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  • Testing these changes: page limit raised from 11 pages to 16, max bumps set to 250, image replies set to 125.
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    File : 1268014338.jpg-(112 KB, 320x572, 6a00d834527a7669e201156f1b5fab970c-800wi.jpg)
    112 KB Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:12 No.394706  
    Sup /lit/ /fa/ here.

    To be honest, i don't read unless it's for class.
    I'd like a list of insta-cool literature that i could pick up. Also where would one get older printings of books? I'd rather have a vintage worn in look if i can.

    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:12 No.394707
    Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:13 No.394711
    If you're gonna troll, try /tg/ or /mu/.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:13 No.394712
    Why so hostile man?

    I'm admitting i don't read and i don't want to read. It's just for show babe. At least i'm honest. Just want some cool looking obscure covers!
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:14 No.394714

    Subtle, nice image use, other board related
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:15 No.394720

    Forgot your sage.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:17 No.394728
         File1268014648.jpg-(83 KB, 487x500, 7590302_0a7614aae5.jpg)
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    Try magazines man. New Yorker looks sophisto.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:18 No.394729
    As usual, die in a fire.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:20 No.394733
         File1268014822.jpg-(163 KB, 307x500, 3989490693_d9e9848c4a.jpg)
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    OP get some old pulp novels.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:21 No.394739
    Did you guys actually get trolled by this? I saw it miiiiiles away.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:23 No.394744
         File1268014996.jpg-(124 KB, 302x500, burroughs_junkie.jpg)
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    Good looking out man. These are perfect. I found a couple on ebay already.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:30 No.394764
         File1268015408.jpg-(44 KB, 317x450, Venus in Furs.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:38 No.394795
    I collect and read first edition paperback science fiction. I am also a snappy dresser, if I do say so myself. Am I running the risk of being mistaken for the OP?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)21:45 No.394819
         File1268016329.jpg-(22 KB, 267x400, Cole Mohr backstage fashion we(...).jpg)
    22 KB
    Thanks for the suggestions. You all seem awful hostile. To me having a rad looking book is like a pair of glasses or headphones. Accessories. Thats all. I respect that you enjoy reading them too bad you don't seem to tolerate my uses for them! Ta.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:31 No.395044
    I wasn't too offended by this thread until I saw this tool calling headphones an accessory. Why not just announce that you have poor taste instead of wearing most likely a shit-sounding pair of cans for the sake of looking like you know music?
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:35 No.395058
    dude, you are really easy...

    I bet you have an awesome sense of humor
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:36 No.395060
    11/10 impressive...most impressive...still go fucking die
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:37 No.395062

    haha i actually do have a good sense of humor, but i take audio reproduction and motor vehicles very seriously.
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:37 No.395063
    no you want to go to /k/, we're easy as fuck to troll over there. Be careful tho the new mod is creating a troll genocide
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:37 No.395065
    you got trolled mon
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:40 No.395071
    he got trolled like a boss
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:42 No.395077
    honestly, we need more trolls like OP, trolls who work for it with sophisticated trolling. It's more enjoyable
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:42 No.395078
    eh, shit happens
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:43 No.395084
    anything by
    Chuck Klosterman
    Hunter S. Thompson
    >> Anonymous 03/07/10(Sun)22:47 No.395101

    I do too, and I'm not gonna lie, I love 60s/70s sci-fi covers. They don't make cover art like that anymore, unfortunately. However, I also love sci-fi, as well as reading in general.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:10 No.396849
    Atlas Shrugged. not even trolling here, your scene eats that shit up
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:11 No.396851
    books of poetry are always good. as a bonus, you can just read a couple of the shorter ones when you're bored and actually get something out of the book
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:13 No.396856
    >Sup /lit/ /fa/ here.
    >To be honest, i don't read unless it's for class.
    >I'd like a list of insta-cool literature that i could pick up.
    Oh, well-
    >vintage worn in look
    Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:13 No.396858
    Fashion is for mindless cunts, whores and fags. Which one you are?
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:14 No.396861
    They do?
    That's frightening.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:14 No.396864
         File1268072095.jpg-(25 KB, 400x307, britney retarded hrhr.jpg)
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    really you bumped this thread from yesterday?

    i was trolling man
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:16 No.396871
    Wrong quote faggot.
    >> !nstaller!Tr1Pc0dE 03/08/10(Mon)13:16 No.396873
    This thread made me so angry.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:17 No.396876
    itt people are dumb
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:21 No.396889
    Face it, books are for nerds.
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:22 No.396891
    are you serious? how can this be on the front page... again
    ... you guys are even worse than the fiction OP had you trolled with
    >> Anonymous 03/08/10(Mon)13:41 No.396952
    Absolutely seconded. Nothing says "pretentious douche bag with no capability for free thinking" like Ayn Rand. And OP is living that dream.

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