing marks, or a freeform mark can be used instead. Skill-related checks get a bonus.

    Perks: Come in Major and Minor forms. Can be used to augument stats or skills. A Major perk counts as two Minor ones.

    Flaws: Must be taken to balance out Perks. One major counts as two minors. Taking lots of perks and flaws will allow you to make a more specialized character with more notable strengths and glaring flaws, like Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle.

    Earthy - High caps for STR and STA, low caps for INT and CHA
    Pegasus - High cap for AGI, low caps for INT, cloudwalking and cloudshaping as natural skills
    Unicorn - High caps for INT and CHA, low caps for STR and STA, telekinesis as natural skill
    Nonpony - Higher stat caps and special perks, but no Cutie Marks. Includes Donkies, Mules, Zebras, Buffalo, Cows, Sheep, Gryphons etc.
    Some races like Draconequii, Alicorns and Dragons are not (yet) playable.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:37 No.258036
    Let me rephrase that.
    Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, Charisma.

    I know Call of Cthulhu and BRP were thrown around, so maybe we should consider:
    Strength (STR)
    Constitution (CON)
    Intelligence (INT)
    Power (POW) (basic ability to work magic, also luck and willpower)
    Dexterity (DEX)
    Charisma (CHA)

    Basicly d20 attributes, but with wisdom distilled into an attribute that magic ability and luck are derived from.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:37 No.258039
         File: 1330357039.png-(671 KB, 650x919, 1299240617545.png)
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    >So, should we go with classic D&D attributes, or shake it up a bit?

    Depends on what you all want the system to provide. There are canon examples of some ponies being stronger (Big Mac), wiser, faster, and more/less charismatic than other ponies, but is this something that you want to be bound to mechanically, or something that is not thematically as important?

    I mean, heck, we could just go with something simple like give everyone points that they can either assign to their magical ability, the strength/ utility of their cutie mark, and a general "mulligan" pile that would give them some measure of plot armor. This way a pony with a cutie mark that lets them easily overcome strenuous obstacles would be (roughly) evenly matched with someone who didn't have a cutie mark but had a ton of mulligans. Which we could call 'apples' i don't know.

    More corcyceps.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:39 No.258067
    Bucking things in the face has always been a perfectly fine solution. The game setting was going to be the Pre-Alicorn era anyway, so inter-pony wars would in no way be off the table.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:41 No.258087
    >lovacraftian ponies

    Why, /tg/
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:42 No.258098
    I think we should consider that, while the idea of a combat-light pony RPG makes sense and is something new, it will not appeal to everyone. There will be plenty of people who essentially want to play D&D as ponies in the MLP world. While we needn't cater solely to them, we should not completely write them out.

    Leave the possibility for both manners of play.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:43 No.258101
         File: 1330357384.jpg-(66 KB, 900x228, 1330239861198.jpg)
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    Because we are /tg/, you nigger.
    We are not here to enjoy your board culture of drowning fluff and coke tabasco, we are here to have our /tg/ thread about /tg/ things, like war and lovecraft.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:46 No.258138

    Pretty sure troll trying to get thread deleted again out of spite.

    But could just be bitter old neck-beard.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:46 No.258140
    Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but is this starting to look like:
    >Three Tribes - War and political intrigue
    >Discordian Era - Adventuring and treasure hunting in a strange and shifting land
    >Modern Era - Taking care of threats and business with emphasis on social and teamwork-based gameplay
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:46 No.258144
    I actually think MLP and Lovecraft go together quite well, since the pilot episode is about Twilight Sparkle discovering that the Stars Are Now Right and that the Great Old One, The Shadow On The Moon, was coming to cover Equestria in ETERNAL DARKNESS.

    And then there's Discord.

    Really, all you need is some messed up ponies organizing Discord Cults.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:46 No.258146
    I come from /tg/ too, you flabby cunt. Imagine, not all of us are retarded enough to shit grimderp all over everything.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:47 No.258150
    You can easily play a game of combatless D&D, but you can't really put combat into a system that was never serigned for it.
    Ergo, we need to design a combat system, which the DM can choose to ignore if they wish to play a game without combat.
    Also, >>258033 was kid enough to dump the general idea post from the old thread, so let's not ignore that either.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:47 No.258152
    you could like Story of the Blanks
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:49 No.258169
    >a combat system
    >in a P&P game
    >in a setting where war is canon
    Ok you know what fuck you. I swear I never use the filter but I'm this fucking close to filtering "grimderp". I swear you people misuse it harder than Mary Sue and Autism combined. Fucking seriously.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:49 No.258172
    In the Modern Era, I think I'd make it an international espionage type thing. You know Fancy Pants and Fleur? They're actually top secret agents reporting directly to Celestia herself. Fancy Pants is the brain of the operation, and Fleur (the "always leaning on someone skinny pony") is the deadly female assassin archetype.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:51 No.258192
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    Hey, hey! C'mon, /tg/. We are elegan/tg/entlemen. We're more civil than this. Quit fighting.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:53 No.258208
    That's enough, friend. The lovecraftian seaponies were just an idea, and don't apply if you're running a true-to-show-setting.

    You might be on to something there. There might also be an Early Alicorn Era which combines the three into a slightly more fantasy adventuring setting, with a mixture of politics, expanding empires (I'm thinking of the west here, but there could be more), treasure and ruins from passed eras, and a decent number of threats from an untamed world.

    >Discord Cults
    I remember the My Little Paranoia discussion having Discordants as a pony-equivalent to PURGE.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:53 No.258209
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    Seems about right to me.
    Three distinct settings with three distict flavours to them.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:54 No.258223
         File: 1330358048.jpg-(1.63 MB, 2700x2900, Nsko equestria equestria_map f(...).jpg)
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    What map of the world are you going to use?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:55 No.258235
    Now that I mentioned Discord Cultists, I actually had an idea about them.

    Remember Pinkie's Rock Farm? Ask yourself, why would ponies devote so much time to just moving rocks around and flipping rocks over?

    Well. Celestia has a known tendency to turn Elder Horrors into stone, like Discord. Then these statues get broken into smaller stones, and these stones are scattered all over the place.

    Then Discord Cultists try to gather all the broken pieces of their gods in the hopes of resurrecting them.

    Alternatively, as Friendship is Witchcraft would have it, ALL PRAISE LORD SMOOZE.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:55 No.258237
    Might as well make our own, since there are barely any canon onces, and the pre and post-discord era maps will probably look vastly different.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:57 No.258250
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    >Pinkie as Discord cultist
    it's so obvious, oh my god.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)10:57 No.258256
    Well someone already suggested taking things like Tirek and Grognar from G1 and adding them in, as well as noting that MLP draws so strongly from the D&D monster manual as is, adding more things from there would fit perfectly.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:01 No.258289
    That map is very pretty. Of course, we need to be prepared to adjust our idea of what the world looks like every time the show introduces a new region.

    A Discordian Era game probably renders maps almost redundant, as the world preserves only it's most basic shape. Settings earlier than modern need their maps limited accordingly.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:02 No.258295
    war and political intrigue - DH
    adventure shennanigans - RT
    teamwork use to get rid of threats not played it, but isn't DW meant to be something like this?

    Also putting up d100 for the central mechanic, mostly as i find it quite a nice one to use, though i'd understand why people may want different.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:03 No.258312
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    I thought we already agreed on using this as the core >>258033
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:06 No.258341
    i didn't get to see most of the thread, loaded up like an hour before, played some minecraft and watched cider episode, read thread, refreshed, thread gone.

    But yeah was just suggesting on basis of those things looking very similar, if system is already agreed (though i saw some stuff about classic 6 DnD stats so wasn't sure) then ignore that post
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:08 No.258349
    Grab 4chanX, it lets you autorefresh threads and read them even if they 404.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:08 No.258353
    You're actually the first person to refer back to that post. You probably posted it too, but I'm not judging you.

    It's not a very bad setup, but I wonder if races should be put into effect through something other than attribute caps. Maybe, also, you shouldn't limit stats from 1 to 10.

    Flaws and perks seem fine, but cutie-marks mshould give benefits other than skill bonuses.

    That's off the top of my head. We can deal with crunch later, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:11 No.258375
    I'm not the guy who originaly made that (in the /tg/ thread), but yes I reposted it here. Back in the /tg/ one it seemed to be the one that people wanted to use, which is why I posted it.

    Also, it was far from finished, which is why this thread exists in the first place - to develop it further.
    Then again this thread seems to be slow as fuck in general.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:12 No.258385
    have it, however autofresh stopped working and i can't work out why.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:14 No.258396
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:15 No.258406
    nvm, fixed.

    I don't remember turning autofresh off though...
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:17 No.258419
    Somebody talked about BRP and using a Power attribute for magic (for unicorns), luck and willpower. It would be good to seperate magic ability from intelligence, except that we had that discussion over the difference between unicorn magic and actual 'spells', which require study.

