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  • File : 1304904743.jpg-(1.33 MB, 1420x2236, blueredlove.jpg)
    1.33 MB SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 05/08/11(Sun)21:32 No.6446847  
    You know they're gonna get it on by the end of the series.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)21:37 No.6446877
    Of course they are.

    Luka/Ahim OTP, Marvelous/Don/Joe OT3
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)21:42 No.6446906
    Luka/Don/Ahim OT3.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)21:43 No.6446915
    I thought he was dressing up as sephiroth for a moment.
    >> SamuraiGreen !!wwS2x+ItkDi 05/08/11(Sun)21:48 No.6446944
         File1304905689.png-(952 KB, 1440x900, Screen shot 2011-05-08 at 9.15(...).png)
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    no, but the episode IS FFVII related.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)21:50 No.6446957
    I think there has been ship teasing for every possible combination of the main cast, except Joe/Don.

    Then when the sixth guy shows up they have to tease him with everyone too.
    >> Superman !!h474L+oKhjn 05/08/11(Sun)21:52 No.6446964

    This guy knows wassup.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)21:58 No.6446986
    Over-Time falling towards the ranks of TV-N

    sorry Blazing Great Slicing Sword doesn't sound as "cool" as Rekka Daizantou

    fucking weeaboo subs.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:00 No.6446998
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:03 No.6447025
    Wow. Too bad they explained this on their website. Over-Time is still the best time.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:04 No.6447035
    You want GUIS
    GUIS = overtranslated to the point of stupidity
    TV-Nihon = undertranslated to the point of stupidity
    Overtime = Glorious balance
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:06 No.6447040
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    >> Alkaid !2nVp2EW2Oo 05/08/11(Sun)22:06 No.6447043

    Could be really wrong but you were the person who was originally going to make the Gokai Treasure Hunt threads correct?


    It was explained on the website, if you checked.


    Thanks for the explanation; yep HeatMetal explained it on the website as well on the various reasonings.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:07 No.6447049
    To be fair, I thought ''Inferno Clever'' was a pretty good translation for Rekka Daizantou.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:08 No.6447054
    GUIS has a bad habit of twisting things into English. Like banging in a puzzle piece till it fits.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:08 No.6447055
    just cause they write it in english doesn't make it official. fucking weeaboos will try anything to make their glorious moonrunes justifiable.


    so he just outed himself as a weeaboo.. figures. The ride was too good to be true.

    soon we'll be getting explanations why they kept "oba-san tachi" in .
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:09 No.6447060
    You're either a really bad troll or a really selfish person. Most likely both. It's one fucking name on a weapon we'll probably see like one more time.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:10 No.6447063
    I know that's why I'm praising one that was well done.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:11 No.6447067
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    >> Orange Pickles 05/08/11(Sun)22:13 No.6447075
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    Hey guys whats going on-

    sub hate that I didn't start? Even I didn't give a shit
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:16 No.6447087
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:16 No.6447088

    Not the same guy but checking the website the explanation they gave is the same as the one that poster gave i.e. they thought the original japanese was cooler.

    Now I don't think that Overtime will ever get to the point of "oba-san tachi" as >>6447055
    but I still do think that they're setting a similar precedent as TV-N and for exactly the same reason. Because it sounds cooler.

    On the other hand I don't really mind because I have no real issue with TV-N, Overtime, GUIS or any other sub group. I just don't like seeing Overtime fans jump to defend Overtime when their explanation is exactly the same as the real reason that TV-N does it.
    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)22:16 No.6447096
    Can someone help me out, I can't get the link for ep 12 to play with my Windows Media Player.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:20 No.6447115
    1. Download soft subs and raw
    2. Edit soft subs
    3. ???
    4. Profit
    >> Orange Pickles 05/08/11(Sun)22:20 No.6447116
         File1304907655.jpg-(145 KB, 558x463, 1294729152997.jpg)
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    fukkin saved
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:21 No.6447120
    Windows Media Player?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:21 No.6447122
    From their site:
    If you downloaded one of our torrents:
    - Windows: Get CCCP
    - Linux: Get mplayer2
    - Mac: Get mplayer OSX Extended
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:22 No.6447126
         File1304907721.jpg-(171 KB, 1280x720, [Over-Time]_Pirate_Sentai_Goka(...).jpg)
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    Every member of the Gokaiger team needs to get in on the orgy. You can't split them up among pitiful twosome lines. All or nothing.
    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)22:23 No.6447131
    I don't get torrents because I don't know how to use them.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:23 No.6447132
    THIS. People are just too lazy to edit out one little line.

