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  • File : 1270020448.jpg-(45 KB, 600x600, new-blackberry-bold-9700.jpg)
    45 KB Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:27 No.497823  
    >Read ebooks on my blackberry

    >Be a complete badass

    >Post about it on /lit/, with my blackberry
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:36 No.497841
    Excellent job, good sir.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:36 No.497842
    >> Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6 03/31/10(Wed)03:36 No.497843
    I can do that on my iPhone too!
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:46 No.497870
    My friend read Harry Potter 1-6 on his mobile phone.

    It has a 160x160 screen
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)03:49 No.497879
    I read a lot of HP Lovecraft's stories on my Iphone. ^_^
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:02 No.497903
    iphone fags, get the Stanza app. it's all you need.
    if you have a ton of ebooks on your computer, use Calibre to organize them and send them to whatever reader you have.

    oh, and blackberry fag, try out Mobipocket
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:03 No.497904

    Your friend shouldn't be allowed out in public.

    I've never been more serious about anything in my life.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:18 No.497921
    There doesn't seem to be a mobipocket for bold 9700?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:20 No.497923

    "Support of BlackBerry Bold - 9000 phone series."
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:21 No.497928
    If you're reading a novel on a telephone, you will never experience the novel. You'll think you have, but never in a trillion years will you experience it. You'll think you
    have, but you will be cheated. It's such a sadness to think that you've read a book on your fucking telephone. Get real.
    >> Arcueid Brunestud !ARCIkc4cG6 03/31/10(Wed)04:24 No.497930

    Fuck you. If you had your way, we'd be reading off scrolls of parchment paper in Latin.

    I'm not saying parchments aren't totally kickass. People used to fuck mad bitches and not give a fuck when parchments were popular. But they take up hella space, man. Shit's hard to carry around, too.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:25 No.497932
    Don't be such a luddite. :<
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:27 No.497937

    Fuck you, go make your shitty transcendental meditation documentary

    God damn I am so disappoint
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:29 No.497941
    lol BlackBerry, overpriced pieces of shit that did well to exploit a niche in their time.

    at least iPhones have SOME innovation to back up the price tag. BlackBerry didn't do anything cheaper phones wouldn't.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:31 No.497944
         File1270024302.gif-(220 KB, 480x366, haters.gif)
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    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:32 No.497945
    I was worried there for a minute that no one would recognize the (para)quote.

    Anyway, I've yet to figure out how squinting at a glowing, tiny screen is a more immersive reading experience.
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)04:38 No.497959
    What the hell, these books aren't even free
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)08:29 No.498243
    >Self implying his phone is too cheap to read off of (its the jealousy).
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:07 No.499134
    >Bumping with my blackberry
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:08 No.499138
    Won't your eyes pop from the hours of squinting?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:15 No.499148
    What squinting?
    >> Anonymous 03/31/10(Wed)15:44 No.499204

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