    We could conceivably have Intelligence for learning, creating and teaching such spells (as well as everything else you'd expect intelligence to do), and have Power be the act of putting magic to use (unrequired for basic telekinesis and other core unicorn magic, as we discussed). This way you could have a unicorn who is slow, but naturally talented in magic. This is also somewhere unicorns would need to be putting more points, which would level the playing field between them and the other races, by not having every unicorn be a genius.

    If we wanted to make Power useful for other races beyond just luck and will power, it could also measure an Earth Pony's affinity with nature, and a Pegasi's manipulation of weather/air/etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:19 No.258439
    I'd steal a page from Unknown Armies.

    Each Cutie mark represents a thing a pony is not only good at, but something she MUST do, something she feels she HAS to do in order to justify her own existence.

    So each Cutie Mark has a minor and major "charge" associated with it. You gain minor charges by doing something someone with your Cutie Mark would probably do very often, at least once a day.

    A Major Charge is obtained when you do something very monumental connected to your Cutie Mark, like setting off a Sonic Rainboom.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:22 No.258464
    Someone suggested having race-specific stats for all three races
    Magic for Unicorns, which dictates spell capasity and power, while INT has more to do with learning speed and book smarts

    Flight for pegasi, which dictates their general skills as a flier, while AGI dictates speed

    Attunement for earthies, which has to do with their connection to the land around them and their benefits from it.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:22 No.258468
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    I like the idea of encouraging unicorns to apply themselves moreso into an attribute which applies strongly to them and their unicorn powers, meaning they are more likely to be relatively weaker in the other attributes than the more athletic races.

    I also like the idea of an attribute for employing the magic unique to each race.

    Any input?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:25 No.258491
    >Flight for pegasi, which dictates their general skills as a flier, while AGI dictates speed

    So Scootaloo would have a low Flight stat while having a high AGI stat?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:26 No.258501
    Pretty much.
    RD would have high both, while Fluttershy would probably either have low Flight, or a flaw (if we went with the perk/flaw thing) that made her reluctant to fly.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:27 No.258511
    I must say one thing is beyond me. I might not be a person that spend whole of my life playing RPG, but it's been some years since I first rolled my dices and... well, I played pony-themed RPG.

    Coming back to the point - I can not understand one thing. Why do people try to systemize MLP? What we (or, at least I) love about the show is not the way characters change (because they pretty much don't) or epic fight scenes (because there are pretty much none). Even the plot is something not completely necessary: let's be honest "intrigues" of most episodes are usually something that has to be there for the other thing to shine.

    And that "other thing" is atmosphere. Cute, beautiful, warm, let's-hug-the-whole-world-and-laugh atmosphere.

    Now it is time for a story about my pony RPG. We were about to play Neuroshima, but our GM fell ill. Luckily, one of our female players, which wanted to try herself as a GM (and loved ponies) told us, that she would like to try and prepare something. We agreed, because why the hell not? I might not be a "true" brony but I really love this tingling sensation of overcoming sweetness, other people of my group either did not care or were "a bir for".

    What was the first things we heard from our GM? "Do not bring dices. Bring candies. And lollipops. Every one of you shall make something sweet to eat. Bring candles and your favourite, pristine things".

    So we did.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:27 No.258513
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    People forget that the Pegasi's magical ability as a race is not flight. It's weather manipulation.

    Flight is flight- you can probably just tack it on the end of other athletic pursuits. The ability to manipulate weather, create effects like the sonic rainboom, and the passive ability to walk on clouds are the Pegasi's equivalent of Unicorn magic and Earth-pony nature empathy.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:28 No.258519
    We haven't created our characters using dices and numbers. We came up with history, and received list of... let's call it "descriptive skills" which told us what our ponies were good at, and what "special skills" (partially determined by cutie marks) they posessed. All of them were grouped into tiers, with a cost of "friendship (experience) points" for each of them (quite similar to the mechanism used by Rogue Trader). I admit, it was quite a lot of story-telling - but the element of randomness was guaranteed by, you guessed, candys and lollipops. Those first were all thrown into a large, paper bag, while the letter were given out at a GM discretion. All the tests were carried out using candies - depending on the amount of time, skill and preparation pony had, the player was to take a given amount of candies out of the bag. The aim was to get an appropariate amount of succeses. I guess that my national sweets would be unknown to you - so let's just said that if you caught a "Cinnamon Frenzy Candy" you would get a success in some kind of fighting situation - but less so if you were trying to negotiate. In this case you would have to hope for one of those mini-Bounty-candies.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:28 No.258525

    >I mean, heck, we could just go with something simple like give everyone points that they can either assign to their magical ability, the strength/ utility of their cutie mark, and a general "mulligan" pile that would give them some measure of plot armor. This way a pony with a cutie mark that lets them easily overcome strenuous obstacles would be (roughly) evenly matched with someone who didn't have a cutie mark but had a ton of mulligans. Which we could call 'apples' i don't know.

    >We can deal with crunch later, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:29 No.258530
    Lollipops on the other hand represented preparation. If a pony was, let's say, beautifully dressed, player received a blueberry-flavoured Chupa-chups lollipop. It was an automatic success for diplomacy-like tests; it lasted for as long as you haven't eaten it. The problem? Until you did, you were unable to change your "flavour".

    Now - I understand. It may sound silly, and a bit nauseating (seriously, since two weeks I haven't eaten anything sweet, I guess people with diabetics would simply die at our table) but... this is My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. A universe (ponyverse?) where the atmosphere is much, MUCH more that the story, reason, and pretty much anything else.

    Just some ideas I wanted to share.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:29 No.258534
    Weather manipulation seems to be a subset of cloudshaping, which was listed as a natural pegasus talent in >>258033, much like how telekinesis is a natural talent for unicorns.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:30 No.258539
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:32 No.258567
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    You fa/tg/uys actually look like you're having an interesting discussion.

    Might I interject for a moment? It's very likely that any monster that shows up in a classic DnD setting is fair game for a MLP game (due in no small part to Hasbro owning Wizards of the Coast). Of course, they do not have the same powers, and many are fairly innocuous compared to their root counterpart, but as long as they aren't excessively terrifying, they certainly fit into the sort of setting this show presents.

    Hell, if treasure-hoarding dragons are commonplace, I'd say a Balor isn't out of the question either.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:32 No.258570
    Player's acquiring Friendship Points and making purchases and character development based on those points? I like this idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:33 No.258579
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    >I can not understand one thing. Why do people try to systemize MLP?
    Because that's what we do. It's how we have fun. I'm ever so sorry if we are having fun wrong and it offends you somehow.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:34 No.258585
    >Rainbow Dash - Khorne
    >Applejack - Khorne
    >Rarity - Slaanesh
    >Pinkie Pie - Slaanesh
    >Fluttershy - Nurgle
    >Twilight - Tzeetch
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:36 No.258615
    I now agree with you completely, and apologise for saying anything contrary. Although flight shouldn't be rolled for the same way as other athletic skills, if Scootaloo or butterfly Rarity are to make sense.

    So, whether people like it or not, we're veering toward a system with characteristics that resemble d20. People seem to be okay with widening 'wisdom' into BRP's description of 'power', but BRP as a whole lends itself more to games where the characters tend to die a lot. Also, skills are always a hit or a miss, and are based solely on your skill rather than the difficulty of the task, which isn't ideal.

    Let's figure out skills so we can determine whether we want a d6 system, dice pool system, etc, or if we want to try and make d20 work for us.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:36 No.258617
    We've noticed the same thing. Not only do D&D monsters show up in FiM, they also at times have similar skills.
    As such, the monster manual could almost be used as-is.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:37 No.258624
    Keep those false gods to yourself!

    >Rainbow Dash - Tor
    >Applejack - Taal and Rhya
    >Rarity - The lady of the Lake
    >Pinkie Pie - Ranald
    >Fluttershy - Shallya
    >Twilight - Verena
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:38 No.258639
    honestly, i can't see dash, AJ or fluttershy fitting in to any of the chaos archetypes.

    fluttershy - exodite/ wood elf

    Aj and dash... really struggling on anything, other than dash possibly being slaaneshi too (perfecting speed and awesomeness)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:38 No.258650
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    Color me intrigued...
    You certainly have a better idea about the core purpose and pathos of the show, and this certainly makes a lot more sense considering the subject matter.

    You're right; the atmosphere is one of the most important parts of the show and this franchise, but the atmosphere can be made the same (candies optional) and still have a sort of structured ruleset. Randomness does not have to mean DM discretion, though I'd say the more creative and fun a DM is, the better the game will be overall.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:39 No.258656
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    My vote goes to the system we started building in the original thread. It had a decently unique feel to it and seemed to work without any major hangups. Just needs more thought and actual rules put into it.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:41 No.258679

    Sonic Rainbooms may or may not just be their world equivalent of a sonic boom.

