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    File : 1317545809.jpg-(624 KB, 1568x2100, wZ8KA.jpg)
    624 KB Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)04:56 No.2113052  
    this reading list was supposedly for an AP Lit class. what the fuck?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)04:59 No.2113054
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)05:00 No.2113058
    >(winter is coming))
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)05:01 No.2113059
    that teacher should be fired

    >no fear shakespeare
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)05:04 No.2113061
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    This looks like a really good list to hook a kid who doesn't read very much into reading for life.

    You have the rest of your life to read pretentious shit by Frenchmen. Calm your tits.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)05:07 No.2113063
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)05:21 No.2113075
    >(winter is coming))

    Little mistakes like that are always bad omens to me if it's an English teacher/professor who makes them.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)05:23 No.2113079
    That's a really hefty amount of reading for a class. Expensive, but I like it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)05:26 No.2113080
    I'm sorry OP
    >> Ted, a high school senior !!FLVqQBEAMuY 10/02/11(Sun)06:19 No.2113103
    Except that non-reading kids usually don't enroll in an AP literature class.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:27 No.2113107
    >To Kill a Mockingbird
    that's Freshman shit
    >The Hunger Games
    isn't that for little kids?
    >True Grit
    I enjoyed this book, but there's nothing advanced about it. What is there to discuss? Maybe the main character's sense of justice. But not much
    >Three Theban Plays
    I fail to see what's advanced about this
    >Game of Thrones
    like True Grit, I wonder what can possibly be discussed about this in class
    token high school lit.
    >The Kite Runner
    token minority author talks about being a minoirty literature

    Is this AP Freshman literature? I guess "advanced placement" means quantity of books over quality of books.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:38 No.2113113
    considering that this is high school, i think the reading list could be much worse

    it wouldn't be my list though for an AP Lit class
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)06:44 No.2113118

    AP Lit is usually senior class. AP Language is junior. Freshman/Soph English is just "Honors" a lot of the time.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)07:49 No.2113150
    >Translated by Burton Raffel
    Oh God no....

    Everyone knows you read the Seamus Heaney translation or else you bust through it in Old English.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)07:52 No.2113152

    I think the Theban plays are at a pretty good level for an AP Lit class. Enough typical shit to talk about like Greek tragedy and the motif of blindness.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)07:54 No.2113154

    >The Hunger Games
    >Isn't that for little kids?

    Questionable. When the main character shoots an arrow through some kids throat so he chokes to death on his own blood, I'm not so sure of this. After all, the whole premise is kill everyone, be the last person standing.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)07:55 No.2113156
    So basically, it's for kids.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)07:58 No.2113158
    >token high school lit.
    Shakespeare might be a staple of High School English classes. But that doesn't mean his works are simple or academically worthless. As Shakespeare pretty much the father of modern English literature it would be quite stupid to leave him out.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)07:59 No.2113160
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:03 No.2113161

    It's also a retelling of the Theseus mythology.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:08 No.2113162
    Whats up with that (winter is coming) anyway, is the teacher a neckbeard faggot who likes to quote things.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:13 No.2113163
    >nobody saying anything about the period inside of the parentheses

    What are you, some sort of neckbear faggots who can't focus on anything non geek related?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:19 No.2113164
    The texture of the paper and formatting gives me a boner for some reason.
    I like it.
    Must be from staying on /lit/ for too long.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:26 No.2113165
    >the Hunger games
    More like shitty rip-off version of Battle Royale, inturn a rip-off version of Lord of the Flies.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:44 No.2113170
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    u mad cuz the Gurm is stylin' on ya?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:51 No.2113174
    >Game of Thrones
    >I wonder what can possibly be discussed about this in class
    You can spend a handful of classes just discussing all the complex implications derived from
    >"Hodor" said Hodor
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)08:58 No.2113181

    >like True Grit, I wonder what can possibly be discussed about this in class

    There's a lot of discussion to be had about characters like Tywin Lannister.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:10 No.2113251
    So what books would be good for AP Lit?
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:15 No.2113259
    >the Gurm
    Ahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahaha!
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:16 No.2113261


    Now, don't laugh. Here is my reasoning.

    >You can learn just as much if not more about literature by reading bad novels as you can by reading good novels--just so long as you still read the good novels.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:16 No.2113262
    True Grit is a real good book yall. But Hunger Games is a laughable selection, i hope we can all agree.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:20 No.2113264

    >This looks like a really good list to hook a kid who doesn't read very much into watching the movies/tv series based on these books and failing the class.

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:21 No.2113266
    Finnegans wake
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:24 No.2113270
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    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:26 No.2113273
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:35 No.2113286
    Thank God my parents sent me to private school.

