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  • File : 1274679522.jpg-(22 KB, 291x440, infidel_by_ayaan_hirsi_ali.jpg)
    22 KB Infidel Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:38 No.705161  
    Ayaan Hirsi ali is a Somalian-born Dutch intellectual, feminist activist, writer, and politician.

    Just finished reading this book, this woman should be given some sort of award for having the balls to stand up to Islam. Just the type of people we need in Europe

    10/10 Very entertaining and informative highly recommended!

    Her video:
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:40 No.705167

    Pick one.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:40 No.705170
    I know I was pretty shocked too.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:41 No.705173
    > Write about feminist activist.
    > Use "balls" as a synonym for courage.

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:42 No.705175
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:42 No.705177
    Huge tits of courage doesn't have the same ring to it.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:42 No.705181
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:43 No.705184
    i thought i was the only one who read this book..
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:43 No.705185
    Her and Dan Simmons should get together and have a bunch of Islam hating babies.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:45 No.705196
    She doesn't seem too feminazi, she just dislikes radical Islam.

    I can dig it.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:45 No.705197
    as an ex-muslim I can relate with her on many different levels but i don't like her approach it's very militant and in your face but then again I don't think Islam can be reformed.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:46 No.705205
    > Treating people as equals takes second place to bolstering my pitiful rhetorical skills.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:47 No.705207
    Wahhabism is where it all went horribly wrong. Instead of turning into something relatively benign like post-Middle Ages Christianity it turned into a brewing pot for the batshit insane.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:49 No.705212
    Not sure if troll. If not, try fucking relaxing instead of flipping out over turns of phrase.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:50 No.705220
    lol this woman is a whore whos sold herself to the right wing media her job is islam bashing.

    fucking white washed i swear.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:51 No.705224
    You're visibly upset.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:53 No.705231
    Ayaan hirsi eh... I share her views except I want a normal life without 24 hour protection and I don't want to end up like Theo Van Gogh. I commend her courage though.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:54 No.705241
    thou angered?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:57 No.705252
    you forgot to mention shes an atheist
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:58 No.705257
    I have a sudden urge to have white master-black slave sex roleplay with this woman.

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)01:59 No.705259
    Why the fuck do Muslims always get butthurt so easily about shit like this? Insecure religion is insecure.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:00 No.705262
    She was on Real time with bill maher a few days ago... Amazingly enough, she managed to look like the dumbest person there, inspite of the fact hat BILL FUCKING MAHER is on the show.....

    That said, anyone who wants to start a beef with islam is good in my mind... It could be totally off base and on a issue that is unjustified and i'm still okay with it. Islam is too fucked up to get a pass anywhere.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:00 No.705263

    Intellectual =/= Intelligent
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:00 No.705264
    she grew up a Muslim in Somalia she later turned atheist
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:01 No.705267
    watch this one she doesnt seem so quiet.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:03 No.705269
    Because they are all in shitty poor countries that cant police them(or more dangerously, support that ideology, like Saudi arabia, U.A.E, Somalia, etc...) and target countries that are too PC and liberal to openly condemn the entire religion... Thats why you see abunch of small grass-routs stuff like banning headscarfs and minarets.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:05 No.705274
    I don't think anyone in the world is taking Islam seriously. Good on this woman.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:08 No.705280
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    This might be up your alley, OP. It's on the media bias that essentially supports Palestinian terrorism and defames Israel, pretty fucking astonishing on the whole. Also a well-written easy read. (She's also got another book on the insanity of hyper-feminism in the US military that I enjoyed even more.)
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:09 No.705284
    Jesus christ, why does Bill Maher always come off as condescending and slightly stupid? Does he do that on purpose?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:11 No.705289

    Probably because the whole "HURR REPUBLICANS" schtick was old back in 2002.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:16 No.705301
    The only really stupid thing she said was saying we should have gone after Saudi Arabia after 9/11.

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:16 No.705303
    Some fun facts in Islam!

    - a women's word in court is = to half of a mans
    the reasoning for this is women are apprehend more emotionally vulnerable.

    -if a women is accused of adultery a man needs no witnesses and she will be buried neck knee and stoned to death.

    -homosexuals are flogged and killed

    -if you leave Islam you will be killed

    - you can beat your wife as long as you don't hit her in the face

    td;lr islamic law is not very nice to live under
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:17 No.705306
    Well if we didn't need their oil we would have went. Bush was a pussy
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:24 No.705322

    Ding Ding Ding This woman is a skilled con artist and she's all the white people fooled
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:26 No.705324
    i was meaning to read this book for awhile i saw it at the library so i checked it out the librarian who was there gave me a strange look and then winked she was in her late 20's I don't know if it had anything to do with the book but I'm not that much of a stud..
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:28 No.705340
    Hmm telling a lie or spending the rest of your life with some old dude who you'll never love, that's called a moral dilemma and she picked the lesser of the two that and she admitted that she lied herself..
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:34 No.705356
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)02:47 No.705392

    I hope your muslim friends don't know about this.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:01 No.705436
    shes not even black she has strange features
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:04 No.705447

    That's because she's Somali.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:07 No.705453
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:09 No.705458
    so mixed with something then?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:09 No.705459

    America strong!
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:12 No.705464
    >Bill Maher