    At this point we're not sure if a pegasus is necessary to preform it, or if anything can as long as the adequate speed is reached.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:43 No.258704
    Sonic Rainbooms were considered a myth until RD managed one. They are defined as "a rainbow that occurs at the same time as a sonic boom", and I think RD is the only pony so far to break the sound barrier. The Wonderbolts can probably do it too though.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:45 No.258742
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    > Because that's what we do. It's how we have fun. I'mever so sorry if we are having fun wrong and it offends you somehow.

    Oh, no, you did not - It is just that my grasp on English is far from perfect and by using ways of phrasing from my national language my opinions and phrases may sound a bit differently from what I intended.


    I guess that's true, I've played with enough GMs (and
    sometimes led the sessions myself) to notice that while used system may add some flavour to the game, the most atmospherogenic part are still the words of GM...

    Sill, I will most assuredly watch this thread closely. And hey, what do you know, /tg/ actually gets the shit done. :)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:46 No.258756
    If you're referring to >>258033
    Then I need to point out this is more of a character layout. It outlines some attributes, racial powers and feats, but doesn't suggest a choice of dice system, or what the actual skill system is.

    Also, I'm not sure about races entailing attribute caps. Couldn't we just have the innate abilities of each race, or at most a bonus to the 'primary attribute' of each race?

    (Also, if you're going with primary attributes, should Earth ponies be strength or constitution? Or unicorns intelligence or power (or maybe charisma)? Or should you get to choose out of those?)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:49 No.258793
    I think someone suggested a perk that let you bypass racial stat caps and take perks from other races.
    I liked the idea, since it lets you make a less standard character, but it costs you. That way you still have a reason to play a more typical member of a race, rather than everyone laying super special snowflakes.
    After all, those weird mix types like Fluttershy should be the exception, not the norm.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:50 No.258796
    Sorry, 'stamina'.

    I won't withdraw power, because it seems like a good idea to me, particularly since you made wisdom absent.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:50 No.258800
    Indeed it doesn't but that just means we should decide it, rather than scrap the whole idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:52 No.258823
    Feels weird just giving unicorns a special extra stat. I'd say we go with >>258464 if anything.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:53 No.258834
    Of course. I wasn't implying I was the final judge of what is and isn't a good idea.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:55 No.258851
         File: 1330361733.png-(2.52 MB, 1024x1962, 137142 - artist cerebro artist(...).png)
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    Tie it in with Planescape. God like beings, overblown abilities, rebel with GM and get Celestia hand your ass to you, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:56 No.258867
         File: 1330361792.jpg-(14 KB, 310x303, eyeroll.jpg)
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    >Hey /tg/ let's make a MLP game

    >let's use d20

    >how about d20 stats with a d10 stand-in?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:57 No.258879

    Okay, what do -you- suggest?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)11:58 No.258889
         File: 1330361902.png-(292 KB, 559x545, really faggot.png)
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    >Hey /tg/ lets try to decide on some of our suggested ideas so we can move along to planning other parts of the game

    >no u

    >no u

    >no u

    >sage for meta, take it to >>>/tg/
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:01 No.258936
    people are too butthurt. did you even read why the thread is here not there now?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:01 No.258943
    Or we could go with what that guy suggested about it being a stat for the employment of racial magic (never thought I'd say those two words); i.e. Unicorn magic, Earthie nature-empathy (is it nature, or just plants?), and Pegasus weather-manipulation.
    And I agree that it SHOULD be weather-manipulation.
    Flight as the racial 'magic' isn't strictly accurate, and breaks the pattern. Also, Gilda and Butterfly-Rarity have proven to fly as well as any pegasus.

    It's just a naming convention. It's virtually a stand-in for wisdom, except more useful in this context.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:02 No.258950
    You think this stuff is easy? This is just the planning stages. When you get into playtesting and balancing, that's when it gets hard.

    I'll be posting the other Pony RPG's as I read the other thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:03 No.258966
         File: 1330362210.png-(98 KB, 800x600, 1330126037013.png)
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    Ok lets see if we can agree on anything

    >Stat spread 1-10 / 1-20 / other (specify)

    >Stats: STR/AGI/STA/INT/CHA / STR/AGI/STA/INT/CHA/POW / other (specify)

    >Perks and Flaws Y / N (suggest alternative)

    >Cutie marks picked off a list / freeform / how the fuck do they work anyway? (specify)

    >Races have stat caps / races get stat bonuses / other (specify)

    >D10 / D20 / D100 / D6 / other (specify)
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:04 No.258978
    >Okay, what do -you- suggest?

    Right now? This: >>258039
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:04 No.258980
    >Or we could go with what that guy suggested about it being a stat for the employment of racial magic
    Sorry; and 'luck', and maybe willpower, since those seem sensible.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:05 No.258989
    Willpower kinda ties into CHA though
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:08 No.259032
    If, as people are suggesting, we'll probably settle for d20 with changes, then >Stat spread 1-20


    >Perks and Flaws Y

    >Cutie marks freeform (within guidelines), or picked from a list of pre-made ones fitting those guidelines.

    >Races have no changes or limitations to core attributes

    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:10 No.259053
    In what game is that the case? I've heard of charisma deriving appearance, but not willpower.
    >> Don't Rest Your Hooves Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:10 No.259072
         File: 1330362656.png-(199 KB, 545x2873, dontrestyourhooves-(n131010970(...).png)
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    Posted the wrong game earlier. Interesting story ideas:

    >Every year on the first day of Spring, the young yearlings who proved they are responsible will get their cutie marks in a coming-of-age ceremony. The Pony Characters are unable to attend this year's ceremony, stuck with chores or perhaps just sulking because of their recently discovered "otherness." Going about their business, they find a young filly hiding in a treestable, spooked and reluctant to talk. You recognize her as the yearling-of-honor this year, surely she would've been proud to take her place as first among yearlings? There are other Ponies that are looking for this young filly, but why would she be hiding from them? When you were a yearling, and it was your turn to get your cutie mark, you remember.... well, I mean EVERYONE was there, even Princess Celestia, you're pretty sure... and you have your cutie mark, so... oh come ON, how could you forget something like that? And why is any 'Nother Pony in the Crowd vague about their ceremony when you ask them?

    >Oh no, Nightmare Moon has returned! But... what is she doing in the court of Canterlot? And she's not picking fights with anyone, she's dutifully at Princess Celestia's side, and everyone calls her Princess Luna, so I guess it's okay? When you ask, any 'Nother Pony in the Crowd will remind you that Princess Luna learned her valuable lesson about Friendship, and the elements of Harmony restored her to her honest life and the love of her family. But she looks like Nightmare Moon again, and none of the 'Nother Ponies in the Crowd seem to notice. And you're pretty sure she caught you staring at her.

    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:11 No.259073
    >charisma deriving appearance
    What the fuck are you smoking?
    >> Basic Puzzles and PonieS Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:15 No.259149
         File: 1330362940.jpg-(638 KB, 657x3069, basic_puzzles_and_ponies_by_pu(...).jpg)
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    SInce everyone is discussing attributes at the moment, this one might be more of your speed.

    Someone mentioned that it was a little too easy, but that person's RL players sounded like people who belong in a "That Guy" thread.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:17 No.259178
    Dungeons and Dragons SomeEdition, actually. Not sure why.

    But let's leave that. Appearance doesn't need to apply to ponies. Although if it ever needs to, I suppose charisma would be the most appropriate stat...
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:18 No.259192
    Charisma could just be the catch-all stat for social interaction.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:19 No.259216
         File: 1330363197.gif-(1.06 MB, 1060x512, wacky wavy tuby arm pone.gif)
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    >posting existing pony RPGs
    This kills the discussion.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:21 No.259243
    Should I post the rest that I have?

    I have the other species part of Puzzles and Ponies, as well as the stats for the Mutants and Masterminds game.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:22 No.259252
    Umm, it's me again, the "throw away the dices and use candies" guy. I remembered a comic called "Friendship is Dragons" (which, as you can easily guess does to MLP something that Darths & Droids done do Star Wars), and some links in the adnotations. I bring some of them to you, hoping that something of this may prove useful/ inspirational.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:22 No.259264
    I remember this from the /tg/ thread. It offends my senses slightly.

    Let's strive for improvement.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:24 No.259289
         File: 1330363440.jpg-(239 KB, 650x1124, new_character_options_by_puzzl(...).jpg)
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    What was wrong with it?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:27 No.259364
    Yeah, someone posted Friendship is Dragons. I am enjoying it immensely.

    However, posting existing pony RPGs is apparently anathema to discussion. So hush.

    Anyway, in the absence of anyone actually DOING that poll thing, is there anybody who really DOESN'T want a Power skill for racial magic, luck and (up for debate) willpower?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:32 No.259442
    The reason posting existing things is bad because either
    A) people stop posting to read through them
    or worse
    B) people conclude that it's been done and leave the thread entirely.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:32 No.259446
    I don't remember what it was implying, but it was implying something fierce.

    Also, I can see from here that Excitement and Caring overlap, according to their described uses.

    Though credit where credit is due, that updated version is better than the last.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:36 No.259503
    Perks and Flaws should be allowed, as well as Stat bonuses. This should help keep Unicorns, and Alicorns, from becoming powergamey.

