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  • File: 1335473393.jpg-(46 KB, 580x402, 20000_leagues_under_sea_poster_walt_disn(...).jpg)
    46 KB > !uS1FIFAmrk 04/26/12(Thu)16:49 No.2594451  
    /sp/artan here. i choose to pseudointellectualize sports instead of books, so forgive me if i don't know the routine here. i need some help with a paper, actually. i bet you see that a lot here so i don't expect much free help. i am writing 15 pages on 20,000 leagues under the sea for a science-fiction class. i've never written literary analysis that needs this amount of detail so i'm stuck with a bit of writer's block.

    if anyone feels like helping me out i'd just like some advice on how this paper should be organized. i'm used to writing papers that have strict arguments. thesis>first supporting point>second supporting point>counter argument>etc. having this much creative license is really overwhelming. i would appreciate anything yall have to say about the book itself, or even general tips on writing this kind of paper.
    >> On your paper, Professor Ned 04/26/12(Thu)17:18 No.2594497
    I just recently read this book for a second time.

    Focus on the story from beginning to end. You can go on for hours talking about "why being on the Nautty would be awesome" and the opposite, if Nemo was wrong, etc. Don't forget to compare it to modern works of literature or film.

    Considering this vague suggestion is within your confines, good luck.
    >> > !uS1FIFAmrk 04/26/12(Thu)17:31 No.2594520
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    i really appreciate your response. i can help you help me by saying that i plan to discuss how jules verne uses the innovation of science fiction in order to provide greater depth to the novel. the elements of fantasy means that he can create characters and settings that are exclusive from real life, yet at the same time the (loose) basis of this fantasy in scientific fact provides realism and credibility. this fosters a unique and meaningful connection with the reader, which he uses to give commentary on the state of humanity at the turn of the century.

    >mfw i can't believe i just wrote all that bullshit

    the thing that i'm most worried about is the organization of my paper. i have no fucking clue how i can spread this shit over 15 pages. could you tell me how i could possibly form the paragraphs? like, for each paragraph should i pick and choose a few excerpts from the novel and then go on about how they are meaningful?
    >> bvalltu !mPczjqR4J6 04/26/12(Thu)17:50 No.2594563
    Well Verne is really focused on science in these works. I would talk about how these books are basically a dialogue with the science of the times - electricity to drive ships, marine biology etc. At this time there were no submarines like the nautilus but they did have these technologies. His infodumps might be tedious sometimes but Verne was really the first author to have a dialogue with real world science and use it in literature so it's kind of a big deal.
    I'd get a good overview of the history of science and use it for this.
    >> > !uS1FIFAmrk 04/26/12(Thu)18:14 No.2594642
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    that's a really good point. i think i'll go into that a bit. for a paper like this do you think it would be feasible to explore a variety of ideas rather than a single aspect of the book? i can't see my self writing 15 pages any other way, but at the same time i think a paper that goes all over the place like that would seem a bit amateur.

    history major btw so the fields of both science and literature are a bit new to me, at least when it comes to the srs bizness of college.
    >> > !uS1FIFAmrk 04/26/12(Thu)22:14 No.2595348

    >that feel when i realize the embarrassment if my prof checks for plagarism by googling a few sentences of my paper and finds this thread
    >> > !uS1FIFAmrk 04/26/12(Thu)22:16 No.2595354
    i mean in the google cache and shit
    >> > !uS1FIFAmrk 04/27/12(Fri)00:04 No.2595686
    one more bump then i'm letting this thread die. thx for the two comments, /lit/bros, you are both very good human beings

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