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    291 KB Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:55 No.2597694  
    Hey /lit/ guys. Is this statement grammatically correct? I think the semi-colon was used inappropriately here, but I tend not to use them at all unless I'm writing a research paper. I think it should be a period, because of the natural pause.

    "It could be worse; your transgendered SO could have forcefully shoved a sewing needle into your urethra, and then lit the tip of your penis on fire."

    Pic unrelated.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:56 No.2597696
    It should be a whole colon.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:57 No.2597701
    >inb4: commasplice

    Thanks. Any other opinions?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:57 No.2597704
    It could be worse; you're transgendered, so I could have forcefully shoved a sewing needle into your urethra, and then let the tip of your penis on fire.

    The semicolon is fine, but I would replace it with an em dash.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:58 No.2597709

    It's SO. Significant Other. Not the word 'so'. That threw me for a sec too.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:59 No.2597712
    that is a horrible misuse of an em dash and you should feel bad.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:59 No.2597713
    Why would anyone do that?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:59 No.2597715

    So it's an artistic thing?
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)19:59 No.2597716
    Yeah, either a semicolon or a colon is OK here. The sentence is fine.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:00 No.2597718

    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:00 No.2597719

    Stylistic. My words fail me.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:02 No.2597724
    Though the word "forcefully" does seem pretty redundant here, and not in a funny way, but in an actually-disrupts-the-sentence way. Depending on context, one would presume that the urethral insertion was not voluntary.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:02 No.2597726

    He likes his adjectives.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.2597727
    anyway I'd prefer forcibly to forcefully myself
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.2597728
    Sort of.

    It depends on how much of a pause you want.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:03 No.2597732

    Also, I think the sentence has more impact if you remove the comma! And the word "then"! It's shorter and has more impact.

    Holy shit I'm nitpicking now. And I bet five people pile on to disagree.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:04 No.2597733
    Personally. I'd use a colon. A semi-colon is fine grammatically, but is generally considered bad form when other punctuation could do the same job...
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:05 No.2597737

    The more you disagree with the sentence as a whole, the happier I am. This is really petty, but I hate this guy.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:06 No.2597744

    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:07 No.2597746
    I'd use an emdash.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:08 No.2597752
    It's a personal thing. But in all honesty I thought the semi-colon was used improperly there. I subscribe to the Kurt Vonnegut school of thought on semi-colons.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:11 No.2597763

    OK, now I'm really curious.

    I, uh, guess I hate you too? :(
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:14 No.2597769

    Do what now? I just refrain from using semi-colons. I thought I'd come talk to you guys before I made an ass out of myself trying to argue in favor of another form of punctuation. He stole my woman, though. By being a smug fuck. It's pretty petty, I know.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:15 No.2597777
    I cannot for the life of me follow the conversation in this thread. Please keep going.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:18 No.2597784
    All OP. I forgot /lit/ doesn't have ID's.
    >> Anonymous 04/27/12(Fri)20:24 No.2597810
    are you trying to upset me. why would you paste a thing like that

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