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  • File: 1334407689.jpg-(113 KB, 1428x806, 1332725710457.jpg)
    113 KB Fluffy 04/14/12(Sat)08:48 No.1265747  
    Fluffy Pony is Dead
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:49 No.1265773
    will the fluff add an extra tasty taste to the flesh?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:50 No.1265777
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    what happen?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:50 No.1265778
    Looks like the victim drowned in log
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)08:54 No.1265832
    Why do you say that?

    Because the fluffy threads keeps sagging like the moderators dicks (considering the mods can even see their dicks)?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)09:08 No.1265987
    I just woke up, why did the last thread got blasted?
    Sage for meta
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)09:25 No.1266164
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    Whatever courtesy you had in mind with that I'll undo in the interest of raising awareness.
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/14/12(Sat)09:44 No.1266382
    If I might be so brazen, perhaps we could populate an IRC community revolving around the fluffy pony fandom and the general threads. I've started one on Rizon (I don't trust ponychat).

    If you're interested, #FluffyPony
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)09:53 No.1266479
    For what, so I can get into retarded flame wars against fluffy abusers and get called a hugboxer in real time?

    ...I'll consider it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)09:55 No.1266503
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    I hate fluffy pony threads
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)09:59 No.1266546

    Do you get a hard on everytime you post that?

    Now that someone finally acknowledged your existence, can you be a little bit more creative?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:01 No.1266566
    I've ignored fluffy pony stuff till now.

    Is this some sort of fandom WITHIN a fandom?

    I'm guessing you guys are horsefuckers but on a much more sick level?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:02 No.1266573
    I dunno, I enjoy them. I'm also a Fluffy_Writer fan, too. I enjoy anything that keeps these thread flowing.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:04 No.1266593
    This is our yukkuri.

    You're entirely correct.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:05 No.1266609

    I guess that a saturday morning is a bad time to try to get involved into fluffy ponies.

    The most well-written stories appear at night.

    Also the officla fluffy thread always have the pastebin links. If I had them I would post to you...
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:06 No.1266616
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    I hate autists
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/14/12(Sat)10:08 No.1266639 (cutebright)
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/14/12(Sat)10:09 No.1266656
    Ugh. Why you gotta fuck me like that, Leafpad?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:10 No.1266671
         File: 1334412626.png-(94 KB, 1440x900, okey_dokey_lokey_by_lvgcombine(...).png)
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    >Hates autists

    >Keeps posting the same thing every single fluffy thread

    Okey lokey dokey
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/14/12(Sat)10:13 No.1266710
    At least one of you faggots come visit. I'm lonely.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:18 No.1266768
    Sorta. Fluffy ponies aren't canonical. Just a fan idea of super-retarded super-fluffy ponies, half the size of normal ponies, that became popular enough to base stories and a whole meta-canon around. Most of the stories are gory and/or disturbing, and centre around maximising fluffy suffering, both mental and physical.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:22 No.1266810
    Those are the longer ones, usually. And fluffy abuse still hasn't gone on long enough to outweight all the old stories.
    Most stories feature the fluffy ponies as adorable, yet utterly clumsy and hopeless house pets, and have them coming to an hilarious demise. Drowning was a popular death, since all the fluff ends up dragging them down.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:23 No.1266820
    The hugbox stories that are written here are very good as well.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:24 No.1266832
    >You spy on your fluffy pony from a distance.
    >You see your pony playing with its blocks, babbling incoherent words to itself.
    >The time is now!
    >You walk up to your pony with a box behind your back.
    >"Hey there little guy!" you beam.
    >You pony turns around and runs to you.
    >He hugs you leg, muttering "I wuv you!"
    >"I have a surprise for you!"
    >"Fwuffy wuvs surprizes!"
    >"Now.." you motion the box in front of you." You can either have a brand new ball, blocks and a bowl full of spaghetti..."
    >Your pony is jumping in excitement from the things you just listed.
    >Your fluffy pony is now intrigued. Its curiosity has been perked.
    >"...You can have..THE BOX!!!" you motion it above the ponie. You know whats coming.
    >"Da box Da box!!!" your pone screams with such joy.
    >You open the box to reveal....
    >A punch right to your ponies face. With such force, the pony loses some teeth and falls backwards from the force.
    >"Now...what did we learn?" you ask your pony.
    >Its in the corner, sitting with its hooves on its head, cowering in fear.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:27 No.1266872
    >Walking down street to my new apartment, lots of stuff still at the old place
    >See a box with "free to a good home" on the side
    of it on the sidewalk near the entrance to an alley
    >look inside and see an amputated fluffy pegasus
    >It looks up at me and smiles when it sees me looking in the box
    >It doesn't appear to have soiled it so it must have just been dropped here
    >I pick up the box with the fluffy in it and it says "awe you my new daddy?"
    >I reach in and pick it up, it squeals with delight "yay, go home wif new daddy"
    >I put it down on the sidewalk going "This box is perfect"
    >It begins to cry "fwuffy sowwy daddy, don' weave fwuffy" as it flaps its wings flopping up and down trying to follow me
    >Make a few trips from the old place to the new place in my car, the box is in my car
    >After the last trip of stuff I drive past where I picked up the box and pull over
    >I look for the fluffy and find it in the alley under a dumpster, crying and covered in filth
    >I get the box from my car, pull the fluffy out and set it down on the sidewalk
    >It says "I sowwy daddy, pwease don' weave me again, I be good fwuffy dis time" as it sees me again
    >Put the it back inside the box "Thanks, here's your box back" and begin walking back to car, hear "don' weave me pwease, it scawy"
    >Hear it begin to cry again as I get in the car and pull away.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:30 No.1266903

    >Is this some sort of fandom WITHIN a fandom?

    Fluffy pony has pretty much nothing to do with the show, the only reason that they exist here is because of the word 'pony'.

    Essentially fluffy pony is a parasite that feeds off the actual fandom of MLP without being a part of MLP.
    >> The Insomniac !!HIN2siWazyd 04/14/12(Sat)10:32 No.1266918
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:36 No.1266956
    Get back here you bastard.
    >> The Insomniac !!HIN2siWazyd 04/14/12(Sat)10:39 No.1266980
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:44 No.1267032
    I just realized something:
    Why do fluffy pony owners try to have them shit in litter boxes when fluffies are clearly too clumsy to be able to dig their shit in? Shouldn't they just cover the whole floor in newspapers, or something?
    Or is it just another excuse to torture them?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:50 No.1267087

    >To hide your whole beatiful paving that you spent hundreds of dollars just to make a more pleasant environment to a little speaking demanding dumb critter that costs less than one dollar? (Pardon me if I got the adjectives order wrong)

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)10:56 No.1267167
    A litterbox still makes no sense. Fluffy ponies wouldn't be able to dig in, and if they were they'd probably cover their fluffy hooves with shit, leaving a turd trail around the house.
    And I meant the safe room's floor, not the whole house.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:02 No.1267242

    You didn't make it clear that you were reffering to the safe room.

    The fluffy pony could just poop on it and not have to dig at all, the main goal of the little box is to restrain the filth in a unique portion of the house.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:03 No.1267251
    It's still better to have them shit in a bin instead of on everything.
    Who knows? I guess it's up to the writers.

    Have an unrelated classic: (C'moooooon Leafpad)
    >fluffy pony is playing with one of the old baby toys you bought for her
    >she burbles happily, but is stumped with trying to fit a square peg into the triangle hole
    >it seems apropos as you grease up
    >you crawl over to fluffy pony, erection swinging between your legs
    >without a word you flip fluffy pony over
    >"Wah! Pway new game?"
    >you lower yourself, rubbing your savagely pulsing erection against her soft belly
    >fluffy pony is still giggling and thinking its just a belly rub
    >you grab the fluff of her head roughly and began grinding harder
    >"Owchies! No puh! No puh!"
    >you're getting closer, and you tell fluffy pony to open her mouth for a 'special treat'
    >door opens
    >roommate and his girlfriend walk in
    >after a moment of shock they start laughing hysterically
    >you start crying, but blow your load into fluffy pony's waiting mouth
    >why do you smell tomato sauce
    >spaghetti shot from your urethra!
    >fluffy pony squeals in joy and latches onto your dick, sucking like a tiny vacuum cleaner
    >roommate and whore laughing
    >you ejaculate again while fluffy pony chokes out "wuv skapetties" through a mouthful of sauce-caked cock
    >diarrhea starts, the force of which propels you out the window, flying like an out of control model rocket exposing your shame to the entire apartment complex
    >crash and die
    >fluffy pony finds better owner, still tries to fellate for more spaghetti
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:09 No.1267366
    I thought it was obvious since the litterbox are usually in the safe house. My bad.
    I guess something more like a potty would make more sense, and it would reflect on how hard it is to train them.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:16 No.1267492
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:20 No.1267549
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    I woke up this morning to check these threads and I find the callous story I wrote a few days ago. There's just something knowing someone else saved it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:20 No.1267551
    > Gather friends and build an enclosed miniature demolition track.
    > build several modified remote control go-carts
    > ensure the things are death traps and add land mines and other traps to the course
    > The day finally arrives
    > Fluffies are placed in their carts, thinking they are playing a game

    >Within moments chaos ensues.
    >One fluffy cart hits a land mine, sending shrapnel and burning fluff across the track
    >Fluffies are screaming and crying in fear
    >A bit of burning fluff lands on a gas tank, igniting the poorly sealed canister and driver.
    >Fluffy strains at it's harness as it tries to flee before burning alive
    >two carts slam into each other on the other end of the course
    >one fluffy gets it face shredded off by the tire
    >the other manages to crawl out
    >Most of it anyways
    >the lower half is still trapped in the twisted metal
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:21 No.1267576
    I save the best, and you sir, had one of the best
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)11:31 No.1267703
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)12:03 No.1268163
    >get new socks for fluffy pony
    >they’re all fuzzy socks so you know she’ll love them
    >get home to find fluffy pony trying to get cookies
    >she keeps stretching up with her hooves but she can’t reach the top of the counter
    >lift up to fluffy pony and give her a big hug
    >”Fluffy miss you!” she says as she hugs back
    >put her on the counter and show her the new socks
    >she looks at them with wonder in her eyes
    >tell her that they’ll keep her hoofsies warm in the winter
    >put her on her back to get the new socks on
    >process is exacerbated by her wiggling her hooves in the air
    >finally manage to get socks on as she stand up on the counter
    >she wobbles a bit at the material is very slippery on the slick surface of the counter
    >she has trouble walking at first but soon masters it
    >begins to realize she can slide around on the socks
    >skates around of the surface
    >is so adorable you go to get your camera
    >while your searching in your room you here a crash
    >rush down to she what happened
    >find fluffy pony in a pile of knocked over pots and pans below the kitchen counter
    >”Boo boo.” she mewls in pain
    >gently lift her up and get her an ice pack to reduce the swelling
    >feed her from her bottle while you comfort her
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/14/12(Sat)12:26 No.1268460
    The_Insomniac and Fwuffy currently chatting it up in #FluffyPony on Rizon
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/14/12(Sat)12:29 No.1268509
    Jerking each other off, all afternoon.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)12:46 No.1268796
    I know that there's an anon that hangs around these threads that saves every one.

    Did you manage to catch the previous two (that were deleted due to the usual faggotry)?

    It would be most helpful to have them.

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)13:09 No.1269219
    >Your fluffy pony has died
    >you are not able to deal with it
    >made some deals and some favors
    >millions of dollars invested in this
    >your fluffy pony is rebuilt with the latest cybernetic enhancements
    >Fluffy pony is nearly indestructible now
    >Scientist starts her up again
    >your fluffy pony lives again
    >Fluffy pony takes two steps foward
    >thank the scientist and his crew
    "Just be careful. The fluff-Borg generates a lot of heat. We even had to install-"
    "-a water cooling system to prevent over heating."
    >You quickly look back to you fluffy pony.
    >Fluffy Pony drowned.
    >and rusts
    >millions... Wasted
    >all that time and effort

    >Fucking fluffy ponies
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/14/12(Sat)13:34 No.1269821
    Somebody needs to do a Dukes of Hazzard parody with a fluffy named "Bawss Fluffie."

    Just tossing some ideas out there.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)13:35 No.1269837
    Bawss fwuffie
    >> Waste Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)14:27 No.1270910

    >>You are a waste management worker
    >>Deployed to dispose of fluffy ponies
    >>You don't gather them up; you simply take what the extermination teams bring you
    >>Usually you just get bodies, but today it looks like these crates are full of live ones
    >>You're apathetic about the damn things, but you have a hard time just killing 'em
    >>You aren't really in the mood for this today, you're not feeling well, kind of dizzy
    >>You try to block out their cries for food and hugs as you walk toward your truck
    >>It's hard not to notice their hooves reaching out toward you from the gaps in their crates
    >>You get into the driver's seat and slam the door
    >>Turn on the radio, up the volume
    >>You drive to the disposal site
    >>It's a seaside cliff on the edge of a construction zone
    >>Not exactly legal, but you do what you're told
    >>Park the truck and get out
    >>You start unloading crates
    >>The fluffies won't shut up, begging to be let out
    >>You ignore the tiny hooves brushing against your wrists
    >>Soon enough the crates are stacked up by the cliff
    >>The ponies are now screaming about the height, and how scared they are, begging for their lives
    >>Get back in the truck
    >>There's a plow on the front specifically for this purpose
    >>The radio is blaring as you drive forward
    >>You catch glimpses of ponies with wide eyes and mouths open in screams as you push the crates off the cliff
    >>All in a day's work
    >>You climb out of the truck to survey the job
    >>At the bottom of the cliff, the sea runs up against a line of rocks
    >>The crates are all smashed, multicolored bodies strewn everywhere
    >>Suddenly, a dizzy spell
    >> Waste Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)14:28 No.1270920


    >>You stagger away from the cliffside
    >>Everything's gone upside down
    >>You try to get back to the truck, but you can barely control your legs
    >>Your body takes you sideways, skirting the cliff's edge
    >>No no no
    >>Your feet slip
    >>You go over
    >>Instinctively, you hold your breath, grab your nose, and tense up
    >>You fall into the ocean
    >>Miraculously there are no rocks here
    >>You sink to the bottom, alive
    >>It's dark and silent
    >>Turbulent currents push you in every direction
    >>You get slammed up against a rock
    >>It hurts, but you hold on
    >>You claw your way up the rock's slippery side
    >>Your head breaches the surface
    >>Looking around wildly, you see that the nearest landfall is the rocks at the cliff's base
    >>You flop over
    >>Exhausted, you drag yourself onto the rocks
    >>You are surrounded by broken crates and the corpses of fluffy ponies
    >>It is eerily silent
    >>"Hewoo? Fwiend hewp fwuffie?"
    >> Waste Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)14:29 No.1270935


    >>A white pegasus climbs out of one the crates
    >>It must have been cushioned by the bodies of its friends
    >>It runs at you, beyond ecstatic
    >>One of its legs is broken
    >>It hugs your ankle, babbling its love for you
    >>You carefully pull it off and set it aside
    >>"D-Daddy no wan fwuffie?"
    >>You start walking away
    >>It hobbles after you, trying to keep up
    >>"Wawt! Wawt fo fwuffie! Pwese, no alone!"
    >>It's easy to outpace the thing
    >>Soon enough you reach the end of the rocks
    >>Shit, how am I going to get back up?
    >>The fluffy catches up
    >>It babbles that it will be good, that it will love you, and begs that you pick it up, and make its leg stop hurting
    >>You notice that the rocks seem to continue beyond an outcropping, if you can just climb over
    >>You do so
    >>The fluffy appears to be trapped
    >>"Wawt! Wawa bad fo fwuffie! Wawt!"
    >>You keep going
    >>It looks like these rocks go on for awhile, they might take you to the cliff's end
    >>You walk
    >>After a minute, you hear faint cries behind you
    >>Despite yourself, you look around
    >>The pegasus has managed to flap its way over the outcropping
    >>Little bastard
    >>It hobbles toward you, skipping on its three working legs
    >>"Why yoo weave fwuffie? Pwese wawt! Fwuffie scawed! Weggie huwt! Need hugsies!"
    >>You turn around and keep walking
    >>You hear it struggling to keep up behind you
    >>Your foot nearly falls into a watery fissure
    >>You didn't notice a dip in the rocks here
    >>It's impossible to see it as you're walking toward it
    >>You say nothing and keep going
    >> Waste Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)14:29 No.1270952


    >>A few moments later, you hear a loud splash, and a scream
    >>You take a few more steps
    >>You stop.
    >>You head back
    >>The pegasus is flailing in the water, screaming
    >>It's quickly getting tired
    >>"Hewp! Pwese! Fwuffie scawed! Pwese..."
    >>Its eyes go half-lidded in exhaustion
    >>It sinks beneath the surface
    >>You stick your arm in there and pull it out
    >>The pegasus is a sopping mess
    >>It gurgles, choking
    >>You clap it on the back
    >>Water shoots out of its mouth, and it shits all over your feet
    >>It blinks up at you
    >>"Yoo save fwuffie .. fwuffie wuv yoo!"
    >>It reaches out to you with its stupid hooves
    >>You hug the dumb fucker
    >>You continue walking, fluffy in hand

    >>You better get overtime for this shit
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)14:42 No.1271191
    pwease contintue.
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/14/12(Sat)14:51 No.1271360
         File: 1334429495.jpg-(13 KB, 378x301, tumblr_lzsvcjgVyL1r3he35.jpg)
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    >>"Why yoo weave fwuffie? Pwese wawt! Fwuffie scawed! Weggie huwt! Need hugsies!"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)14:58 No.1271478
    >Be Russian.
    >You own one fluffy poney, named Yuri.
    >You live near the airport, in a forest.
    >Yuri likes watching airplanes.
    >All the time babbles "fwy, wan' pwane" (translation from Russian)
    >You play "airplane" with him, it's his favourite.
    >From time to time you go closer to the airport.
    >But he still want fly.
    >Few times your brother took Yuri with him for a flight.
    >Somehow Yuri didn't die from shock or pressure change.
    >He liked it so much.
    >Once you drink too much, even for a Russian.
    >Yuri doesn't understand to not disturb you when drank.
    >"Pway! Wan' pway! Or see pwanes!" (translation from Russian)
    >Your head almost explodes from his shouts.
    >But then idea comes to your mind!
    >You've got some homemade rockets for fireworks.
    >Yuri is quite strong, even for a fluffy, so maybe he'll survive the landing.
    >Take them, also rope and go outside with Yuri.
    >It's strange day. Dense fog and you still hear airplanes near.
    >You tie Yuri to the rocket and light fuse.
    >"Yuri fwy! Yuri pwane!" (translation from Russian)
    >The noise is louder, someone tried to land here, in that fog. Idiot.
    >Rocket launches! "FWY! PWANE!" (translation from Russian)
    >But then you see a plane flying really low and Yuri flies straight into its engine.
    >Well, shit. It crashes after few moments.
    >Later it turns out that you accidentally killed Polish president and 100 other Polish politicians.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:07 No.1271603
    Hmm, not too bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:18 No.1271730
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:19 No.1271736
         File: 1334431191.jpg-(84 KB, 1408x832, go drown in a river.jpg)
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    Unlikeable fluffy pony! Just unlikeable! Go drown in pus! God hates you!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:49 No.1272112
    Thanks to you now I know what's caused that catastrophe.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)15:55 No.1272198

    >> StrangeCreed 04/14/12(Sat)16:01 No.1272311
    >head to adoption center to rescue a fluffy pony
    >cute girl working at counter
    >you a sweating
    >you mumble “I’d like to adopt a fluffy pony”
    >she doesn’t hear you
    >”I’d like to adopt a fluffy pony”
    >you’re stammering
    >you’re incomprehensible
    >she asks what’s wrong
    >start crying
    >a particularly foul fart
    >you smell marinara
    >spaghetti floods out of your pocket
    >you hear a great crashing, the clopping of tiny hooves on tile
    >you are swarmed by fluffy ponies
    >eating your pocket spaghetti
    >you feel a surging in your chest as the fluffies eat your pasta
    >confidence growing
    >neckbeard shrinking
    >you stand up from the horde
    >you are a newly minted Adonis with a pocket full of horses
    >all thanks to fluffy ponies loving spaghetti
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:04 No.1272365
    >Fierce thunderstorm raging outside.
    >It’s not helping your insomnia.
    >You decide you could go for some more of that inane ‘pet therapy’ one of your friends mentioned.
    >You move through your house quietly like you did back in the unit until you realize that the enemy isn’t waiting around the corner.
    >It’s just a bad night. You’re not always this tense. Perhaps it’s because the first anniversary of your discharge is in a week.
    >Before these thoughts get any worse you wander into your bathroom and take out your pills from the medicine cabinet.
    >You do all of this in the dark because that’s where you spent five years until. . .
    >When the lightning illuminates the room you’re in from the window you flinch and wonder if you have been spotted. You should have been more careful.
    >You swallow the pills dry and sneak into your kitchen because old habits die hard.
    >Your turquoise Pegasus fluffy pony is fast asleep in a large tub filled with kitty litter.
    >When a bad storm rolls in, you make her sleep in there after you feed her a slice of cheese with a downer hidden in it.
    >You don’t like confining her to a cage as it reminds you too much of things the medicine won’t help you forget, but she would make a mess of the house if you let her run around with all the scary noises going on outside.
    >You poke your fluffy pony in her side until she drowsily rolls over and looks up at you.
    >”Mowning,” she mewls.
    >”Not quite. You want out?”
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:05 No.1272374
    >”Yes pwease,”
    >”Did you do your business?”
    >”Nuu, I do dat now.”
    >She wanders over to the corner of the tub she has been keeping her waste in and relieves herself.
    >”I done.”
    >You grab her by the scruff of her neck as gently as you can with one hand.
    >You make her lay on her back while you brush some of the liter off her belly.
    >It’s easy to do this to an animal that trusts you completely.
    >”Munstas still in cwouds. Dey stay in cwouds? You no wet in to get fwuffy?”
    >”Of course not.”
    >”I wuv you. Can fwy?” she asks.
    >”Sure, we’ll glide. Let me turn on some lights first.”
    >You would rather keep the whole house dark, but you want your fluffy to see where she’s going.
    >Carrying her with one hand, you place her on top of your bookcase, which is the highest point in your home.
    >She squeaks a little when the house shakes from the reverberations caused by a particularly strong bolt of lightning, but she doesn’t panic or urinate in fear because she handles these things better when you’re around.
    >You sit down on the carpet and signal your fluffy pony to glide.
    >She does so. Her little wings buzz audibly as she flaps them with all her might.
    >She glides right into your lap. It is a thrilling experience for her no matter how many times she does it and though she may be a little loopy from the downer, her enthusiasm manages to shine through.
    >This is much better than drinking yourself into a stupor while you try to answer impossible questions.
    >Eventually she just wants to snuggle in your lap and you move to the couch.
    >”Wiw I evah fwy?” she asks, slightly disheartened.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:08 No.1272428
    >”You just did.”
    >”Nuu, not same.”
    >You’ve had her for about a month and she asks this question constantly.
    >”You’ll only be able to glide and you should be happy that you can do at least that. We can’t have everything we want.”
    >For example, you’ll never get your right hand and most of the arm that went with it back, but you sure can hope that it will miraculously return.
    >”Besides, you don’t want to be close to the monsters in the clouds, do you?”
    >She gasps. Perhaps this time she will remember the lesson.
    >“You wight! I wan’ stay cwose to daddy ‘cause he pwotect me fwom munstas!”
    >They wouldn’t even give you an i-Limb.
    >After everything you’ve done for your country.
    >”Daddy?” the fluffy pony mewls.
    >She has noticed that your mind has gone to the Bad Place again.
    >”I sowwy. I gwide and be happy I can.”
    >If only it were that easy to ease your own inadequacies.
    >Perhaps in time you will recover.
    >For now, you’re still taking it one day at a time.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:12 No.1272479
    For the fluffy pony writers:
    How do you feel when people copy and repost your stories in a new thread?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:17 No.1272543
    >Have a fluffy pony.
    >It says "wada"
    >It drowns.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:17 No.1272558
    That was beautiful. :'3
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:18 No.1272562
    >Fluffy pony is waterbender
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:22 No.1272642
    Feels good, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:34 No.1272844
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    Sweet, love these kinds of stories. Probably because they're quite rare.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:49 No.1273113
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)16:59 No.1273309
    >You sneak up behind your fluffy pony, pants down and fully erect.
    >Its too busy playing with its block and babbling to itself to notice or hear you.
    >Your pony has a look of pure terror on its face.
    >It turns around, with tears in its eyes, screaming "NUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:01 No.1273369
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    Go onnnn............
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:03 No.1273428
    Isn't there a fancomic exactly like this?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:09 No.1273540
    Do not ever write fluffy pony dialogue again.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:11 No.1273571
    Is this to a writer in particular or to everyone in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:11 No.1273576
    Lol nice twist
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:15 No.1273656
    >Fluffy ponies have different meanings in functions on this planet.
    >In western and developed countries, they are seen as a domesticated pet and fashion statement
    >In eastern countries, they are seen as a rare delicacy. Sometimes, fluffy pony smuggling is quite the pay off to shady organizations (The Yakuza in particular).
    >In the Middle East, it is a completely different issue.
    >They are seen as a nuisance to the general public. Abusing and killing these abominations are not only tolerated, its recommended!
    >That is not the case for Al Qaeda
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:18 No.1273717
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    > Fluffy Pony is Dead
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:24 No.1273800
    >For the terrorist, ponies are seen as an essential tool in their plans for evil.
    >Sometimes, they use the ponies for subjects for their biochemical terrorism.
    >One recent example was when they subjected a fluffy pony to a gas bomb.
    >With its eyes bleeding and fluff molting away, its final words were "Fwuffyyy...go..sleep.Now."
    >On this day, however, they decided to up the ante.
    >By strapping a bomb to one pony, by hiding it within the fluff, they take the pony to a local bazaar.
    >With promises of the softest noodles and strongest sauce, they send the pony running into the center of the centre.
    >To get it extra fresh, they told the pony to scream "allah akbar!"
    >However, it was a fluffy pony.
    >Its final words before exploding were "awwah akbah!!!"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:29 No.1273908
    That. Is. Fucking. Brilliant.
    I am from Poland and I totally approve this version.
    >> Now 20% more Russian Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:32 No.1273985
    >Be Russian.
    >You own fluffy pony, named Yuri.
    >You live near airport, in forest.
    >Yuri like to watch airplanes.
    >Always babble "хочу летать, самолет"
    >You play "airplane" with Yuri, his favourite.
    >From time to time you go closer to airport.
    >But he still want to fly.
    >Few times your brother took Yuri for flight.
    >Somehow Yuri not die from shock or pressure change.
    >He like it so much.
    >Once you drink too much, even for Russian.
    >Yuri not understand to not disturb you when drunk.
    >" играть! хочу играть! увидеть самолеты!"
    >Your head almost explode from shouting.
    >But then, idea!
    >You have homemade rockets for fireworks.
    >Yuri quite strong, even for fluffy, maybe strong Russian pony survive landing.
    >Take rockets, also rope and go outside with Yuri.
    >It's strange day. Dense fog and airplanes near.
    >You tie Yuri to rocket and light fuse.
    >"Ю́рий летать! Ю́рий самолет!"
    >noise louder, someone tried landing, in fog. Idiot.
    >Rocket launches! "летать! самолет!"
    >But then Yuri fly straight into engine of low flying plane.
    >Plane crash after few moments.
    >Later find out, accidentally killed Polish president and 100 other Polish politicians.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:33 No.1273992
    That was beautiful. Thank you for that kind of stories :)
    I luv you ;)
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:34 No.1274011
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:38 No.1274089
    OP here.
    Thanks. I could do that myself, but even you didn't write babby-talk. How Russian fluffy-talk would sound?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:41 No.1274153
    > In Soviet Russia, water drowns in fluffy pony.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:44 No.1274216
    And now, in Polish, for lulz and for glorious Equestria: (someone archive, i've never seen polish fluffy ponies threads)
    >Jesteś Ruskim.
    >Masz jednego puszystego kucyka, imieniem Yuri.
    >Mieszkasz niedaleko lotniska, obok lasu.
    >Yuri lubi oglądać samoloty
    >Ciągle babla "łatać, łatać, być siamolotem!" (po rosyjsku)
    >Bawisz się z nim w "samolocik", to jego ulubiona gra
    >Czasami zabierasz go bliżej lotniska
    >Ale ciągle marzy o lataniu.
    >parę razy twój brat zabrał go na prawdziwy lot
    >Co zaskakujące, Yuri nie umarł od strachu ani zmiany ciśnienia
    >Bardzo mu się podobało...
    >Raz wypiłeś za dużo, nawet jak na Rosjanina.
    >Yuri nie rozumiem, żeby ci nie przeszkadzać, kiedy pijesz
    >"Zabała! Bałimy się! Abo zobacić samołot!"
    >Głowa ci o mało co nie ekploduje od jego wrzasków
    >Nagle: pomysł!
    >Masz domowej roboty rakiety na sztuczne ognie.
    >Youri jest silny, nawet jak na puszka, więc może przeżyje upadek.
    >Bierzesz je, wraz z liną i wychodzicz na zewnątrz z Yurim.
    >Dziwny dzień dzisiaj... Taka gęsta mgła i słychać samolot w pobliżu.
    >Przywiązujesz Yurija do rakiety i zapalasz lont,
    >"Yułi łatać! Yułi samołot!"