    I notice no one complaining when last week they subbed 'Moth Breaker as Mammoth Breaker. It's really not a big deal either way.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:24 No.6447136
    Same thing. Get the CCCP
    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)22:24 No.6447137
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:25 No.6447142
    Four Lukas and one Ahim having a lesbian orgy
    You know you want it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:26 No.6447146
    Anybody else wish they'd make a dynasty warriors Super Sentai game?

    They'd get all of my money. It'd fit perfectly too.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:26 No.6447147
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    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)22:26 No.6447149
    Ah, there we go! Thankyouthankyouthankyou!
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:27 No.6447158
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    >> Alkaid !2nVp2EW2Oo 05/08/11(Sun)22:28 No.6447163

    Normally, if you're having an issue with playback, double check to see if this is updated/installed first. It tends to solve the problem pretty quickly for most people.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:32 No.6447179
         File1304908327.jpg-(84 KB, 639x358, super sentai battle3.jpg)
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    The upcoming Super Sentai Battle Ranger Cross for Wii is meant to be that kind of thing, isn't it?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:32 No.6447181
         File1304908337.jpg-(214 KB, 640x480, shinkuu-hadoken_tvc1.jpg)
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    are you comparing not translating proper nouns vs not compensating for and straight up leaving shit untranslated? because that's rather silly. Do you think that Hadoukens should start being called Surging Fist Waves?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:40 No.6447201
    Wii Game? Hmm. Could be interesting.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:40 No.6447203

    No I'm saying that both Overtime and TV-N do it for the same reason, because it sounds cooler. And a lot of Overtime fans will harangue TV-N endlessly for this yet are lapping Heat-metal's cock here and on Overtime's site endlessly for making such a good translating decision.

    Incidentally I also have no problem with seeing Turtle Destruction Wave or Surging Fist Wave. It's a kids show/game - I expect some silly childishness and am happy to deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:42 No.6447208
    Well that's just you. I don't think anyone else has a problem with Rekka Daizantou. No one has a problem with hadouken here in the States do they? Didn't think so. It's just a sword. Over-Time will never be TV-N.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:45 No.6447226
    Don't most subbers, even professional, ones leave the names of Swords untranslated becuase they count them as names?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:45 No.6447229

    I suggest you read my first post where I directly state that I don't believe Overtime will ever turn in to another TV-N. Nor would I even care if I did. I'm just saying that a lot of toku fans are either gigantic hypocrites, whiny shitbags or elitists. Or all three.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:46 No.6447231
    At least Over-Time releases softsubs, so if you don't like it you can change it. With TV-Nihon you stuck with what they give you.
    >> Alkaid !2nVp2EW2Oo 05/08/11(Sun)22:46 No.6447233

    Not to be redundant, but that's a good reason why they're softsubs. I know that everyone won't always agree with the decisions that the group in general make but we do make it easy to change it if you prefer something else.

    ib4 the original v1 of episode 1 of OOO (have some hatrigra)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:46 No.6447234
    they're getting there
    >> Alkaid !2nVp2EW2Oo 05/08/11(Sun)22:48 No.6447248

    I'm pretty sure that was the original reason we went with what we did (iirc, that's the same issue with Hayatemaru) but Heat or Ignis write up the blog posts while I myself am just the lowly QC (of a few of us)

    ...and I spelled hatigra wrong. geez.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:50 No.6447259

    I don't care enough to go out of my way and do that. I'm happy to read either the original japanese names or translated ones. I don't mind when TV-N is the only sub group available. Or GUIS. I grab yours because they're fast and by all accounts very well done, which suits me down to the ground.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:53 No.6447278
    Then why are you complaining?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:53 No.6447279
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    It's either going to end in one big pirate orgy or nothing.