    HAHA no.
    >> Sir Namehomosexual 05/24/10(Mon)03:14 No.705468
    You've obviously blinded yourself.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:14 No.705469
    Are you seriously implying that she's 'not black' due to her thin nose and angular cheekbones? Newsflash, African features run a wide gamut.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:16 No.705470

    african and black are not the same thing
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:19 No.705476
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    saved this awhile ago they seem to exhibit Caucasian features
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:20 No.705479
    Somalia is Sub-Saharan Africa or 'Black' Africa, try again.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:22 No.705484
    Don't try to argue with them. It's like punching bricks to make a window.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:23 No.705487
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    they are considered Caucasian..
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:24 No.705488

    Somalis have heavily interbred with Mediterraneans, silly.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:24 No.705490
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    she admitted to being a libertarian on mahers show
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:26 No.705494
    I heard her on NPR the other day. The people calling in were pretty pissed.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:26 No.705495
    she said is to some extent
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:26 No.705496
    People from Madagascar are entirely their own race?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:28 No.705499
    grey means no data..
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:29 No.705502
    Of course they have, but to say that the woman in question isn't black due to 'strange features' is stupid. There is plenty of variance within black population.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:31 No.705505

    Arguing that someone is black just because they have dark skin is pretty silly, especially when all evidence points to mixed race.

    But I guess that one drop rule is still in effect; Obama is "black" after all.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:32 No.705509
    why has this thread turned from book discussion to a discussion on Somalis.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:33 No.705511
    Because Europeans are all racist.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:34 No.705514

    "Radical Islam is bad" just doesn't generate much discussion among semi-reasonable people
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:34 No.705516
    Umm Somalians arent mixed we have a large community here in Sweden and they are offended when people take them for mixed people they probably did mix with arabs and italians but for the most part they are a distinct group.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:35 No.705517
    There's no data on people in Madagascar's ethnicity?
    How old is this map...
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:35 No.705519
    google carlton coon an check for yourself on wiki
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:35 No.705520
    You misunderstand me, I don't hold to the one-drop rule. Obama is just as much white as he is black. My issue is that quite a few people assume that certain features aren't found at all within black populations.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:36 No.705524
    they look like white people with dark skin..
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:39 No.705532
    I'm surprised no one has used the N word in this thread although it's like my fourth time in /lit/
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:40 No.705536
    Wow. This guy was a dumbass. No wonder his map doesn't make sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:41 No.705540
    I would also like to add that countries such as Somalia, Eritrea, and Ethiopia have distinct cultural and ethnic groups that would generally identify as 'black'. That's basically what I'm getting at.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:43 No.705544
    How is a dumbass he's a highly respected scientist and expert on racial classifications.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:43 No.705545
    >implying race exists
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:46 No.705554
    To summarize this, guys.

    Somalis can into master race because they have glorious Neanderthal genes.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:46 No.705555
    Race does exist and can be scientifically verified. This doesn't mean that one race is superior to another. Also, Coon's work was heavily criticized when it was published both before and after his death.

    So don't get your panties all up in a bunch about it.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:47 No.705556
    wasn't it proved she made it all up?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:48 No.705560
    Race does not exist. You can trace particular genes and how often they appear in particular populations and their drift over time, but that's it. There is no "white guy gene" or "somali gene" or "philipino gene."
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:49 No.705563
    Dude, I just skimmed information about him on 3 different websites. They all 3 agreed that he was totally and completely wrong. I agree he's totally and completely wrong just by my bare understanding of recent biology.
    Race has virtually no difference in the human genome. The guy was totally and completely wrong about the evolution of races.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:50 No.705564
    You are also a dumbass if you really think this.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:51 No.705567
    I mean race in a general sense man. If you look at the genome of distinct ethnic groups you can definitely see differences.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:54 No.705579
    >>705567 here let me clarify

    Genetic distance between distinct groups of people is what I meant by the scientific definition of race.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)03:55 No.705582
    No, no you can't see that. What the hell are you basing this on?
    The chromosomal identifications of different breeds of pigs have more differences than a black man and a white man.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:12 No.705612
    All you race deniers watch this shit
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:14 No.705617

    Fuck off. People like you ruined The Daily Show for everyone who isn't a drooling liberal onanist.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:14 No.705618
    You are a faggot
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:15 No.705619

    u mad?

    truth hurts don't it?

    all that liberal hogwash you've been swallowing is a lie. Race is real and important.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:15 No.705620
    Youtube video from a racist and Jew-hater, or actual science? Hmm...which should I allow to guide me?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:16 No.705622

    >implying science doesn't support this video
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:17 No.705625
    >implying that years and years of anthropological information is wrong because some fag made a video.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:19 No.705630

    >implying you don't just pick and choose your arguments from the evidence presented
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:20 No.705633
    >implying your idiot video is not just polemical race baiting that contains no actual evidence
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:22 No.705635

    >implying you're not a butthurt libfag who sees the world through blinders
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:22 No.705636
    >implying that all anthropological studies are pointing in different directions concerning race.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:22 No.705638
    >implying that reading only conservative media "opens your eyes"
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:23 No.705640

    Successful troll is successful
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:24 No.705642
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:25 No.705644
    Conservafag: Those two dogs look very different. They must be different subspecies.

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:26 No.705648
    Conservafag: Those two members of the same family look different. They must be different subspecies!

    Libfag: Those two members of the same family look different. Makes sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:27 No.705651
    Other guy: Neither of those arguments make any sense?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:28 No.705652
    Why do you race deniers get so butthurt?

