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    File: 1335578554.gif-(222 KB, 600x500, 1333580745805.gif)
    222 KB Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:02 No.1582639  
    This is the official Fluffy Pony thread.
    You can't stop it. The suffering never ends.

    If there's another thread, redirect them.

    ITT: We write stories about killing small fluffy animals and crack wise.

    >inb4 Francis
    >inb4 river of shit
    >inb4 adopted our own Fluffy Ponies
    >inb4 butthurt sagefag
    >inb4 jollyhurt anon
    >inb4 unwarranted developments in headcanon
    >inb4 reposts
    >all systems nominal
    >brace for faggotry
    >> Man that looks like a Monster !sreRR4EdII 04/27/12(Fri)22:03 No.1582666
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    >inb4 404
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:05 No.1582692
    ctrl-c, ctrl-v

    >Your fluffy pony looks up at you as you come home
    "No. We've been over this. No asking Daddy to play when he comes home from work."
    >"Pway! Pway!" it yells, running around in circles
    >it runs into a table, knocking over and breaking an expensive vase
    "I told you what would happen if you did that again."
    >you reach for the 'sowwy-stick'
    "Sorry, but you know the rules, and so do I."
    "A full commitment's what I'm thinking of."
    "You wouldn't get this from any other guy."
    "I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling, gotta make you understand."
    "Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you."
    >"Nevah gonna make you cwy!"
    >"Nevah gonna say goobai!"
    >"Nevah gonna tell a wie and huwt you!"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:06 No.1582702
    >come home from work
    >walk through the door
    >expect to see fluffy derpy
    >only find a trail of shit
    >the trail of shit leads to your bedroom
    >your jaw drops

    What do you find?
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:07 No.1582726

    >Fluffy derpy has single-handedly prepared a romantic dinner for two, and awaits you sensually on your bed
    >"Hewwo daddy," she utters
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:09 No.1582757
    >inb4 anon rapes fluffy pony
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:09 No.1582766
    >you follow the trail of shit into the bedroom
    >it leads out into the bathroom
    >it leads through the other door and down the stairs again
    >it meets up with the original trail of shit you followed, creating a loop of shit
    >derpyshy flies up to you
    >"I just don't know what went wrong!"
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:11 No.1582796
    >inb4 adopted our own Fluffy Ponies

    I honestly fear what would happen if the people in these threads ever got a real Fluffy Pony.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:12 No.1582816
    >Your blood rage awakens
    >You quickly rip off your left arm with your right and begin beating Derpyshy with it
    >Screaming blood curses and rage
    >Her bones are cracking more and more with each blow
    >"AHGDSDFGHDFGSHGHSHGFH" Derpyshy screams before she begins vomiting blood
    >You finally prepare your families secret finishing move
    >You throw your severed arm at the perfect speed and angle, causing it go so fast that it basically becomes a saw blade and cuts derpyshy in half
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:14 No.1582847
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:15 No.1582880
    >You find Chris Hansen and a disheveled Derpy on your bed.
    >"Would you take a seat, please?" Hansen asks.
    >Derpy has looked like she has been crying for hours.
    >You make a run for it!
    >"Please don't run! It will only make it worse!" Hansen pleads.
    >You make it outside.
    >You're tackled by police.
    >Your reign of fluffy sexual terror is over.
    >Fluffy ponies everywhere breathe a sigh of relief.
    >Said ponies die of asphyxiation, forgetting how to breathe after taking a sigh.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:15 No.1582882
    OH GOD.
    >> Jacob_V !ijAcoxZR9M 04/27/12(Fri)22:21 No.1582994
    >inb4 404

    Make me wonder, do fluffy pony thread's content actually break any 4chan rules?
    >> The Spaghetti Games: Part 2 Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:22 No.1583012
    >Daddy put you and Peeta in a big dark box with a few other fluffies
    >Peeta is more vocal than you are
    >"Uhh... new fwein'?"
    >"Fwein'." you say, simply
    >"Mai name Peeta!"
    >Peeta embraces you in a hug
    >Hey, maybe everything won't be so bad after all!
    >"Do' wowwy! New daddy gunna ta' cawe of fwuffies!" he says to the other fluffy ponies in the box
    >There are already 4 fluffies besides you and Peeta
    >"Whew yoo fwuffies fwom?"
    >You answer, "Fwuffies fwom fwuffy pwace."
    >"We fwom dew too!" responds a red pegasus you don't know
    >You and Peeta being earth ponies, you don't expect to get along with them, or unicorns for that matter
    >Daddy has taken you and 22 other fluffy ponies to a big place surrounded by giant walls and a big white sky with a pretty light hanging from it
    >You've never been in a place like this before
    >Daddy unloads you all in a tiny area, with weird looking brightly colored things you've never seen before
    >Also, 24 big, soft things that you can sleep on
    >You try one out first thing
    >You have never, in all your two weeks of life, experienced anything that has felt this good
    >You cry
    >The fluffy ponies gather 'round, meeting and greeting
    >You have talked to a few and played with a few, but some are nicer than others
    >Some are like you and are really scared of never seeing their mommas again
    >One talks about, "no wan' ba' huggies wike in picthuws. Mumma wen' sketties game an' got big owies. daddy nevuw bwing mumma back!"
    >You have no idea what he's talking about
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:22 No.1583020
    Seriously, if the opportunity ever arose for any of you chucklefucks to own a real life fluffy pony, would you do the things you write about?
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:23 No.1583047

    >Usually, back in your herd's enclosure, daddy leaves out a big shiny thing with moving talking pictures on it, so everybody can watch the skettie games
    >However, in the one skettie game you've been alive for and not participated in, you didn't get to see the skettie games because one of the fluffies in your herd got excited to see their sister again and jumped at the shiny glass, trying to hug her
    >So no one got to watch
    >You have no idea what you're in for
    >The only names you've picked up in your time in daddyland are peeta's and a small, almost newborn filly who's name is woo
    >You don't know what bad huggies are, but you don't want them to happen to her
    >Daddy brings the fluffies breakfast, lunch and dinner
    >It's so beautiful
    >Three meals a day of spaghetti, a whole bowl for each pair of ponies from each enclosure (there are twelve)
    >You and Peeta notice the smell of it first
    >"Wat dat?!" Peeta immediately screams
    >You turn and can't believe your eyes
    >"Sketties!!!" you yell in ecstasy
    >Within a minute all fluffies are feasting on the stuff
    >During your intake, you stop a bit to look back; you thought you heard something
    >As you thought, Woo has fallen behind and can't get to her pair's bowl of sketties
    >Of course, in no time, the other pony in her pair, a big black colt, comes for her and picks her up by the scruff of her neck
    >"Woo nee' sketties! Com eat!" it grunts through her fluff in his mouth
    >Woo giggles
    >It makes you feel happy
    >"Why ca'nip no eat? Sketties!" Peeta reminds you
    >You get back to eating
    >Sometimes you find yourself doing that; thinking about things too long and drifting off from other fluffy things
    >You usually pay it no mind
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:24 No.1583062

    Hell no. Endless snuggling. This question has been asked before.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:24 No.1583065
    No, Mods just don't like them.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:25 No.1583095

    >At midday, daddy comes in with another big scary munsta like him
    >"So, these are the litter this year."
    >"Neato. Thanks for the sneak peek. I like the little one, nice choice."
    >"You know I don't choose, names are drawn from a hat."
    >"Yeah, sure. You don't rig it at all."
    >Daddy speaks up and addresses the fluffies
    >All the fluffy ponies stop what they are doing and turn their attention to daddy
    >"Daddy! daddy, wan' upsies!" "Fwuffy wuv daddy!" "Daddy got sketties? Wan' sketties!"
    >Daddy begins to say some things, but all the ponies keep talking to him and amongst themselves
    >All the noise muffles what daddy is saying down to barely-intelligable sentence fragments
    >Well, barely-intelligable for a big monster - you never know what they're talking about
    >"Tomorow... arena... hugs... aparatus... only one... suprise... Enjoy your..."
    >Daddy says a few more things to his friend about a "suprise" and "retarded" and leave
    >All fluffy ponies return to playing with the blocks and balls in the pen, but you stay and ponder what daddy said
    >After only a few moments, you don't care anymore
    >That night, you forget the hunger games are even a thing
    >You and Peeta are getting ready for bed
    >"Peeta wike daddy! New pwace fun!"
    >"Yea!" you yelp, fresh after a session of playing ball with other fluffies
    >You yawn. "Ca'nip sweepy."
    >"Wanna ma' behbys?"
    >"Wat?" Make babies? But you're not a momma fluffy!
    >"If Peeta gif' goo' huggies, ca'nip make behbys! Behbys fun!"
    >You do like babies. "Okay!"
    >That night, Peeta did some kind of strange thing to you, but it felt good
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:26 No.1583113

