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    File : 1314163326.png-(8 KB, 1124x164, Elitism and Hypocrisy.png)
    8 KB Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:22 No.6828421  
    /m/ officially confirmed to be shittier than /v/

    Seriously /m/, you are fucking hopeless
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:26 No.6828426
    It's been like this for a while now.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:29 No.6828432
    why not?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:30 No.6828434
    Whining is not /m/.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:32 No.6828438
         File1314163922.jpg-(51 KB, 425x301, OP Attack of the Giant Faggot.jpg)
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    Oh, look, we're being raided by /b/.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:32 No.6828439

    Exactly, and yet the faggots on /m/ keep whining.

    Never change /m/
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:34 No.6828446
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    >/m/ officially confirmed to be shittier than /v/
    >Seriously /m/, you are fucking hopeless
    Proof ot STFU, /b/tard
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:35 No.6828449
    Faggot has a point, though.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:37 No.6828452
         File1314164231.jpg-(57 KB, 906x868, OP is a faggot as well.jpg)
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    Unless he makes an argument, he doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:41 No.6828458
    You know why /m/ is shit?

    Look through here for a couple pages. There's a pattern.
    >> Creepy Otaku Guy !O4zEeDwhYQ 08/24/11(Wed)01:49 No.6828471
    This is as good a place as any to say this.

    Whilst I don't have a problem with Toku threads on here, it does feel like they're taking over somewhat.

    There's probably not much that can be done about this anyway, but I just wanted to put it out there. No doubt it's because the Toku media is current and constantly updating, whilst all the other stuff is old and dead.

    Oh well, such is life.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)01:54 No.6828483
    I'm just gonna do this now before anyone suggests it...
    >inb4 we should make /toku/
    No one start that shit again.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:00 No.6828489
         File1314165629.png-(439 KB, 640x480, forced opinions.png)
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    Just wait for AGE, Origin,upscaled SEED, Unicorn 4, Z2-2, 2ndOG, Aquarion, and Horizon(the only one I'm not digging).

    Most toku threads are about the two current shows airing(OOO & Gokaiger), and if the amount of discussion/arguements seems too much for someone, it's up to them to make a thread about something else if they are so concerned about those threads eating up the board.
    >> Creepy Otaku Guy !O4zEeDwhYQ 08/24/11(Wed)02:04 No.6828496

    >Most toku threads are about the two current shows airing(OOO & Gokaiger), and if the amount of discussion/arguements seems too much for someone, it's up to them to make a thread about something else if they are so concerned about those threads eating up the board.

    Oh, well I don't know anything about Toku stuff, so it just seems like waves of all sorts everywhere.

    But you're right. Like I said, it's not like I hate toku or anything, I just wanted somewhere I could vent how I feel for once.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:04 No.6828497

    And three, possibly four of those things aren't coming out until some time in 2012.

    What's there to discuss about SEED, anyway? Slightly less bland animation?
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:08 No.6828508
    We do need general /sf/ board, that's for sure.
    >> Gunonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:09 No.6828514
    I think /m/ should be renamed /m/an children, cause admit it guys, the people here in general can be a little more mature.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:10 No.6828521
    >Whilst I don't have a problem with Toku threads on here, it does feel like they're taking over somewhat.
    Then start making mecha anime threads and posting in them. It's not like something prevents you from doing this.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:11 No.6828523
    Toku really started taking off when decade aired. Around that time the number of threads sky rocketed as well has the toku fan population. Along with that influx of new posters came more trolls as well. That is when the Bitching started. /m/ tolderated pseudo /m/ shows before as long as it didn't constantly have new threads like Nanoha. Toku fans in bitching threads said it would die down after decade ended, but then another season aired immediately afterward, and then another, and another. It barely fits with anything else we talk about here that is popular besides power rangers that actually has Giant Mecha. I know a few of the older riders were cyborgs but now that seems to be less of a theme. Even other board think /m/ is starting to get taken over by "not /m/ trolls" and Toku shows. I mean it is really too late now to do anything about it because Toku has basically become integrated into the board. /toy/ has also seen a influx of toku fans and now there are even Toku general threads to go along with the gunpla ones. I think the initial shock of more toku and "not /m/" trolling has died down a lot over the past two years. I think it would be best for /m/ to have one good mecha show that has wide appeal. It maybe what /m/ needs to finally be good again.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:13 No.6828531
    >/m/an children

    It fits, because gunpla paintfaggots on /m/ are quite bitchy over anything unpainted
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:17 No.6828541
    Like I said, it's up to /m/ to decide what get's discussed here. Noone is going to leave(including trolls, unfortunately), so anyone upset might as well make something to talk about or deal with it.

    Nah it was earlier than that.

    And man, night /m/ sure is a lot more tame and rational when it comes to this stuff.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:30 No.6828587
    ...I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to spell it out but you won't find generally inherently shitty metathreads like this in there and the majority of blatant shitposting doesn't get moderated unless it coincidentally happens to do the one thing he seems to give a shit about:

    Act like we're on 4chan.

    Completely productive, contributing posts get randomly deleted if they happen to use a meme, and suddenly insulting race or religion is a no-no like we're on a namefag forum where anyone might give a shit. Somewhere around half the deleted posts are some variation of a person's face. But blatantly shitting up the board? ROLL ON YOU USELESS BASTARD. (I'd almost suggest it's automated but then you'd get a YOUR POST ISN'T ALLOWED message and not it disappearing anywhere from 5 minutes to hours later)

    I'd say maybe he thinks this is /jp/ but if that was the case the shitposting wouldn't stand. It is pretty much sitting on the line where /m/ ceases to have a reason to exist because the range of what we're allowed to do makes being on 4chan pointless for any reason but existing associations.