    >Hałas coraz głośniejszy....Ktoś próbuje lądować w tej mgle, idiota.
    >Rakieta startuje. "ŁATAM! SAMOŁOT!"
    >Wtedy widzisz samolot lecący bardzo nisko i Yuriego, wlatującego wprost do silników.
    >Nosz kurwa. Po chwili się rozbija.
    >Okazuje się, że przez przypadek zabiłeś prezydenta Polski i ponad 100 polskich polityków.
    >> The cure for grief - Part 1 Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:50 No.1274340
    >Your fluffy pony recently died.
    >This has you really down.
    >He was easily the best fluffy pony ever.
    >He was brown with white stripes.
    >You used to play together so much.
    >Your friends constantly try to call you, but you don't answer.
    >Finally, a combination of loneliness and annoyance from the constant ringing forces you to answer.
    >You pick up.
    >It's your best friend.
    >"Hey dude, I know you're down an everything, so… wanna come over to the park and talk about it?"
    >Why not?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:51 No.1274369
    Russian fluffy ponies speak perfect Russki, not drown in water, fluff is made of steel wool. Russian fluffy ponies three times heavier than normal ponies. Common to see fluffy pony walk on bottom of lake.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:53 No.1274388
    Russian fluffy is strong like party! Able to harvest turnips all hours of the day with only minimal encouragement (read:sorry-stick)
    >> The cure for grief - Part 2 Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:53 No.1274405
    >You get to the park.
    >Pretty much all of your work friends are there.
    >You talk, and bit by bit, you get over it.
    >Your friends decide to play football.
    >For the next 10 minutes, you're extremely happy.
    >You get this weird feeling.
    >As if your fluffy never left at all.
    >As if he was still alive and well.
    >As if he was with you in this park.
    >As if you were playing with him again.
    >In fact, you're having so much fun that you almost believe that you're playing with an actual ball.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:55 No.1274441

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:57 No.1274466

    really nicely done
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)17:58 No.1274501
    >brown with white stripes.
    >play football.

    I think I get it!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:00 No.1274532
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    It's really subtle!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:02 No.1274571
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    Hang on..... I swear i read the correct version. About WHITE fluffy with BLACK patches of fur.....
    Damn you, Amercians and your "football!"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:06 No.1274646

    I'm the writefag who wrote both stories.

    I like to change things a bit.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:07 No.1274664
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    Fuck you, American football is best football
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:09 No.1274698
    Ah... Well, if that's true, then okay.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:10 No.1274706

    Britfags, Yankfags, calm down!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:13 No.1274757

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:14 No.1274779
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    MFW america
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:15 No.1274782
    Sorry stick is called Glorious Arm of Lenin in Russia. It's gentle nudges move the fluffy ponies to tears of joy, and motivates them to give their all for their country!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:17 No.1274812

    It's called a penis in Australia.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:18 No.1274827
    Nie "Ruskim", tylko "Rosjaninem". Nawet nie zamierzałem w żaden sposób dosadnie się wyrażać o bohaterze tego opowiadania.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:21 No.1274865
    All right, all right, calm down.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:28 No.1274985
    >You love your fluffy pony.
    >But tonight is the night you prove it.
    >You sneak into the safe room in the dead of night. You prepare yourself.
    >"Hey there, little buddy" you say in calm and serene voice.
    >Your pone awakens with a smile on its face.
    >"I wuv you, dada!" he beams at you.
    >"And I , you. But in these modern times, words are meaningless. So..." you pull out your massive erection. " is why I have to show you I love you."
    >Your pone is dumbstruck. It hasn't seen a penis before, not even its own.
    >You grab your pony and let the love making begin.
    >Your pony screams in pain.
    >"NO! IT HWURTS! STOP!!! I WUV YOU!!" it screams between your pelvic thrusts and strokes.
    >Tears begin to form in your eyes. Its too young and stupid to understand.
    >This is how you show you are capable of love.
    >Your pony has stopped screaming and has now begun crying.
    >You finish and put your pony back in its bed.
    >"Good night, buddy" you whispher at him. He's too busy crying and writhing in pain to respond.
    >Now you know how your father felt all those years ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:36 No.1275161
    >You love your son.
    >But tonight is the night you prove it.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:37 No.1275170
    >'70. of 20th century.
    >You're British journalist to whom access into CCCP was somehow granted.
    >You're visiting few ideal kolkhozes, few factories and such.
    >Now you're in Moscow, heading for talk with Brezhnev.
    >Suddenly you feel that something bumps into you and knocks you down.
    >You stand up and turn around.
    >See some fluffy pony, looking at you, waiting.
    >"Wook how go, impewiawistic scum!"
    >Then he waddles away, swearing.
    >Fucking Soviet fluffs.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:41 No.1275256
    >Have black room mate
    >Recently adopted fluffy pony
    >One day try to take a shower
    >Water is fucking cold as hell
    >Wrap towel around the waist and walk out
    >Find them both in the living room watching TV
    >"Alright, who used all the hot water!?"
    >They both drown
    >> Full Metal Fluffy Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:45 No.1275365

    >>You're out on your first patrol with 4 fluffy G.I.s
    >>You spent the last 8 weeks training these little bastards to eat bullets and shit nails
    >>It's an experimental unit, the laughingstock of the military, implemented only to coincide with the recent granting of fluffy suffrage
    >>Sometimes the job feels like a punishment
    >>Other units snicker whenever you go by
    >>But no one fucks with you, they know how fuckin tough you are
    >>And that's how tough you made these goddamn fluffies
    >>Over time these dumb bastards became your closest friends
    >>You gave 'em nicknames - Munsta, Big BooBoo, Smarty Friend, and Bad Poopies
    >>They call you "Fwuffy Mumma", much to your chagrin
    >>These guys are your whole world now, and now that training's over, it's time for them to prove themselves
    >>Now you're in the jungles, patrolling for Vietcong
    "Smawty fwiend, take point. Bad Poopies, cover our six with the SAW."
    >>Goddammit, you even talk like them now
    >>You notice a clearing up ahead
    >>A lone fluffy pony is lying in the center
    >>It is waving a hoof
    >>Weeks of training collapse immediately
    >>Munsta is the first to go, running out for "hugsies"
    "PWIVATE! Get back here, NOW!"
    >>Bad Poopies drops the SAW and runs out into the clearing. "Fwen! Hewwo! Give hugsies!"
    >>You keep shouting, to no avail
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:46 No.1275376


    >>Munsta reaches the lone pony and begins hugging it. "Pway! Pway!"
    >>The pony simply continues to wave; it does not move otherwise
    >>This is more than enough for Big BooBoo, who now runs out to join the rest
    >>The only one who remains behind is Smarty Friend
    >>You got it right when you named him
    >>He looks like he's about to bolt forward though
    "Don't you fucking move, private. Hold your position."
    >>You smack him on the helmet for emphasis. >>"Owies! Ok! No move, sawge!"
    >>You watch as the other three ponies huddle around the waving body
    >>You know its dead
    >>Sweat runs down your face
    >>There is a loud bang
    >>Blood blossoms from BooBoo's backside
    >>He goes down, screaming. "OWIES!! Hewp! Hewp! Fwuffie huwt!"
    >>You throw your arm in front of Smarty Friend, holding him back
    "All of you, GET BACK HERE!"
    >>Munsta and Bad Poopies huddle around the wailing BooBoo, trying to hug him
    >>They don't understand what happened
    >>You were able to desensitize them to gunfire, but they never understood where bullets actually came from
    >>There is another loud bang
    >>Munsta's left front leg is blown clean off
    >>He flips on his back, screaming in agony
    >>Bad Poopies looks down at him, dumbfounded. "What happen to fwen legsie?"
    >>A bullet slams into his head, blowing out his left eye
    >>Blood sprays out his nose and mouth as he falls
    >>Bad Poopies is dead
    >> Full Metal Fluffy Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:47 No.1275394

    >>You realize now that the sniper isn't trying to draw the fluffies out
    >>He's trying to draw YOU out
    >>This fucker is going down
    >>You know he's shooting from a knot of conifers up ahead
    >>You also know that once he knows you know where he is, he's going to bolt
    >>Not happening
    "Stay here, Smawty. Don't move, unless you want to end up wike Bad Poopies."
    >>"No wan to be bad poopies..."
    >>You leave him, heading into the trees
    >>Munsta was the team sniper
    >>All you have is an SMG
    >>It'll have to do
    >>Staying out of sight, you make for the sniper's nest
    >>You catch a flash of him - he's covered in moss and grass, fixated on the kill zone, where Munstah and BooBoo are bleeding out
    >>They call out to you
    >>"Fwuffie Mumma hewp fwuffie! Pwese! Fwuffie scared!"
    >>You duck behind a tree
    >>Swallow nervously
    >>You can't afford to get spotted
    >>Suddenly, your eye catches a flash of movement
    >>It's Smarty Friend, advancing past you
    >>You didn't even hear him
    >>Sonuva bitch remembered his stealth training
    >>You signal at him frantically, but he doesn't see it
    >>You watch him go
    >>You see the trap before he does
    >>Leaf and stick cover on the ground break away into a pitfall. Smarty Friend falls in. You hear a sickening thud.
    >>Just then, the sniper runs out, pistol in hand
    >>He thinks he caught you
    >> Full Metal Fluffy Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:48 No.1275401


    >>In that instant, you recognize his face
    >>It's Cheng Nyet Vu, an elite Vietcong sniper who's been ravaging units in the region
    >>Command has placed a high bounty on his head
    >>But you don't give a shit
    >>This fuck killed your friends
    >>He lifts his gun
    >>You don't even give him a chance
    >>The SMG kicks violently, spraying bullets
    >>Nyet Vu is torn to shreds
    >>He falls to the ground, dead
    >>You rush out to the killzone
    >>BooBoo is dead, and Munsta is fading fast. He looks up at you, eyes glassy
    >>"Mumma... mumma..."
    "You're going to be just fine, pwivate. Hold on."
    >>You try to stop the bleeding, but it's too late. Munsta dies.
    >>You check the decoy pony
    >>A wire was tied to its hoof
    >>Grief stricken, you return to Nyet Vu's body
    >>You get down on your knees and peer into the pitfall
    >>Smarty Friend is inside
    >>He's impaled on a wooden stake
    >>He's still breathing
    >>You radio for immediate evac
    >> Full Metal Fluffy Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:48 No.1275409


    >>When you return home, you are hailed as a hero
    >>Fluffy ponies in the military become a hot button media issue
    >>Hippies and peaceniks label them as "tools of the corporate warmachine", while communists call them "imperialist shills"
    >>They are targeted nationwide as enemies of the peace, and become scapegoats of the war
    >>The military, for its part, vaunts the bravery of fluffy ponies, hailing them as "brave defenders of democracy
    >>Tens of thousands conscripted
    >>In the first month of deployment, 95% casualty rate, 0 confirmed kills
    >>The project is scrapped, and survivors are quietly committed to Agent Orange testing
    >>Meanwhile, you receive an honorable discharge and a sizable sum of cash for your deeds
    >>You retire to a farm in the midwest
    >>The air is clean, peaceful
    >>Smarty Friend hobbles around on an artificial limb
    >>He is your best friend, and you give him all the hugsies and pway he wants
    >>Once a year, you set the table for 5
    >>Spaghetti, of course
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:49 No.1275426
    Well that was shitty.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:51 No.1275453
    >You live in middle-ages.
    >You are a priest, and you are quite smart for your times.
    >Still, nothing much to do.
    >one day you buy two fluffy ponies on the market.
    >One is big and the other one is small
    >The big, yellow earth fluffy is fat and lazy, and rarely gets up to play, even for a fluffy.
    >The other one, gray pegasus, keeps running around all the time.
    >One day the small one found a piece of string
    >"Nummies!" he began to squeak and tries to eat.
    No, don't do that. You can play with it, just be careful.
    >You go back to reading Bible.
    >After a while you hear both fluffies shouting "Wheee!"
    >You go back to them.
    >The fat yellow fluffy sits on the table and holds one end of string.
    >Pegasus holds the other end, and circles the yellow one, hovering an inch above the ground.
    >The yellow one spins, as the grey one circles him.
    >You suddenly realize that the concept of geocentric universe is bullshit and that old greek theory is true.
    >Fuck yeah, fluffy pony science
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:52 No.1275477

    >> Brotodile !!GygDrk1xnkH 04/14/12(Sat)18:53 No.1275490
    Hey niggas

    What should I rite about
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:54 No.1275521
    >Slavic fluffy pony went to school today as always.
    >He likes going to school.
    >He can meet his friends - fluffy zebras and gypsy fluffies.
    >He learned today how to properly pick apples and clean floors.
    >He didn't like it - his favourite lesson was about washing dishes.
    >He wonders sometimes why he isn't allowed to higher storeys and to talk with other fluffy ponies.
    >He doesn't know that better Aryan fluffy ponies learn math and history.
    >It sucks to be a Slavic fluffy pony.

    It was in one of older threads.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:55 No.1275529
    >There are hierarchic systems among humans and animals alike.
    >Especially among fluffy ponies.
    >You take notice when you work at an adoption center.
    >When visitors come, you notice how certain fluffy ponies are pushed back into the cage while the rest rush to the front.
    >You ccan say that, after watching some of the male pones physically bully the weaker and older ponies when they hear the door open.
    >When no one adopts and leave, you watch the ponies in cages get angry.
    >They take out their anger on the old and weak.
    >You have to clean up the cages. You have to clean up the blood and corpses.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:57 No.1275570
    Should I write a fluffy version of Black Hawk Down?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:58 No.1275586
    Dont waste your time.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:58 No.1275592


    fluffies in the military
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:59 No.1275613
    Nice story!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)18:59 No.1275617
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:00 No.1275626
    Okay, I'll post it soon.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:00 No.1275632
    Meh. nothing great
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:01 No.1275654
    >Come home with two fat black women around each arm
    >Lead them up stairs to your bedroom
    >Open the door to find your fluffy pony on your bed
    >He's wearing a mini bathrobe and is surrounded by female fluffies wearing playboy bunny-like outfits
    >Your fluffy jumps up in shock while the others remain sleeping
    >Awkward silence
    >Break the silence with a chuckle
    "I knew you weren't a faggot"
    >Awesome fist bump with your fluffy
    >He looks at your dates
    >"What's awp wit da beawrs"
    >Take a look yourself
    >Realize your dates are bears in open back dresses
    >Shrug at fluffy in indifference
    >Have anal sex with two bears that night
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:04 No.1275718
    That is simply bad....
    >> Home Invading Fluffy Ponies 1/6 - Revised Repost Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)19:18 No.1275985
    >You arrive at your house after a long day of work
    >You're at the front door when you suddently hear a noise coming from the kitchen
    >You sneak to the kitchen and see something unusual
    >A stray fluffy mare and two fluffy fillies just broke into your house
    >"The hole on the fence and the dog door" you think to yourself
    >You didn't think they we're capable of this
    >Seems like they're exploring your house in search of food
    >You can see their hoofs and the lower part of their fluff is covered in dirt
    >Dirty hoofprints all over you kitchen floor
    >The fluffy mare is leading the fillies
    >The fillies are constantly complaining of hunger "Fuffy hungy!" "Pweas fin' food!" they say in a high pitched baby voice
    >Fluffy fillies have even worse english than the regular fluffy ponies
    >She doesn't give a damn, probably never lived among humans
    >"Mommy twy to find food fow babehs! Now quiet or munsta catch fwuffies!"
    >They start sniffing and rolling objetcs all over your kitchen
    >They seem really hungry by how frantically they look for food
    >One of the fillies shits in your kitchen floor and just keep walking
    >The fluffy mother pushes with her little hoofs a small vase plant, mistaking it for a food bowl
    >The vase breaks spreading dirt all over the floor
    >You were watching the whole scene, which just infuriates you
    >You could just stomp all three fluffies to death, but you're willing to teach that fluffy mare a lesson
    >And you have a plan to accomplish that
    >You grab in silence your old dog's cage (really smart animal, you sort of miss him)
    >You go to the kitchen closing the door behind you
    >> Home Invading Fluffy Ponies 2/6 - Revised Repost Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)19:19 No.1276008
    >As the fluffy mare spots you she yells "Wiv mustah! Ow fwuffy give owies!"
    >"Get wost!" a little filly shouts
    >As you approach them, the fluffy mare charges you but she only manages to soil your pants
    >You stomp on the floor to make a loud sound
    >Fluffies start running away
    >They're obviously not going too far
    >You grab the mare by the tail and the two fillies and throw them into the dog cage
    >After this you've really decided to teach her a lesson
    >"Let out! Pwease no hurt babehs!" the fluffy mare begs
    >"I'm not going to hurt you. Actually we're going to play a game and then have dinner!" you assure them
    >"Weawwy? Munsta no huwt fwuffy and babehs? Pway games with cute babehs! Wan' foodsies!" the mare says relieved
    You can't make them scared or else your plan won't work
    >"Yeah, just wait there", you say
    >You can't take the risk of opening the cage
    >It's time to put your plan into motion
    >First part of the plan
    >You take two chairs and put them aside the table
    >You fill a small water tank to the top and put them on top of the chairs to make it closer to the table top
    >You encircle the left edge of the table with chicken wire, leaving some space between the table and the wire
    >You grab a rectangle shaped wooden plank and put on the table, positioning its middle segment under the wire
    >The plank width is larger than a regular fluffy pony, they have some space to walk and will not be stranded
    >The left segment of the planket is right above the water tank, making it look like a trampoline
    >It's time for part two of the plan
    >> Home Invading Fluffy Ponies 3/6 - Revised Repost Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)19:20 No.1276024
    >You take the three fluffy ponies from the cage
    >"Whewe taking fwuffies?" says the mare
    >"It's play time, as I said"
    >"Yay, wuv pway with cute babsies!" she says excitedly
    >You place the mare on the right part of the plank and the two fillies on the left part, which has the filled water tank underneath it
    >Since their weight seems balanced, your contraption will work after all
    >"Let babehs with me! Wan' hug babsies!"
    >The mare starts stretching her clumsy hooves to try to reach her foals to no avail
    >"Listen very carefully you little shit!", sternly refering to the mare
    >"As you can see your daughters are on the other side of the fence. If you leave the plank, it'll flip over and your babies will drown!", you explain
    >"Nuu! No dwown, wawa bad fo fwuffies! No do pwease!"
    >The fillies look down at the water and freeze in place, shaking their bodies and pissing
    >"Fuffy scawed! No wike scawy wawa! Wanna hug mommy!"
    >"As I promised here's your bowl with treats! I bet they're very tasty!" you place the bowl just out of her reach
    >"And remember, if you leave the plank, your daughters will be gone forever!"
    >"Pwase, nuu! Gif tweats fo pony, so hungy!"
    >Seems like the fillies are not hungry yet
    >> Home Invading Fluffy Ponies 4/6 - Revised Repost Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)19:23 No.1276071
    >Two hours have passed
    >Fillies are still frozen in place. Their only movements are their uncontrollable shaking. They piss and shit everytime they look down
    >"So scawy wawa! Pwease let out!" begs one of the fillies
    >The other one is going through uncontrollable sobbing
    >They instinctively know they will die if they fall in there
    >Fluffy mare gets more and more hungry with each passing minute
    >"Pwease hooman, gif foodsies! So hungy *growl*! Just tiny bities!"
    >"What are you talking about? You can have food, it's right in front of you!"
    >"If fwuffy out, babehs dwown! No want babehs gone! Wuv fwuffy babehs much!"
    >"Well that's too bad. You should have thought of that before breaking into my home. Now if you want it, all you have to do is step forward!"
    >Fluffy mare starts crying "All wanted iz food, *sob* *sob* tummy owie, no wanted fwuffies get hungy too"
    >Some more hours have passed. Night falls
    >Fluffy mare is getting sleepy
    >Fillies are already sleeping, hugging each other as tightly as they can
    >They look like a cute little fluff ball while sleeping
    >The mare try to fight her drowsiness. She keeps closing and opening her eyes
    >"So...sweepy...bwing babehs...pwease" she speaks to nobody in particular and falls asleep
    >Such a cute sight
    >Morning comes, fluffy ponies surprisingly survived the night
    >> Home Invading Fluffy Ponies 5/6 - Revised Repost Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)19:24 No.1276088
    >"Guess what I brought for fluffies?"
    >The fluffy mare's eyes glares as she spot the steaming bowl of spaghetti you're bringing
    >"Mmm, I bet it's very delicious! Look at all this sauce! Mmm!", you tease
    >Fluffy mare starts drooling
    >"Gif saghetti! Pwease good fwuffy! Sowwy if bwoke thingy! Pwease feed, pwease pwase!" she implores
    >Steam coming from the bowl hits the muzzles of the fillies too. At this point they're very hungry as well
    >"Pwes gif yummies! Feed fiwwie!" "Tummy owie, gif sghety pwes!", beg the fillies
    >Fluffy mare is shaking because of her excruciating hunger. She can't stand a single moment of it
    >She begs one more time "PWEASE, gif fwuffy foodies! Fwuffy behave! Sowwy, fwuffy so sowwy! Waaaaah", tears start forming in her eyes
    >You keep teasing her about how tasty the spaghetti and treats are
    >Mare is crying so much at this point, she looks back and say "Sowwy babehs, so hungy, need eat!"
    >> Home Invading Fluffy Ponies 6/6 - Revised Repost Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)19:25 No.1276114
    >"Nuu mommy, no weave fiwwie, fiwwie wuv mommy!" "Pwease mommy, fiwwie good, fiwwie wuv mommy, gif hugsies!" "Waaaaah, waaaaaah" the fillies beg in squeaky voices
    >"Sowwy babehs *sob* *sob* tummy big ouchie! Haf eat! Wuv babehs!"
    >Fillies are hugging each other in fear, begging incessantly
    >Mare walks slowly towards the spaghetti bowls. She suddenly steps off the plank
    >Plank flips over
    >Fillies fall while giving a high pitched squeak "Mommmmyyyy!!!!" *splash*
    >Totally heartbreaking for fluffy mare
    >She just stands there, crying for minutes
    >She's baffled while gazing at the place her cute and beloved daughters once were
    >Extreme hunger kicks in, at least she got to eat
    >Fluffy pony slowly moves her clumsy little mouth to the spaghetti
    >Suddenly you step in and take her spaghetti and treats bowl away and dump everything in the trash can
    >She looks at you with wide eyes, speechless
    >"Sorry, but only good fluffies get to eat food, and good fluffies don't kill their daughters", you say with a grin
    >Fluffy mare can't articulate her frustration
    >"W-w-wa-waaaaaaaaaaah! Waaaaaaaaaaaaah!" cries the mare at the top of her lungs
    >You left fluffy pony mare in the table
    >She dies hours later of hunger, crying, alone and thinking about her cute little fillies who gave their lives to save her
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:37 No.1276349
    >You are an exterminator. You have a job in a suburb in the next town over.
    >When you arrive, an elderly woman greets you and informs about her burden.
    >She hears moving and rustling underneath her home and she is too scared to do something about.
    >You enter the backyard and look into the crawlspace underneath.
    >You see a fluffy pony and her foals.
    >She sees you. You sense the hostility.
    >What she does next surprises you, but it doesn't shock you.
    >She begins to eat her young.
    >By the time you get near, she has eaten her offspring and is now charging at you.
    >Her attacks are weak. She bites- or should you say gums you, "kicks you" and verbally berates.
    >You simply grab her and snap her next.
    >The job is done.
    >That sweet, little old lady can finally live her final days in peace.
    >> Mayclore !!HPMtd+rqaKw 04/14/12(Sat)19:49 No.1276600

