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I spent the day sorting through and re-reading a few thousand e-mails from 2010, and it was really a blast from the past. What a year it was.
Thanks for an awesome 9 years, and for some great e-mails along the way.

As always, I read all of my e-mail and can be reached with questions/comments/concerns/hate mail/and plain ol' hellos at moot@4chan.org (or on AIM at MOOTCHAT).
tl;dr version of 2010: "SPAM, SPAM, SPAM, and VIRUSES: The Movie"

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I have a question /m/.

Of all the women, in all the mecha shows, in all the world, why the fuck are you guys so obsessed with Haman?

Why can't you be obsessed with a nice non-homicidal Gundam girl like Sayla or Roux?
Don't try to make sense of those people. It only ends in madness.
Fraw Bow master race, reporting in.
Actually, /m/ may not be as obsessed with Haman as thought.

In a recent thread when asked for several things, surprisingly few people mentioned her as their favourite female pilot.
>>8785683 (OP)
Because she's a really fucking good villain /thread
Fe/m/dom is hot bro.
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The truth is /m/ secretly has no taste sums it up pretty nicely, or its not such a secret.
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What's it like finding fat girls attractive?
Basically it went like this.

"Lacus is terrible, Haman is much better" then everyone else followed the hive mind like usual.

>Good villain
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Yeah, she's such a good villain, she lost to this dude.
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I'm partial to Marida even when she is REALLY damaged good. Must be the white knight in me.
Not same anon, but at least Fraw's got hips. So if she gets back in form, she'll be the ideal woman with the ideal body of a healthy potential (or already) mother, with good German genes.
Meridia a shit.
Well did you also ask who their favorite female pilot to fuck them while she wears a dildo was? Like Fa is one of my favorite female pilots, but I don't want her to fuck me with a strap on.
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Damn you novel guys to hell.
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You seem upset.
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Now you know how the entire Game of Thrones TV fandom feels.
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My favorite UC girl is Cecily. Well, actually, she's tied with Sayla and Mouar, but Cecily is too beautiful and awesome.
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Well, I also can't read moon runes and the Unicorn translation project doesn't seem to go very far in the novels. So yes.
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>Haman gets mentioned by OP

>Not a single Haman image in the entire thread

Is this real life?
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OP here.

I'm trying to ween you guys off this crazy bitch. She's no good for you /m/. You need to find yourself a nice girl, the marrying type, and settle down.
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>mfw the Season 3 finale
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I really like Cecily, and Bern will come into her own. And this being a Gundam woman thread, why does it seem like women are generally the pilots for prototype/gigantic mobile suits or bringing out their potential.
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Don't start with CDA Haman. My balls seriously cannot take it.
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I'm a girl by the way.
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Ah, the Gundam X girls. Nice you reminded me of them.

OP, I like you.
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Because they are the moon of our lives. They will be the ones to free us from Earth's gravity.
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I, uh...
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What's your problem with homicidal girls anyway?
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Oh my god.

That's a penis.
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Paptimus pls go

I like Nena too.
lol, she dead
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This nigga. This motherfucking nigga. This nigga earned my fucking respect.

Good choice.

Only good for anal.
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You're opposed to dating dead girls? What they're too good for you or something?
Nah, she just was transported to an alternate universe in the explosion where she became a Labor pilot or whatever.
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I like both.

So are Haman and quite a few other Gundam girls. What's your point?
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>this thread
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Shut up, I like Ms. Dorothy
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Will Allenby ever get the happiness that she deserves?
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>Pala's bounce is bigger than Ennil's
I still find that hilarious.
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something is wrong here
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>no Roux or Elle


When that Neo Nepal guy gives her the dick.

Leina and Puru are already there.
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>posting inferior bitches
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>implying superior women win
Only, every once in a while
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>best girl winning
>in Gundam
Only in 1% of the cases, my friend.
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>why /m/ likes haman
she's an interesting, competent female villain whose relationship with Char adds mystery to the Z-ZZ arc

or they just like being dominated idgaf

>why I like haman
best girl

do we ever see her again?
but.. some of us like tsundre / voilent /slightly crazy chicks.

its my boner weakness. though to be fair she could ACTUALLY kick my ass, so i wouldnt be as intrested. i just prefer fighting foreplay.
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She totally wins at the end of Zeta.

She finds Shiro and Aina in the mountains in episode 12.

