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  • File : 1325364556.jpg-(494 KB, 1440x900, toonami_absolution_desktop_1440x900_wall(...).jpg)
    494 KB Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)15:49 No.7218669  
    So I'm just curious, how old is everybody on /m/?

    22 yrs old reporting in
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)15:52 No.7218674
    21 years of age here.
    >> Orange Bar Guy !YaTbrKHbkw 12/31/11(Sat)15:52 No.7218676
         File1325364750.jpg-(47 KB, 432x650, brofic_174[2].jpg)
    47 KB
    Twenty wan, brah.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)15:53 No.7218678
    30 but I'll say 25 if someone asks Irl, and theyll buy it.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)15:54 No.7218683
    30 here too.
    >> Gunlord !6qP5LNfia. 12/31/11(Sat)15:55 No.7218684
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:01 No.7218698
    Ruri is 14 btw.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:03 No.7218703
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:04 No.7218704
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:04 No.7218708
    22 reporting in
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:04 No.7218709
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:05 No.7218711
    22. Good to know I'm not that old in your company, gents.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:07 No.7218718
    Quarter of a century, Reporting in!
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:07 No.7218719
    >> Tsuki no Rose C'est La Vie !!qekHDPrfH9Q 12/31/11(Sat)16:08 No.7218720
    18 >_>.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:14 No.7218740
    19, 20 in April.
    >> FiendNihilo 12/31/11(Sat)16:17 No.7218753
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:20 No.7218762
    27, if my math's correct
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:20 No.7218764

    [spoilers]Actually 22.[/spoilers]
    >> AMX-004 12/31/11(Sat)16:20 No.7218765
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:20 No.7218768
    20, 21 in March.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:21 No.7218773
    Shit. This?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:25 No.7218783
    Oldfag at 45, still watching the good stuff.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:25 No.7218785
    17 here
    >> Troll's Golos 12/31/11(Sat)16:26 No.7218788
    24 since yesterday.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:28 No.7218796
         File1325366937.jpg-(711 KB, 5000x5000, Absolution.jpg)
    711 KB
    29, and posting something a bit bigger for the OP to use.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:30 No.7218798
    Got one of the Absolution II?
    >> Gihren Loyalist !rJxTPNVkHU 12/31/11(Sat)16:31 No.7218800
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:34 No.7218811
    Turning 27 in a couple of months. I honestly can't wait for my 30th birthday.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:37 No.7218816
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:45 No.7218836
         File1325367954.jpg-(40 KB, 390x355, 1311922056262.jpg)
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    17, Attending since 2007.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:47 No.7218843
    27. Feels average man.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:48 No.7218847
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:48 No.7218853
    >That feel when 14 year old bitch Ruri is trolling the shit out if 25-30 year old men.
    >> Serperoth 12/31/11(Sat)16:52 No.7218867
    Shamefully, 18.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:57 No.7218882
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)16:58 No.7218886
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:00 No.7218891
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:01 No.7218893

    Lurked, occasionally posted on 4chan since '05. Damn, that was a while ago.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:04 No.7218903

    Got into mecha through Gundam. I know that's not what OP asked but I wanted to make this more mecha related.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:05 No.7218905

    1992 master race reporting in.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:07 No.7218908
    hooooh! 27
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:08 No.7218913
         File1325369300.jpg-(22 KB, 640x360, 1267432485189.jpg)
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    29, but I'll be 30 in January.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:10 No.7218919
    28. 29 right around the corner. Visiting with a couple of years, no idea how many exactly. Probably since shortly after the board was formed.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:11 No.7218924
    Younger than VF-Kun, older than Ruri.
    >> Gihren Loyalist !rJxTPNVkHU 12/31/11(Sat)17:14 No.7218937

    My nigga !
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:19 No.7218952

    Everyone's younger than VF-Kun.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:19 No.7218953
    22 yo.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:22 No.7218959

    I know that feel bro.
    >> Tsuki no Rose C'est La Vie !!qekHDPrfH9Q 12/31/11(Sat)17:27 No.7218976
    1993 master-race?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:30 No.7218982
    >not being 1991 master race

    I suppose you can blame it on the misfortune of your birth.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:31 No.7218986

