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Day two bitches. you motherfuckers better be writing. Especially mr. "I have 3 stories but I can't choose oh dear" in the other thread. Gonna head to the gym, come back, bust out another 2000, then do my homework.

Honestly I came to /lit/ for inspiration and fun discussion but I'm dissapointed to see alot of pussy ass posts. complaining about writing, not even writing, telling other people their writing is shit, cock waving, everything BUT writing.

"I don't like to write, but I love having written"

>>3111267 (OP)
I be writin' bro
that's what I like to hear. What's your status, comrade?
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>tfw 200 words in two hours.

I really need to stop pressing backspace, or write with a fucking pen.
gonna try this out, but life might get in the way of writing consistently. Planning on writing the novel about 3 girl friends, and explore what each of them gets out of the toxic relationship with the others. The main story focus would be going to a club, but it would jump around in time to when they met, their jobs, where they end up after the party, whose fucking who, whose unhappy, etc.

planning on writing it with a postmodern narrative to belittle their mundane lives and woes as well. Should be wanky-as-fuck.
do it then. backspacing is a big thing. also, don't blame the backspace, your propensity to press it, but the fact that you're trying to edit your work right after you do it. You have to kill the habit of trying to make things perfect the first time you do it and just write.

What I tell my girlfriend, who hates essays, is that writing is like carving a sculpture. you have to have something to start with first before you can carve it down to something you like. the mass of words you should be accumulating is your stone. The backspace button is your carver. put it away for now. You don't need it until much much later.
I don't know how to write a story, I'm just a reader.

How do random thoughts translate into narratives? Impossible
I only have a few pages written in my notebook. Preparing to dump 4k + words.
>What I tell my girlfriend, who hates essays, is that writing is like carving a sculpture. you have to have something to start with first before you can carve it down to something you like. the mass of words you should be accumulating is your stone. The backspace button is your carver. put it away for now. You don't need it until much much later.

that's a wonderful way to look at it.
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I feel kinda beat.
I've been picking up the pace more and more, every week doing a little more wirting, yesterday I did around 1000 each day last week.
It was all total shit, but I did something.
Can I take a break /lit/?
(At least until my dirty spic of a neighbor stops mowing his lawn so goddamn loud)
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That was so good, i had to make a picture of it.
what's this about?
the other thread is still going...

>tfw super busy these past two days and haven't wrote a single word yet

I think I'll pull an all nighter to make up for lost time.
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I was the three stories guy.

With /lit/'s help I was able to decide which story I'm going to expand on.

It's hard coming up with a story and cultivating it for so long. Especially when you know full well that your first novel will most likely be a failure. The idea I'm basically burning one of my stories just to see if I can finish it. It's stressful.
Oh hey man I left and didn't get to see your decision yesterday, which story did you go with?

I really, really want to see all three written. But with time constraints, and how much research the science-fiction and historical thriller would take I decided to fall back on the juvenile fantasy.

So expect lots of monsters, inter-planetary travel, people out of time, ancient alien technology, and a little boy overcoming his fears.

>trying to write science fiction
>want alien races
>needs lots of work
>tfw I'll never do this in a month

I've already come up with two planets, which each have their own races. The planets are Citrozon and Ve[zr]alin.

The brackets in Ve[zr]alin mean that 'z' and 'r' are pronounced at the same time. The Ve[zr]alinians have a septum dividing their mouth, so they have two oral cavities, two tongues, and two separate respiratory tracts. They also have two sets of vocal cords, and the voices they make sound different from each other.

Citrozon sounds like a fruity gum.
>pussy ass
Has that middle school bully I stabbed come back to haunt me?
>>3111267 (OP)
Hello fictives. I taped three hours of dictation today regarding the structure of [XXXXXX] in the scholarly area of [YYYYYY] and decided which case study I'd be writing up for the next few weeks. I've got 2000-4000 words of writing planned for today.
Yeah, it's a humid planet full of pools of citric acid. The race from that planet is amphibian-like and they can filter oxygen out of both citric acid and incredibly humid air using a gill/lung hybrid respiratory system.