    Are you all fucking niggers or beaners or changers or something?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:30 No.705657
    This. The beginning of human life started in Africa. And if you don't believe me ask a anthropologist.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:31 No.705663

    Actually the beginning of human life started from some kind of fish thing that crawled out of the ocean.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:32 No.705667
    That will not be human. I mean Homo sapien life
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:34 No.705673

    Gotcha. But then all the smart races went and interbred with neanderthals.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:35 No.705681
    ITT: We mad
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:36 No.705683
    What's funny is the video doesn't say anything racist and also makes the point that the existence of race does not equal racism. Which seems like an odd point for a racist to make, they would immediately want to point out what the existence of race entails in their ideology.
    I think a bunch of racists completely misinterpreted the video and want to use it illogically to support their own views, which is pretty believable.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:37 No.705686

    I posted the video. I just wanted to point out that race does exist, and the fact that people make such a big deal about it is why it's a big deal in the first place. So what if Asians tend to be smarter than Africans? They all have their place in society.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:39 No.705691
    Check the other videos posted by that Youtube user. It's all about the evils of Zion.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:40 No.705692

    So? His other videos should have no bearing on the content of the posted video.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:42 No.705697
    The video has no evidence. It it a bunch of powerpoint slides with "Fact #1: BLA BLA BLA" set to music, with no legitimate sources. If you're convinced of his point it's because you don't think critically, not because he's spouting truth.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:43 No.705705

    Yet if a scientist were to provide a study coming to the same conclusions, he would still be met with cries of racist.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:44 No.705706
    What? At that time there was races now there isn't races you are proving only that you are a ignorant fuck.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:44 No.705711
    Implying race exists is racist by definition, right? Is that so hard to understand?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:44 No.705712
    Dude if you wanna be homo do it in /b/
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:45 No.705718
    Tell me one bit of contemporary evidence that there is multiple races. And by contemporary from the 90s to now
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:46 No.705719

    It's not racist by definition. Saying that one race is superior to another is racist. Denying races is like denying that different breeds of dog exist.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:46 No.705721
    What is a race?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:47 No.705723
    >Dude if you wanna be homo do it in /b/
    >homo in latin means "same"
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:47 No.705725

    Look into this guy. You know, one of the dudes who discovered DNA.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:50 No.705730
    Newton thought there were angels everywhere. Most of his writing was about the Original True Religion which centered around the worship of 12 gods (7 planets, 4 elements, and the quintessence). Noah and his sons were the founder of that religion and spread it throughout the world. Ancient Egypt fucked it up by becoming idolatrous.

    Just because someone discovers something reat doesn't mean he's infallible.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:50 No.705731
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    >he still thinks Watson and Crick discovered DNA
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:51 No.705738
    Race is the idea that there is one animal and multiple offspring of that animals genetic structure. So basically take a bear. In one part of the country there is a brown bear. He lives in the Forrest and he eats fish from the water. Then there is the black bear he lives in another forrest and he eats berries and nuts.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:52 No.705742

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:53 No.705744
    So a race is a subspecies?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:53 No.705745

    And you say this without reading up on him.

    You dismiss any evidence or views contrary to the views you hold.

    You, sir, are an academic idiot.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:53 No.705747
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    Except that race between people is profoundly more marginal than breeds of dogs. Differences are social, not biological.

    Here's a book to read for the "derp africans are dumb, asians are smart" crowd. It's by a neurobiologist and science historian.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:53 No.705749
    Except that the difference between a Kodiac Bear and a Black Bear is much different than the difference between a Chinese Man and an African man.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:54 No.705752

    A difference is a difference, no matter how small.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:55 No.705753
    Newton or Watson? Watson is wrong because there is no testing done that controls for social influences on intelligence. Newton is wrong because...well, a lot of reasons. Where did I reject the evidence that I disagreed with?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:56 No.705755
    Your genes are different than your mother's and cousins'. Are you different races?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:57 No.705757

    >no tests that controls for social influences
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:57 No.705759

    Compared the the difference between my genes and my parents and my genes and an African's, the difference is infinitesimally small.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)04:57 No.705760
    Huge difference. Man is 99% the same. Only 1% of a person's DNA is different. The reason why you ask? Because they are all Homo Sapiens and the 1% is just skin color, hair color and eye color. So our DNA is the same just different frequencies.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:00 No.705766
    Patterns of genetic difference between human cultural groups are not significant enough to warrant classification. You might as well catalogue the contours of chairs made in the same factory.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:00 No.705767
    That's sort of the point - all the differences are infinitessimally small. There is no real cutoff point, it's all a spectrum of differences. Saying "race starts here at .004%" is arbitrary and not very useful to science.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:01 No.705770

    Different models of chair, you mean?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:02 No.705772
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    Then you have ten seconds to explain to me why niggers are dumb and everyone else is smart.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:03 No.705773
    You are proof that dumb people exist in every race.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:04 No.705776

    You've resorted to personal attacks and therefore I win by default.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:06 No.705781
    >>705757 think a test that tests for vocubulary won't give different results for people raised in different social environments? Even shape perception is biased by your upbring: studies have shown that people raised in jungle environments perceive curves better than people raised in cities, and have more trouble identifying right angles.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:08 No.705784

    What, different people think different things?

    What are you? A Socialist?

    I don't talk to fucking socialists, always discriminating against different societies.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:09 No.705787

    136 posts.