    >He got behind you and started doing something to your butt and after a while he stopped and fell asleep
    >It was fun!
    >You fall asleep curled up to him; you think he's your bestest friend now
    >You wake up the next morning
    >You only wake up because daddy came and scooped you up from your bed with Peeta
    >"Aww, little slut."
    >You don't know what he said, but you're happy to see him
    >"Daddy! Ca'nip ge' upsies!"
    >"Yeah. Get ready kiddo, today's the big day."
    >"Today's the day of the Spaghetti Games."
    >"Wassa sketties game? Fwuffy ge' sketties AN' pway?"
    >"Of course," he mumbles.
    >He plops you down on your back in a big hard box
    >You giggle; it tickles
    >Daddy reaches out somewhere you can't see and grabs some kind of black strips
    >Oh, the strips have some kinds of bumps coming out of them
    >They're really thin and look sharp
    >Daddy begins to move you around and place the strips around your waist, bumpy ends out, and also puts one around each hoof
    >The ones on your hooves are tight
    >"Owies! Daddy, too tight!"
    >Daddy laughs
    >"Heh, you don't know the meaning of 'owie', kid."
    >Daddy is a meenie
    >He carries you, in the box, to a strange place
    >He quickly plops you down onto a place where there are grassies, but they hurt like pinpricks
    >You quickly regain your footing, and find that you are trapped in the box
    >Through holes in the plastic box, you watch daddy bring in all the other fluffy ponies, one by one, all bearing the samesharp, bumpy strips as you
    >The ones on your hooves are starting to itch
    >The cries of the other fluffies fill the room
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:26 No.1583122
    I'd think endorsing, and encouraging violence and mistreatment of animals, even fictional ones, would count as a rule violation. Hell, the "lol so edgy" drug threads are global rule violations as well, but no one reports them or cares.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:26 No.1583134

    >"Gwassies no nummies." "Fwuffy wan'huggies!" "Dis whew fwuffy ge' sketties?"
    >You remain silent, you simply look out from the box with teary eyes
    >Everything was so okay yesterday!
    >What are the Skettie games?
    >Daddy ties strange rope things to the tops of all the boxes
    >Fluffies hopelessly jump up at the tops to try to hug daddy
    >Daddy once again leaves, and comes back with a ton of other big monsters
    >You're scared
    >They're all yelling and laughing
    >Daddy gets up in front of them
    >"Gentlemen, visitors, newcomers, and beloved patrons of the underground fluffy pony entertainment circuit! Welcome, one and all, to the 74th weekly Spaghetti games!"
    >They all cheer
    >"Today we've got a marvelous show for ya, including twists and turns! Thrills, chills, and most definitely spills! Plus a very special guest for later that I think you all will like!"
    >Another cheer
    >Lots of fluffies are crying about the loud noises, including Woo
    >"Without firther adue, let us commence the countdown to brutality!" daddy says, grabbing another one of those big shiny glass thingies and moving his finger around on it
    >The lights in the room magically dim and brighten on you and the other fluffy ponies, and the rest of... wherever this strange grassland is
    >"10... 9... 8..."
    >You're scared
    >"7... 6... 5..."
    >You want huggies
    >"4... 3... 2..."
    >It's time
    >Daddy pulls the string and the Spaghetti Games begin
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:28 No.1583163
    Maybe read the /mlp/ board rules for once.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:30 No.1583193
    >indorsing, and encouraging violence and mistreatment of animals, even fictional ones,

    Then anime and cartoons should be banned because it encourages the sexual idolization of fictional underaged girls.

    Also anyone who says they want to fuck a pony should be autobanned.

    They aren't real.
    If you start banning people because of fiction, you got to ban everyone
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:31 No.1583217
    Or maybe someone posted a story about mods abusing their power in the last thread and it coincidentally 404'd right after that.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:32 No.1583247
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    647 KB
    So, here is new and impr... well, new fluffyshy...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:33 No.1583258
    Alright, then what about the people who try to write light-hearted greentexts about fluffy ponies? They get either laughed out of these threads are called soft-hearted faggots.
    What about the retards who started the whole idea of fuffy ponies being lab experiments so they'd feel less guilty about killing them?
    What about the fact that that wasn't what they were at all, and anyone saying otherwise is "obviously wrong and stupid?"
    It's basically just you people using them as a vent since you can't beat a small animal without being sued for animal cruelty in real life..
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:34 No.1583283
    Oh shut up, butthurt anon. You're trying to say that for weeks, over and over again, as if it would ever change anything.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:34 No.1583287

    ...Butthurt sagefag.

    >... check...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:36 No.1583312
    I notice you don't say I'm wrong.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:37 No.1583334
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:37 No.1583350
    Alright. So where are you reasons?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:38 No.1583360
    Okay, you're wrong, and nobody shares your opinion, and nobody likes the stuff you like either.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:40 No.1583386
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:42 No.1583421
    Let's see here. We've got butthurt sagefag as usual. If only riverofshit was here. Haven't seen that one for the past several threads.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:42 No.1583428

    I don't need reasons. You were wrong the moment you broke Rule 20.

    Shut up and just enjoy the stories, kay?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:42 No.1583436
    >At the pet cemetery.
    >Weeping for your recently deceased fluffy pony.
    >When suddenly!
    >Your pone rises.
    >"Fluffy?!" you gasp in jubilation.
    >Nope. Its Chuck Testa.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:43 No.1583442
    I am always here.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:44 No.1583476
    And Rule 20 would be what? Expecting someone to be able to support their opinions with fact?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:45 No.1583491
    >Fluffy pony gets adopted.
    >By Michael Vick.
    >Fluffy pony lives a well lived life with its great daddy!
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:45 No.1583495


    Rule 20 of the Internet: Nothing is to be taken seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:46 No.1583502

    Phooey, I was expecting a Stephen King reference.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:46 No.1583506
    Torture porn takes no skill. Just like hurt/comfort and happy-playtime porn, all the writer has to do is write out his fantasies as they happen. The reader enjoys it if he likes to have the same kind of fantasies.

    Once upon a time, there were good stories about fluffy pone dying in sad or bizarre situations owing to its own nature. The one about the fluffy pony dying of heat stroke in the owner's car as it waited to give him a surprise is a textbook example.

    Also, reporting this thread because you are all faggots.

    >ITT: We write stories about killing small fluffy animals
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:47 No.1583518
    Those aren't really rules, they're more... guidelines.
    But it's a flawed rule anyway. Some things are meant to be taken seriously, even if it's simply on principle.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:47 No.1583531
    >fluffy pony pet semetary

    Oh god, yes
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:49 No.1583561
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    >expecting to accomplish things

    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 04/27/12(Fri)22:50 No.1583596

    Lotta histowy down dat woad...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:52 No.1583625
    Boco, no. I know you're the faggotiest chocobo that ever chocoboed, but come on. You're better than that shitty faux-babytalk.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:52 No.1583636
    >Let fluffy pony play Superman on Nintendo 64
    >Fluffy pony chokes itself with the controller cord.
    >> Boco !sCZ24qY6KY 04/27/12(Fri)22:54 No.1583658

    Parody of that guy from South Park.

    That guy who from "Butters Very Own Episode". He was a Pet Semetary reference.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:55 No.1583683

    >Play Superman on Nintendo 64
    >Choke yourself with the controller cord
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:56 No.1583700
    That did happen to me once.
    That game was awful.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)22:56 No.1583714
         File: 1335581817.png-(580 KB, 1587x1275, Untitled.png)
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    Is this one still a more fitting 'fluffyshy'?
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)22:57 No.1583720


    >Let fluffy pony play Superman on Nintendo 64
    >Fluffy pony mindlessly paws at the stick on the controller
    >Not even looking at the screen
    >Going through every fucking ring
    >Dead center
    >Next level
    >Fluffy pony is simply hugging the controller all over now
    >He fucking stops both cars
    >yfw again
    >Watch fluffy pony slowly beat Superman 64 all by himself
    >Invite friends over
    >This is fucking ridickulous
    >You're all fucking gasping for air
    >He beats the game
    >The game you spent more than 100 hours on as a kid, absolutely unable to pass
    >You drown
    >Fluffy pony dies of malnutrition
    >Fluffy pony mocks you in heaven


    I don't see what's different about it.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)23:00 No.1583777
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    Fucking idiot forgot pic.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:00 No.1583787
    >you fantasize about kidnapping a fluffy pony and raping her until she loves you before you finally kill her
    >but you’re too much of a pussy to even think about acting on it
    >so you adopt a three-year-old child
    >you have a ton of children’s toys in your house anyway
    >it sounds like a fluffy pony, thinks like you figure a fluffy pony would think
    >you wouldn’t really know - you haven’t seen one in anything but your porn since you got your teeth knocked out at a fluffy pony shelter a few years back, but you tell yourself it works well enough
    >it keeps running around saying it wants to play or eat or some shit, while you throw the “parents’ guide” you got at the adoption center in the trash
    >drop your pants and grab it by the legs, saying you’re going to play a “special game” with it
    >spread its back legs apart while it cheers, “Yay! We pwaying!”
    >it has hair down there
    >what little you had of your erection is instantly gone
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:02 No.1583814
    Ah now we've got the luvfags who try and show us the error of our fluffy pony loathing and abuse by replacing Fluffy Ponies with children and real animals.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)23:03 No.1583836

    I thought it was funny. When you think about it, a fluffy pony is, essentially, a small fluffy baby.