The planet is known as Saafiset to the inhabitants of it, but they never advanced far enough to reach into space and the planet was colonized by Earth and dubbed Citrozon. The Citrozines (or Saafisetians, as they prefer to be called) have a little bit of a hatred for Earth for taking away their planet's name, but also draining their resources.

Sounds like The Rules of Attraction.
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Best thread /lit/ has to offer; right here.
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I'm writing a book in a very post-modern way (only way to write a good book in nanowrimo imo).

I wrote about it in the last thread but now it's more detailed, it's about a group of friends that want to destroy specific buildings that hate in a city that they kinda like. They evolve into an affinitty group that specialize in destroying buildings and killing well-known people, finally things get out of hand after a few years and an anti-civilization movement starts copy-catting them in a lot of ways.

That's pretty basic, but it's more detailed in the character relationships and thoughts.
The night mare of the revolutionary is that their critique generalises into praxis.

This is his golden dream, not a nightmare.
All that I have idea-wise is a guy walking around post-apocalyptic Earth trying to make a map.

I have no idea what to do about conflict. Or characterization. Or anything.

Maybe work in a "meet me at X" and when he finishes the map he heads there
Hey, >>3111772 here.

Does anybody have any ideas for an alien race that haven't been totally over done?
A world of bird-people that are like a massive hippie colony, based on music and oral tradition

Writing books about alien races is probably just about as close to 'overdone' as you can get.
That's pretty cool. Thanks.

It's not about them, my universe just needs to involve them somehow.

By the time this novel takes place humans will have been into advanced space travels for hundreds of years. There's no way you can't run into some kind of life out there.
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what if your novel contains no words

>There's no way you can't run into some kind of life out there.

Not necessarily.
You obviously don't know many "revolutionaries."

Everyone I know who wants to actually and concretely abolish the wage system isn't a "revolutionary"—revolution is one tool to actually abolish wages.

"Revolutionaries" wish to be the leaders of small useless groups with utopian dreams. Their nightmare is that the working class actually takes up their analysis.
Why, that's a novel idea.

I see what you're saying. But that depends on a biased concept of a revolutionary
i love national novel writing month. it's when a bunch of underachievers who read little and write even less believe they can write an entire novel in the span of a month and have it be any good. i read on a website the other day where someone was criticizing the movement saying "a lot of people think writing is just like talking and hey they can tell a good story so writing one is just doing that but with a keyboard." yeah. nope.
Go join some Trot groups and check their class background.
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>one of my most visited sites used to be thesaurus.com
>it was recently replaced with YouPorn
oh fuck off. it's promoting creativity and has zero effect on your everyday life.
>and have it be any good

haha, get a load of this faggot. Consider doing your research before spouting shit.

it's still fucking funny

who, me? what research?
This is about insurrection, not about revolution or really changing the system. It's about a group of people that enjoy destroying and really think they can change the world that way
For one thing, many Nano writers have been published. For two things, there's no such thing as a "good" first draft, you daft fuck. Does getting words on paper mean anything to you? Do you know what editing and revision are? Your post reeks of such whiny, pissant sour-grape syndrome that I can't help but call you an ignorant cockgobbler. Think before you post.
Unamuno wrote Niebla in the NaNoWriMo way before it existed. Shit is really good.

Next time you post better share a good story idea.
By selective destruction they announce a programme—the problem is that the generalisation of their programme contradicts their personal engagement in their selective programme.

"This far but no further," is the typical cry of the revolutionary; whose revolution over takes them.

It is why the novel may be of interest.
oh yes! That's one of the points i want to make to make implicit in the later part of the novel.

Also there's a concept for insurrection being different than revolution, the first is more of a momentary liberation without really changing something, like throwing molotovs, taking an street or making a temporary community in the TAZ way of Hakim Bey.

