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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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I made these.....why? Because when your boyfriends a brony you make him some damn pony cupcakes....thats why ^_^
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These are acceptable, you are rewarded a free pone.

Impressed with the whole, hardened sugar into shapes thing you have going on here.
i don't get it
> Hardened sugar into shapes
> Doesn't know what fondant is
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Well done. You are allowed one cookie from the cookie jar.

Fondant on cupcakes?

This is no longer cool.
who me?
only some of the decorations are fondant silly the rest is home made buttercream ^_^
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Love you sugar cube
you look like a normal person, we need more of that.
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get this clopper off my /mlp/

but leave the god damn cupcakesI'll have a Rainbow Dash and a Rarity pls
I would totally have sex with those cupcakes. So careful, your boyfriend might leave you for them.
No cupcakes for you!!!!! >:0

Only for MY brony <3

I was thinking this same shit. If it weren't so taboo I'd start a thread telling bronies/fans to post a single pic of themselves to show we're all not fat, sweaty, neck-beared horsefuckers....
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Hahahaha, normal guy here
......so ccuuuuttteeee
Oh God I feel like I'm on facebook
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You should have made it a baker's dozen.
This is the most adorable act ever. I'm so jelly. D:
What's the problem? It's very descriptive.
I think you guys are just jelly

very good OP....very good
I'm made jelly, got any instructions OP?
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>is brony
>has girlfriend
>>That bakes
>>is ok with his pony fetish
>>is aware of his 4channing
>>knows her duty as an engaged woman

aside from facebook tier photos ( can you really take self shots without looking like you're trying? ) Nobody can talk bad about OP and his woman.. granted that OP is not a single man and made cupcakes on his own pretending he has a girlfriend.

>pics of girl or get the fuck out
Awesome work though! lol =P

inb4 zomg he used a emocon its like im on gaia get out of the internetz i h8 u arrrhhgg

gaia is letting you off too easy

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yes you
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Here ya go.....proof
;_______; i was hoping it was lies...

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>ugly leprechaun like girl

nah man I think the cupcakes are the only plus in this relationship.

wish you guys the best of luck though.

dem ears
Says the guy who probably sits alone everynight fapping to pictures of ponies because no girl will even talk to him
Flittershys cupcake looks like it has beetles on it, not butterflys
Looks like that one has a little more icing than the one next to it... FIX IT
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>showing your face
>on 4chan
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Short hair. Glasses. Limited, tasteful piercing.

Check. Check. Check.

I see no problem with OPLady's attractiveness levels. Reminds me of my wife, except she has brunette hair and much, much bigger boobs.

All I see here is a ponyfag getting all butthurt and lashing out at someone who has a real life human woman in his life romantically who knows him deeply and cares enough to indulge him in interesting and loving ways.

Forever alone, StrayDog. Forever alone.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to mow the lawn, trim the hedges, stain the deck, paint the shutters, clean the gutters, do the dishes, do the laundry, make dinner for my wife and then FUCK HER PLOT.

You just go back to shitpostin', kid.
Yea right... Hank Hill

Nothing wrong with either of them, though. I wish all bronies looked as presentable.
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Thanks <3

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Believe me, I wish to god I were kidding. I've been on "vacation" from work so I could just chill out for a week and it's the exact same week my wife gets a bug up her ass about home improvement (she's been getting "investment and equity" speeches from her mom) and I've done pretty much nothing but housework with brief bits of ponies during the day and lots of /mlp/ once the sun goes down. I'm almost looking forward to going back to work, just so I don't have to get on a fucking ladder or rip up half the deck piece-by-piece with a crowbar.

Wish I had Twilight to help me with all this shit. Just use her unicorn magic. Or Applejack could just....kick everything, I guess.
It is in these times that I recite a silent prayer to thank Celestia that I live alone in a rented apartment.

God I would hate having to worry about equity.
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how old Ein?

gl with chores- just graduated college, no job
been fixing dads shitty boat for the past week
fuck me I hate that boat
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Anyone in a relationship (married/serious) knows that loving someone is simultaneously the hardest and most rewarding thing you will ever do. But sometimes...


Living with a woman is the worst of all possible outcomes with the exception of not living with a woman.

28 years old, Tri-State area (KY/OH/IN)
Married for 2 years, homeowner for 1.5 years
Brony for...4 months now?
The wife is NOT a pegasister -- she'll begrudgingly watch if my other pony-loving friend[s] is/are over but she'll never watch an episode by herself. She doesn't judge me because I've always liked a lot of weird, kinda-girly shit (very in touch with my feminine side) which is what initially attracted her to me (smart, funny, emotional, etc.) but now she's on some manly-man power-trip and gets off on watching me use the circular saw or power-sander or whatever.
>mfw I wear my Rainbow Dash shirt and a tool-belt just to cross the signals
>mfw I wear my Rainbow Dash shirt and a tool-belt just to cross the signals
All of my yes
That's not the Tri-State area. Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania is the Tri-State area.
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YOU'RE the Tri-State area!

I'm assuming there are multiple Tri-State areas which is DESTROYING MY PERCEPTION OF REALITY but I guess that's cool.

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