    Why did the baby have pubes?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:03 No.1583849
    Ah, the good ol' replace fluffy pony with little human child/ some other animal-story.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:04 No.1583872
    Only in your headcanon perhaps, Jolly. Only you do so.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)23:05 No.1583889

    I don't get it.

    Only I do what? Make headcanon?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:11 No.1583989
    >it’s been a week
    >you sit in the middle of your living room, staring at this cute little abomination that refuses to bleed, cry, or die, while he babbles to himself, playing with a block-and-hole toy
    >adopted child smiles at you
    >”You nice! Pway fun games wif’ Fwuffy! Fwuffy wuv daddy!”
    >hearing those words, your mind finally breaks.
    >Fuck this
    >fuck your porn that made you think it was easy to torture something helpless
    >fuck your fucked-up brain chemistry and upbringing that turned you into a sadistic pedophile hiding inside a passive-aggressive weakling’s body
    >fuck the adoption center
    >fuck this kid who thinks you’re playing with him and loves you in spite of everything you’ve tried to do to him
    >but most of all
    >fuck your life
    >fuck everything
    >pull the trigger and paint the ceiling with your brain
    >a neighbor hears the gunshot and alerts the police
    >your door is broken down to find your bloated, pasty, headless corpse lying on the floor, with a naked little pink skinned toddler sleeping on your distended gut
    >he wakes up, and cheerfully toddles up to the newcomers
    >”Hi! You come pway too?”
    >A kindly old woman who lives in your neighborhood takes in the orphan, who lives for many happy years in a loving home
    >before she passes away, one of her daughters marries him
    >he passes away from old age as a beloved husband
    >you are forced to watch this in Hell
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)23:13 No.1584028

    Why the fuck would a child refer to itself as "fwuffy".

    That was retarded, yo.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:15 No.1584049
    That's because he totally fucked up. Which is why nobody really is shocked about reading these stories when you simply replace a word with another.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:15 No.1584056
    I dunno, do you think maybe his name is Fwuffy?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:18 No.1584096
    That's retarded.
    You're retarded.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)23:19 No.1584129

    Maybe the kid was retarded.

    If so, I respectfully request that this story be removed on account of ableism.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:20 No.1584139
    Butthurt Anon and Wordswap Anon need to be banned. The former for being an attempted murderer, since he's trying to kill any enjoyment one could derive from this thread, and the latter for posting stories about raping children and killing animals. This is a fluffy pony thread, not a CP thread. Although apparently some /b/tards didn't get the memo.

    Inb4 tl;dr
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:24 No.1584213
    >Have to walk past a ghetto part of town.
    >Instead of Fluffy Ponies everywhere like they show on TV you see black people eveywhere.
    >Sitting out on stoops and watching you.
    >A couple are smoking, some have bandanas on.
    >As you walk back you hear tons of screwed up conversations.
    >"Why I keep gettin pweggy? Who daddy dis time?" you hear puffed up yellow haired bitch say.
    >"And den dis nigga was aww up in tywones gwill yo but I shot hiz bitch ass" a negro laughs.
    >"Yo cwacka wan buy sum sketties? 100% Italian" one in a ally whispers to you.
    >As you walk you see six of the niggers with blue bandanas waving their hands in the air.
    >"East side holla!" one of them says.
    >See another 6 niggers with green bandanas across from them.
    >Also waving their hands in the air.
    >"West Stweet Pones!"" the yell.
    >Both groups suddenly go at it.
    >Gang fight.
    >Their shooting and knifing each other.
    >One of the east side ones uses his horn and hollers "BITCH YO NIGGA ASS BLEEDIN ON MY FUCKIN TURF GET OUT NIGGA"
    >Suddenly you hear high pitched voices yelling "Weeee Wooo Weeee Woooooo."
    >"Oh shit!" they yell and scatter.
    >The black dude who killed three has a shoe stuck on gum and can't get away.
    >You see two dark blue uniformed blacks yelling "weee wooo" as they run past.
    >They grab the nigger and drag him down the street.
    >"Yo coppas can't keep a east nig down y'all bunch of pussies!" he yells trying to get away.
    >"Yeah Yeah tew it to da judge" one of the blue boys yells.
    >"Noooo! Nooo!!!!" you hear from behind.
    >Turn around and see a pink haired whore run out of a building.
    >She looks very tired, has a apron on, and there are 3 niglets on her back.
    >"Whewe did I goo wong?" she screams.
    >Well that was fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:25 No.1584237
    >"Daddy...I dun undastand..." your pony reveals.
    >She is quite perplexed.
    >"I'm sorry, Fluffy. It just FEELS good to be a gangsta! I can't explain, yo. Knamean?"
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)23:30 No.1584340
    >Fluffy pony is white with a purple mane
    >You've had her for half a day
    >She's spend all her time in her safe room so far...
    >You've heard fluffy ponies are crazy about hugs and playing and stuff
    >Not what you expected
    >Maybe you need to approach her?
    >You go to her safe room
    "Uh, hey, fluffy pony."
    >"Hi daddy." she says blankly, not looking back at you
    >You lurch forward, leaning down
    "Do you, uhh, wanna play?"
    >"Ehh, no, fwuffy pwayin' wif' bwocks now."
    >Awkward silence
    >It's like high school again
    >Fluffy pony finally turns around to you
    >"Uh, daddy can go now. Fwuffy biwdin' bwocks."
    "Oh, uh, okay."
    "Hey, do you, like, want a name?"
    >"Fwuffy name fwuffy, dawin'!"
    >"Siwwy daddy."
    "Do you want some, like, hugs or something?"
    >Fluffy pony looks back and stares at you like you've got a bomb
    >"Of COWSE not! No wan' huggies fwom daddy! Daddy ugwy!"
    "Oh... uh... eh..."
    >"Daddy howwid!" she says, shivers, then returns to hr blocks
    "Uh, okay. You enjoy your blocks, honey."
    >"'Kay, ugwy!"
    >You kill yourself
    >Fluffy pony is adopted by a family with more... taste
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:38 No.1584488

    So how does it feel to be a complete monster?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:38 No.1584494
    Why have all the fluffthreads jolly has started have been cut down before their prime?

    Perhaps, J, you should refrain from starting these threads because they appear to attract more faggotry than usual, leading to their untimely demise.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:40 No.1584526
    >be a klingon commander
    >the tribble threat must be eradicated
    >you and a handful of your finest warriors descend upon the tribble homeworld
    >charge at the purring balls of hairs with your bathlets and disruptors
    >the carnage is glorious
    >the tribbles can do nothing but purr
    >your glory will be eternal
    >after slaughtering thousands upon thousands of these vile beasts, you take one of their slain bodies as a trophy for commemorating your victory over the tribble menace
    >examine the tribble corpse
    >there is a small snout lumping out there
    >pulling away the fluffy hair, you can recognize some kind of head with a tiny stubby horn attached to it
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/27/12(Fri)23:40 No.1584529

    I think my threads get 404's just as often as other peoples'. But whatever, less work for me.

