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  • File : 1265814019.jpg-(31 KB, 337x473, 80992231.jpg)
    31 KB heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)10:00 No.243329  
    Most of these were filled requests from a previous share thread. Some new uploads too.

    Chinua Achebe - Things Fall Apart:
    Orson Scott Card - Empire:
    Marquis de Sade - 120 Days of Sodom:
    Joseph Heller - Catch-22:
    Victor Hugo - Les Miserables:
    Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner - Freakonomics:
    Heather Lauer - Bacon: A Love Story:
    Thomas Ligotti - The Lost Art of Twilight:
    Thomas Ligotti - Dream of a Mannequin:
    Thomas Ligotti - The Shadow at the Bottom of the World:
    Thomas Ligotti - Teatro Grottesco:
    Cormac McCarthy - Blood Meridian:
    Gregory McDonald - Fletch:
    Gregory McDonald - Confess, Fletch:
    Haruhi Murakami - Pinball, 1973:
    Haruhi Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles:

    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)10:00 No.243330
    Friedrich Nietzsche - Beyond Good and Evil:
    Flannery O'Connor - The Complete Stories:
    Michael Pollan - The Omnivore's Dilemma:
    Ayn Rand - Atlas Shrugged:
    Bertrand Russell - My Philosophical Development:
    Bertrand Russell - Essay Collection:
    Bertrand Russell - Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays:
    Laurence Sterne - The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman:
    Herve This - Molecular Gastronomy: Exploring the Science of Flavor:
    David Foster Wallace - Brief Interviews With Hideous Men:
    Benjamin Wallace - The Billionaire's Vinegar:
    Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray (Project Gutenberg version):
    Ludwig Wittgenstein - Lectures on Philosophy:
    Palle Yourgrau - A World Without Time; The Forgotten Legacy of Godel and Einstein:

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:00 No.243331
    >he reads ebooks
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:04 No.243344
    >He takes requests from people on /lit/ and within a matter of minutes fulfills the request in earnest. This is something that should be admired you fucking tool shed.
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)10:04 No.243346
    I like ink and paper as much as the next person but times, they are a-changing. Besides, whatever gets more people reading is fine by me.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:05 No.243352
    Thanks bro.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:06 No.243353
    this is fucken awesome
    thanks OP!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:08 No.243359
    >the levels of butthurt he is emitting are off the chart
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:08 No.243362
    Haruki Murakami's Sputnik Sweetheart, South of the Border West of the Sun, and Underground - if it's not too much trouble :)
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:10 No.243370
    Where do you get them from?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:13 No.243377
    If its at all possible, could I get some pdfs of those old choose your own adventure books?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:18 No.243392
    Are these all .pdfs?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:18 No.243393
    OP, you usher a new dawn for /lit/, let's take example from our /co/mrades in sharing the medium
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:18 No.243395
         File1265815113.jpg-(15 KB, 413x254, pdf.jpg)
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    use an app callled ABC Amber Text Converted to turn them into pdf
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:18 No.243397
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    >claiming to like reading
    >reading e-books
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:19 No.243400
    er..that's supposed to be Converter
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:20 No.243403
    >claiming to like books
    >pirating them and killing the market
    >> GamerGirl !!WvjqTqDrspv 02/10/10(Wed)10:20 No.243404
    e-books are horrible to read on the computer
    >> GamerGirl !!WvjqTqDrspv 02/10/10(Wed)10:21 No.243408
    What market is that exactly?Looks like today is more about volume than content
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:22 No.243411
    >liberal bullshit
    >> GamerGirl !!WvjqTqDrspv 02/10/10(Wed)10:24 No.243420
    Oh come on you know thats b.s
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:25 No.243424
    >implying i read it on a computer
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)10:27 No.243436
    Haruki Murakami - South of the Border, West of the Sun:

    I have Sputnik Sweetheart on the way (need to scan for viruses). Still looking for Underground.

    I'm using mostly Undernet's #bookz and (shockingly enough) a handful of Livejournal communities.

    No, though most are. Some are HTML files (which I think are easier for reading on the computer) and a handful are .txt.