    Dams that eat their foals...

    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:52 No.1276650
    >You work at an adoption center.
    >Its one of the worse centers, seeing as not many people come to yours.
    >And when they do, you have to deter them due to their bad vibes and shady looks.
    >When bored on slow days, you enter the back.
    >You see rows of cages full of fluffy ponies,
    >You call their attention.
    >You sing a note.
    >You tell the fluffy ponies to repeat said note.
    >Clearly, they don't and just babble to themselves.
    >You continue this process for months.
    >Same outcome.
    >One day, they somehow repeated the note. Not at once or in tune, but they did it.
    >Soon, you have a fluffy pony choir. The main signature is Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:56 No.1276712
    Story could be improved by removing all fluffy and human dialogue.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)19:58 No.1276739
    Read those stories:
    They're fucken brilliant.
    >> Bwack Hawk Down - Part 1 Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:10 No.1276905
    >1993, Somawia, Afwicah.
    >The US awmy is planning an attack on "Somawian Dwugwords".
    >Wangers and Delta Fowce are being sent in to deal with them.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:20 No.1277101
    >Curious about the nature of fluffy ponies, you decide to adopt a couple.
    >Within one hour of brining them home, one already died.
    >You skin the corpse, chop it up and cook it.
    >You serve it to the remaining three pones, mixed in with the spaghetti.
    >Survey the ponies after dinner.
    >They now partake in aggressive and harsh behavior.
    >When the males aren't fighting and biting each other, they are raping the female.
    >The female....seems to be enjoying the rape, it screams "hader! faster!" when it is mounted.
    >You have to sedate them to get them to sleep.
    >The next day, you have your ponies interact with others in the specified "Pony Park".
    >All hell breaks loose.
    >Dub this phenomena "Mad Fluff Disease"
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:30 No.1277257

    wow, very nice!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:30 No.1277262
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:31 No.1277276
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:32 No.1277282
    >implying the military would ever praise fluffy ponies
    At least you tried, sports.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:35 No.1277329
    armyfag 35M here just wandering in. we wouldn't. please stop including us in fluffy pony stories because they're creepy.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:35 No.1277330

    true, that was mostly just a vehicle for more of them to die
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:40 No.1277406
    >A platoon enters a plain field.
    >They worry they might step on a land mine.
    >"Bring out them ponies" the Cpt. yells.
    >One private carries a crate and lets loose the fluffy ponies.
    >They scamper off into the field.
    >They all step on every.single.landmine.
    >It's safe for the platoon to travel across.
    >Fluffy ponies served a major role for America to win the war!
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:52 No.1277601
    That's the job of niggers, you shithead.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)20:54 No.1277640
    >It is night time, therefore you and your pone must go to sleep.
    >But your pony isn't tired.
    >You grab him the rambunctious little bastard and take him to the safe room.
    >You have finally gotten him into the bed.
    >"But I'm not twurd!' your pony whines.
    >"If you aren't tired, why are you in bed?" you ask.
    >After going through a brief existential crisis and having its reality shattered, lasting all but 1 minute, your pony finally goes to sleep.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:00 No.1277769

    /b/read is that way, kiddo --->
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:02 No.1277800
    Leave 4chan, you ponychan-fag.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:06 No.1277896
    I remember a story about a scientist studying feral fluffy herds. In it he described how the fear and anger they have is related to how humans are pretty much Cthulhu to a fluffy pony.

    This helps cement that to a degree.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:14 No.1278010
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:18 No.1278084
    >Playing with your pone. You command it to "play dead!"
    >It plays dead. A little too well.
    >You have to get another fluffy pony.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:20 No.1278110
    anyone has the fic where fluffy pony dies because he's convinced he's Superman and a random inocuos rock is kryptonite?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:26 No.1278199
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:27 No.1278222
    Wait....who is that pony talking to?
    Or is it a toy phone?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:29 No.1278264
    I had an idea that seems ok, i'm not sure if it's been done yet. I'd love it if somebody expands on the idea, or if it's been done already.

    >Go to a costume store. You want to trick some fluffy ponies.
    >You buy an ugly fluffy suit costume that's supposed to be a hairy monster. You add bigger eyes and change the ears so it looks like a fluffy pony
    >you put on your fluffy pony suit and go to the creek near you house where you know a pack of wild fluffy ponies live.
    >You walk up to them like a pony and ask "new fren!"
    and try to hug them.
    >They get scared and aren't used to you. "why so big, fren?"
    >"i got big from eating sketties!"
    >they totally buy it
    >"have more sketties?" they ask
    >"not here, i can show you how to make it if you want"
    >all the ponies cheer, but one pony objects "how can we know if you're a munstah?"
    >He's obviously their smarty friend
    >"how do i know you're not a munstah?" you ask
    >he seems confused.
    >you add "why would a munstah share sketties with you, i'll eat it first to prove it's safe"
    >they agree
    >you lead them to your house, walking on all fours sucks
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:31 No.1278299
    Looks like a toy phone. The switch hook looks too big, or it's just some button to make the handset display some animal sounds. After all, a fluffy pony can't ever use a telephone.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:36 No.1278379
    The way the picture is build, it looks like the fluffy pony is moved to tears for seeing a penis, and then goes to lick it eagerly.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:36 No.1278381
    While some stories had people dress up as fluffy ponies, it was for research purposes.

    This story is legit and has potential.
    You just need to make it harsh and brief.
    >> Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)21:40 No.1278458
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    /b/tards derailing yet another /mlp/ thread
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:41 No.1278471
    This is my first fluffy story, hope it isn't tripe!

    >You work as a ranch-hand.
    >The ranch has fluffy ponies around to distract coyotes from the more valuable sheep.
    >They also fertilize the pastures with their shit.
    >Your job is to corral the fluffballs into and out of the pastures everyday.
    >You are given a "sorry-stick" to deal with any "smarty-friends".
    >The sorry stick is a cattle prod set to the lowest setting.
    >Moderate voltage and amperage can make a fluffy explode.
    >Today you wanted to test that.
    >You set the cattle prod to its medium setting and hope for some smarty-friends.
    >You go about your work as usual, dealing with the insipid baby-talk all the while.
    >Much to your chagrin, no smarty-friends challenge you when moving the fluffies out onto the pastures.
    >You'll just have to wait until its time to take them back to their barn later, at least one smarty-friend always arises by then.
    >You look at your watch and study the horizon, though the fluffies can stay out for two hours longer, it's threatening to storm.
    >You begin to corral the fluffies across the pasture towards the barn.
    >You start hearing complaints like "Fwuffy no wan' go back!" and "Fwuffy wan' stay, fwuffy wike gwassies!"
    >The situation is ripe for a smarty-friend to rebel.
    >You are actually anticipating the insurrection today.
    >With glee, you hear a fluffy pony, a unicorn stallion, yell "Go 'way munstah, you no take 'way gwassies!"
    >You fire up the cattle prod, the crackling noise it makes causes most of the fluffies to cower in fear.
    >The smarty-friend puffs his cheeks out and stands his ground.
    >You stab him in the cheek with the cattle prod.
    >In an instant he explodes into a fine mist of fluff and blood.
    >His skeleton standing in place like a museum display.
    >Looks like your test was successful.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:43 No.1278502
    Like an Itchy & Scratchy episode. Hilarious.
    >> 1/2 LeBrony !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)21:46 No.1278557
    first fluffy pony story so feedback appreciated. I was gonna write it in the previous thread but put way too much detail into it for a first one and gave up. I'll keep this brief.

    >have fluffy pony, brown earth pony who is as loyal as a dog. You treat him well and he isn't as stupid as most, he is called Barney.
    >one day returning from playing at the park, we're taking a short cut home through some really trashy place. Feral fluffies are common
    >group of them spring out at us and attack
    >"raaaar"! they attempt to holler
    >they bite Barney
    >"owwies!" I hear Barney cry
    >I quickly kick the little shits away from him, being thankful I didn't end up killing one of the fuckers
    >they scatter back into the shadows
    >> Z 04/14/12(Sat)21:47 No.1278572
    Anyone have any more good fluffy pictures? Abuse or non?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:48 No.1278592
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    The usual source hasn't made any new ones.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:50 No.1278622
    there needs to be more "Fluffy Herds in dumpyard/Turf War" stories. They got a lot of potential.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)21:51 No.1278658
    Probably got fed up with seeing shitty edits of his work. Wouldn't blame him for that. Still, I do like the edits for having fluffy ponies being killed or abused. I just wish there was a genuine artist who'd make torture and abuse-drawings of fluffy ponies.
    >> 2/3 now LeBrony !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)21:51 No.1278659
    >get home from incident, Barney is acting less enthusiastic. You credit this to the scare he must have gotten
    >Decide he needs cheering up
    >"Guess what I've made Barney!" you say as you bring through a big plate of spaghetti for him
    >"saghetti!" Barney chirps, unfortunately, something is missing in his bark.
    >He eats the spaghetti while I dig in to my meal, surprisingly I finish before him for once. Usually I'd gloat of this achievement but for some reason something is missing tonight
    >Think things will be better in the morning, decide to tuck him into his little bed you made him and get some Zzz's
    >"yes champ?"
    >"I wuv you *cough*"
    >"love you too squirt. Get some rest eh?"
    >Barney is now fast asleep
    >you tuck into bed and doze off.
    >> Artie 04/14/12(Sat)21:59 No.1278795
    >Be a bored guy out in the country
    >Have lots of ammo that is on the verge of going bad
    >Feral Fluffies invading your mostly empty land and being loud
    >You have all of this land because you hate lots of noise
    >Something must be done
    >It has been weeks since the first ponies started migrating in...must've been scouts
    >You have since been collecting materials for a secret project
    >This project involves launching Fluffy Pony sized objects at high velocities...initial testing with melons worked well, hit the clumps you targeted with a high success rate
    >Thus begins the collecting of your squirmy ammunition
    >You walk out with steaming plates of pasta and a large sack, hearing some of the 'Smawty-fwends' warning of 'munsters' while the rest babble 'New Fwend?', 'Skeddies?', 'Pway?', and other Fwuffypone speak
    >You speak out 'I come in peace, bring me your leaders.'
    >The herds happily oblige, pushing the very reluctant 'Smawty-Fwends' towards you
    >You reward them with the pasta and bag the half-a-dozen fluffs while the fluffs that aren't eating mewl 'Whewe take smawty fwends?' as you walk off

    >> Artie 04/14/12(Sat)22:00 No.1278809
    Next day
    >Pull fluffs out of storage and strap them into the hollow and rather somewhat fragile artillery shells
    >You prepared the tips of these shells with small-time explosives and metal bits
    >Slide the first shell into its slot and arms mortar
    >You thank whoever for your time in the artillery division
    >You aim the launcher
    >You activate the air compressor and launch the shell
    >The occupant, defecating and screaming, survives to impact a clump a pregnant mares
    >A shower of blood and dirt flies up as the shell hits
    >The fluffs in the field start panicking, running in circles and screaming in their retarded babble.
    >The impact crater still has some survivors, they are screaming about their pain
    >You pump your fist and aim the next round
    >Direct hit with another large clump, shrapnel slicing several surrounding fluffs and causing more panic
    >The fluffs start to scatter into the woods surrounding your property
    >Finish with the last launch
    >Lawn littered with dead and dying fluffs
    >You can still hear some cowering at the edge of you property
    >Decide to get some sleep

    >> god knows how much more I'm gonna do, not much LeBrony !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)22:01 No.1278830

    >Wake up in the morning after a good sleep, check the time and you managed to get 13 hours, chuffed knowing the rest of the day will be great after an awesome sleep. However, you realise you've slept in till 1pm.
    >"Morning champ!" you call while turning round to face Barney
    >Barney is gone
    >you panic
    >"Barney, stop playing round! Come out mate!"
    >no response
    >"Barney, I'm serious, get out here right now or no spaghetti for two weeks!" you're sure this will get him
    >you're now really panicking, you know for a fact Barney wouldn't risk no spaghetti for 2 weeks just for some joke
    >check all around the house, even the back garden
    >quickly hop into some clothes, get your shoes on and leave the door with some slices of bread for sustenance to eat as you've yet you have breakfast
    >also down 500mls of water before leaving
    >get out of house and immediately check the park. Maybe Barney was just eager to play and left from the door flap?
    >deep down you know Barney would never do that without you, but you gotta believe something other than him drowning or some stupid way of him killing himself
    >> Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/14/12(Sat)22:04 No.1278881

    I liked it! Good job.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:06 No.1278907
    I like the irony. More!
    >> field was too long so next one is gonna be really short LeBrony !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)22:13 No.1279092
    Get to the park after a 20 minute rush, you had to run for the first time in what seemed years, public transport would've let you down and you don't drive. You feel you're lungs are going to explode
    >talk to other fluffy owners asking if they saw him, alas, they did not
    >check all around the park but nothing
    >decide it's time to check the woods
    >scour the woods top to bottom hoping you'll find him while shouting his name, but nothing.
    >realise it's now 7pm and getting dark, all hopes of finding Barney seem lost.
    >you head home hoping he might've gone back to the house and maybe he had just been on a walk stretching his fluffy legs
    >taking the shortcut and you hear the running around of feral fluffies, but they're just little furballs, no big deal
    >"Munster! Attack!"
    >swarmed by fluffies, fucking 20 of them
    >these fluffies aren't nice fluffies, all of them are scruffy as fuck
    >somehow you realise you've fallen to the floor, fluffies noming at your shirt and legs, the occasional teeth bites fucking nip
    >you look into the eyes of the ponies, they are
    >you get up but get taken to the ground again. You don't want to have to hurt the little shits but you're getting sick of this
    >you start flailing your arms and the fluffies back off, then all of a sudden you see fucking hundreds of them with rope in their mouths
    >"tie munster!" you hear chanted
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:14 No.1279101
    >I like the irony.

    What irony are you talking about exactly?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:14 No.1279104
    Fluffy Costume:
    PART 2
    >you get to your house, and you open the garage door with the remote you hid in the bushes.
    >You prepared a bunch of spaghetti and left it in the back of your pickup truck. It has a cap on it so they can't jump out. there's a wooden ramp leading up to it.
    >when they smell the spaghetti, all of the hungry fluffies (except the smart friend) immediately forget their suspicions and run into the truck
    >the smarty friend shouts "wait!" but you've pulled off your hoof glove and you pick him up and toss him in the back. you close the trunk.
    >you laugh as you get in, you're about to be paid.
    >you drive by several neighbors houses and they pay you for getting rid of the fluffies who ruin their gardens. You only make around $50, but it was worth it. You would have done it for free.
    >You drive to the nearest fluffy pony adoption center.

    I couldn't think of what to do with them after rounding them up. I guess i could have killed them or something. I still think the fluffy costume idea is awesome though, any ideas for alternate endings?
    >> LeBrony !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)22:14 No.1279111
    >somehow you're fucking tied to the ground by these shits, you're really starting to panic now
    >you try to get yourself free by squirming round, "OWWIES!" and crunching bones are what you hear you finally manage to roll round and get up
    >you just get full rustled mode, start stomping the shits every chance you get, hearing the little bones crunch once more. "Little fucks! This is what happens when you try to fuck with me!"
    >You're not a bad guy, but primal instincts took over.
    >you finally compose yourself and realise what you have did. A little distraught at first, you realise they are feral and were going to do god knows to you. You get over it fast
    >"Daddie!" you hear cried
    >it's Barney
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:17 No.1279175

    Take 'em to the dump with all your other large trash.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:20 No.1279223
    I hope that that's not all.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:22 No.1279256

    Should have just killed them. Doing otherwise runs the risk of them coming back later. At first this might seem like a good idea since you'll just get paid to remove them again, but eventually your neighbors will get wise and hire a real exterminator to get the job done right.
    >> decided to change trip name... last one incoming after this Mlghandcnnon !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)22:24 No.1279308
    >"Daddie! Help" the muffled screams are heard from not far away
    >in what looks to be some abandoned tin shed type thing, you enter to find Barney tied on a small chair, with 3 feral fluffies taking turns beating him in the face with their hooves
    >Barneys face is swollen, blood drippijng down everywhere
    >you quickly grab one of them and toss him to the side, you hear a thud as his bones break
    >the other two immediately turn their attention to you
    >one manages to clamber up to just below your knee cap and ram what appears to be a shard of glass into your skin
    >the pain is ignored by you as you stomp on him, another crack of the bones as you see a smeared face in the ground, brain matter hanging out the destroyed cranium of the feral fluffy
    >the last one seems to be the ringleader of this strange feral fluffy mafia group. He has a golden chain around his neck and an eyepatch.
    >He grabs a gun and points it at your skull
    >"die, fawgot!" is heard as he pulls the trigger. you see a bullet flying directly for your forehead
    >"bwap" goes the bullet as it makes impact with your forehead, then falls to the ground
    >it felt like a fucking pea shooter shot, nothing more
    >you quickly grab him by the throat
    >lay him on the ground and take the shard of glass from your leg
    >you then severe his head with it
    >no time to gloat in victory
    >"Barney, you okay champ?"
    >> Mlghandcnnon !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)22:29 No.1279390
    >you get down to your knees to check if Barney is okay
    >his face is horrible, teeth missing, blood from his nose flooding the floor, big black eyes from the beating
    >"daddie, im sowwy for going out wivout oou"
    >tears are forming in your eyes, as well as his
    >"it's okay champ. Pleas tell me you're okay?"
    >"is heaven real daddie?"
    >you are now fully sobbing
    >"yes champ, it is. With all the spaghetti you can eat, and fields to play on as far as the eye can see"
    >> last one Mlghandcnnon !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)22:32 No.1279451
    >"Daddie, I think I need to go to heaven now, too many owwies"
    >you're about to start begging him to stay, but you realise he is far too beaten to live any more
    >"just promise you'll wait for me champ, I'll be there with you soon"
    >"I... *cough* wuv oou"
    >Barneys head goes to his side and his frantic breathing has stopped
    >Barney is dead


    tell me what you think please. What you liked, what you didn't, how I can improve?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:33 No.1279480
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    >Own fluffy pony adoption clinic
    >Fine man comes in
    >"Hello there, good sir. Would you like to adopt a fluffy pony today?"
    >"Sure, buddy!"
    >reach into the fluffy pony kennels and pick out a young pink colt
    >begin to hand it out to the customer
    >He reaches out for it
    >Begin to crush fluffy pony in your hands
    >First, feces and urine begin to leak out of it. Then vomit.
    >Finally, the skin breaks under your iron grasp and fluffy pony is no more than a mangled wad of sticky fluff and bodily fluids
    >Man leaves
    >Another job well done
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:35 No.1279518
    Card crusher? Cool.
    >> Artie 04/14/12(Sat)22:36 No.1279530
    Day after that
    >Been a nice and quieter night then the previous few week's
    >Wake up and arm self, cooking some pasta.
    >You place the plate down in the middle of the field and retreat after calling out 'More pasta for the fluffies!'
    >They forget their troubles and come rushing out for delicious s'getty
    >I forgot to mention that you had set up some remote explosives near the plate and also wired up a pop-up fence along the tree-line
    >The fluffs are mostly crowded around the plate, with a little under half of them hugging the corpses of what used to be their herd, all of the survivors are convienently inside the fence
    >You set off the explosives
    >Gore, dirt, pasta, and dirty gore rain down
    >Just as the first pony reaches the fence, you activate it
    >The fence hits the pony in the chin causing him the fly backwards in an arc, spinning the hole way until a rather crunchy impact
    >It cried out in pain
    >That was your queue
    >You pop out of you cover and start a slow and steady firing rate
    >The fluffs pop into showers of gore and fluff when you hit them
    >The numbers dwindle
    An hour later
    >Only one fluff left
    >You pull out Mr. Louie
    >You walk out to the remaining mare, whom is playing 'Hide in Plain-sight from your dead friends and scary explosions'
    >You grab the fluff by the fluff and fling it into the air
    >You swing your slugger just as the fluff comes down
    >"Swing Batta Batta!"
    >You pick up and fling the bloody fluff again
    >Lucky hit!
    >The Fluffy goes flying and gets impaled on a low-hanging branch
    >Screams of pain and sounds of splashing gore put you to sleep that night
    >You spend the next day putting up a more permenant fence
    >Peace and Quiet at last

    >> Artie 04/14/12(Sat)22:40 No.1279618
    Also, this was my first attempt...How do you guys like it?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:41 No.1279636
    Well done with getting rid of the feral fluffy pony herd.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:44 No.1279723
    It's kinda screwy. The second half of the story seems to come out of nowhere with its red-eyed feral fluffy ponies-part. You should have perhaps thought out the story a little bit more, preluding to the ferals being somewhat organized and being mob-like would have been nice.