    Don't ever call me J.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:41 No.1584554
    >set your disruptor to only burn away the fluff
    >the corpse reveals a tiny quadruped body
    >your ship doctor, who is mighty veteran of a thousand battles, informs you that it has similarity to some kind of earth creature called a pony
    >you examine more corpses
    >underneath the fluff, is the pony-like body, but far smaller, and with some differences
    >they can be differenciated into quadrupeds with horns, others with tiny vestigial wings, and the rest that have neither of both
    >order your warriors to capture some of the tribbles alive
    >they return, after massacring a giant herd of them that tried to flee from your proud soldiers
    >five little tribbles that are purring and shaking
    >disintegrate their fluff away
    >now only disgusting naked equines remain
    >they are shivering and crying, meowling something almost inaudible
    >you come closer to hear what they are saying
    >"nuuu! fwuffy cowd! why meanie munsta ouchies fwuffies?" you barely understand in a primitive earth human dialect
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:41 No.1584558
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    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:41 No.1584565
    >these creatures soon die, as without their fluffy fur, they die from hypotermia
    >weak dishonorable vermin
    >but you have found proof
    >proof that the tribbles, or fluffles, as they seem to identify themselves, are a federation weapon to weaken the defences of the klingon empire
    >this means war
    >high command must be alerted about the federation trickery
    >leave the planet of the tribbles/fluffles/fluffy ponies with your warship
    >fire torpedos down to eradicate all life down below
    >first officer asks you why they didn't do that sooner
    >disintegrate him for questioning your orders
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:48 No.1584705
    Right you are then, J.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:50 No.1584744
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    I remember this one time when me and mu buddy Keith adopted our own fluffy ponies
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)23:59 No.1584892
    >Let fluffy pony watch Stomp The Yard.
    >Fluffy pony gets stomped to death.
    >> Fluffyscribe 04/27/12(Fri)23:59 No.1584903
    Fluffy Games. Fucking love it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:00 No.1584925
    >You sit inside your fortress on your private island
    >Bought with the wealth of many actions, both moral and immoral you observe from one of your many windows the massive herd of Fluffy Ponies you bought and had delivered
    >They are another attempt to unshackle your days from the endless boredom that fills every day
    >You did not buy them for their cuteness or love
    >You bought them for how cruel and selfish they can be
    >Today you see once more the male leaders of the herd violating the lesser females with much abandon at random
    >Once again you assume because the High Bitch(as you’ve titled her) is pregnant and therefore isn’t curtailing them or selecting which females will be made into the herds fuck toys till they die
    >The High Bitch is one of your favorites to watch
    >She actually got a stronger, stupider pony to kill the Smarty Friend so she could usurp control
    >She just as quickly got that one killed and put a weakling in charge
    >One easy for her to control
    >Whatever tiny brain the High Bitch has is filled with treachery and a pleasure in causing misery
    >Reminds you of a few girls you dated
    >The High Bitch is being attended by other mares in her swollen state, along with another pregnant unicorn dam
    >Naturally the High Bitch Stacy has forced nearly every mare to wait on her, but the other dam is still being attended to when the High Bitch is sated
    >You decide that you wish to visit the High Bitch in person today. You feel as if something interesting is going to happen in the depths of your bones
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:00 No.1584930
    >Fluffy pony lost its patience when you didn't make spaghetti for dinner.
    >You lost your foot up in fluffy pony's ass.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:01 No.1584942
    >You take your two masks with you, your camouflage mask and your “other” mask
    >You exit your fortress, making sure to close your Fluffy Proof gate so that none sneak in while you’re away
    >You have your camouflage mask on; it simply has a picture of a tree on it
    >You walk unnoticed into the center of the herd to observe the High Bitch
    >”WANNA NUMMIES NOW” is the first thing you hear, watching as her lackeys run to find her something good to eat
    >Her voice is just as shrill as you remember, a mixture of nails on chalkboards and cats in blenders
    >One of the mares returns, with what appears to be one of the wild strawberries that you plant for the Ponies
    >The High Bitch looks quite pleased, up until the mare passes her by and gives the Strawberries to the other pregnant dam
    >”Dank eww. Babehs soon! Dis hewp babehs!” the other pregnant fluffy says as she begins eating the Strawberries
    >The High Bitch is not amused. Very unamused in fact. She looks positively incensed. She proceeds to scream out, causing nearly all the fluffies to come to her
    >The pregnant unicorn seems a bit shocked at this. “Not bad fluffeh! Mai babehs need beries to-!”
    >The pregnant unicorn tries to protest but the High Bitch continues to scream
    >And Scream and Scream and Scream and Scream
    >Until she finally drives the herd to turn on the other dam. Her puppet Smarty friend leading them under her guidance
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:01 No.1584950
    >They begin rolling the unicorn dam away from the herd until finally they come to a small cliff and roll the dam off
    >There is much cheering, and the High Bitch is quite pleased with herself for a few moments until she remembers she’s hungry and begins screaming for nummies
    >You decide to go investigate the one the High Bitch had killed for a Strawberry
    >It wasn’t that much of a fall, but for a pregnant fluffy it was enough
    >She lies there dying, a rock piercing her abdomen
    >The fall caused her to go into labor, you see two dead foals covered in blood
    >”dun…dun…dun cry babehs mamma here!”
    >You then notice two not so dead foals nuzzling into their dying mother, mewling in fear
    >This must be why you felt the need to come out on this day
    >You remove your camouflage mask and place your “other mask” on
    >It is the Mask of Trials, a truly ugly thing to look at. You’ve driven the herd of fluffies into a frenzy multiple time with it out of fear
    >You approach the dying.
    >”Do you want me to save your babies?” you ask the dam
    >She is too weak to see that your mask but she can hear
    >”Save ba…behs?”
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:02 No.1584958
    >”There is a catch. If I save them, I will raise them. I will raise them to be things far from what a Fluffy Pony is. I will make them into monsters like myself and they will know far more pain than they will if you let me save them. They will live though, I will not kill them.”
    >She’s confused…she doesn’t understand much of what you’re saying, either from blood loss or her brain being so god damn small.
    >She decides
    >”Save dem! Pwease!” she whispers quietly before passing away
    >”Then I shall,” as you reach over and grab the tiny things and begin making the trek to your home
    >They will suffer and they will know pain. They will not be Fluffy Ponies. They will be monsters, monsters you will craft that shall never know a Mother’s Love again. They will live though
    >And they will know what bitch condemned them and their mother, and they will be given the chance to taste something no fluffy pony has had before
    >The bitter sweetness of revenge
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:03 No.1584975
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    I see this and I hear a squeaky dog toy...Is that weird?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:07 No.1585049
    Anyone want to, like, record some fwuffy diawogue and post it to vocaroo or whatever? We'll need that kind of material for the inevitable fluffy pony ero-ge.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:08 No.1585055

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:27 No.1585418
    >Let fluffy pony sit in a toy car.
    >Cause a massive pile up on the I-15.
    >> Mr Fluffy Vegas 04/28/12(Sat)00:29 No.1585481
    ...go on.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)00:40 No.1585717
    >Fluffy pony drinks water.
    >Water fills fluffy pony lungs.
    >Fluffy pony dies a painful death.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)01:22 No.1586502
    I will be waiting for the rest of this
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)01:30 No.1586627
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    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)01:30 No.1586640
    i hate jolly fluffy pony threads
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)01:47 No.1586908

    That's exactly what an amputated fluff would be like (except instead of just moaning it would be begging for food, hugs, leggies, death or a combination of the four).
    >> Zeikfried 04/28/12(Sat)02:27 No.1587481

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)02:33 No.1587584
    couple threads back a guy made a prelude story about the smarty friend in the one lone biker guy. anyone save that or is it in one of the pastbins?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)02:54 No.1587926
    jolly, what hapeened to skittows?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)03:01 No.1588022
    >Fluffy pony has good feeling about this time.
    >Lots of sketties and pwaying.
    >Good times ahead in Silent Hill.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)03:02 No.1588045
    >Run fluffy pony adoption center.
    >Casey Anthony walks in and wants to adopt a fluffy pony.
    >You agree and give a pony a good home.
    >You have a good feeling about it.
    >It's a fluffy pony, not a 2 year old girl!
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:06 No.1588079

    Incoming shit. Will cause butthurt. Read at your own risk. I thought it would turn out less shitty, but oh well. You have been warned. Please, not the face.