    It feels like every time there's a thread like this, people just grow younger each time. It just feels weird to be older than most of you assholes.
    >> Tsuki no Rose C'est La Vie !!qekHDPrfH9Q 12/31/11(Sat)17:32 No.7218991
         File1325370758.jpg-(130 KB, 1000x1138, Rx-121-2a.jpg)
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    Get the hell out of here, you fucking Char Clone.

    pic unrelated.
    >> Garrod Ran !!BYLGMSyDiu0 12/31/11(Sat)17:36 No.7219003
    Twenty right here. But sometimes, I feel older than I actually am. Maybe it's because the only other anime fans I've met in real life are either into Naruto, Bleach, One Piece, two out of the three mentioned, or all three.

    No one ever talks about Gundam, they all call it "That one Transformers show in space".
    >> Vanderbolt !aQiZgJSBK. 12/31/11(Sat)17:38 No.7219009
    22 here
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:39 No.7219010

    If we are going based on looks, i'd be more of a Delaz clone.

    Being bald is suffering.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:40 No.7219014
    3091 yrs grand arch mage

    It was a lot easier back in my day to go over 30 without masturbating, it was more of a trial to hit 30 at all
    >> S-Rank Anon 12/31/11(Sat)17:41 No.7219017
         File1325371266.jpg-(71 KB, 450x600, 1302019075515.jpg)
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    20, but I'll be 21 fairly soon.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:43 No.7219021
    19 till June
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:43 No.7219023
    Second oldest/
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:45 No.7219027
    17 here
    >> Leo-Pilot 12/31/11(Sat)17:45 No.7219028
         File1325371529.jpg-(156 KB, 1130x785, Megas XLR - Destroy the world.jpg)
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    26 in another 15 minutes.

    I always get fireworks on my birthday.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:46 No.7219029
    same as this gentleman
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:47 No.7219033
    Ha. Me as well.
    >> Serperoth 12/31/11(Sat)17:48 No.7219037
    I dunno if master race, but I'm not complaining. 1993 was a prime so yeah, there's that good note.
    And yeah, that feel. I relate better to my fellow /m/en than most 18yearolds I socialize with
    >> Sista-A Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:49 No.7219038
         File1325371754.jpg-(799 KB, 650x987, godzilla vs tf.jpg)
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    >45 old f@g
    31 as of Jan.3.

    In all seriousness old-guy, you must remember alot of cool stuff! Did you ever watch Godzilla?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:54 No.7219051
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)17:59 No.7219060
         File1325372371.jpg-(259 KB, 815x715, close-up gouf gundam mecha mob(...).jpg)
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    19, 20 in April.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:02 No.7219065

    1987 was a good year to be born.
    >> Tsuki no Rose C'est La Vie !!qekHDPrfH9Q 12/31/11(Sat)18:05 No.7219072
    And 2012 will be a great year for all of us to die.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)18:08 No.7219079
         File1325372888.jpg-(387 KB, 750x1000, 1241753.jpg)
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    22 Here
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:09 No.7219611
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:15 No.7219624
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:15 No.7219626
    Also 24 from 1987.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:25 No.7219655
    19 goin on 20 in march
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:28 No.7219662
         File1325384916.jpg-(450 KB, 750x963, Shogun_Warriors_by_retrorobotb(...).jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:29 No.7219672
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:31 No.7219677

    36. Third oldest. I was born on November the 5th, 1975. I missed the good stuff then, but thanks to the internecks, I am catching up.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:35 No.7219687
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:40 No.7219708
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:42 No.7219714
         File1325385723.jpg-(49 KB, 544x400, old guy.jpg)
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    21 actually.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:42 No.7219716
    19, 20 in June. I can go get killed by some asshole wearing a turban but I can't buy alcohol or handguns; shitsux.
    >> Shady Negro !!es8jpwZdntp 12/31/11(Sat)21:47 No.7219729
         File1325386045.png-(401 KB, 808x494, 1322697195838.png)
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    >> tammashii !THSqahCNw2 12/31/11(Sat)21:48 No.7219731
         File1325386088.jpg-(24 KB, 368x312, 1324860265807.jpg)
    24 KB
    20, turning 21 on the 31st of January.

