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Who the fuck is this guy, seriously?

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>this video
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>>8827159 (OP)

I'm never watching Toku again.
>>8827159 (OP)
It's Eiji. Duh, dumbass.

For real though, I can't believe he got that "got nothing to do with their lives" line out with a straight face.

Mecha =/= Mech. They aren't the same thing, brah.
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The voice of that guy asking the question is just great.

>posts on /m/
>doesn't know anything about ani/m/e
Why is /cgl/ visiting /m/ in the first place?
Is that a kamen rider belt voice in charge of interview?
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I'm afraid to click on this. I hate it when the retards get out of their cage.
As a guy who also visits /cgl/...how is this /cgl/?
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>this is what the /m/ version of quentin is like.
Honestly... I'm not that surprised.
Because the guy is cosplaying?
>>8827159 (OP)
and this is why toku isn't /m/
Who is the quentin version of quentin?
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>>8827159 (OP)
i was actually there in his panel
he seemed to know his stuff about Kamen Rider

he was trying to discuss every series but the panel ran out of time and he couldn't give proper discussions on the heisei era riders. it was a shame
>Not a cyborg
He's a CYBORG Soldier Level 3.
Nope. This guy knows his Kamen Rider.

Shin is not /m/

Jesus that was horrid.

>keep making their Gundams and Evas

Confirmed for pleb
>hotglueing Gundams
What? /toy/ does that, and even then it's a bannable offense.

And neither are Heisei Riders.
Kabuto and Faiz riders are is pure mechanical. But I think he is only one.
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The bad guy was, he had cables and shit. And when shin pulled off his head, he had even more cables and shit.
Bad guy was a Level 2 Cyborg. Shin is Level 3.
Here's the Shin manga if people need proof.
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This guy is clearly a fool, he fails to see the superior choice of liking both

But this guy in my pic, he looks like he wants to slap this faggots face for insulting /m/. I can see his DESIRE.
>These neckbeards have nothing better to do with their lives
W-why do we always have to fight!? Toku fans and mecha fans should get along with each other!
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w.why cant we understand?
Because I think toku sucks.
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>go on /m/
>see Decade on front page

he's a really cool guy though, last Otakon he let me wear is Fourze costume
what the fuck kind of speech impediment does the camera guy have?
I thought that was frowned upon over there?
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>tfw when I love mecha and toku with a burning passion
A lot pf people don't realize how intertwined the two genres really are. They're like brothers from different mothers.
I think the reality we should face is that this board is already slow as fuck
a just toku board would probably be able to survive with more branching out to different series, but /m/ without toku wouldn't be able to survive it would be so fucking dead
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Whats up /m/en?

So, before we go further into ripping out my asshole Let me tell you about what was going on when the video was made.

The Person Filming is the Infamous JKid, you can look up his ED page if you'd like and It it would help you better understand my quick replies, and obvious trolling( And stupidity, I did fuck up about Shin and I am ashamed).

This was after my Rider panel, I had just been standing and talking for a hour and a half I was being rushed out and Jkid comes up and puts his camera right in front of me and starts spitting out questions. I just wanted to get the fuck outta there.

In the whole TOKU ISNT /m/ thing, I don't give a fuck, I really don't care. This is the board where I can go talk about Tokusatsu, Gaogaigar or MegasXLR or any other fuck all huge robot. I can see why people say no its not and yes it is, honestly I'd be happy if it was split away from /m/ and given its own board (never gonna happen). But I don't Care, Its just a stupid argument over something that's never REALLY going to matter. At all.

So the video Itself...
JKid is all about *Chan culture, so I just said a bunch of shit I see spouted on here in reply to him. I was trying to leave the area, another panel was trying to get started. I did have a bit of fun with it, I called you all "neckbeards with nothing better to do with their lives". I visit /m/ often and I'm Not in school or working. I just make shitty costumes all day and watch children's Tv shows from Japan, AKA A NECKBEARD WITH NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH HIS LIFE, like many other good /m/ men I've met here ( not all of you, you know who you are if you're reading this.)