    I love you /lit/.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:10 No.705789

    Show me some scientific credentials or you're full of shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:10 No.705790

    Race exists. Just look at the difference in facial structure, skin tone and predisposition toward certain diseases and the different ways in which different races react to medications.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:11 No.705792
    A biology textbook will have all the information you need. If you graduated high-school or your country's equivalent (obviously you haven't), you should have figured this out.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:11 No.705793

    I just wonder what it is about the existence of race that makes people so fucking butthurt.

    It's like the very idea that people are different from each other offends them.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:11 No.705794

    Yeah, but she is a smart and -comparatively- pretty negress.

    so it's all good.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:11 No.705797

    So now you're being condescending.

    The reason you can't show me credentials is because you don't have any. Therefore, any argument you make is invalid.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:12 No.705798
    Race is an arbitrary classification of certain genes that tend to appear together. It's a label useless in most scientific situations. There is no scientific definition of race.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:13 No.705800

    You said it yourself.

    Certain genes tend to appear together.

    Race exists.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:13 No.705801
    >The reason you can't show me credentials is because you don't have any. Therefore, any argument you make is invalid.

    Your argument is flawless!
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:14 No.705802
    What do you mean credentials? A scan of my diploma? An upload of my ID card for the lab I work in? A pointer to my website? If you actually are interested in the differences between people and the genetics that underlie those differences, research it.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:14 No.705803

    I've never really understood it either. People can be different without being less or more than any other. People are different colors, look different and are built different. It doesn't do anyone any good to pretend that those things do not exist. Just don't focus all of your attention on those things, and no problem.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:15 No.705806
    That's a big leap you just made that ignored the rest of the post and every other intelligent post in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:18 No.705811

    Ignoring the differences will only hurt people. Or are you so focused on how there is no scientific classification that you haven't noticed that different medications work in different ways depending on race.

    Should we also just ignore the differences between men and women? How about the differences between a child and the elderly?

    Accepting that people are different does not mean that you have to hate them for it. You racist.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:19 No.705816
    Race is a non-scientific distinction made based on cultural background. Feel free to use it within those bounds.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:19 No.705817

    Why bother going to college for something I can see with my own two eyes?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:22 No.705821
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:23 No.705825

    What, that people have different tones of skin colour or features? That's some intellectual depth there.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:25 No.705831

    Different ways of acting, different skin colors, different outlooks on life, different intellectual capabilities -- it's all right there in front of you. All you fags are doing is missing the forest for the trees.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:25 No.705832
    Seeing a black person and treating them for sickle cell anemia without checking to see if they have a genetic predisposition for it would be stupid. Based on race alone, they would be more likely to have it. That's why it's a stupid, non-scientific metric. It doesn't mean anything. "Oh, your skin is black? Well you must have all these illnesses and problems." It doesn't work that way. Genes tell the story, and there is no "black gene" or "Indian gene" or anything of that sort.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:27 No.705837

    Just certain sets of genes that tend to appear together in certain populations, m i rite? 'Cause that's totally not race m i rite?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:28 No.705840

    You're a freshman aren't you?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:30 No.705850
    The layman's definition of race as "oh look, a brown guy!" sure. A scientific definition, no.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:31 No.705852

    I'm getting really tired of your racist bullshit, asshole.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:31 No.705854

    >As sickle cell disease originates in areas where malaria is prevalent, it is found in equatorial Africa, parts of southern Europe, southern Turkey, parts of the Middle East and in much of central India. Four distinct types of sickle cell genes have been discovered across continents... Scientists are forced to conclude that genetic traits based on ancestry do not necessarily conform to the self-identified race of various populations.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:32 No.705856
    When I take LSD my own two eyes tell me that the walls are breathing. It doesn't mean they really are.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:32 No.705858
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    "Oh, look a brown...huh?"
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:33 No.705860

    Interboards trolling = artistik breakthru
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:34 No.705866

    Only I don't do drugs. Perhaps that's why you're a race denier?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:37 No.705870
    If they checked the "African" box on a race questionaire in a doctor's office, they would get bad medical advice if they didn't mention they were Albino. That's why race just isn't that useful.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:39 No.705874

    Just pointing out that the difference is more than just skin color, broseph.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:42 No.705883
    No one doubts the difference is more than skin color. Genes make people different. Different people have different genes. You have different genes than your parents. You have different genes than your neighbor. You have different genes from a random person in your school. You have different genes from a random person in your country. You have different genes from a random person in Africa. At what point does it become a different race?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:43 No.705886
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    Oh, facial features. Huge leap there.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:44 No.705891
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    The point where the bone structure and intellectual capabilities become different.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:45 No.705896
    I've never met a smart nigger.

    Anyone wanna tell me why?

    inb4 society I know a lot of upper middle class niggers
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:45 No.705897
    Go back to /b/. Why is this happening in /lit/.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:46 No.705899

    Can't take having evidence in favor of an opposing viewpoint?

    Maybe you should kill yourself. Or take your head out of the sand.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:46 No.705900
    any archaeologist will tell you that race exists physically. give credit to huge complexities of the human body when you say "its only 0.004%", because in that detail, the difference is instantly apparent. race is a fact physically, but not mentally, as your mentality is almost entirely based on experiences rather than genetic hardwiring
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:46 No.705901
    Because the smart ones no you are a moron and avoid you like the plague.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:47 No.705904
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    >no you are a moron


    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:48 No.705905
    >any archaeologist

    Get back in that trench and keep digging for bones Jerome. Leave science to the real disciplines.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:50 No.705910


    Belittling valid fields because they do not line up perfectly with your freshman genetics class.