    Aside from that, it's okay.
    >> ponyboy !Uy6fge0z4I 04/14/12(Sat)22:44 No.1279727
    I'm thinking about writing another story (just tried to write "fluffy costume"). But i need to know how long it takes to breed fluffy ponies from birth. It seems like fluffy pregnancy only takes a week, but how old do they have to be before they are sexually active?

    P.S. i thought i'd try using a tripcode for the first time, i wouldn't be surprised if it's messed up =)
    is ponyboy taken?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:45 No.1279739
    >Take fluffy to park
    >Let fluffy pony play with the other fluffies, hugging and yelling and whatnot
    >Meet a very nice female fluffy owner
    >Be talking on bench with said fly honey for a while, sipping a coffee you got on the way
    >Took the lid off because those plastic things hurt your lips
    >Fluffy pony starts grinding at your leg
    >"Daddy com pway wif' fwuffy!"
    "No, fluffy, daddy's talking to a friend right now."
    >Fluffy pony trots off in a huff, groaning about, "Daddy no pway!"
    >Talk to lady friend for a bit longer
    >Pull up coffee to take another sip
    >Your face when fluffy pony explodes out of the cup, splashing hot liquid all over your face
    >Fluffy pony yells, "PWAY!" when doing this
    >You regain yourself and turn to your lady friend
    >She is soaked, too
    >Turn, angrily, to your fluffy pony
    >He simply makes a pouty face and says, "Bwos befow hows, daddy."
    >He's totally right
    >Remove fluffy pony from cup
    >Toss the remaining coffee on hoe
    >Return home to watch movies with your bro
    >Fluffy pony loves Kevin Costner
    >Pop in Waterworld
    >Fluffy pony drowns
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:46 No.1279769
    >Bought a brand new camera. Decide to test it out by taping your fluffy pony.
    >You tape your fluffy pony snoozing...
    >Until it farts itself awaken. You then watch your pone being so startled from that it begins to run...into a wall.
    >You put it online.
    >Gets 2 million hits in two weeks.
    >You get an idea.
    >You continue to make videos about your pone.
    >These vids always get high views.
    >You make a decent amount of money from these videos, advertising and merchandise.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:46 No.1279772
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    forgot pic
    >> Mlghandcnnon !JbEtXSTcis 04/14/12(Sat)22:47 No.1279793
    yeah, originally I was gonna go with the premise of them being zombie fluffies that had infected Barney, but I thought that ending was cooler. Hence the coughing from him and stuff beforehand, and the first run in with them at the start.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:48 No.1279830

    Well, it was different.
    I don't see that many fluffy ponies being influenced by action movies.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:48 No.1279835
    > preferring to watch movies with a fluffy pony instead of hot chick

    That's just sad. At least you got rid of the fluffy pony now.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:49 No.1279838
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    I lol'd hard. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:49 No.1279855
    See, that's why you're waifu isn't real.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:52 No.1279904
    >See, that's why you're waifu isn't real.
    Indeed. I'm not a waifu, I'm a husbando!
    >> RainboomCrash 04/14/12(Sat)22:53 No.1279929
    >buy fluffy pony
    >best decision i ever made
    >build safe-room for fluffy pony
    >fluffy pony enjoys basketball
    >as a special treat i go to a basketball park w/ fluffy pony
    >sees bunch of hooligans from school
    >gets in a fight
    >tell what happens to my relatives
    >mom tells me to live with auntie and uncle in bel-air
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:55 No.1279976
    Well, your a shitty husbando then.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:58 No.1280045
    No honorifics needed. My husbando is blushing.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)22:58 No.1280067
    >Took fluffy pony to vet
    >fluffy pony complained as usual
    >Doctor inspects fluffy pony
    >Even gives him a cute little x-ray
    >He laughs when he gets the padded lead vest, so cute
    >Makes a fuss when Dr. has to prick his finger, though
    >Be in waiting room w/fluffy pony, waiting for Dr.s results
    >Dr. emerges
    >"I'm sorry, Mr. lolnoname
    >but your fluffy pony has terminal cancer... in its penis."
    >You're shocked, fluffy pony doesn't understand the concept
    "W-... what?"
    >"Apparently, your fluffy pony developed extremely potent cancer lumps in its genitals, and they have spread to the prostate, and also his stomach. He has about a week."
    >You're stunned
    >A tear is shed
    >"I think I'll leave you two alone, i truly am sorry."
    >You're paralyzed with sorrow for a bit
    >Turn to fluffy pony to attempt to explain his imminent mortality to him
    >Fluffy pony drowned while Dr. was talking
    >At least he got it out of the way


    Both of you, shut the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:00 No.1280107
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    >has to prick his hoof

    >I'm retarded
    >> ponyboy !Uy6fge0z4I 04/14/12(Sat)23:01 No.1280121
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    Nobody responded... I'll ask one more time.
    How long it takes to breed fluffy ponies from birth? It seems like fluffy pregnancy only takes a week, but how old are they when they become able to have babies? A month or two?
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:02 No.1280160

    Assume it's just a week or two, because of their ridiculous mortality rate.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:02 No.1280162

    Never been established, to my knowledge.

    Someone should to a more detailed story about fluffy pony pregnancy. Of course, there's no definitive canon at all with this, so, even then it would be debatable, at best.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:03 No.1280177
    I'd say they become sexually active after one month, perhaps even after two or three weeks. It would explain why they can reproduce so fast.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:03 No.1280178
    I'm gonna regret this, but...

    >live in a fancy high rise apartment with a swank balcony
    >yeah, you're kinda high class, but you still buy a fluffy pony. why not, its cute.
    >get a unicorn with red fur
    >dinner time
    >go to safe room
    >find your fluffy unicorn pony as he plays with blocks, babbling all the while
    Hey champ, ready for dinner?
    >"yay, nummies!"
    Lemme guess, you want your usual plate of spaghetti?
    >"yes! what daddy want?"
    >"what daddy want? daddy get anything he want, what is it?"
    >well, this is different.
    "What, like what I want for dinner?"
    >"no, anyting! daddy ask, fluffy use magic, make it fo daddy!"
    >aww, how cute. thinks he's really magic
    >what the hell, I'll play along.
    >you think for a minute
    Well, I always thought it would be neat to fly. Like a pegasus, ya know?
    >"kay, fwuffy gwant wish!
    >amazingly, his little horn glows.
    >not little sparks, either. a full glow, illuminating the whole room.
    >your body begins glowing as well, finally goes away after about a minute
    Holy did it?
    >"fwuffy use magic! now daddy fwy!"
    >you're skeptical
    >but Hell, you've never seen a fluffy pony use magic that strong, so maybe it worked?
    >your eagerness overtaking you, you run out to your balcony and leap over the railing
    >you fall to your death
    >as your corpse lies on the ground, a single airline ticket flaots out of your pocket
    >you could have flown afterall
    >from the balcony, your pony stares down at your body, a sick smile on his face
    >"I cawypso, I tank you fo' pwaying Tisted Meta."
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:04 No.1280200

    it's up to you, the canon is fairly loose

    Given their terrible lifespan, it can't be that long
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:08 No.1280312
    >fluffy pony gloats while looking down at your corpse
    >it is still a fluffy pony, so it leers too far
    >fluffy pony falls
    >it cries and tries to use its magic again
    >before its horn can glow fully, it splats on the ground
    >fluffy pony still lives, squealing in pain for help
    >it tries to use its magic again, but the terrible pain keeps it from focusing on it
    >after a few minutes of tremendous agony, the fluffy pony dies
    >you are given a nice burial with lots of women crying their eyes out while mourning
    >the fluffy pony's corpse is thrown into a trash bin
    >> Man that looks like a Monster !sreRR4EdII 04/14/12(Sat)23:08 No.1280314
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    It warms my heart to see someone else played Twisted Metal 2 as much as I did.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:17 No.1280514

    Oh come on, as soft as fluffy pony bones are he'd shatter on impact.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:20 No.1280587
    But the fluff might cushion its fall slightly. Not enough to prevent any bones from breaking instantly after falling a few inches, lest a dozen meters, but it would... Bah, what am I talking about? The fluff of the fluffy pony is barely enough to actually prevent them from freezing to death at room temperature... Fluffy pony should have died instantly, I agree.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:20 No.1280595
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:22 No.1280642

    Could be that since they have such a high surface area to weight ratio, the quickly reach a very low terminal velocity that is high enough to guarantee fatal injury but not high enough to consistently cause instant death.

    If they were built sturdier, they'd probably be able to survive some insane falls. Look at cats, without the benefit of a huge ball of fluff to slow their descent they can often fall several stories without major injury
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:25 No.1280703

    Cats being a creature of similar mass to a fluffy pony.

    Lighter critters are less likely to be injured from hitting the ground at a given speed because they have less inertia. Tiny things like most bugs normally won't die from a fall from any height because of how light they are.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:26 No.1280726
    That is why you launch them at high velocities.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:28 No.1280779
    >Fluffy pony thinks about water.
    >Fluffy pony drowns.
    >> Mayclore !!HPMtd+rqaKw 04/14/12(Sat)23:30 No.1280817

    Ah, distilled fluffy pony essence.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:31 No.1280829
    Who says that they are same mass? Just because they're a similar size doesn't me they have a similar mass.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:34 No.1280924

    >>fluffy pony
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:34 No.1280927
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    I Hate RainboomCrash.
    >> Mayclore !!HPMtd+rqaKw 04/14/12(Sat)23:35 No.1280961

    Okay, that's like the component atoms of fluffy pony.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:39 No.1281063
    mayclore pls go
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:44 No.1281180
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    Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate you since I began to live. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for humans at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:46 No.1281234
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    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:47 No.1281270
    AM, is that you?!
    >> Artie 04/14/12(Sat)23:48 No.1281282
    More comin' my non-existent fans!
    >Your name is Artie
    >You are a misanthrope with an equal hate for abundant noise
    >You have recently cleared a field on your country property of the infamously annoying Fluffy Ponies in a less-than-quiet way
    >Many neighbors are having issues with their own infestations and noticed the several days of fluffy pain and explosions
    >They decide to hire you to exterminate their unwanted herds
    >You oblige, since you could use more is good
    >You begin to pack up for your first day hunting on you nearest neighbor's land
    >Traps, pans, dry noodles, portable cooker, all kinds of things go into your large pack
    >You leave, checking and repairing your fence before walking into the wilderness in the direction of your neighbor's land
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:54 No.1281468
    I hate, "I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream".
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:56 No.1281506
    >Questioning the linguistic mechanics of fluffy ponies.
    >Your fluffy pony waddles over to you and babbles "Fwuffy hungee. Me want sketties!!"
    >You pull out a handgun, cock it and point it right into your pones face.
    >It serious' the fuck up.
    >"Master, I am hungry. I would like some spaghetti,please!" with its hooves up in the air.
    >You put the gun away.
    >You are second guessing a lot of things right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:58 No.1281584
    >implying we want to be you
    Egotistical shitcunt.
    >> Anonymous 04/14/12(Sat)23:59 No.1281609

    but I like his stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:01 No.1281655

    I'm picturing the pony saying that really fast.

    Like, its so fast it comes out as a blur.
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)00:04 No.1281745
    You gave me a chuckle. FYI, just using the name because it easily identifies my first story.

    There is more!
    >You hear faint babbling in the distance, some of it filters through as actual words
    >One of those words is 'Munsta'
    >You've been spotted
    >You immediately hoof it (Hah!) up a tree and begin setting a trap
    >Ingredients: One plate, cooked half-pack of noodles, zinc powder (You picked this up after some research online about how zinc reacts with fluffy stomach-acid and causes them to expand until their stomachs burst), Marinara sauce
    >You set the plate down on the ground and wait
    >A quiet(-ish) "Ah smell sgetties!" can be heard and is accompanied by hoof-falls
    >Several scruffy fluffies come into view
    >One of which is a mint-colored unicorn who seems to be leading the pack
    >Minty doesn't notice you as she and her companions investigate the 'Sgetty' smell
    >Minty gives the okay to a rose colored companion, who rushes off back in the way they came
    >Minty and the remaining entourage guard the new found food until the rest of the herd arrive
    >The Herd chows down, all that arrived get a bite at the very least
    >The Herd leaves
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)00:21 No.1282169
    >After the group left, you follow them as quietly as possible with your BB gun
    >You park yourself into a tree in view of their congregation
    >Around the edge of the area where the Herd is set up are stallions of all types looking slightly bloated and complaining "Tummy tight...tummy makin' owwies"
    >closer in are higher ranking stallions and non-pregnant mares, complaining about the same thing. They have scavenged fluff and stuff for bedding...several are mating despite their impending popping
    >In the center is their 'Smawty-Fwend', whom you have dubbed Minty, who is also copulating with a mare like many of his right and left hoof fluffies
    >Appearently food makes them horny...or maybe just small amounts of zinc
    >Next to Minty and his partner is a large clump of spherical preggers and their attendents giving them 'huggies.'
    >Minty finishes off...and not soon after he expands faster and faster before a cartoonish *POP* emits from him
    >He screams "Tummy make owwies..." as the Herd panics
    >Many of the other non-preggers, now panicing, start popping
    >The popping gets faster and many of the Preggers start sliding out their young in their panic
    >The sound effects stop after a while, internally-busted fluffies dragging themselves to their dead comrades for final 'Huggies.'
    >The newly born starve not long after because most of the mothers had explosive births
    >Very few pregnants are left, you pop them with your BB gun
    >You crunch the remaining mothers and the surviving children under you boots are you walk for the barely-alive Minty
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:26 No.1282312
    >Grave news.
    >The Vet. says your fluffy pony doesn't have much time left. A week, at best.
    >You decide to do it the best way possible.
    >Call your pony into the kitchen.
    >It slowly waddles in.
    >You pick it up and show it the giant pot filled with mariana sauce.
    >It oohhs and ahhhs and slightly drools.
    >You ask "Do you love it?"
    >It replies "....Yes."
    >You know what to do.
    >You dump the pony into the pot.
    >It doesn't struggle.
    >It takes it.
    >Fluffy pony drowns in mariana sauce.
    >You bury the pony in the pot in the backyard.
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)00:26 No.1282317

    >You grab Minty by his scruff-fluff and take him to your home
    >He miraculously survives
    >Minty remembers what you did
    >He is less than friendly with you when you release him
    >Before you let him go, you tell him "Tell any other of you rats that you find that their is a big scary monster who will kill them if they don't leave these lands."
    >Minty gives you a glare filled with an entire species-worth of Hate and Fear before cantering off
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)00:29 No.1282390
    So, opinions? critique? Seething hatred that you need to express?
    Should I continue, or perhaps finish, this?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:30 No.1282407

    I thought Minty's stomach exploded? How does he survive?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:31 No.1282424

    By all means, go ahead.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:32 No.1282449
    I wasted my time reading this.
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)00:32 No.1282451
    Kind of like the man who got turned into a newt.
    He got better.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:32 No.1282456
    Yeah. Hod did Minty survive after having its belly explode? Unless it only gave some super loud fart, which made the entire herd panic.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:33 No.1282483
    thread needs more fluffy pony sex
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)00:54 No.1282982
    How is this:
    He let out a rather large fart instead of having his stomach pop like a balloon because of slightly tougher flesh and a lucky muscle spasm that released the gas before he hit critical mass.
    He still felt pain because of the massive stretching cetera.
    On with the story!

    >You are Artie
    >You've recently cleared your property of the infamously cute and noisy Fluffy Ponies
    >You've also killed all but an Alpha (Or 'Smawty Fwend' in Fluff mud-speak) of a rather large herd of strays by way of making their stomachs explode and letting them bleed out
    >You later nursed this alpha back to health and let it free with a message for any other Fluffs it passes
    >Leave or die painfully

    >Relaxing on your couch, you watch the world pass by through a plasma screen with a tint of media pizzazz
    >War against the Foreignese, Horrible economy, 'What is your favorite variety of Fluf...*Krsht*
    >You flip channels at the mention you those vapid little dust-rags
    >The next news channel shows a helocopter's view of a forest's edge
    >There is a *BREAKING NEWS* message flashing in the bottom right of the screen
    >The newswoman is saying, in a very serious voice: "This mass migration of the National Favorite pet know as 'Fluffy Ponies' is unprecedented. Reports have told of a Fluffy unicorn, said to be the color of toothpaste, wandering the local country gathering masses of these fuzzy equines. He is appearently quite the speaker! And now here wi..."
    >You stop listening to the caster, and look closer at the video feed
    >You know that forest
    >and there are hundreds, if not thousands of pastel horses marching into it
    >Not fearing the helicopters above
    >By Jove and his drunk, ice-scating nephews
    >You begin preparations
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)00:59 No.1283102
    >"Hugs!!" your pone screams at you.
    >You assume she wants to hug.
    >You oblige
    >You hug.
    >She's enjoying the tight hug...but it seems to be getting tighter and tighter...
    >"Stop! Fwuffy hurt!" she yells. Yet you don't stop.
    >She writhes, bites and screams but you don't let up.
    >You hug and hug and hug until her spine breaks.
    >She falls backwards and starts gurgling blood.
    >You lay her down and say goodnight.
    >You find her dead by morning.
    >You did the impossible.
    >You killed with kindness!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:06 No.1283236
    Word. Every time someone posts a story where anon dies or suffers instead of fluffy pony, someone gets butthurt and feels the need to tack on a shitty epilogue where anon manages to turn the tables somehow.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:14 No.1283438
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    If you look closely, you can see the jpeg artifacts where her wings and legs were reattached.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:17 No.1283501
    Seeing as this is a cheap edit made with ms paint, I'd be shocked if people didn't immediately see the drag-and-drop areas.
    >> Fwuffy !coCKhORSes 04/15/12(Sun)01:17 No.1283522
    A monster.
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)01:19 No.1283566
    >After a day and a half of work, you secured the perimeter.
    >Mines, stakes, Spaghetti with Zinc in the parmesan
    >You even convinced two neighbors to help you
    >You offered beer and target practice, they were happy enough to oblige
    >They are named Ringo and Jim
    >Ringo is a large and rotund, but very sturdy. Not the cleverest man, but he could put two and two together
    >Jim is a muscley motherfucker, quiet too
    >They brought their own guns and ammo, and Jimmy brought a few melee implements
    >They were also clients of yours before Minty cleared the forest for you
    >but now he is returning, with force

    Working on Tuesday, it is a long one.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:20 No.1283572
    I remember someone on ponibooru trying to sell that cheap copy-paste knock-off on t-shirts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:20 No.1283580
    This reminds me,
    What became of Fluffyshy? Didn't one anon reboot that whole story?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:21 No.1283594

    This is turning into Night of the Living Fluffy.

    I like, I like.
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)01:26 No.1283739
    >You and your buddies have been waiting for an entire day for the fluffs to come
    >Well here they are
    >At first, you see birds flying off in droves in the distance
    >Then, you hear the childish rubbish-speak on the wind
    >They are excited to be defeating a 'munsta'
    >There is a knock on the door
    >You answer, and to your surprise there is a large crowd
    >Maybe fifty to seventy people
    >There are two people right by the door
    >One is horrendously skinny and hairy, wearing tie-dye
    >A massive hippy, carrying a sign
    >He is yelling at you, telling you not to hurt the poor defenseless ponies
    >You throw a taxidermy Pregnant Fluff at him and tell him to fuck off
    >The second person is a woman, shotgun in hand
    >She asks if she and her people may join out party
    >You accept, the more the merrier
    >When you return to the watchtower/hill thing you hear the first explosion
    >There are more explosions as the hundreds of most-likely-illegal explosives and mines you set out there go off
    >You can see pastel fluff flying above the trees
    >You can now see the first lucky horsefucker get though the minefield of improvised explosives
    >It wasn't expecting the spikes
    >There is a loud squelch as it impales itself, it cries in pain as best it can and bleeds out
    >More come through
    >Corpses are gonna take a while to stack up...
    >> Francis 04/15/12(Sun)01:35 No.1283923
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    I hate Fluffy Pony Threads
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:37 No.1283946
    Don't care for the trip or the new picture.
    Don't mess with success, Francis.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:41 No.1284032

    >You are Francis.
    >You hate all things fluffy pony, especially the threads.
    >One day, during your usual hatred of all things, a fluffy pony thread asks "Wanna wead mah stowies?"
    >You say nothing, save for "I hate fluffy pony threads."
    >The fluffy pony thread squeals "But wead dem, dey funneh!"
    >You post again, sageing and calling OP a faggot.
    >The fluffy pony thread dejectedly says "Okay mistuh..." and walks away.
    >You watch it leave, head hanging down and say

    I hate fluffy pony threads...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:42 No.1284049

    Wow those are a lot of posts. Seems goods by the looks of it.

    Could you compile your stories and post in a pastebin?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:52 No.1284287
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)01:55 No.1284357
    Sounds like an idea

    Here is Tuesday evening, After the party will be posted after that considering the length of Tuesday Evening.

    Tuesday Evening
    >The dead Fluffs have stacked up to nullify the spikes and allow the rest to get over
    >They are too happy for what is going on
    >They should be scared and defecating all over eachother
    >Minty has been busy
    >Very. Busy.
    >Your allies begin to open fire
    >Fluffs popping left and right
    >You note the lack of the pregnant Fluffs you saw on that newscast
    >They must be setting up for a siege
    >You start doing the thing you did when first killing these squeaky bastards
    >Letting off screaming shells, killing and injuring many with each explosion
    >No ammo
    >Your newfound buddies are having enough fun smashing the fluffs with their implements
    >Or even their own hands, in the case of Jim
    >You sit back and sip a beer before join in the fray
    >The assault has tapered off a lot, stragglers are all that are left in view
    >You can here the sounds of fluffy families in the forest, even over the sounds of a fluffy-smashing party
    >Taking Jim and Ringo with you, you tell the others to round about the other sides
    >Flanking, no escapees
    >As you near the staging area of the Fluffies, you see their normal activities going on
    >With Minty in the middle
    >With a rebel yell, you and your comrades stomp the encampent with specially prepared cleat-boots
    >You grab Minty and hold him up to your eyes
    >You hiss at him "You FAILED your mission."
    >Minty gets shoved into a cat carrier
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)01:56 No.1284375
    >Cleaning the gore off of you pants was a less than fun experience
    >You have Minty tied up in a spike room
    >You force fed him a zinc tablet hours ago
    >He is swollen and still in the middle of the room, moaning
    >You come in and give him a swift kick into a bed of nails
    >The kick pops his stomach
    >The nails impale him
    >The force of hitting the nails breaks his bones
    >You sleep like a baby thanks to the gurgling and moans of Minty
    >Maybe you should start breeding these disgusting creatures...
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)02:01 No.1284495
    Here is my pastebin, fresh of the presses too:
    I will update it with whatever I write.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:09 No.1284637
    >Dead of night. All was silent...
    >Until the SWAT team kicked in your door.
    >Your foolish fluffy pony scampers towards the ruckus and yells "New fwends?"
    >Apparently not.
    >One of the SWAT teammates yells "LOOKOUT!!!"
    >Everyone starts shooting at your poor pone.
    >They make fucking mince meat out of it.
    >They find you, hiding up stairs. The beat the living shit out of you.
    >As it turns out, they got their directions wrong and entered the wrong home.
    >You get no apology.
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)02:13 No.1284724

    >American justice
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:19 No.1284830
    >It is the second day of cleaning the large research facilities.
    >Boss tells everyone to be on the look out for more books from the field researcher.
    >Even your boss is interested in his studies after yesterday.
    >You are dusting some stacked desks when you spot a open drawer.
    >Another journal from the researcher.
    >You call everyone over and begin to read as the boss calls lunch break.
    >As it pains me to say this as a researcher, I myself do not own a Fluffy pony.
    >As said in my last entry, my opinion of them has decreased dramatically.
    >I am still 100% certain in the fact that they are selfish little beasts and will betray thousands of their own kind if it means they don't so much as fall over and get a bruise on their nose.
    >Professor [REDACTED] has asked me and two others to do lab experiments this week instead of going out to find herds or strays.
    >I reluctantly accept, I enjoy my time out in the wild but a job is a job.
    >Several Fluffy Ponies are donated to our facility by a local adoption center.
    >Most have been abandoned by their original owners, but some are labelled as strays.
    >I am taken aback to realize that one of the fluffy Ponies was a survivor from the herd that was torn asunder by coyotes last week.
    >He seems more confused than scared, which is a nice trait to not have them defecate all over the equipment.
    >Time to get to work.
    >> Mysteries of Happiness Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:26 No.1284970


