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  • File : 1328226857.jpg-(162 KB, 700x582, Jacques Derrida.jpg)
    162 KB Jacques Derrida 02/02/12(Thu)18:54 No.2374952  
    sup /lit/

    It's me, Jacques, posting from beyond the grave.

    You e-fag cretins jelly of my sexy bookshelf? How's planned obsolescence treating y'all?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)18:55 No.2374958
    I would definitely curl up against that radiator with a cup of tea to read.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)18:56 No.2374959
    I bought a kindle because a corporation told me I needed it because physical books are really unmanageable and expensive.

    Can't believe how much better my life is now! I've read a couple pages of Crime and Punishment and 1984 but I torrented 9001 books.

    lol @ stupid luddites who can't think for themselves
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:02 No.2374975
    >I've read a couple pages of Crime and Punishment and 1984 but I torrented 9001 books
    I've read about 30 books in the last two and a half months on my kindle.
    Are you an actual retard?
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:03 No.2374978
    Infinite Jest.
    Ayn Rand.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:04 No.2374979
    >planned obsolescence

    Sounds about right. Print media will be all but dead in 50 years time.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:05 No.2374980
    OP, im with you. Books> Ebooks and not trying to trolling. Theres not compares with the smell of paper, and the reading experience. For example you cant underline the text, you cant go to the page quickly when you want/need it, etc.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:07 No.2374983
    Misplaced nostalgia. Embrace the inevitable.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:10 No.2374988
    last time I checked my kindle had both a high lighter function and the ability to skip around to premarked sections.

    plus with real books. slicing paper cuts on yo dick
    >> Jacques Derrida 02/02/12(Thu)19:10 No.2374990
    Yo, dog, where's my hover craft skateboard? Why don't I live like The Jetsons? Why don't cars float around and shit? Why wasn't the year 2001 just like the movie 2001?

    Oh, right, because all of our predictions about the future are always fucking retarded and way off the mark.

    Go read some shitty sci-fi.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:11 No.2374994
    I was like you. But then e-readers liberated me. There's nothing like the feeling that you can get any book any time you want within seconds.
    >> Jacques Derrida 02/02/12(Thu)19:12 No.2374995
    You mean, with kindles the radiation emitted slowly withers your balls and gives you prostate cancer.

    Just embrace the futures! Buy gadgets! Other stupid people are doing! Just embrace it!

    Can we make a chart of all the stupid /lit/ opinions that get spewed here on a daily basis?
    >> Jacques Derrida 02/02/12(Thu)19:14 No.2375002
    There's nothing like that feeling of being content with not having everything you want.

    There's nothing like that feeling of leaving your house.

    There's nothing like that feeling of talking to a cute salesclerk and helping you find a book.

    Jesus Christ. The e-fag mentality is retarded and autistic as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:18 No.2375014
    This is a 1/10 troll and a pretty unimaginative one at that.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:20 No.2375022
    You're the biggest idiot in this thread.

    You like books more? Read books. You prefer an e-reader? Read your shit on an e-reader. Better is purely subjective here.

    Eventually all of the overly sentimental assholes like you will die off, and soon after printed media will follow. Get over it. I'm sure there were a bunch of assholes who thought printed text was ungodly and refused to give up their handwritten manuscripts for a few decades after it became obsolete, too.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:21 No.2375028
    everything gives off radiation dummy, even rocks!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:21 No.2375031
    Hey Jacques hows life as a deconstruction worker lol
    >> Jacques Derrida 02/02/12(Thu)19:22 No.2375032
    > appeals to subjectivity
    > hurdy gurdy I bet blah blah look at me argue my retarded point

    It's not an issue of sentiment, it's an issue of intellect. You're clearly a cretin or an angry viral marketer.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:24 No.2375035
    itt: Ignatius J Reilly

    >> Jacques Derrida !vCQCB6vT.M 02/02/12(Thu)19:26 No.2375040
    look guize i am a new tripfriend!
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:28 No.2375049
    Hey Jacques i bet you play jenga backwards hehe
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:29 No.2375053
    You cant compare a first edition of a good book with the same in an ereader. Also, the book is a thing with its own life, It doesnt depend of any battery to exist; can pass through time without becoming obsolete. Big difference with any ereader that will be obsolet in ten years.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:32 No.2375056
    Hey Jacques, Jacques, i guess you dont own ducttape because instead of joining things together you like taking them apart rofl
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:33 No.2375057
    What you just said was gay.
    >> Jacques Derrida !vCQCB6vT.M 02/02/12(Thu)19:34 No.2375060
    My gimmick is that i hate ereaders and would like to squeeze all the enjoyment out of those who don't.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:35 No.2375061
    I love your argument.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:35 No.2375064
    Hey Jacques when you were a kid other children wouldn't like to let you near their lego constructions because you would pick them apart lmao
    >> Jacques Derrida 02/02/12(Thu)19:39 No.2375072
    > mfw you e-fags haven't even read my book Archive Fever

    Plebs gon pleb. Go play with your slap chops. You guys are mickey mouse. You guys are small time.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)19:40 No.2375075
    Hey Jacques I think your favorite song is like Eve of Deconstruction lulz
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)20:41 No.2375146
    You recognize his name, we get it. Jesus christ..
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)20:45 No.2375155
    >24 posts
    >Mostly OP
    You have to ask yourself if this is really worth it.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)20:46 No.2375156
    But that's horribly untidy, OP. Why are people so lazy?
    >> Behemoth !!Twl3DmqEY/B 02/02/12(Thu)20:48 No.2375161
    I remember reading an excerpt of yours in another book where you babbled total nonsense about "Einsteinian variability" and since have had no desire to read you. I suspect you're a bullshit peddler, Derrida.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)20:48 No.2375163
    Hey Jacques: I like that you like Freud. Not so hot on the Heidegger. Archive Fever is da bomb yo. plebs gon get febrile over the delete key now that eveyone is the archivist of their own lives.
    >> Jacques Derrida 02/02/12(Thu)21:06 No.2375207
    I peddle drugs.

    Meet me at Kafka's grave in a half hour.
    >> Anonymous 02/02/12(Thu)21:10 No.2375212
    >3:08 in Prague
    >implying the New Jewish Cemetery is open.
    >> Adorno !VGOK6fUxDA 02/02/12(Thu)21:12 No.2375218
    I've been reading some really intriguing work by Derrideans in the field of critical race theory. Who would've thunk commentary on alterity could be extracted from the little man?
    >> Jacques Derrida 02/02/12(Thu)21:18 No.2375227
         File1328235514.jpg-(76 KB, 300x387, Jacques2.jpg)
    76 KB
    Don't frame me, bro! Foucault, help a nigga out!

    Drug trafficking is so out of character for me. I would never do such a thing.

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