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    in other news: server upgrades and additional moderators coming by early next week

    File : 1279232512.jpg-(27 KB, 335x502, 1279227282564.jpg)
    27 KB Saw this on /r9k/. Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:21 No.919208  
    I have a story for you.

    Yesterday, I told the girl I've been in love with for ten years I loved her.

    Now, before I cut to the chase, I suppose I should provide some backstory. We met when we were ten years old, on the very first day of middle school. We sat beside each other in our first class, and started a relationship that was mainly based on me teasing her. Eventually, though, we became close friends, and ended up doing practically everything together. We stuck together all throughout middle and highschool, and even went to prom together, although, admittedly, as "just friends" (but we'd always say it with a sly smile). It's pretty strange to reflect on your time in gradeschool, now that I think about it. You feel like the friends you had then are the friends you'll have forever, and the world you lived in was all there was. You become really invested in the idea, in fact. It's odd, actually. We both waltzed through relationships now and then, but I think we always sort of knew that we would end up being together. Any time one of us broke up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, we would always be there for the other, and we would walk around and sit on swings at parks and cuddle on her couch and talk our problems away. And every once in a while, we'd share a look, and we'd both know what it meant. I don't know why I didn't tell her sooner, really. Us being a couple always sort of seemed inevitable to us and everyone around us.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:22 No.919210
    It had actually been a bit harder, recently, since we ended up going to separate universities. But we'd talk through the magic of the internet, and visit each other's campuses when we could. And once or twice a month, when we came home, we'd spend the entire day together, telling each other about the adventures we were having. It's pretty unique, having a best friend who you've grown up with. They really become essential to who you are. Those of you who occasionally shave their necks will know what I mean, if they're so lucky. It's the little memories that really stand out and the things you don't pay attention to. Like snowball fights after the first snowfall of the year, and the conversations you have while sitting on a roof in the middle of the night. Things like the perfume she wore just become so normal, that it's hard to imagine life without it.

    But anyway, yesterday there was a pretty formal event she would be at, and likewise, I had to get all dressed up. I parked my car and strode into the building, dressed in my best suit. I looked around the room, and pretty quickly saw her there, a crowd of people gathered around her. I made my way across the room, and fairly soon, I had a chance to be relatively alone with her, when she wasn't surrounded by friends or family. I walked up, and just looked at her. Neither of us said anything for a while. And then, very quietly, I whispered "I love you". Neither of us said anything for a little while more.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:23 No.919216
    I turned away from the casket, and I remember feeling warmth running down my cheeks. I suppose I maintained somewhat stoic composure until I reached my car. Then I drove. I can't remember how long I drove, or how I ended up getting to the park beside her house where we spent countless days together. I took a seat on one of the swings, the one I had always sat in. Then I looked at the empty swing beside me, the one she had always sat in.

    And then I cried.

    I cried harder than I ever have in my life, and probably ever will. It was less crying and more uncontrollable, convulsive sobbing.

    Go find the person you love, and tell them you love them. If you wait too long, like I did, you'll find it a terribly unfulfilling experience.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:23 No.919219
    >Saw this on /r9k/

    Stopped reading right there, and so should everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:33 No.919247
    don't judge copypasta by its imageboard, bro
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:34 No.919251
    Thank you sir. For a moment I was going to indulge an amateur writer, but you saved me the 5 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:42 No.919284
    thank you
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:50 No.919314
    For the record, I read every word of that pasta, and it was shit. It's a nice anecdote, I suppose -- but it ain't literature. Imagine coming across that little shitflower in a book of short stories or something. You'd be as mystified by its presence as I am to find it on /lit/.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:52 No.919321
    If the word "/r9k/" hadn't been in the title, this would have worked out so much better.

    I'm glad I read it, anon, and I feel a little embarrassed by the stupidity of the rest of the people in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:53 No.919326

    StoP_ATTAcKinG_anD fuckiNG_WItH_wWw.ANoCArRoTstalk.se_rEPLACE carroTs WiTh n
    l gchbmg sgq oooofviifc v l guhzpgju
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)18:58 No.919335
    /lit/ - Copypasta
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)19:00 No.919340
    what's so bad about /r9k/, bro?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)19:10 No.919360
    I don't think anyone has ever argued that "a gangbang of whining" isn't an accurate description of r9k. And that is entirely what's wrong with it.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)19:17 No.919377

    Just click the board and see for yourself. I just did so, and will report my findings: three threads on the front page are about men who want to find female company but can't because they're whiny bitches who are afraid to even look at a woman for fear of...I'm not sure what. One is a blogger advertising their blog, one is a weeaboo who thinks he looks like a character from some shit anime, one is a camwhoring thread. There are also a couple of blatant trolling threads with a billion replies (see "muslim fembot here"). Two threads about drugs.

    A better question would be "is there anything that is not terrible about /r9k/?", and the answer would be "no". It basically functions like a worse version of /adv/, populated only with the biggest fucking losers in the world.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:30 No.919829
    One could argue that /lit/ is the worst board on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:34 No.919847
    One could argue a lot of things, but that doesn't mean the argument has any validity.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:34 No.919850
    "/lit/ is for fucking pseuds and hipsters.

    If their image corresponds to reality, then they are the worst board, worse than /b/, because they are well read enough and smart enough to know better and YET THEY ARE STILL TERRIBLE. It's the difference between a bear mauling a kid and Ed Gein."

    - /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:35 No.919851
    ITT: angry litfags.

    Get over yourselves, brothers, and think about the theme of this short tale.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:35 No.919856
    lol guys you pissed off /r9k/

    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:36 No.919858

    I could argue that and I'd be right. This place has all the peevishness of /r9k/ with all the pretense of Vice, Juxtapoz, and the Atlantic COMBINED. If boards were people, /lit/ would be a skinny anarchist Ignatius Reilly. Fucking Jesus Christ wept.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:38 No.919868
    lit would not know a good book if it was smothered in their face and then thrown out into the rain after being dog-eared.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:40 No.919880
    I want you to imagine a guy who frequents 4chan /lit/, /fit/, and /fa/ exclusively. Do you have that picture in your mind? Good.

    Keep it there. Yes, it burns, I know. You're starting to smell burning toast and that is normal. You are probably feeling an urge to kill everyone starting with yourself. Again, that is to be expected. No, it is not "the devil", you are hallucinating.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:42 No.919885
    Now THAT is good literature.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:42 No.919887

    Stay classy, /lit/

    Love, /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:43 No.919891

    he also goes on /v/
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:43 No.919892

    Okay, NOW it's the fucking devil.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:45 No.919895
    >Go find the person you love, and tell them you love them. If you wait too long, like I did, you'll find it a terribly unfulfilling experience.

    How incredibly selfish. A person has just died and he's upset because he didn't hook up with her. You make me sick and out of respect for the girl's parents you should kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:45 No.919899
    >A gangbang of whining
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:46 No.919901
    yeah man, I'm always upset when childhood friends I've known for half my life die before I had sex with them
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:47 No.919909
         File1279244879.jpg-(42 KB, 640x432, 1265658930671.jpg)
    42 KB

    Why couldn't this be another bitches & whores story?
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:48 No.919910
    It hasn't been named that for three weeks...
    >> Anonymous 07/15/10(Thu)21:48 No.919916

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