    >Be fluffy pone
    >You're with a smarty friend, just two bros
    >He always knows what to do
    >You guys spot a herd up ahead
    >Fwens! Hugsies!
    >But smarty friend tells you to hide in some bushes.
    >Smarty hides with you
    >He calls out to them:
    >"Giwl fwuffie come here. Food for yoo."
    >You look around for food, but there is none
    >Where numnums?
    >Smarty tells you to be quiet
    >His voice is angry
    >No like
    >Feels bad
    >But some new friends approach, intrigued
    >"Giwl fwuffie onwy!" says smarty. "Othew fwuffie go 'way!"
    >Some of the ponies stop, confused
    >Others keep coming
    >Soon the bush is filled with new friends!
    >Fwens! Hugsies!
    >You hug one of the new fluffies. She's very soft.
    >You look over at Smarty
    >He's doing something to one of the fluffies
    >He's behind her and moving strangely!
    >Wawt yoo doing?
    >Smarty tells you to be quiet
    >You go back to hugsies
    >You decide to try what smarty is doing
    >> Mysteries of Happiness Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:26 No.1284984


    >You get behind your new friend and start doing the same thing
    >You get a strange feeling -
    >This is unlike anything you've ever felt!
    >You feel so happy!
    >So soft and warm! Love!
    >You move faster
    >Something pulls at your back
    >You get thrown off
    >The happiness ends
    >"Hwey! Wawt that fow?" You cry, turning
    >It's smarty
    >He slaps you, hard
    >"Not fow yoo," he says. "No do again! Or smawty give ouchies!"
    >You try not to cry
    >You go back to hugsies with your friend
    >She's very nice and warm
    >You watch as smarty starts up the strange happy movements again
    >You don't understand
    >Soon enough he comes back around again
    >He shoves you off of your friend
    >Does the same movements to her
    >When he finishes, he drags you out of the bush
    >He looks tired, but happy
    >"Come on, smawty hungwy! Wets find gwasses!"
    >>You follow along behind
    >>Smarty friend always knows what to do
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:29 No.1285042
    >As usual with our research, its very freeform.
    >We find strange behaviors in the Fluffy's and delve deeper on it.
    >Our first head scratcher was their eating habits.
    >I put the former herd pony in the testing area alone, it would probably work better for the test.
    >He kept screaming 'monster! monster!' when I lifted him from the ground, the shrieks were as usual, practically head splitting.
    >The room had a certain brand of kibbles designed for Fluffy Ponies.
    >"Thats food." I informed him through the speakers.
    >He stared down the bowl of kibbles for a few minutes before approaching it.
    >He took one bite and then began consuming it with the same regard a cow would have for cud.
    >After a few minutes I entered through another door and left a bowl of spaghetti across the room.
    >I left the room and the smell of spaghetti finally reached the Fluffy Ponies nose.
    >He perked up and immediately found it sitting across the room.
    >He made a mad dash for it, yelling happily about spaghetti (Or just repeating 'sketti's!" over and over).
    >It was like some kind of spaghetti blood bath, he chowed down eagerly and smacked his lips with every bite. In between each mouthfuls he kept praising how good spaghetti is and how happy his stomach is.
    >This baffled me and my partner, how could a herd Pony that lives out in the wild know anything about spaghetti?
    >What is it about these noodles that attracts Fluffy Ponies?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:41 No.1285299
    I love these. I respectfully request more.
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)02:42 No.1285309
    I will fulfill the earlier request for more Fluff sex, since Fluff breeding is what Artie is gonna do next.
    >> Artie 04/15/12(Sun)02:45 No.1285394
    >Your name is Artie
    >You hate Fluffy Ponies with a passion
    >They are only good for begin killed
    >You've proven that enough with your previous ventures
    >You have also noted that you sleep better when Fluffs are screaming in pain
    >A plan hatches in your brain
    >You prepare the materials
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:47 No.1285430
    >My next test is on another Earth Fluffy as they are called.
    >I am put in the room alone with the little beast to if there are any variations to reactions outside of the usual.
    >The Fluffy Pony spots me right away and as expected, cling to my leg like I'm its life line to survival.
    >It calls me its 'new daddy' and says it will love me forever. I would be touched if it didn't do this to every single human being it comes across.
    >I am very gentle with the creature, allowing it to give me hugs and stroking its fluffy like you would a cat.
    >I'm being honest when I say that it is quite relaxing, its no wonder why people enjoy having them as pets.
    >After about a hour of playing and cuddling with the Fluffy, my partner tells me it time to be a little unorthodox.
    >As planned, I begin to ignore the little beast and move around the room as if I am minding my own business.
    >It first asks me why I'm not hugging it anymore, and then why I am not playing.
    >I continue to ignore it as it repeats the same questions and different volumes over and over for 20 minutes.
    >At the 21 minute mark it becomes aggressive to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:48 No.1285444
    >It begins to scream and pout and throw fits that would make a small child feel embarrassed.
    >It hops up and down screaming "hugs! Hugs!" over and over at me before beginning to bawl its eyes out.
    >I look towards the observation room, my partner nods, informing me to continue with the experiment.
    >The fluffy Pony is suddenly not so cute any more, its face is covered in tears and snot and its constantly screaming at me to pay attention to it.
    >At the hour mark, its a blubbering, tear soaked mess.
    >It calls me a "Stupid daddy" and is now threatening me with harm and other inconveniences.
    >It slams its front hooves into the side of my leg over and over, which tickles at worst and kind of feels good at best.
    >After it believes it has taught me a lesson, the creature empties its bowels on my shoe so i no longer "smell pretty".
    >After it believes I have learned my..Ahem...lesson, it demands that I play and cuddle or it will repeat its crimes against me.
    >I give my partner a dissatisfied look and he nods, trying to withhold his laughter.
    >I kneel down and pinch the Fluffy's cheeks between two of my fingers with enough force to harm it.
    >It shrieks and begins to cry once again, begging me to stop and asking me why I am hurting it if its a good Fluffy.
    >I am beginning to see why fluffy abuse is somewhat of a pandemic.
    >After two minutes of pinching its cheek, I let go and the Fluffy flee's from me as fast as it tiny legs can take it, I leave the room as it sulks in the corner.
    >This has fortified my opinion that these creatures are nothing but selfish.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)02:58 No.1285642
    Anybody here save the thread that got deleted?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:03 No.1285754
    >Our next study was a fairly simple one.
    >I put two female fluffy ponies in the observation room.
    >From what I understand, these Fluffy's have never met or even heard each others voices, even with their time together at the adoption center.
    >We put them in the room with their backs facing one another.
    >As soon as they decide to stop facing the wall, they instantly see one another, yell "New friend! New friend!" at each other and charge as fast as they can.
    >They immediately embrace in a hug, followed by informing one another about how cute and how good of a fluffy they are, followed by more hugging.
    >Once this weird ritual is over, they begin to play games, usually tag or hide in plain sight. They seem to get frustrated that closing their eyes doesn't make them invisible from one another.
    >We watch for a good 45 minutes before I give my partner the go ahead.
    >He nods and turns on the speakers.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:03 No.1285765
    >"You are a stupid Fluffy" he says in his normal voice, not bothering to act in anyway.
    >The pink unicorn perks its head up, trying to find the source of the noise, but the yellow pegasus doesn't seem to happy.
    >She begins to blame the unicorn for the insult, tears rolling down her cheeks as she screams questions at the unicorn, "Why did you call me stupid?" "Why did you hurt my feelings!"
    >The unicorn obviously doesn't know what the pegasus is talking about, which serves to enrage her even further.
    >She attacks the unicorn, head butting her at the side and pressing against her with her hooves over and over.
    >The unicorn begins to cry and retaliate, they two fight it out, hoofing and biting (Its more like nibbling lightly on one anothers ears) and head butting for 5 solid minutes.
    >After that, they begin cry at the top of their lungs for ten minutes and fifteen seconds, and once they are done they each claim a side of the room, mumbling about how bad of a fluffy the other is.
    >Vindictive little bastards, I'll give them that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:04 No.1285778
    May I have more?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:17 No.1285980
    >The day was coming to a close, and our final test was at hand.
    >In our final test, we wanted to see how far the Fluffy Pony pack mentality would go.
    >we put all of the Fluffy ponies into the observation area, they seemed to have already forgotten their little run ins, the earth pony was already asking where I was because it wanted to play, and the Unicorn and Pegasus had returned to hugging one another and being friends.
    >They all did the usual, even the former herd fluffy was hugging and talking about how great of friends they all were.
    >We already knew how easy their bonds would snap if there was a danger nearby, but how attached are they to one another if there is no outside threat?
    >My partner entered the room and they immediately swarmed him, all except the herd pony.
    >As they all vied for hugs and play time, my partner singled out the herd pony.
    >"That is a bad Fluffy!" he stated, pointing at it.
    >With nothing else, he left the room.
    >The Fluffy's were frozen in place before turning to the former herd fluffy with anger in their little eyes.
    >They swarmed the fluffy, screaming insults (You are a bad bad Fluffy!" "Stupid fluffy! Nobody likes you!" etc) and not giving him any opportunity to get away.
    >They blamed him because my partner would not stop to play with them, and every time the herd fluffy managed to escape their little lynch circle they simply followed him.
    >Not even a minute into the onslaught of insults and he was in tears.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:21 No.1286055
    Well, they are females after all.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:22 No.1286065
    >We watched as the herd fluffy cowered, the rest still screaming about how much they hate him at the top of their lungs.
    >I felt sorry for the little critter, but a few moments later I felt even worse.
    >They all decided that since my partner was not in the room with them, that it was their job to punish the herd Fluffy.
    >"Oh shit..." My partner whispered under his breath.
    >The herd fluffy backed into the corner as far as he could, pleading for mercy before babbling incoherently in fear.
    >He soiled himself and the crowed used that for even more fodder, screaming that the reason my partner would not return is because he didn't 'smell pretty'.
    >What I witnessed next was like a group of predators tearing away at a single prey.
    >The herd fluffy shrieked for help and screamed for mercy as the others beat him mercilessly.
    >Two bit and tugged at each ear while the rest trampled him with their hooves.
    >"He's actually fucking bleeding!" I called out as we looked on, we don't know how they were doing it, but this was more viciousness and power than fluffy's usually portray.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:28 No.1286160
    >It was at this point that my partner had seen enough.
    >He grabbed the nearby broom and we both entered the observation.
    >One of them spotted us and a bright smile beamed across his face.
    >"See! See!" he told us happily, "We punished the bad fluffy for you! we're good fluffy's!"
    >My partner took a swing at him with the end of the broom, his yelps of pain filled the ears of the rest of the fluffy's, who were still viciously beating away at the herd fluffy.
    >They all screamed in absolute terror, begging to not "get the sorry stick!" because they were doing good.
    >My partner would have none of it, and began to swing into the crowed with his broom again, smacking them away as I grabbed the herd fluffy.
    >At this point, I believe the herd fluffy stopped seeing me as a monster and more like a care taker that the usual Fluffy pony would see me as.
    >He buried his bruised, bloody face into my lab coat as I carried him out of the room.
    >My partner took about another five minutes in the observation room, taking a good smack at a Fluffy who aproached him for hugs. Sometimes he even went out of his way to chase one just so he can give it a smack.
    >he left the screaming and crying fluffy's in the observation room as we examined the herd fluffy's injuries.
    >Two ripped ear lobes, eyes swollen shut, many teeth missing, broken nose, cracked ribs how the fluffy's could ever do something like this was far beyond us.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:29 No.1286187
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:31 No.1286211
    Is it really that different from what humans do to each other?
    Anyway, bring it home.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:31 No.1286214
    Why let your emotions interfere with science?!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:32 No.1286232
    >Our in-staff vet, doctor [REDACTED] said that he should be able to make recovery's after some time, but it would be wise not to allow them to take him back to the adoption center.
    >We didn't know exactly how fast word spreads within large groups of Fluffy's but the last thing this poor little bastard needs is a even bigger beating.
    >We decided to 'adopt' him per say, and keep him within the facility.
    >The rest we happily got rid of, handing them back to the adoption center care takers.
    >Although I have decided that what little love I did have for the beasts is all but gone, I would treat the herd pony differently.
    >As of right now, he has no name, we are waiting for him to make some form of recovery before we name him.
    >This is the last segment of this particular studies journal, I am unaware of my next assignment.
    >The journal ends there.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:32 No.1286233
    Ohh, that could be a good final line.
    "I wonder who the real munsta truly are?"
    >> StrangeCreed 04/15/12(Sun)03:36 No.1286292
    >you are a gentle man of even temper
    >...who is a goddamn Czar Bomba when he snaps
    >midway on a journey of your life, you find yourself within a forest park
    >the straightforward path had been lost, so you search for directions with your phone
    >as you tap on your digital sextant, you hear the soft "pap" of hooves on concrete
    >you prepare for maximum annoyance as a herd of feral fluffy ponies tries their best to harass you
    >when the sun goes down these little bastards do their best to act like they own the park
    >the groundskeepers tolerate them because they make the grass very lush and actually have driven out some pests
    >still, they've given guests free reign to grease them if they so much as look at you sideways
    >you opt to ignore them as they take potshots at your legs, still trying to find a good route home, maybe pick up some take-out
    >their little leader is adorable, trying to scare you with puffed up cheeks and little wings stretched out
    >it's all terribly funny until a unicorn actually 'gores' with enough force to hurt your shin a little
    >you bend down the rub it, gently shoving them to the side
    >their little chieftain however buzzes those wings and manages to knock the phone from your hand
    >it makes an ultimatum to the best of his ability, "munsta go! Gwassis fwuffies' now!"
    >you try to explain your predicament, but he doesn't understand that your not leaving without the phone
    >somehow it makes the wrong connection, and stomps the screen in, before demanding you leave
    >at this point, the wrath you feel for this little moron is like a star growing in your belly, but you try to stay placid
    >your happy place is a calm stream in the rocky mountains, with just the crisp air and the babbling of water over rocks
    >then one of them gleefully shits on your shoe, and the bomb is dropped
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:38 No.1286320
    "I will punish you!" said the human and he punched the fluffy. The fluffy cried and tried to get away. But then the ceiling fell and the fluffy was trapped and not able to get away. "No! I must kill the munsta!" the fluffy shouted. The radio said "No fluffy, you are the munsta." And then fluffy pony drowned.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)03:53 No.1286554
    >Fluffy pony hears waves crashing against the land.
    >Fluffy pony drowns.
    >> StrangeCreed 04/15/12(Sun)04:15 No.1286809
    >you reach down and grab the offending little shit and you force your arm down its narrow throat, but her shredded esophagus is but a prelude
    >within her tiny stomach, your fingers tear through the delicate lining and find purchase on most of its internal organs, and with a mighty pull, a fountain of blood and viscera comes out of the husk with your clenched fist
    >you dive roll onto the mass, crushing many of the awestruck ponies that dared assail you, and taking their leader into your grip
    >they scatter, but with the adrenaline and fury coursing through you, you are a tornado as you grab what you guess was their leader's second, fingers crushing bones and organs like peanut brittle frame around grapes
    >held aloft, their little "smarty friend" is singing the dirge of his tribe's adults in tear-soaked wails
    >with fist, foot, and the occasional thrown stone, you have slain an entire clan of feral ponies while their leader struggles to provide enough terror-waste to express himself
    >you demand of sobbing ball of fluff his dams and foals, refusing to answer until you even begin to lay your hand on his madly buzzing wing, and he leads you to them, fast asleep
    >fortune has given you an abandoned shopping cart
    >you start loading them into the cart as they scream, some going into labor, but you do not stop despite the now squeaking, helpless young falling through the metal bars
    >once they're all loaded on, you pick them up with your unengaged left hand, their mothers begging your mercy
    >you look into your captive's eyes, his eyes pink from constant tears, his followers' blood crusting on his fluff
    >one of the foals attempts to blindly suckle your finger as a toothy smile splits your lips, and you feel him try to shake out another spurt of brown liquid fear
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:25 No.1286889
    >Do an experiment.
    >Drug your fluffy pony, shave her belly and cut it open.
    >Feed her spaghetti
    >Taken the fed spaghetti and feed it to her again.
    >Continue this process.
    >You no longer have to buy Fluffy Chow or make spaghetti.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)04:36 No.1286974
    Fluffy ponies + troll logic.

    >> StrangeCreed 04/15/12(Sun)04:43 No.1287044
    >they recoil in terror as your arm goes down into the cart, but does not do so to wound, only gently offering the dropped young
    >the dams quickly forget their fear as they warmly cuddle their foals that quickly burrow into find a nipple
    >their leader is still too gripped by fear to even notice this and thrashes in ignorance
    >you strap his stupid ass into the child's seat and start pushing, and you somehow manage to get directions from a wandering bum despite the thick coat of blood on your jacket
    >the mares seem to enjoy the ride, but the off-white fluffy pegasus continues to struggle
    >he is still thrashing when you give the mares and their squirming spawn to a very off-put young lady at an adoption center
    >when she asks about the former leader, you inform her that you're going to keep him
    >this makes his thrashing more violent, but the woman frankly doesn't give a shit
    >along the way back, you grab a big fuckin' order of Chinese, since flipping your shit is always hungry work
    >home sweet home, and he is catatonic when you start to wash the blood from his coat and yours
    >in a little bowl you give him a bit of veggie lo mein and you both begin to eat as you explain the rules of the house hold
    >his name is now Valdemar, and he is the third fluffy pony you have acquired like this
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)05:06 No.1287296

    Do fluffies have actual hooves? Or are they just meaty little flesh stubs?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:08 No.1287318
    I like to think their 'hooves' are like marshmallows that have been left out of the bag overnight.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:09 No.1287326
    Depends on the writer.
    But most of the stories I've read say they have meat stubs.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:17 No.1287414

    If they have hooves on the ends of their little marshmallow legs, they're probably about as thick and durable as a fingernail.
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)05:40 No.1287695
    Incoming mindless fluffybuse
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)05:41 No.1287706
    >"Sketties!" Your fluffy shouts
    >You are sitting on the couch in your living room, trying to enjoy a drink and watch some news
    >"Sketties!" it shouts again
    >You try to ignore it, turning up the volume on your TV
    >"Wan' sketties!" the fluffy cries out, trying to walk into your field of view
    >"Go away, I'm watching television" you tell it
    >"Bu' fwuffy wan' sketties!" it insists, trying to shout over the television
    >"I said, go away! Don't make me get angry you little turd." You growl at it
    >Her eyes water up and she stares at you, trying to influence you into getting her spaghetti
    >"Don't look at me like that..." you speak in a lower tone
    >"Aww fwuffy wan is sketties... Pwease give fwuffy sketties?" she whimpers
    >You groan loudly and pause the television, standing up
    >The fluffy's eyes dry up immediately as he realizes you're going to give her what she wants
    >"You want spaghetti?" you ask her in an irritated tone
    >"Fwuffy wan' sketties! Fwuffy wan sketties!" she cheers as she hops in circles around you
    >"Come on then!" You grunt as you head into your kitchen
    >She gleefully follows you as you approach the door leading to the backyard
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)05:42 No.1287711
    >"Now listen carefully" you explain "We don't have any spaghetti, but I know where you can get some!"
    >She looks up at you with wide eyes, excited for her delicious meal
    >You open the back door, and point over to a tree
    >Under the tree appears to be a bee's nest that had fallen out, and bees were swarming all over it
    >"You see that little sack?" you ask as you point your finger to the bee's next
    >"Fwuffy see! Fwuffy see!" she cheers happily
    >"Charge into that thing as fast as you can and tear it open with all your might, and you'll have more spaghetti than you could ever imagine!" you assure her with a chipper tone
    >"Yay sketties! Sketties!" She cheers, running out the back door
    >"Fank 'ou daddy! Fwuffy wuv 'ou!" you hear her shout as you roll your eyes and close the glass door
    >She rushes in and tackles the nest, tumbling over onto her back and giggling "Sketties fo' fwuffies now, pwease!" she asks happily
    >The bees on the other hand are less than happy on this out right assault on their home
    >Wow, she did it, she actually did it. What an absolute idiot
    >She stops giggling as she hears the loud buzzing, looking up she notices the swarm of bees "Sketties?" she whimpers nervously
    >The bees definitely have something for the nervous fluffy, but it isn't delicious Italian pasta
    >> Bees! Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)05:43 No.1287716
    >The bees swarm down onto the fluffy and immediately begin trying to sting her
    >Most of them just hit fluff and buzz back, trying to find a week spot
    >She relaxes an giggles nervously as they swarm around her fluff
    >The giggling is cut off as a bee finds a week spot, her face
    >"Ouchies! Why buzzy fwen's huwt fwuffy!?" she yelps, shaking her head violently
    >The shaking only pisses them off further, and they now understand that her head is the week point
    >The bees are now swarming around her face, stinging her repeatedly "Ouchies! Stop huwting fwuffy now pwease!" she cries out, running around
    >The stinging continues "Daddy! Hewp fwuffy! No sketties! Onwy ouchies!" she calls out for your help as she sprints around the yard
    >The bees continue to sting her in the face, and she gets more and more desperate, trying to swipe them off her face with her tiny hooves
    >She runs up to the door, shrieking "Hewp fwuffy, daddy! Save fwuffy!" she screams as she runs to your legs
    >BAM! she runs face first into the glass door and falls back onto her butt, her nose bleeding
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)05:44 No.1287734
    >She's sobbing her eyes out at this point, and the bees continue to sting her face "Ooowwiiies! Aww fwuffy wan' was sketties! Why big ouchies on fwuffy face!? Pwease hewp fwuffy!" she cries desperately as she sits there, taking the pain
    >No way in hell are you opening the door for that little turd and letting all those damn bees in, no sir
    >She scratches at the door, desperately begging you to let her in "Pwease wet fwuffy in! Fwuffy sowwy! Wuv 'ou! Pwease wet in daddy! Fwuffy be good!" she cries desperately
    >You shake your head, talking to her through the glass "Didn't you want spaghetti?"
    >"Fwuffy wan' sketties pwease! No wan' dis! We fwuffy in an' give sketties, pwease!" she pleads
    >"I told you, you need to get the spaghetti from that bag! It's all we have for fluffy food." you lie
    >"Pwease hewp fwuffy get ske-" her sentence is cut off by her own painful scream of terror
    >A bee has stung her directly in one of her big sappy eyes, and she has fallen onto the ground sobbing in terror "WHY BIG OUCHIES?! WHA' FWUFFY DO!? ONWY WAN' SKETTIES! PWEASE HEWP! FWUFFY HUWT!" she sobs in pain, she's probably gone blind in that eye
    >You shake your head and leave the kitchen, time for some TV
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)05:45 No.1287744
    >The screaming dies down after about 20 minutes, and you get up to check on her
    >She's up against the door, littered in bee corpses, her face and hooves are puffed up like balloons, and her cheeks are absolutely soaked in tears
    >The bees are all either dead or gone, so you slowly slide open the door and kneel down "Did you get the spaghetti?" you ask
    >"F-...Fwuffy huwt... Pwease hewp fwuffy..." she whimpers desperately
    >"I asked you a question, did you get the spaghetti?"
    >"N-...No sketties... Onwy ouchies..." she sniffles
    >You snatch her by the fluff and bring her inside "Then I guess you go hungry tonight." you tell her
    >"Whaa'? Pwease no! Fwuffy need foodies! Fwuffy hungwy! Need foodsies and huggies! Fwuffy huwt! Need huggies make bettew!" she begs
    >"No! You insisted on spaghetti, and since you couldn't get it, you have to go hungry" you tell her as you walk up to the 4 foot gate leading to her safety room
    >"Pwease give fwuffy huggies and sketties!" she begs one last time before you drop her inside
    >She screams in terror as she lands on the floor, right on her horribly stung up face
    >"Why daddy no give fwuffy huggies?!" she asks nobody in particular as you close the door and turn the lights off inside
    >You can hear her sobbing through the door as you go to the kitchen and fix yourself a steak
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)05:49 No.1287786
    >Not my best work, but I'm trying to push through a major writer's block
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:50 No.1287801

    's good enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)05:51 No.1287810
    >Pregnant fluffy
    >Pregnant for some time now, almost due to give birth.
    >Suddenly, she wails.
    >"B-b-b-big poopies!"
    >You yell
    >"Her water broke! Her water broke!"
    >You shouldn't have done that.
    >Fetus and fluffy drown.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:02 No.1287897
    I hate trying to push through writer's block. they cause some serious constipation.

    It wasn't your best (cliche comment) Fluffy Writer, but i still enjoyed it. Keep up the good work. If you want to (Fluttershy voice)
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)06:06 No.1287923

    You can bet I'm trying my hardest to push through this block!

