Anyone ever heard of Power Dolls?It was this hard as shit mecha strategy game I stumbled across years and years ago. Apparently made by some guys that made H-games or something? It gave you pinup shots of the characters after missions.I think it was pretty damn good, if you got past the ball-smashing difficulty. Apparently there was an anime or some shit and a bunch of sequels that were never localized?
Actually Kogado's always been all-age. They just skirt the line of fan service liberally.
There are an unusual amount of old /m/ games that could stand up on their own as decent game but have porn inbetween the levels.
>>6058568Anime you say?
>>6058568The second Power DoLLS OVA is superior to the first.I just wish I could find the fucking OP.
>Apparently there was an anime it was a'ightit was just kinda word both the episodes where done by different studios and seem to take place YEARS it starts out with the rookie trying to fit in and do the right thing and you think it's gonna be a show lik e thatthen BAM next episode she's older kinda badass now and you'd swear the were different people
Has /m/ heard of something about a mecha series?How could we? we just know about every fucking mecha series and games there is.
The game was more then good with mecha customisation and tactics. The problem is, after the first game, nothing was ever translated. And to play such "serious" game without knowlage of japanees language is insane.
>>6059797I know that first and second were dos game, but if anything after those were for windows (I know at least PD4 was) then can't you just use a translator hooker as you would do with H-games? I theoretically should work.
>>6058570the H-game thing is because though Kogado's all-ages, the american publisher, Megatech, had only localized h-games (Cobra Mission, Knights of Xentar, Metal & Lace) before Power Dolls
Aren't the latest Power Dolls games Blue Flow and Blue Blaster?, Taraku Uon.
Blue Flow:
Blue Blaster: