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  • File: 1334266401.jpg-(95 KB, 500x333, How-to-Write-a-Summary-of-an-Article.jpg)
    95 KB Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:33 No.2558076  
    Hey /lit/

    Just stopped by to ask for your opinion on this article is worded
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:37 No.2558084
         File: 1334266662.png-(9 KB, 133x119, 123123123.png)
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    >When Blow told me, during a typically metaphysical conversation in a park near his Berkeley office, that his windfall was “absurd,” he didn’t mean it in the whimsical “Can you believe my luck?” sense; he meant it in the philosophical, Camus-puffing-a-cigarette sense of a deeply ridiculous cosmic joke.

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:38 No.2558086
    I'm not reading all that shit, my friend
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:38 No.2558088

    if you can't handle three pages..... you probably don't belong on this board.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:41 No.2558092

    Not that guy, but it -is- shit. I wouldn't wanna read it either.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:45 No.2558101
    >3 pages
    >on the Internet
    >on a game dev

    your three pages of interesting viewpoints is my 8 pages of pretentious, useless shit.

    The comments were a hell of a lot more insightful than the actual piece.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:45 No.2558103

    The piece is completely horrible, no argument there.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:46 No.2558104

    hey look /v/irgins they have dubs here
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:49 No.2558107
    thanks /lit/
    you have brains
    so big
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:50 No.2558109

    Rather jelly, we have EA's PR team invading our board the last day or two and it would be nice to have doubles returned to us once again.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:08 No.2558147
    I feel like I have my own private board now.

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:09 No.2558152
    get out my private board. this is my patch
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:10 No.2558157
         File: 1334268654.jpg-(10 KB, 319x316, 1332534460114.jpg)
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    MY GOD
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:11 No.2558159
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:11 No.2558160
    and this is why everyone hates /v/. its like you guys are truly 12 year olds who cant behave themselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:12 No.2558164
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:12 No.2558166
    but isnt that the truth?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:13 No.2558167
    >everyone hates /v/

    that's news to me
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:13 No.2558169
    welcome to /lit/, /v/irgins. you'll find we're pretentious and irritable here.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:13 No.2558170
    even /v/ hates /v/ most of the time
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:14 No.2558172
    then you obviously dont go to any other boards. /v/ is a festering pile of shit, everyone knows this, but /v/ still refuses to clean up their act. it truly is /b/ 2.0
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:14 No.2558173
    The man is drunk, give him a break.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:14 No.2558176
         File: 1334268895.gif-(74 KB, 303x268, Deus with it.gif)
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    We're the best, you all wish you could have the same level of activity as us.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:15 No.2558178
    Most of /v/ doesn't even like themselves, so this really isn't much of an insult to be fair
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:15 No.2558182

    sounds like we'll fit right in

    >/b/ 2.0
    >implying that's a bad thing
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:16 No.2558184
    >no one even read the article

    seriously /lit/?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:17 No.2558186
    this is a slow board, fuckwit. go back to /v/ if you cant handle it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:17 No.2558188
    it is.

    see there are 2 parts to /v/. these idiots and us very angry nerds
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:18 No.2558193
    /v/ is actually not a bad board since the split with /vg/

    I mean, it's all trolling and feels and such, but at least it's in good fun.

    Not like /lit/ at all. /lit/ is like a stagnant Southern community that thinks it's more distinguished than its neighbors in the next county.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:19 No.2558194

    I know, it sounds like it's actually written by one of their own tripfags. I guess they've finally taken to ignoring them. Our chan intellectuals have set an example, perhaps it is time we follow it
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:19 No.2558195

    give me time dogg, this board is slow
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:19 No.2558196
    To be fair, it's written so pretentiously I feel ill after just a couple of sentences. Also, Braid.