    Way to go faggot. you just went full retard.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:50 No.705911

    The ones who get out in the field and do real work are the real scientists. Everyone else is just a fag in a white coat.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:50 No.705912
    leave thinking to the real humans.

    for the record not an archaeologist, just asked a few some questions, read a few national geographics.
    dont try tell me my argument is invalid
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:57 No.705916
    lol a nigger woman "intellectual"

    I pity the fools who actually read this sort of garbage.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:58 No.705918
    being racist whilst quoting black actor?
    troll harder boy
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)05:59 No.705919

    'boy? You racist fuck. That is OUR word. FUCK YOU CRACKER
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:09 No.705929
    >for the record not an archaeologist, just asked a few some questions, read a few national geographics.
    >dont try tell me my argument is invalid

    Ok. *patpat*
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:13 No.705933
    If race isn't important, why not go live among niggers in Africa? :D
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:13 No.705934

    Nobody doubts that people are different, or that there are sweeping constellations of difference within the human genome. The point everybody is trying to make is that without cultural and societal factors race CANNOT be a useful concept because it doesn't guarantee anything. Our idea of 'races' doesn't correspond to actual groups of biological distinction. If there is vastly more genetic difference within the so-called 'races' than outside of them, and if genetic traits are shared extensively across the borders of 'races', what does the concept of 'race', biologically, even mean? If all you're saying is "there are broad genetic trends observable" then maybe you should change your terminology because of how loaded 'race' is; the concept I'm talking about is very different to how people use the word 'race'.

    If you make an analysis of human difference, you find most of it is cultural. Most of what's biological actually occurs in spots across the whole species without regard for 'racial' borders. Most of what vaguely seems to correspond to those borders is more geographical than anything else, and shifts within them. Most of what's left after all that isn't much.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:13 No.705935
    yea, whitefag here. troll harder boy
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:14 No.705937

    When you use 'race' as a biological concept you are working ass-backwards. Both biology AND humanities tell us that humans have a tendency to think in categories. Historically, then, they have always imagined difference to be distributed categorically. The concept of race is thousands of years old (though our modern version might be a little different) whereas the science of genetics is not much more than a hundred. If you want to apply an ancient, cultural, perceptual notion to modern science, you can try, but it simply doesn't fit well enough to be useful. You are seeing new sights through very old and dusty lenses, and trying to claim every vague agreement as a confirmation that your approach is suitable. All the evidence indicates that it's not, and indicts your 'confirmations' as excuses.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:17 No.705940

    Race, culture, who gives a shit?

    Fact of the matter is that niggers are violent, ugly brutes prone to rape and robbery.

    Asians are small, scheisty mother fuckers who'd stab you in the back at the first chance they got.

    Whites are the ones who made the world what it is today.

    What's the fucking problem here? Whether the difference is biological or cultural (it's both), the difference still exists and it is moronic to pretend it doesn't
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:21 No.705948
    blacks are prone to being poor, historically due to unequal opportunities and prejudice, poor people are more prone to rape and murder
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:23 No.705951

    Since they came first shouldn't they have a leg up? Your argument makes no sense.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:24 No.705953

    >implying Chinese people didn't invent printing, gunpowder and the novel while maintaining a complex bureaucratic system of government with incredible longetivity

    >implying that the history of white European warfare and especially white European colonisation isn't a history of violence, rape and robbery

    >implying - no, pardon me, explicitly saying - that cultural differences are no different from biological differences and that either corresponds to notions of 'race' or justifies evident racism


    If you're the same guy, you seem to have changed your argument pretty substantially. Don't trolls have integrity anymore?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:26 No.705959

    >implying herpa derpa de durr durr durr

    get the fuck back to /sci/

    This is /lit/
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:28 No.705963
    Your butthurt is showing.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:30 No.705970

    Maybe you should be telling that to the guy who brought HERP DERP BIOLOGICAL RACE into this thread. Or maybe, by being incapable of discussing a black author without arguing about biological race, /lit/ has exhausted any claim to superiority? Or maybe I've fucked your mother?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:32 No.705980

    Maybe you should both get back to /sci/ or /b/.

    Someone doesn't like blacks? Big fucking deal. Why are YOU so butthurt about it, >>705963???
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:38 No.706002
    You are now aware that categorizing people by some mythical concept of race is on the same level as thinking that the reason your penis goes funny after fucking a whore is because God is angry at you for having sex.

    herpaderp i'mma ignore modern science because it contradicts my retarded and painfully outdated worldview
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:40 No.706009

    >derpa derp da dum derpa doo

    get back to /sci/, no one really gives a shit.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:42 No.706015
    this was quite an interesting thread once
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:47 No.706027

    Maybe I'm having fun. Maybe I'm on a mad crusade and won't take 'nigger' for an answer. Maybe I'm black and personall offended. Or maybe I'm not the one who should ask "who cares" when race was not welcome here to begin with. Maybe I never visit /b/ and never post on /sci/.

    Perhaps I've ambled in some dappled grove,
    A lady beautiful and full of charm
    Her busty form beneath her summer clothes
    shown off as she strolls with me upon my arm.
    Perhaps this woman's face is turned away
    to glance at the swans on the shining serpentine
    whose white necks, graceful and demure, doth sway
    matching the line of her own, my grateful queen.
    Perhaps while you're entranced by how she jiggles
    She turns her face at some lewd joke I make
    and suddenly illumined as she giggles
    you recognise her features - no mistake!
    For fate has dealt a bitter, bitter card -
    I've fucked your mother, and I've fucked her hard.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:49 No.706034

    Did you really just take the time to type that out?

