So /m/ I have a preset for you. I give you the first Zeta Movie. Yah yah you say it is shit, but now you can watch it without all the weaboo shit in the subtitles -- thats right no more kisama!Anyway since below are the links II should be done sometime next week, before then if you notice any errors, please post them so I can do a v2 patch if needed.Anyway credits go to:Me: Encoding, MuxingRAEG: Raws, Fixing the subs
I didn't do the sub fixing, I just went through the fixed subs correcting any spelling errors and inserting lines that didn't make it through the OCR somehow. The real credit for the subs goes to that anon who OCR'd them.
OP kisama yatsu-tachi!Nihongo ga sugoi kakkoii!
>Zeta Movie>no more kisama
I don't get what the problem over no more kisama is
What format is this in damn it
I don't get why people have a problem with no more kisama-tachi in the subs. I personally have been waiting for a hi-def, all english rip of the Zeta movies.
OP, You rock.
>>4697303It is H.264/AC3 in mkv
>>4697217Get a website so when you release movie 2 I would rather watch them in order, and I'll see if I can submit it to BakaBT
>>4697303It's .mkv
>>4697308If /m/ approves of the quality, I was going to submit to to BakaBT with the final release anyway.
>>4697217I LOVE YOU ;3;*downloads*
Oh shit, I can't believe I missed this. Just browsing through the movie there's a sub mistake from 00:08:25:460 to 00:08:26:670. Line is "T- Damn you!" but it should be "D- Damn you!" Well, now we know what the first fix for the v2 patch will be.
My friend hasn't seen the great sub job TVNihon did with the movies. Can someone post ... you know, that pic?
Hmm just realized I didn't post a picture with the subs so you can see the font style.
>>4697300I don't think anyone has a problem with there being no more kisama-tachi, but that no one really wants to watch the Zeta movies anyway because they're not very good.That being said, thanks to OP, now people can at least watch the pretty new animation without being bombarded with subs they can't remove.
>>4697448Considering this is a PNG, Quattro's hair has some pretty noticeable artifacting going on.
>>4697448Ehhh... not that easy on the eyes, but still okay.
>>4697466It's only ever been released on DVD. Don't hold out for HD/Blu-ray.
>>4697466It may have to do with two things, first is that as said before it is a DVD source, second the movie was *Very* graining where before I applied a lightish denoising filter it was taking 2gb for the same quality as this. The artifacting you are seeing might be from how the filter removed removed grain on that scene.
>>4697525>the movie was *Very* graining I'm pretty sure they did that to give the feeling of the oldness.
>>4697554except for that compared to the new stuff the older stuff was twice as grainy
>>4697569They added it over the whole movie. Which was a stupid and lazy thing to do.
>>4697545>you, kisama>you, you
>>4697545I'd rather watch my shitty Taiwanese fansubbed bootleg Zeta Gundam series than that shit.
I shall bump the tears of time!
>>4697307My PC doesn't run MKVs very well, would you happen to still have the raws? I would appreciate those (if they're AVIs) and the softsubs, please and thank you. If not, I can convert these MKVs, it just takes forever.
>thats right no more kisama!Comically bad subtitles are the only reason I might ever bother to watch worthless compilation movies.
>>4697786What kind of media player do you have? I used to have problems with MKVs, too (with VLC), but then I switched to CCCP Media Player Classic, and they play well now.
>>4697448No I wasn't!
>>4697817Tried all of that, guess my PC's just crap. I'm planning to save up for a new one but that'll take quite a while.
Thanks a lot OP.Looking foward for the non-weeaboo version of the other two movies.
>>4697786AVI's and MKV's with the same video codec take nearly the exact same amount of cpu time to decode the video, because they are the SAME fucking codec. Additionally, this is SD H.264 which plays easily on my 1.4ghz p4 machine I use as a fileserver so you should have no trouble if your computer isn't from the 90's.Also the raws are DVDISO's so no i won't be uploading them. Also no, I will not be making crappy hardsubbed xvid in avi releases because to get the same quality it would probbally take 1.5gb not including the fact that ac3 in avi usually doesn't work out well so you would have to deal with mp3 audio which is bad also.
This is around 10:30-10:35.Also, around 10:45-10:50, the subs for the part where Emma chastises Jerid for being reckless doesn't show up until their conversation is practically over and Bright shows up.
>>4697849Thanks for the info will fix locally for the v2
Around 54:50-55:00.
>>4697796What about crispy new animation?
>>4698019hmm not only that but the We are in your debt was repeated. Fixed locally once again
The movies are such shit, but the beautiful new animation makes me cum hard.
animation wise how is it compared with unicorn?
>>4698067Unicorn still takes the cake, of course.The Zeta movies are a couple of years old now.
