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    File : 1270090596.jpg-(16 KB, 364x488, writing.jpg)
    16 KB Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:56 No.500789  
    Fellow il/lit/erates,
    When writing, do you use pen and paper or do you type? Why do you use the option you chose? Do you think anything gets lost in the translation? inb4 writing requires pen and paper, etc.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:58 No.500797
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)22:59 No.500800
    I use pen and paper for the rough draft, then transfer it to electronic format. In doing so, I edit and revise it to a less rough draft. I then let it sit for a day or two, come back and revise it again, and then repeat the process.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:00 No.500802
    I type because I can't read my own handwriting after a few days. It's terrible.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:01 No.500806
    Outlines tend to be written out, and actual drafts tend to be done with a computer.

    Really though, whatever is most readily available is fine.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:01 No.500809
    I use a typewriter to be maximum hipster.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:02 No.500810
    I use both, though I've been writing more on the computer recently. I used to think writing on paper made some kind of spiritual difference to what I was writing. I'm not quite sure there's any difference any more. Writing on the computer is just less hassle.

    Though what >>500800 does is good because it forces you to edit more.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:02 No.500812
    where do you get your ribbons from?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:02 No.500813
    Do you think anything gets lost in the process if you type rather than write? I type just because my hand gets cramped up real bad almost immediately if I write.. but I feel like since writing is a slower process you get more chance to think about what you're about to put on paper. Agree/disagree?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:08 No.500827
    I think the opposite. When I'm typing, I can type one statement and then backspace it and try a few different ways of wording it to see what works best.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:11 No.500835
    Thanks, I think I just needed a vote of confidence
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:14 No.500842
    I write with pen on paper.
    Then, I read it.
    Then, I write another copy.
    Then, I read that copy.
    Typically that is the draft which is transferred to the computer. During the transcription process, I typically edit the piece again.
    Then, I let it sit for a day, come back to it, and edit it again.
    Then I leave it for a couple days, and come back to it.
    Then I delete it because it's shit.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:17 No.500854
    I write with a chisel and hammer applied to stone.


    A knife applied to bathroom walls. My name is Mike, perhaps you have seen my work.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:19 No.500861
    I usually write a rough outline. Just to get my ideas and thought together somewhere. I usually just do this so I don't forget it when I start writing the story.

    Once I have the ideas or outline on a piece of paper, it depends on the type of mood or how well I am picturing the story in my mind. If it's clear then I go ahead and type. If it's still vague, I write then type it later.

    I then print it out and edit it with pen. Type again. Print again. Type again.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:23 No.500873
    Slower is not good for me. When I write, I write fast because my head is filled with ideas that I need to get down or I lose them. This is one reason why I prefer typing.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:25 No.500881
    I'm actually way more inspired when I type. I used to have a job that gave me the time to write so I used a notebook then I transferred to computer later. It was great for self-editing but transfering the material like that made me lose my drive for writing.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:30 No.500898
    Has anyone on /lit/ ever been published?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:30 No.500899
    Good idea for a thread.
    >> blindside !UBHrIP0wZ6!!mp+qngsOyvz 03/31/10(Wed)23:30 No.500901
    I have a neurological issue with my fine motor functions that basically causes my hand to cramp up after a while when I'm writing with a pen. Fortunately, typing doesn't use the same muscle group and I can type all day.
    I have a little netbook that weighs less than a textbook, and I can whip it out whenever I have an idea, it serves me well.

    not that I have anything worthwhile to write.....
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:31 No.500904
    Working at it. I'd love to know people's experiences with publishing companies.
    >> Friday !!igiZdSM8WVW 03/31/10(Wed)23:32 No.500909

    Coincidentally, this is exactly what I do.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:35 No.500915
    feel free to post it, i'm not going to
    >> Globulous !ZOOo.CSHRA 03/31/10(Wed)23:35 No.500916
    On my computer. Always on my computer. I can type ideas that flow faster than when I write them by hand.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:37 No.500924

    How about from the other side of the fence?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:38 No.500926
    I have the same issue; I'm certain we don't suffer from the same problem though.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:39 No.500928
         File1270093163.jpg-(143 KB, 650x487, LamyASB2CappedC.jpg)
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    Since we're on the subject of writing with pens and paper, what kind of pens do you guys write with?

    Pic related since I'm a big enough of a pretentious fuckface to spend 40 bucks on a pen, but not pretentious enough to use moleskines.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)23:49 No.500950
         File1270093751.jpg-(7 KB, 330x250, zebra.jpg)
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    Zebra F-301 here (see pic). Although after somebody mentioned how godly Lamy Safari pens are, I wanna give it a try.

    I write on legal pads. Cheap as fuck.
    >> ffff 03/31/10(Wed)23:52 No.500960
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)00:13 No.501021
    Papermates ONLY
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)01:11 No.501321
    It always ends up typed, but I always carry a pen and pad with me. I collect journals, so I'll write in one of those, but generally, it's a small reporter's pad. And for some reason, my absolute favorite pen is one I accidentally stole from an office supply store. It writes really smoothly for a ballpoint, and it's got this crazy-firm grip. My best friend got me a glass dip pen (to commemorate my first published poem) that I'll journal with from time to time.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:00 No.503116
    I use a Remington Portable Noiseless from the 1940's.
    >> Anonymous 04/01/10(Thu)15:15 No.503187
    I bet your roommates hate when you write papers.

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