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  • File : 1325516354.jpg-(32 KB, 650x510, Kindle-4.jpg)
    32 KB Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)09:59 No.2293135  

    So we all know just many of you goddamn people got a kindle or nook for christmas, now you literally have no exscuse to not get and read as many books as possible.
    so from december 25th to now: how many books have you read, what are you currently reading and what do you plan to read?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:01 No.2293138
    kindle fag here, since christmas day:
    >metro 2033
    >the omnivores dilema
    >the strain
    >horus rising
    >the road
    >a clash of kings
    >the fall
    have 233 books on my kindle including all the works of:
    >stephen king
    >charles dickens
    >jules vern
    >mark twain
    >phillip K dick
    >dean koontz
    >neil gaiman
    and many many moore.

    i read a lot.
    >> kindlefag 01/02/12(Mon)10:11 No.2293142
    here's my to-read list:

    - the sticky
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:12 No.2293143
    >Mort - Terry Pratchett
    >Sourcery - Terry Pratchett
    >The Alloy of Law - Brandon Sanderson

    currently reading:
    >The Blade Itself - Joe Abercrombie
    >Guards!Guards! - T. Pratchett
    >The Stand - Stephen King
    >A Dance with Dragons - RR Martin
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:22 No.2293152
    Finished since Christmas:
    >Brief Interviews with Hideous Men (it was my first DFW and I absolutely loved it -- Infinite Jest has leapt to the very top of my pending purchases list.)
    >Work! Consume! Die! (this was a present which I hadn't asked for, but I enjoyed it anyway, it's pretty funny.)

    >Kokoro (so far so good)

    To read:
    >The Odyssey
    >Infinite Jest
    >> fat lenny 01/02/12(Mon)10:39 No.2293172
    > no excuse to not read

    Sorry, sir, but I just made kindle threads all day. Why would I read?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:41 No.2293174
    Reading Since Jan 2 (Jan 1 a drunken haze, sex, sleep, pizza, MST3K, more sex)
    In a German Pension (1911) Katherine Mansfield 1/4 thru
    A Confederacy of Dunces (1980) John Kennedy OToole 1st Chapter

    Plan to Read & Re-Read: too friggin much:
    Odyssey, Iliad, Epic of Gilgamesh, Guns Germs & Steel, Paranormality, Mammoth Book of Pulp Fiction, on and on and on...

    Luckily like to read quality stuff.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:52 No.2293185

    Crooked Little Vein - Warren Ellis
    The Secret Agent - Joseph Conrad
    Collected Short Stories - Ernest Hemingway
    Molloy - Samuel Beckett
    Lake (kindle single) - Frank Gilroy
    Into the Forbidden Zone (kindle single) - William T. Vollmer

    Currently Reading

    Paradise Lost - John Milton
    The Cutting of an Agate - W.B. Yeats
    Moving Pictures - Poor Pterry
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:53 No.2293186
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    5 fucking books since 25 dec?! 5?!
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:54 No.2293188
    some of us read higher than a 4th grade level.

    problem, dyslexicfags?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:56 No.2293190
    you're such a rooster
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)10:56 No.2293192
    >metro 2033
    >the omnivores dilema
    >the strain
    >horus rising
    >the road

    >higher than a 4th grade level

    Not entirely, sport.

    However, I wouldn't have pointed out your entry-level tastes if you weren't such a pretentious cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:00 No.2293195
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    my my, you seem....perturbed.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:02 No.2293199
    Ahahaha u made him MAD!!1 LOlol XDD
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:05 No.2293202
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:22 No.2293211
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    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:28 No.2293221
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    is being able to read 5 paperbacks in a week some form of achievement or oddity on /lit/?
    jesus guys, i thought this was the board for readers.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:31 No.2293222
    then you are as wrong as assuming /v/ is for people who play videogames.

    this is the board for people to pretend reading atlas shrugged makes them a deep, intelligent thinker.

    special flower syndrome in point of fact.

    a small few of us actually read books, but honestly the average /lit/ poster is lucky to read 5 books in a year and then its always something monumentally cliche and pretentious that they feel makes them, an anonymous poster, apparently well read to other anonymous posters.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:33 No.2293224
    that guys an idiot and you're posting in a kindle thread
    >> fat lenny 01/02/12(Mon)11:36 No.2293228
    neckbeard virgin detected
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:39 No.2293232
    Kindlefag here, since Christmas day too.