    I read plenty of physical books, and I buy as many as I can afford to. But like with music and comic books, I'm going to see if I like it first before making the plunge to consume.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:31 No.243447
    Thanks! those are three Murakami books I can never find anywhere in Bangalore... most of his other works are in the bookshops or libraries.
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)10:31 No.243448
    Murakami - Sputnik Sweetheart:
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:34 No.243458
    Thanks again!!
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:35 No.243461
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    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:39 No.243479
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    >downloading books
    >> GamerGirl !!WvjqTqDrspv 02/10/10(Wed)10:41 No.243485
    You have the one about downloading a car?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:42 No.243491
    I've heard about it happening in sinks, never seen though
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)10:42 No.243493
    Don't look at me like that, Batman. :/
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:43 No.243495
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:43 No.243501
    >implying it's not billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)10:44 No.243509
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    >> GamerGirl !!WvjqTqDrspv 02/10/10(Wed)10:46 No.243515
    well /o/ does
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)10:51 No.243535
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    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:01 No.243564
    hey OP, do you have anything else by Thomas Ligotti?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:07 No.243584
    OP, you're my kind of criminal.
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)11:09 No.243590
    Not any I can find off-hand at this moment. I'll continue to keep an eye out.

    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:11 No.243592
         File1265818306.jpg-(7 KB, 184x288, GFACTORsml.jpg)
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    I want to get my hands on The g Factor by Arthur Jensen.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:13 No.243598
    Pontypool, OP?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:14 No.243600
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    >he still buys books
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:14 No.243603

    This is about as scientific as remote viewing.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:16 No.243610

    Have you read it?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:23 No.243637

    I wouldn't have expressed my opinion if I hadn't.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:27 No.243647

    Well, I've heard it is one of the most thorough expositions on the issue of the psychometric testing of intelligence and its utility, so I want to check it out. I understand the whole field is rather controversial (for obvious reasons), but I want to read the primary literature and figure this stuff out myself.
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)11:34 No.243678
    I don't have The g Factor but I do have Charles Murray's The Bell Curve, if you want it. Just... take everything written in this field with a healthy dose of skepticism. :/
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:35 No.243685

    Is the version you have a txt file?
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)11:37 No.243689

    Ugh. I just hesitate even sharing this link though, lest I accidentally plant the seeds for stormfaggotry. :/
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:40 No.243700


    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)11:48 No.243736
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    >> Virtute the Cat !nDmQdoah86 02/10/10(Wed)12:21 No.243879
    >Thomas Ligotti

    I love you so much
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)12:26 No.243903
    Michel Houllebecq, Atomized
    secret history,donna tartt
    philip reeve-mortal engines

    thats my list that i am currently looking for.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)12:42 No.243967
    >secret history,donna tartt

    check this site
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)12:44 No.243977
    I believe No Longer Human and Yukio Mishima were request a while back. Did you ever manage to get those?
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)12:45 No.243984
    many thanks.
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)12:51 No.244010
    Donna Tartt - The Secret History:
    Philip Reeve - Mortal Engines:

    The Secret History is in a .txt file, unfortunately. You might be better off checking out the link that Anon gave you.

    Still searching for Atomized.

    I found some Yukio Mishima but you'll have to wait a bit. I reformatted my computer recently and my external hard drive is a mess; I also do some archiving/requests over at /ck/ so my 4chan folder looks crazy at the moment. I'll be around more though, especially since the board's no longer moving at a breakneck speed.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)12:51 No.244011
    OP, can you find me a few versions of Master and Margarita? I know there are numerous translations out, but I need to find out which is the closest to the original.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)12:53 No.244015
    thank you very much. :D
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)12:56 No.244026
    Sure thing, though I can say with some certainty that the translation by Diana Burgin and Katherine Tiernan O'Connor is excellent. My Russian lit professor (loldrunk old Russian guy) recommended it to me and it reads like a dream.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)12:57 No.244033
    That one I haven't seen. Please, do post it, I would be most grateful.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)13:04 No.244066
    this might be a bit of a long shot, but you wouldn't happen to know where i could find Vehicles by Valentino Braitenberg would you?
    >> heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)13:12 No.244101
    Aha! Tracked it down. :) I have to go and run some errands but I'll be back later this evening. I'm downloading the file right now (it's an audiobook upload but apparently it has a text file alongside it!).

    Believe it or not...!

    Valentino Braitenberg - Vehicles: Experiments in Synthetic Psychology:
    >> courtesy sage heartsonfire !!5xDKwnYEOZt 02/10/10(Wed)13:15 No.244114
    Leaving to get some work done for the day but I'll be keeping an eye on the thread via phone. If you guys have requests just comment to this thread. When I get back I'll either post them here or make a new thread if this one 404's.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)13:16 No.244123
    I hope that this thread will be alive by then.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)13:25 No.244164
    yess! thank you a million.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)13:28 No.244177
    Thanks OP, that's really nice of you.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)13:32 No.244188
    OP, god of /lit/.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)13:41 No.244233
    OP, have you got Tom Robbins - Another Roadside Attraction ? Been looking everywhere I know for it.
    >> Anonymous 02/10/10(Wed)14:08 No.244430
    If you can find Cyclonopedia I would be most grateful.

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