    You got butthurt to the extreme.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:54 No.706047

    There was a young man with a curse,
    His opinions on race were perverse.
    When posts made him cry,
    he cried "back to /sci/!"
    But couldn't conceive his own verse.

    Go back to /sci/, poetaster.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)06:57 No.706057

    Dude, you were arguing with a troll all night, now some people who give a fuck about the quality of the board show up and you start going "OLOL I M SO SMART I RITE PEOM"


    Kill yourself.

    Do something other than sit here shitting up the board.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:03 No.706075
    fucking best post
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:06 No.706086
    fucking worst samefaggotry.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:08 No.706094

    Dude is really stuck on himself isn't he?

    I bet he has no friends IRL due to his ego.

    I bet he blames his lack of friends on "I'm just too good for everyone else"
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:10 No.706101

    Excuse me - is this /lit/? For literature?
    Or is this good and proud board only pure
    When fucks like you who lack a place to yiff in
    Spend all their time fellating dear Nick Griffin?
    >Implying I've been arguing all night
    and haven't just come on to have a flyte -
    >Implying that it's "shitting up the board"
    To light the fire, and wield the verbal sword
    In poetry; implying that it's you
    Who's guarding "quality" by letting spew
    The tiresome arguments and dim tirades
    of the I'm-not-racist-I've-black-friends brigade.
    O nigger, you must jest, or else deserve
    The rapt regard I've given every curve
    and pretty hill and very pretty dale
    When prettily your mother doth I nail.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:12 No.706104

    >I am a huge butthurt faggot who can't get over an argument I had with a troll so now I'm going to write shitty poetry and hope a bunch of anonymous strangers on the internet think I'm cool
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:14 No.706113
    >anonymous strangers will think that is cool.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:15 No.706117

    way to misquote a post broski
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:23 No.706144

    Can't write your own? Then curr, you can't compete!
    As certain as your mum's a bitch in heat
    This LITERATURE board will not accept
    The bleatings of your kind, til you accept
    The terms of the debate - which are poetic -
    and prove yourself more poet than pathetic.
    Alas, I've got, unlike the likes of you
    Important work I've really got to do
    Which will advance me where I want to go
    While you're still weeping at my thunderous flow.
    Therefore I call on all of you. Arise!
    Let go your penises, and raise your eyes!
    Get up! Yes, get on up!* Take up the fight!
    Let's have ourselves a rotten good old flyte.

    *(alternative line ending: "Like love machines")
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:24 No.706148

    AABB Stanza

    No meter

    Pedestrian at best
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:27 No.706156

    A proper poem isn't whipped up in five minutes.

    You'll never get published.

    How does the truth make you feel?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:31 No.706172
    Gayest thread ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:34 No.706179

    If you can't tell iambic when you read it
    Then you have lost the fight and must concede it,
    and if the extra syllable confuse
    Then sirrah, I steadfastedly refuse
    To bow to you. The ending's 'feminine'
    (much like yourself) which I have used herein.
    Nor can you rag on couplets, lest you hope
    to match, or criticise, old Alex Pope
    Whose arts heroic did avoid the plod
    of what can swift become the 'nod of god'.
    But most of all your claims are all invalid
    Until you make your own butt-fucking ballad
    Or else admit, by virtue of your failure
    my rights R.E. your mother - that's to nail her.
    I'll readily believe I can be beat
    When someone matches my artistic feat -
    If I'm so lame, it shouldn't be that hard
    Or are you just a useless fucking tard?
    Stop fucking up our board! For this is /lit/
    Respond in kind or not at all, you twit.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:38 No.706189

    >implying you're using iambic pentameter

    >implying anyone really gives a fuck about your shitty ass poetry

    I'm going to work. You're a fucking fag and I'm not dealing with your foolishness any more. Anyone who cares about the quality of this board please don't respond to this thread.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)07:54 No.706231

    >boo hoo, I work a burger-flipping job ;_;
    >while mummy clamps her mouth around his nob
    >who's fucked me fair and square in honest flyting
    >who's humbled me with nothing more than writing.
    >My own frustration, and my needle dick
    >Demands I make a claim this fucking thick:
    >"stop writing! Stupid nonsense about race
    >is meant to be the purpose of this place ;_;
    >you're fucking up the board, while I protect
    >the racists - bastions of intellect!"
    >Stop having fun! Stop writing! Stop it, stop it!
    Awww, come on now and calm down, my poppet.
    >I mean it! If you don't stop, I will flee
    >And claim that it's because society
    >Has genuinely thought me worth a wage.
    >Waaaaaa! Stop having fun! Obey my sage!
    In sooth I've more important things to do,
    And so I'm forced to bid you my adieu.
    That doesn't bother me, since to be blunt
    You've shown that you're a snivelling little cunt.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)08:59 No.706342
    And yet my fellow racists falter here
    Afraid of verse? Perhaps the rest, they mad--
    but I accept your trial with no fear.
    So let us duel; your mother's to be had!

    If niggers are so bright and eager,
    then why must they collect cheques of welfare?
    With intellect, earnings be not meager
    Yet it's past the negro's grasp; he cannot care.