You can all see I'm packing up my shit and trying to leave. He got the hint once I grabbed all my crap and started to back away. My fault for even Acknowledging him really.

/m/ gets mad over a dumb video. A normal day in /m/
You know none of this is /m/.
I want to love mech stuff but it is just so hard to convince myself to watch any over toku. I've seen a few most of them were on Cartoon Network outside of those series all I've seen is TTGL, Appleseed, and maybe a few things I forgot and of course I'm only talking about /m/ anime.

>being shin is being not /m/
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I can stay for a bit and chat if you want to,
Thats funny as fuck, I Offer my face to /m/ for more.
my question is what the fuck do you do? Why exactly do you have a panell?
big fans of series usually run panels to lead discussion about it because they know a lot about the topic
What cons are these? the ones iv been to have next to no toku at all
Well that was Katsucon, and I've seen toku panels at Anime North which is a pretty big con (inb4 lol great white north)
>>8827159 (OP)
hi jkid
>Amazon and Shin

I wouldn't count Wizard as /m/ either
>>8827159 (OP)
>wearing OOO suit
>calling it mechanical
>amazon is ANCIENT SCIENCE cyborg
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I'm not as mad anymore. Glad you were just fucking with the guy.
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loved your panel man. sucked it didnt last long for you to have a proper discussion on the rest of the riders

hope you could do it again in a con with better panel timing
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Thanks for coming, Im still upset I didnt have the time to get through all the newer shows.
Next years will be Much better, I promise.
I know it's not the right thread to ask this, but any tips for a ryuki cosplay?
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What the fuck? My cosplay isnt Mechanical.
Eva Foam for armor if you want to move more, if you're okay with being stiff and want High detail then you'll want fiberglass.
Check the 405th.com, they're mostly halo based but the methods still work well for rider, somebody posted Some Ryuki and Ouja .pdo files there. check with /po/ If you're new to papercraft. Look for a newbie thread, dont start one please.

I posted a simple tutorial on Henshin justice for a guy looking to cosplay Ichigo and his came out awesome.
The thread name was " Help cosplaying Shin Ichigo" or something to that name.

If you need more help post on /cgl/, Ill see it.
Don't forget about OOO.
Not the guy but you can pretty much go to any con and if there is space, ask to start a panel. Was gonna do one for the con in my town but didn't think I would end up going last year so may try this upcoming year. Though possibly make it more of overall mecha
Still doesn't explain why you mixed-up mecha and mech.
Both Kamen Rider Amazon and Kamen Rider Shin are cyborgs. The only movie-era Kamen Rider who is not a cyborg is Kamen Rider J. The only Heisei-era Kamen Rider who is a cyborg is Kamen Rider G. /m/ still is the board for tokusatsu upon which we discuss anything amongst the perspective of usage of live-action masked heroes or monsters which make use of special effects. And yet, Lab Rats, Power Rangers and Supah Ninjas threads have been getting deleted as of recent, so it is starting to get frustrating. The Doctor Who, Star Trek and Star Wars threads remain untouched, however. It is confusing. Maybe our new janitor is an American reverse xenophobic.
>ED Jkid
oh lord it's a nigger.
>The thread name was " Help cosplaying Shin Ichigo" or something to that name.

Different guy here. I was actually planning to cosplay Ichigo, and this is going to be extremely helpful. Thanks.
G does not count becuase he's not a real Rider.
This is why I stopped going to conventions.
Autistic people will literally approach you and try to say things at you in speech-impediment voices even though they don't know you.
Anime, like gaming or any other escapist passtime, attracts assburgers sufferers in their hundreds.
Which convention was this? Seems pretty cool.
>ITT Gundumbs and evafags get told by a toku lover why their taste is shit. Watch them get mad.
I wanna believe he was wearing that sonic shirt ironically
>ITT: Some schmoe being a smuck.
>oh hey this video is about Decade
>open it
>Jkid starts talking
All you need to know about the guy speaking is he is the biggest sperglord you can possibly imagine. Creeps on /cgl/ at conventions and makes a huge ass of himself.
Who have a really awesome dad
We try to be nice to him at meetups, but he just doesn't have any social skills.
not /m/.
that's not mecha.
Nobody in Kabuto or Faiz is a cyborg.
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Whenever this argument comes up I say this:
Toku is not /m/. It is like saying "anime is /m/"
There are genres within Toku that are /m/ related.
Just like there are areas of anime that are /m/ related.