Revolution is another thing, it means radically changing an order. Usually directly confronting an opponent.

you are undoubtedly a shitty writer.

Judging by the content of your post, you must be a world class writer anon, I can't believe us plebeians are even allowed to hold a pencil, let alone write sentences.

Also, you read that on gawker, a world class news source.
Yep. 'swhy I bothered commenting in the first place. Your idea is sufficiently interesting. Good luck!
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oh god are we going to have Nanowrimo threads every single fucking day?
3 more days.

Let's this be like E3 in /v/, only that this is for an entire month
Hopefully these threads won't be as autistic and hate filled as /v/ during E3.
You'll notice the threads die as projects die.
I'm hoping those of us that do stick to this can have a mini workshop and help each other.
The forums on the actual website are slower than here.
You gotta wave your dick on 4chan if you want it sucked. Ephemerality is a good thing.
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E3 has better content than Nanowrimo
Reached today's goal, prepping for tomorrow.
Bagh, I only managed a thousand words yesterday and a hundred today.
I have to kick into gear tomorrow.
8084 words here, and I'm a first time writer. It probably is shit, but I'm writing, and fast!
Nice one.
I always say "shit out the story and sift for the gold later."
Just write. And I say that as someone that takes more than a couple hours to do the 1667 words. The more you push the easier it gets to be. Also, I try to do 2000 instead of 1667 just so I'll finish quicker. Keep at it!

Good job mang
That's really cliche and stupid.
I know. I came up with their back story at two in the morning a few nights ago. I'm still working on it.
i've got a little less than 2 hours to get my words in. time to crack it out.
Yeah, I know I should really just force it, but I can't help but edit when in a jam.
Don't edit. Write five separate versions of the paragraph or sentence, then move on.
Ugh, I'm having absolutely no fun with this at all. I've done and won this two years in a row, and had a great time doing it. But it's day two and I've barely just cracked 1,000. I just don't even know how to start. Most of the time I'll just bullshit for the first page and suddenly the ball gets rolling. But the ball isn't rolling anymore, it's not fun and I don't even know where I'm going with it any more. I know it's not supposed to be perfect the first time, but I don't give a fucking shit, I'm not having fun and I feel like it's too late to change concepts, cause I don't even have another fucking idea. Fuck this, I'm just quitting this year.
Maybe take the weekend off to clear your head and then come back to it fresh later, man.
>show friend story
>this sucks, so boring
>points out mistakes
>where's the action?
>I'm only defining the universe at the moment
>introducing the characters
He did however get me to rewrite the first 1500 words.
"I met Robin Williams once. It was about 5:30 in the evening on a hot August day and I had just finished eating my Junior Bacon Cheeseburger at the Wendy’s off of Venice Blvd. The burger was rather soggy and the too-hip guy at the table next to me kept coffing and sniffling which almost immedietly killed my appetite so I ended up throwing most of the sandwich away. I grabbed my stuff and threw away my trash and stepped outside when I saw him - disheveled, covered in dirt, and rummaging through the garbage outside to collect some glass bottles and metal cans that he would trade in at the recycling center or whatever it is that guys who collect glass bottles and metal cans do after they fill their plastic bags. I briefly paused and sucked on the straw and tried to peek glances at him without noticing, but as soon as I turned and started walking home he popped his head out of the trash can and glared at me. I stopped walking, entranced by his glare. He looked like he had been crying."
Sorry to say, though, infodumps off the bat don't make for good hooks.
That's exactly why I haven't been able to really start the Glass Bead Game.
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I could write one really long stupid story during november

or i could just write like 50 short stories
All right, I chuckled, probably mainly because I love the idea of Robin Williams suffering.