    >Being a kid from 95-2003
    That was fun. Those poor kids of today need a Medabots or something like it. Hopefully Danball Senki suffices.
    >> Treyz !zrelAS44sE 12/31/11(Sat)21:51 No.7219742
    21 baby
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:54 No.7219749
    same here.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:57 No.7219762
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)21:57 No.7219764
    It's good to see many 1990ers here.
    >> ThatGuy !!QI7pfj0WWXq 12/31/11(Sat)21:58 No.7219765
    >> GARlock 12/31/11(Sat)22:01 No.7219775
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:05 No.7219792
    So, in 10-20 years /m/ will be full of 40 years old /m/en?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:10 No.7219801
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:11 No.7219804
         File1325387489.jpg-(44 KB, 704x480, underage drinking.jpg)
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    Assuming this site will be around for that long, yes.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:11 No.7219805
    In 10-20 years /m/ will be dead due to loss of interest. Nothing last forever, all good things must come to an end, etc. etc.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:12 No.7219810
         File1325387563.jpg-(19 KB, 645x328, yahoo--645-75.jpg)
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    >Mfw /m/ isn't full of underageb& like I thought
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:16 No.7219818
    28, been here since I was 21.
    >> Kamille !!ID1e4qu9MWW 12/31/11(Sat)22:18 No.7219821
    >> Kochiha !!yo5xj/Oew52 12/31/11(Sat)22:20 No.7219826
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:20 No.7219830
    The underage people don't reply. Or reply and lie about it, but that's kinda pointless if you're anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:24 No.7219841
    >> Gundrium !EorQ25Gak. 12/31/11(Sat)22:32 No.7219858
    >21 year old master race reporting in.

    1990 is best year because it was the last decade of the 20th century. Aug. 1st b-day.

    Also, I got my name from the 'fictional' material that the Gundrium alloy is mainly.

    because I was introduced into Gundam by G-Gundam, /m/ will always be /m/anly.

    THE KING OF HEARTS is a wimp, THE QUEEN OF SPADES RULES! (spoilers) 'merica. Fuck yeah. (/spoilers)
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:36 No.7219875
    20, feeling like a youngster here.
    Is VF-kun still in the double digits even?
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:41 No.7219886
    you are fucking annoying even in just the one post

    welcome to my filter, faggot
    >> Orange Bar Guy !YaTbrKHbkw 12/31/11(Sat)22:44 No.7219901
    >> Gundrium !EorQ25Gak. 12/31/11(Sat)22:48 No.7219911

    In reply:

    So how many other /m/en think it's interesting that gigantor pretty much started the 'giant robot' genre, but no-one really talks about it? You know, to keep this /m/.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:49 No.7219916
         File1325389749.gif-(32 KB, 366x300, bonk.gif)
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    22 here. 21fags can kiss my ass.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:49 No.7219917
    I think you mean Tetsujin 28
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:50 No.7219920
    We talk about Imagawa's version all the time.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)22:55 No.7219938
    1991 master race reporting in.
    >> Gundrium !EorQ25Gak. 12/31/11(Sat)22:57 No.7219943

    Really? Huh.

    I haven't seen one in the entire year/ year and a half I've come here.

    I'm quite unlucky, in that respect I guess.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)23:05 No.7219973
    24, born in June 1987 and been coming here regularly since 00s1

    This thread is making me feel old and I want to be 21 again. Is 3 years really that long?
    >> Gundrium !EorQ25Gak. 12/31/11(Sat)23:15 No.7220013

    I guess?

    All I know is that it's all a matter of perspective.

    Also, why are there no good 'western', as in made (originally) in like, Britain, or America, or Canada for pete's sake.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)23:22 No.7220031
    >Also, why are there no good 'western', as in made (originally) in like, Britain, or America, or Canada for pete's sake.
    Because, for the most part, westerners like fiction that's a bit more grounded in reality when they grow up, so giant robots don't show up that often since they fly in the face of that.