>>4697466its called sunrise is a retard adding lol grains
>>4698062I've noticed that the repeats happen a few times when more then one person is talking and the subs both people's dialogues are displayed.Around 1:00:45-1:00:50, Emma says "Pressure? The Titans!?" but the subs have a space between "T" and "he".1:25:00-1:25:02 says, "You call yourself an Cyber-Newtype!??" Should be "a Cyber-Newtype".Subtitles for the title of the movie during the title screen would would be nice, but not necessary.
>>4698067Unicorn is still better. Newer, probably more budget (I would assume), and the Z movies splice old footage with new ones, which can get kind of awkward at times.
>>4698161Fixed and added a title err title
Cool, I'll probably check these out once you guys get the trilogy done.
>>4697848Oh, okay then. I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope this works. If not, I can convert them with mkv2vob and watch it on the Triple (it just takes forever).
Is it 480p?
>>4700520Yes as it was a DVD source
>>4700520There are no Blu-Rays of the Zeta movies out yet, so the only source is the DVD. So yes, it's 480p.
Bumping in case anybody else wants these.
Sticky again eh? I'mokaywiththis.jpg
>>4697217Again, thank you mods. I believe in a Sign of Zeta
bump for awesomeness
Mod's Gundam Fanboyism sure is showing.
Oh sweet, the thread got stickied.
By the way, I'm having a friend create a Mediafire mirror for both parts.
Mediafire mirror:
Happy mother's day to you too.
The subs say "Frau Kobayashi" when Amuro first meets her. It should be "Fraw". Either that, or Amuro picked up some German in the years between the One Year War and U.C. 0087 (which would be pretty sweet, too).
>>4701152I always thought either/or was fine (seeing as has a page for Frau and a page for Fraw, almost as if the fandom couldn't decide which was the correct romanization) but if it would please more people then we can change it to Fraw
>>4701161I see. The official site says Fraw, which is what I base my knowledge of Gundam character names off of. I can understand where the mix-up can come from.
Cool beans, OP. Thanks.
>>4701179Ah, thanks. I'll have it corrected then.
ZETA STICKY fuck yeah
Thanks man!
>>4701251Beyond the hard times from now?
So is posting working again?
>>4701354yep, guess Moot is trying to stop the latest spam from getting in or something
>>4701392Honestly, what's the problem with no more KISAMA YATSU-TACHI?
>>4701399I guess some people consider those lulzy.
>>4701399I think it's great that we have proper subs... but when I think of all the newfags who will never know of the KISAMA YATSU TACHI subs... I shed a tear.
could i be linked to the Turn A movies?im not sure what team originally subbed subs anon?
>>4701486>Mac OS X 10.5Nobody uses that anymore
>>4701501Im still using 10.4, so fuck u
>>4701508What I meant was nobody uses base 10.5, aren't upgrades to the latest stable firmware for said release obligatory?
>No kisama yatsusFINALLY
Posting in a sticky.
sageing yet another useless gundam sticky
>>4701610>implying sage does anything to a sticky
>>4701486>christopher Pooleahaha fake name
>>4701610What do you mean, "yet another"? How many Gundam stickies, or just stickies in general, have you even seen on this board, honestly?
>>47016382 or 3 in the last month. All Gundam.
>>4701640problem is?
Thanks bro! While I actually watched the Kisama Yatsu version way back. I do appreciate what you've done! Keep it up bro!Also, who subbed the Kisama Yatsu again? TVN?
Yeah, it was TV-N. External translator came and went "hey guys i want to translate this can you lend me a typesetter and an encoder, lol" and it happened.And then kisama yatsu, and it was so bad it was good, and the people they did rejoice in an entirely sarcastic manner.
oh, wanna know a fun fact?the translator who did the Zeta movies went legit as a result of some small European company seeing the old-school Japanese Transformers subs he also translated and deciding "yes, this is the kind of translator we want to work with"a company actively decided they wanted to pay a guy who thinks kisama is untranslatablewhat the goddamn hell is wrong with the world
>>4697217I salute you Blaze, thanks for the early preview and for trying to get the official ones from Bandai (Who have been cracking down as of late since a lot of the IGLOO and Zeta movie clips have been taken down from Jewtube, so watch yourself.)>>470150110.4.11 REPRESENT
This really isn't worth being stickied :\Everyone competent enough has had non-shitty Zeta movie rips for years now.
>>4701650Mod always stickies threads that don't need a sticky.Picture of Char saying "blame this on the misfortune of your birth"? Stickied just from that OP post. How dumb.( Gundam Yaoi fanfic? Stickied. What the fuck. ( "Happy birthday /m/!" thread with a Gundam cake in the OP pic. Stickied. ( Wing 10th anniversary thread. Stickied. ( now this. I'm not bashing this release group, but we have lots of /m/ release groups. Why don't they get stickies? What about groups that put out tons of work? Is it because its not Gundam related?We've had way too many stickies too fast. And they've all been threads not really worth a sticky. And they've all been Gundam.
