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03/23/10(Tue)13:51 No.465996 File1269366683.jpg-(40
KB, 420x625, ToReignInHell.jpg)
 I've never seen a discussion of
To Reign In Hell, but I enjoyed it. Although, it was kind of silly at
parts, the character interaction was wonderful.
The main problem
/lit/ has is if you make a thread about a more obscure book, the
discussion is not going to be very strong, so it is going to get
bulldozed by all the 1984 threads. That, and the general user of 4chan,
and thusly /lit, isn't exactly the well-read, sophisticated Gentleman;
sure, most will have read basic shit, like 1984, Lovecraft, A Catcher in
the Rye etc, but this board was made, and it was populated by all the
different people from the other boards (read:idiots). It'd have been
tons better off if Moot created it before 4chan became so densely
populated with mouth breathers, that way we could have had our own
community. |