    But spaceships, power armor, and all sorts of other /m/ things? The west is all over that shit, assuming the production has the budget for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)23:29 No.7220053
         File1325392180.png-(410 KB, 1128x571, 1320885536260.png)
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    38 year old here, and I loved the old Godzilla movies. They got me into Japanese cinema which led me to finding anime, well beyond knowing it in its Americanized forms as Star Blazers and Robotech.

    Made this little doohickey for /a/, but since we're talking ages, I guess I'll post it here.
    >> Gundrium !EorQ25Gak. 12/31/11(Sat)23:31 No.7220057

    Eh, I guess your right.

    >Still, a man can drea/m/, can't he?
    >> Number Cruncher 12/31/11(Sat)23:35 No.7220077
    25, been on 4chan since December '03, though not regularly until banned from SA back in late '04
    Nostalgia: Toonami "ITSAGUNDAM!" eyecatch
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)23:38 No.7220087
    Speaking of ages, does anyone have even an inkling of how old VF-Kun is? I say 40s.
    >> Anonymous 12/31/11(Sat)23:39 No.7220089
    To be fair, we are seeing a lot more mechs in Western works; even ignoring the Bayformers movies, we've seen the Prawn exosuit, the mechs from Falling Skies, and the Atlas from ME3, for example.

    The problem is that CGI is still pretty expensive, so you can't get a lot of stuff with mechs in live action productions unless you have fucktons of money. It's easier with cartoons and games since everything is CGI and thus you don't need to make everything photorealistic to blend in with the people and environment.
    >> Gundrium !EorQ25Gak. 01/01/12(Sun)00:04 No.7220199

    Unfortunately, the 'stereotypical western' western thinks cartoon=childish.

    >Sigh, life as a MechHead is suffering.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)00:21 No.7220249
    19 going on 20.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)00:30 No.7220286
    20 going on 21 next month.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)00:51 No.7220353
    21 baby
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:11 No.7220394
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:17 No.7220405
    22 here, nearly 23.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:22 No.7220416
    If I'm still here when I'm past 25 I'm an heroing.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:22 No.7220417
    21 years old reporting in.
    >> EddGee773 01/01/12(Sun)01:47 No.7220476
         File1325400452.jpg-(13 KB, 450x327, img_124402_giantrobot..jpg)
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    Am I number one?
    I feel like number two!
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)01:54 No.7220500
    22, 23 in feb
    >> The "ASS" !!GQNVQyer27C 01/01/12(Sun)01:54 No.7220502
    26 bromigo.
    >> dorkly chair of the institute for space politics 01/01/12(Sun)01:59 No.7220522
    30, 31 in Feb.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)02:01 No.7220527
    Anyone know how old Ruri is?
    I bet he isn't actually underage.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)02:34 No.7220625
         File1325403281.jpg-(26 KB, 250x318, Ri-Man-Roujin-Z.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)06:06 No.7221071
    I'll be 24 in August.
    >> Daironeri !!rt19Hq6qvSm 01/01/12(Sun)07:27 No.7221218
         File1325420847.jpg-(180 KB, 500x445, hey_you_karaoke.jpg)
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    I'm 27, will turn Tetsujin in November.

    Oh, and Xabungle's 30 in February. Let's hope for a Blu-Ray box set.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)07:30 No.7221227
    26, 27 by 1 Feb.
    >> Soulgain !!p3/Kxpakymr 01/01/12(Sun)07:33 No.7221233
         File1325421209.jpg-(148 KB, 770x1000, 17897248.jpg)
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    22 years old.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)07:34 No.7221238

    >> /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ 01/01/12(Sun)08:53 No.7221413
         File1325425985.jpg-(4 KB, 126x95, 1271039034139.jpg)
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    24 and
    >> Destrado (Typical Eva fan) !QFtehReiJw 01/01/12(Sun)08:54 No.7221415
         File1325426057.jpg-(73 KB, 704x528, [a4e]Mobile_Suit_Gundam_Seed_P(...).jpg)
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    >> Gear !W3BwC6KHHw 01/01/12(Sun)08:57 No.7221424

    That picture will irk me until the end of days. They look too rubbery.