I wrote 950 words, which for me isn't bad for 45 minutes after 1AM. Going to see if I can't keep better hours tomorrow.
i didn't write it, my friend did. but this is pretty much how we're tackling the challenge - just write the dumbest, most farcical tales to keep us entertained.
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>Decide to do NaNoWriMo
>It's the first time I've ever written legitimately
>Finish first chapter
>That glorious feel when
What are you writing?
A story about a physicist who decides to do things that are socially unexpected/unacceptable. Everyone he knows tries to impose some meaning on it, but he just wants to screw around for fun and to see how people react. A psychiatrist friend of his tries to convince him that he has suppressed emotions. To get back at him he sleeps with his wife.
Seriously, though, sounds like romp.
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I'm okay with this.

To be honest, I was hoping for a Wallace-esque style, but I think this is more fitting to the novel I'm trying to write.
i did the same test and it said that i write like Palahniuk. uh oh. i feel the hate coming...

but anyways, got my words done today with 5 minutes to spare. feelsgood.jpg
Good on 'ya, dude.
I'm hoping to redeem myself with double output this weekend.

>try to write in different ways for different characters
>Get Joyce for both

I haven't read any Joyce. Is he good at prose writing, or is he just experimental?
He's amazing when writing plain prose, see dubliners.
Then comes his actual experimental stuff, and with it: well, it can only be described as active abstract thought on page.
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My text.
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My results.
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I am writing a cyberpunk novel, and currently at 5,500ish words. Damn it feels good to be writing again. Did it back in high school, but I got distracted. Glad to be back on the saddle.

Also, I supposedly write like Cory Doctorow. Is this a good thing? According to Wikipedia, he writes cyberpunk.
Now to Barnes and Noble to purchase Ulysses.
I pasted my entire published novel on it and got Arthur Clarke, so I'm not too sure what that means. I've never read anything by him.
>Joke's on you, there's no definitive edition.

I would suggest either the 1961 text with corrections set in the 1934 format or the Gabler edition, 1984 text or later. A downside to the Gabler edition is that nobody prints a hardcover version of it anymore (that I can find).
>Cory Doctorow. Is this a good thing?

Depends - do you enjoy copyleft, Creative Commons licensing and forcing your opinions down your readers' throats, while being a mediocre writer who sucks the dick of William Gibson?
>mfw I write like Douglas Adams
>I have no face
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Feels wholesome.
by which publisher?
These are just random. Do it again and the thing will just spit something different out.
I pasted in a 5000-word short story and got David Foster Wallace. Feels pretty good, I guess.
> copyleft, etc.
Totally true of him.
> mediocre writer
Totally true of his YA novels, but I found his short stories (Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town) to be quite good. I get the feeling he doesn't take writing seriously anymore...his latest work is all about "the message", and though the stories aren't bad, the writing is oh so plain. (His latest, Rapture of the Nerds is written pretty terribly, but then, it's cowritten with Stross, so there you go.)
I thought today would be a good day to write because it's saturday and I have a lot of time. Been writing for 2 hours and got 700 words. Shit.

>write for four hours
>7300 words

It helps that my story is very basic though, and the initial plot-setting is always the easiest part.
I decided I didn't like my main character's name. Do I keep it or do i just start using a different name from now on?

What is his current name?
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Replace it with that of a child celebrity.
Is it too late to start on this? Is there much point in starting two days late?
Christian. The text is in German.
3 days in and all I've done is 1161 words. Hahahahahahahahpleasekillme
Keep. Change later. Unless a good idea comes into your head.

Are you Rakshasu by any chance?
My names are always ridiculous, like Pynchon's characters. I try to incorporate little jokes and bizarre references into them. But yeah, change it if you feel the need to, it's easy enough. But that's an okay name.
I've been brainstorming and trying to settle on an idea these last few days.
I've settled on a crime novel. I've never written this kind of thing before, so it should be fun.
I'm also not using Word on my laptop since my inner editor edits as I write. I have some decent sized notebooks and I've covered three pages so far. (which coincidentally is also helping me work on my hand writing.)

I will post extracts when I get round to typing the draft up later.