    If genetics are so irrelevant,
    it must be lethargy alone at play.
    For had I a dime each time one said "I can't!"
    My riches'd run as deep as Hudson's Bay.

    So away with you, you troll, /sci/fag
    Tonight it is your mom whom I will shag.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)10:11 No.706563
    Good sir, I've no complaint with what you say
    nor am I one of those contrary fools
    who feast on talk like carrion crows on flesh.
    You seem to think your words are shining jewels
    and, just because the competition's thin,
    proclaim yourself a flyter without peers.
    Well, motherfucker, that's not going to fly:
    But soft! What yonder challenger appears?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)20:32 No.708765
    this thread is still going..
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)20:40 No.708791
    Already read this book it gives some personal insight into the religion Islam and it was pretty entertaining, 8/10.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)20:41 No.708795
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)20:43 No.708810
    demz b sum hot wimen
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)20:49 No.708852
    im suprised this chick is still alive...i actually feel sorry for white people Islam has a religious dimension and a political dimension, you are all are afraid to appose it because of political correctness and fear of being called a racist.

    well if you guys don't stand up for yourselves enjoy your sharia..
    >> ‮ not OP‪‪‪‮‪‪‬‬‬‬‬ 05/24/10(Mon)20:52 No.708882
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    That sounds really hot. You should have used the opportunity to get some hot librarian booty.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)20:56 No.708901
    saging this dumb whore..

    speaking as a Muslim this woman is a political prostitute who will sell herself to the highest bidder she lied about her refugee status that and she doesnt understand Islam even though she grew up in it that doesnt make you an expert.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)20:58 No.708912
    Doesn't she have another book out?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:05 No.708941
    >The vast majority
    >"standing up for themselves"

    You are a child.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:05 No.708943

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:08 No.708961
    whats wrong with that
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:08 No.708963
    >Does not understand racist humor
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:11 No.708973

    If only the vast majority had stood up for themselves when the Bolsheviks violently overthrew the democratically elected Social Revolutionary party, perhaps the enormous loss of life the Soviets caused could have been averted.

    Just kidding, no minority has ever done anything bad in the history of ever.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:12 No.708984
    Ancient Egypt > Ancient Scandinavia. Therefore, Whites are inferior.

    See what I did there? It was retarded, and that's how you sound when you talk.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:14 No.708990
    but ancient Egypt was white
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:15 No.708994
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    >He's still a Menshevik.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:18 No.709007
    I hope you're trolling.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:22 No.709014

    Fucking lol. Nobody was there to stop the provisional government being overpowered because they'd long since stopped being useful (say, at stopping the war). If you're talking about the Left SRs in the Soviet coalition, they resigned due to the subsequent peace agreement with Germany.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:24 No.709022
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:46 No.709074

    I thought only people out of Africa had neanderthal genes?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:53 No.709089
    Read her essay Virgin's Cage and go watch that Theo Van Gogh film, whatever its called. OH ALLAH
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)21:56 No.709097
    it's actually called caged virgin and are you saying it was good or bad?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:05 No.709110
    >implying this thread isn't full of trolls
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:26 No.709145

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:26 No.709146

    Herp de derp, it's totally better to violently overthrow a weak democratically elected government and murder millions than it is to endure a few months more of war.

    Minorities: always right
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:26 No.709150

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:27 No.709157

    Are you calling me a baby?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:30 No.709158

    I'm calling you a babby.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:32 No.709162

    I'll be your babby ;) :3
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:34 No.709167
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:35 No.709169
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    Those who accuse others of being homosexuals are often attempting to cover up their own latent homosexuality
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)22:59 No.709208

    If you think marching, half-drunkenly, into a palace and meeting no opposition is violent, then fair enough. If your SRs had their way (pre- or post-Provisional government), they'd have continued fighting a war against Germany despite the near total absence of a Russian battlefront. The Bolsheviks were utterly rational.

    Minorities are often right btw.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:00 No.709210
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    >my face when this thread is still up
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:05 No.709213
    her eyes are looking into my soul
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:06 No.709214
    Finally, proof that /lit/ is just as shitty as the other boards.

    And to think you all have been so shitty to everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:08 No.709215

    Civil war for four years > Defending your country for less than one

    Totally rational!
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:08 No.709216

    That's BISEXUALITY, you idiot!
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:09 No.709218
    wheres the proof?
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:20 No.709233

    You think Russia would have won? The Bolsheviks went to war with the sons of those who: 1. had no interest in the Provisional government, 2. wanted the Tsarist old guard restored, 3. wanted a nationalist war with Germany to persist on a non-existent front, which would have led to the crushing of Petrograd and Moscow (or, a lot more than was ultimately seized by Germany). 4. had the sole interest of wiping out anyone remotely associated with the Left, including the Jews as a people. The Holocaust would started much earlier, in Russia and not Germany.

    Russia was in for a lot of bloodshed in any case, but primarily on account of the above assholes.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:32 No.709273
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    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:41 No.709285

    The war ended in under a year even without Russia, silly. Over the course of WWI ~three million Russians died. In the civil war, lower estimates are that six million people died.

