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03/31/10(Wed)16:41 No.499427 File1270068077.jpg-(81
KB, 550x669, 1239138368540.jpg)
 Well my advice for success in
GCSE/Alevels's's is to read a study guide or listen to your teachers
about how an essay or an exam answer is meant to be written. Then stay
as far from that structure as worldly possible. Stay conversational (tho
highbrow) and alliterate as much as you can.
Examiners have to
trawl through shitloads of the same old answers, there no right or
wrong really just ticked points of interest. So if you fire off on some
mad, probably bullshit idea of the question and amuse them as much as
possible then they'll keep on tickin' away.
Worked for me; two
A*s and a B |