She also joins the AEUG in the mid 0080s and has by that time trained as a pilot. She later defects to the Titans (and later, Neo Zeon) because Karaba rebels stormed her village & destroyed it. She gets her revenge when she helps with the colony drop on Dublin. She was killed by Federation forces some time during the first Neo Zeon war.
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I'll never see what you Allenby fans see in her.

While I prefer Dianna over all, Cecily is clearly the most attractive UC girl.

Allenby is just more interesting than Rain.
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>I'll never see what you Allenby fans see in her.
Do you have eyes in your head?

Gihren's Greed.
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sup faggots
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that's horrible! ;_;

any pics of her in the titan/neo zeon getup?

Sounds like nothing of value was lost.

Sadly she keeps the same outfit. They don't even change it to make her older.

Granted, this was one of the older GG games and it hasn't happened in recent ones, so as far as it being canon... it's probably not. But it was neat.
I can never picture any haman thread as anything other than Mashymyre samefagging.
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/m/ is weird. Hamman is just the most cappable female pilot we see so people jump on her her dick. Which if she had one it would be bigger than yours.

personally I like Allenby
>implying tifa was the best girl

Mashymres from different alternate dimensions.

Normal Mash, Jock Mash, Nerd Mash, Hipster Mash, Emo Mash, Otaku Mash, etc.

And one Glemy trolling the whole thread.
Does that mean there is a Hipster Haman and Hipster Char and Hipster Kamille in another dimension?
Gundam X girls are all best girls.

Even that forgettable, dead one.
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>nice non-homicidal

Because that's boring as hell.
The only dead one I can remember is Jamil's waifu and I don't see what's forgettable about her.

if shes not constantly trying to stab you in the chest, then she isnt worth dating.
Pity the novel was never translated because she's gang-raped and commits suicide.
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There's that girl Roybea meets in Estard, I think.
This nigga knows where it's at. X has all the best girls. Except Allenby, Sumeragi, and Cecily. X doesn't have those.
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>14 years old
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>tfw four is my favorite number

Anyone have that page from that MSG doujin where the crew are saying that they're 18 for the disclaimer's sake and they're laughing about it?
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Tieria is the only gundam girl for me <3
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I heard that 00 is a lot like Wing, is it gay like Wing too?

Dear god she's cute as hell.
With the exception of Tieria, it's significantly less gay. 00 is better overall if you ask me: the plot makes more sense, the pacing is better (except early season 2, but it's usually decent), the mecha designs are awesome, it has generally less annoying characters (marina and occasionally saji, but again, not too bad), and some excellent action.
kinda hard to anywhere near as gay as wing
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Well honestly I like Maya better anway
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Hmm, alright, I might download and give 00 a watch, after I eventually burn through the other series. Is AGE really that abominable?
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I always thought Mora was cute. But I like Fraw, Sayla and Rain quite a bit, too.
Seconding this.

Who's dat ho?
speaking of saji
i'm on like episode 18 of 00
why is he even in the show? seriously did the writers think the story was too boring so they added in 2 characters who have no impact on the plot what so ever?
Age is pretty mediocre until the end. The end will make you despise the entire show.
AGE is objectively terrible, it's just plain not good on several fundamental storytelling levels.

I still liked it though, you should watch it just so you can have fun complaining about all the horrifically wasted potential.
fucking gay rilley from the boondocks playing drums
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Hmm, I see. I've been contemplating giving the SEEDs and AGE a fair shake
Why do people hate all caps gundams?

Oh yeah, and I wanna watch Igloo too
it's certainly not as bad as /m/ makes it out to be
it's only real falling points are:
they tried to cram to much shit in so lots of characters got no character development
asemu picking romary
the entirety of the 3rd generation save for pirate asemu
and the fact that they sorta forget about the AGE builder... alot
i cant be the only one that thinks she looks like a penguin right...
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Leave my waifu alone.
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I like them though
do they like.. talk to her or somthing or does she use them to get in radio and tv stations?
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nigga fuck you
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mine don't
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She uses them to body scrubs
so... shes actually the guy at the end of Evangelion?

that would explain alot
i love body scrubs. but wouldnt her nose get in the way first? its pretty european and big you know.
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I shall rephrase that.