    The Bolsheviks went to war with everyone. Don't pretend it was for anything more than power, or that they had moral superiority to anyone.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:44 No.709289
    I can't wait till this fucking thread 404s.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:47 No.709299

    I'm gonna bump it every 12 hours like those zinefags do with their threads

    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:54 No.709316

    The Bolsheviks went to war with anyone siding with or enabling the White Armies, whose sponsors also happened to be western allies. It doesn't matter if the war had ended six months earlier; the Provisional government was already on its way out, and Western Russia would have been demolished, either by the Germans or the resurgent Tsarist forces. The strongest player in all this were the Bolsheviks, whose main constituency had the most to lose (Petrograd and Moscow). The peasants secondarily, who had the prospect of land ownership under the Bolsheviks, something which wasn't forthcoming under the Provisional government.
    >> Anonymous 05/24/10(Mon)23:56 No.709323
    You play it?
    >> Prole !XDERDXUpqQ 05/25/10(Tue)00:01 No.709334
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:01 No.709336
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:01 No.709337

    No, but it seemed like an appropriate graphic.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:07 No.709356

    >anyone siding with or enabling the White Armies

    lol peasant uprisings (Tambov, green army)


    A pretty convenient term for "anyone who isn't with us", isn't it?

    >would have been demolished, either by the Germans

    Somehow I doubt the Germans would have managed to triple the Russian deaths over almost four years in under eight months.

    >or the resurgent Tsarist forces.

    In all of the years of the rule of the Tsar there is not one thing that remotely approaches the Holodomor, even in percentage.

    >The peasants secondarily, who had the prospect of land ownership under the Bolsheviks, something which wasn't forthcoming under the Provisional government.

    I didn't know that the kolkhoz was closer to land ownership than the village ownership they'd had before.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:07 No.709357
    Oh wow this is still going? Congrats, OP, on a truly epic fucking troll.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:08 No.709360
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    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:08 No.709361
    Can we please talk about the fucking book and not some random russian crap?
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:17 No.709394
    ITT: /lit/ votes republican
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:29 No.709433
    >A pretty convenient term for "anyone who isn't with us", isn't it?

    Considering what was at stake, it was pretty apt. If you're referring to Kronstadt, it wasn't the Red Army who were doing the useless killing in that stupid encounter, especially when you consider the wider conflict. Had the garrison fallen to White or western forces, they would have had a clear sight over Petrograd from which to shell the city, and basically hold it to ransom. Thus the Red Army had to cross a semi-frozen sea while being fired on, because a bunch of so-called anarchists and peasant sons had unresolved grievances back home on the farm.


    You mean the Ukranian famine in the 1930s, under Stalin's industrial planning (which btw, was a genuine famine)? And? Had the White forces succeeded, Russia would have been rebooted to feudalism, and Russia would have been in no better, unstable condition, or potentially worse in the longer run.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:36 No.709455
    >I didn't know that the kolkhoz was closer to land ownership than the village ownership they'd had before.

    What "village ownership"? Oh, you mean landholders. Who exploited the peasants who lived on and worked the land. Yeah, those guys.

    But no, I'm talking about peasant land distribution. Which unsurprisingly was highly popular among peasants. The Whites didn't have anything which approximated it. What political programme the Whites did have, was a promise to return to the old days, which is what ultimately killed them.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:43 No.709477

    >If you're referring to Kronstadt

    Nah I mean that whole fuck our treaty thing the Bolsheviks did in 1920, RIGHT after the Black Army kicked the shit out of the Whites. How nice that they let them help out for a little while!

    >which btw, was a genuine famine



    >Had the White forces succeeded, Russia would have been rebooted to feudalism

    Somehow, under feudalism, they managed to have maybe two notable famines in over 400 years. Under the Bolsheviks there were two enormous ones within about a decade of each other.

    >Russia would have been in no better, unstable condition, or potentially worse in the longer run.

    Except for all those dead people, you mean.

    >What "village ownership"? Oh, you mean landholders

    No, I mean the land given to villages for collective farming after the Emancipation of the serfs. It was quite unpopular because the serfs thought they were to receive their own lands, rather than just be allowed to use public lands. Somehow the Bolsheviks missed out on that part of history.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)00:53 No.709512
    >No, I mean the land given to villages for collective farming after the Emancipation of the serfs

    "Emancipation" of the serfs meant hired labour under the families who still owned the land. Which was regarded as worse than the previous arrangement of having land to work, even if you're owned by someone else. The latter system involved buying and hiring shit (food, tools) from one's employer, which led to neither security nor wages.

    The rest of your shit is unrelated ranting. "Except for all those dead people"? Well, your historical choice is either Stalin and rapid industrialisation (which largely deStalinised when Stalin died), or the Holocaust and further civil war. Because that's about all that the Cossacks promised.
    >> Anonymous 05/25/10(Tue)01:09 No.709563

    >"Emancipation" of the serfs meant hired labour under the families who still owned the land.

    Public lands were created. Many serfs worked on village-owned land.

    >the previous arrangement of having land to work

    They didn't have land to work. They worked their owners' land.

    >your historical choice is either Stalin and rapid industrialisation (which largely deStalinised when Stalin died), or the Holocaust and further civil war

    Why "further"? The one the Bolsheviks started lasted four years and killed millions. That's some nice excluded middle there, too. I might as well say that the historical choice was between a weak democracy and massive famines, civil war, worse political repression than any Tsarist regime had ever instituted, millions of deaths for political reasons and a system of labour camps like nothing before or after. But that would be a mistake.

    Also seriously, cut the Holocaust crap. Prejudice existed all over Europe at the time, there's no reason to suspect that the Tsarists would have done anything even _approaching_ that.

    And speaking of genocide

    >the Cossacks promised.

    Good thing the Bolsheviks instituted decossackization, right?

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