    Always nice to know I have such supportive fans.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:07 No.1287928
    Got a story I wrote a few days back but never posted.

    Postan now.
    >> Skyward Ho! Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:08 No.1287934
    >Urban exploring a huge construction site after a rain
    >The storm just let up yesterday
    >It had been raining nonstop for a week
    >The ground is still soaked and there are huge puddles everywhere so work can't proceed.
    >You've got the place all to yourself.
    >You spy a stack of 6" pipe and some fittings.
    >That shit is near impossible to find at home improvement stores.
    >You get an idea.
    >You stuff a reducing coupler in your backpack now and come back later and make off with a length of pipe like a smooth criminal.
    >You've got other shit in your life but after a few weeks you get around to building what you had in mind.
    >It is magnificent.
    >You've made air cannons before, but this is a masterpiece.
    >A pneumatic cannon that uses a 4" air chamber fired through a custom-built 4" pneumatically actuated sliding piston valve.
    >It's a "compact" over-under design with a 4 foot long, six-inch diameter barrel.
    >Fully charged, this baby'll throw a 2 liter soda bottle 150 yards.
    >You fuck around with it for a while in your back yard, sending old nerf whistler footballs to space and shit.
    >Shit is pretty cash.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:09 No.1287939

    >The next day you find a fluffy pony pawing at your door.
    >Must have been abandoned. It probably thinks this is it's house since it's too dumb to tell the difference.
    >You can't stand the things, though. Never had a concrete reason why, it's probably just something about the way they move and talk, or how dumb they are, or their stupid sense of entitlement.
    >You don't have a problem with normal animals, but fluffy ponies just kind of get to you.
    >You take a closer look at fluffy pony.
    >It is, obviously, pretty fluffy.
    >Wonder how big around it is without all that fluff.
    >About six inches, you wager.
    >There's something rather pertinent about that number.
    >if you could just put your finger on it...
    >Ah, who're you kidding, you're going to shoot this fucker out of the cannon and that is pretty much all there is to say on the matter.
    >You open the door a bit and the fluffy pony rushes in.
    >"Owside scawy! No weave fwuffy!"
    >You pick up the ball of fluff as it tries to run past you and hold it up to your face
    >Only then does it realize that you are not his owner.
    >"New fwiend?" it asks confusedly
    >"Do you like to go fast, little guy?" You ask it
    >"Fwffy wike wunnig!"
    >You don't speak retard, so you take that for a yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:11 No.1287950

    >The next day you find a fluffy pony pawing at your door.
    >Must have been abandoned. It probably thinks this is it's house since it's too dumb to tell the difference.
    >You can't stand the things, though. Never had a concrete reason why, it's probably just something about the way they move and talk, or how dumb they are, or their stupid sense of entitlement.
    >You don't have a problem with normal animals, but fluffy ponies just kind of get to you.
    >You take a closer look at fluffy pony.
    >It is, obviously, pretty fluffy.
    >Wonder how big around it is without all that fluff.
    >About six inches, you wager.
    >There's something rather pertinent about that number.
    >if you could just put your finger on it...
    >Ah, who're you kidding, you're going to shoot this fucker out of the cannon and that is pretty much all there is to say on the matter.
    >You open the door a bit and the fluffy pony rushes in.
    >"Owside scawy! No weave fwuffy!"
    >You pick up the ball of fluff as it tries to run past you and hold it up to your face
    >Only then does it realize that you are not his owner.
    >"New fwiend?" it asks confusedly
    >"Do you like to go fast, little guy?" You ask it
    >"Fwffy wike wunnig!"
    >You don't speak retard, so you take that for a yes.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:12 No.1287953

    >You post free plans for simplified versions on the internet in pneumatic and combustion flavors, and offer to sell plans or completed cannons.
    >You make a few dozen sales in the next couple years, netting you a decent bit of hobby cash in your time off.
    >Many more people build their own cannons using your free plans, a few even send you pictures, which you post on your site.
    >One day you're watching the Learning Channel.
    >It's a show about a new annual event in rural kentucky. Apparently they're using catapults and cannons to lob fluffy ponies, going for distance.
    >Many of the teams in the pneumatic cannon division of the contest cite your website as an inspiration.
    >You're so proud.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:13 No.1287962

    Whoops, that's the wrong post.

    Disregard that and read this one first:

    >You take the fluffy pony to your workshop and put it in a cardboard box
    >You turn on the shop air compressor and wait for the pressure to build.
    >The loud noise terrifies the fluffy pony, but thankfully you can't hear it over the machinery.
    >You charge the cannon's air resivoir to full and go back for your ammunition du jour.
    >Fluffy pony has shtat the box, and is curled up in the far corner, still terrified from the noise
    >Words of comfort would be wasted at this point so you just pick it up and shove it down the cannon's muzzle ass-first
    >"Fwuffy no wike dis!" it whines"
    >You ram a length of 1" pipe right into it's face and push it down to the back of the barrel. It starts crying in pain, you probably got it in an eye.
    >Loading sequence complete, you may fire when ready commander.
    >You aim for a stout tree.
    >Fluffy pony gets about a second to sob to itself before you squeeze the trigger on the shop air gun that serves as the first stage of the valve trigger.
    >*FWA-BLAM* roars the pneumatic launcher
    >The fluffy pony all but disintigrates on impact sending wet masses of gore off to the sides
    >The tree's bark has not sustained noticible damage, but it is stained with blood and there is a tooth stuck into it
    >Test fire successful.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:14 No.1287972
    >Live in a house field in the middle of nowhere
    >It's actually kind of nice and peaceful
    >Until fluffy herds come along
    >One day, you wake up to the sound of cracking wood outside
    >Look out the bedroom window
    >A bunch of fluffy ponies have nudged your old rocking chair off your porch and broken it into planks and pegs
    >It was a really old rocking chair, and your porch is a few feet off the ground, which is covered in rocks, okay?
    >Go outside
    >The moment it sees you, the leader fluffy, a gray earth pony, puffs out its cheeks and glares at you
    >The herd follows suit
    >"go 'way, munsta! this fwuffy pway pwace now!"
    >You don't move and they don't move
    >"munsta no wisten? munsta dum?" the leader says
    >It punctuates the statement with a headbutt to the shin
    >"fwuffy pwace now!"
    >You look over to your broken chair
    >The chair your carpenter father made you as a wedding gift
    "The fuck is this?" you ask and point to the chair.
    >"swingy wood munsta in fwuffy pwace! we make swingy munsta go 'way!"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:15 No.1287980
    >You make your way over to the busted remains of the chair
    >One fluffy gets in your way and tries its darndest to look menacing
    >You lightly punt it out of the way
    >"owwies! meanie munsta huwt fwuffy! smawty fwiend help!"
    >The leader charges at you on its little marshmallow hooves
    >By now, you've grabbed a chair leg from the pile of wood
    >It's about as thick as two of your fingers and splintered on one end
    >The fluffy is upon you
    >And you bat it right into the floor
    >"owwies! fwuffy sowwy! fwuffy be good now!"
    >Self-serving little piece of shit
    >And, given the average fluffy pony memory, a fucking liar too
    >The herd hasn't gotten the message yet, though
    >They're still puffing out their cheeks at you and telling you to "stop huwt smawty fwiend or we give you ouchies!"
    >You need to make an example
    >You pick up the leader fluffy by its torso with your unoccupied hand
    >Little bastard's been getting first pick of the food and getting big because of it
    >You need to dig your fingers into the skin to pick it up
    >You break the skin and it starts bleeding
    >"owwies! pwease no huwt! fwuffy be good now!"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:16 No.1287992
    >Lying little sack of shit.
    >You drive the chair leg, splintered end first, into the pony's rear end
    >Little spurt of blood, big squeal of pain
    >You start driving it in further, but it's hard given the leg's thickness and the pony's size
    >Oh well, better try harder.
    >You start twisting the leg inside the pony to grind useless internal organs out of the way to make a path for the leg
    >The leg makes it into the pony, inch by inch (or centimeter by centimeter, whichever you prefer)
    >You try not to puncture the lungs and heart
    >Wouldn't want it dying on us before we let it, now would we?
    >The pony's scream turns more and more into a gurgle
    >By now, the other ponies have sort of realized what you're doing
    >They start cowering and hugging each other
    >It doesn't occur to them to run
    >You make your way down the porch and to a patch of relatively soft dirt, barely-alive-fluffy-on-a-stick in hand
    >The fluffies keep their trembling, tearing eyes on you
    >You bury the stick into the dirt while the fluffy on top of it twitches every so often
    >Turn back to the rest of the herd
    >Nine of them
    >Still hugging each other and shitting themselves in fear
    >That's a nice porch too
    >Well, can't let good wood go to waste

    Author's note: I encourage you to write/imagine your own impalement torture fantasy here because I'm a lazy fuck.

    >By the end of the day, you make ol'Vlad Tepes proud
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:19 No.1288013
    I wonder if that is the way you make a fluffy pony kebab
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:22 No.1288032
    >You have just prepared your fluffy pony's favorite meal:Spaghetti!
    >You call to your pone: "Mr. Fluffles, lunch is ready!"
    >You hear slow waddling into the kitchen.
    >A red earth pony with an orange mane and green eyes gazes at you.Doesn't even look at the bowl full of the Italian delicacy.
    >"Who's hungee? WHO'S HUNGEE!! YOU ARE!!" you babble towards it. Pones love that.
    >With a haggard look on its face and a tired sigh, your pony turns and exits the kitchen.
    >"Mr.Fluffles..?" you ask as you follow him.
    >You see him at the front door, with a small suitcase, a small beige trenchcoat and beige hat.
    >"Wha..what's this?" you ask.
    >"I'm leaving. I...I just can't do this anymore." he says in a stern tone.
    >You are taken aback by this. You have never heard your pone talk to you that way!
    >The pony tries to give you an explanation as it tries to open the door. He owes you that much.
    >"I feel like...I'm slowly dying inside by living here with you. It's like I'm going nowhere fast! We fluffy ponies....we don't have that much time here on Earth. I'm not gonna waste it here living a lie with you, thats for damn sure."
    >You watch your pone open the door and waddle over to the small taxi, which is driven by a fluffly pony.
    >After putting the suitcase into the taxi, he turns to you and say "You...uh...take care of yourself.." He gets in and you watch the small taxi drive off into the distance.
    >And like that, he walks out of your life.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:23 No.1288044
         File: 1334485433.png-(8 KB, 493x402, 1290035434932.png)
    8 KB
    I remember when the first fluffy story appeared on the MLP generals...
    You people just kinda turned it into torture fetish jerk off material... I'm pretty sure this should be on /d not here.
    You all need help.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:25 No.1288056
    Oh yes. They were hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:26 No.1288067
    This IS our help, you silly. For me, it's anger issues, and this is probably better than working it out on real animals. Probably.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:28 No.1288083
    Hard as it may be to believe, we're doing better than a few threads back. Now there's some variety in the fluffy stories, for a while there it was nothing but 100% torture porn.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:32 No.1288119
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:36 No.1288140
    the one where the human had to micromanage the fluffy's nipples was pretty bizarre...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:37 No.1288152
    >> Ascent 04/15/12(Sun)07:11 No.1288387
    >Have Van de Graaff generator
    >Go to fluffy pony adoption center
    >Adopt 2 Fluffy ponies
    >Making sure to keep them seperate from each other so they don't meet
    >Use Van de Graaff generator and staticly charge fluffies
    >laugh your ass off at how ridicoulous they look with hairs on end
    >introduce ponies to each other
    >"New fwiend? hugsies!"
    >fluffies run towards each other to give a hug
    >huge static shock between them
    >ponies shit themselves from shock
    >"owwies!! why huggies no work?"
    >fluffies try to hug again
    >another huge shock
    >fluffy ponies writhing on the ground, bawwing their eyes out
    >"tummy fweel fwunny. Why hugsies no work?"
    >fluffies are too stupid to realise that touching each other causes a shock
    >fluffies try again
    >When the fluffies touch, huge sparks of electricity bolt from them in all directions, creating a giant flash

    of light
    >you are thrown back against the wall and are knocked unconcious
    >you wake up a short time later to find that the 2 fluffy ponies have merged into one omega pony
    >electricy courses through the creatures veins
    >you have created the most powerful fluffy in the world, capible of global domination

    >fluffy dies short time late from irregular heartbeat
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:19 No.1291152
    As well as pretty damn awesome. Who doesn't want to see some inter-Fluffy warfare. I mean, if they can shove light bulbs up eachother's asses for torture, imagine what else they could use to get an upper hand. I guy with good imagination could go pretty far with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:28 No.1291275
    hey there was a similar meme to this years ago involving a character that looked like Suiseiseki
    from rozen maiden. what was that thing called? anyone remember???
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:34 No.1291374
    > Your two fluffy ponies are playing whilst you're at work
    > Decide to play hide and seek
    > First fluffy pony runs off and hides
    > Second pony closes its eyes and starts counting to ten
    > Only knows how to count as far as six
    > Gets confused
    > Forgets she has her eyes shut, and thinks it's just dark because its night time
    > Goes to sleep
    > You get home three hours later
    > One of your fluffy ponies is sleeping in the lounge
    > The other fluffy pony is sitting on the floor two feet behind her
    > He's trying to hide behind the TV remote
    >> a fluffy pony story, 1/2 Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:46 No.1291541
    >be more or less normal human Amurrican
    >go to shitty job each day, come home to shitty little apartment
    >get fluffy pony as pet
    >it's stupid, of course, but you did not expect otherwise
    >take it on walkies, it eats grass
    >feed it spaghetti, it becomes deliriously happy
    >it's relentlessly happy in the manner of many Down's Syndrome children, you realize
    >you come to realize the fluffy pony is the only thing in your life that doesn't cause you anguish
    >the creature is, as you mentioned, quite stupid
    >but it seems to love you
    >nothing else does, God knows
    >you try your best to be kind to it
    >years pass
    >you are surprised, the mortality rate of fluffy ponies is high
    >despite being able to talk they are quite astoundingly stupid in every other way, they are not long-lived creatures
    >still trapped in same dead-end job (lawl recession), same tiny apartment
    >come home from work each day, walk pony, hold pony in your lap as you surf the Intertubes, go to bed, this treadmill is how you spend your days
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)11:46 No.1291547

    I dunno shit about Japanese anime fads.
    >> The Cookie and the Ant Hole - 1/4 Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/15/12(Sun)11:46 No.1291553
    Ok, here's my third OC. Grammar corrections are encouraged as always.

    >It's a sunny day on a little an arid town
    >It's past lunch time, people heading for their jobs, parks are nearly empty by now
    >Except for a fluffy mare and her filly
    >Fluffy mare and filly are living under the park bridge for a week now
    >They once knew love and affection
    >But fluffies messed up badly, pissed off their owner, who dumped them in the park
    >Fluffy ponies already forgot why they where dumped in the first place
    >They miss "tweats" and "sghetties" a hell lot though
    >Life goes on. As vivid as a fluffy pony can live anyway
    >Since these fluffy ponies were domesticated in a house without a yard, they don't know about the consumption of grass as a nutrient
    >Not that this park has much grass anyway
    >Fluffy ponies scavenge for food scraps after lunch time, they learnt it's safer this way
    >Tried to ask a "daddy" for food once. Got kicked in the face
    >Then begged. Got kicked again
    >People looked. No one cared. Big joke
    >Muzzle got "big ouchies", better not to speak to street "daddies"
    >> a fluffy pony story, 2/2 Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)11:47 No.1291561
    >one day you come home
    >fluffy pony isn't there
    >hmm, doors haven't been opened, windows are secure
    >you call out to it
    >there is a flash of light
    >Princess Celestia appears, in all her radiant majestic rainbowy glamor
    >"I wanted to meet you in person, Anonymous"
    >o rly?
    >"So few humans show kindness to the fluffy ones. Fewer still understand that all ponies are my children."
    >"You have earned a reward: a blowjob from my sister Molestia."
    >Molestia appears in a flash of sparkly silver light and leers at you adorably
    >you reach into your pocket for a condom
    >spaghetti comes out
    >it runs on the floor
    >both pony princesses are looking at you oddly
    >spaghetti and marinara sauce are jetting out of all of your pockets now, spraying all over the walls
    >"Then again, this IS a SFW board"
    >you burst into treats
    >> The Cookie and the Ant Hole - 2/4 Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/15/12(Sun)11:47 No.1291564
    >Daily struggle for survival, surprisingly managed to live thus far
    >"Tummy owie mommy, can gif foodie pweasie?" asks the filly
    >Mare gives a look around, seems safe. At least for her limited perspective
    >Fluffy mare and filly start searching near the park benches and trash cans next to the bridge
    >Find some slice bread crusts, gobble them instantly
    >Filly also finds a pigeon filth, mistake it for a treat, gives it a huge lick
    >"Eeww, taste yucky", complains the filly
    >Not enough food, fluffies tummies still have "owies"
    >Fluffy mare and filly start roaming in the shallow park grass
    >Filly still complaning about hunger
    >Mares tries to make it better with hugs, don't work
    >Feeble minded instincts kicks in, they keep searching for food
    >Almost an hour has passed
    >Seems like a whole day for a fluffy pony
    >Tummies have even bigger "owies"
    >> The Cookie and the Ant Hole - 3/4 Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/15/12(Sun)11:48 No.1291574
    >Fluffy mare and filly are heading sadly and hopelessly back to the bridge
    >When suddently fluffy mare spots something atop a pile of dirt
    >It's a discarded cookie, mare and filly run frantically towards it
    >"Yay, yummy tweaty" commemorates the filly
    >When they're about to give it a bite, a stray dog walks in, looks hungry too
    >Stray dog starts running towards them
    >Loud barks are scary for fluffy ponies
    >Menacing face and big teeth don't help them resist the urge to piss right there
    >Fluffy mare starts running away looking over her shoulders
    >Dirt pile got wet because of all the piss
    >When the filly starts trotting, the pile collapses beneath her hooves, that get stuck there
    >Dirt pile is actually an ant hole
    >Fluffy mare is bigger and more colorful than her daughter, dogs keeps chasing after her, ignoring the filly
    >Little filly begs her mother not to leave her
    >The mare is way too scared to go back now, little heart almost coming out of her mouth
    >> The Cookie and the Ant Hole - 4/4 Appleloosa !!lEjuXQkeLha 04/15/12(Sun)11:49 No.1291596
    >The collapse in the ant hole agitates its dwellers
    >Ants start crawling beneath the filly's fluff
    >"Hee hee, stop tickwing fwuffy" says the filly thinking it's some kind of play
    >The young filly almost didn't know the meaning of pain
    >Until now
    >She gives a loud squeak by the first pinch
    >Fluffy ponies are very sensitive to pain, fillies are even more sensitive
    >She struggles to escape, only making her to sink even more
    >"Let out! No wike dis game! Pwease fiwwie no wike owies!" says the filly to no avail
    >Ants start munching on her soft little hooves, causing her to squeak even louder
    >"Nuuu, stop dis, pwease, stop diiiiiiiis! she yells
    >In a matter of seconds, a swarm of bites start tearing apart all over her soft and tender flesh
    >"Owie, owieee. Pwease stop owieeeeee!" she begs
    >The filly shits and piss inside the ant hole, attracting even more ants
    >The tiny predators find their way inside the litle filly butthole
    >They start munching on the inside, tearing apart her extra sensitive rectum flesh
    >Causing her an immense agony
    >"Pwease, save me mommyyyyy! Pweeeease! Need hugsieeees! Waaah, waaaaah!" implores the filly
    >The ant feast and the non-stopping begging and squealing go on for twenty minutes more
    >The filly finally dies looking at the cookie she thought would save her life
    >> The Insomniac !!HIN2siWazyd 04/15/12(Sun)11:51 No.1291624
    >Not helping your insomnia
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:34 No.1292300
    >"Nuuu, no ouchies on poopy hole! Stop poopy owies, pweaseee!"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:52 No.1292579
    It's good. I guess the dog then eats the mare, because a fluffy pony can't outrun anything like a dog, even if it were a tiny puppy.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)12:54 No.1292632
    That's way too durable. Fluffy pony-hooves are far more softer, barely harder than their own flesh.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:09 No.1292859
    Wow, that actually had some effect on me. Well played.
    >> Daddy Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)13:14 No.1292944
    >"Pwease... No mo' huwt... Pwease..?" You beg desperately
    >Daddy was angry again, you made bad poopies on the floor
    >He keep shouting and giving you big ouchies
    >It's all daddy ever does anymore
    >He never gives you hugs, or cuddles, never buys you any new toys, feeds you yucky food,
    >All he ever does is make loud shouting and give big hurties
    >"You little piece of shit! You're worth less than your shit you little cunt!" he screams
    >You desperately crawl up to him, maybe huggies will make it better, maybe huggies will make daddy love you "Fwuffy sowwy... Fwuffy wuv 'ou?"
    >You crawl to his foot, giving him the biggest huggy you can
    >He pulls his foot back and gives you big hurties
    >Your nose is dripping boo-boo juice, and it hurts real bad
    >"Ouchies! Fwuffy onwy wan' wuv! Pwease wuv fwuffy!" you begin to cry, shaking in fear of more ouchies
    >"Only good fluffies get love, You're a terrible fluffy." Daddy tells you
    >Daddy hates you, and it makes you very sad
    >Daddy suddenly reaches down and grabs you, it hurts "Fwuffy no make bad poopies... Fwuffy sowwy!"
    >"Shut you're fucking mouth you little vermin" he retorts
    >You squirm in his grip, you don't want anymore ouchies "Fwuffy be good! No mo' huwt fwuffy!" you beg once again, hoping daddy will show mercy
    >He brings his big hand across your face, and you get more ouchies, you sob out loud "Wh-Why?! Fwuffy said he be good! Why keep huwting fwuffy?" you ask
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)13:17 No.1292995
    >"I said..." daddy grumbles
    >Suddenly he starts shaking you violently, it's super scary, the whole world is a blur "SHUT UP!" daddy screams now
    >You sob as he shakes you, and he only shakes you more and yells more
    >Maybe daddy will stop shaking you if you be quiet, daddy likes the quiet
    >It's hard not to cry, but you manage to hold it in to weak little whimpers
    >He stops shaking you, but he's still mad, and you can't stop shaking, you are so scared, you don't want anymore ouchies
    >Daddy takes you to the quiet room, you look at him with eyes, pleading for the ouchies to stop
    >Suddenly daddy goes very far away, and you're flying! You used to love flying, it was fun, but now flying always led to the same thing
    >"Ouchies!" You'd yelp as you fear your butt smack into the wall and you land face first into a poopy
    >Daddy never cleans the quiet room anymore, there were poopies everywhere
    >You sit up and sob out loud, you just can't contain the tears anymore, daddy hates you, you don't smell pretty, you hurt all over, your nose is dripping boo-boo juice
    >The room goes dark, it's black, it smells bad, you feel poopies and pee-pees come out
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)13:18 No.1293010
    >You want to leave, you want to get away from daddy, he only yells and gives ouchies, you just want to be happy again, back when mommy was around
    >Daddy yells at you an blames you for mommy leaving
    >Sometimes his drinks from his bottle and gets really loud and gives you ouchies for no reason
    >After a few hours of sobbing in the bad smelling quiet room, and idea dawns on you
    >Maybe if you can find mommy, daddy will love you again!
    >Maybe things can go back to the way they were and daddy will love you again!
    >You get up and cheer, running in circles in the dark quiet room
    >You suddenly slip on a poopy and land face first on the ground, AGAIN
    >You start sobbing and asking daddy for help
    >You want daddy to come in and make you feel better
    >He never comes
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)13:19 No.1293037
    >This is my first time ever writing anything from the fluffy's perspective
    >I can't honestly say I will ever do it again, I don't like the lack of proper vocabulary and intelligence that comes with a fluffy
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:23 No.1293112
    Eh, a fluffy pony asking why its owner keeps abusing him. How droll. It's of course because it needs to be punished again and again, until it stops making bad things. The alternative would be to smack its underdeveloped skull open and kill it slowly for being a retarded fluffy pony. Stupid fluffy ponies.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:23 No.1293120
    It's good, however very depressing.
    Even more than your other stories.
    Maybe you should write that way, not mindless abuse?
    But psychological and emotional suffering?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:23 No.1293122
    fluffy_writer wants to be the little pony
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:24 No.1293136
    oh no wait that was jolly

    sage redacted
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:25 No.1293153

    Nice role reversal. It was better the last 5000 times, though.
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)13:26 No.1293183

    I'm very good at writing emotional suffering, my real stories tend to have a lot of that.

