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    File : 1295715152.png-(395 KB, 1024x768, Screenshot.png)
    395 KB Listen to my song! CaiporaMan 01/22/11(Sat)11:52 No.6059828  
    so /m, i've tried many many times, but i can't...
    is there something wrong with me, /m ?
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)11:54 No.6059834
    Not really. Macross 7 can be very hard to like. I finished it but still almost gave up at points. If it wasn't for the music, Gamlin and Max then Basara may have caused me to drop it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)11:59 No.6059843
    I confess, i've never seen 7. I LOOOOVE Plus, however, maybe I should catch it, but watching a guy rockout in a plane with a guitar while piloting it with his mind is kinda. . . it doesn't do it for me.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:06 No.6059861

    In general I think Macross is pretty stupid as a concept, since somewhere along the line it seemed the focus became more on the music than anything else.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:10 No.6059867
    It's not for you, there's nothing wrong with you.

    Now if you were to be one of those guys who goes on and about it being total shit and being a general faggot about it, then it would mean you're pretty retarded. Those faggots can't seem to understand the basic concept of different people have different likes and dislikes.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:21 No.6059894

    Frontier battles with aliens aren't very satisfying. Macross needs more of those and less teenage drama.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:24 No.6059901
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    Which is exactly why they need to animate this game.

    No music bullshit, just awesome VF pilots being awesome.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:25 No.6059904
    macross has pretty much always been about the music. it worked in the original series due to the zents being all "omgwtfbbq is this". in m2 and m+ music takes a specific role in each series. zero and frontier's use of music was a bit hard to swallow. m7 is... different. i managed to finish it, but it's the only macross entry that i have not rewatched.
    >> Shimille !mfiZ1JCz7g 01/22/11(Sat)12:35 No.6059917
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    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:38 No.6059921
    While I respect and agree with your point on the one hand...on the other, after all the times I've seen this board argue that Gundam should change up its game to often outlandish means, I'm not sure you'll be convincing anybody who didn't believe it before that Macross should maintain one of its core elements that they dislike just cause it's part of the package.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:41 No.6059925
    The problem is that the music element always feels forced. They don't have to limit themselves like that, and as mentioned in >>6059901, it can work fine without it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:45 No.6059928
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    What works well in a game won't necessarily work well in an anime.

    See attached
    >> VF-kun !!hMpyEgtTibK 01/22/11(Sat)12:45 No.6059930
    As many have pointed out in the past, the reason it worked so well in the original series was because the focus was not simply on music, but on the use of Human Culture to open the way for an intergalactic alliance and communication between species. By teaching the Zentradi about culture, the humans in SDF were able to help them understand that there's more to life outside of combat and that helped tip the balance in their favor, but resulted in problems in the post-war environment.

    My one complaint about the series, after the departure of much of the core staff outside of Kawamori, is that it became way too focused on the music and almost seems to forget that culture played a bigger part and music is simply an individual piece of that.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:48 No.6059935
    SRWOGs don't work well in anything.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:50 No.6059938
    Honestly, for all the hate it gets, this is one of those things I think MII got right.

    Humanity had basically declined into that exact same state of mind.
    "Zentraedi? Ah throw some music at 'em. The valks can mop up afterward."

    Then when they finally got hit with something they couldn't just win over by throwing another song at it, they got fucking VIOLATED.

    They started steering that back towards a broader 'shared culture/understanding' message near the end. But sadly,and possibly thanks to the budget cuts in part, that never fully germinated.

    It's a shame, the more I look back, the more I start realizing that OVA had some considerable potential going for it.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:54 No.6059946
    Let them focus on different aspects of the franchise. Plus was more VF, 7 was more music, Frontier was more Music + Romance. Zero was... more about the weird.

    I'm happy with the direction the franchise took.

    Also 7 is pretty cool. Unlike certain other SR show from certain other franchise, it was actually enjoyable.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)12:55 No.6059949
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    But the 00 movie isn't based on music and it works just fine.
    >> Listen to my song! CaiporaMan 01/22/11(Sat)13:01 No.6059964
    for the sake of Dekaruchaa, i will try again.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)13:01 No.6059965
    Let's save that for another thread.