    On topic, I'm 20.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)09:00 No.7221428
    >> That KimiNozo Guy !8A6ht9PoSs 01/01/12(Sun)09:02 No.7221430
         File1325426520.jpg-(102 KB, 794x586, close range snipe.jpg)
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    23. Soon to turn 24.
    >> Fllay Allster !!YQXyGOiATa/ 01/01/12(Sun)09:05 No.7221438
    Hopefully they retouch this scene on the Remaster, looks too derpy.
    BTW, I'm a 25 year old IT Student.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)09:06 No.7221440
    23 in just over a week.
    >> AppleShy !gsT4BHpMTY 01/01/12(Sun)09:11 No.7221445
    21 here. 21 sad and virgin years
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)09:19 No.7221459
    26 year old virgin fe/m/anon here.
    You guys (and /a/) are the only reason I haven't offed myself yet.
    >> /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\ 01/01/12(Sun)09:27 No.7221481
         File1325428076.jpg-(11 KB, 251x251, 1321099135692.jpg)
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    >> tripfiend !Y8SckMYezs 01/01/12(Sun)09:39 No.7221512
    Please don't kill yourself. I would be sad if you did.
    We already had the Apotho-chan thing in /jp/. ;_;
    >> Amuro Rey !p4KYFcO.So 01/01/12(Sun)09:41 No.7221516
         File1325428884.jpg-(128 KB, 720x688, kai's letter Z Gundam.jpg)
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    there are not enough fe/m/anons here, suicide is bad, m'kay?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)09:57 No.7221552
    >26 f virgin

    By choice, I assume, since any woman can find some guy to fuck them if they really want to get laid.

    Anyway, don't commit suicide. No matter how shit your life might seem likely, it can always get better. Try finding something worth living for outside 4chan too.
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)10:02 No.7221563
    One year older than Ruri.

    First /m/ anime was Gundam Wing.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:14 No.7221599
    >Try finding something worth living for outside 4chan too.
    can you give us some examples, I can't think of any
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)10:19 No.7221613

    You can always get a hobby.

    or a lover.

    or try to save the world.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:19 No.7221617
         File1325431172.jpg-(42 KB, 249x342, neumann.jpg)
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    Science! Makes everything better.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:20 No.7221623
    Friends, hobbies, oral sex.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:29 No.7221642
    >You can always get a hobby.
    >or a lover.
    hobby - /a/,/m/
    get a lover - I wouldn't be on 4chan if it would be so easy
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)10:33 No.7221650

    I can go out with you.

    But I'm probably too young. And you're probably somewhere far away. And not interested.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:42 No.7221684
    >26 year old virgin fe/m/anon
    Assburgers, incredibly ugly, or a mix of both? A woman can get laid in a single night just by offering it enough times, unless it's the latter. And even then, you'd have to be REALLY ugly.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:50 No.7221710
    Shut the fuck up and stop being so politically correct. If she wants to off herself she has the right. What exactly is so great that it's worth sticking around for another few decades of mediocrity anyway? Entertainment just distracts you from your meaningless existence until the inevitable and sex is just something you're programmed to enjoy for the sake of reproduction but it isn't all that impressive. Plus children are disgusting little monsters with no sense of empathy or morals, I would hate to live with one.

    Life sucks and you eventually die, stop trying to defend it like it's so great. Inb4 "then kill yourself faggot;" I would but I'm afraid of dying, probably like a third of the people here.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:52 No.7221715
    speaks the truth
    I like you anon
    high five
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:53 No.7221716
         File1325433187.jpg-(118 KB, 600x426, 42.jpg)
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    Perfection has no age
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)10:54 No.7221720
    Somebody's bitter (or a misanthrope).

    Still, I agree with some of your points (like sex being unimpressive).
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)10:56 No.7221725

    Does that mean that being alive is bad and dying sucks too?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:00 No.7221737
    Yes, life is meaningless and dissapointing but we can find brief moments of happiness here and there. To cope with this mankind created myths about some kind of afterlife that's many times better than actual life; of course they had to make killing yourself a disqualifier for access to this life. Otherwise we would all just check out early when things got tough.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:04 No.7221750
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    20 years old reporting in.
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)11:05 No.7221754

    Oh, I think I understand.

    So we're alive just for the sake of it, since dying is a void?

