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"Pacific Rim is going to be the stupidest movie of the year!" "People who want to watch it are drooling retards!" - Spoony One

That is full of shit, i didn't watch Pacific Rim yet and i think that statement is wrong, he basically said it will like Michael Bay Transformers.

I was an idiot to listen to him for this long.
>not figuring out Spoony is a moron that has a fetish for stuffing his foot into his mouth at every moment
Where did he say that? Strikes me as weird, knowing all of the dumb shit he's in to.
>he basically said it will like Michael Bay Transformers.

I can confirm that at no point do you see a Kaiju's testicles
I used to watch his podcasts, when I followed TGWTG stuff.

I'm really surprised he said that. I guess I misjudged him.
No, we ended up going the full hog and saw a uterus instead.
I was stupid, it took me until the beginning of his review about the latest movie with Will Smith son where he goes enraged someone liked Adam Sandler movies or the start of his Man of Steel review.

Any good movie critic out there?
Start of his Man of Steel review, his rage is shameful to watch.
There's a gigantic interdimensional vagina.
>Any good movie critic out there?

There's a part in the movie where people enter a kaiju corpse to harvest it's organs, it turns out their inside a pregnant kaiju
I found the video, http://spoonyexperiment.com/2013/06/15/noah-miles-watch-man-of-steel/

Be warned he rage a lot, his Pacific Rim opinion is close to the start .

Just saw it. Atleast his brother has some sense.
Yeah, Miles is obviously the rational, calm, friendly of the two.
>>9338715 (OP)
That's nothing OP, he did not even watch The Lone Ranger and he wouldn't shut up!

At least his video games reviews tend to be better.
Usually I watch Red Letter Media or Cinema Snob's Midnight Screenings as background noise.
>>9338715 (OP)
>Stop disliking what I like
/m/ really went down since I was here last time. You are like kids who were told that your candy is not the best thing there is.

>defending Spoony of all people in 2013

You do realize that the dude now shits on movies even before he sees them?
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>not realizing how much of a fag Spoony can be at times

Don't blame /m/ for laughing at how wrong an e-celeb is.
>>9338715 (OP)
I don't get why you'd be listening to a rapist's opinion, OP.
Defending? I talking about you people, not him.
He's from that Robotech site?
That's even sadder than when AmazingAtheist was reviewing trailers for movies. Not that anyone really remembers he used to do that after the whole banana incident anyway...
>caring about what retards on internet say
You're not a native English speaker are you?

You're defending Spoony by saying we're wrong for calling him out on his shit. This isn't a matter of "STOP DISLIKING WHAT I LIKE", this is the matter of someone making an uninformed statement of opinion and treating it as fact.
It's a good thing I'm not going to a con he's attending as a guest, I might be forced to punch him.
Spoony is a hardcore grognard who hates everything new and thinks stuff that was new when he was a kid is the hottest shit and everything else is just plain shit.

If he was into mecha, he'd fit right into /m/.
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This is how it starts y'know?

First ya start whining about the negligible opinions of "internet celebrities" then "muh intellectual investment in fictional material" then the next thing you know you're /v/.

Can we instead talk about the Movie itself?

Judging from your reactions I'm guessing the film was pretty good, though I've yet to see it.

I've just one important question related the the phenomenon of size of Giant Stompy Robot to How batshit nonsensical the conclusion is.

Does it suffer from Gainax Ending syndrome?
Oh for fuck's sake, it's not even a real review, it's just a vlog where he rambles a bit. Are you really so insecure that you can't stand to watch someone anymore because he shows hype aversion? This is a guy who loves Highlander and wrestling while admitting that most of it sucks.

“One must shed the bad taste of wanting to agree with many. "Good" is no longer good when one's neighbor mouths it. And how should there be a "common good"! The term contradicts itself: whatever can be common always has little value. In the end it must be as it is and always has been: great things remain for the great, abysses for the profound, nuances and shudders for the refined, and, in brief, all that is rare for the rare.”

- Friedrich Nietzsche
Spoony's been kinda comically angry at everything the past few reviews I kinda don't wanna trust him.
youtube pls
>Can we instead talk about the Movie itself?

Sure. There are plenty of threads on /m/ talking about the movie, but nooooo you fags just had to keep bumping this piece of shit thread up again and again.
>Does it suffer from Gainax Ending syndrome?


Awesome. That's all I needed to hear.
not /m/
Brad Jones / the cinema snob has a similar vloggy style but of much less retarded, and spotlights crazy old exploitation movies as well as reviewing new shit, which is cool
> of
Is (phone keyboard)
>caring about internet celebrities

>taking reviews seriously
>Go Nagai

Guess who's opinion I trust more than Spoony
both of them
Brad is pretty much the only internet reviewer I respect. I like AVGN and a few others too, but don't really respect them.
I can forgive him for thinking that.

We're talking about a guy who sat/suffered through ALL THREE Transformers films, and he hates the first one, and loathes the other two.

Pacific Rim's trailers while they do look awesome to us, to him it triggered bad memories of those movies. And the fact that some of us who are motivated to watch Pacific Rim are doing so for the giant robot fights, it makes his blood boil because he thinks that mentality is the reason why the TF films were successful in the first place.

Keep in mind that I don't agree with what he thinks, but I'm just sating why he would think that way.
>>9338715 (OP)
>Stupidest movie of the year
>Not the Adam Sandler movie
>Watching any of the transformer movies after the first one especially seriously.
I can blame him.
You are correct sir

Keep in mind that if it were his choice, he would stay clear from them.

He did it because his fans wanted to see him rip them apart.

I liked the first and the third

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