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Realized my Humanized folder is literally nonexistent.

So, Humanized Thread?
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While the art is good on a technical level. Making Pinkie Pie look like 9 and removing her frizzy jew hair made me not even recognize her at first.

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Dusty is best pony http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1i5Dj6IH2g&feature=plcp

File deleted.
Want to make a pony tulpa. Any advice?
253 posts and 43 image replies omitted. Click here to view.
I'm not sure. It would be interesting to see if the resulting tulpa is dyslexic as well.

Apart from that, I can't see it having any real effect unless dyslexia does more to you than I think it does.
Well some times it can be bad and other times it good. It can affect communication and many other things. I would be afraid to try with out professional help to even try. maybe my sub conchunse would be more able to do things but knowing that I have some issues and leave that to a being that can think for its self is scary.
Every single time I show up after everyone has apparently left.
I can't see it hurting the tulpa, or even your ability to communicate with your tulpa. Tulpae use raw thoughts as well as words to communicate. My tulpa occasionally describes something in a way that, if another IRL person said it, would totally fail to get the point across. Yet I know exactly what she's talking about.
(Most notably this happened with a mental state she described to me in 5 seconds, and I "just knew" what it was. Second try, I did it and "yeah, that's it". Since then I've written a couple pages worth trying to describe it, and nobody's understood quite what I'm getting at. Kinda infuriating since I'm normally quite good at describing things.)

I'm not sure the extent of your issues, but many people working on this have something. I have anxiety disorder, especially around social things, along with occasional depression. So far having/working on my tulpae has done *some* for the anxiety, but has done wonders on depression. Some days I wake up feeling really down, and this would usually last the day and likely turn into a long-term funk. These days I make myself feel just a small happy feeling and send it to Lyra. She sends back something a little stronger, letting me send her something a bit stronger than that, and so forth. In maybe a half hour I'm fine.

Not quite. But now it's 4:20 AM and I'm going to bed, dammit.
Thank you I will still do research.

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Who here is an expert on tulpa? I would love to talk about how It would affect a dyslectic person vs normal.

Here is a picture of a pony so it is pony related
as well tell me your experience with them?
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No I am scared to do to my dyslexia and fear of doing it wrong and fucking up my mental status.

I am not one to go head first in to the unknown with out a idea of what to do espeshaly with mental health. I am the kind of person who dose most of the steps to lucid dreaming only to make my dreams more vivid I had no desire to control my dream and subjugate my self to reality checks. Essential I just like to get my feet wet.
Ok thank you vary much
Try asking >>>/x/, they love that kinda shit.
Thank you kind sir just posted it if you wish to watch go ahead.

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I bet she's making a burrito
would people think something was wrong with my if I made chocolate pudding on the stove at 2am in the morning every money
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>2 AM
>Not 4 AM
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>tfw it's 10 am here

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I want to cum inside Rainbow Dash.
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I want to applaud you for that choice.
I want rainbow dash to come in ME
Then go to Soviet Equestria.
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> tfw Rainbow Dash won't let you in
I want to rainbow inside cumdash.

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I know most people here are freaks that want to fuck ponies and such, but I'm just here to spread the cool news.
It's finally a thing.

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>It's finally a thing

You hear that, guys? It's okay to like ponies now! We're finally allowed to enjoy this cartoon, because a bunch of people bought DVD's of it. When something becomes profitable, that makes liking it okay!
Um, what? I said it's finally a thing as in the demand for season DVDs being answered, yo.
Uunga Bunga!
That fucking Spike vector again.
>That Hasbro Pinkie Vector
>Random Surprise-Spike
>Fluttershy looks "wat"-ish
>Angel Bunny for no fucking reason

My sides gyrate quicker than an electromagnet.

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>>4443348 (OP)
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Ask as actual real-life human anything.
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>>4442946 (OP)
get out of here roleplayer
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It's actually spiced meats, tortilla, and cilantro but when you're an Aztec warrior you eat what you can.

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Fear not nor/mlp/eople. While the board is currently overrun with crap, a new day will dawn!

Threads, full of content and friendship! This is a promise you know to be true in your hearts! While beset by enemies on all sides? Equestria endures!

So too will this board! Do not be discouraged by strife and discord. Instead share the friendship in your hearts and we will make the board a better place!
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Anon in Equestria
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The Great and Powerful Trixie is never worried.
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Will there be burritos?
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I hope they have this kind of burritos
you know... fuckability

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U bonies are all faggots

also, i want
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More gifs of party pony please
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Thas racist twoard mexicans, just cux they speek mexican, dont meen they cant
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pink pone
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que que esta pasando¿¿
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more pink pone dump

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In 20 years time, 4chan will be obsolete. Only outdated spam bots and a very small handful of actual users will use it. Even /b/ will only have 5 pages of active threads.

Poor /mlp/ was dead long before this happened. After season 4 of FiM the show was cancelled. As images faded from the internet the community fell apart in just 3 years time; traffic on /mlp/ dwindled and all bronies migrated elsewhere. The last non-spambot post was made 12 years ago.

Maybe you forgot to delete that image. Or maybe you kept it for reasons you no longer remember. But tucked in an unsorted folder on your obsolete pc you have one final image of FiM.

The 13th image in your pony folder is the final image to ever be posted on 4chan.
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>mfw someone is using the meme I made.
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Your pony is inferior.
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>not posting Ponigg

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Hey guys how's it going-

Aww shit I dropped my doritos!

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fucking happens all the time.
>be eating Doritos
>see hot pony ass.
>orange dick
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Shooped. That hoe has no pictures without a dick in them.
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R34 on this. Now.

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I have thousands of wallpapers. The first get, dubs and up. decides what character I dump tonight.
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Nice dump, but we need some Spitfire.
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Some OC, maximum file won't let me post the other one though.
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May I contriboot?
>>4432288 winner, winner, chicken dinner
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I feel the need to save this old thread.

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