    How about something like, outside of Telekinesis, a Unicorn takes a negative to doing something outside of it's cutie mark/stud stamp.

    Where you going to allow Alicorns, actually?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:43 No.259601
    >Where you going to allow Alicorns, actually?
    Oh my, no.

    >outside of Telekinesis, a Unicorn takes a negative to doing something outside of it's cutie mark/stud stamp
    Like Twilight Sparkle and organising people, or Rarity and socialising? It doesn't quite fit.
    Also, I've never heard anyone refer to it as a stud stamp.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:48 No.259707
    I meant for using magic outside their element. Last thing you want is to repeat "Wizards win Everything, the RPG."

    How about a quick tl:dr about what you want the game to be about. Do you want a focus on combat, do you even want to include it? What about NPC interactions? How many players?

    Captcha: The Ronmage
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:53 No.259792
         File: 1330365216.png-(174 KB, 298x380, 1329918627359.png)
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    Daring Do.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:54 No.259809
    friendship focused
    combats and conflicts possible, there is some violence in Equestria, else Celestia wouldn't have guards and royal Wonderbolts wouldn't fight greedy giant Spike Kong
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)12:57 No.259849
    >I meant for using magic outside their element.
    Ah. That makes more sense. I'm not sure if that would balance the races, though. I'm tempted to say no penalties but a bonus to magic relating to your cutie mark, but that isn't very good for unicorns with marks that have nothing to do with magic.

    >Do you want a focus on combat, do you even want to include it?
    I think that idea of seperate settings with different styles of gameplay was a keeper, but it should be up to the GM. Certainly keep combat in the ruleset.
    >What about NPC interactions?
    Roleplaying is part and parcel of a roleplaying game. But again, that comes down to the GM. Using social skills and diplomacy to conquer problems should certainly be encouraged, though.
    >How many players?
    Hell if I know. Judging from our settings, I would say the size of your average fantasy party. However, for obvious reasons, we shouldn't scorn going as high as six. Equally, if people want to play Daring Do, then as low as one or two players (excluding the GM).
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:07 No.260019
    A bit of a generalist system, I can dig it.

    How about keeping it at d12, since most stores sell 6 sided dice? Two chances not to mess up completely.

    Let's leave the stats at Agility (physical stat), Intelligence (magic and knowledge).

    Instead of dying, how about ponies lose the will to keep fighting and pull out when low?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:08 No.260029
    Well, this has been productive, but I get the impression it's winding down.

    We should probably archive this. Even without sup/tg/.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:14 No.260112
    If we want to cheat, we can post the MLPG marker to use their archives.
    Hell, just crosslink this to MLPG. I'm sure they'd have some decent feedback.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:14 No.260121
    >How about keeping it at d12, since most stores sell 6 sided dice?
    I don't think 2d6 is the same as 1d12.
    >Let's leave the stats at Agility (physical stat), Intelligence (magic and knowledge).
    Wait, you really think we should only have two stats?
    >Instead of dying, how about ponies lose the will to keep fighting and pull out when low?
    Death has been confirmed in the MLP universe. But I'm sure we can find some way to make player death a rare occurence.
    Very very rare.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:17 No.260166
    Thread seemed dead, decided to throw something out to see if anyone was listening. And yeah, I confused 2d6, my bad.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:17 No.260176
    >How about keeping it at d12, since most stores sell 6 sided dice? Two chances not to mess up completely.
    That would make it a D6 system, not a D12
    >Let's leave the stats at Agility (physical stat), Intelligence (magic and knowledge).
    Two stats is too little, it leaves next to no room for customization. I'm in support of the STR/AGI/STA/INT/CHA/POW spread.
    >Instead of dying, how about ponies lose the will to keep fighting and pull out when low?
    Since FiM has canon death anyway, keep death in there.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:17 No.260178
    I don't think it would be polite to use their archive. But it can't hurt to drop them a link and see if they have any input.

    Is the post limit different on /mlp/?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:19 No.260203
    Should be 500 posts and 200 images.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:20 No.260221
    Do you have any fluff for Pony RPG? Like some NPC stories, myths how Equestria was created, why there are unicorns and pegasus (and sea ponies) and so on?
    It's one of the best things I like on RPGs, I have the Legend of Five Rings book and like the clans fluff and the story about Ms. Sun and Mr. Moon and how they made day and night.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:21 No.260238
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:22 No.260244
    I suggest you watch the show. It had quite a lot of backstory.
    Friendship is magic parts 1 and 2
    Return of harmony parts 1 and 2
    Luna Eclipsed
    Hearth's Warming Eve
    Family Appreciation Day
    Cutie mark chronicles

    Those would be good places to start.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:23 No.260254
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:23 No.260257
    Some of that has already been given to us by the show, and what hasn't we should be cautious of treading in.

    Also, I dropped MLPG a link.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:23 No.260259
         File: 1330366991.png-(155 KB, 760x760, 1330213249699.png)
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    If you like, you might see fit to make your own marker and direct people accordingly.

    OP's pic works well for that purpose.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 02/27/12(Mon)13:23 No.260266
    I could archive this in ours, if you wish. Wouldn't be any trouble.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:25 No.260290
    Thank you based Leth.
    The beardponies will forever be in your debt.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:25 No.260291
    MLPG and fa/tg/uys unite!
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:25 No.260302
    This may actually be the first good thing to come of this place. Well its /tg/ by rights but still.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:25 No.260307
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:26 No.260309
    MLPG was already full of /tg/ oldfags.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:28 No.260343
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:28 No.260347
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:28 No.260350

    Hell, if you guys make a regular-ish thread that's worth going to, there will then be two threads worth going to on this entire board.

    So please, do continue.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:30 No.260372
    foreign languages scare me
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 02/27/12(Mon)13:31 No.260384

    It'll be there in a few minutes once it's done catching up, then update itself until the thread dies.

    Glad to see you guys here, we need some good threads 'round this part.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:31 No.260386
         File: 1330367483.jpg-(24 KB, 587x385, 1305741455588.jpg)
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    As long as it doesn't turn into fanfics that have to do with rolling for anal circumference, I'm sure it'll be fine.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:31 No.260391
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:33 No.260410
         File: 1330367595.png-(385 KB, 661x687, posh horse evades low flying a(...).png)
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    Ok lads, lets talk combat and general game mechanics, since we'll need those anyway.

    Say we go with the D20 version with the stats.
    Now if a player wants to for instance convince a snooty pony to let the party sleep in his house for a night, would it be something like this:
    A Unicorn is doing the talking, and has a CHA of 15
    The Snooty Pony does not like the idea, and as such any persuation takes a penalty of -2
    The Snooty Pony, being snooty, has a CHA of 17, addin another -2 modifier
    Since this is a Minor Request, the roll needed to succeed is 20. It is rolled agaist CHA, and the unicorn has 15, so he needs to roll 5 or more
    However there is a total modifier of -4, so the roll needed is 9 or more.
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 02/27/12(Mon)13:33 No.260413
         File: 1330367603.png-(59 KB, 235x224, 1298596958295.png)
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    Not... particularly.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:35 No.260437
    Give me a few minutes and I'll come up with some approximation of an MLPTG marker.

    If a fa/tg/uy (or ponyfag I suppose) thinks the stars are right, they should put a thread up in /mlp/ and link it from /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:35 No.260447

    Most of these guys don't seem to want to use the d20 system. They suggested an alternate, somewhat simplified one.

    Also snooty =/= charismatic. Snooty people can be boorish.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:37 No.260467
    Ans unicorns can be uncharismatic. For the purpose of this example, Snooty Pony has CHA 17.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:39 No.260497
    The candy one, the D10 one or the D6 one?
    >> Wikifag !Tn05fWJlDg 02/27/12(Mon)13:39 No.260498
    In before lots of people brainstorm collaboratively on a setting/system over multiple threads but nobody bothers making a 1d4chan article for it to easily keep track of suggested ideas and agreed-upon things without having to slog through a ton of threads, leaving the wiki to be the domain of polish spambots and people arguing about 4th Edition, and I softly cry myself to sleep, hugging my pet iguana, wondering why I even bothered starting the site in the first place

    By which I mean please don't forget 1d4chan exists and feel free to create a page upon it for your homebrew system (useful things the article could do including summarising your agreed-upon setting details and rules, and linking to all of the relevant archived threads).
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:40 No.260520
         File: 1330368057.png-(117 KB, 622x660, pleased cat diamond tiara.png)
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:41 No.260533

    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:42 No.260540
    Get out of here Sweetie belle.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:42 No.260545
    Sup/tg/ is an excellent archive for /tg/ threads, and 1d4chan has... uses.

    In theory, this is one of them.
    >> Wikifag !Tn05fWJlDg 02/27/12(Mon)13:43 No.260566
    If you have problems with 1d4chan please let me know what they are so I can try and address them. I earnestly want the site to be enjoyed by and useful to as many people as possible and if there is something you think needs changing or improving, I want to know.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:44 No.260577
    Hmm, random encounters with ponies?

