Can I see an essential classic literature list, /lit/?
>>598519Thanks. Only "classic" literature I've read is a bit of Dickens and some Dumas. Oh, and if Voltaire counts, that, too.
This is now a recommendation pic thread. I think I'm still missing some..Commencing dump.
>>598533 wtf is this? recommendation of books ive never heard of by authors belonging to the same category?
>>598541See filename.
Missing #2.
>>598546oh i didnt even know they had books there.
>>598562Me neither, hence the _wtf..
Missing #8 of these..
..and that's all I've got folks! Feel free to contribute.
le bump
>>598656did you mean "le bûmp"?
Someday I will read all of these and be the smartest fucker on the whole board.
>>598717>implying just reading them will make you smarter
>>598720my bad. Someday I will understand all of these and be the smartest fucker on the board.
>>598752no you wont
>>598752By then, 4chan will no longer exist, or /lit/ will have degenerated so much that it'll be utterly unrecognizeable.