    Or Green's going to get clingy and refuse to share. He's manhandling Red in EVERY PICTURE THEY TAKE.
    >> Alkaid !2nVp2EW2Oo 05/08/11(Sun)22:54 No.6447284

    Understandable and again, we don't take any of this stuff lightly. There are long discussions about things in every episode but we do try to explain things when they're mentioned or might be different than what we normally do.

    (also, I'm just the QC so I can't explain everything that happens but I do have a small bit of knowledge on things.)
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:54 No.6447285
    >Colossal Combustive Edge
    >Rekka Daizantou isn't understandable

    See, thats the part where you're supposed to use creative english to make something that both sounds good and means something to the viewer. Kind of like how they translate "Gotou-chan" and "Ankh-chan" into Brotou and Ankhie poo respectively: because "chan" is the japanese equivalent of a cutesy nickname.

    So for this, they should have translated Colossal Combustive Edge as Great Fire Sword or Flaming Grand Sword or something. Fuck, even saban's retarded "fire smasher" conveys what the fuck it is except for the fact that it's theoretically supposed to be sharp.

    See the real problem here is not that they left Rekka Daizantou. We all know what that thing is because we can clearly see it and we all watched Yatsu Kisama Tachi's subs of shinkenger so we're pretty used to this bullshit anyway. The problem is "well, just leave it in Japanese" is the easy way, and once you've made the decision to take the easy way once, it's easier to rationalize doing it again and again and again...

    I hope to god I'm wrong. I would love to see OT not slide into that comfortable habit of just not translating anything that's difficult to express. But the path of least resistance is human nature.

    I am disappoint.
    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)22:54 No.6447292
    Am I missing a connection between Shinkenger and Gaoranger?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:54 No.6447293
    >Surging Fist Waves
    why would that be bad?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:55 No.6447297
    The amount of bitching in this thread is disgusting. Enjoy your Toku and quit your bellyaching.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:58 No.6447307
    Well they both have red lions and...

    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)22:59 No.6447311
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    I bet you people are the same ones that bitched about HaTiGra.
    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)22:59 No.6447313
    I'm not saying there's anything wrong with ShinkenGokai-Oh, definitely the coolest looking megazord so far.
    >> DekaPrime !Blm6HP8B/E 05/08/11(Sun)22:59 No.6447314
    this may seem a little out of left field but does Shinken Gokai Oh have a "Skyscraper proficiency" or is he just eating the -5 penalty on that big fucker to wield it?
    Then again if your doing a few hundred damage before you even roll I guess a penalty doesn't mean shit to you.

    "Hey MOTW what's your AC. . . . .oh fuck it I hit."
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:00 No.6447318
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    This is now a thread about Bisharp.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:00 No.6447319
    >>6447313 megazord
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:01 No.6447320
    >"fire smasher" conveys what the fuck it is except for the fact that it's theoretically supposed to be sharp
    Quit fooling yourself, that giant block of plastic looks fake as fuck and smashing would be an appropriate word to describe what it does, I don't see anything wrong with it.

    But I agree, saying "damn this thing is too hard to translate properly" is just being lazy.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:01 No.6447321

    >implying raw untranslated romaji or direct literal translation are the only options

    Fireball? Dragon Fire? Dragon Fist?
    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)23:01 No.6447322
    Sorry...what are they called in Japan?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:03 No.6447326

    I'm pretty sure most swashbuckler style classes have features to defray the penalty on improvised weapons.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:03 No.6447329
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    Shouldn't it be called ShinkenGaoGokaioh?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:04 No.6447331
    Anyone who still thinks Ahim isn't going to land it with Joe can go watch gay porn. She's so hung up on him it's pitiful.

    Don x Luka OTP make it happen
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:04 No.6447332

    They don't have a universal name but they're usually just called Sentai Robo or Sentai Mecha.
    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)23:05 No.6447339
    Ah, ok. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:05 No.6447340
    Megazord sounds way cooler anyway
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:06 No.6447348
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    OP picture looks familiar
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:06 No.6447350
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    But I like my gay porn.

    And Luka's more of a lezzie for Ahim, anyway.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:07 No.6447354
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    Your pic looks familiar too
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:08 No.6447360
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    It does. I wonder what it reminding me of.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:09 No.6447363

    disbelief motherfucker, do you suspend it?