She uses them to beat down hooligans
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id let her beat me, if you know what i mean
but more then likely, her jew nose would get in the way, and besides dem brows would be too distracting.
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>Not choosing the most /m/ option
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Is any of Sentinel Translated? Or do people just really love ZZ on steroids?
Nice site huh?
Not same anon, but you have no idea.
It was sankaku
>implying they're all not mostly the same anyway
And yes.
All of Sentinel is translated
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pffft. that isnt the most /m/ option

Angleg or the Valisone is.
>search for Dorothy on gelbooru
>barely enough images to fill one page
It's not right, man. She's only in one doujin and she doesn't even do anything.
your a true /m/an. the lack of emotional response would be infuriating though.
Have you tried e hentai?
I did. That's where I found the doujin she's in. It's that weird one where Releena has some crazy dream or something. At least you get to see Dorothy wear this sexy babydoll. But it's not enough I say!
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dat unwashed steamy jungle pusssss.
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But... But... they have real women inside them!
>not /m/
step it up.
are there any gundam mangos that are available in acceptable-quality raws but haven't been translated
no wait, ive found the most /m/ girl here

shes got Her eyebrows too. so you antenna lovers are goign to be satisfied too
^ for those of you not in the know, shes a rather fleshy Bioroid (android).

but how mechanical is she exactly anyway? i saw her surviving in space, but she consumes liquids and stuff....
I assumed the consumption of substances was just programming by Lemon to make her act more human. After all, she was meant to infiltrate the Londo Bell/Earth Federation.
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Oh shit. Takes place after ZZ right? So it would take place before Unicorn no?

I believe Sentinel actually takes place during ZZ.
during the ending half of ZZ and a little bit after.
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Lol, so I could theoretically read Sentinel while watching ZZ. But I'd likely watch ZZ first.
Ive only played the OG series. SRW OG and SRW OG2 (both for game boy)
in it kishuna makes her a health drink , which she suspects is poison, but drinks anway to avoid suspicion. it nocks her cold out and makes her feel better (which is what it does to pretty much everyone)
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Did someone say gundam girls
And they die faster than the cast of Bokurano.
Fucking Tomino, it's like he couldn't resist, so he introduced a group of characters for the sole purpose of killing them 1 per episode.
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I think Kashillia is easily the best Gundam female. You want a quality villain, you can do no better.

My personal favorite though is Miharu. I have quite the boner for her.
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Maybe he killed them on accident?
you know what made me so mad with victory?
every time uso talks to a supporting character, they die. he is like the grim reaper of talking to people.
it's almost as if they die because they talked to him.
there isn't really a point since sentinel and ZZ's stories don't intertwine

actually, the start date of gundam sentinel's new desides rebellion is set on the same day that zeta episode 46 takes place, and it ends before the UC date of ZZ's 17th episode

It just had to be her death scene huh? God that shit just came out of nowhere. But it was war, so I guess it sort of didn't.
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Oh, I see. I thought they would since Superior is developed from ZZ, or at least that was my understanding
no, S gundam is a separate design that happens to incorporate the same kind of concept

that said, the FAZZs in sentinel appear long before the ZZ gundam itself in ZZ gundam because the FAZZs are non-transforming testing prototypes for the ZZ gundam itself. they were built from the ground up to have heavy armor (can't be ejected) and to test the weapons systems and armor, so they got finished much faster and when testing was done, they got shoved over to the task force alpha group
Probably they're parallel developments. As in, tech is developed, then used in both of them.
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Oooh, okay, thanks for clarifying that.
> that image.
I may never stop fapping.
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>>8785683 (OP)
I am also obsessed with Crowley Hamon. Ramba was the luckiest man in all of U.C.
He and Louise are there to show the perspective of/effect on regular people while all this crazy shit is going on.
That Four... Yes please.
To this day, I'm ambivalent on how they executed this idea, especially in the way that they turned Louise into yet another crazy cyber-newtype and the way they turned Saji into a massive faggot early on in S2.