    >11/22/63 (not on Kindle)

    >The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy

    TO READ:
    >Clash of Kings
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:39 No.2293233
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    >> fat lenny 01/02/12(Mon)11:42 No.2293237
    cool film camera, bro
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:43 No.2293238
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    Not to get off topic but I didn't want to make a thread for this but is there a certain website one can go to torrent ebooks?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:43 No.2293240
    i haven't read one entire novel since christmas day. oh wait, i read a patricia mckillip novel, lol never mind. also a bunch of james tiptree short stories that were really good, some other short stories that sucked, most of john crowley's "four freedoms" (real good but not as good as "little, big"), a bunch of bloom's "western canon", and some other crappy fantasy.

    god, i feel so dirty, like i just masturbated
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:45 No.2293247
    tons on demonoid.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)11:47 No.2293249
    Since christmas I've read Ragtime by E.L. Doctorow.

    I'm reading Wuthering Heights right now but I dunno if I really want to continue reading it.

    I don't really have a list of books tor read. I just stare at my collection until I realize what book I wanna read.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:22 No.2293308
    I use demonoid but my whole family has kindles and I want to be able to get books for them so I was wondering if there was a special site for ebooks like passthepopcorn is all about just movies.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:44 No.2293323
    Well i only got my Kindle on new years so this is what i'm at so far...

    Planning to read:
    Hunger games trilogy (heard it was good)
    Ender series (scott orson card)
    Fight Club
    Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy series (Douglas Adams <3)

    Currently reading: Hunger Games (the first)

    I'm not gonna go on here and pretend to be such a hardcore reader. I just read. THE ONLY BOOK IVE READ BY AYN RAND WAS THE ANTHEM
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)12:48 No.2293326

    >The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches
    >The Vang: Battlemaster
    >Halo: the Fall of Reach

    >Lonesome Dove
    >'Salem's Lot
    >> LeHoneybadger !ITAOTSPiT. 01/02/12(Mon)12:52 No.2293331
    not reading Ayn Rand doesn't really disqualify you from being a heavy reader.

    Fear and Loathing
    Richard Yates by Tao Lin (Please don't hate me)

    To Read:
    Illuminatis! Trilogy
    The Master and Margarita
    The Corrections
    Various Hemingway, Vonnegut, Philip K. Dick, Nabokov, Kafka, McCarthy, Murakami, Pynchon, Dostoyevsky, Delillo, Tolstoy, Joyce, and a few more.
    >> Jeff Mangum Died For Your Sins !rAl8Mz2mp2 01/02/12(Mon)13:05 No.2293350
    >Kitchen Confidential
    >Selected Unpublished Blog Posts of a Mexican Panda Express Employee

    Plan on reading:
    >The Bell Jar

    I don't plan too far ahead...
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:21 No.2293370
    have read since christmas

    Metamorphosis Kafka
    Essays of Schopenhauer
    and about half of the collection of best Russian short stories.

    currently reading; Heart of Darkness
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:34 No.2293381
    None of those books are good. That is the shittiest reading list I have ever seen.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:45 No.2293397
    Got a Nook Simple Touch

    >Currently Reading
    -The Girl Who Played with Fire
    -A Game of Thrones

    >Plan to Read
    -The Instructions (Adam Levin) (How is it?)
    -Pale Blue Dot (Sagan)
    -American Gods
    -The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest

    And a few more I can't think of right now.
    >> I_am![Damo|Suzuki] !!m2jL9hyD/eL 01/02/12(Mon)13:46 No.2293398
    >The Road - Cermac McCarthy
    >On the Road

    >Last NIght a DJ Saved My Life

    To Read:
    >The Stranger
    >The Fall
    >A History of Pop Music Before Rock - Pierro Scaruffi
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:47 No.2293401
    You're in high school, aren't you. Especially those caps about Ayn Rand - I read that book when I was in 10th grade.

