Are you scared of death?
We already had this thread.
I think so, I've never died before.
no. inb4 edgy etc
Nope. Sometimes I get excited about being dead, but that's usually when I'm in a weird mood.
No, but death is scared of me.
I'm too young to be able to take this question seriously.
No, and if you are you're a fucking retard. Death is your greatest gift.Dying, on the other hand, may or may not be horrible, but as of right now I do not fear it either. I'm sure that if I knew I was about to be dropped into a vat of acid I wouldn't exactly be calm.
dying, yes. death, no. /thread
I don't think I was before but I am somewhat now, I'm trying to learn a little more about matyrdom, I'm finding it really fascinating.
>>2860824>>2860816God you are annoying. >>2860812Great answer.
>>2860837>being this stupid
>>2860837>look at me mom I'm a skepticist!
Being scared implies it is avoidable. Death is a certainty.
>>2860847wow look at me i can make illogical deductions im so clever>>2860842wow look at me im superbutthurt
>>2860859>being scared implies it is avoidableNope. Don't bother trotting out the etymologies, they're irrelevant.
>>2860863>illogical deductions
>>2860864It's not an etymology...? What were you trying to say?
>>2860869I thought you were going to make an argument I heard years ago saying the same thing.
>>2860870Maybe try living in the present bro.
>>2860837the fuck is your problem?what's wrong with >>2860824
>>2860873/threading your own post (assuming it's you) is bad enough, but when your post is really average and not interesting or thread defining in the slightest it's just really obnoxious.
Scared? Dunno. But to know that there is an end makes it easier to enjoy the moment.inb4 i have no glue about the meaning of death. my brother died month ago
>>2860938Only horses have a glue about the meaning of death. Are you a horse?
>>2860881but that post is the only appropriate one. if you you disagree, give your answer and we'll see what looks better
>>2860773Well yes, or else i'm not alive
>>2860881what the fuck? that answer is given in every thread on this topic. it's clearly fucking thread defining. insecure fuck. you think im trying to overpower you with the word '/thread'. shut the fuck up
No, because I know that the end of the process of dying will be wonderful. Endorphines ftw.
>>2860958so fucking stupid. i fucking hate this goddamn placeto /lereddit/ with all of you
>>2861127you get upset easy. maybe you jst hate people. lol so edgy xD
Not really scared more like in doubt and curious about how it will turn outi believe that once we die we don't feel any pain due to adrenaline, we simply die, cease to existit's that simple, but i could be wrong, i don't know for sure, i have never died before.
I still get vertigo when I look off bridges, so - I suppose?
Yes. Death is the end. Lets get this out of the way - there is no afterlife. All you senses are shut down and your body decays. There isn't even a big nothingness for us to feel. So yeah, not existing is a big fear for me, cause you can't read or eat cake when you're dead.
Am I scared of death? I don't even know. I guess I'm scared of illnesses, scared of others being scared when someone dies (which is something I've been trying to avoid all my life), and of course scared of the process of dying itself. But the perspective of death seems pretty relieving to me. Like a sweet, endless dream.
I'm afraid of dying but not of death. /thread
Spoiler: We will all eventually die.
>>2860812so fucking stupid. i fucking hate this goddamn placeto /lereddit/ with all of you
As Death is an unalterable state, it scares me.
dying scares me but not death. why should it?
>>2861173>Death is an unalterable state[Citation fucking needed]
the process of dying is a scary one. that's why all stay away from sharp objects, but fear of death is just fear of the unknown. it's not stupid. but it's not a sparate fear and it's silly to let that cripple you. You'd never go outside if you were consistent with that
>>2861176I made this sentence myself, sir. So put Bernard Neville.
Really are yoy scared of a heart attack or fading away in your sleep; Or is the "dying, not death" just an inside joke. Sure, if you ass cancer, it will be a bitch, but it's not like immortality along with ass cancer would be much fun either.