    That has nothing to do with his post. He's saying that despite the fact that regulars such as yourself posted, barely anyone is actually commenting on the argument. Instead, anti-/v/ posts that have shit-all to do with OP. You know, kind of like your post.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:19 No.2558197
    no, /v/ is pretty fucking terrible even with the split. i have seen no less than a dozen "feel" threads created today alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:20 No.2558198

    as a longtime e/lit/ist this is the best analogy for /lit/ i've ever read
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:20 No.2558199
    one was a hoes and spaghetti thread
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:20 No.2558200
    I'm not sure why I wrote that. "Article" is what I meant to say. I blame that article for being so mind-numbing to read.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:24 No.2558205
    So does any e/lit/ist like videos games?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:25 No.2558209

    There's more, EA is doing just about everything to keep /v/ from talking about everything but them.

    Of course there's the legit faggotry aswell, but that can't be helped. People still don't learn that ignoring is the best way of dealing with it, but /v/ has an affinity toward shitposting
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:27 No.2558214
    Do we have any real proof that an EA team is posting on the boards?

    I know that PR teams have specific people for forums and supporting their game, but any actual evidence?

    4chan seems like a weird place to go for marketing, considering how NSFW it can be.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:29 No.2558218
    But it's also the largest English speaking imageboard in the world, with millions of unique users. And because of forced anon, you can't tell who anyone is. It's actually pretty smart. And how 4chan's always being talked about, go on any site and mention us, they'll freak out of the discussion will center about us.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:30 No.2558221
    I'm not reading the entire thing, because I don't care about reading financial success story #60483761, or about the new sofa this guy rented, or what his next project is.

    >Video games are art
    >99.9% of the time video games are low brow
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:30 No.2558222
    /v/ is a pretty big bored so it isn't that surprising

    we also do have evidence like pictures of repeated posts being made (i don't have any saved) and you can generally tell a marketer by the wording in a post. they wont insult or disagree but push you in their direction
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:31 No.2558224
    it's not EA being caught red-handed, necessarily, but there was a tripfag who admitted to being an EA shill; that, besides the piles and piles of circumstantial evidence showing that EA has hundreds of social media marketers, and it's not so unrealistic
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:33 No.2558227

    What kind of proof would you expect to find?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:35 No.2558233

    i almost forgot how beautiful they are


    as for you, if you really make a distinction between lowbrow and highbrow art, you've got a sadly underdeveloped aesthetic sensibility
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:35 No.2558234

    Evidence is pretty much a no-go on a board like 4chan. You either don your tinfoil hat with pride or don't give a fuck about any of it/call bullshit.

    I mean, there's stuff out there. That Andromeda tripfag basically came out as an EA PR guy, says there was something like 500 people in the same kind of 'position' he was in.

    Then there's all the viral threads. Borderlands was my big eye-opener of the viral on the board to most of us. Then there's EA doing their anti-homophobic campaign, after being caught out staging fake christfag protests at E3 (I think it was E3) for Dante's Inferno

    After awhile you don't really need evidence. Logic dictates to me that an anonymous image board is an amazing place to viral whatever the hell you are selling, i just happen to be on the board that it's video games.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:37 No.2558236
         File: 1334270226.jpg-(61 KB, 750x563, 2deep4u.jpg)
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    Aight /v/irgins, I finished the article. To give you a sense of where I'm coming from, I was a gamer as a kid, but the last system I owned was a PS2, which I bought so I could run around shooting cops in Vice City, and the last game I remember completing was Cave Story (which rules) about 6 years ago.

    Here are my impressions:

    (1) This guy sounds like a horrible, pretentious sperg. It's good that he's found a creative art to channel his energies into, but if he's really concerned with spiritual enlightenment rather than being 2deep4u, he ought to go to a proper Buddhist monastery and find a teacher with a sense of humor to bring him down to earth a little bit.

    (2) The Atlantic author, like all authors for that halfwitted middlebrow rag, is clearly insecure about his own cultural status and is trying to make up for it by shitting on the vidya. Yeah, a lot of games are adolescent schlock, but even as a casual gamer I can think of plenty of games that deliver a satisfying artistic and emotional experience on their own terms (like a good survival horror game, or see above re: Cave Story.)