    >There is circus at the town, whoever will be able to stay in pegasus' saddle for one minute will get a prized Phoenix feather from far east. Don't worry, their old wizard will cast Feather Fall on you, if he don't forget.
    >Crazy marketeer runs to you and screams BUY SOME APPLES!
    >Great and powerful magician puts on a show! He dares audience that anything they can do, he can do better.
    >Old stuffed toy smacks you in face and wild stampede of ponies rushes towards you.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:48 No.260661
    Nah, 1d4chan is fine as is, but like with suptg, the userbase often leaves a lot to be desired.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:53 No.260737
    It's just going to be a storage space, it should be fine for that.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)13:59 No.260827
         File: 1330369166.png-(48 KB, 366x501, grinning acceptable pony.png)
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    OK chaps we need to fucking figure this out if we want to get anywhere at all.

    A classic. Allows for more modifier-dickery to tests and is proven to work well.
    Simpler but more restrictive
    Most accessible, but 1D6 is really pushing it on checks and 2D6 can be confusing
    smile smile smile

    if you can include a good argument why the system you picked is the best, your vote counts as two votes.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:03 No.260904

    I'm fine with anything, as long as it doesn't get to stat focused. But since we need to get somewhere, Ill vote for.

    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:04 No.260915
    Let's just go with that. If you're on the internet to see this pony RPG, you have access to a dice roller.

    What is next?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:05 No.260930
    We ded?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:06 No.260940
    Next we agree that >>260410 is how skill checks work (Score on a D20+stat+-modifiers) or we come up with something else.

    Then we talk combat.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:06 No.260945
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:07 No.260970
         File: 1330369657.png-(101 KB, 313x313, fuckyourmarker.png)
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    Is this agreeable?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:08 No.260988
    I would like to have D10 (either D10+ability/skill > 10 = success, or something similar like dice pools from WoD), candy as fate points, action points, whatever, no more than 4 or 5 ability stats, skills/feats more tied with storytelling and plot than with mechanical advantages
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:09 No.261002
    Oh, hey. Not bad. Not bad at all.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:11 No.261034
    Keep it red (because its fastah that way) but how about "Adventure is Fun" for the text.

    Everything else is fine.

    That seems fairly streamlined. I'm okay with it.

    >Candy as Fate points
    I think I've seen this elsewhere.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:11 No.261037
    We are going to use ALL the dice. Different species have different values of base HP. A level 10 dragon would have way more HP than a level 10 pony. Also, something would need to distinguish the power levels of the many creatures running around. Celestia would use d20s or even d100 if all the rolling is being done via computer. Once the characters hit certain levels they can ascend and start using the next larger die.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:19 No.261159
    >Says we'll use all the dice
    >Forgets d12

    >Adventure is Fun
    I could. Or Die Rolls are Magic, Dungeons is Dragons, Friendship is Peril...
    ... Or something which actually mentions /tg/ and the general. Any suggestions? I've got the component images. I can make changes.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:20 No.261169
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:21 No.261183
    It's good as it is. Friendship is Peril made me laugh, though. As did Dungeons is Dragons (although that one would probably upset some fa/tg/uys).
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:21 No.261185
    Star Swirl the Neckbearded?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:21 No.261199
    My Little /tg/
    Friendship is Perilous
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:22 No.261212
         File: 1330370572.png-(105 KB, 615x672, 1324188778232.png)
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    Official mascot of /tg/MLPG
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:24 No.261230
    /tg/ Little Pony
    We don't need to explain friendship
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:25 No.261251
    Ponyhammer: Friendship is Heresy
    Pony: the Befriended
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:26 No.261252

    Hmm. Any other opinions? Although I am getting the impression /tg/ has gotten tired.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:27 No.261275
    Hello there! Welcome to the country of Equestria! My name is Star Swirl! People call me The Bearded One! This world is inhabited by equines called Ponies! For some ponies, friends are everything. Others use their friends to go on adventures. Myself...I study pony magic as a profession.

    Now, are you a filly or a colt?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:32 No.261314
         File: 1330371135.png-(90 KB, 772x835, whywubwu.png)
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    >Others use their friends to go on adventures.
    >use their friends
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:34 No.261335
    Gallian/t g/entoecolts?

    Oh fuck. I.. I.. I'm home.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:34 No.261341
    Since the game discussion seems to have slowed down, I'll try to come up with some world building stuff. I always like the little short stories you find in the RPG books.

    See y'all in a jiffy.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:36 No.261365
    Is the dice system definitely decided? cos i still want to put forward d%, 2d10 are not that hard to get hold of, it's only one type of dice to keep track of and you have 100 numbers for skill checks, which is more than enough.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:45 No.261497
    The percentile system tends to use the character's own skill as a DC, rather than the difficulty of the situation.

    It's good for games where characters die a lot. That is not expected of this one.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:48 No.261526
         File: 1330372101.png-(204 KB, 500x369, displeased twilit smearigle.png)
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    Developing the skill check idea a bit further

    >What stat to check against?
    Moving heavy things, bucking things, etc - STR
    Going fast, jumping, climbing - AGI
    Taking damage - STA
    Remembering things, learning new things - INT
    Talking to things, bluffing, requesting - CHA
    Weather control, flight, telekinesis, spellcasting, earth attunement, cutivation - POW

    >How big do I need to roll?
    Insignificant (asking someone to stand aside a little, picking up a small if slippery object) - 10
    Small (pulling yourself up a cliff) - 15
    Minor (Asking to sleep at a stranger's place) - 20
    Major (Asking someone for free stuff) - 30
    Huge (Asking someone to join your cause, lifting a boulder, breaking the sound barrier) - 40

    >Example modifiers
    Ask someone to do something that they really want to do: +20
    Ask someone to do something that goes against their every moral: -20
    Ask someone to do something they do not like: -2
    Ask someone to do something they like: +2
    Flying against high winds: -10
    Casting unfamilliar magic: -5
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:51 No.261562
    Has anyone suggested a dice pool system? Because I love dice pool systems, and they produce much nicer probability distributions than rolling a single value. Something like WoD or Shadowrun.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:52 No.261571
    I like the LSoE system, I forgot how its called.
    To make it brief, because nobody gives a shit:
    Your attribute + skill in most situations is your proficiency level (PL), you roll against a target number (TN) and the highest number your dice show (you don't add it together) is your roll result (RR)
    Before you roll, you have to choose your dice, which can either be D6, D10 or D20, but of course you don't get as many of the bigger ones.

    So if your PL is 12, which is pretty high, you can either pick 12d6, 7d10 or 2d20. Taking bigger dice let's you accomplish harder tasks, but the risk is higher.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:54 No.261605
    character skill +/- 10/20/30/whatever for difficulty level
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)14:56 No.261620
    or mouseguard!

    dice pool would appeal to me as well, as primarily a wargamer, i like lots of dice.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:01 No.261687
    I can see where you're going with this, but some things are left uncovered. What should a pony roll to operate a train? To garden if not an Earth pony? Treat boo boos?

    I think we need a skill system. Certain skills can have a starting bonus based on an appropriate attribute, cutie marks can provide bonuses (in addition to imparting certain powers or benefits), some perks can provide bonuses, and points can be spend from character creation and advancement.

    I'm making this sound more and more like D&D, aren't I?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:03 No.261716
    Pretty much all RPGs have skill systems, and the most rules-light RPGs tend to be ONLY a skill system. D&D you ain't.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:04 No.261726
    Damn, you make a solid point.
    Guess we need a skill system on top of the perk system now.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:10 No.261817
    Dead at 198 posts.
    /tg/ I am disappoint.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:11 No.261831
    we are not dead, just resting
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:11 No.261838
    >Treat boo boos
    We now have to agree that 'Treat Boo-boos' is the pony equivalent of a basic first-aid skill.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:14 No.261887
    Do ponies even require first aid? The only injuries we've seen came from
    >getting hit with several heavy falling objects including a piano
    two broken arms, healed in under a day
    >getting crushed by a boulder
    left a wing useless for a day
    >fucking up a flying stunt
    left a wing useless for about 4 days

    Ponies heal fast as hell.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:15 No.261907
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    I like the dicepool system as well. Maybe throw in anytime a one comes up, the entire attempt fails and the remainder then are just how good/terrible you fucked up.
    No. First-aid is first-aid. Unless you're the age of CMC. Are there any stat negatives for playing too young a poni?
    /tg/ isn't always active. It can take days for a BattleTech thread to even get this many posts.
    Hell, anything that isn't a quest thread or 40k usually runs slow.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:16 No.261909
    those are physical injuries, the emotional scars tend to heal much slower
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:16 No.261913
    No, their boo-boo treaters are just really, really good.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:18 No.261949
    >rolling a single one makes your attempt fail
    Oh god no that's a horrible idea. Your odds of horribly fucking it up get worse and worse as your pool increases in size, and pool size normally represents how good you are at whatever you're trying to do.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:18 No.261960
    Damn I need to head out for a couple of hours. I have some suggestions to post when I get back, don't let the thread die please!