    Also it would seriously be cool to not get banned from all the boards where no one gives a damn about this stuff too. There are no fucking rules being broken, which is more than I can say for HURR IS CANCERFAG trollspam.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:45 No.6828627
         File1314168340.jpg-(6 KB, 166x231, 1314062410761.jpg)
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    We wouldn't be so shit if Power Rangers fanboys didn't feel the need to make 20 threads talking about how much they want to fuck Japanese pretty boys while never talking about the mechs in the shows that are supposedly /m/.

    At least the UC faggots can talk about the mechs in between their bitch fests. Toku and Kamen Rider fans never talk about the mechs. Ever.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)02:49 No.6828638
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    As much has I hate to admit it, this is partially true.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:13 No.6828664
    sad really, I wish Riderfans would talk more about the me some of those rider bikes.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:23 No.6828680
    Kamen rider is /m/ mostly because of power armor and cyborgs.

    The only series I can think of off the top of my head that actually has piloted mechs is Faiz/555.

    So I suppose you could think of the threads you described as sort of a squishier version of Ryusei threads.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:31 No.6828693

    Boo-fucking-hoo. It's not Kamen Rider that's killing /m/, it's entitled faggots like you.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:33 No.6828696
    You seem overly defensive.

    How is discussion about things that have nothing to do with /m/ not killing /m// There's a place to discuss how much you want to fuck Phillip or whatever and that's


    And for pre/pubescent actors

    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:35 No.6828701

    It's not being defensive. It's being utterly annoyed at people like you.

    Sage for replying to an obvious troll.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:36 No.6828703
    Will you just shut up, autistic manchildren?
    If you have problem with this board, take it to moderators.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:36 No.6828705

    Though, even with that, I still wouldn't say this board is worse than /v/. It's not even as bad as people make it out to be.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)03:53 No.6828722
    Nah, I still think /v/ is worse.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)04:00 No.6828729
    fuck yes, I love toku films
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)04:06 No.6828734
    I don't even see any "whining" near the frontpage. Why do you faggots always suddenly get extremely butthurt over nothing and start "omg /m/ is so shit"? It's like when there's a thread about something "/m/ hates", nobody says anything bad about it in the thread, yet somehow after a while it still manages to get derailed into talking about how "/m/ is full of elitist haters". Are you fags in a constant state of butthurt or what?
    >> Gundrium 08/24/11(Wed)04:31 No.6828747

    This is because a /v/irgin saw that there was a temporary peace in one of the boards, found where it was, then proceeded to rage the hell out of it to get a rise out of the local populace.

    >In other words, it's because everyone from /v/ is in the closet.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:22 No.6829108
    >somehow after a while it still manages to get derailed into talking about how "/m/ is full of elitist haters".
    That's because it's true in some cases (Infinite Stratos, although the raging hate-on /m/ has for that show is dieing down).
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:32 No.6829123
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:34 No.6829125
    But for example in the case of TTGL, you barely see "haters" anymore, yet the same thing still happens.
    But even if it's true, talking about it makes things worse. If they're "trolls" they think it's their success that they even managed to make people think they represent "/m/", so it encourages them. If they're not and they just want to be cool "real /m/en", you basically say that yes, they are /m/, so it encourages them too. If they really just simply dislike something, then you become the elitist one, who can't respect what others think and has to start preach about it. It also derails threads where people would want to properly discuss shit.
    All in all, this shit is fucking retarded, and it has nothing to do with how true it is.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:39 No.6829130
    The only way to ever fix this?
    Everyone on /m/ stops being so hateful, start to understand that people can have differing opinions yet still discuss things in a non-rage manner.

    A thread on a show/series that you don't particularly like? Ignore it rather than go in trolling and saging, it doesn't help.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:44 No.6829134
    threads about the relationships of actors who play roles in toku shows is decidedly not /m/.
    just saying
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:46 No.6829137
    If anything TTGL fags aren't the problem anymore. The Getter fanbase is by far the most elitist fanbase on /m/. Almost every TTGL thread I have seen in the past few months has been derailed by Getter fags coming in and shitting all over Gurren Lagann. I like boths shows, but really GL fags don't even hijack threads anymore.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:49 No.6829139
    No. /m/ is not complete crap. You know why:

    Threads like this. As long as /m/ has threads like this, I will tolerate it's many faults.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)09:59 No.6829160
    I actually think Getter Robo manga fans are pretty much the best fanbase on /m/. You get interesting discussions, interesting trivia about other Ishikawa works, cool people in general. On the other hand, TTGL only gets threads by "reverse trolls", fags making up bullshit about haters and generally butthurt people. Obviously that's not the fanbase, it's just that you constantly butthurt types have latched onto the show. These also invite faggots pretending to be fans of xy, trying to start shit, and you people gladly take the bait, as long as you can preach about haters and elitists.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)10:03 No.6829163
    Elitism is not the problem with ttgl guys.
    Their problem is that they seem a bit "uneducated" in certain /m/atters.
    >> Anonymous 08/24/11(Wed)10:15 No.6829180
    >I actually think Getter Robo manga fans are pretty much the best fanbase on /m/. You get interesting discussions, interesting trivia about other Ishikawa works, cool people in general.
    Seconded. Getter manga related threads are some of the most productive threads on /m/.

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