Goodluck to everyone else taking part.
No I'm not. Okay I'll keep the name for now. The new name I thought of is a bit more symbolic I think. But I'll just change it at the end.
>writing as a part of some sort of retarded annual event for casuals and deviantart tryhards
>not just writing all the time

I feel like a drunk on St. Patrick's day. Everyone around me is doing what I do every single day and they're all acting like it's special.
Well good for you if you write everyday. I for myself was rather busy with work and stuff and I think something like NaNo is good to get me motivated and start writing again everyday. So far I am having fun.

I am Rakushasu. In case you are wondering, I am writing some sort of modern lovecraftian horror.

When it comes to names, I don't really care about them at all in the first draft. Sometimes I already have names for my characters, but very often I just make them up on the fly and use them and if they don't fit I change them later on. No need to get stuck with my writing cause of something like a name.
eat gravel, Poindexter.

You're a dumbass. It gives me Shakespeare every time.
I have a hard time choosing between no-shave November and NaNoWriMo. Which one will help me to fit in and feel less lonely?


why do this?
exactly. it's the perfect excuse to go on full hermit mode and look rough-as-fuck as you write your novel. it's almost weird how perfectly they work with each other.

i already have a beard, but i'm letting that shit go wild for the rest of the month.
>taking that post seriously

>not knowing people who are genuine idiots
Just throwing it out there, but I've found that it's pretty manageable to write 1000 words early in the day, take a break from it, and then at least finish the 667, or even more, later in the day. If I try to force more than that at a time I find I get discourage
>in before "lel cant write 8000 words in an hour, wat a pleb

>Implying I've shaved since October
Got to 5515 words today, taking it slow and steady.

I keep getting Lovecraft when writing about the main boss of the series. This means I'm doing it right this time!
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Good thing or bad?
Whachu writing about, son?
A para-psychological noir during the late 1920s.
Then you're doing it right too.

Hideously, hideously, frighteningly, terribly. morosely bad! Hideously!
>Put in first chapter of the Crying of Lot 49
>Tells me I write like Lovecraft

Okay, good one, website.
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>I Write Like Kurt Vonnegutt
Well then.

My story's about a Japanese-American detective shortly after WW2 ends. He has to deal with a serial killer, increased gang violence, prejudice against the japanese, almost all of his remaining family being killed in the Nagasaki bombing, and his cousin getting out of an internment camp all within the same month or so. There's going to be some identity issues he has to sort out (Is he Japanese or American? Does he fight for Good, Evil, or Honor?). I'm way behind on word count, and this is my first time writing something remotely this long, but I really like the idea so I'm gonna keep truckin'.

This is also my first time posting on /lit/. /tg/'s thread is pretty much deserted.
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Finish the first chapter on my NaNoWriMo. Use different styles and tones while following each character. Ultimately get these results.

>tfw Stephen King
Oh cool, I read Snow Falling on Cedars, too.
I'd give this a few minutes to allow it to grab me.
This is my first time doing NaNoWriMo. Would it matter if I typed more words one day and less words another? Or do I have to meet a specific goal every day? If the latter is the case, then I think I'm out of the running already.
The 1167 words a day thing is more like a suggested goal each day to finish the 50,000 by the thirtieth. I wrote a grand on Thursday and am only picking up again today.
So I decided on having my MC get beat-up for the opener, but I'm hesitant to go into detail about the beating.
Any advice on how to do the scene?
Have your main character getting beaten. Whit it, you can build upon the story. While describing the blows, throws, tackles, kicks you should go on a tangent about the men beating him. Describe the looks on their faces. Describe how your character reacts. How a person reacts in a fight is a BIG sign of their character, it will allow the readers to have an understanding of the framework your character's personality is built on. Tell the tale of how he got to be in this mess. Have a heavy focus on how your character reacts AFTER the beating.
I decided to skip it this year, just didn't sound fun, best of luck to everybody else though.
Cool, thanks man.
The trick's going to be trying to effectively switch between action and description, though.
Do any of you use IRC to talk about your work? We have one for Cambridge, and it's kind of nice.
Ha when I read this I thought you meant Rap MC, thought you story was going to be totally boss from the outset with some lyrical beatings... think about it?
It can be fairly simple.