    Polite sage because my post does not contribute
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:21 No.261997
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    Are we going to have some crunch for (in)sanity? Those ponies snap often.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:23 No.262027
    someone suggested failure to perform cutie mark related tasks leads to a momentary lapse of sanity
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:25 No.262061
    I don't know, look at the games that employ such a mechanic. UA, DRYH, EP, CoC, DH ...
    I think only really temporary and silly madness would work for a MLP game, everything else would be out of tone.

    Unless you decide to make it Call of Celestia or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:31 No.262144
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    Sounds good to me.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:36 No.262224
    huh? mouseguard dice pool is 1,2,3=fail, 4,5,6=pass and all you have to do is get majority passes.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 02/27/12(Mon)15:37 No.262241
    This is an important factor and most of the times is pretty much an important aspect of the ponies

    I might not be an expert on this kind of game, but maybe we can have another status that suffers a certain amount of damage each time you fail doing something and fills up a certain amount when you succesfully do something major like a mission or learn something new

    Can we call it Stress/Strs?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:41 No.262319
    HP - Health
    MEN - Mental Stability
    END - Endurance

    At 0 HP you die
    At 0 or less MEN you go nuts for a while, until your MEN regens
    At 0 END you can no longer perform task efficiently, all tasks doen reduce MEN and only gain half of any usual bonuses.

    It takes 7 days to regenerate full HP without healing items
    It takes 12 hours to fully regenerate MEN
    It takes 8 hours of rest to fully regenerate END
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:45 No.262377
    No wonder this was going so slow. I thought this was MLPG.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:46 No.262383

    So it's like the sanity mechanic from Call of Cthulhu, except not permanent?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:46 No.262392
    But how else will the CMC accidentally Discord without any failure? Of course there will still be the concept of taking 20 or taking 10 depending on if you have enough time in the situation.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:47 No.262407
    If MLPG ever becomes this slow you might want to check it hasn't reached absolute zero.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:48 No.262411
    I think the MEN shouldn't regenerate at all, to stay true to the cartoon, you need help of your friends to recover.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:48 No.262412
    >At 0 HP you die

    How would you even handle death in a My Little Pony game?
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 02/27/12(Mon)15:49 No.262420

    Also, if you do not posses a certain item ( it can be the elements of Harmony or something created using their power) Discord will be able to drain all your MEN ( lol )




    Like in Pokemon
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:49 No.262422
         File: 1330375743.jpg-(96 KB, 854x468, death and priests confirmed.jpg)
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    You get a funeral.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:49 No.262427
    By holding your head in your hands and crying.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:50 No.262447
    We saw a funeral, so death is canon.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:50 No.262452
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:50 No.262453

    I find it strange that Reverend Waddle's special talent is smoking a pipe, yet he's a church official.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:51 No.262463
    That would work, but if the entire party goes low on MEN (easy in the Discordian setting) then that pretty much leads to a TPK if it never regens.

    Applejack got her MEN back after her work was done and she rested, and Dash got her MEN back after she just manned the fuck up on her own.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:52 No.262477
    maybe pipe-like incense?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:52 No.262484

    Yes, but it would detract from the essential atmosphere discussed earlier. Death is not good for the mood in a setting like this.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:52 No.262487
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    A funeral doesn't make it a focus and a funeral most certainly doesn't mean a random, violent death in combat, which is what "HP = 0 = death" is good for.

    You guys really can't keep the tone of anything, I'm out of here.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:53 No.262500
    Cherilee's mark implies her talent is making plants happy, but she is a teacher.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:54 No.262525
    Well -10 HP is arbitary and gay, while no death whatsoever is even worse.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 02/27/12(Mon)15:54 No.262530

    Maybe we can put special missions or some churches where you can regenerate all your MEN, of course they all are on certain part of the city, and low MEN affects CHA
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:54 No.262531
    Exactly, I think the ponies should be immortal in the HP sense, but when they run out of friendship, it's as you said TPK. Twilight was saved only by the happy memories of her friends, wasn't she? It didn't happen like "hey, I will take a nap, and everything will be better".
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)15:56 No.262564

    DM discretion ought to fix this. If he/she is to keep what makes this show enjoyable consistent with the game (i.e. it's all very lighthearted with a sprinkle of action and adventure here and there).
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:02 No.262656
    But what if we WANT mortal danger and heroic sacrifice?
    You don't get to become a Commander, let alone the head of an entire warrior cuture, without leading a few journeys from which few returned.
    Also, Daring Do stories seem to be full of lethal as hell traps.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:04 No.262703
    >But what if we WANT mortal danger and heroic sacrifice?
    Then why are you playing ponies. You might as well play DnD at that point.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:06 No.262744
         File: 1330376802.png-(521 KB, 1100x734, 1318799060615.png)
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    Heroic ponies from the tales of yore
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:08 No.262765
    >You step into the ancient temple and activate a trap, roll a reflex save
    >Oh that's not enough. Your pony gets bisected by spinning blades, candy coloured entrails redecorating the walls of the temple and serving as a warning for the next foolish adventurer. Roll up a new pony.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:08 No.262775
    But those fit right in if we play a pre-Alicorn setting.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:08 No.262776
         File: 1330376907.png-(155 KB, 500x500, where do you think we are.png)
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    >mortal danger

    There can certainly be a -feeling- of it, but really, at some point it ceases to be MLP.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:09 No.262802
    >/tg/ discusses MLP.txt
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:11 No.262834
    >Daring Do and lethal traps
    Those traps could be skill damaging and not killing - like when she broke her wing and couldn't fly, arrow to the knee could mean -x on acrobatics/athletics roll, or you could have some permanent damage - lost eye, which would scare little fillies and wouldn't help your perception.

    For the warrior tribe, we don't know who their enemies were. They could just turn ponies in stone or ice, and when pegasus statues fall down to the earth, they shattered to pieces.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:12 No.262860
    Should probably be more along the lines of
    >You enter an ancient temple. You see a skull with holes in it on the floor
    >You see a pressure plate.
    >You hear the grinding of metal against stone and see movement near the ceiling
    >You see a large blade
    >You are injured badly. You need help
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:14 No.262895
    >I have no fucking imagination, cannot immerse myself and I only play for the numbers.

    Are you fucking serious?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:15 No.262928
    We know fighting Ursa Majors is a thing best left to crazy skilled ponies, and they didn't seem like the "nonlethal damage" type.
    Really, there should just exist an option to go all out and die in a blaze of glory if that is the way you wish to resolve the situation.
    A dragon is coming, your hometown is unprepared, there is little time to warn them.
    Slabflanks says he will hold the dragon for as long as he can, the others should warn the town.
    Slabflanks lives forever in the hearts and songs of his people.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:16 No.262946
    *I* don't play like that but *SOME PEOPLE* do.
    We call them "that guy"s.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:17 No.262962
    Yeah, how about you don't fucking play with them?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:19 No.263009

    Ooh! I want natural 20s to end up wrecking fuck all. If only I had that screencap
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:20 No.263025
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    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:23 No.263063
    It works online, you just have to get somebody to GM for you and 1 to 3 more players. It's sort of improvised acting, the rest of the complexity depends on the system.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:26 No.263111
    >Get hung up on death mechanics before anyone even proposes a combat system
    Goddamnit /tg/
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:27 No.263128
    You can go and ask on /tg/ itself, and you'll get hooked up to the right programs.

    Just don't say you came from here.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 02/27/12(Mon)16:27 No.263129

    This man is right, how about leaving this for another time and jumping to combat system?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:27 No.263145
    >before anyone even proposes a combat system
    We've agreed one will be built in.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:28 No.263161
    Why? tg is used to much worse (that guys/DMs, furries, rules lawyers), someone from mlp who is genuine interested in gaming would be okay there.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:30 No.263201
    Any time the player wants to spend a point of EDGE/LUCK/etc in combat they must arm wrestle the DM, or if it is against another player, that player. The roll is then added to their score if they win, subtracted if they lose.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:32 No.263246
    On /tg/ Pony is still 100% banned in all forms.
    Until moot makes a sticky telling them otherwise, that attitude will remain.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:34 No.263277
    Ok, how about this: there are no health points, rather than a wound margin. If you take damage and it doesn't equal or exceed the margin, nothing happens. If the damage exceeds the margin, you get a wound, which is a cummulative malus on most things and requires you to do some sort of roll to not get knocked on your ass. If you get enough damage to exceed your margin twice by a single attack, you have to roll to stay conscious and get several wounds. At some point your wound mali will reduce the probabilities of anything succeeding to 0 and then you are defeated.

    Or something, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:47 No.263483
    Sounds alot like Savage Worlds. Nothing wrong with that, mind you, just saiyan that if you want to go with that, might want to go look at SW to polish that up.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)16:53 No.263589
    Never read savage worlds, but if it has a similar system, I probably should.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)17:26 No.264108
    >Get hung up on death mechanics before anyone even proposes a combat system

    See, at first this might seem like a bad idea, but deciding how death/ loss of character is handled is VITAL to understand before we begin working out any mechanics.