    Sentai suits are clearly just cloth but we're supposed to believe they convey some sort of protection. That's how sentai works. The burning greatsword draws a line when he swings it around and is a sword so clearly we're supposed to assume it's sharp. Just like OOO's barney axe which clearly is as wide as a medal yet has a cutting blade.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:14 No.6447379

    Because while I don't give much of a shit about subs I do care about people being hypocrits.


    Well either way, thanks for the subs. I'm enjoying my first Sentai show thanks to them.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:14 No.6447382
    We know Gokaiger is a One Piece ripoff.
    GokaiSIlver will be Franky.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:16 No.6447386
    I laughed at "barney axe" way more than I should have.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:17 No.6447389

    Does this mean we get a Gokai Black who attacks with a skull & crossbones guitar down the line?

    Because I am so down with that shit.

    Even better if it's some dude who is a reformed skeleton monster.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:17 No.6447391
    Wait, fuck. Over-Time is falling to not translating shit?
    GOD DAMN IT. They were the only ones doing it right. Fuckers.
    >> Nul, the Breaker of Worlds 05/08/11(Sun)23:19 No.6447398
    >reformed skeleton monster
    >7th pirate ranger
    >uses guitar as a weapon

    Here is my money, how much would you like?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:20 No.6447406
    IT'S TWO WORDS! It's not the end of the world. besides it technically is a name. Either way I doubt you'll be seeing it again. Stop blowing this out of proportions.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:21 No.6447410
    So you'd be fine with a gun made out of two sticks, I mean, it's all fake and we're supposed to pretend they're real firearms right?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:22 No.6447414
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:23 No.6447417
    >sorry Blazing Great Slicing Sword doesn't sound as "cool" as Rekka Daizantou
    No, it really doesn't.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:23 No.6447418
         File1304911411.png-(449 KB, 420x594, Gokai Killer2.png)
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    >yfw this
    >> AzraelNewtype !3F1gP2.utQ 05/08/11(Sun)23:23 No.6447420
    TV-N does not leave Japanese in because it sounds cooler, they do it "to avoid cultural whitewashing." This is retarded.

    Until we start using honorifics (sempai is in the JP script like 9000 times between last week and this one, dare you to even catch us bothering to try and deal with that minefield) and Ryu starts screaming "Wave Fist! Rising Dragon Fist! Tornado Whirlwind Kick!" I think some balance is acceptable.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:25 No.6447429
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    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:27 No.6447433
    IIRC, there were old subs of a Street Fighter anime that uses "Fireball" and "Hurricane Kick"
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:27 No.6447434
    An argument can be made that Rekka Daizantou is a proper noun, as it is the name for a sword, much like Shinkenmaru. Hell, there have been official translations where the names for swords have stayed Japanese. It's not that big of a deal. And if it honestly bothers you, there's a reason why they give you the .ass script, for your own editing to cater to your needs, and then remux it yourself. It's not that difficult to change something in Notepad/Text Edit.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:27 No.6447435
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    >> Kamen Rider Drawfag 05/08/11(Sun)23:28 No.6447441

    >Cultural whitewashing

    It's fucking weeaboo racism to even consider mistranslating something to be "whitewashing". God dammit. This gives me such an asian rage boner, I have to go fap to Gokai gay porn. Or draw it. Shit, if I get drunk enough, I just might.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:28 No.6447442

    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:29 No.6447447
    About that, I felt like using something like "Commander" other than just leaving it dropped would have been better. Would have kept the status symbol behind "sempai" intact. But, this is beyond the fact.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:30 No.6447449
         File1304911819.jpg-(41 KB, 600x450, fuck yeah two wooden sticks.jpg)
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    As opposed to the realistic military spec clearly-not-cheap-plastic pop guns that are obviously large enough to contain the amount of ammunition they fire in a single volley and definitely don't look anything at all like the prize in a cereal box?

    Eh. Maybe. If it was a nature and/or tradition themed rider or sentai. A coat of paint and something shiny on the end would help though.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:31 No.6447453

    I guarantee that a lot of the attack names, team names and what have you are left untranslated because they sound cooler in the original japanese. Same reason that many sub groups like Kaizoku-Oh leave Bleach, Naruto and One Piece attacks in the original language.