    No, wait, I live because of a promise I made. So maybe we can live because we want something, right?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:09 No.7221767
    I don't know what you mean by a promise you made and I don't want to turn this into a long pointless dialogue of internet philosophy. You can try to find a reason to live but the point is that I hate how people villify suicide when the truth is that life really has no meaning and yes, dying is a void. If you want to tell yourself otherwise go ahead but it won't change anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:09 No.7221768
    1992 master race.

    Anything above is shit-scum of the earth tier.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:11 No.7221775
    What a horrible way to live. If that's really what you think, I pity you.

    I mean, sure, life has pain and suffering. But it's what you let it be. When I've been to some incredibly poor parts of the world, the one thing I've noticed is that the kids there have always been much more cheerful and energetic than kids here in the developed world. By all measures, these kids are much worse off. They have none of the luxuries we enjoy, will have to work their arses off just to survive, and are quite likely to die much earlier than most of us in the first world would expect to of an easily preventable illness.

    And yet, they're happy. They enjoy themselves. The older ones work so hard, but they don't complain, whine or moan about it. Why? I'm not sure I can come up with a satisfying answer. But I suspect it's because things like happiness and sadness come from yourself.

    Having things won't make you happy. Being successful or rich won't make you happy. Having friends, a partner, or just sex won't make you happy. You can choose to whine about the unfair bleakness of the universe and the pointlessness of our brief existence, or you can choose to enjoy yourself. Go watch a movie, and don't analyze it, just enjoy it. Chat with someone. Make yourself a nice meal, or go to a restaurant. Go for a jog. Finish that model kit sitting on yourself. I don't care how you do it, but enjoy yourself. Be happy with what you have. Life has a lot of good things to enjoy, if you're not determined to be unhappy.
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)11:16 No.7221788

    Hm, that was helpful anyway. Thank you.


    Nice to know there's more people that share some of my views.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:17 No.7221795

    First of all, 20 year old here, will turn 21 in just a couple of months. Now that's done.

    Don't bother arguing about this. Seriously, don't. If someone can't derive any kind of enjoyment from living, then they should off themselves so we don't have to hear them whine and moan about it. I don't agree with suicide, I think it's a pussy's way of dealing with things, but seriously. If you can't live life just for the sake of wringing every single drop of enjoyment you can from existence, then you need to go kill yourself so the rest don't have to hear you moan about how awful life is.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:18 No.7221797
    I don't pity myself because I know that my quality of life is incredibly high compared to people that have real problems. People in poor countries are happy with less because they've never known anything else. But look at somebody from rural China who gets to work in a shitty factory in a city for a few years. When they have to go back a lot of them cry continuously and some become suicidal. If they knew how low their quality of life was in the first place they wouldn't be so content.

    I don't care that life is pointless and unfair. I can't convey tone ove the internet but if I were talking to you right now it would be in a flat monotone. This is the world as I see it, it isn't good or bad it just is and I don't need to lie to myself to make other people feel better. If you want to tell yourself that your worthless life has meaning because you tell yourself it does be my guest.

    Just remember, someday you'll die and any evidence that you and everyone you know even existed will completely fade. Even humanity's existence will eventually be wiped from the record and on a cosmic scale it won't matter. It's actually pretty liberating once you realize how pointless your life is.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:20 No.7221806
    You know, I was like you a few years ago and you know how got past it? Not giving a fuck and just rolling with the punches. I ain't saying it'll make you totally normal, but it'll make you a bit more personable.
    >> Genocidal EF pilot 01/01/12(Sun)11:24 No.7221815
    >liberating once you realize how pointless your life is
    Ah, guys, don't bother with him. He didn't make next step, so your words won't reach him. It's something that one should realize himself, not being told or teached.
    Oh, and 24,5 here.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:25 No.7221819
    Okay this is the last post I'm going to make because I'm sorry for derailing the thread.

    Let me make something clear, I am NOT depressed. I don't care that life is unfair I just look at it matter of factly. If you're all so happy telling yourself life has meaning why do you give two fucks if I acknowledge its futility?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:26 No.7221822

    Oh look, one of these "so edgy" faggots who think speaking in monotone and acknowledging that life has no meaning is cool. Go wash your mouth with a shotgun. Seriously, you're one of the most annoying beings on Earth.