    Think about it this way: Either we spend a full day working out the crunch for getting into fights, come up with some abstractions for damage, then decide "dying is bad mmkay" and throw the whole thing out... OR we decide whether it's even possible to die, and if not, come up with conflict mechanics that are conducive to this.

    Personally I think group-created RPGs are always terrible (LoZ homebrew, I'm looking at you) because too many people with conflicting ideas all have an equal say. You need a strong dictator running these things or they invariably collapse.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)17:49 No.264401
    Stongly run, board-independant teams offer no amusement to the mass itself, and as such have no entertainment value.

    Are you here to have fun, or to make a product?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)17:59 No.264537
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    Looks like /mlp/ is a melting pot for all kinds of boards. Anyhow a friend of mine and me we are kinda working on a tabletop featuring the blindbag ponies. We use the Alkemy rules as basis and take it from there. Right now we are painting and conversing out minis, seeing that the actual blind bag ponies are pretty boring. Would anyone be interested in a summary of the rules or maybe a battle report when we are done?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:01 No.264554
    >That sculptjob
    Heavens me. No offence but please consider getting someone more talented to make your models if you want them to look cool.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:04 No.264607
    This has more to do with /tg/'s negative sides than /mlp/'s positive ones.
    Regardless, sure, post away. Who knows, it might be a good read.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:05 No.264627
         File: 1330383958.jpg-(54 KB, 576x432, 1195300931403.jpg)
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    Do we really have to bring up low quality sculpt jobs now?
    Besides, it's not the sculpting that's particularly bad, just the paint job.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:08 No.264655
    This post is still a /tg/ outpost and lives by /tg/ standards. Speaking of which
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:12 No.264725
    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:12 No.264726
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    >tabletop featuring the blindbag ponies
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:16 No.264786
    This thread may be a /tg/ outpost, but it is under the protection of MLPG by sanction of the Overlord Leth.
    I believe what you should say is
    >rape YOUR PAINTS
    or possibly
    THIN YOUR >rape
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:19 No.264817
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    I really like your idea,
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:20 No.264837
         File: 1330384827.png-(230 KB, 962x962, 108141 - artist-megasweet diab(...).png)
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    This thread is promising.

    I'm not from /tg/ and I've never had a chance to get into any tabletop games. If there was time for me to start it would be with this.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:22 No.264854
    Do not be intimidates, there is always time for a first time.
    Just don't be a capefedora about it and you'll do fine.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:23 No.264878
    There was a post some time ago on /tg/ about some britfag who bought some blind bags to add to his mini collection for his group's weekly D&D meet-up. IIRC one of the players summoned a monster in-game and the DM tossed down one of the ponies as a joke saying it's what he got, and the guy flipped the fuck out and melted the pony toy right there in front of everyone with his lighter. As usual, /tg/ didn't give a fuck and called the OP a furfag. I wish I'd saved the screencap.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:24 No.264890
    If you want, I can try to hook you up with one of /tg/'s resident mini makers.
    Not sure what his stance on pone is, but he is usually a nice guy and likes to give out advice as well as take commissions.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:25 No.264894
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    You know, this thread reminds me a "humanized" version of the DnD races I've been trying to work on in my head. What I've got is
    Tellurian (Earth Ponies)
    Seraph (Pegasus)
    Fey Touched (Unicorns)

    In my head I'm trying to work out how the different racial abilities would go. Experimenting in my head that each of the races would start out fairly underpowered but automatically get Racial Paragon levels (As in Unearthed Arcana) as they progress that gives them greater access to their abilities.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:26 No.264910
    A few months back someone made a thread where he was converting some Ork Warbikes out of blindbag ponies and spare orkz.
    The thread was deleted after out of thr 40 or so posts it got, 30 were sages. I think the OP also got banned.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:28 No.264943
    Why not just call them
    and be done with it?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:28 No.264947
    >/tg/ mods being stupid niggers.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:32 No.264998
    I would, but 4chan tells me my post is spam. Can't post.

    Not ours, just a random blind bag conversion google gave me. I'll make some pictures of mine when I am home.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:34 No.265025
    If it includes terms such as anypony or everypony, it will be blocked by the filter and called spam.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:36 No.265068
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    Eh, partly because while humanized unicorns sort of fit into the elf blend, the other two don't.
    I suppose it's just nit picking though since, really, are there any real dwarves or angels that are going to start shit over being depicting as something other than underground scots-vikings or heavenly spirits?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:36 No.265070
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    Does that mean we can talk about Squats without fear of Heresy then?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:39 No.265103
    Dude, are you srsly suggesting asking scripty for pony conversions?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:40 No.265118
    If you're worried about angels getting mad at you for misrepresentation, I'd like to remind you that seraphim, which you intended to use, are horrible nonhuman monsters that guard the throne of God. They use their wings to hide their true forms, and looking at them will kill you.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:41 No.265134
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    >there will never be a europa universalis mod which puts equestria in the middle of russia
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:41 No.265136
    I don't see why not, he seems quite open to insane commissions.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:43 No.265168
    did calgar making out with grimnar get painted at any point? i imagine it looked better painted...
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:44 No.265184
    I don't think it did. The unpainted version is up on his blog anyway.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:45 No.265200
    Care to clue a non-/tg/ guy in on this?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:45 No.265204
    There is a EU 3 pone mod. Or was it Victoria 2? Some paradox game anyway, google a bit and you'll find it for sure.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:48 No.265250
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    First we wanted to have the background to be set in tune with the show. So keeping the violence down. We settled on that there is some reenactment festival and different groups could take part in it. That way we could get somewhat creative with our army flavour and still take our favorite show characters.

    For example: I decided to go all unicorns and theme all my minis to fit Rarity as Princess Platinum and Twilight as Clover the Clever. Of course all other ponies had to be unicorns as well so I will field Lyra, DJ Pon-3, Trixie and Fancy Pants. Right now I am sculpting some medieval clothing on Lyra. My friend said he wanted to do Appeloosan pilgrims, fielding AJ and Rainbow as leaders. Don't know whom else he'll go with.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:48 No.265251
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    Well, some people take pride in being horrific looking and take offense when you "beautify" them. You know how snippy political correctness can get.

    Anyway though, part of another reason is just that my friend (also a fantasy nerd) once told me that "if you take a drow, remove their magic and give them tech, give them pale skin for living underground instead of black skin, remove their mostly evilness, and their worship of Lolth, then you really don't have a drow anymore and any attempts to call it such are misleading."
    And it kind of made sense at the time and seems to now.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:49 No.265260
    We have a guy, who does crazy shit with miniatures.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:50 No.265288
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    there is a vicky one, but I really hope a europa one is made. Just so I can enslave ponies as Byantium
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:51 No.265297
    Old /tg/ namefag, loves to make minis and give out tips, often makes crazy shit on request.
    He also bakes crazy things every christmas.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:52 No.265319
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    Fabricator-General Scriptarius (formerly Paragon Scriptarius?) is a /tg/ namefag who does baddas conversions and baked minis.

    He is also generally quite awesome, pic rltd.

    Does threads where he gives advice for minis or build minis requested by the board.
    >> Kinnikuman !!5vSBuKdNhzI 02/27/12(Mon)18:53 No.265348
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    Now that i read this post, concerning the death and non-death thingy

    How about something like FFTA? except that the Judge only appears when its ClanVSClan.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:53 No.265350
    There's a guy known on /tg/, goes by the name of Scriptarius, who does insane custom 40K figures (usually bloody massive conversion jobs, but hey, whatever). He has a blog that you can probably find using google, I don't know where it is.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:54 No.265358
    Jesus christ, is that a gingerbread Titan?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:55 No.265381
    Yes. Yes it is.

    It was GLORIOUS.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:55 No.265390
    I think his full title was >Fabricator-General Lord Markus Scriptarius, Paragon and Spiritual Liege of /tg/ in the previous xmas thread.
    What amuses me is that all of those, save for the base Scriptarius, are titles /tg/ has tacked onto him over the years.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:56 No.265402
    And I would post the rules but I don't have time to check every little word and see if 4chan likes it or not. Just so much: Characters have stat-cards, there is a 'skybox' for arial combat and Twilight is probably overpowered. I'll upload an PDF eventually.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)18:57 No.265419
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    You don't quite get an appreciation for the size of it unless you post this version.

    Damn. Now I want to see him make some pone.
    Does anyone have his email/DA/something?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)19:00 No.265453
    eh, request next time one of his threads pops up, though they seem less frequent recently :(
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)19:02 No.265492
    Gotcha covered
    He did mention he's been busy with uni and job hunting. Guess he just has less free time than before.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)19:05 No.265539
    Didn't he have a thread like... yesterday? I think he posted some Grey Knights.