Main character was lifted off his feet Attacker 1's knee dug firmly into his torso. With stars forming in his eyes, he cycled through the insults he had thrown at the attackers moments before. Had that one been for the crack about this behemoth's lazy eye or perhaps the stick about his mother? Either way, it didn't matter. MC crashed against the dumpster in the dark alley and brushed away the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. His trembling hands weren't from fear, but from shock and exhaustion. MC sorted through the events prior. What made his think he could take on three guys at once? Especially ones of this size. Though he absorbed every moment free from a fist or a foot and lifted himself back to his feet.
MC couldn't shake how hilarious A1 looked while demonstrating such fury and rage, one eye fixated on him with hate and the other cocked at the sky. MC braced himself for another blow. Attacker 2 brushed his partner to the side and MC caught a glipse of something small but hard in his hand. A rock? A sharp pain reverberated through MC's shoulder. "Shit," he thought. An audible snap came pounding from his frame. MC collapsed into a puddle. A bad as the situation seemed, MC found comfort in the cool water splashing against his face. It reminded him of the drinks he was kicking back only minutes ago. That's what it was. MC grabbed firmly to the memory. It was the alcohol. The great potion of courage. Good thing it doubled as the great potion of pain numbing. Now if only it could do something about these upcoming doctor bills.

I don't know, shit like that with little hints about what had happened before.
That was terrible, shit. Withdraw from Nanowrimo as quickly as possible, because you are only wasting your time.
Ok, nigga, step up and write an excerpt.

Also, I never said I was participating in Nanowrimo, I was offering suggestions to the poster.

Why can't we all be friends?
5,686 words so far. Taking things slow, making sure I pay attention to as much detail as I can. The better I do on the first draft, the less I'll have to go and edit after this month is over due to rushing it like crazy.

I'm fairly confident with what I'm writing so far.
That looks like a good way to go about it.
I want it to be engaging and informative, but not boring, you know?
We are friends.
>>3114770 is just our vitriolic bud..
Add some banter between the attackers, perhaps some dialogue from the MC?
Nice. Whatcha got so far?
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Wrote a noice little story for fun on /r9k/ once but never saved it, now I am trying to recreate what I did that time...It will never be the same...
I'm going to chime in. Writing is much different than in animation or still comic pictures. Most of the time there will not be much dialog during an actual melee situation outside of grunts and "damn you!"s

Dialog should be handled during pauses from the fight. You can space up a fight fine by detailing the characters reacting to their surroundings, their emotions, their physical reactions... There's a lot beside dialog that can make a fight bearable.

Sam, sweat pouring from his face, reared his fist and thrust it forward, screaming. With a heavy thump, it plowed into Jim's face, the feeling of bones crunching under his skin. Jim fell backwards into the mud, the brown ooze clinging to his clothing as though it threatened to pin him to the ground for the following assault. Jim rolled away from Sam's incoming stomp, the mud splattering into Jim's eyes before he could get to his feet.

"You're weaker than I thought," Sam grunted, staring down at Jim in pity as his opponent wiped his eyes.