    Of course life has no meaning, I acknowledged it LONG ago and I'm fucking 20. I just roll with the punches, but you know what? I enjoy what life has to give. I actually have a social life, which I'm sure you've missed out on because you're so edgy and see life as worthless, and derive pleasure from watching a movie, playing a videogame or spending time with people I like. I'm willing to go through whatever life throws at me just so I can have more fun.

    And, honestly, only faggots despair over "oh on a cosmic scale we're nothing all proof of our existence will vanish". Who the fuck cares, you'll be dead when that happens.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:27 No.7221827
    You're a pathetic spoiled brat.

    Go down to a soup kitchen and talk to the people there about the meaning of our existences. Go to the pallative ward of your local hospital and talk to some of the people there - or more, volunteer there for a bit.

    Talking about the meaning of one's existence and the insignificance of life on a cosmic scale is a pointless masturbation-like luxury that anyone who actually indulges themselves in it doesn't deserve. You want meaning? Go and try and help some people. Try and leave a mark, leave the world a better place. Help people. Try living, and doing it not just selfishly but to better the lives of others.

    And if you do, when you've passed, they will remember you. The more lives you touch, the more of a footprint you leave on the world, the longer your legacy will remain. And sure, it'll all be forgotten eventually as we all die out blah blah blah WHO GIVES A SHIT. That kind of perspective is utterly ridiculous.

    And let's not forget that you're assuming you know everything about how the universe works and how the future will unfold. Can you say for certain there's no God or other higher existence? Can you say that humans won't find a way to transcend a temporary existence? Can you say any of your beliefs on this are -true-? If you do, you're lying. It's just your opinion, your belief.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:29 No.7221832
    come for the /m/echa, stay for the existential arguments.
    >> Genocidal EF pilot 01/01/12(Sun)11:32 No.7221845
    >Try living, and doing it not just selfishly but to better the lives of others.
    >And if you do, when you've passed, they will remember you. The more lives you touch, the more of a footprint you leave on the world, the longer your legacy will remain.
    They really should include brofist into next internet protocol.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:33 No.7221848
    23, most people think I'm like 18. On campus people will ask me, "how long have you been here," and I'll say, "going on five years," and sometimes they'll ask if I started early but most of the time they just admit to thinking I was a lot younger.
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)11:33 No.7221850
    ITT, three things happened:

    I found out Ruri is about my age so I can ask her out
    /m/ is full of cool guys. I mean, cooler than I thought
    I realized living is what you make of it.

    So I decided to stay on /m/ for 2012. Survive another year, you guys
    >> Troll's Golos 01/01/12(Sun)11:35 No.7221857
    Come for Gundam AGE, stay for the DEEP discussion in the age thread.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:35 No.7221860
    One last thing.
    >If you're all so happy telling yourself life has meaning why do you give two fucks if I acknowledge its futility?
    I care because life has meaning. People have meaning. And someone taking this kind of attitude is a sad waste. Although I doubt my words will affect anything at all, even so, I want you to be happy, and to do something with your life. Even if you ignore me, even if it's lost in this den of trolling, shitfighting and opinions, even if you think I'm foolish or that it's meaningless, know this - I care about you. I care about what you do, and I care about your happiness. And I may never address or encounter you again, but that's fine. Even so, please. Be happy with your life and yourself.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:36 No.7221862
    Keep in mind that most underage are either not going to post, or post a false age.

    I'm assuming OP is right about where you start wondering if you're waisting all your time with 15 year old brats who argue about everything, and are only knowledgeable about their fandom; something I think most level headed folks go through. Unfortunately there is a high concentration of underage&ban.
    >> 8492 Sqn Leader !!yXb2p+jpdc0 01/01/12(Sun)11:40 No.7221874
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    31 going onto 32 in three weeks
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:43 No.7221880

    I'm not that nice, so I will continue to suggest that person sucks on the business end of a shotgun and pulls the trigger so we can be rid of their incessant bitching about their most likely simple and comfy existence.

