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Hey /lit/,

Anybody else catch that Dark Night Rises was based on A Tale of Two Cities? If you don't believe me, two lines from the end of the book are quoted at the end of this movie. It's really interesting how they used analogous motifs in the movie such as the Guillotine from the book being replaced by water in the movie (crossing the river, batman's fight with Bane where he gets soaked and almost killed, explosion over ocean). Also, there is one scene where Bane appears to be knitting at a trial. Did anyone else notice any similarities?
Nolan said it was an inspiration. I don't know if you just caught that while watching it or if you read about it like I did, but it truly was one of his sources to make this movie.
Tale of Two Cities is a poor man's Les Miserables or War and Peace.
Anybody? A Tale of Two Cities is my favorite book.

Hah, I forgot how condescending /lit/ was.
Don't forget pretentious.
>crossing the river, batman's fight with Bane where he gets soaked and almost killed, explosion over ocean). Also, there is one scene where Bane appears to be knitting at a trial.

Haha, this movie sounds so fucking bad.
It's your favourite? Do you read much? It's probably Dickens's worst.
Went to see it in Denver but was kinda bothered by the amateuristic shots.
Can you imagine paying 10 bucks a pop to see this crap then getting shot in the process?

Let it be a lesson to you. This would never have happened at a Woody Allen film.
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Shooting up blockbuster (more like glockbuster amirite?) movies is actually a welcome cultural influence. Now if they start blowing people up for watching dumb shit at home we're getting somewhere.

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