>> |
09/29/11(Thu)01:45 No.2107959>>2107940 well
friend, while this board was ostensibly set up so that we could be
funny while discussing the western canon, it irks me that for every good
thread, there seem to be at least ten for Game of Thrones/Harry
Potter/Lord of the Rings/whatever. that's my first bone to pick; that
threads with greater potential to provoke thought, or greater potential
for comedy, are pushed off page 15 by an endless series of
nearly-identical threads that don't get many replies.
it's not
that people enjoy those types of books that bothers me. we all read
mindless books from time to time, just because we love reading and it's
mentally taxing to constantly grapple with greater works of literature.
reading can be a great escape, and a fantasy novel is no different.
see, i worked in a bookstore. the fantasy section was the smallest
section except for poetry, and almost without exception, i can say that
the people you would find browsing that section were unsavory
manchildren. as such, i am filled with revulsion when people discuss
fantasy novels online. the same goes for people who discuss anime and
manga! i picture them, pimpled, hanks of greasy hair falling across
their thick glasses, while they discuss a topic that i, and serious
academia, dismiss out of hand.
i rail against you and yours
because i cannot do otherwise. i see you as vermin. i realize that my
struggle is futile, and based on some sort of superiority complex, but
don't you understand? these books are so childish.
also, you're a faggot. |