"S-Says you," Jim stuttered as his shaky limbs made it nearly impossible to get back to a fighting stance.
4,000 so far.
I was going to write right now, but I have 3 hours...
Keep going man.
With all of the free time I have this weekend, I'm going for a minimum of five thousand words by monday.
I'm hoping to get to 10,000 by Monday, but that's just me.
I had to half of my novel this morning since the beginning was unsatisfactory.
I would have been at like 7k by now...
Rewrite half of my novel.*
I accidentally my entire verb.
The "Goal" for day 3 is 5001. You have 3 hours to write 1001 words. You got this, son.
Ooph, careful with that retroactive editing, mate.
See, I don't believe in speaking in fights at all, not even between pauses.
There can be grunts and angry mutters but, speech should not be present.
1,001 words... "YOU HAD ONE JOB!"
I think I can do that...
It was worth it, I think. I had two of my friends read the two side by side, and they told me it was actually readable and interesting.
And they don't read any books besides reading list ones.
>it's just about the word count, not the content
I keep telling myself this.
But doesn't it depend on if the fight is drawn out, with various pauses in between the actual fighting? It would seem likely that one of them would taunt the other while there's a brief lull in their encounter.
True enough, I guess, but most fights don't last for too long, either, especially if it's a mugging.
Depends on what the guy is going for.
>>3114940 :

>>3114877 here,
As I said. Dialog should be during absolute pauses from the fight. Not during the action. When you're in that moment, all you want is to take the opponent down.

When you look at fights in history or on the street, the taunting is when they're very far apart or not having begun yet.

there can be a few exceptions, but I'm serious when I say "few".

Yeah I suppose it would seem overly theatrical to have it last an unrealistic amount of time, with lots of dialogue in between.
Actually, I wanted to try to write a novel in a week, after having read that Edgar Wallace did one during a weekend. But today I wanted the MCs to have sex and spent 2,877 words on a fucking blowjob. This is horrible.
That's another thing.
Explicit Sex in literature is also tricky.
I can understand Service, but sometimes it's really unnecessary.
Sex in literature seems to go one of three ways:

>It's a plot device
>It gets the reader off
>It's just entirely too much and makes things weird.

I figure a good sex scene is all three of those.
Ok I am done for today. Had a rather chilled day and wrote two times for a while and got about 4000 words done today. Feels damn good.

Hopefully I can do the same tomorrow.
Good on 'ya!
All the best tomorrow.
I wrote this. How do you like, /lit/?

I pasted in an excerpt by Faulkner and ended up with Lovecraft.
I like it.
I didn't like this part:
And so we sexed and we shit and the Cretan kept breeding and existed for the sole purpose of perpetuating that cycle. We made tools and clothing, and spoke to each other in complex language; hell, the Homo genus alone has been using stone tools for well over two million years. And I guess that’s a feat that separates us from most of the animal kingdom, but it’s really nothing more than what, say, a dolphin could do if they had been gifted with hands and opposable thumbs.
As it changed from almost a third person narration to a use of I and slang if that's the term.
I would use different names for the xenos and Cancer.
Otherwise I REALLY like the plot.
I was planning on exploring sentience in my novel as well.
Glad to see another scifibro.
>Get extremely angry from an argument
>Needed to write 600 words for today
>Wrote over a thousand

Let your feels guide you, anons.
It's odd: browsing the NaNo website I see a lot of people doing some variation on fantasy.
Here on /lit/ more are going with sci-fi.
Which do you guys think is the most fun to write?
I don't think this board detests it, they just think it's childish.
Good luck on your novel!
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>scifi bros on /lit/

I'm glad to see another comrade, i was pretty sure most of /lit/ detested scifi.

