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09/27/11(Tue)22:37 No.2105739 File1317177465.jpg-(37 KB, 453x604, venetian_plastering.jpg)
![37 KB](2105703_files/1317177465888s.jpg) >>2105710 pretty much this, except no smartassery
writing is a solitary process, the best way to learn how to write is to
be an autodidact. college courses teach in a mass format that appeals
to the majority (not the dan brown majority, the "literary" majority,
but as we have learned from sturgeon, being on the side of any majority
is likely to be a bad thing)
every college course I have ever read about, talked to people about, etc. is basically just
>forced to read western canon >professor
creates arbitrary meaning in the work and you must find it and
elaborate on it, or get a bad grade. whether you agree or not, because
the prof knows more than you, you're not allowed to disagree >focus on literary theory and complete disregard for craft, which is the bane of 99% of would be authors >reading day >a bunch of 23 year old hipsters read their shitty self insert romances, people offer "critiques" full of shit >nothing of value is gained, learned, or produced >rinse and repeat
how many of the greats actually attended creative writing classes? truman capote didn't even graduate college
is not something you learn by listening to some wise ass who has never
produced a decent novel and gathering every thursday with your writing
buddies like an alcoholics anonymous group |