    Also, why did this suddenly become Scriptarius General?
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)19:12 No.265673
    Well, i guess it's a positive sign he'd help out ponyfaggots for a Pony miniatures thing since one of his favorites is a picture of Hoity Toity.
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)19:45 No.266349
    >Are you here to have fun, or to make a product?

    I am generally on /tg/ to make a product...
    >> Anonymous 02/27/12(Mon)20:40 No.267453
    This is awesome. I love /tg/.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)00:12 No.271171
    >people talking about 1d4chan

    Here's a question

    Why the fuck does it need a pony page?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)00:13 No.271198
    1d4chan already has a ponypage.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)00:16 No.271264

    I know

    I'm asking why. It's stupid and unnecessary
    >> Leth !Leth/HQgHY 02/28/12(Tue)01:12 No.272139
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    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)01:41 No.272487
    How about something for the locations that you will visit, for the world building friends?

    Obviously, Canterlot and Appalossa and Manehattan are there, but what about the rest of the world. Is there a Camelstinople, a Zebra Venice, what else can you think of?
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)03:24 No.273723
    Bumping for potential night interest.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)03:37 No.273867
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    So, here's a thought: let's talk weapons for ponies.
    Do we need specialized weapons and armor like a lance integrated into the side?
    Do they need weapons to begin with?
    Or do you just say 'fuck it' and treat them as using weapons normally.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)06:40 No.275790
    Wow, Friendship is Dragons is really good. Reading it really makes me want to go pick up the old D20.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)09:42 No.277408

    That just seems limited to your ability to come up with puns.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:44 No.278811
    The show has spears and maces, so we can probably just use normal weapons and not explain how it works.

    I'm also compiling some of the general ideas into a single .txt so when we need a new thread I can post it there.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)11:58 No.278963
    also rememver the fencing match in the cutiepox episode

    minute 16
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)12:08 No.279108
    /jp/ has some homebrew Touhou RPG going. Maybe something worth looking into for inspiration?

    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)13:59 No.280662
    Alright, how about one "handed" weapons could be wielded like a human, but you need to wear light armor to enable standing up.

    Long and heavy weapons need to be mounted, which also requires a full body suit/armor to do so.

    Stuff like maces and hammers can be wielded on the tail, but you also take an agility/movement penalty because you have a huge weight attached to your tail that throws off balance.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)16:58 No.283719
    Proud of you for keeping this thread alive and kicking fellow Anons.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)20:08 No.286555
    >this thread has received 1 of 3 requests needed to trigger archival.
    >> Anonymous 02/28/12(Tue)20:30 No.286966
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:07 No.291964
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:15 No.292114
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    and what about classes? would there be classes wor would we look at a more free form system?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:16 No.292130
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:18 No.292173
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    Now what about my Earth Pony Luchadora?
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:22 No.292241

    Brilliant. Thanks for helping archive this thread my good man.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:42 No.292576
    We've pretty much settled on classless, at least for now.
    here's what I've gathered
    Strangth - related to general physical power, Earth ponies get a bonus.
    Agility - related to speed and fancy tricks, Pegasi get a bonus.
    Stamina - dictates how long a pony can work, how much beating it can take, and how long it takes to heal
    Intelligence - related to learning speed and booksmarts. Unicorns get a bonus.
    Charisma - related to social skills.
    Power - related to racial abilities (Magic & telekinesis / flight & weather control / earth cultivation and animal control)
    Stats go from 1 to 20
    1 being Derpy's INT or Twilight's CHA
    20 being AJ's STR or Twilight INT

    Health - tells how much more beating a pony can take. Once heath gets low, all checks suffer a penalty. Once it hits 0, all checks costs END to take. If both HP and END are at zero, the pony collapses and needs to rest. Death only occurs in special, story related cases as dictated by the DM.
    Mental stability - tells how close the pony is to losing it. Failure to perform Cutie Skills or important tasks lowers MEN. At 0 MEN, you go a bit crazy and need your friends to help you snap out of it. Certain enemies can also lower MEN.
    Endurance - tells how much steam the pony still has left. At 0 END you can no longer perform task efficiently, all tasks done reduce MEN and only gain half of any usual bonuses.

    It takes 7 days to regenerate full HP without healing items
    It takes 12 hours to regenerate a point of MEN, provided it is above 25% of your maximum MEN. If it is below, it no longer regenerates, and needs to be mended by the assistance of friends.
    It takes 8 hours of rest to fully regenerate END
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:43 No.292594
    Cutie Mark: one per character, dictates their most important skill. Can be picked from a list of existing marks, or a freeform mark can be used instead. The "cutie skill" is related to the mark, and is the single thing the pony is best at. Depending on situation, a pony might get notable bonuses to a skill check, or be allowed to perform unique actions not available to others. Repeated failure to perform a Cutie Skill will lower MEN.

    Skills: Can be taken up to a agreed total, Skills dictate other things ponies can do beyond their cutie mark, such as first aid or train driving. Some skills can be massively augumented with related Cutie Marks.

    Perks: Come in Major and Minor forms. Can be used to augument stats or skills. A Major perk counts as two Minor ones.

    Flaws: Must be taken to balance out Perks. One major counts as two minors. Taking lots of perks and flaws will allow you to make a more specialized character with more notable strengths and glaring flaws, like Rainbow Dash or Twilight Sparkle.

    Racial abilities: Related in power to the POW stat.
    Telekinesis is known by all Unicorns, but they must select spells from the Spell List for their other stuff. These Spells come out of their Skill points. Spell pools can be made bigger with perks and certain Cutie Marks.
    All Pegasi know Flight and Weather Manipulation, but they can select special Skills and perks to augument either, such as Trick Flying or Cloudshaping.
    All Earth Ponies know how to grow things and commune with nature, but they can also select special Skills and Perks to augument these abilities.
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:44 No.292600
    Earthy - High caps for STR and STA, low caps for INT and CHA
    Pegasus - High cap for AGI, low caps for INT, cloudwalking and cloudshaping as natural skills
    Unicorn - High caps for INT and CHA, low caps for STR and STA, telekinesis as natural skill
    Nonpony - Higher stat caps and special perks, but no Cutie Marks. Includes Donkies, Mules, Zebras, Buffalo, Cows, Sheep, Gryphons etc.
    Some races like Draconequii, Alicorns and Dragons are not (yet) playable.

    Stat Checks
    If a player wants to for instance convince a snooty pony to let the party sleep in his house for a night, would it be something like this:
    A Unicorn is doing the talking, and has a CHA of 15
    The Snooty Pony does not like the idea, and as such any persuation takes a penalty of -2
    The Snooty Pony, being snooty, has a CHA of 17, addin another -2 modifier
    Since this is a Minor Request, the roll needed to succeed is 20. It is rolled agaist CHA, and the unicorn has 15, so he needs to roll 5 or more
    However there is a total modifier of -4, so the roll needed is 9 or more.

    >What stat to check against?
    Moving heavy things, bucking things, etc - STR
    Going fast, jumping, climbing - AGI
    Taking damage - STA
    Remembering things, learning new things - INT
    Talking to things, bluffing, requesting - CHA
    Weather control, flight, telekinesis, spellcasting, earth attunement, cultivation - POW
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)01:45 No.292613
    >How big do I need to roll?
    Insignificant (asking someone to stand aside a little, picking up a small if slippery object) - 10
    Small (pulling yourself up a cliff) - 15
    Minor (Asking to sleep at a stranger's place) - 20
    Major (Asking someone for free stuff) - 30
    Huge (Asking someone to join your cause, lifting a boulder, breaking the sound barrier) - 40

    >Example modifiers
    Ask someone to do something that they really want to do: +20
    Ask someone to do something that goes against their every moral: -20
    Ask someone to do something they do not like: -2
    Ask someone to do something they like: +2
    Flying against high winds: -10
    Casting unfamilliar magic: -5

    >>Example Cutie Marks
    Enhanced Racial Power - grants a notable bonus to all POW related checks (Ex. Twilight's magic)
    Super Special Skill - grants a massive bonus to one Skill (Ex. Rarity's Dressmaking)
    Unique Talent - allows the player to make up a Skill, and grants bonuses to that Skill. (Ex. Dash' Sonic Rainboom)

    >>Example Perks
    Tough (major)
    You can take a beating that would put most others out of commission. You can exceed your racial STA cap by up to 2 points, and only take half the normal time to heal from injury.
    Abnormal Skillset (major)
    You are one strange cookie. You can pick one Perk(minor or major) or Skill from any other race's list. Remember, you must still compensate for a Perk though.
    Fast Learner (minor)
    You can pick up new things on the fly. The time it takes to learn a new skill is cut in half, as is the time it takes to reach a new mastery rank.
    Socialy skilled (minor)
    You can talk your way out of trouble and make friends with ease. You gain a +2 modifier to all persuation and friendship tests. This feat is mutualy exclusive with the Flaw: Socialy Awkward
    >> Anonymous 02/29/12(Wed)10:52 No.298987
    bump for further production

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