    GTFO underageb&
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)13:57 No.2293422
    Your school made you read Ayn Rand? Thats fucking terrible. I cant think of any other author who could turn me off to reading as much as her.

    Are you by any chance in the deep south(USA)? Cause than it would make sense... No one loves to play 'the evil majority is hurting us minorities' more than the red-neck states. Which is all the more funny when you realize how they treat their women/blacks/gays/musslims/... Well, pretty much anyone who isnt a devout christian, white, straight, male.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:02 No.2293435
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    >An Age Ago: A Selection of Nineteenth-Century Russian Poetry - Joseph Brodsky

    Currently Reading:
    >Demons - Fyodor Dostoevsky
    >The Adolescent - Fyodor Dostoevsky
    >Osip Mandelstam: 50 Poems - Osip Mandelstam
    >Good Poems - Garrison Keillor
    >Coffin County - Gary A. Braunbeck

    To Read:
    >Poor Folk - Fyodor Dostoevsky

    I'm kind of on a Dostoevsky binge right now.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:03 No.2293438

    Have you ever been to the South?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:06 No.2293441
    read so far:
    Witches Abroad, Maskerade, The Truth - Terry Pratchett
    Reading now:
    Hyperion - Dan Simmons
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:08 No.2293447
    Yup. In 10th grade we had to read Anthem. The teacher didn't really push it on us, but it was part of the curriculum.

    Funnily enough I live in central New Jersey, about 45 minutes away from NYC. But I agree with the redneck thing.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:08 No.2293448
    To read; Crime and Punishment, the new Discworld novel - not sure what epse. Open to suggestions.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:09 No.2293449
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    >implying the entire South is like that
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:24 No.2293469
    I despise his sallow, bloated countenance.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:30 No.2293477
    >implying it isn't.
    >> Aflac !fsJxpvs312 01/02/12(Mon)14:32 No.2293478
    I had to read Anthem in 9th grade and I'm from Central Jersey as well, I enjoyed it but not as much as I did when I read it again.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:32 No.2293479
    > reads 5 books a week
    > wikipedia to figure out what the fuck happened in all of them
    > act superior about reading 5 books and understanding them thanks to cliff notes
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:33 No.2293480
    I thought it was...okay. I didn't like the prose, though, or the morals and stuff she tries to push on us. I was never a fan of Rand.

    Where in Central Jersey? It's good to know I'm not the only one who lives around here.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:36 No.2293485

    >Implying you've ever spent a significant amount of time here

    Visiting grandma in Florida and your Charlotte/Douglas layover don't count.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:36 No.2293487
    Haha isn't there a part in Anthem where the main character reinvents electricity and the lightbulb in about half an hour?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:38 No.2293493

    That's the power of the almighty Invisible Hand for you, my friend.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:39 No.2293498
    Yep. He, like, finds a lightbulb underground or something and fixes it. It's like she made him perfect or something.

    >Implying spending 2 summers down South doesn't prove what I'm talking about.
    Seriously. I mean, most of the people down there were nice, but the entire area just seemed...slow. I don't know
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:44 No.2293508
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    I've read Sanderson's The Allow of Law, am in the process of reading the Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, Locke's Essay on Human Understanding, The Hobbit.