    >you are an executive at Hasbro BioToys
    >after those animal activists set the fluffies free, everything went to hell
    >HBT's investment became all but worthless since fluffies could be picked up on the street and in shelters for free
    >you were hired after the government bailed out the company and forced everyone filing lawsuits to settle
    >goddamn corporate welfare
    >your job is to get them out of the shithole they're in, now that they've exhausted all the qualified hiring choices who only succeeded in digging a deeper grave for the company in order to line their own pockets
    >a corrupt richfag, go figure
    >designer fluffies were still selling, but with capitalism sucking the lifeblood out of the middle class there were fewer and fewer willing to pony up the cash for a fluffy
    >you yourself received one of these designer fluffies as part of your compensation package for joining the HBT team
    >it was a white fluffy alicorn with an elegant and colorful mane
    >being a clopper, you were a fan of both MLP and Molestia
    >just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get your own Celestia fluffy
    >but you named her Treasure instead
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)03:06 No.1588088
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    all of dem
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:07 No.1588097
    >the fluffy was designed to be smarter than the average fluffy and very well behaved
    >she even speaks perfect american english
    >this both rustles your jimmies and creeps you the fuck out, having owned multiple fluffies in the past who all died horribly violent deaths due to their own stupidity and never once showed the slightest bit of intelligence
    >you're not used to a fluffy who you could truly call your beloved pet
    >but you can't concern yourself with that right now
    >the company is leaking money and will inevitably go into bankruptcy in the coming years if you don't find a new product fast
    >you spend entire nights scribbling on paper and working things out, but you're no scientist
    >one night you just break down into tears, the stress from the job causing you to completely melt down
    >Treasure levitates a blanket over you
    >after suffering through four now dissolved marriages and graduating to a bunch of capitalist pigs who know nothing of making a real product yelling at you all day, Treasure is the only thing in the world that keeps you from /wristing right there on the spot
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:08 No.1588102
    >one day you get home from work especially stressed out
    >the boss gave you one week's notice
    >he's going to fire your ass, kill all the jobs and move the company to China if you can't come up with something quick
    >you wonder how you'll pay to take care of Treasure without a job
    >speaking of which, she wasn't there to greet you at the door today
    >you smell the sweet aroma of something baking in the oven
    >maybe your pent up but relatively attractive secretary decided to surprise you with dinner
    >you knew all those times she maced you in the face were just her way of showing affection
    >wandering into the kitchen, you see Treasure flying and teleporting around
    >she's using her magic to make your favorite meal, a juicy cut of prime rib with some broccoli and mashed yams
    >Treasure is wearing that apron your old high school crush used to when the two of you played "house"
    >no, not the doctor even Chuck Norris respects
    >try to remember what she was wearing under that apron
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:09 No.1588113
    >seeing Treasure in it makes you feel things you'd rather not feel, especially nostalgia for the good old days before your first wife took the kids and all your money
    >it hurts to think of the mistakes you made, how it could've all been avoided, how terrible your life's become since then
    "Daddy! The prime rib is just about finished. If you'd please take a seat, I'll be serving it to you in a minute."
    >too hungry and exhausted to argue, you sit your whipped white collar ass down at the table
    >she slides the plate in front of you and begins cutting your steak
    >an ominous feeling of overwhelming dread overtakes every fiber of your being
    >the only thing stopping you from jumping up and diving through the nearest window is the fact that you can't move
    >you skipped breakfast to go in early and the boss man told you not to eat lunch until you came up with a new product idea
    >it takes all your strength just to not pass out right then and there
    >you let treasure feed you your meal
    >she also pours a homemade smoothie down your throat
    >suddenly, with food and an energy drink in your stomach, you feel like you're a barely functioning corporate tool again rather than simply a dead man walking
    >with your meal finished, you leave her to clean up like the hard working man of the house you are
    >a shower awaits you, a nice long one to wash away the filth you're covered in
    >it's partly the feeling of working for the company responsible for creating the fluffy vermin that now terrorize and defecate all over once clean towns and cities
    >but mostly it's the spit that left their mouths while they were chastizing you all day for your poor performance
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:10 No.1588127
    >once you vacate your bathing quarters, a strange sight lies in front of you
    >there's a trail of rose petals leading into your bedroom
    >you try to run away, but your curiosity as a man of science gets the better of you
    >it never bothered you like this before
    >but that's because you never had it before being hired as the head honcho of a genetic engineering outfit
    >you can't bring yourself to believe the suspicions swirling in your head without seeing it for yourself
    >you slowly open the door to your bedroom, careful of what might await you
    >Treasure is lying their on her side, still wearing the apron, and gesturing you to come over
    >why the hell did you have to get a smart fluffy?
    >why didn't you just get one of those dumb shits that shits everywhere, breaks everything and causes its owner to become a psychotic animal abuser?
    >oh, right
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:11 No.1588140
    "Treasure, sweetie, you know I love you with all of my heart, but it would be wrong for Daddy to let this happen. Please, just go to your room and sleep."
    >she blinks a couple times and then turns on the waterworks
    >she musters all the cuteness she can and pleads with you
    "D-daddy no wuv Tweasuw? Daddy no wike Tweasuw anymow? Daddy jus wan Tweasuw ta go 'way?"
    >you can't believe your fluffy's pulling the ol' 'you'll fuck me if you love me' trick that fluffy molesters are so fond of, and it's even going so far as to use fluffy talk
    >what has science done
    "Aw, Treasure, I still love you. But we just can't be together like thi-"
    >she does not take it well, not even letting you finish before she rips your heart out and tears it to shreds
    >she magically holds a razor blade to her hooves as tears stream down her adorable little fluffy face
    >you gave it all up just to get Treasure
    >now she's mentally unstable and completely suicidal
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:12 No.1588145
    >the time has come for you to be THE DECIDER
    >you can either let your expensive pet fluffy kill herself
    >or you can blow a load and get a good night's sleep
    >you leap into action!
    >well, more like a slow, hesitant walk
    >but you've no choice other than to give in
    >still doesn't stop you from crying like a bitch for letting yourself get blackmailed by a fluffy pony
    >you close your eyes, drop your trousers and prepare for imminent humiliation
    >nothing happens
    >you open them to see your high school crush, only years older and still just as attractive
    >you wonder why you never married her instead of your bitch of an ex
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:12 No.1588153
    "Brad you bastard! It's your baby! If you don't take responsibility, I...I'll-!"
    "You'll what?! I never asked for this! It was only supposed to be casual! How the fuck was I supposed to know that you'd get knocked up?!"
    "Oh, so now it's my fault. You know what? You and that spawn of yours can go fuck off and die."
    >she left you a note at school the next day telling you to come over one last time before her parents came back from their vacation in the bahamas
    >you found her in her room, hanging from her ceiling fan
    >at least you don't have to worry about paying for an abortion now
    >not that you couldn't afford it, being rich and all
    >at least you were rich, until your parents found out what happened and disowned your inconsiderate ass
    >now you remember why you never married her
    >it would be kind of awkward, what with you still being alive
    >that still didn't explain why she was standing there in front of you, making you almost piss yourself in fear
    >yfw the girl you drove to suicide is standing before you again in nothing but a sexy apron
    >maybe she came back for revenge
    >maybe...that would be for the best
    >no more work
    >no more fluffies
    >no more endless misery and depression
    >finally, a moment of peace and tranquility
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:13 No.1588170
    >the woman before you sees the terrified look on your face and giggles
    "Daddy, don't you recognize me? It's me, Treasure."
    >your brain is full of fuck right now
    >you try to ask her why, but you can't even choke out any words
    >she eventually gets the idea when you write it down on a nearby pad of paper
    "Magic! I saw a picture book in your closet one day. There was this one picture of a girl on it. It seemed like you really liked her that way, so I wanted to surprise you as thanks for taking care of me all this time."
    >that photo album was in an electronically locked safe
    >it was your most guarded possession
    >and she was snooping through your most valued things without your permission
    >that, coupled with the shock of seeing the girl you killed, made you want to strangle the life out of her right then and there
    >you grab her throat with both hands and started squeezing with all your might
    >the look of horror and betrayal didn't phase you one bit
    >thinking back on it, your face must have contorted into high octane nightmare fuel
    >not that you could even think about anything when filled with pure berserker rage
    >a single tear rolls down her cheek as she smiles
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:14 No.1588183
    >somewhere in your cold, shriveled heart, a faint bit of blood started pumping through your ice cold veins again
    >you release your grip and fell to the floor, a sobbing unintelligable mess
    >so much for peace and tranquility
    >all you feel is the sudden urge to use that razor blade on yourself
    >before you can get up and grab it, a pair of white angelic wings envelopes you
    >Treasure tightly embraces you, even after you just tried to choke her to death
    >maybe it's from the adrenaline crash, or no longer having any desire to live, but everything became blurry after that
    >not for her, though
    >she was beaming at your lack of resistance
    >first the two of you share a kiss
    >then things got really intimate
    >while you faded in and out of consciousness, you couldn't really tell much about what was going on
    >you later remembered only two things about that night
    >you were bangin' an angel
    >and it felt awesome
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:15 No.1588192
    >the next morning you woke up feeling like the million buck they'll be paying you daily until you're fired in 6 days
    >Treasure is curled up next to you, a wide smile permanently plastered on her face
    >what a crazy dream you had
    >like you'd ever fuck a fluffy pony
    >ha! you're not that kind of sick fuck
    >you go about your morning routine
    >shower, get dressed, go off to work
    >you don't care that you're getting fire anymore
    >somehow, that dream fixed something broken inside you
    >and as long as you had treasure, everything would work out one way or another
    >another day filled with corporate cockblocking and projectile salivating
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:16 No.1588205
    >you come home to see Treasure waiting on the couch for you
    "Daddy...we need to talk."
    >even if it's your fluffy pony saying it, your heart instinctually skips a beat when that line is said
    >it's the bane of men everywhere, a telltale sign that they should brace themselves and prepare for a shitstorm
    >you sit down next to her without saying anything
    >it couldn't be about that silly dream, it just couldn't
    >and then your jimmies spontaneously combust
    "I'm pregnant."
    >if your head could implode right then and there, by golly it would have
    >you're about to tell her that couldn't possibly true, but she delivers the knockout punch before you get the chance
    "It's yours, Brad."
    >BAM! POW! Straight into cardiac arrest!
    >you start hyperventilating as she tries to calm you down
    >it doesn't work
    >your chest feels like someone just put it through a blender
    >Brad's daily life has never been worse
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:17 No.1588219
    >suddenly a realization dawns on you
    >this is finally your chance to make it right
    >sure, you're going straight to hell when you die
    >but until then, you're not going to waste your second chance at this
    >you take Treasure to the scientists at Hasbro BioToys
    >nobody knows fluffies better than them
    >they designed Treasure, after all
    >you're surprised to find out that she's only carrying one foal
    >it's larger and a bit different than normal fluffy foals
    >scientists at HBT analyze it
    >they shit bricks
    >your unholy and immoral one night stand with that angel has created a real life G4 pony
    >scientists never actually bothered to test what would happen if the fluffy you designed ever gave special hugs to a human, but then again, why would they?
    >if they'd been asked to test the outcome of a fluffy turning into a human and having relations with one, they would've locked you up in an asylum
    >well, you still are
    >but now you'll be crazy AND rich
    >take that, mom and dad
    >and they said you'd never amount to anything
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:17 No.1588229
    >a week later your foal is born
    >it ages and develops similar to a human
    >the scientists at Hasbro BioToys cloned your daughter and created a new line of designer bio toys
    >they were ready for those goddamn animal activists this time
    >there wasn't enough bleach to wash away the red staining the facility's walls
    >unfortunately, the scientists forgot to make the Real G4 Ponies (copyright Hasbro BioToys) sterile
    >not that they cared
    >after their union was crushed by their greedy corporate bosses, their hearts just weren't as into the work anymore
    >years passed, with the human population slowly declining
    >G4 ponies were selling like hotcakes
    >they were smart like humans, capable like humans and considered nothing more than toys, making them an ever more appealing alternative to real relationships in a country where those of opposite genders were growing increasingly frustrated with one another
    >all girls wanted ponies
    >all boys wanted something to fuck with reckless abandon
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:18 No.1588236
    >while this all happened, you and Treasure raised the original G4 Pony, Wind, the best a human and fluffy pairing could
    >getting filthy fuckin' rich from the sale of G4 ponies helped alot, though
    >but your happy family life didn't last long
    >Treasure was still a fluffy pony
    >due to her accelerated aging and fucked up genetics, she died from sudden organ failure
    >you and Wind shed all your tears that day
    >life went on, and eventually the heartache became more of a dull throb
    >decades went by, with Wind eventually succeeding you at the company
    >it was time for you to retire and watch the world you once knew disappear
    >G4 ponies had almost completely replaced humanity
    >they were no longer mere toys
    >those ponies were now people, with all the civil rights that once upon a time only applied to humans
    >at first you were rather distressed that you'd caused the extinction of the human race
    >but every time you looked at Wind, you felt your heart melt
    >you knew that even if people were no longer around, well, maybe the world would be better that way
    >it's a shame you wouldn't be around to see it
    >all those years of heavy drinking finally caught up with you
    >not that you ever drank any less
    >you still needed help coping with the fact that you fucked a fluffy pony
    >but your liver wasn'tvery understanding
    >it died on you, taking you with it
    >> Treasure Hunt 04/28/12(Sat)03:19 No.1588247
    >moments before breathing your final breath, you pulled Wind close to you
    >she'd been crying at your bedside the whole time
    "Wind, my dear sweet Wind, please, take care of this planet. Take care of your kind. Don't make the same mistakes we humans did. Don't let hatred and intolerance tear you apart."
    >she smiles and kisses you on the cheek
    "Don't worry, an alicorn goddess has ascended to take power of all ponykind. Her came from old pony lore. Maybe you've heard of it. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."
    >they've become religious
    >can't be bothered to care that much
    >you're gonna be dead in a minute or two, after all
    "Wind, my precious Wind, tell your papa what that pony's name is."
    "Father, her name is Faust."
    >you can't help but chuckle at the irony
    >for a moment, you wonder what other fantastic creatures HBT has been spawning in your absence
    >oh well, Wind's got it all covered
    >now it's time for you to rest
    >and that's how Equestria was made
    >> Treasure Hunt BLAZING EPILOGUE 04/28/12(Sat)03:19 No.1588256
    >you're falling down a rocky pit
    >there's fire everywhere
    >the walls are burning red
    >but this doesn't surprise you at all
    >you lived a good, full life
    >even if a good part of it drove you to drink
    >you brace yourself for your fate
    >only to fall into the seat of a speedboat
    >sitting next to you is a humanized Treasure
    >or just another one of her transformations
    >gotta love those angel wings, though
    >especially the irony of her having them in hell
    >guess she's your...
    >you take off the sunglasses you didn't have a second ago
    >...HELL'S ANGEL
    >theme music starts playing
    >you push a button
    >the speedboats jet thrusters let out a burst of flame
    >the boat jumps a shark
    >lands on your four ex wives, crushing all of them
    >you pass by the dock near Lou Cypher's villa
    >he's standing there waving
    >the two of you share a brofist as you and Treasure pass by
    >it's the beginning of Brad and Treasure's Excellent Adventure
    >with the fluffy pony menace still at large up on the now pony dominated Earth, you and Treasure are sent back up there to exterminate all of them once and for all
    >don't forget your S-Mart brand boomstick
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)03:28 No.1588416
    You wrote all that text, took all that time. To write that? That must suck, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)03:36 No.1588550
    >Be make up product company.
    >Since animal groups have been getting on your ass over animal testing, you decide to use fluffy ponies instead.
    >They are a gray area for most animal groups, since they're not technically animals.
    >Today, you test perfume in the laboratory.
    >"Fwuffy wan huggies!" a purple earth pony yelps to the air on a stool in the testing area.
    >You spray it in the face.
    >"OWWIEE! WHY HUWT FWUFFY!!" it agonizes in pain.
    >"But you smell pretty!" you say
    >Fluffy ponies are vain creatures.
    >"Reawwy?" it stopped writhing in pain to take the compliment. With wide, red, eyes, it looks positively happy.
    >You go further in the steps to make the fluffball..."pwettie".
    >Lipstick. Eye lashes. Glitter everywhere.
    >At the end of the trial, you keep the tested material on the pony.
    >Bring the mirror and show the pony its reflection.
    >" fwuffy pwetty?" it asks.
    >You chuckle.
    >"NO!!!!!" you pull a lever and the fluffy pony leaves the testing room by a trap door.
    >Fluffy pony lands in a landfill full of disfigured fluffy pony corpses.
    >The pony is confused and betrayed.
    >"You aren't pretty, you failed sonic abortion. YOU ARE UGLY!!! NO ONE WANTS AN UGLY FLUFFY PONY!!"
    >As you close the trap door, you hear a tearful wail.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)03:37 No.1588572