    (3) Lollin hard at this:

    >Braid, savvy players suddenly realize, is an allegory of the development of the atomic bomb...

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:38 No.2558238

    We have someone like that here, his name is Tao Lin.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:39 No.2558243
    highbrow and lowbrow has nothing to do with aestheticism, it has everything to do with substance.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:39 No.2558244


    don't forget:

    - transformers 2 (this was on /co/)
    - kinect
    - the neogaf DS and 3DS scandals
    - all i want for xmas is a psp
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:42 No.2558251
    >>2558236 cont'd

    Oh, and as for his forthcoming masterpiece where you wander around a beautifully rendered island solving puzzles that make no sense...

    ...I liked it better when it was called MYST
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:43 No.2558253

    >but /v/ has an affinity toward shitposting

    >Mr. Pot? There's a Ms. Kettle on the line, says you're a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:44 No.2558254
         File: 1334270642.gif-(467 KB, 270x203, 1333844143942.gif)
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    >(1) This guy sounds like a horrible, pretentious sperg. It's good that he's found a creative art to channel his energies into, but if he's really concerned with spiritual enlightenment rather than being 2deep4u, he ought to go to a proper Buddhist monastery and find a teacher with a sense of humor to bring him down to earth a little bit.

    This just struck me as a great thing to say to a person. Like truly insulting his character, but not through personal dislike for him, just as a means for him to grow as a person.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:45 No.2558257
         File: 1334270730.jpg-(378 KB, 1265x3296, Viral Marketing.jpg)
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    Pretty much this

    Here's Andromeda's confession with a few of his previous posts

    I remember seeing a lot more from him like this, and people had long since suspected he worked for EA, so it wasn't that much of a surprise.

    What was surprising though, is when he said there were hundreds of others like him.It's fucking infested.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:51 No.2558268
    I actually wouldn't have thought that was an issue here. I came here a few weeks ago for the first time when i wanted to get some book recommendations (Ended up with The First Circle, still reading), but i didn't like how people wrote on this board. It struck me as a place your vocabulary carries you further than anything else, which i've never found necessary to have a good conversation/debate with someone.

    Each to their own, though. That's why i stay at /v/, i guess
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:53 No.2558273
    /v/ is a diamond in the ruff. and by ruff i mean a small mountain
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:53 No.2558274
    note that he probably meant hundreds of others on forums in general, not on /v/ in specific

    because holy shit, they're ripping TOR a new asshole over there
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:58 No.2558290
    Definitely. I just consider the shitposting as entry-level stuff to keep out the people with weak stomachs or short tempers. I can almost always find a good thread to bury myself in

    We just need to get rid of the mods again and i think things can settle once again. Heck, if EA PR team are going strong it doesn't seem far fetched to me a couple of them have gotten mod positions at this stage. Especially seeing as Moot is so fucking disconnected with 4chan these days and can't pick mods for shit
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:00 No.2558298

    When /lit/ is good, it can be really good, but there's a lot of trollan here. It's too quiet to be an ocean of piss, so it's more like a slow-moving river of piss.

    I mostly come here to troll, and I suppose this makes me part of the problem rather than part of the solution, although I try to respond in good faith to interesting and novel questions like this one.

    I suspect most /lit/anons tend to be hostile because they're fed up with "do my English homework for me" threads and people who don't read the sticky.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:03 No.2558305
    it is fair enough to be unwelcoming to people who just want homework help and don't want a real discussion. i mean look what happened to /sci/
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:09 No.2558323

    I think it's safe to assume we all suffer from 'casuals' no matter the board. You don't really come to 4chan unless to educate yourself by lurking for a long time, or you are just as passionate about the topic of whatever board you end up calling home.

    I could do with another board, though. I tried /tv/ for awhile and i just can't describe in words how bad that board is, they like stuff for all the wrong reasons and like /a/ suffer from only talking about what is actually airing at the time... Most times, anyway.