    I just finished The Pleasures of Reading in an Age of Distraction. I think you would all like it very much.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:45 No.2293511
    It doesn't prove anything. Try living here for 20+ years before you make stupid assumptions.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:47 No.2293515
    Not everyone down South is stupid. Most are, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:49 No.2293524
    The Color of Water
    A Dance with Dragons

    Currently Reading-
    The Jewel of the Seven Stars (1/3)
    Moby-Dick (1/3)
    Enchanter's End Game (3/4)
    11/22/63 (1/2)
    The Coldest Winter Ever (1/6)

    To Read-
    ...And Ladies of the Club
    A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
    White Night
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:54 No.2293542

    Most people in general are pretty stupid, I'd say. The difference is that most dumb Southerners are polite enough to keep their mouths shut most of the time (or at least they used to be.) Yankees, dumb and smart, are more likely be loud, uncouth assholes.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)14:59 No.2293553
    Up here we may be rude, but I feel it's better to be rude and truthful than silent and seemingly happy. Also, up here we aren't so super-religious.

    I agree with the "most people are stupid" thing, though.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:05 No.2293572
    The World According to Garp
    The Hotel New Hampshire
    Walking on Water
    A Language Older than Words
    Until I find You
    Last Night in Twisted River
    Returning to Earth
    >Planning to read:
    The Possessed (have had it for the longest fucking time and i plan to finish it so help me god)
    A bunch of Gaiman cause Gaiman is the shit
    finally planning on reading everything of Lorca, Marquez, Paz, Carlos Monsivais-yeah i need to get in touch with my heritage/culture.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:12 No.2293600
    Have the following books on my to read list:

    The Nano Flower
    A Second Chance at Eden
    Zima Blue
    Assassin's Apprentice
    The Vanished Race
    The End Specialist
    Flashback - Saskia Brandt
    Among Thieves
    The Quantum Theif
    Guns of Seneca 6
    Sighing Suns
    Til We Come to be
    Future Freaks
    Name of Alt
    Worlds Without End: The mission
    The Human Experiment
    Lost Cargo
    infinities (collection)
    The Grendel's Shadow
    Towards Yesterday
    Rebellion (star force series book 3)
    Origins (spinward fringe)
    Statis None
    The third side (balle for solar system #2)

    Currently reading: Hal Spacejock
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)15:49 No.2293686

    Entire Harry Potter series

    >Planning to read next

    Michael Bubles Autobiograhy
    >> Sunhawk !M9PhF5nIzs 01/02/12(Mon)15:54 No.2293697
    I spent Nov and December rereading old stuff. Only bought one book this year, The Dark Side of Love, just started reading it.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:05 No.2293716
    Iain Banks - Use of Weapons

    Dune - Frank Herbert

    The Trial of Henry Kissinger Christopher Hitchens

    John Brunner -- The Shockwave Rider
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:05 No.2293717
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    >Norwegian Wood - Murakami

    Currently Reading:
    >Don Quixote - Cervantes

    Will Read:
    >Sputnik Sweetheart - Murakami
    >A Personal Matter - Oe
    >Silence - Endo
    >Sanshiro - Soseki
    >Neuromancer - Gibson
    >I, Robot - Asimov
    >Rig Veda - derp
    >Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu
    >The Divine Comedy - Dante
    >Fathers and Sons - Turgenev
    >First Love - Turgenev
    >A Discourse on Inequality - Rousseau
    >The Social Contract - Rousseau
    >The Canterbury Tales - Chaucer
    >The Quran - derp (rereading)
    >War and Peace - Tolstoy (another attempt)
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:08 No.2293721

    >Use of Weapons


    best sci-fi by Banks in my opinion, with The Algebraist and Inversions having honorable mentions.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:20 No.2293743
    This year, I will read:

    Naked Lunch
    A Canticle for Leibowitz(Finish)
    Ender's Game
    The Diamond Age
    A Scanner Darkly
    The Man in the High Castle
    Slaughterhouse Five
    Mao's Great Famine(Finish)
    Lost to the West
    In Pharaoh's Army
    Empire of the Summer Moon
    Stupid History
    Empire Lost
    Empire of Blue Water
    Dreams in a time of War
    A commonwealth of thieves
    The Black Company
    Fool Moon(Finish)
    The Light Fantastic(finish)
    Blood of Elves
    Good Omens
    The System of the World
    The White Rose
    Shadows Linger
    The Confusion
    One Hundred Years of Solitude
    The New York Trilogy
    The Mansion
    Light in August
    Absalom, Absalom!
    Collected Stories
    The Reivers
    The Sound and the Fury
    Intruder in the Dust
    As I lay dying
    East of Eden
    The Picture of Dorian Gray
    Infinite Jest
    War and Peace
    On the Road
    Catch- 22
    Invisible Man
    Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas
    No Country for Old Men
    Blood Meridian
    The Wind Up Bird Chronicle
    Kafka on the Shore
    The Sailor who fell in love with the sea

    Theres a couple other Mishima Books.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:35 No.2293770
    you don't work? or go to parties? or have sex? or live a normal life?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:43 No.2293780

    This is true. I'd say most southerners are stupid, but polite with it. While most northerners are stupid and rude, and unafraid to show it.

    Also, I'm from London, and whenever I'm in NYC, people seem slow to me, so don't get on your high horse about southerners. You walk so bloody slowly as well.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:46 No.2293786
    Honestly, that isn't that much. Also he has a couple genre lit books in there which are easy reads.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:48 No.2293794
    not same person but have never read banks. I know he's famous and all, but are you meant to read his books in a series or can I read them as stand alone?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)16:52 No.2293811
    I read 128 books in 2011, but I think that's anomalous for me. 2010 I read 97. I will be happy with 80 books this year. I hope to read more Victorian lit, and hopefully tackle my stack of Zolas. Plus, I have The Monk and Uncle Silas and two Radcliffe novels on my stack. And three Patrick White novels to read.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:27 No.2293908

    >joins thread about kindles
    >wanks off his own cock in front of everyone with his reading "prowess"

    Go fuck yourself, you cunt.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:35 No.2293920
    u mad I read more than you, bro?

    Sorry I don't read neckbeard fantasy
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:35 No.2293921
    First off, some more Safran-Foer. I read ELAIC and thought it was pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:42 No.2293934
    >Not everyone down South is stupid. Most are, though.
    Right, because you can prove that with facts, and not anecdotal evidence?
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:44 No.2293941
    First off, I buy books or go to the library, like a real man. I hate musicians, so I steal from them. I don't do that to Authors.
    >Nothing (A few years ago, I could read a six hundred page book in four days, but thanks to 4chan and writing. . .)
    >Fellowship of the Ring- Tolkien
    >Lies of Locke Lamora (love it so far)- Scott Lynch
    >Dance of Dragons- Martin
    >The Dragonbone Chain- Tad Williams
    >Princess of Mars- Edgar Rice Burroughs
    >Neuromancer - William Gibson
    Want to read:
    >On the Road - Kerouac (Finally ordered it)
    >Book of the New Sun (Also ordered) - Gene Wolfe
    >Complete Conan stories - Had it on my shelf for six months
    >Gormenghast - Mervyn Peake
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:46 No.2293943
    When you pirate a book, you don't steal from the author. You're stealing from the publisher.
    Fuck publishers. They generally offer shitty percentages, especially for first-time authors.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:48 No.2293946
    >posts list of authors
    >implying that stealing their books is really going to affect them
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:51 No.2293949

    You're not stealing from the author OR the publisher anymore than you would be had you bought the book used.

    That said, do make the effort to support the authors whose works you like.
    >> Anonymous 01/02/12(Mon)17:53 No.2293953
    To be honest I generally don't read new fiction books - it's a bad habit, I just don't have the interest in keeping up with the contemporary scene. I've got a big back catalogue I can't justify to myself not pursuing, either by dead or obscenely rich writers who I don't feel guilty about pilfering from.

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