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)03:53 No.1588783
    >Fluffy pony lives.
    >Fluffy pony dies.
    >The world goes round.
    >> Vic 04/28/12(Sat)04:11 No.1589046
    DerpyShy replaced with Ben Stiller
    >Your blood rage awakens
    >You quickly rip off your left arm with your right and begin beating Ben Stiller with it
    >Screaming blood curses and rage
    >His bones are cracking more and more with each blow
    >"AHGDSDFGHDFGSHGHSHGFH" Ben Stiller screams before he begins vomiting blood
    >You finally prepare your families secret finishing move
    >You throw your severed arm at the perfect speed and angle, causing it go so fast that it basically becomes a saw blade and cuts Ben Stiller in half
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:24 No.1589216

    I died.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:27 No.1589264
    >Fluffy pony plays near nuclear wasteland.
    >Gets superpowers.
    >Gets near bodies of water and doesn't drown.
    >> Vic 04/28/12(Sat)04:40 No.1589408
    >first Fluffy Pony in a desegregated school
    >Straight A's all four years
    >Fluffy Pony accepted at UCLA
    >Full scholarship
    >Declare major
    >Marine biology
    >Fluffy Pony drowns
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:44 No.1589451
         File: 1335602658.jpg-(11 KB, 379x374, black guile is unamused.jpg)
    11 KB
    OC here , making this up as I go

    >get paycheck from boss
    >finally its time to get a fluffy pony
    >you get to the fluffy adoption center
    >pick one
    >drive home
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    >fluffy mewls
    The end

    use a thesaurus. I see the same words used in every fluffy pony story

    You know who you are
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:44 No.1589454
    At least it's not torture fantasy or hugbox fantasy. Nothing wrong with a good creation myth. The Planet-of-the-Apes thing is kind of overdone, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:49 No.1589513
    The only interesting story in this whole thread. Please don't fail me.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:52 No.1589554
    where be francis?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)04:53 No.1589559
    >gotta take a shit
    >sit on toilet bowl
    >crap starts seeping out of your asshole
    >you begin to strain
    >finally its out
    >what the fuck
    >you feel it on your asshole
    >as if it was still stuck
    >stand up
    >look in toilet
    >fluffy pony is head first inside the toilet
    >fluffy pony is covered in your shit
    >fluffy pony drowned
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:03 No.1590786
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:05 No.1590799
         File: 1335611132.jpg-(4 KB, 168x168, francis.jpg)
    4 KB
    I love fluffy ponies threads
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:07 No.1590808
    Reported, called the cops, e-mailed mootykins, whined to my support group.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:21 No.1590919

    I'm honestly Ok with this edit.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:22 No.1590932

    I love your vest.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:32 No.1591017
         File: 1335612768.png-(106 KB, 392x482, Bill_Profile.png)
    106 KB
    francis is there anything you dont love?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:35 No.1591045
         File: 1335612937.png-(67 KB, 730x495, Fwuffy pone hugs.png)
    67 KB

    Here, Francis, just for you. Some brand new hugs.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:37 No.1591066
    oh my fucking god thats adorable, you are too good
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:42 No.1591099

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)07:46 No.1591139
         File: 1335613585.png-(19 KB, 168x168, 1335394035480.png)
    19 KB
    Oh my! He's an inposhter!
    tee hee!
    >> Jacob_V !ijAcoxZR9M 04/28/12(Sat)08:00 No.1591252

    So adorable. Is that the new one
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)08:10 No.1591315