Can I get a synopsis of your novel? I'm trying to pen out a novel of my own right now. I've got the synopsis of it here: http://pastebin.com/RdALr0yC
i think writing while obsessing over word count isn't a healthy way to write.
Sure. I haven't actually written one, but I'll get to it now.
>5,000 words in and no synopsis
I'm a bad person.
It's a motivator, that's for sure.
I second this.
And this.
I wrote my first page today. UEGHGR. Good luck to all of you, /lit/.
Not too good, but I'll be constantly changing it as I write.
"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
Earth. We finally succeeded in killing it. Not a speck of life left on the surface nor beneath it. The use of biological and nuclear weapons, as well as decades of pollution finally made the air unbreathable and the land irradiated.
Luckily we got off the rock in time.
Since the dawn of time, humans have always looked to the stars for answers. We didn't have the technology then, but by the end of 2250 we did. Colonization had become a norm, with settlements on Mars and the moon.
As the radiation levels rose, more and more humans left-- taking massive starships loaded with men and women, prototype technology, and history. Some went to Mars, others to the Lagrangian points, then even others went beyond our solar system, never to be heard from again.
When the last human had left Earth, an interplanetary economy had already begun to sprout.
By the 2270's self sustaining colonies were spread amongst the solar system. No word had come from those who dared to leave the system, whether they had died or found a new haven for humanity was debatable.
Piracy among the planets, their moons, and artificial satellites began to rise while political and social unrest became more and more common.
By 2300 a new interplanetary government had taken root. In order to protect trade and the lives, the Senatus Populusque Sol was established. The Legion would uphold peace, commerce, and human achievement.
The industrial machine began to produce new technology, weapons, and spaceships. The population grew for the first time in two hundred years.
Overcoming the first problem of survival among the stars, we came upon a new one-- expansion.
Finally broke Two Thousand now. Only another Five to go for this weekend.
Same guy here. 11.3K
>Almost got published in Paris Review a few years back
>Eventually got rejected
>Haven't written shit since

Your perseverance is amazing, man.
We should all aspire to be that determined.

Appreciate you, mangs.
What was it that almost got published?
sounds pretty interesting
A piece on my gay lifestyle.
You're a poor impostor and seem pretty bitter and I'm not sure why.

A short story I wrote some time ago. About a protagonist with a comic book superpower, written in the second person. I swear it's not as dumb as it sounds.
That actually sounds pretty awesome. I think I've only ever seen second person in one other work.
Holy fuck, you are a perfect example of the intelligence of Nanonwrifags.

Read more.
Settle down.
/lit/ must stand up to idiocy. To settle down would go against wu wei.
And then a mysterious radio signal appears to come from the direction of the abandoned earth... dun Dun DUN!
Actually no... I had no plans to use Earth at all.
I'm going to use multiple different characters within the universe to show the work I've put into it, but I haven't put any thought into Earth since that's so cliche.
best one

So far my novel is 4000 characters, but I think the plot is getting a bit slow. What do you guys think of this passage?

Do you feel that characters become instantly unlikable after certain things? like raping someone.
This looked like a Gears of War prologue.
I have never played GoW.
It does indeed sound like its from gears of war or warhammer.
>>3111267 (OP)
>tfw trying to write
>tfw everything turns out terrible
>tfw too far behind now to pull it off

Carry on without me /lit/, save your future writing careers.
Don't give up yet, comrade!
Just keep forging through.
My writing sucks terribly too, and I have no idea where my plot went.
You can do it!
Too many characters
It's not too late!

The first year I didn't find out about nanowrimo until day 10 and I still made it to the finish-line.

Don't give up! You can do it!
Not necessarily...however I read Black Boy and as soon as I realized it was an autobiography I couldn't read another word because the writer was such a pompous ass.
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>implying 90 % of all NaNoWriMo "novels" WON'T be terrible
Don't judge your work, just do it. You only get better through practice. If you only want to write perfect stuff, you never gonna write anything.
A writer is like an architect. The first houses they build in their careers likely collapse or burn to the ground. But this helps to gather experience, and eventually, sooner or later, people will actually survive living inside buildings they planned.
>A writer is like an architect. The first houses they build in their careers likely collapse or burn to the ground.
Someone should move away from China.
I'm really thinking I'm going to lose because I have no idea where my story is going, and I should have done research before November started
I'm only like 400 words in though so I might just start over with something else. Anyone else in the same ol losing boat?
Maybe you need an outline.
Can somebody post excerpts from their novels?

I wouldn't mind reading some.

Best post
Yeah I think I'm just going to ignore the whole "supposed to be a novel" part and just write 50k words or more. I've really gotten out of the habit of writing, which used to be a huge passion of mine. I think just putting something down, even if it's incoherent or not tied together at all is good for what I'm trying to do

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