    420chans /mtv/ turned out to be surprisingly amazing for movies & shows

    What happened with /sci/?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:11 No.2558329
    >/v/ is actually not a bad board since the split with /vg/

    Yes, /v/ went from Circlejerk and K-Pop Generals to EA/Bioware Hating General.

    Really great...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:15 No.2558335
    worst thread on /lit/ right now
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:15 No.2558336
    it went to an interesting board where you got to talk about a range of science topics to just random homework questions and very basic stuff.

    it just generally went down hill in quality
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:15 No.2558337
    /v/ is absolute shit and its not fun anymore. The same boring topics are regurgitated over and over, it's filled with more shitposters and trolls than ever before, and it was /v/ who practically repeated Chanology, albeit on a smaller scale, by fucking inviting in shitty communities like Reddit to burrow up on 4chan. Fuck you and your board, the real /v/irgins already shaved their neckbeards and left.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:16 No.2558339
    Thank you for your feedback
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:17 No.2558341
    >EA/Bioware Hating General.

    This was dying down big time until shit hit the fan recently.

    I'm not justifying the threads, but i think they're very important right now. Time and time again it's being shown that publishers are part of an outdated business model that really shouldn't really exist anymore. Especially with the internet being here.

    I think it's pretty important to keep a close eye on all of this, as much of a pain in the ass it is for all the hate circlejerking it causes

    I mean the Tortanic threads and all but died off or moved over to /vg/, it's only the latest string of stupidity from EA has caused everything to flare up again
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:18 No.2558342
    yw. it's nice to have a post that isn't pointless bitching for once
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:19 No.2558345
    /lit/ is the best board on 4chan
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:22 No.2558354
    >by fucking inviting in shitty communities like Reddit to burrow up on 4chan

    I thought /v/ was pretty much the poster boy board of anti-reddit, maybe the other boards see it differently. At least most of us don't want reddit to get the impression we're rival buddies.

    The communities don't match at all. To me, Reddit is a serious problem because of their Karma system alone. I want nothing to do with the website. I tell the same to my friends who go on the site.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:25 No.2558361
    most of /v/ hates reddit for the general complaints with the site but I admit there is an unsettling amount of overlap that every now and then you get a glimpse of
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:27 No.2558368
    why do you fucking weirdos take internet websites so seriously
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:28 No.2558373

    we're socially marginal losers with tedious and unhappy lives, duh
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:29 No.2558376
    because were all basement dwellers who have nothing better to do. we have nothing else.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:34 No.2558383
    and this is one of the reasons I love /v/
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:35 No.2558388
         File: 1334273744.png-(35 KB, 1226x256, it just isnt the same anymore.png)
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    too bad were being marginalized on a site created specifically for us losers. it hurts, man.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:36 No.2558389
    I know what you mean, but it can't be helped. Usually /v/ being a shithole is enough to keep most people away at a glance and kinda the way i prefer the place myself. Reddit (or r/games w/e) has tried to approach /v/ about rematches and/or a different game and been shot down, so i guess the lesson has been learned, but maybe too late at this stage.

    Strange question to ask on 4chan of all places. I guess for /v/ that Jonathan Blow guy matters because he's an indie developer. I like him because he just reminds me of /v/ and called fun a buzzword long before /v/ ever did.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)19:48 No.2558411
    /v/ and /lit/, huh... this is an interesting mix, I like it. new best friends forever?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)20:42 No.2558521
    This is the shittiest thread I've seen in a while. No.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)21:01 No.2558572
    /lit/ and /sci/ are already best buds. Don't take their word for it, though; they're totally just tsundere.
    >B-bookworm, it's not like I like you or anything!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)21:18 No.2558638
    I would have to say the most dangerous gamer is prolly anders breivik.
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)00:09 No.2559040
    good thread
    >> Anonymous 04/13/12(Fri)15:30 No.2560437

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