    I do not believe life has any meaning. Doesn't mean it's not worth living for what it has to offer. Interacting with people, reading a good book, enjoying good music. I'm pretty sure these are impossible to do if you're pushing up daisies. So, honestly, in a cosmic scale I think we're nothing and yes, all evidence of our existence will vanish sooner or later. My advice is to not give a flying fuck, as you'll be dead long before that happens and thus you won't be able to care, and go enjoy all that brain-numbing fun life has to offer. Go get drunk and go pick up a completely stoned random girl at a new year's party or whatever.
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)11:43 No.7221881

    Well, I didn't actually post my age. But anyone who can add knows it. I just gotta wait to see if I'll get banned now.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)11:59 No.7221936
    >I will continue to suggest that person sucks on the business end of a shotgun and pulls the trigger so we can be rid of their incessant bitching about their most likely simple and comfy existence

    Big talk from a guy who wants somebody to kill themselves just because voluntarily reading their posts on the internet inconveniences you.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)12:33 No.7222050
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    Why did this whole string of existential arguments remind me of the final exchange between the hero and villain in a Gundam show?
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)12:35 No.7222055
    It's complete bullshit
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)12:42 No.7222067
    I thought it seemed familiar
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)13:07 No.7222139
    20 but i have the misfortune of looking 17
    >> Zahlzeit !yjgqJrRHho 01/01/12(Sun)13:31 No.7222216
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    I'm 18 but to different people I look older or younger.

    Though more than ages I'm curious how /m/ SOUNDS like.

    >One year older than Ruri.
    What? You were 15 this whole time?
    >> Joker 01/01/12(Sun)13:34 No.7222224

    Yes. Is that surprising?
    >> /m/ wanderer Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)13:36 No.7222233
    23 yrs old reporting in.

    seems like most was 20-ish or just cheating??
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)13:37 No.7222237
    >seems like most was 20-ish or just cheating??
    The 20s thing shouldn't be surprising, given the fact that we grew up in time to see Toonami and get hooked on mecha.
    >> Gundrium !EorQ25Gak. 01/01/12(Sun)13:52 No.7222277

    You know, that's a good question.

    Maybe we should do something about that.

    I see two possibilities.

    >1. We talk about ourselves, in a /m/ database.

    >2. We act out our posts in the more memorable threads.

    I'm rooting for the first, personally.
    >> A38966 01/01/12(Sun)14:02 No.7222310
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    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)14:08 No.7222336
    16 here fuck yeah
    >> Captain B-Money 01/01/12(Sun)14:12 No.7222351
    Just turned 24 in November. Word.
    >> Anonymous 01/01/12(Sun)14:12 No.7222352
    16 i'm here because i love seeing man in spandex.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)06:22 No.7224795
    I just had my 19th birthday a couple weeks ago.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)06:52 No.7224837
    18 as of August
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)07:45 No.7224893
    29 with 30 just a few months away.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)07:47 No.7224895
    23 as of August
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:24 No.7224925
    22, standing by

    Let's make things interesting by posting the age you were when you first came to /m/:
    >> -DARKSIDE- !!p1UoLCA0uvO 01/02/12(Mon)08:27 No.7224929
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    23 here.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:36 No.7224945
    Currently 19, live here in mostly readonly mode since 2008.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:49 No.7224969
    19 and started visiting in 2010.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)08:52 No.7224972
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:25 No.7225069
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    27 here.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:27 No.7225073

    I'm shocked. So many people born before 90.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:31 No.7225226
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:37 No.7225240
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    27 years here, 1984 master race reporting in!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:45 No.7225258
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:58 No.7225319

    Seems like the middle of the road number age-wise.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:00 No.7225326
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    Sup, 27 bros. Though I shall be leaving your ranks in march for the 28s.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:11 No.7225572
    41 here, belive it or not
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:12 No.7225576
    :O a /m/anly old /m/an, awesome!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:15 No.7225585

    Thanx! I've been into /m/ost /m/echa since I saw Captain Harlock subtitled in spanish on UHF in New York city back in the 70s. When folks were diggin' Transformers, I was diggin' on Macross and stuff. Of course, now I like Transformers too, but it was Beast Wars that dragged me in. Currently enjoying Gokaiger. :-)
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:18 No.7225593

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