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  • why do we let spammers get away with this shit?
    edit: :(((((
    edit dos: bounty on chris beer's verified identity/info/dox/whatever is in the $four figure$ range. e-mail me if you have anything.
    edit tres: the stuff on ED is fake. i said *verified*.
    edit cuatro: chris beer is easyvouch — *not* sharecash.

    File : 1276992075.gif-(26 KB, 309x488, Camus4.gif)
    26 KB Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:01 No.807881  
    Which of you /lit/ WRITERS smoke? What do you smoke, and why did you start smoking?
    I don't care how much you smoke, that is irrelevant.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:01 No.807884
    i smoke sausages
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:02 No.807888
    I did when I was 17 and illegal to do it. So...nope not anymore. Stuff's bad for ya
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:02 No.807892
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    FUCK tobacco
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:03 No.807893
    i used to smoke winstons, but they got too expensive. i smoke pall mall now. kurt vonnegut once called them a "classy way to kill yourself."

    i started smoking to fit in with the cool kids who listened to limp bizkit. it was a good decision imo
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:03 No.807894
    i smoke cock
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:04 No.807899
    do want
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:04 No.807900
    I smoke. Started regulary as a light infantryman. Ciggies, and occasionally pipe when I feel really pensive. :D.

    I smoke pot once or twice a year. This is usually followed by a 3 day writing spree.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:04 No.807902
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    errdayyyyyyyy. Well, no, not everyday. I like to smoke weed three or four times a month. That's just about the right amount for me.

    Still can't beat the munchies though, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:05 No.807911
    Bout same for me
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:07 No.807924
    I'll have a cigarette once every couple days. I'd like to try a pipe sometime, too.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:08 No.807928
    I smoke

    started at 20, never really smoked except as a 12 yr old. started smoking when going out, realized a cigarette is fantastic when drunk, been 2 years now, i smoke when i go out and drink, very occasionally when not drunk, I know it isn't healthy but I enjoy the way I'm living and would like to stick to this plan, will never smoke daily, couldn't do it. I smoke lucky strikes

    smoke weed a few times a month
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:09 No.807938

    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:11 No.807959
    I smoke weed daily, started smoking because I'm wheelchair-bound. It makes physical therapy easier and definitely helps with my depression.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:11 No.807962
    Does anyone know if cigarettes have a worse effect if you smoke them when drinking or drunk, than they would do if you smoked them sober. It's a myth I've always wanted to clear up...
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:12 No.807968
    Let's hear your story, anon.

    How did you end up with wheels?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:13 No.807981
    There's no basis for this chemically. Where I think you might draw a correlation is your loss of self-control as you drink more. I know I end up binging on food when I'm quite drunk. I suppose if I was at all tempted to smoke cigarettes, I would end up chain smoking cigs.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:13 No.807982
    I don't see why sobriety would matter.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:14 No.807994
    wWw._anon_+_M_- _M_+_TALK_.Se zhskq cjeehzebtvizkulehw yn h w p ko
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:15 No.808010

    Thanks Anons. That's good enough for me.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:17 No.808019
    My mother beat me with a chair when I was eleven, it shattered my ribcage. I already had a very weak immune system so I kept having new medical problems that just kept me seated. At first I thought I would only be in this position three years while my ribcage was operated on and healed. It's been over ten years now.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:19 No.808048

    Shit... I'm sorry dude. Fuck.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:19 No.808052
    The fuck! Do you live alone? Have you continued to go to school? Do you work?

    Where do you live, anon?

    I hope you live in Vancouver, BC, so I can become your friend.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:22 No.808088
    No, I'm very happily married. I'm in school and working towards becoming a college professor. I work part-time but recently had to cut my hours.

    I live in Austin, Texas.

    Haha, my husband is from Canada. We're thinking of moving to Vancouver after he finishes his bachelors.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:23 No.808102
    You had nothing to do with it, no reason to apologize. :3
    Despite my original comment I generally have a pretty great life.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:24 No.808105

    Hearing that, after what you just posted. I am very happy for you, Anon! I'm not the guy you were responding too in that post, but I thought I'd just show my appreciation on your position! I am glad!
    >> Holden Caulfield !!T8HvdmkrROG 06/19/10(Sat)20:24 No.808106
    I don't like smoking and I'm not to much of a drinker either.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:25 No.808122
    Cheers for such a sunny outlook! People like you inspire me to be a better person.

    If you ever do end up in Vancouver, I hope I run into you in one of our used book stores one of these years. :3
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:27 No.808141
    I'm planning on eventually moving to Vancouver too, oddly enough. /lit/ in B.C.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:28 No.808145
    I smoke Port Royal rolling tobacco, either in a pipe or rolled. I started smoking when i was 16 after my father decided to stab my mother 15 times and hang himself while i was in China on a school trip.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:28 No.808151
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    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:31 No.808166
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    Vancouver is paradise! Cute Asian girls at every turn, the best Chinese food in the world, Sea to Sky, skiing, trails, bike paths by the water, Stanley Park, all the used book stores.

