03/23/10(Tue)12:09 No. 465631 File1269360567.jpg -(59
KB, 500x335, FL_AfricanGrayParrot03.jpg ) When Irene Pepperberg, a
professor at the University of Arizona, says goodnight, she typically
hears the reply "Bye. I'm gonna go eat dinner. I'll see you tomorrow."
Though the response itself is not unusual, the source is, for it comes
from Alex, a gray parrot, Pepperberg's main research subject for the
past 22 years. That parrots can talk is well known; what Pepperberg set
out to study was their cognitive abilities. By teaching the bird the
meaning--not just the sound--of words in order to communicate, she hoped
to discover how his brain worked. She exhaustively details her
fascinating results in The Alex Studies. Pepperberg bought
Alex--a parrot of average intelligence and without lofty pedigree or
training--from a pet store when he was 1. Since working with Pepperberg,
he has developed a 100-word vocabulary and can identify 50 different
objects, recognizing quantities up to six, distinguishing seven colors
and five shapes, and understanding the difference between big and small,
same and different, over and under. He can tell you, for instance, that
corn is yellow even if there is no corn in view, as well as correctly
select the square object among various shapes and identify it verbally.
What this all means, stresses Pepperberg, is that Alex is not merely
parroting but actually thinking; he bases answers on reason rather than
instinct or mimicry.