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  • File : 1275469962.jpg-(679 KB, 796x1146, sadkeanu.jpg)
    679 KB Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:12 No.5135217  
    >I'm Mickey Mouse. They don't know who's inside the suit.
    >-Keanu Reeves

    Suit actors are bro tier. Do you know who's REALLY inside the suit of your favorite Rider?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:14 No.5135219
    Keanu Reeves has better back story than any toku character
    >> Somme !!eepB6WypfLh 06/02/10(Wed)05:14 No.5135221
    It's always usually Seiji Takaiwa.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:18 No.5135229
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    Grief changes shape, but it never ends.
    Keanu Reeves
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:31 No.5135240
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    Hell yeah
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:32 No.5135242
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:33 No.5135245
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    Come on guys, I just went through a thread on /v/ and /tv/ about him. I don't know if I can keep the sadness and laughter up any longer.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:33 No.5135246

    and Makoto Ito
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:37 No.5135249
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:39 No.5135254
    What are his recent problems? Isn't he fucking Charlise Theron now?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:41 No.5135258

    Oh shit, Charlise Theron is gonna die?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:42 No.5135261
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    I try not to think about my life. I have no life. I need therapy.
    Keanu Reeves
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:44 No.5135270
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:46 No.5135273
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:47 No.5135277
    Thats it, I'll have Kelsey Grammer's voice on autopilot all week.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:49 No.5135282
    What, he's out of work?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:49 No.5135283
    Keanu Reeves is a meme for something besides the usual LOL MATRIX now? I am so slowpoke.tiff.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:50 No.5135286

    Having your best friend, fiance and daughter all die within 5 years of each other, spend millions of dollars of your money to keep your only sister alive in a losing battle of leukemia and having less jobs than Nicholas Cage isn't bad enough?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:52 No.5135288
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:54 No.5135290

    His best friend died, his daughter was a stillborn, his girlfriend drunk herself into a car crash because of it, his father abandoned him when he was 3, he spends his birthdays alone, ect. He's immortal and yet all he loves are doomed to die.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:55 No.5135291
         File1275472512.jpg-(300 KB, 796x1146, 1275445485747.jpg)
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    When the people you love are gone, you're alone.

    Keanu Reeves
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:56 No.5135295

    Wasn't he supposed to be set to lead Hollywood's version of Cowboy Bebop?

    Hell really, he'll do fine. He's an immortal anyway.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:56 No.5135296
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:58 No.5135301
         File1275472731.jpg-(250 KB, 891x500, 1275457123617.jpg)
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    >Father was a heroin addict/dealer who left his family when he was 3. He has since severed all ties with him.
    >Best friend, River Phoenix, dies before they could make another bromantic movie together.
    >Fiance has still-born daughter.
    >Fiance can't cope and they split up.
    >Sister gets contracted with leukemia.
    >Fiance drowns sorrows in alcohol and gets into a car accident.
    >Spends millions of dollars to keep his sister alive.
    >> Kasperl 06/02/10(Wed)05:59 No.5135303
    Yeah. Once I started reading up on the guy, I can't say I enjoy making fun of him as much as I used to. It just doesn't feel right.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)05:59 No.5135305
    looking kind of brother sharp there
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:01 No.5135308

    He finances a few oh the films he makes out of love of the source material. He paid for Constantine and is willing to fund Cowboy Bebop. He donated all the money he made from the Matrix to charity. All his money either goes towards creating more work, keeping his sister alive and helping other. He's a pretty awesome guy.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:02 No.5135309
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    Must have seen many best friends die in his lifetime
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:02 No.5135310
    He doesn't show emotion in his films because he has none left inside.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:03 No.5135311

    Stop, you're making me tear up.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:05 No.5135314
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:07 No.5135318
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    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:10 No.5135321
    you made me look at the guy in a whole new way /m/
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:11 No.5135323
    Keanu's an underrated actor. He gets a lot of flack for "deadpan" but I think the effect is highly exaggerated.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:12 No.5135326
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    I'm sorry my existence is not very noble or sublime.
    Keanu Reeves
    >> Shimille Bidsuka -insert long robot name- !mfiZ1JCz7g 06/02/10(Wed)06:12 No.5135327
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:12 No.5135328

    /tv/'s going to send him letters and gifts on the 15th if you wanna help out.
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:42 No.5135369
    whats that about kamen rider?
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:44 No.5135372
    >> Anonymous 06/02/10(Wed)06:49 No.5135376
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    >> Burai Is So Savvy !acpRjCIDQw 06/02/10(Wed)06:50 No.5135379
    I...I feel terrible for everything I've said about him now...
    >> Real /m/an !7Ui7AOuz5w 06/02/10(Wed)06:52 No.5135380
    He is obviously so depressed because he realized the matrix was actually real

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