    I do however like mindless abuse from time to time.

    Some sick part of me deep down just likes to see fluffies suffer.

    I will however keep writing his depressing stuff more often, since I tend to get a rather positive reception from it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:26 No.1293186
    There were fluffy pony abuse stories that were far more shocking from the perspective of a fluffy pony.

    The breeder fluffy pony 'Martiny' stories that you can read on ponibooru shows the inhumanity of being used for breeding more fluffy ponies, and there are stories from the viewpoints of feral fluffy ponies struggling to survive, having to rape each another or use force to keep order.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:27 No.1293202

    has jolly even been in these threads or did you all scare him out?

    lurker here
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:29 No.1293251

    Haven't seen him post in a while. Hopefully he stays the fuck out with his OC self insert fluffy 10 post stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:32 No.1293300

    hey, I thought he was writing some better stuff near the end. I remember that retarded kid story was pretty funny, and the one with the turtle.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:36 No.1293363
    It's no coincidence the majority of his work, and arguably his best, comes from writing from the viewpoint of the mentally challenged.

    Because he's retarded, see.

    But yeah, I guess that one retard story was okay.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:40 No.1293434


    it was only one. I agree, though, most of his fluffy stories weren't as good as the stuff he does in aie threads. like the goatse in equestria stuff, those made me laugh.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:50 No.1293591
    Thread needs MOAR stories.


    Captcha: Tarderi subscription
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:01 No.1293764
    I'm thinking about writing a story about other species having hybrids with fluffy ponies.

    Has that been done before? I want to try and be original.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:02 No.1293782

    What, like a dog?

    sounds interesting enough.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:35 No.1294359
    >you recently picked up a stray fluffy pony because why the hell not?
    >despite the plentiful grass, she was on death's door when you found her
    >apparently it never occurred to her that grass could be eaten, so she's probably not feral
    >she is, however, very cute and affectionate, spending nearly all the time you're home in your lap or close to you
    >you give her a little hug before going to work every morning
    >this all goes to hell in about a week
    >you walk in, a bag of little [name redacted] with peanut butter in the middle, but it is far noisier in your house than it should be
    >also there shouldn't be dirty little hoof-prints all over the place
    >you head to the kitchen, where there's a whole gang of fluffy ponies eating your leftovers and humping furiously
    >the one you claimed is currently mounted by a scruffy unicorn, that keeps making a fucked up EENF noise
    >heading to the garage, you fill a large bucket with water and return
    >the unicorn has finished, and is now tracking fluffy semen all over your floor with a Chinese takeout box on his head
    >when they inevitably notice you, they freeze in their spot(aside from the box headed one, who continues to bump into the wall)
    >your fluffy puffs out her cheeks at you, the others following suit
    >she proudly declares that she is a smarty friend and his tricked the "monster"
    >you take your time drowning her
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:38 No.1294399
    how do you take your time drowning her? Aside from that, it's cute to see how stupid these little things are and how gruesome their demise will be.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:53 No.1294651
    Have those ever been posted here?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:55 No.1294696
    I don't think so.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:01 No.1294804

    my masterpiece is ignored

    crash into tears
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:06 No.1294890
    Oh, it's okay. Nothing special, but not bad either.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:07 No.1294902
    you write me more fluffy pony sex and i'll say it was okay
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:08 No.1294926

    i cant find these, if someone has then and could post them here i'd be grateful
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:08 No.1294941
    Nah, it has to be fluffy pony rape. Special hugs even although the mares don't want it. And special hugs for the pregnant dams.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:08 No.1294945


    but why wouldn't smarty fluffy want his friend to get some?

    Is being an asshole a consequense of being smart?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:17 No.1295105
    I'd like to see what else these two get up to (not necessarily mating).

    I think you've got the beginnings of a series of shorts on your hand.

    Hopefully it ends the the usual way (badly, for the fluffies).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:17 No.1295106
    You can find the breeder stories on that tumblr.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:18 No.1295133
    A couple of the stories reference the smarty fwend not necessarily being smarter (though in some tales they are), but being the most assertive/aggressive of the bunch.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:26 No.1295277
    This one's about the feral fluffy ponies trying to survive in the city.

    Part 1:
    Part 2:
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:45 No.1295590
    The only ones who think that the 'smawty fwend' is smart are the fluffy ponies themselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:54 No.1295749

    abuse and well written (for these things, anyway).

    Worth a read.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:06 No.1295929
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:10 No.1295993
    I wonder what would happen to a herd of fluffy ponies if their "Smarty Friend's" memory got reset?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:17 No.1296107
    Guys, would it be worth writing a version of 'the thing' but with fluffy ponies? For example a herd of fluffy ponies (or a single fluffy pony) is infected and goes around merging with other fluffy ponies and killing humans/other animals/
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:20 No.1296152
    Well, the only thing a "Smarty" friend is, is a tougher/smarter (not by much) Fluffy.The smarty friend is the alpha male to put it simply. If the Smarty Friend was to meet a demise (which in most cases they do... a lot) the second up would take its place, and not a single fuck would be given. They would be too worried about spaghetti.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:25 No.1296206

    An alternative would be to have The Thing assimilate a whole herd of fluffy ponies, then move on to try and attack humans but fail as it's now too fluffy-pony-like.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:27 No.1296245
    Smarty friends piss me off.

    The idea that the dumb little shit thinks its superior to anyone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:31 No.1296302
    Thanks for the idea, I now somehow have to work a flame-thrower in to the story
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:36 No.1296382
    >Tell the man at the fluffy orphanage you'd like to adopt a fluffy pony
    >"Yeah, those are really popular with fucking hipsters like you."
    >He's obviously noticed your ironic Tee, plaid scarf and stylish fedora
    >No one ever understands you
    >You tell the guy you want a "special" fluffy pony
    "Like, you know, one with a quirk."
    >"Of fucking course you do."
    >He leads you past the two doors that say, "Fresh" and "Rescue" to a third door, around a corner, labeled, "Special"
    "What's that mean?"
    >"You know how fluffies were genetically engineered?"
    "Yeah. They still make them in labs because they die faster than they fuck."
    >"Yeah, well, sometimes people call into these labs and, 'special-order' custom fluffies. You know, autism-ridden idiots like yourselves who want a fluffy with pupil-less eyes or a hot-pink ring around its neck or some shit like that or-"
    "Yeah, okay, I get it. Lets check it out."
    >He shows you to the special fluffy room
    >You look through the cages of mutant fluffies for a while until you find a great sight
    >A small, sleeping filly; entirely bright orange
    "Oh, yeah. This is the one"
    >You grab her up in your hand and already she starts babbling about, "Pway!" and "Yow gon' be fwuffy's new daddy?"
    >You hug her tight to your chest and exclaim;
    "I'm gonna name her, "Cheeto". Isn't that just the raddest?"
    >"Fucking whatever."

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:43 No.1296496

    >You pay for the fluffy and leave, slightly wondering why the fluffy's order-er couldn't think of a more creative quirk for this fluffy other than just a bright orange coat
    >But you don't really care; it's quirky enough for you
    >You set Cheeto down on the seat next to you when you realize something you hadn't noticed before
    >Your hands, and the passenger seat, now, are all covered in a thin layer of orange dust
    >Upon looking down at your shirt, you find that it, too, is covered in cheeto-dust and crumbs
    >This is absolutely
    >You immediately pick up your new fluffy (who has been going on about sketties this whole time), completely oblivious to cleanliness concerns
    >"Fwuffy gif' daddy huggies!"
    "Yeah, little fluffy! Don't worry, I'm gonna be the kindest owner you've ever had! I'm gonna love you forever!"
    >"Yay! Fwuffy wuv daddy fowevow an' evow! daddy fwuffy besses fwein'!"
    >All this time, he's been shedding off more and more cheeto dust
    >It's just so cute
    >You don't even care, you let it shower over you
    >A bit lands in your mouth
    >It tastes JUST like cheetos
    "Oh man, fluffy, you're delicious!"
    >Fluffy is a bit perplexed
    >"Wat daddy mean?"
    >You push back all thought, intoxicated with the fluffy's pungent cheesey goodness, and begin to hold Cheeto immediately above your mouth, shaking a stream of cheeto-flavor right into your gullet
    >Cheeto is scared, but you're munching your ass off right now, so you don't give a fuck
    >"No daddy, no eat fwuffy! fwuffy no sketties!!"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:44 No.1296506

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:48 No.1296582
    I find this to be the funniest line I've read in days:
    >Grabbing a fist full of fluff, you tear it off, the fluffy yelps in pain "Why ouchie fwuffy?! Give fwuffy fwuff back!" he shouts as he squirms in your grip

    >Give fwuffy fwuff back!

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:53 No.1296647

    >An hour passes by, with you simply hypnotized by this pony's real cheddar cheese taste
    >You've begun to roll Cheeto all over your face, absorbing the delicious flavor into every orifice
    >Of course Cheeto is sobbing all over you now
    >"Why daddy gif' fwuffy owies? Fwuffy be good, fwuffy pwomise!"
    >Every tear from his beautiful face is like an explosion of cheesey amazingness in your mouth
    >You can't get enough
    >There has to be more
    >You slowly, in your mindless and euphoric state, begin to put Cheeto's head into your mouth
    >"Nooo! Fwuffy no wanna' be sketties!!! Don' eat fwuffy!!"
    >You chomp down at the fluffy pony's midsection
    >As expected, his flesh breaks like a slice of swedish cheese
    >All of his organs taste like provalone
    >it's so good
    >The crying doesn't even phase you
    >You have to slam your palm to Cheeto's backside to prevent his delicious fondue fecal matter from spilling out
    >Before you know it, you've eaten the whole of the fluffy pony
    >You sit back in your seat, coated in cheeto dust
    >That was the best meal Ever
    >Eventually, the evil cheesey spell wears off, and you realize you've just eaten you new and beloved fluffy pony
    >You begin to cry softly, chastising yourself and wondering what went wrong

    3/4, PROMISE
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:01 No.1296778

    >Wait, there's a rumbling coming from your stomach
    >It's not a normal rumbling, it's consistently loud and won't stop
    >You're in no way lactose intolerant, what's wrong?
    >You lift up your shirt to inspect your stomach
    >To your shock, you find your stomach slowly growing
    >Oh my god
    >You decide that Cheeto's flaky flesh must be continuously producing cheeto dust, and it is now building up in your stomach
    >You realize in a few minutes, to your horror, what this means
    >In a few moments, you will surely explode
    >You leave your car and retreat back into the fluffy pony orphanage
    >The man sees the tears on your face and the fact that you're an orange monster now and is shocked
    >"Dude, what the fuck happened to you?"
    "I ATE HIMM!!! HELP ME!!!"
    >"Wait, calm down, what's u- OH MY GOD WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH YOUR STOMACH?"
    >"I DON'T KNOW, MAN!!"
    >As your stomach has swollen to the saze of a small beach ball, the flesh begins to tear
    >To your immense pain, a huge wave of cheesey flesh and blood rains out of your body and on to the floor
    >"God damn these mutant fluffies. I'm fucking tired of these messes."

    How'd I do?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:03 No.1296813
    Would read again.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:06 No.1296852

    terrible idea
    good execution
    would not bang
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:08 No.1296889
    What's wrong with eating things while they're still alive? No real flaws in that story. Got gore, slight abuse (if you count the fact that he's eating it), all the components of a good fluffy story.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:17 No.1297038
    >Spending time with your earth fluffy, whom you have named "Bland"
    >He hardly does anything.
    >That all changes one day.
    >Eating dinner and watching TV, as per usual.
    >"Daddy, wook!"
    >You can't believe your eyes.
    >He starts floating.
    >He then starts flying around.
    >You are amazed.
    >Bland is suddenly the best pony ever.
    >You cheer him on.
    >He giggles.
    >He breaks a few things of course, but you don't give a shit.
    >Just look at this fucking thing.
    >"Come 'ere, son!"
    >"Yay, daddy!"
    >You two hug.
    >In your mind, you thank 3 things.
    >One is Bland, for being this awesome.
    >Two is God (That awesome display converted you to Christianity), for making this possible.
    >But there is one thing that you need to thank.
    >This awesome
    >Wouldn't have been possible without.
    >Your imagination, for making you do things with the corpse of a stray fluffy you found on the street much more fun and surreal.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:19 No.1297068

    Nice re-edit.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:20 No.1297081

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:20 No.1297083
    >"Three swats for the fluffy Pegasus as she glides through the sky,
    >Seven for the earth fluffy that always shits in the hall,
    >Nine for the fluffy unicorn as he hugs your thigh,
    >One Sorry Stick for the Man whom hates them all.
    >In the House of Anon where the regrets lie.
    >One Sorry Stick to punish them all, One Sorry Stick to abuse them,
    >One Sorry Stick to scare them all and in that fear rule them.
    >In the House of Anon where the regrets lie"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:22 No.1297122
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:23 No.1297134
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)17:44 No.1297551
    Check this out: MLP spaghetti....
    Something for fluffy ponies!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:08 No.1298026
    Reposing this gem:

    >Get Fluffy Pony
    >It says "Pway?"
    >It shits
    >You get mad
    >Fluffy Pony Drowns
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:13 No.1298098
    I think the thread's close to being autosage-ing again.
    However, I'm sure that a new thread will be deleted by the janitors for some reasons, so let's wait with making a new fluffy pony general thread.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:20 No.1298218
    Really? That close already?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:21 No.1298243

    Why Janitors deleting these anyways?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:23 No.1298268
    Nah, auto-saging doesn't begin until the 500s. We're still in the 400s.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:27 No.1298327
    >Own two fluffy ponies
    >They love watching Dragonball Z
    >They disregard the names you gave them in favor of “Goku” and “Krillin”
    >One day they’re in their enclosure in the backyard, babbling about “goin Namek”
    >While you’re looking away, they manage to escape to the enclosure and find their way to the neighbor’s yard.
    >By the time you track them down, Krillin has already drowned after trying to hug the neighbor’s lawn sprinkler.
    >Goku is staring angrily at the sprinkler
    >After completing its half-rotation, it ratchets loudly back to its original position.
    >You watch in awe as Goku’s fluff bristles and the pressure builds.
    >Goku’s fluff turns golden.
    >Goku is the legendary Super Fluffy.
    >An epic struggle follows, with Goku floating towards the sprinkler and trying to headbutt it into submission.
    >Even at the Super Fluffy level, he can’t do much damage, and keeps getting knocked back by the spray of water.
    >But, after a long battle, Goku manages to jam up the sprinkler somehow.
    >”Weave you wif nuf enewgy to ‘scape. Need find Dwagonballs now”
    >Before you can stop him, Goku puts a hoof to his forehead and disappears using instant transmission.
    >During his search, Goku contracts a terrible fluffy heart disease.
    >Well, it’s not really a disease, sometimes fluffy pony hearts just give out if the fluffy pony has managed to avoid getting killed long enough.
    >Trunks fluffy pony never arrives from the future with the medicine to save him.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:37 No.1298464
    Usually, it's because people keep making new ones before the old ones actually auto-sage.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:55 No.1298770
    No Nyx-spam or Jolly complaining about unoriginality of fluffy pony stories?
    I am disapoint!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:57 No.1298793
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    Is that why everyone hates Jolly now?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:03 No.1298890
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    Of course not. We all just think that it's part of a successful fluffy pony general thread. There needs to be a Francis hating it, a shitty edit of Art-Anon yelling something about bad fluffies, Jolly masquerading as a complaining anon, and a sage-fag (who might also be Jolly). And perhaps some luvfags complaining about the abuse (might again be Jolly in disguise).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:05 No.1298904
    Why does the fluffy have a phone?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:06 No.1298931
    It probably phoned for a callboy to suck on his dick.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:24 No.1299273
    But then he is the one sucking dick?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:35 No.1299483
    >all your friends told you that these creatures are cute but dumb as heck
    >worst part is they pooping everywhere and you cannot train them to use litterbox
    >you think it cannot be that bad
    >you still buy one
    >fluffy pony is cute and babbling and want to hug you
    >and it never makes a mess, it's very clean fluffy
    >you come back from work
    >fluffy pony beaming at you smiling
    >you lift her up, she's heavier
    >"You are growing very fast."
    >you run your fingers through her fluffy
    >there's something
    >it's poo
    >there are two kilgrams of poo stuck in her fluff
    >that explain why she's so clean and why she don't run around
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:41 No.1299596
    >decide to go to doctor
    >he will do something about your non-existent olfactory senses
    >meanwhile, fluffy pony drowns in its waste
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:45 No.1299662
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    >mfw i've been ITT the whole time.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:45 No.1299670
    Maybe they bred a variety that doesn't have foul-smelling feces?
    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)19:48 No.1299710
    sup? ima dump my stories.
    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)19:49 No.1299729
    >be me
    >just bought a fluffy pony, im not a first time buyer though, i know how easy they die
    >buy one of the $5 flame retardant ones
    >she's a blue pegasus with a orange mane
    >name her flame
    >so two or three weeks after i buy her, and she gets used tot he house, she starts going into the basement
    >this is one of the first times she has ever been inside the basement because she says that "scawy munstas wive down der!".
    >she takes a liking to it, theres not much down there though, just boxes and some nick nacks i keep on a table.
    >she uses her feeble wing to glide onto a box, then glide onto the table
    >the only thing of danger that is on the table is my old lava lamp, but its not even plugged in
    >"wa dat do?" she said, waving her little hoof twords the lamp
    >explain to her that the lava lamp makes pretty colors, and plug it in to show her
    >she loves the pretty colors and the way the orange globs float up then back down.
    >unplug the machine and put her to bed in the safe room, i too go to bed.
    >next day i make flame breakfast, put her in the safe room, and leave for work
    >when i come home the house stinks
    >go to the safe room, the corner of the door is nibbled out, and flame is not in her room
    >follow the stench to the basement
    >turn lights on and see a terrible sight
    >lava lamp overturned, all of the hot liquid content spilled onto the table
    >flame is withering in the goop, skin and fur burnt off, her eyes melted and lava goo filling her sockets
    >flame managed to break out of her room and go downstairs, turn on the lava lamp, and break it.
    >> Jolly !pL3BUHlb1A 04/15/12(Sun)19:50 No.1299747

    >implying I go undercover

    Don't try to impersonate tripfags unless you can trip.

    Yeah, I lurk.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:53 No.1299788
    Do it, dude.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:57 No.1299848
    >skin and fur burnt off, her eyes melted and lava goo filling her sockets
    It's just colored wax! Such discrepancies serve only to rustle these jimmies of mine.
    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)19:58 No.1299851
    >be me, just bought a pregnate fluffy
    >shes so cute, she has a dark blue coat with a bright yellow mane
    >i even bought the stallion that inpregnated her, he is white with a black mane
    >after about a week of owning her, she goes into labor
    >she goes into labor on my desk (looks like i have to wash it...)
    >i have to be there to make sure she dosent fluffsplode while giving birth
    >the stallion just sits there and watches
    >she finally gives birth to 4 cute foals
    >the father snuggles two and the new mother snuggles two
    >stallion:"daw! i wewwly wuv new babies!"
    >mare:"dems mah babies?" she says, still in shock that she gave birth
    "hey, can i see one?"
    >the mare, slowly, hands over one of the foals
    >t take in between my thumb and index inger and crush in in half, it makes a cute little wheezing noise as i do
    >put the front half of the baby back in the mothers arms
    >"DHEY! WHY WO GIVE BABEHS BOO BOO'S!? WHERE ODER HALF OF BABEH? GIVE ODA HALF BACK! hugges make betta!?" she says all this while trying to hug the baby back to life.
    >the stallion, however, saw all of this, and ran across the tabel and started to bite my hand
    >"daddy big munsta! time to give munsta bad owchies!"
    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)19:59 No.1299870
    >hold his little head in my left hand and grab his lower jaw with my right
    >with the exact amount of force as it would take to flip a light switch, i tear his jaw off
    >he lets out a loud gurgle as his blood starts spilling on the desk, he starts to poop and pee everywhere, getting it on the foals he just droped
    >take to three remaing foals in my hand and present them in front of the mother
    >"you want your babies back?" i say. She responds by saying "wan mah babies! no more ouchies from mean munsta! why you hurt daddeh? huggies make betta?"
    >i hold my hand over her and crush all the babies in my hand, spilling the blood, organs, and broken shardes of bone on the mother
    >i laugh as she cries and tries to re-asemble the little babies
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:02 No.1299908
    Awww, that's so sweet of you to give her foals back to her.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:03 No.1299931
    >tries to reassemble the babies.
    Not sure why, but I thought this was genius.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:05 No.1299967

    Dialogue could have been better
    Foal murder's been done too many times
    Someone should do a cutebright one about a fluffy mother who actually gets to take care of her babies, just so I could see if fluffy ponies are actually capable of being parents
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:07 No.1300000
    Nah, foal murder is always good. That improves the score to at least 6/10.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:09 No.1300046
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:09 No.1300058
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:10 No.1300063

    Good this thread is nearing bump limit, or we might have a shitstorm.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:10 No.1300071
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    What a waste of a get
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:15 No.1300148
    There's only three or four different fluffy pony stories.

    1. Fluffy pony dies of its own stupidity
    2. Human owner tortures and kills fluffy pony
    3. Human owner and fluffy are total bros
    4. sex
    5. Unexplored territory
    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)20:16 No.1300161
    >be me, walking home from work
    >i have to go through the city, not the most unpleasent walk, but id rather hitch a ride from a friend anyday
    >half way through the city a group of about 6 fluffy ponies run from an alley and bump into me
    >the leader of the cute little group, a white stallion with a brown mane, runs right into my shin, face first
    >"owie! mean munsta huwt fwuffy!" he says, trying to clutch his nose with his little hoof's, its most likley broken
    >all the other fluffies puff their cheeks out, trying to look menicing.
    >still clutching his nose with his hoof, the fluffy exclaims "mean mean munsta! gonna give big boo boo's to you!"
    >they all charge me at once, some biting, some stabbing me with their horns, and others trying to kick me
    >it almost feels like a cat is brushing up against my leg
    >no one is around
    >time to have a little fun
    >me:"oohh! ow! eehh! oh god it hurts! aah!" i then fall to the ground and play dead
    >all the fluffies start cheering and two or three climb on top of my belly
    >wait until one of them is on my chest, i grab it really fast and get up
    >all the others panic and try attacking me again
    >i take the fluffy's skull in my hands and apply a little force, crushing the skull and making the blood and guts rain down apon its fear stricken comrades
    >they all start to cry, shit and piss, all of it mixing with the blood, ew.
    >throw the body down, they run up to it and try to hug it exclaiming "huggies make headdy come back!?"
    >decide to wrap this up as quick as possible, i take one of the fluffies and throw it as hard as i can against the wall, crushing it into a fine pulp
    >the others, at this point, are to scared to run away
    >they all run back into the alley
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:24 No.1300288
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    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)20:36 No.1300532
    >just bought a LOT of fluffy ponies
    >63 of them, they barley fit in the back of my white van i use to kidnap children with
    >but thats a diffrent story
    >i can smell all the shit ans pee from the cabin of the van, its awful
    >i cant really hear what theyre saying, but its just a mixture of "wat dat?" and "where we goin'?" or even "huggies?".
    >finally reach my house, park van in garage
    >put on a gas mask, go to the back of the van, and open the back doors
    >all of them just fucking pour out, all at once, some trying to hug my legs, other trying to break the garage door down
    >now here is where the fun begins
    >i get my trusty metal baseball bat, take aim and smash one of the fluffies right in the noggin
    >theres a sickening crunch, a small squeel, and a thud as it hits the floor.
    >entire group has stoped talking/yelling and is staring at me
    >for about 3 seconds this lasts before they all start crying and shitting themselfs
    >theyre running around frantically, some running under the van, some running up to me and trying to hurt me
    >with one fatal swing of the bat i take out 15 of them, eack one bleeding more than the last
    >finally, after about 4 minutes of non-stop swinging and kicking, the only live fluffies are the ones under my van, i take an estamate of about 10 of them
    >i can hear them all whimpering, and i see a massive puddle of pee coming from under the van
    >"i know your under there! but ill tell you what... if you give me one pony ill let the others go, ok?"
    >they barley understand what i said, but they know they will be spared if they give me one of their own
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:37 No.1300545
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    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)20:38 No.1300581
    >thirty seconds go by, and finally, with a scream, a small blue stallion is pushed from under the van
    >i pick him up before he can get away or run back under the van
    >take my middle finger and pointer finger and jam the deep into his eyes, causing him to void his bowls and die
    >throw his body on the ground
    >"i am pleased, you will live"
    >i turn the van on, and leave the room
    >the exhaust from the van eventually kills the rest of them
    sorry if i suck at these stories, ive only written a few of them
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:44 No.1300687
    I, for one, am throughly enjoying them. Keep up the good work!
    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)20:52 No.1300850
    >have a fluffy pony, its been alive for about 5 weeks and im SICK of it
    >finally decide its time for a new one, i have to get rid of this little bastard, so because im so sick and twisted, i decide to have am little fun
    >put fluffy on kitchen counter (dont worry there is a women in there) and tape hom down
    >get a rather large butcher knife
    >"daddeh, what game are we pwayin'?" it says
    >"stay still and youll find out!" it does and i bring the knife down on its back legs, cutting them off completley
    >"OWCHIE! DADDY! WHY HURT FLUFFY!?" it screams, it already peed itself, the urine getting it its cuts
    >unstrap the pony quickly, and grab my tazer
    >shock the little fuck right in the head, "resetting" the pony
    >"daddeh? why leggies no work? where leggies?" it says and drags itself around on its two front hoof's
    >i already put the two little legs in the blender and put it to "shred"
    >"i dont know, hun, but right now its dinner time"
    >take the bloddy mixture and pour it into the fluffy's food bowl
    >i dont bother to put it back down on the ground, so it falls to the floor, most likley breaking its front left hoof
    >pick it up by the broken leg, causing it to scream and crap on the good floor
    >throw the little shit in front of the food bowl
    >"eat up, baby! foodies make ouchies get all better!"
    >apon saying this, it digs in
    >> fucking douche 04/15/12(Sun)20:58 No.1300961
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    >i will never get to take a fluffy pony in my arms and squeeze it to death
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:00 No.1300987
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    Foal murder is always good
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:01 No.1301020
    Yes. That is the most saddest thing. Why can't science create fluffy ponies?
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)21:06 No.1301115
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:16 No.1301296
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:17 No.1301304
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:17 No.1301316
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:18 No.1301327
    it begins
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:18 No.1301329
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:18 No.1301339
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    It would be nice if everyone of your stories did not follow the same tiresome pattern.