All Toku is not /m/ otherwise we should be posting about the Sailor Moon Live Action or the Negima Live Action - and if they are allowed we should post their respective anime shows on /m/ as well.

So /m/ should really just allow ALL anime and toku. Now that's not really sensible is it?
We aren't talking about anime.
>And yet, Lab Rats, Power Rangers and Supah Ninjas threads have been getting deleted as of recent, so it is starting to get frustrating.
>Power Rangers
Seriously? What the hell /m/?
>The Doctor Who, Star Trek and Star Wars threads remain untouched,
To be fair, the sci-fi elements are pretty evident in those shows. Plus Trek threads are gold. I rarely see a bad one.
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>Dis nigga trying to start this argument

So basically we got all of the worst of this board in one Thread. Oh god my sides, never change /m/
The suits they where are mechanical. It's the same with Iron Man
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To be fair, our Power Ranger threads are starting to look just like the robotech threads. Trolling everywhere. Maybe that's why they are deleted.

That said, /m/ wise they belong here.
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Jesus fucking chirst this again?
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This shit I swear
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I looked up on jkid's encyclopaedia dramatica page an hour ago. Holy shit, wtf is wrong with him?
you sad that all riders except for shin and amazon are mechanical
fucking Ipad
Is this the same Decade as on /cgl/? You probably don't remember me, I was asking about a Kuuga cosplay a while ago on /cgl/.

I've got a friend who's big into cosplay who's going to help me with the pepakura, but I was thinking of commissioning the helmet. How big of a difference in quality will there be between the armour and helmet? Also, any advice on his gloves and how to keep cool with the helmet on?
People in rubber suits are about as /m/ as Godzilla.
Saying "THEY ARE CYBORGS!" over and over again doesn't change anything. Unless I regularly see mechanical parts like in, say, Terminator, then they're still Japanese prettyboys in rubber suits.
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>Godzilla isn't /m/
>I looked up on jkid's encyclopaedia dramatica page an hour ago. Holy shit, wtf is wrong with him?

It is a cruel disease. It affects not only the victim, but everyone in a mile radius around them.
Same guy?

Godzilla was the foundation that Toku built itself on, that's what you don't get.

Tsuburaya (the people who did the special effects) went onto do Ultraman which inspired Toei to get Ishnomori to make Kamen Rider

Without Godzilla, there would have been no catalyst for Toku to exist
>Without Godzilla, there would have been no catalyst for Toku to exist

And without Mickey Mouse, there would be no Osamu Tezuka and no anime and thus no mecha anime.
Doesn't mean Mickey Mouse belongs on /m/
Godzilla films have giant robots in them. It's fucking /m/.

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there are certain cases...
>implying Steamboat Willie isn't /m/ as fuck
>implying someone won't post the Mickey Mecha within five minutes
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and before MIckey...
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Mickey Mouse got me into mecha.
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>tfw Disney will never make a hot-blooded OBARI AS FUCK super robot show staring disney characters
>Mickey Engages In Foreplay With A Robot Tranny Hooker
>implying Kingdom Hearts Super Robot Wars isn't coming
>implying anyone in Japan can resist putting Sabin / Goofy / Yazan in Getter Robo
That's my Dragonar team, natch.

>Yazan in the disneyverse

This shit is hilarious.
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Bluefin is actually releasing this in the US.
Hey, it's the fault of the guys who didn't want japanese live-action show with mecha elements on /m/ back when. They tried to get it kicked off by grouping it all together with non-/m/ toku and got burned by their own terminology since that's the term the mods saw.
>Butthurt weeaboos


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