The Saji/Louise dynamic was one of the most disappointing things about S2, to be honest.
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What? That's objectively wrong, since the last member of the shrike team died on the penultimate episode
It was just a bit of exaggeration for comic effect, bro. There was a set of 4 or 5 episodes right after they were introduced where they died 1 per episode, every episode, though.
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A thread involving mecha waifu's without this group? For shame.
No she's not, she sat around and let the Titans and AEUG wipe each other out and then sat around and let Glemmy steal her power base from under her. Aside from sneaking aboard the Argama for a couple episodes and fondling Jewdough (which is why I assume she's so popular) she barely did shit.
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Shrike team, tragic heroes.
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>>8785683 (OP)
See, I never really got the major love for Roux. I mean, she looks nice, sure...but personality-wise, she kind of grated on me.
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Now that's some lovely detail. But really, it's usually the villains who get to fulfill the fantasies.
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But Roux is charming, charismatic, flirty, sexy.
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Are their sacrifices forgotten?
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>>8785683 (OP)
But i am obsessed with Sayla. Oirigin's Sayla specifically.
I want to be called space dust by Sayla.
Because she's a self-assured charismatic strong female villain who has sex-appeal without letting it dominate her character, which is gold-dust on /m/.
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What the flying fuck.
Dis sum Bright harem?
I'd pay to watch it.
Funny that the only girl missing there is the canonical winner.
I wish Goldust replaced Haman so bad now.
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That is seriously one of the hottest fucking designs I've ever witnessed in anime. Her Zeta and ZZ counterparts aren't half bad either, muh dick.
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You'll never forget the name of... Haman.
mmm.. Mashymar....
I'll let you smell my rose...
These are photoshops right? What does she really look like?
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Are there any Gundam shows that ever had a beach episode?
No, she really has those eyebrows.
Gundam X had a couple actually
Don't remember in actual show, but in SRW3 all WB crew decides to take the day off on the ocean's coast, despite there is war going on. White Base crew are the coolest guys around.
the original did
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The White Base crew are a bunch of assholes who use their government funding inappropriately.
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>These are photoshops right? What does she really look like?

Nigga don't know about the eyebrows. Is this nigga serious.
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The best episode of the best series.
For my stupid computer competency class I had to make a company budget, so I made one for White Base Inc. Those guys spend a lot on salt.
Rain, what are you doing here? You aren't even in the right universe.
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They are fighting sunburn as you stare at them. Kai is also fighting the boner in his trunks.
Kai fucked Sayla at least once, possibly at the end of the Zeta movie.
Ergo, his fight for self-control during the White Base days paid off.
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It hurts so bad.
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My heart... picture related.
CDA Haman is so weird. It's not like I expected Haman to always be the serious dictator from the get go, but she's almost a completely different person in this.
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forgot the attachment
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He would be a terrifying pilot.
/r/ charo in red with the OYW color eyeslits

HERE is the best girl, he really should have just said fuck it it and gone off and banagher.
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I liked Lalah. Sure she had the autisms, but she was sweet.
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Personally I found her unlikeable to the point where I was happy when she died.
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Re-watching that part... I realized she deflected that shot herself, allowing herself to be shot. God damn it Riddhe. I get what he was saying but fuck him.
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Damn man. She was just an innocent girl turned into a weapon.
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>turned into

You mean willingly became. No one forced her to slaughter civilians, she did that of her own free will.
>No one forced her to slaughter civilians
When did she do that. As far as I was aware she only did tests with the elmeth and then died against the white base.
She only wanted to be useful to the man that saved her/that she loved. And what civies did she kill?
I have no idea about the novel version, but in the OVA she was insufferable.

My mistake, I saw the Loni pic above plus the similar post numbers. I see now Lalah was being talked about.
Ooooh, okay, honest mistake.
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I'm the only person that likes Reccoa it seems. All she wanted was someone to love her and see her as a person and not as a soldier or a tool or a weapon to be used and it broke her. Good going Char.
"Don't think of me as a soldier!"
>while being a soldier
Stupid woman wanted Quattro to drop everything and "be a man" to her.
That is so retarded, she is so retarded.
Quess makes more sense than this woman.
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The only argument I can make, at the moment, for Loni. Her life and what the hell happened forced her hand and will to. When attacked, you attack back. Its a really basic feeling that is pretty damn hard to suppress.
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No one tops Quess. She was quite retarded. Hell, all the damn kids in CCA were.

It came across like Paptimus just spirited her way though.
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:) good girl your are woman very good girl :)
What's retarded about it? That was the entire point: she didn't want Char to see her as only a soldier but as a lover and confidant and generally as a person rather than just a soldier. She'd been a guerrilla fighter in the OYW and now was serving as a soldier in the AEUG. A good portion of her life was spent as a soldier and fighting battles so she falls in love with someone and wants him to return that affection, to tell her "hey you're not just a soldier". But Char's a spergy, awkward, single-minded fuck who will never get over Lalah so he wound up inadvertantly treating her kind of shitty and leading her on.

