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  • File: 1335378870.png-(73 KB, 390x341, derpy_hooves_by_darkomegamk2-d48gcne.png)
    73 KB Is Derpy an Aspie? Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:34 No.1530324  
    Is She?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:35 No.1530339
    I think the more pertinent question is, how tasty is her ass pie?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:39 No.1530390
    >> Hasbro Correction Faculty 04/25/12(Wed)14:40 No.1530410
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:51 No.1530554
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    I laughed.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:54 No.1530605
    It's funny, because it's not true!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)14:56 No.1530642
    Aspergers syndrome is not something you can just confirm that easily
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:02 No.1530746
         File: 1335380574.jpg-(97 KB, 421x512, 'the fuck.jpg)
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    what is going on in that picture?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:07 No.1530810
    Yamino pls go
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:13 No.1530921
    >Implying that Yamino is a single person ever not kissing Derpy's ass
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:15 No.1530952

    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:16 No.1530965
    No. Her fans are, though.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:24 No.1531080
         File: 1335381855.gif-(2.34 MB, 667x2253, We_are_pilots_by_RizCifra.gif)
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    The thread topic already being rather banal, I'm going to go off on a tangent and wonder aloud why people associate Derpy with brain problems.

    I mean, strabismus is really not all that uncommon, and not directly related to any problems with critical thinking. And while I guess severely wall-eyed people might look funny, she's usually depicted as being cross eyed, which isn't even usually as noticeable.

    Or are they unrelated? I've always kinda assumed the eyes were why some see her as daft, but maybe that's just me jumping to conclusions.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:36 No.1531250
    Disregard eyes.
    1. Wear bag on her head
    2. Flush water for no reason
    3. Smash Twilight
    4. Last Roundup (especially random lightning strikes)

    Is that enough for questioning one's intelligence?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:37 No.1531267
    I've actually been thinking a lot about this recently. I feel as though if the fandom can come up with a solid idea of what she is, it might just bring her back to having lines, something to work with so the creators don't just turn her into a flanderized clown, and thus, completely fuck up her character and offend a bunch of people.

    Personally, judging by her original voice and her actions, she doesn't seem to have any logical thinking problems. From what I've seen, she seems to have slight deafness (thus the voice and awkward speaking habits) and perhaps some depth-perception and spacial reasoning awkwardness from having heterotropia.

    At least, that's all that's been shown/can be inferred
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:39 No.1531298

    1. & 2. It was Halloween(or the pone equivalent.) I've had friends go in shit even stupider than a paperbag costume...and fuck with more people than just draining a tub for no reason.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:43 No.1531363
    >Smash Twilight
    Lack of Depth perception, she was sheepish and knew she was in trouble the moment it happened.

    It was her costume and people have done similar, she is characterized as being silly

    She probably thought she had an apple, though being in the tub is a little excessive, but again she is a silly pony.

    >Last round up
    She was doing her job, she was suppose to be getting the excess Lightning out of the clouds.

    None of that suggests that she has brain problems at all and more you projecting it.

    I could point to any of the dumb things that my friends have done without any of the other smart things and say that they are retards too.

    How about we point out how Derpy was in the BEST YOUNG FLYERS competition. And seemed to do at least somewhat well.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)15:51 No.1531505
         File: 1335383475.jpg-(60 KB, 471x694, ExplainThisBullshit.jpg)
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    What the fuck is going on in the pic
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)16:10 No.1531768
    First of all I never say anything about mental\brain problems.
    >Is that enough for questioning one's intelligence?

    Second: my point was that people think that she is silly not because of her eyes.
    Third: Maybe you don't have to be the smartest person to be a good flier. What's interesting is how she can fly with her eye condition?
    Next: It's just me, or pegasi are usually less bright than the other ponies? We have Derpy (btw does Ditzy from Winter Wrap Up exist as a separate silly pagasus? That's confusing), two mares who can't understand what Twilight said, Roid Rage, etc..
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)16:18 No.1531866
         File: 1335385110.jpg-(67 KB, 500x600, 1332430661427.jpg)
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    Bathing oneself in the semen of dying jews is best way to allow Hitler's rebirth. Women must keep their faces covered in the presence of such devotion to the great riech.

    I think.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)16:30 No.1532070
    Fluttershy is an aspie
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)16:33 No.1532112
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    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:44 No.1534455
         File: 1335393873.png-(210 KB, 900x900, 4237321996.png)
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    >my point was that people think that she is silly not because of her eyes.
    That's what I was interested in knowing, though all those examples happened after she first got popular. It just sorta happened, she needed a personality and people went on with it, I suppose?

    Then, next issue:
    >What's interesting is how she can fly with her eye condition?
    Why wouldn't she? There are one-eyed motorists driving around, compared to them cross-eyed people have the benefit of a wider field of view. Contrary to popular(?) belief, lack of depth vision doesn't result in walking into objects in front of you, just makes it difficult to approximate distance from the object (and consequently, how much you can advance while looking the other way before collision).
    Also, I'd imagine flying to be easier than running, since tripping or missing a step is not a problem; you should learn to slow down in dense areas the first few times you hit your shoulder on something hard enough.

    It's just a matter of learning to live with it. Though she won't be outmaneuvering Rainbow Dash, flying straight and avoiding walls wouldn't be a problem if she was paying attention to where she was going.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:07 No.1534821
    >It just sorta happened, she needed a personality and people went on with it, I suppose?

    Actually, I don't know. I notice her about the same time when SaveDerpy stuff started.

    >Though she won't be outmaneuvering Rainbow Dash, >flying straight and avoiding walls wouldn't be a problem if >she was paying attention to where she was going.

    This can be right. The problem of flying pegasus with eye disorder is very theoretical. In Last Rondup she fly rather badly, but in the Hurricane she didn't screw up. Also the requirements for the competition possibly isn't demanding. Rarity managed to sign in, and she had precisely zero flying experience.

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