    And I have no problem with that. Whatever floats your boat frankly. Just don't be a hypocrit about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:33 No.6447458
    The problem is people trying so hard to think about the translated English-to-Japanese ratio in every fansub, especially this bullshit Rider fansub drama that people don't realize it's okay to have subtle uses for some Japanese.

    Nobody calls a tsunami a 'giant tidal wave' because it's been adopted as a term in English. Nobody calls sushi 'raw fish with pressed rice' either.

    Using Japanese in subs for super cultural things like "obaa-san-tachi" is pretty redundant.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:33 No.6447466
    Joe/Ruka <<<<<<<<<<< Marvelous/Ruka
    >> AzraelNewtype !3F1gP2.utQ 05/08/11(Sun)23:34 No.6447469

    I agree with you.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:37 No.6447475

    As much as it takes to bribe Toei in to doing this. And replacing the Princess Vivi clone with a Robin clone before turning the bird robot thing in to another mech that can grow in to a huge ass condor and combine with Gokaioh to enable it to fly.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:39 No.6447486
    Don't you mean Maaberasu and Joh?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:43 No.6447494
    Why is Ruka wearing shorts now?

    Am I the only one who liked her with those delicious thigh highs?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:44 No.6447495

    Yeah well Capcom doesn't do it so anyone arguing about this shit using SF is pretty retarded. The actual company who makes these games doesn't even bother translating the names so using them as an example is irrelevant for both sides really.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:47 No.6447500
    It's Luka. Even Toei apells it that way.
    >> Orange Pickles 05/08/11(Sun)23:49 No.6447504
         File1304912944.jpg-(45 KB, 550x410, 1296743153897.jpg)
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    Oh how the mighty have fallen

    Over-Time was everyone's number one but now we see their true colours..

    first they leave out a word and everyone tries to justify it. slowly they'll stop translating things one after another until they turn into this
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:49 No.6447505

    I lol'd.

    JOH and SIDDOH are so gay it hurts.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:50 No.6447509
    Does someone wanna explain to me what the big deal is? It's jut a name right?
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:50 No.6447511
    >mfw it's just one faggot trolling over and over


    Congrats on babby's first troll. Now shut the hell up or give me some decent fap material.
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:51 No.6447514
         File1304913080.jpg-(43 KB, 429x480, eiji.jpg)
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    Lord of the Reflection
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:52 No.6447517

    Well you see there are some people around here, a small minority I might add, who don't get out of the house much...
    >> Anonymous 05/08/11(Sun)23:56 No.6447531

    You could ask the same of just about every thread on /m/ at some point or other. People like to blow shit way out of proportion. And god help you if you like something they don't. Or use a different program than they do. Or are basically different in any way from them.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:00 No.6447539
    because everything is a big deal when you're a megasperg
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:00 No.6447541
    Over-Time have always been inconsistent with regards to translating names. Pirate but not Squadron/Task Force or Masked, it's right there in the show titles. Dunno why people are just now talking about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:04 No.6447549
    Our fandom is extremely sensitive about where the line is between leaving things in japanese and translating them. We all have repressed memories of being raped and for some people, seeing a name untranslated gives alot of people the anal hurts of a time they wish to forget.

    /m/: No, no please don't do it!
    Takenoko: You like my Kanjougata? Yeah I bet you do, I'm going to shove it so hard down your throat!
    /m/: No! Stop, I beg yo-glllrggrgghh
    Takenoko: Open your eyes because I'm going to sanjou in them! translators note: that means I'm going to come in your eyes!
    >> Orange Pickles 05/09/11(Mon)00:06 No.6447553
    i lol'd
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:06 No.6447556
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    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:06 No.6447557
    Oh for god's sake people is it really that big a deal?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:13 No.6447575
         File1304914381.jpg-(12 KB, 300x127, KamenRider_DragonKnight.jpg)
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    because "Super Sentai" is the brand name and "Masked Rider" was a brand name that was ruined by Saban

    Hell, even the new OFFICIAL guys (who paid money for the rights!) avoided using it, why wouldn't Over-Time?

