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    File : 1317390060.gif-(13 KB, 391x375, angry-face.gif)
    13 KB Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)09:41 No.2109964  
    >Checking course registry for next semester

    >MFW my school offers a class on "Human Rights", and "Feminism and the Environment"

    This is why I hate going to a hipster college: propaganda classes.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)09:45 No.2109973
    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)09:50 No.2109978
    "Feminism and the Environment"

    lul wat. take it for the lulz
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)09:50 No.2109979
    Liberal indoctrination courses are usually just bullshit easy A classes, as long as you don't take them seriously you'll be fine. Usually taught by goofy old stoners who don't realize it's not the 70s any more.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)09:52 No.2109984
    yeah seriously. take the class and bang all the dumb broads and stop complaining
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)09:59 No.2109997
    take the class, take advantage of the participants
    >> Brendsies !!Lnf+NwmjL7c 09/30/11(Fri)10:00 No.2109998
    "Human Rights" it's probably a Law course...

    Feminism and the Environment, however...really? A Whole class?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:01 No.2110000

    Human Rights is under the religion department for some fucking reason. I looked up the prof's website, it's taught by some weird creepy old fuck that looks like the rat shape-changer dude from Harry Potter.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:11 No.2110018
    I never understood why there isnt any "Male studies" courses.

    Or "White history".
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:13 No.2110021

    Ever heard of European History courses?
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:13 No.2110022
    it's not that much of a stretch, really

    if you know the bible that's where much anglo land policy and gender norms have their roots
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:14 No.2110024
    Oh, i forgot. Europe land is all white and male.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:14 No.2110027

    >Doesn't realize American Studies and European Studies are college majors that essentially = White History
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:15 No.2110033

    >Wlhy there aren't any Male studies courses

    Because there's no need for them. Male achievements are the default topic of academic discourse. The achievements of women are typically marginalized, ignored or given brief lip service rather than discussed in full.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:17 No.2110038
    They're just more transparent about their indoctrination horseshit. (inb4 human trafficking statistics that have no basis in reality)
    It's more annoying when you take something you expect to be serious and then they expect you to recite word by word what either comes down to outdated information or propaganda.
    >> Anonymous 09/30/11(Fri)10:47 No.2110047
    The overwhelming majority of written history available is either about whites or is written by whites, it just isn't called "White history" explicitly. Same goes for "male studies". Anthropology has had a bias towards holding the magnifying glass over men since its inception that scholars felt the need to correct for this tendency. It isn't called "Anthropology of women", but that's what the courses really are.

    If you really think this is a problem, the academy is always looking to expand the scope of its inquiry and you are welcome to become the first professor of "White Male Studies". I would actually love for this to become a reality, as I think there is a huge gap in scholarship with respect to wealthy white males. Anthropologists and sociologists need to begin studying the rich. Because so far all they've studied are poor people and people of color, and to some degree I think this is a kind of objectification. I'm fine with objectification as long as everyone can become subject to academic scrutiny.

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