    Enjoy discussing The Shit Games, pleb.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)10:56 No.2113300
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    I also went to a private school (years ago). This is last summer's reading list. Tear it up, /lit/.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)11:01 No.2113305
    Honors my ass.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)16:30 No.2113930
    That's unsurprising: every university has a unnecessary English course. At least you have to read more than you would in a usual English course.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)16:46 No.2113950
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    >The Game of Thrones
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)16:46 No.2113951
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    This is what I was thinking; This list is full of televised shit. I haven't read any of these books, but I'm sure I would probably watch the movies and shit if I were a lazy ass fucker.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)16:50 No.2113959
    I wish I got to read True Grit.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)16:51 No.2113961
    This list clearly isn't elite enough for me. Where's the Proust? Where's the Joyce? Where's the goddamn Nabokov? This is clearly plebian horseshit.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)16:58 No.2113976
    Reading list for my AP Lit class was

    One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
    Heart of Darkness
    The Awakening
    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    And a ton of short stories and poetry throughout the year.

    Pretty good class that I actually got an A in with minimal effort.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:04 No.2113990
    I read One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest my Sophomore year in High School. That's not AP in the slightest.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:07 No.2113995
    List for my AP Lit class:

    The Things They Carried
    Twelfth Night
    Tess of the D'Urbervilles
    Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, or Great Expectations
    A Doll House or The Importance of Being Earnest
    Things Fall Apart
    Heart of Darkness

    I really wish she'd thrown some Nabokov on there, because Pnin was 2deep4me and I'd love to discuss it.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:08 No.2113996
    honestly can not even imagine how much of a life disaster you must be to be quibbling about the level of shit that appears on someone else's 12th-grade english class syllabus
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:10 No.2114005
    Whoopdefuckingdo. I'm not claiming my reading list was the best ever, just sharing it. Besides, it's good literature regardless of what "level" it is (as if that's not completely arbitrary anyway).
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:17 No.2114021
    The Stranger
    Pride & Prejudice
    Dante's Inferno
    Wuthering Heights
    Death of a Salesman
    Waiting for Godot

    That's all I remember from seniorAP lit but I know we read a lot more.
    >> OP 10/02/11(Sun)17:19 No.2114023
    It's an AP Lit Class. Wanna know what AP stands for? It means Advanced Placement. Yes, Cuckoo's Nest is good lit, but it's not "Advanced" by the arbitrary standards that are put forth by Universities and Colleges. You know, the places you're trying to impress with this AP course?

    Wanna know what makes a good AP Lit list? Crime and Punishment would be great (and helpful, considering it was ON the AP Lit test I took). Perhaps a little Jane Austen. You know, the books /lit/ reads to feel pretentious and better than everyone. That's the whole point in the ADVANCED PLACEMENT class. You're "better" than everyone else.

    Captcha: silliness atmong
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:22 No.2114027
    I'm not OP, I forgot to change my name from another thread.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:23 No.2114029
    Get a fucking life, dude. One thing you can say for the people who actually grade AP exams is that they're not 19-year-olds obsessed with Status so you'll be perfectly fine writing a decent essay about any ol' Barnes & Noble employee picks shelf classic that isn't a comic book or something sold in the kids section
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:28 No.2114035
    Except my essay question specifically gave Crime and Punishment and Pride and Prejudice as two of the bunch of listed books I HAD TO WRITE ABOUT for the essay. And I HAD TO PICK 3. Teaching an AP Lit class with anything but high-level literature is a disservice to the student who has to take the fucking test at the end of the year.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:29 No.2114036

    No, the whole point of AP classes is so you don't have to waste the fucking money to pay for general ed. English or literature at a university.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:30 No.2114039
    is this becoming a share-what-you-read-senior-year thread?

    The Sound of Waves
    The House of the Spirits
    Their Eyes Were Watching God
    Teaching a Stone to Talk
    Assorted poetry of Langston Hughes, Sylvia Plath and Elizabeth Bishop
    and a bunch of short stories

    basically my school trying to be edgy by having a bunch of non-white/female authors + one Shakespeare
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:32 No.2114042
    this sounds pretty dope to me tbh!
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:32 No.2114043
    You can't receive credit if you did piss poor on the AP Lit test, and you can't do good on it if all you read for the entire year was irrelevant to the test.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:34 No.2114048
    wtf, have they always had Required Reading for the ap lit exam or did that one dude misread his essay question? i got a 5 on that shit and I was just writing about rando shit i'd done better essays on in other classes
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 10/02/11(Sun)17:36 No.2114051
    If you don't want to take the general education courses, go to a university that doesn't require them. Simple as that.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:37 No.2114055
    Reported for global rule violation.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:39 No.2114057
    I took the 2011 AP Lit. And yes, I'm fairly certain that the essay had to include a comparison of at least 2 of the listed novels.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:44 No.2114060
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    As long as you are 18, you can be on 4chan, regardless of whether you're still a senior in high school. Doesn't mean people won't look down on you for it.