    If it's good enough for
    >> MESIAS 05/09/11(Mon)00:16 No.6447581
         File1304914607.jpg-(191 KB, 300x450, NO ONE CARES.jpg)
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    On the internet, it always is.
    You know how stupid this can be. And you shouldn't care.
    >> Kilowog@MCS 05/09/11(Mon)00:17 No.6447584
    the brand namei s now officially Kamen Rider, not Masked Rider as of Double
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:17 No.6447585
    >"Masked Rider" was a brand name that was ruined by Saban
    Which is why it was used up until Double's title used "Kamen Rider".

    For fuck's sake, the amount of people that bitch Saban's Masked Rider are much less than the people who were actually old enough to WATCH it at that point.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:20 No.6447590
    Doesn't change the fact that the brand name in America and Japan is officially Kamen Rider.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:20 No.6447591
    It's the internet era, baby. The time that something happened is no longer relevant, as you may have noticed from the preponderance of threads that start out with "Hey, I just watched this show that's 5+ years old, it's pretty great! Has anyone heard of this?"
    >> kai !!UGdPuhTwhbV 05/09/11(Mon)00:28 No.6447618
         File1304915332.jpg-(67 KB, 1262x727, what the fudge.jpg)
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    >this thread
    the fuck is with you people

    Rekka Daizantou or Inferno Cleaver

    they both mean giant flaming sword that will fuck you up, so whats the deal?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:29 No.6447620
    Not even Ishinomori was butthurt enough over Saban's show to stop using Masked. You guys really need to get over it.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:30 No.6447628
    The only people hung up about it are the people who think we should call it Masked Rider instead of Kamen Rider.

    Also it's summertime. This place goes to hell when the kiddies get out.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:32 No.6447632
    >Kai asking people what is wrong with them
    Everything is wrong with this world right now.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:35 No.6447639
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    >read thread
    fuck this shit, back to OP's point

    let's see. Oh, here's a cap. So, how reliable was Marvelous' account of the flashback? Was he playing up the homo for ahim/luka/ uh, don too I guess?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:36 No.6447643
         File1304915795.jpg-(100 KB, 1280x720, luka ahim look.jpg)
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    And what's up with that knowing look?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:44 No.6447670
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    So Don is a fujoshi?
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)00:44 No.6447673
    I like Don better with his bow tie.

    Bow ties are cool.
    >> Vaughn Of Dusk 05/09/11(Mon)01:00 No.6447724
    I hope the director of these last 2 eps stays on board for the entire project

    he makes the previous one look like a 4 year old with a budget
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)01:02 No.6447730
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)01:04 No.6447731
    yeah. he will probably kill the stunts soon if it goes on like this for the rest of the year
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)01:04 No.6447734
    You realize the director for those episodes was Koichi Sakamoto aka Mr. Wire-Fu. The guy who produced much of PR for the Disney era.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)01:08 No.6447746
    You know, I really enjoyed these last two episodes, especially the out-of-suit fighting. Not only was it great to see the cast really duke it out rather than some rehashed sequence, but it made the suit fighting so much better. And the wire-work in this episode man. Great stuff
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)01:11 No.6447757
    >leaving Rekka Daizantou
    Blazing Cleaver.
    ...I'll be recommending GUIS from now on.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)01:11 No.6447759
    Agreed hard. I love the shaky cam and wire fu. Too bad other directors will probably kill out of suit fighting, too.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)01:13 No.6447768
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    mfw Sakamotofags
    >> AzraelNewtype !3F1gP2.utQ 05/09/11(Mon)02:08 No.6447973
    okay cool
    >> AzraelNewtype !3F1gP2.utQ 05/09/11(Mon)02:15 No.6447986
    We were debating for like 30 minutes exactly how best to translate 百火繚乱 (personally I wish we didn't settle on anything that involved hundred literally sticking around but didn't care enough to override both of the translators), but sure let's just suggest that we all take hours out of our weekends to put this shit out because we're lazy. Sounds about right.

    For the record, not even t-n leaves in Japanese because they're lazy, they do it for all the stupid ass reasons takenoko wrote out in that blog post I linked. I mean, I can't blame you for not reading that pile of tripe, but assuming that any decision involved with fansubbing is a result of laziness is hilarious.
    >> Anonymous 05/09/11(Mon)02:32 No.6448031
    You shouldn't even have to explain yourselves. Over Time is doing a fine job and I'm sure you care even less than your fans how many people would rather watch GUIS or TVN subs.

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