    This isn't about Gundam's identity crisis, it's about whether or not Macross should follow a similar one.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)13:02 No.6059967
    Don't feel too bad if you can't get into it.

    While the show has a very vocal fanbase here, you're not obligated to love M7.

    Even some of the fans admit Basara can be pretty fucking obnoxious.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)13:04 No.6059971
    To be fair, Macross was always about humanoid individual aliens. Suddenly we got weird shit with Zero and goddamn buggers clones with Frontier.

    Gundam's not the only one to go out of it's set course.
    >> Shimille !mfiZ1JCz7g 01/22/11(Sat)13:06 No.6059976
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    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)13:17 No.6059999
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    I personally loved M7 but I can see why some people don't like it, it gets better around episode 15 so if you manage to get to 20+ and still hate it then you should probably just stop forcing yourself to watch it, if you're on the fence then try watching the movie, Fleet of the strongest women, ep 26 and ep 27.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)13:26 No.6060016
    I'm getting kind of sick of these music/mecha shows. Star Driver is okay because the songs are simple and unobtrustive, but the flashy idol stars of Frontier and Basquash seem designed to promote bland pop to fanboys. Even Gundam 00 made a painfully awkward attempt to get in on the music shit when Marina dragged a fucking synthesizer into the desert.
    >> Listen to my song! CaiporaMan 01/22/11(Sat)13:37 No.6060036
    i've stopped in the ep 12 or 13, don't remember.
    Besides, the OP song is very delightful and remarkable... Not like "Do you Remember Love" or "Voices", but remarkable.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)15:12 No.6060299
    >Even some of the fans admit Basara can be pretty fucking obnoxious.

    I'm probably the only person who liked Basara BECAUSE he was a total douche.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)15:16 No.6060309


    I love him for being an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)16:11 No.6060427
    Reminded of one of the other comments seen happen here a few times.

    Nekki Basara - Answering the dreaded riddle "What if there was a universe where Kaifun was right?"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)16:14 No.6060434
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    They certainly know how to have fun on the Macross 7 fleet.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)16:20 No.6060446
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    No, Kaifun claimed to be pro-peace, but his actions were simply anti-military, regardless of anyone who would be hurt without its presence. Basara on the other hand, is completely pro-peace and understanding on both sides of the conflict. He's just as frustrated with the Protodevilin for not listening to his song as he is with U.N.Spacy, but does not hold a personal grudge with either of them, as evidenced by his friendship with Gamlin and his unique relationships with Sivil and Gigile. Kaifun on the other hand, chose to be a douche because he had an axe to grind.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)17:14 No.6060576
    Kaifun: Annoying cunt who opposed the military at every turn no matter how sensible they acted.

    Basara: Annoying cunt who opposed the military at every turn no matter how sensibly they acted.

    The difference being that sure, Basara does attempt to do some genuine good now and again, but it's sort of undermined in that he always does some jackass thing to balance out anything good he does. There might be some slight differences, but Basara is Kaifun with a robot and a guitar. No wonder he's such an insufferable assclown.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)17:15 No.6060578
    Hurr, the first one should say sensibly too.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)17:18 No.6060588
    The whole post is hurr durr anyway.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)17:19 No.6060596
    Neither thought the military were acting particularly sensibly (or at least not optimally). The biggest difference is that when the military did EXACTLY what he had been preaching, Kaifun still went "Fucking military fucks! You all suck!"
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)17:23 No.6060606
    I hate the music aspect, but that didn't stop me from loving the original and Plus, 7 and Frontier shove it down your throat though and make me not want to watch.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)17:28 No.6060624
    >Basara: Annoying cunt who opposed the military at every turn no matter how sensibly they acted.
    Except that Basara's solution to the problem actually worked. The military wasn't being sensible, and were getting a lot of people killed that didn't need to be. (For example, continuing to send out soldiers when Fire Bomber had been shown to be the only effective strategy).