    Off-topic, but this thread reminded me of my high school experiences:

    >sophomore year
    >Huck Finn, Gatsby, Invisible Man are the only books required for the course
    >choose two American authors for two separate, independent portfolios
    >only read Invisible Man
    >late and half-done portfolios
    >receive piss-poor grade in class
    >4 on AP test
    >everybody mad
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:45 No.2114063

    Unless I'm mistaken, in the US a degree must contain a number of general education classes if the granting university wishes to be accredited.

    If I'm wrong, I'd like to know what universities do not requires general education, or even typical general education (English, Algebra/Calculus, History, etc).
    >> Kudryavka !!wEyYEw5OlKU 10/02/11(Sun)17:55 No.2114072
    Brown is pretty famous for having an open curriculum, though I don't know the details. I'm attending Grinnell, where the only requirements are that you take a single tutorial class (covers paper writing and citation, for the most part), that you have enough credits to graduate, and that you have a major at the end of four years.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)17:57 No.2114077
    What is AP Literature and how does it benefit you?
    Is it a high school thing?
    Is it specific to America?
    >> sage 10/02/11(Sun)18:00 No.2114081
    Haha. I had a similar experience.

    >Senior year
    >Music Theory, Calc BC, English Lit AP tests
    >Skip classes often
    >Never do homework
    >Sleep in class
    >Teachers love me, inexplicably
    >Rush through AP tests
    >Doodle in the answer boxes
    >Take naps
    >5's everywhere
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)18:04 No.2114085
    I found Senior year of high school the easiest.
    Did less work than all of the other years and ended up with significantly higher marks.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)18:35 No.2114137
    >When the main character shoots an arrow through some kids throat so he chokes to death on his own blood

    Just because a story contains violence doesn't make it adult. Little Red Riding Hood is violent and for children.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)18:49 No.2114156
    Canterbury Tales
    Tragical History of Dr. Faustus
    Gulliver's Travels
    The Portrait of Dorian Gray

    Not too bad, considering the teacher's stated focus on pre-modern, British-only literature. Plus we had to do in-class poetry analysis essays every Friday, which definitely helped my analytic skills.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:11 No.2114233

    Yeah, they do a pretty good job at picking relatively underrepresented books in high school, except i feel like they try too hard. I think there's a problem when students never read Hemingway in their entire four years of Honors courses. >>2114048

    The AP Lit test every year will have a prompt that asks you to respond using a work from a list of twenty something approved books
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:25 No.2114251

    Pretty sure those were just "suggested works" not works you HAD to write about. They do it every year and the works on those lists are usually NOT what a majority of AP Lit teachers teach. I wrote about a book that wasn't on the list and got a 5 so pretty sure you could work off the list.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:26 No.2114254
    my AP Lit reading list:

    Oedipus Rex
    Richard III
    Henry V
    Waiting for Godot
    R&G Are Dead

    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:27 No.2114256
    >The Hunger Games
    Babby's first dystopian sci-fi. Fuck that shit.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:45 No.2114281
    Can I even remember my AP Lit reading list? Let's see...

    The Poisonwood Bible
    Crime and Punishment
    Pride and Prejudice
    To the Lighthouse
    Song of Solomon

    ...Yeah, I'm definitely forgetting a few. It was a good list, though. I liked all of them more than I thought I would, but I still don't really have a taste for Shakespeare. I think I was just about the only one in my class who liked Virginia Woolf, though.
    >> OUTRAGEOUS 10/02/11(Sun)20:46 No.2114285
    I read in my senior year:
    portions of Beowulf
    portions of Canterbury Tales
    ... that may be it. My teacher was getting ready to retire and didn't give a shit that we were an accelerated class.

    I assign my Senior English students:
    Portions of Canterbury and Arthurian tales
    The Tempest
    first book of Gulliver's Travels
    The Importance of Being Earnest

    I'm thinking of adding another long Modern or Postmodern work in spring this year, but yeah.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:52 No.2114295
    >teacher makes a profit selling books from a required reading list
    Thanks college
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)20:55 No.2114305
    You people realize that the AP Lit test is incredibly easy, right? The whole point of the test (and therefore the class) is learning how to critically analyze a work of fiction. As far as I see it, they can gain that skill from picking apart any book with a plot.
    Honestly, I read some of these books in middle school Lit, but we didn't dig into them like AP students do.
    >> Anonymous 10/02/11(Sun)21:01 No.2114326
    >the botany of desire

    Fuck yes. Great book.
    >> Anonymous 10/03/11(Mon)00:07 No.2114612
    what a fag

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