She infiltrates the Jupitris and (thanks to Scirocco's mindfuckery) thinks she's found someone who WILL treat her as a person and as a woman and actually love her and not just go "Reccoa, time for battle. Reccoa, go infiltrate this." so she defects. And after she defects she finds out that Scirocco only saw her as something to use against the AEUG and at that point probably assumed it was too late to go back so it breaks her. She resigns herself to never being a woman but instead as a thing to be used by other people; it's why she was begging the AEUG to stop her from gassing the colony instead of not doing it herself. At that point she felt she had no more agency. It's why her dying line is about women being fated to be the tools of men because that's how she viewed herself.

She's ultimately one of the most tragic characters in a show that builds off of 0079's message: that in war the only winners are those at the top and those with political savvy while it leaves everyone else ruined. Char's forced to watch as people are thrown into the grinder for no reason and in the end it's all useless because a late entry that was smart enough to play everyone wins anyway and it's what drives him into "fuck this" mode in CCA.
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Not the dude that wrote that but Reccoa's dilemma also parallels how most folks view Newtypes: tools to be used and discarded when necessary
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but she's a good-looking retard.
I haven't seen ZZ yet, but something tells me I'm going to hate Glemy

So finding a lover was more important to her than winning the war. Why was she even fighting if she didn't care for the cause?
Because that's how normal people act? Nothing is as absolute like in AUs.
>I'm the only person that likes Reccoa it seems.
Yes, yes you are. Reccoa a shit. She was pretty cool at the beginning, even with her angst and shit, but she seemed like a cool sis, like Emma, and then she went wangsty. Thank Emma and Yazan for cleansing the genetic pool from this bitch.
I prefer Sayla and Four, to be honest. I can only imagine if I wanted to fuck Quess, her bitching would be a fucking turn off. I'm serious. Even if I use the Force, it wouldn't be enough.
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I forget UC is the 80's in space with all the space nazis and earth nazis
That doesn't answer the question at all. Why was she with the AEUG in the first place? Why didn't she remain a civilian and go looking for a boyfriend if she wants one so badly?

She was a guerrilla during the OYW, I'm guessing it was all she knew.

Don't just make up dumb shit like that. That's how rumors get started.
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>>no Cima Galahau in the entire thread

Shame on you!

Fuck. Wasn't aware Motchie was such a retard.

That's another artist blacklisted.

>>said fuck it and gone off and banagher

>People don't like old busted hags

What shame is there in that?

I require source of this image.
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>hating Lalah
what the fuck man. how can you hate Lalah?
>Even if I use the Force on Quess
Umm...she would be the one using "the Force" on you. she's a crazy retarded super newtype on the level of lalah.
I will never understand why anyone would ever give a shit about Loni. at least Cima had some screen time. women in mobile armors only exist to be destroyed, you should know this by now.
She has one scene where she says hi to banagher and then later she's Sieg Zeoning and slaughtering a bunch of people.
It's not that she didn't want to be a soldier, it's that she wanted to be seen as not JUST a soldier because being a soldier was all she knew. She wanted to help and fight but also wanted love. Char lead her on a bit but never really loved her because he was so focused on war. Scirocco only saw her as something to use against the AEUG and something for him to manipulate because she was at a low point and weak-willed then (his mental manipulation, remember, only really is shown working on the lovelorn Reccoa and childish Sarah; he tried it on Mouar and got shut down because she was steadfast in her commitment to Jerid and thus had nothing to prey on).

She wanted to fight but she wanted a life beyond being a soldier but unfortunately for her nobody else recognized or was able to give her that.

I really like the explanation in this thread, but it is worth noting that she's an adrenaline junkie and takes pleasure in putting herself in the worst situations possible.

she had it all coming, really, vicious cycle, etc

I know I know unreasonable hate. She just annoyed the hell out of me.
search for motchie kingdom in e-hentai, or just cima galahau for more stuff
Better than fucking lolishit.
When I mean the Force, I mean rape.
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Not Gundam, but I'd fuck the living shit out of Kiku...that is, if she doesn't cut it off first.
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Seconding this

Picking between Puru and Cima? I'd definitely go with Puru
Puru is a Zeke. I thought you wanted them all dead.

I just don't like Cima that much

You don't seem to like much of anything relating to 0083.

Not true, I enjoyed Gato's death and the mecha.
I still find it...strange, from you, considering she offered the Zekes in a silver plate to the Federation. Or is it because she betrayed the Zekes that you don't like her?

I just don't like her
That is officially the gayest Wing art I have ever seen.
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SEED and Wing both have extremely homoerotic official art, yet not much homosex happening onscreen.

00 had actual gay stuff happen in it, and the character designs were done by some shotacon manga lady. Yet, the art was still straighter.

>Heero Yuy laughing.mp4

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