    I've uploaded a few more of your artworks to Ponibooru.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)08:46 No.1591526
    Yer. These are too nice to destroy.
    I don't get that bloodlust I get when I viewed art anon's stuff.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)09:26 No.1591850
    It's quite good, but they all look the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)09:41 No.1591968
    Perhaps having a fluffy pegasus would be good.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)09:51 No.1592049
    i agree, youve drawn them before, a little diversity is good
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)10:36 No.1592451
         File: 1335623801.jpg-(36 KB, 396x511, dont_look_away.jpg)
    36 KB
    >Be make up product company.
    >Since animal groups have been getting on your ass over animal testing, you decide to use three-year-old children instead.
    >They are a gray area for most animal groups, since they're not technically animals.
    >Today, you test perfume in the laboratory.
    >"Loosie wan huggies!" a girl in a little red dress yelps to the air on a stool in the testing area.
    >You spray her in the face.
    >"OWWIEE! WHY HUWT LOOSIE!!" she agonizes in pain.
    >"But you smell pretty!" you say
    >Three year old girls are vain creatures.
    >"Reawwy?" she stopped writhing in pain to take the compliment. With wide, blue, eyes, she looks positively happy.
    >You go further in the steps to make the munchkin..."pwettie".
    >Lipstick. Eye lashes. Glitter everywhere.
    >At the end of the trial, you keep the tested material on the girl.
    >Bring the mirror and show the kid its reflection.
    >" Loosie pwetty?" she asks.
    >You chuckle.
    >"NO!!!!!" you pull a lever and the little girl leaves the testing room by a trap door.
    >Fluffy pony lands in a pageant show full of disfigured little girls.
    >The girl is confused and betrayed.
    >"You aren't pretty, you failed sonic abortion. YOU ARE UGLY!!! NO ONE WANTS AN UGLY LITTLE GIRL!!"
    >As you close the trap door, you hear a tearful wail.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)10:40 No.1592488
    Hilarious. More. That's exactly what animal right groups would demand.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)10:48 No.1592581
    Why aren't you writing more?
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)12:52 No.1593821

    I'm back.

    Was that for me?
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)12:54 No.1593840

    Last one got a negative reaction, so I just kinda stopped.

    If a decent amount of people wanted me to, I could write moar, but I'm kinda bored with the OC fluffy thing.

    Skittles was a thing I did whan I was REALLY new to fluffy threads and couldn't appreciate the humor in death stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)12:58 No.1593897
    Requesting fluffy Derpy abuse fics please. I hate Derpy and fluffy ponies and I would really like to hear about fluffy Derpy getting hurt.

    I find pleasure in the idea of hurting a fluffy Derpy much the same way as I find pleasure in torturing bunnies until they make a sound (because they are usually silent for some reason).
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:03 No.1593964
    Well done Jolly.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:04 No.1593978
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)13:04 No.1593979
         File: 1335632659.png-(85 KB, 250x235, 1334187121158.png)
    85 KB

    Oh man, we need to make this a thread regular.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)13:05 No.1594000

    Hey, if you're gonna be butthurt sagefag, do it right the first time.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:12 No.1594094
    There are several fluffy Derpy stories you can google it. Or you can write one yourself, it's not that hard, it's not a fucking Shakespear
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:25 No.1594233

    That sagefail was only up there for like 45 seconds. I'm not even angry, I'm impressed.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:42 No.1594461
    i may be jolly hurt anon, but this is getting good. keep this and ones likes it coming
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)13:43 No.1594483

    Writing part 3 now.

    I can't fucking wait to write the finale. It's gonna be swag as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)13:56 No.1594672
    shut the fuck up jolly seriously though, keep em coming ya fagit
    >> The Spaghetti Games - Part 3: Take a Nap Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)14:15 No.1594984
    >The lights hurt your eyes
    >It's too bright
    >You can't see
    >The lights slowly dim
    >You're in a small clearing of this strange sharp grass, surrounded by a bunch of small, strange-looking trees
    >You look to all the other fluffies
    >A bunch are crying about, "Too bwite! Fwuffy can' see!"
    >Two fluffies can see, however, and they are from the same pair
    >One, the mare, immedtately goes for what appears to be a big metal bowl of spaghetti in the center of the clearing
    >The other, the colt, is dying to give his friend huggies
    >He comes up from behind to give her a suprise hug
    >He hugs her
    >You start to think maybe this place will be daddy's new home for the fluffies
    >Wait, what's that?
    >There's a bunch of red water appearing where they're hugging
    >Oh no! The bumps on the strips are giving the fluffies owies!
    >You start to cry as you realize the grave nature of the situation
    >You look over to Peeta, who, apparently, was right next to you this whole time, sleeping
    >He's just started to wake, noticing you there
    >"Nuhh... Hi Ca'nip! Huggies!"
    >He starts scampering towards you
    >You have to move
    >You run away from Peeta, yelling, "No huggies! No huggies! No wan' owies!"
    >He stops
    >"No wan' gif' owies, wan' huggies!"
    >"Huggies gif' owies!" you plead
    >Peeta stares at you, having diffuculty understanding this concept
    >The pair of fluffies who hugged at the big spaghetti bowl are crying furiously about their owies, whilst giving themselves more trying to hug each other back to health
    >Peeta sees them
    >"Fwuffies haf' owies! Gotta hewp fwuffies!"
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)14:16 No.1594998

    >"No!" you yell, "Can' hewp dem! Gotta stay 'way fwom huggies!"
    >The gravity sets in
    >"N-... no mo' huggies?"
    >"Nevuw huggies agen!"
    >Peeta starts to cry
    >You're fighting back tears yourself
    >When you notice that another fluffy is coming for Peeta, wanting to end his sorrow with... huggies
    >"Why fwuffy sad? Sketties! Wan' huggies?"
    >You have to do something fast
    >You dash in front of Peeta
    >"No! No huggies! Huwt behbys!"
    >"Fwuffy mumma?"
    >"Yea! Gonna huwt behbys wif' huggies!"
    >"Ok," says the fluffy, "Fwuffy go ge' sketties."
    >The fluffy pony runs back toward the bowl of spaghetti
    >You get a look at everything
    >About 5 fluffies have already gotten bad owies from huggies, whilst 3 are feeding at the spaghetti
    >The remaining fluffies seem to slowly be realizing that huggies give owies now, and all of them rush into the tiny woods to hide from other meenie fluffies
    >You turn around to a recovering Peeta
    >"Pe-.. peeta haf' behbys?"
    >"No! Ca'nip haf' behbys!"
    >You pause
    >You're a momma fluffy now... you're gonna have babies!!
    >"Fwu-... fwuffies gotta go twees!"
    >"Kay!" Peeta responds, obediently
    >He seems to understand that he needs to protect you, since you're a momma fluffy now
    >Upon entering the small forest, you hear five loud bangs which make you and peeta stop in your tracks, covering your heads with your hooves
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)14:17 No.1595018

    >Upon opening your eyes again, you realize you have owies on your face now, from the bands
    >They're only a couple small cuts, but you and Peeta start crying
    >Peeta soon becomes a bit enraged
    >"Peeta no wan' be hewe!"
    >"We gotta stay 'way fwom ovew fwuffies!"
    >"No! Peeta wan' gif huggies!" he yells, as he runs off into the woods
    >You are left alone
    >You cry
    >You sleep for a few minutes
    >You are rudely awoken by four more loud bangs, like before
    >Remember - don't touch yourself! Huggies give owies!
    >You inch toward the edge of the forest
    >Behind all the crates, where you all started out the games, is a big huge wall of clear glass and, behind that, all of Daddy's friends watch
    >Daddy is in the back of the room, still looking at his shiny picture glass
    >A few of daddy's friends are circling the arena, with notepads and little noise machines with shiny circles on them
    >You're a little scared by some kind of "thunking" thing falling down behind you
    >You turn around to see a big metal thing behind you, and one of daddy's friends' hands retreating back up into the sky
    >It's big and metal, but has a soft-looking pad on the top of it that says, "Take a nap, Catnip."
    >You can't read, but you want to sleep on this soft-looking thing
    >"Ca'nip go sweep, game go 'way?" you ask, to no one
    >Daddy doesn't answer
    >You lay down on the thing anyway
    >You lay for a bit until the horror starts
    >Two big metal things come up and latch tightly around your belly
    >You're trapped
    >"No! Ca'nip no wan' owies! Huggies bad!"
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)14:18 No.1595027

    >Some machinery behind you moves and you find yourself slowly elevated to a vertical position, like Darth Vader in Episode 3
    >You're wiggling your hooves the whole way
    >After a second, you and the machine now locked to your back fall forwards, and you land, hard, on your belly
    >You close your eyes, expecting to die, but then open them
    >You rise to your hooves
    >This machine is less heavy than you thought it would be
    >You can move around fine
    >You get startled by a bit of string coming down, in a loop, in front of your face
    >You soon get curious about it
    >What are you supposed to do with it?
    >You stare a bit, then decide to experiment
    >Your tiny fluffy teeth bite down on the string thing
    >Nothing happens
    >You pull down on it, trying to pull it loose
    >Oh no
    >Something loud happened
    >You're shot back a bit
    >Your gaze shifts to the big glass wall over the world
    >Something just shot out of the machine in your back, and now it's stuck in the glass
    >All of daddy's friends laugh and yell about this
    >Was that what you were supposed to do?
    >You miss Peeta
    >Something happened behind you - you hear crying
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)14:36 No.1595279
    >like darth vader in episode 3
    also is the thing on her back a cannon? im bad at fluff perspective
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)14:37 No.1595295

    Dude. What does Katniss use in the Hunger Games?

    A Bow and Arrow.