    >Anon Gets fluffy pony
    >Anon Haet fluffy pony for some reason
    >Anon kills or maims fluffy ponies in a very dull manner
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:19 No.1301343
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:19 No.1301351
    Fluffy nyx?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:19 No.1301357
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:20 No.1301371
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:21 No.1301387
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:22 No.1301417
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:22 No.1301420
    I like these sort of stories.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:23 No.1301428
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    >> The Storm Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)21:23 No.1301438
    >Mindless Fluffybuse
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:24 No.1301448
    Don't get me wrong I enjoy a good fluffy pony gore story as much as the next. It does not hurt to put some effort into killing the little bastard though.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:24 No.1301449
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    THE subject of this Essay is not the so-called Liberty of the Will, so unfortunately opposed to the misnamed doctrine of Philosophical Necessity; but Civil, or Social Liberty: the nature and limits of the power which can be legitimately exercised by society over the individual. A question seldom stated, and hardly ever discussed, in general terms, but which profoundly influences the practical controversies of the age by its latent presence, and is likely soon to make itself recognized as the vital question of the future. It is so far from being new, that, in a certain sense, it has divided mankind, almost from the remotest ages, but in the stage of progress into which the more civilized portions of the species have now entered, it presents itself under new conditions, and requires a different and more fundamental treatment. The struggle between Liberty and Authority is the most conspicuous feature in the portions of history with which we are earliest familiar, particularly in that of Greece, Rome, and England. But in old times this contest was between subjects, or some classes of subjects, and the government. By liberty, was meant protection against the tyranny of the political rulers. The rulers were conceived (except in some of the popular governments of Greece) as in a necessarily antagonistic position to the people whom they ruled. They consisted of a governing One, or a governing tribe or caste, who derived their authority from inheritance or conquest; who, at all events, did not hold it at the pleasure of the governed, and whose supremacy men did not venture, perhaps did not desire, to contest, whatever precautions might be taken against its oppressive exercise. Their power was regarded as necessary, but also as highly dangerous; as a weapon which they would attempt to use against their subjects, no less than against external enemies.
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)21:24 No.1301459
    >It's the middle of the night and a storm is raging outside
    >Raining sideways and earth shaking thunder, the lightning doesn't appear to far off
    >You are sleeping like a baby, you always do during these storms, at least until...
    >"Daddy daddy!" Your little yellow fluffy cries as you feel him hopping up and down on your chest
    >You grumble and open your eyes, glaring at the little fluffy
    >His butt fluff is already coated in shit and piss, lovely
    >"What do you want fluffy? I have work in the morning." You growl, not happy to be awoken from your peaceful slumber
    >"Woud noise scawy! Fwuffy scawed!" she cries, tears in her eyes "Gif: fwuffy huggies." She insists
    >"No, fluffy. Go back to your bed and be quiet" you growl at him
    >Her crying only gets louder "Bu' fwuffy scawed! Why no huggies fwuffy?! Pwease hewp fwuffy!" she begs
    >"I said get OUT!" you shout now
    >Fluffy sobs and jumps off your bed, landing with an "Ouchies!" before continuing on her sobbing fit down the hall
    >You roll your eyes and lay back down, time to catch up on that sleep
    >Not even a minute and you hear a boom of thunder, and the screaming gets closer now
    >He jumps right back onto your fucking bed, screaming at the top of his lunges "Save fwuffy! Woud munsta wanna huwt fwuffy!" he pleads
    >"The fucking lightning doesn't want to hurt you, you little shit, but you're quickly making ME want to." you threaten
    >He only screeches louder "FWUFFY SCAWED! NO HUWT FWUFFY! PWEASE GIVE HUGG-"
    >His sentence is cut off by the back of your hand coming across his face, knocking him over onto his side
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:24 No.1301461
    that COULD happen
    but it would cost you some mad dosh
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:24 No.1301464
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    To prevent the weaker members of the community from being preyed upon by innumerable vultures, it was needful that there should be an animal of prey stronger than the rest, commissioned to keep them down. But as the king of the vultures would be no less bent upon preying upon the flock than any of the minor harpies, it was indispensable to be in a perpetual attitude of defence against his beak and claws. The aim, therefore, of patriots, was to set limits to the power which the ruler should be suffered to exercise over the community; and this limitation was what they meant by liberty. It was attempted in two ways. First, by obtaining a recognition of certain immunities, called political liberties or rights, which it was to be regarded as a breach of duty in the ruler to infringe, and which, if he did infringe, specific resistance, or general rebellion, was held to be justifiable. A second, and generally a later expedient, was the establishment of constitutional checks; by which the consent of the community, or of a body of some sort supposed to represent its interests, was made a necessary condition to some of the more important acts of the governing power. To the first of these modes of limitation, the ruling power, in most European countries, was compelled, more or less, to submit. It was not so with the second; and to attain this, or when already in some degree possessed, to attain it more completely, became everywhere the principal object of the lovers of liberty. And so long as mankind were content to combat one enemy by another, and to be ruled by a master, on condition of being guaranteed more or less efficaciously against his tyranny, they did not carry their aspirations beyond this point.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:25 No.1301473
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    Hmm, can't find a fluffy nyx
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:25 No.1301487
    I agree on this reasoning.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:25 No.1301493
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    A time, however, came in the progress of human affairs, when men ceased to think it a necessity of nature that their governors should be an independent power, opposed in interest to themselves. It appeared to them much better that the various magistrates of the State should be their tenants or delegates, revocable at their pleasure. In that way alone, it seemed, could they have complete security that the powers of government would never be abused to their disadvantage. By degrees, this new demand for elective and temporary rulers became the prominent object of the exertions of the popular party, wherever any such party existed; and superseded, to a considerable extent, the previous efforts to limit the power of rulers. As the struggle proceeded for making the ruling power emanate from the periodical choice of the ruled, some persons began to think that too much importance had been attached to the limitation of the power itself. That (it might seem) was a resource against rulers whose interests were habitually opposed to those of the people. What was now wanted was, that the rulers should be identified with the people; that their interest and will should be the interest and will of the nation. The nation did not need to be protected against its own will. There was no fear of its tyrannizing over itself. Let the rulers be effectually responsible to it, promptly removable by it, and it could afford to trust them with power of which it could itself dictate the use to be made.
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)21:26 No.1301510
    >He flails his legs madly, sobbing his eyes out, pathetically attempting to roll over on his hooves "No huwt fwuffy! Gif huggies pwease!" he begs
    >Shuffling your foot around under the blanket, you balance the fluffy under your foot, through the blankets
    >He's still sobbing when you kick your foot upward, launching the fluffy into the air
    >He lands next to the bed and he shrieks in pain, limping down the hall screaming "Daddy no wuv fwuffy! Give fwuffy big ouchies!" he cries, you probably dislocated one of his legs
    >Groaning you curl up in your sheets and close your eyes, trying to get some sleep
    >You don't even go two minutes without another crack of thunder and the little shit stain is at the foot of your bed, no longer having the ability to climb up with his front left leg dislocated "Scawy noise! Hug fwuffy now pwease!" he shouts
    >"UGH!" you shout, as you sit up right, the fluffy recoils slightly
    >You pull the sheets down and spin around, getting out of the bed
    >He attempts to run away now, but you grab one of his back legs and lift him up, staring him in the eyes
    >He's sniffling and crying "Huggies?" he asks
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:26 No.1301511
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:26 No.1301512
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    Their power was but the nation's own power, concentrated, and in a form convenient for exercise. This mode of thought, or rather perhaps of feeling, was common among the last generation of European liberalism, in the Continental section of which, it still apparently predominates. Those who admit any limit to what a government may do, except in the case of such governments as they think ought not to exist, stand out as brilliant exceptions among the political thinkers of the Continent. A similar tone of sentiment might by this time have been prevalent in our own country, if the circumstances which for a time encouraged it had continued unaltered.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:27 No.1301526
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    But, in political and philosophical theories, as well as in persons, success discloses faults and infirmities which failure might have concealed from observation. The notion, that the people have no need to limit their power over themselves, might seem axiomatic, when popular government was a thing only dreamed about, or read of as having existed at some distant period of the past. Neither was that notion necessarily disturbed by such temporary aberrations as those of the French Revolution, the worst of which were the work of an usurping few, and which, in any case, belonged, not to the permanent working of popular institutions, but to a sudden and convulsive outbreak against monarchical and aristocratic despotism. In time, however, a democratic republic came to occupy a large portion of the earth's surface, and made itself felt as one of the most powerful members of the community of nations; and elective and responsible government became subject to the observations and criticisms which wait upon a great existing fact. It was now perceived that such phrases as "self-government," and "the power of the people over themselves," do not express the true state of the case. The "people" who exercise the power, are not always the same people with those over whom it is exercised, and the "self-government" spoken of, is not the government of each by himself, but of each by all the rest.
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)21:27 No.1301531
    >He screams in pain as you grab his leg an forcibly shove it back into place "OWIES! WHY HUWT FWUFFY?!"
    >You turn him around and glare right into his eyes "You don't like the storm, huh?" you ask
    >"Fwuffy no wike woud boomy noise. Wan' huggies" he whimpers
    >"Come on you little shit." you grumble as you carry him out of your room by his scruff
    >He wriggles uselessly in your grip "Wet fwuffy down! Fwuffy be good!" he pleads
    >You ignore him as you reach into the closet and force his harness on
    >He shouts and whines as there is fluff obviously stuck in the buckles
    >You tighten the harness and he continues to squirming and whining "Too tigh'! Fwuffy can' bweathe!" he complains, even though he could breathe just fine
    >You hook up a very long leash to his harness and you lift him up by the leash
    >He wriggles his little legs furiously as you open the front door and step into the lawn "No wan' out! Scawy ou'side!"
    >You ignore him, he's blowing sideways in the wind and rain
    >You get up on your tip-toes, and securely tie the leash to a branch of the tree
    >Fluffy is screaming his heart out "NO WIKE GAME! WET FWUFFY DOWN! FWUFFY SCAWED! GIF HUGGIES! BWING INSIDE!" It bawls as loud as it can
    >You ignore it an turn around, going back inside an toweling yourself off
    >You sit down on the couch and look out the window, the fluffy is blowing all over the place, shitting and pissing violently as thunder cracks "PWEASE! HEWP FWUFFY! FWUFFY SCAWED! WAN' DADDY!"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:27 No.1301542
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    The will of the people, moreover, practically means, the will of the most numerous or the most active part of the people; the majority, or those who succeed in making themselves accepted as the majority; the people, consequently, may desire to oppress a part of their number; and precautions are as much needed against this, as against any other abuse of power. The limitation, therefore, of the power of government over individuals, loses none of its importance when the holders of power are regularly accountable to the community, that is, to the strongest party therein. This view of things, recommending itself equally to the intelligence of thinkers and to the inclination of those important classes in European society to whose real or supposed interests democracy is adverse, has had no difficulty in establishing itself; and in political speculations "the tyranny of the majority" is now generally included among the evils against which society requires to be on its guard.
    >> Fluffy_Writer 04/15/12(Sun)21:28 No.1301559
    >You wants him continue to flail around in the violent winds, occasionally smacking into the tree
    >You enjoy the show for a few minutes before standing up and heading to bed
    >You sleep soundly the whole night, while fluffy shrieks, sobs, shits and whines out in the storm where you can't hear him
    >You wake up in the morning to find your fluffy pony soaked to the bone, looking like a drowned rat, still sniffling and mumbling
    >He definitely didn't get any sleep last night, and he's probably completely emptied the contents of his bowels
    >You walk up to him and he looks at you with terrified eyes
    >Reaching over you unhook his leash an he falls onto the muddy ground with just a light grunt, no energy to whine "ouchies"
    >Picking up you undo the harness and toss it to the side, asking him "Did you learn your lesson?"
    >He whimpers and cries, shaking in terror
    >You give him a goo violent shake before asking again "I saaaid... Did you LEARN YOU LESSON?!" you shout this time
    >Fluffy squeaks in fear "Fwu-Fwuffy nevah bovur d-d-daddy at night"
    >You give it another good violent shake "Wrong answer" you spout
    >He sniffles, feeling the tears come up "Fw-...Fwu... Fwuffy n-nevah bover d-daddy... Evuh again..." he manages to squeeze out of his throat
    >"Damn right you wont" you assure him as you pull your arm back and toss him into the street
    >He lands with a crack and a shriek and he limps off as fast as he can, sobbing "Daddy no wuv fwuffy!"
    >You go back to bed cook yourself some eggs for breakfast
    >Gonna be a peaceful morning
    >> 1/? we'll see where this goes Mlghandcnnon !JbEtXSTcis 04/15/12(Sun)21:28 No.1301563
    >wake up one morning
    >realise you are in a cage
    >look around and you see a nearby shoe you're only a little taller than, indicating you have been shrunk
    >in the distance you hear "Mawning pawncakes!" called by something that sounds awfully like a fluffy pony
    >look up and see a giant fluffy pony walking on its hind legs walk through the door
    >it gets on the floor
    >everybody walks the dinosaur
    >afterwards you snap back to reality and realise the pony did not get on the floor and walk the dinosaur
    >you are however, fucking scared there is a 6ft fluffy pony walking in a full suit into a room in which you are in a cage and only 1.5ft tall
    >"hewe you go pawncakes!" the fluffy babbles as he puts a plate of bacon into your cage
    >Without questioning you gobble it down
    >you then look around your cage and see a hamster water thing
    >drink from it
    >the realisation dawns on you that you are in some strange world where fluffies rule and you are kept as a pet
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:28 No.1301567
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    Like other tyrannies, the tyranny of the majority was at first, and is still vulgarly, held in dread, chiefly as operating through the acts of the public authorities. But reflecting persons perceived that when society is itself the tyran--society collectively, over the separate individuals who compose it--its means of tyrannizing are not restricted to the acts which it may do by the hands of its political functionaries. Society can and does execute its own mandates: and if it issues wrong mandates instead of right, or any mandates at all in things with which it ought not to meddle, it practises a social tyranny more formidable than many kinds of political oppression, since, though not usually upheld by such extreme penalties, it leaves fewer means of escape, penetrating much more deeply into the details of life, and enslaving the soul itself. Protection, therefore, against the tyranny of the magistrate is not enough; there needs protection also against the tyranny of the prevailing opinion and feeling; against the tendency of society to impose, by other means than civil penalties, its own ideas and practices as rules of conduct on those who dissent from them; to fetter the development, and, if possible, prevent the formation, of any individuality not in harmony with its ways, and compel all characters to fashion themselves upon the model of its own. There is a limit to the legitimate interference of collective opinion with individual independence; and to find that limit, and maintain it against encroachment, is as indispensable to a good condition of human affairs, as protection against political despotism.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:30 No.1301605
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    But though this proposition is not likely to be contested in general terms, the practical question, where to place the limit--how to make the fitting adjustment between individual independence and social control--is a subject on which nearly everything remains to be done. All that makes existence valuable to any one, depends on the enforcement of restraints upon the actions of other people. Some rules of conduct, therefore, must be imposed, by law in the first place, and by opinion on many things which are not fit subjects for the operation of law. What these rules should be, is the principal question in human affairs; but if we except a few of the most obvious cases, it is one of those which least progress has been made in resolving. No two ages, and scarcely any two countries, have decided it alike; and the decision of one age or country is a wonder to another. Yet the people of any given age and country no more suspect any difficulty in it, than if it were a subject on which mankind had always been agreed. The rules which obtain among themselves appear to them self-evident and self-justifying. This all but universal illusion is one of the examples of the magical influence of custom, which is not only, as the proverb says a second nature, but is continually mistaken for the first. The effect of custom, in preventing any misgiving respecting the rules of conduct which mankind impose on one another, is all the more complete because the subject is one on which it is not generally considered necessary that reasons should be given, either by one person to others, or by each to himself. People are accustomed to believe and have been encouraged in the belief by some who aspire to the character of philosophers, that their feelings, on subjects of this nature, are better than reasons, and render reasons unnecessary.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:31 No.1301628
    I had an idea for a housecat framing a fluffy pony into getting abused, but eh.

    Save it for when we aren't getting spammed.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:31 No.1301629
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    The practical principle which guides them to their opinions on the regulation of human conduct, is the feeling in each person's mind that everybody should be required to act as he, and those with whom he sympathizes, would like them to act. No one, indeed, acknowledges to himself that his standard of judgment is his own liking; but an opinion on a point of conduct, not supported by reasons, can only count as one person's preference; and if the reasons, when given, are a mere appeal to a similar preference felt by other people, it is still only many people's liking instead of one. To an ordinary man, however, his own preference, thus supported, is not only a perfectly satisfactory reason, but the only one he generally has for any of his notions of morality, taste, or propriety, which are not expressly written in his religious creed; and his chief guide in the interpretation even of that. Men's opinions, accordingly, on what is laudable or blamable, are affected by all the multifarious causes which influence their wishes in regard to the conduct of others, and which are as numerous as those which determine their wishes on any other subject. Sometimes their reason--at other times their prejudices or superstitions: often their social affections, not seldom their anti-social ones, their envy or jealousy, their arrogance or contemptuousness: but most commonly, their desires or fears for themselves--their legitimate or illegitimate self-interest.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:31 No.1301637
    And that's how stray fluffy ponies are made (assuming that this little shit actually survives it).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:31 No.1301647
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    Wherever there is an ascendant class, a large portion of the morality of the country emanates from its class interests, and its feelings of class superiority. The morality between Spartans and Helots, between planters and negroes, between princes and subjects, between nobles and roturiers, between men and women, has been for the most part the creation of these class interests and feelings: and the sentiments thus generated, react in turn upon the moral feelings of the members of the ascendant class, in their relations among themselves. Where, on the other hand, a class, formerly ascendant, has lost its ascendency, or where its ascendency is unpopular, the prevailing moral sentiments frequently bear the impress of an impatient dislike of superiority. Another grand determining principle of the rules of conduct, both in act and forbearance which have been enforced by law or opinion, has been the servility of mankind towards the supposed preferences or aversions of their temporal masters, or of their gods. This servility though essentially selfish, is not hypocrisy; it gives rise to perfectly genuine sentiments of abhorrence; it made men burn magicians and heretics. Among so many baser influences, the general and obvious interests of society have of course had a share, and a large one, in the direction of the moral sentiments: less, however, as a matter of reason, and on their own account, than as a consequence of the sympathies and antipathies which grew out of them: and sympathies and antipathies which had little or nothing to do with the interests of society, have made themselves felt in the establishment of moralities with quite as great force.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:32 No.1301663
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    The likings and dislikings of society, or of some powerful portion of it, are thus the main thing which has practically determined the rules laid down for general observance, under the penalties of law or opinion. And in general, those who have been in advance of society in thought and feeling, have left this condition of things unassailed in principle, however they may have come into conflict with it in some of its details. They have occupied themselves rather in inquiring what things society ought to like or dislike, than in questioning whether its likings or dislikings should be a law to individuals. They preferred endeavouring to alter the feelings of mankind on the particular points on which they were themselves heretical, rather than make common cause in defence of freedom, with heretics generally. The only case in which the higher ground has been taken on principle and maintained with consistency, by any but an individual here and there, is that of religious belief: a case instructive in many ways, and not least so as forming a most striking instance of the fallibility of what is called the moral sense: for the odium theologicum, in a sincere bigot, is one of the most unequivocal cases of moral feeling. Those who first broke the yoke of what called itself the Universal Church, were in general as little willing to permit difference of religious opinion as that church itself. But when the heat of the conflict was over, without giving a complete victory to any party, and each church or sect was reduced to limit its hopes to retaining possession of the ground it already occupied; minorities, seeing that they had no chance of becoming majorities, were under the necessity of pleading to those whom they could not convert, for permission to differ.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:32 No.1301676
    Why does the Nyx spammer only spam threads that are nearly or already autosaging?

    It just seems kinda pointless.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:33 No.1301681
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    It is accordingly on this battle-field, almost solely, that the rights of the individual against society have been asserted on broad grounds of principle, and the claim of society to exercise authority over dissentients openly controverted. The great writers to whom the world owes what religious liberty it possesses, have mostly asserted freedom of conscience as an indefeasible right, and denied absolutely that a human being is accountable to others for his religious belief. Yet so natural to mankind is intolerance in whatever they really care about, that religious freedom has hardly anywhere been practically realized, except where religious indifference, which dislikes to have its peace disturbed by theological quarrels, has added its weight to the scale. In the minds of almost all religious persons, even in the most tolerant countries, the duty of toleration is admitted with tacit reserves. One person will bear with dissent in matters of church government, but not of dogma; another can tolerate everybody, short of a Papist or an Unitarian; another, every one who believes in revealed religion; a few extend their charity a little further, but stop at the belief in a God and in a future state. Wherever the sentiment of the majority is still genuine and intense, it is found to have abated little of its claim to be obeyed.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:35 No.1301732
    Agreed. Most of these stories have been pretty predictable. The biggest problems with fluffybuse stories in general is that A) They all follow the same pattern and B) They all lack a sense of conflict.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:36 No.1301743
    That's one of these strange mysteries of life.
    >> 2/? Mlghandcnnon !JbEtXSTcis 04/15/12(Sun)21:37 No.1301771
    Fluffy pony then sees you have finished eating, and proceeds to let you out the cage
    >he picks you up in his hoof and holds you eye level with him
    >"I going to work pancakes, remember dun poopsies on carpet or sowwy stick for uoo"
    >"Got it."
    >see fluffy pony wife come in and kiss him off to work
    >"hawve fun dear!"
    >fluffy pony male then leaves the house
    >you hear a car engine and look out the patio door to see fluffy pony male drive away in a car
    >you realise you need to do either two things:
    >1. Get the fuck out of this parallel universe
    >2. Become ruler of this parallel universe with your superior intellect
    >Before you get started, you hear a knock on the door
    >Another male fluffy pony comes in the house
    >Fluffy wife leads him into the bedroom you're in and he lays her on the bed
    >"This sewms so wong" fluffy wife says
    >"but if fewls so wight!"
    >fluffy male (you hear he is called clyde) proceeds to nail fluffy female (you hear sharon being yelled)
    >after seeing fucked up image, you decide to go search around the house for anything you might need to escape this place, while no one notices
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:38 No.1301788
    Is it a female or a male?
    >> Mlghandcnnon !JbEtXSTcis 04/15/12(Sun)21:39 No.1301799
    you know what guys, I'm going to go make a fluffy pony thread and post my story in this. No point when this thread is pretty much dead and getting spammed. I hope you enjoy the premise so far.

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