    I live in a really wonderful part of the city that's close to the beach and central to all the interesting parts of town :3

    Wouldn't leave this place for anywhere else in the world.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:32 No.808174
    Oh LAWD, Koerner library. I work at UBC so I always end up walking over to here or IK Barb just to wander the stacks when I need a break.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:33 No.808180

    I smoke. I smoke Camels. I started because almost everyone else I knew was smoking. They've almost all given up. I continue because -- bad for you as it is -- it sharpens your concentration for short periods of time. It gives me focus.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:34 No.808190
    what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:36 No.808206
    What part of China were you visiting, bro?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:37 No.808220
    Cigar smoker here. Starter when I was 15 or 16 because I was introduced to them by a friend and liked them. About 1-2 per week on average and mostly Cubans (I'm trying to expand my repertoire though).
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:37 No.808222

    > I work at UBC

    Work at UBC like, in the McDonalds there or work at UBC as in at the school?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:39 No.808239
    I work at the school as an editor for a journal. Got a desk and a window view and everything. :3
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:42 No.808261
    We stayed in Nanjing for 2 weeks, then traveled to Shanghai then traveled to Beijing for 4 nights or so, then back to Nanjing and back to Australia.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:42 No.808263
    ITT: my three favorite things; Vancouver (home), Books (love), smoking weed (passion).
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:42 No.808266

    So... where do you live? And how hard do you think it would be to create a suit of human skin?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:43 No.808268
    What was your favorite memory from there? Your impressions of the country?
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:44 No.808281
    You should consult _American Psycho_ for Pro tips!
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:46 No.808304
    Probably Shanghai, it's so fucking big and so flat, found it so easy to travel around at ease,there are so many subways and bus' that continually run so moving around is really efficient and fast, i liked the size of the skyscrapers and the amount of people. Nanjing i found the lifestyle interesting, very poor in the area we stayed in. Beijing has awesome shopping and the McDonalds kicks ass.

    Can't remember much though, a lot of its a blur now.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:50 No.808328

    This really is the nicest goddamn board on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 06/19/10(Sat)20:52 No.808346
    Well I hope you have a happy life as well!

    Thanks! I hope so as well but it is awfully cold there!
    >> Holden Caulfield !!T8HvdmkrROG 06/19/10(Sat)20:52 No.808348
    I love this thread
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:30 No.809171
    Why is this thread so depressing
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:33 No.809189
    OMFG I smoke Winstons
    I must be a writer!!
    >> Oscar Wilde !!+lmkkbQA79c 06/20/10(Sun)00:35 No.809198
    I smoke American spirits.
    roll my own.

    but I'm not a writer anymore so disregard OP.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:40 No.809216
    lucky strikes! so good...
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:40 No.809222
    I grew up around Winston-Salem, NC. I think I won't smoke due to some sort of reactionary impulse.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:44 No.809237
    So, what you're saying is, I should visit Vancouver?
    (Ontariofag btw)
    >> redcom !!+GnfqtXcPp8 06/20/10(Sun)00:46 No.809248
    Mostly Djarum Blacks, cousin's friend lit up in he car one day, I was like "OMG THAT SMELLS AWSM". So that started it. I stopped not too long ago, and want to try electonic cigs instead.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:47 No.809256
    Opium, the traditional muse of authors everywhere. Relaxes and focuses me personally, helps me get out raw ideas at first then think over and refine them. Also works great for depression, the other traditional muse of authors everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:51 No.809279
    Where the heck do I get my hands on some Opium?!?
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:52 No.809286
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    i liek opium too :)
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)00:55 No.809297
    Dunno about opium proper, but I hear an herb called kratom is an excellent opioid substitute. From what I was told, it's most like hydrocodone, which is actually one of the alkaloids found in opium proper.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)01:08 No.809341

    its opiate like, but still quite different. youll want to the bali type as it produces more sedating effects as opposed to the other varieties. it really doesnt taste that bad either, sort of like a slightly bitter tea. the only problem i had with it was the fact that you need to ingest quite a few grams of it for a stronger dose if its not an extract or deveined. i found the best way to ingest it was to mix a whole bunch in with some hot chocolate, stir a bunch, then drink in gulps.

    these are some legit sites to order from if anyone is interested. try to avoid one-stop-shops like or the like for kratom as they tend to have weaker batches. sites devoted only to kratom tend to have the best supplies:

    you can also buy poppy pods over the internet and make poppy tea out of them. you can buy them for 'decorative purposes' like making wreaths and shit, but you basically just grind them up in a coffee grinder, then seap them in warmish water for awhile, then chug. then seap in cold water and chug. be advised that it tastes bitter as all hell.

    also you can just grow your own poppy pods then slit the pods, collect the sap, then refine it into opium. as long as you arent aware of the fact that poppies can be used to make opium and heroin, they are legal to grow.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)01:17 No.809358
    first, Camus is my favorite author ... now i list.

    i have smoked cigarettes for 10 years, now a pack every 2-4 days
    i was a pothead for 7 yeas, and an off again on again for 2 years after
    i have smoked ice, or freebase methamphetamine for 2 years, but that was while ago.
    i have smoked opium, and would now, if i could find it, because i love fucking opiates
    i have smoked a collage of legal inebriants and hallucinogens too many to list, about a 5 years period of this.
    i have smoked 2C-E a few times
    I have smoked Datura a few times

    why? for the effects of course.
    but opiates are the only drugs that ever made me want to write, pot gave ideas but bad prose, and everything else made one far too fucked up to produce anything actually good.
    once again, opiates are the only literary smoke i have done, and cigarettes to a degree, when one is in a good zen writing mood.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)01:18 No.809361
    i wrote a big list of stuff and didn't see this. This is true.
    >> Anonymous 06/20/10(Sun)01:20 No.809364
    I'd like to add to the recommendations.
    They sell more than just kratom these days because they've expanded, but it's still one of their main focuses. Their bali has concistently been the best quality at the best price I've ever had.

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