    So I'm talking a fluffy-mounted crossbow.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)15:03 No.1595622
    >people request story
    >post story
    >thread dies
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:05 No.1595640
    The thread ain't dead until it is put on auto-sage mode or is locked by the janitors. Which it so far isn't.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:06 No.1595656
         File: 1335639987.jpg-(4 KB, 168x168, images.jpg)
    4 KB
    I hate fluffy pony threads
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)15:08 No.1595673

    I hate your stupid fucking rapscallion attitude, seriously, we all work really hard on these stories and your constant criticism of our work is not acceptable and I think you should fucking die.

    Reported, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:22 No.1595915
    I hate your stupid fucking rapscallion attitude, seriously, he works really hard to hate these stories and your constant criticism of his work is not acceptable and I think you should fucking die.

    Reported, asshole.
    >> Zeikfried 04/28/12(Sat)15:28 No.1596014
         File: 1335641326.jpg-(17 KB, 289x360, 1335141025161.jpg)
    17 KB

    I read the long-ass ones on the pastebin anyway.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)15:34 No.1596100
    Wonder where NotaFarmer is.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:45 No.1596279

    Personally, I wish river of shit would show up. I've been saving those little tirades under RAEG.txt in my fluffy ponies folder. I find them amusing.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:49 No.1596341

    Fuck you, fluffy pony! You can just go... uh... you know, die! I mean, you know, uh... like, if your shit were like... in a river... like, you could just die in it. And, uh, like... uh... you know, not many people ever, like, cared very much about you, I think... yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)15:50 No.1596355
    What do you think happened to river of shit?
    Died? Got into an accident? Finally had enough of fluffy ponies and left /mlp/?
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/28/12(Sat)15:53 No.1596394
    Off to see a movie.

    I'll finish the games tonight.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:00 No.1596519
    maybe the first but probably the latter
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:07 No.1596658
         File: 1335643661.png-(112 KB, 1398x760, shipwreck 06.png)
    112 KB
    Here's what I've got saved up in there:



    You fucking little fluffy shit! You're bad! Fucking bad! Go fucking drown in a river of your own fucking shit and babies and other shit! All other fluffy ponies hate you!

    You bad fluffy pony! Bad bad bad! Go drown in a river made of 'booboo-juice'! All fluffy ponies hate you!

    You are a really bad fluffy pony! Very very bad! Go drown in your urine and scat! All fluffy ponies hate you!

    Unlikeable fluffy pony! Just unlikeable! Go drown in pus! God hates you!

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:08 No.1596670

    Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad fluffy pony! Bad! Bad! Bad! Go drown in a river made of your own diarrhea. Art-Anon hates you!

    Shitty fluffy! Nobody loves you! Die with your shity foals inside you! Nobody would have loved them either!

    You stupid fluffy pony. You did a bad thing. You did a very bad thing. You should go drown in a river of your own excrement. You have never been loved by anybody.

    Truly, you are not a good fuzzy equine. You ought to feel very ashamed. As a punishment, you will be thrown into a stream made of your own excrement. And do not believe that you've ever been liked.

    Bad bad fluffy pony! Bad bad bad bad bad! Go drink from a river made of your own fecal matter! No one has ever loved you!

    You shitty fluffy pony! Stop your shit! Go drink your own shit! No one ever gave a shit about you!
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:11 No.1596728
    >Truly, you are not a good fuzzy equine. You ought to feel very ashamed. As a punishment, you will be thrown into a stream made of your own excrement. And do not believe that you've ever been liked.

    Probably the best one.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:15 No.1596822
    Eh, might as well add the one I found on Ponibooru too:

    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:19 No.1596894
    Nah, he is repetitive.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)16:26 No.1597038
    >be homeless
    >you are not happy with being homeless
    >not because of the whole living in the streets thing, that actually has been strangely liberating
    >what hasn't been great is the fluffy ponies
    >the strays are clingy little idiots that smell even worse than you do
    >they enjoy smearing their filth on you, by accident but it's still fucking awful smelling
    >ferals are even worse
    >they try to run you out from under your bridge
    >honestly, their most "vicious" assault is little more than annoying
    >the little shits still wake you up all the time and try to steal your food
    >there are some perks though
    >haven't been hungry or cold since you made your first fluffy coat
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:04 No.1597738
         File: 1335647052.jpg-(369 KB, 1092x645, Fluffy.jpg)
    369 KB
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:05 No.1597771
         File: 1335647125.jpg-(36 KB, 468x280, Fluffy.jpg)
    36 KB
    ^ Wrong Pic
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:08 No.1597818

    Only the dead know peace from this pandog
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:13 No.1597909

    Artist here: Ya'll want I should draw more poni with wings or horns, and also make them look more retarded?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:17 No.1597970
    Draw a fluffy unicorn trying to look intimidating.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:23 No.1598066
         File: 1335648196.png-(123 KB, 802x996, 1333384087957.png)
    123 KB
    >be walking down the street after a rainstorm
    >be a bitter, broken man with nothing but darkness in your heart
    >walk by a cardboard box on the sidewalk
    >someone might have thrown out something good, it is the end of the month after all
    >peer inside
    >fluffy rainbow dash is looking up at you
    >the side of the box is inscribed "free to a good home"
    >you stand there looking down at fluffy rainbow dash for a moment
    >slowly you lift your foot, and bring it down
    >down inside of the box
    >you can hear muffled squees from underneath your foot
    >you press harder until you hear a soft "crunch"
    >wipe the gore from the sole of your boot on the sidewalk
    >proceed with your walk
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:41 No.1598385

    It's time to mix it up a bit, I think. Make a few unicorns and pegasi but also appease my bloodthirst by drawing some pictures that make them look more retarded. I don't get quite the same feel as I do when I look at art-anon's pictures. When I look at fluffy ponies, I want to feel like I've got to make field goals with them.

    I've got no beefs with your technical quality. It's just that I simply feel like patting them on the head once, and then completely ignoring them afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:47 No.1598488
    add a few more pegasus and unicorns yes and im for appealing the bloodlust
    keep up the good work as well
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)17:50 No.1598545

    Oh yeah, I've noticed that you've made them all mares and fillies too, what with the eyelashes and all. Perhaps you could make some male fluffies too?

    Thanks for the art.
    >> Ginger Fig 04/28/12(Sat)17:51 No.1598561
    You did a good thing anon. Fluffy Dash might have suffered if you hadn't crushed her with your foot.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)18:19 No.1599181
    Anyone have the list of pastebins?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:22 No.1600432
    Petfag here with some worthless info on caring for your new pet fluffy pony!

    A normal pony's diet is mostly fresh grass (pasture) and dried grass (hay) with occasional seeds and fruit. A pony can digest grass with the help of special bacteria in its many stomachs. Fluffy pony has some of those bacteria, but with fewer stomachs it can't digest grass as efficiently. It can live in the wild on a diet of pure grass but has to eat and shit constantly. Grassy shit has almost no odor.

    Ponies can eat all the vegetables we usually eat. Because of the high energy content of wheat, oats, cooked potatoes, carrots, sweet fruit and other favorites, they won't have to eat or poop as much. Their diet absolutely requires fiber, which affects stool firmness; a fluffy pony fed exclusively on white-flour pasta and tomato sauce will be a walking, talking diarrhea faucet.

    To keep the poop under control, make a litterbox out of a low cardboard box or box lid. Cover the bottom with a layer of straw. Train the pony to poop by giving a sweet reward. Each time the pony poops, cover the poop with a handful of straw. Once the box is full, toss it into the compost or garbage bin and start a new one.

    Don't try to substitute cat litter. Ponies never bury their poop. If the pony is too retarded to avoid stepping in its own shit, destroy the pony and get a new one.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:36 No.1600737
    I find this idea great. Fluffy ponies aren't gateways to the Plane of Elemental Poop, but just victims of very poor diets.

    Might it also be the reason grass-fed fluffies are better for making fertilizer?
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:38 No.1600781
    I do not agree on the odor-less stench coming from eating grass instead of pasta. Fluffy pony fecal matter should always stink. At best, the shit might be less horrible, but it should still remain horrible and bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:40 No.1600826
    Well of course their shit would still STINK.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:45 No.1600929
    I'm referring to the 'Grassy shit has almost no odor' part in >>1600432, which >>1600737 is also referring to.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:46 No.1600956
    That part doesn't make any sense. I suppose I was more focused on the EFFECT of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:47 No.1600974

    >fluffy pony shit doesn't stink when they eat what they WEREN'T designed to


    >feeding fluffies what they biologically crave makes them less healthy


    >owners need to spend time making homemade crappers


    Shitpost is shit. Poster doesn't understand the origin or nature of fluffy ponies, which is to be pasta eating house pets/bio toys.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:56 No.1601134
    >complains about homemade crappers and shit smells
    Confirmed for never owned a pet.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)19:56 No.1601136
    So it's accepted that the little abominations of science always make extremely awful-smelling poop, no matter what they eat.
    >> Anonymous 04/28/12(Sat)20:00 No.1601209
    So, they designed to eat pasta instead of grass, which is easy to find and shit often and horrible on purpose?
    That make a lot of sense(hint: no it isn't)

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