>>4701752Simple, mod is a Gundam fag, end of story. A shame, there is more to life then Gundam.
>>4701761>thinking sageing a sticky does anything
>>4701752Well, the Wing 10th North American Anniversary was worth a little mutual wanking as it was a gateway drug for quite a bit of /m/.But the rest were really shitty and useless stickies.Lovely modding when we get this instead of all the iPad and /e/ spam being cleaned up.
>>4701766You're not too bright?
>>4701770Sage means it doesn't bump the topic. If the topic is always at the top then sageing it is kind of pointless.
>>4701779You want a badge? Everyone knows that. The guy who sage'd knows that. Now figure out why he put sage.
>>4701697Youtube is Youtube that isn't much of a surprise to me>>4701733I was surprised also at the sticky, I wasn't expecting it at all. Also yes, I know there where fixed subs floating around but most people are to lazy/stupid to use them, so a release like this is useful>>4697217>preseNtI am surprised no one brought that up...Also pic related, its the second movie encoding
Didn't someone from /m/subs already release a fixed script for this that was timed and everything?Meh.
>>4701804See the second post in the topic.
Is it dual audio?
>>4701815The Zeta movies were licensed but never got released/dubbed for who knows what reason, so I'd guess it's a no.
>>4697217While the transitions between old and new stuff doesn't work the first movie isn't that bad. Granted, the series is the way to go, but i would say that only the second and the third movies are really messed up.
>>4701752Fucking cry about it, faggot. OH NO PEOPLE DISCUSSING GUNDAM, ON /m/ OF ALL PLACES. HOW UNFAIR.Jesus.
the series in a nutshell
>Gundam gets yet another pointless stickyThanks for the release though.
>>4701878 OH NO PEOPLE DISCUSSING GUNDAMBecause that's exactly what people were complaining about. Since you have no reading comprehension, I guess I'll have to be frank with you: you're a retard.
>>4701892I see what you did there.
>>4701911What occurs in a sticky?Oh. Oh yeah, discussion.Gundam's fanbase is bigger than any other and it's fragmented as hell, so it makes sense that it would get a lot of different stickies.
>>4702002 What occurs in a sticky? Oh. Oh yeah, discussion.Still no one complaining about that.>Gundam's fanbase is bigger than any other and it's fragmented as hell, so it makes sense that it would get a lot of different stickies.This would be a good excuse if at least one of the stickies was made to keep Gundam discussion in one thread (should have had a Unicorn discussion sticky) instead of just sticky-ing yaoi fanfic because mod is lol so randumb xD.
Is this just a compilation of the anime?
>>4702170More or less.
>>4697214herE's YOuR BeLOVeD HEro CHrIsTOpHer poOlE:MEsSAgE-ID: <4B6b90ep.8030701@4chan.oRG>FroM: MoOT <MoOt@4cHAn.ORg>useR- ageNT: MOziLLa/5.0 (MaCintosh; u; intEl mac Os x 10.5; eN-uS; rv: GeCko/20100111 ThUNderbIrd/3.0.1TO: SYSOp@aNoNtALK.COmsUbjECT: eNjOyIng yoUR DOwNtime FAGGOt?they bLindLy BeLievE EVeRyThInG i FEEd tHEM, fAke oR not, YOUR BoaRd'S gOiNg DowN. Don't bOtHEr pUBlIshING ThIs, No one wIll Believe YOu ANyWAy On ANt OR /B/ :)
>>4697216heRE'S YOur BELovED hERo cHRisTOPHEr poolE:MEssagE-ID: <4b6b90Ep.8030701@4ChaN.Org>FrOm: moOT <mOoT@4ChAN.orG>uSer-aGEnt: MoZIlLA/5.0 (MACintOsH; u; Intel MaC os x 10.5; En-us; Rv: gEcKO/20100111 ThuNDErbIRD/3.0.1tO: Sysop@AnoNtALk.CoMsubjECt: ENjoYiNg youR DOWnTIme FAggOt?tHEy bLiNDly bElIEVE EVeRYTHInG I feED ThEm, faKE Or NoT, yOur BOarD'S gOiNG Down. Don'T BOTHEr PuBlIsHiNg thIs, no oNe wilL BELieve YOu AnYwaY oN anT Or /b/ :)
>>4697217Thanks for the sticky post, it's very helpful.
Thanks for the sticky you, kisama-yatsu-tachi!
>>4702223Oh wow I feel retarted. I was wondering why everytime I refreshed the page this thread was at the top.....
>>4697569Isn't funny that those movies got a worse video quality than the series in the BD release?