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09/21/11(Wed)18:00 No.2094184 File1316642447.jpg-(24 KB, 320x240, heidi-and-seal.jpg)
>white nations being turned into third world basketcases
actually think that the most desirable human position is the end of the
so-called "white races". I believe that immigration, and intermingling
of cultures will provide a stronger, healthier and more genetically
variable population.
The future is off-white, coffee-coloured,
and it's about a hundred years before there's virtually no "pure white"
person left on earth.
I hope that eats your fucking liver out you
stormfront wanker. I honestly hope that the idea of your grand-daughter
married to a "cross-breed" gives you a fucking embolism, and kills you.
like it or not, you've lost - the whites are done for. The race war was
lost a long time ago, and you know why? Too much fraternising with the
"enemy". pic related. |