    Kaifun bitched when the ship carrying the only surviving humans in existence was forced to defend itself.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)18:48 No.6061057
    >>6060624 Except Basara's solution to the problem actually worked.

    Which brings us back to the earlier statement.

    Basara is Kaifun in a world where Kaifun was right all along, instead of an out-of-touch hippie jackoff.
    >> Shimille !mfiZ1JCz7g 01/22/11(Sat)18:59 No.6061107
    Basara wasn't opposed to the military so much as he didn't care if they were there or not. Kaifun was actively trying to cause dissent among the people because of some petty personal issues he had.

    Huge fucking difference.

    Basara is a stupid asshole, but he's no Kaifun.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)19:07 No.6061146

    its difficult to stay with it (i wish it was only 26 eps), it has its flaws I still like it a lot more then frontier though. i always thought that the audience was meant to be like gamlins character at first they despise basara but then slowly warm up to him. best music in the series to me (except that last album re:fire).
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:08 No.6061352
    Here, I'll fix this for you.

    Kaifun: Simply an idealistic hippy right up until he became Minmay's producer. Then he started power tripping under the pretense of opposing the military. There's big hints that he doesn't actually believe in peace, he just says that to fuel his ego and get others on his side. Telling the audience to stay in the middle of an attack, telling Hikaru to fuck off when his squad tried to take the micloning machine, yelling at Misa when she launched a mission to rescue Minmay and himself...if he had his way MORE people would've been killed. And then there's the whole forcing himself on Minmay thing. "Yeah, I would totally marry my cousin. Oh we're on live TV? I don't give a shit, there's no way this could upset Minmay or could potentially be career-ruining for her. Fuck the UN Spacy."
    He's a moronic dickhole. Simple as that.

    Basara: In constrast, Basara truly believes in peace, his entire worldview is based around it. He's not interested in anything other than spreading peace through his music. He can be an asshole sure, but at least he actually believes in what he preaches and that's really worth something when your enemy thrives on despair. Later on, he actually has a legitimate reason to complain about the military since they repeatedly send pilots out to die pointlessly and they vainly try to weaponize music.

    They have entirely different personalities, I don't see how you could compare them.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:20 No.6061391
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    Best character right here. I got so fucking pissed at Mylene when she couldn't decide between him or Basara.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:23 No.6061404
    Pretty much this. It would've been hilarious if a macross II scenario happened and Basara got killed trying to use his song to make a race completely unaffected by music stop its attack. The case with Basara was that he had the entire universe actively working to make real and true everything he talked about.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:25 No.6061410
    Macross wouldn't be complete if there was no love triangle, well Mylene's point of view anyway

    Basara may have hots for Mylene's older sister though until he was cockblocked by that kid
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:32 No.6061426
    >Basara may have hots for Mylene's older sister though until he was cockblocked by that kid

    oh yeah, he did try to kiss her.

    Maybe it's because she was the first person to actually listen to him and say why she likes his music (aside from the other FB members and their producer).
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:33 No.6061430
    I dunno, it just really felt forced that she'd have feelings for Basara. He treated her like an annoying little sister for the most part and when he was nice, it never went into "I love her" but more like "She's my bandmate and good friend" Gamlin's relationship with her was just much more realistic and developed.
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:36 No.6061442
    Maybe Basara wasn't into little immature kids like Mylene?
    Seeing Rex, Emilia and Sivil peaks his interest
    >> Anonymous 01/22/11(Sat)20:50 No.6061499
    I don't he ever showed signs of reciprocating Rex's feelings. As for Emilia, she's a musician much like he is, singing from the heart and not for any particular audience or reason hence his attraction. His attraction to Sivil was probably Protodeviln space magic. He only really started to get obsessed after she kissed him and they exchanged thoughts.

    Point is, Basara's obviously only interested if the woman's alot like himself or they happen to be a hot space elf that gets orgasms from his music. It's what makes it irritating that Mylene can't decide because it's obvious Basara doesn't harbour anything romantic for her.

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