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12/17/11(Sat)09:41 No.2260764 File1324132915.gif-(357 KB, 585x767, moebius-08.gif)
 Asterios Polyp Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth Watchmen V for Vendetta Blacksad Sandman City of Glass (adaptation of Paul Auster book by Mazzuchelli) Vagabond (loose adaptation of Musashi)
The fantasy stuff by Moebius Horror mangas by Junji Ito if you are into Lovecraft In
cape comics I recommend: Batman Year One, Batman Year 100 (by Paul
Pope), Superman Red Son, Lex Luthor: Man of Steel, LOKI (by Ribic, very
Shakesperean), Killing Joke, Marvels, Kingdom Come. |