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  • File : 1316634273.gif-(97 KB, 550x400, 1307286108714.gif)
    97 KB Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:44 No.2093938  
    I need a 1500 word essay on why school is important.
    Don't have to help, but i'd like it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:46 No.2093940
    School isn't important, and you should support this statement by not handing in your homework.

    Which, by the way, we aren't going to do for ya.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:46 No.2093941
    It's for court order. if its not done int he next couple hours, I go to juvie.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:52 No.2093948
    google is your friend. Edit some texts here and there, tadaaa.

    Or just go to juvie
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:53 No.2093950
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    I'm not sure what's worse. Those two punishments being somehow ranked about evenly or you waiting until the last few minutes before actually making a start.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)15:56 No.2093955

    try this.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:00 No.2093958
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    >four word reqs.
    >needs help

    have fun in juvy op.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:08 No.2093972
    the fuck did you do to end up in juvie?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:10 No.2093976
    skipped a lot of school last year.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:11 No.2093979
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:13 No.2093985
    i also got caught masterbating in the gym locker room. lol. twice
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:36 No.2094011
    Very good read. Thanks mate
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:41 No.2094019

    Where the fuck do you live that they send you to jail for not going to school and jerking off? You're probably exactly the type of piece of shit who I avoided in high school. But that doesn't mean you should be locked up.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:44 No.2094026
    Truancy is a crime. I went to the juvenile detention center for that in high school. I also had community service.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:44 No.2094027
    I skipped about a years worth of classes during my time in High School but I didn't have to go to fucking juvie. They just pushed me along anyway because they wanted to maintain a good passing record.

    Where the fuck do you live? Are you fucking 12 years old? Only middle school is required in the US in most states. Whatever the case you are too young to be on this site, please go.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:45 No.2094030

    Sucks to be you.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:46 No.2094032

    This. We were only allowed to miss 10 days a semester at my high school before supposedly being kicked out. Not sent to jail. I missed at least 30 my senior year, after I stopped giving a fuck. Didn't get kicked out or go to jail.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:47 No.2094034

    30 a semester*
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:48 No.2094037
    Not really, I was just a fag when I was a teenager. It wasn't bad. It was a good experience.

    >Education is compulsory for all children in the United States, but the age range for which school attendance is required varies from state to state. It begins between the ages of five and eight and ends between age sixteen and eighteen. Some states allow students to leave school between 14–17 with parental permission, before finishing high school; other states require students to stay in school until age 18. Many states do however allow gifted and talented students to accelerate their education so as to finish all educational requirements early.

    Don't know about OP, but in my state you couldn't drop out unless you were sixteen and had a full-time job. We also had a big truancy problem in my district so they were very hard on it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:53 No.2094048
    >Grow up in a working class neighbourhood.
    >No one goes to school
    >suddenly someones mum goes to jail for 3 months
    >I'm skipping school alone because my friends are pussies.

    I hated high school. Yet, at college I never missed a class.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:55 No.2094050

    I am literally astonished to learn that people in some states are allowed to leave school at 14. What do they do? Surely they can't work for a living or do anything other than get locked in the basement and impregnated by their dad?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:56 No.2094051
    That was what my mom was always pissed about, the possibility of her going to jail. Of course they never sent her to jail because it wasn't her fault that I didn't go. She was at work when I left and I lied to her about it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)16:57 No.2094054
    I'm sure in more rural areas kids have plenty of work they could do at 14.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:01 No.2094065
    If that needs 1500 words then I guess business is slow. Let the brainwashing commence. Never forget your a PrOdUcT of this society, do something with that melon.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:04 No.2094075

    Yers, way better to be out picking cotton and getting raped by your uncle than learning all that fancy triggernommitry.

    Fuck no. Is there anywhere else in the civilised world that lets kids leave school this young?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:10 No.2094093
    Slovenia is 14, and Canada can make exceptions for 14 as well. India too, I think. Other places are 15, like Germany.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:17 No.2094104
    Are you trying to imply that sitting in school is beneficial to anyone?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:20 No.2094109

    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:22 No.2094114
    School is important to train you to put up with a schedule of monotonous tasks while embedding in you the idea of progress to meld you into the typical citizen of industrial society who can work in a factory for 8 hours a day for 40 years, progressing towards retirement for the last 30 years.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:23 No.2094120
    did you miss the article i posted
    Mandatory public education and schooling has always been for the purpose of turning you into a good little sheep.
    If you want to learn, go ahead and learn.
    Forcing people to sit in classrooms til they are 25 is NOT LEARNING SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:29 No.2094127

    I guess it depends on the school - I learnt things all the way through my education, and not just the shit I needed to pass exams. It gave me exposure to a lot of other cultures and people, and it forced me to get along with people who I probably wouldn't have done otherwise. It also taught me vital skills like fightan, drug dealan and scoran with wimminz. These are all things which have stood me in good stead in adult life. As opposed to home-schooled people I've met who often have virtually no social skills, a monstrous sense of entitlement and an exceptionally limited education, provided by their mum.

    I know Americans are paranoid about everything, but school? Come on now.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:30 No.2094132
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:33 No.2094141
    >can work in a factory for 8 hours a day for 40 years

    Or office building or whatever in our post industrial society. And with cellphones and shit work can permeate into all hours of the day, so you're never really free. I'm starting to think anarchofags have a point.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:39 No.2094150
    uh no, it doesn't matter what school you are at or what your teacher is.
    You miss the point of mandatory public schooling.

    >It gave me exposure to a lot of other cultures and people,
    ya getting beat up by niggers and mexcrement is such a good thing.

    >As opposed to home-schooled people I've met who often have virtually no social skills
    yes because homeschooling means staying at home forever...
    >a monstrous sense of entitlement and an exceptionally limited education
    nope and nope.

    >I know Americans are paranoid about everything, but school?
    Maybe you should try learning what freedom is.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:41 No.2094154
    >post industrial society.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:45 No.2094157

    Oh Amerikkka...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:46 No.2094158
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    Education brings freedom - it means that you're not forced into the arms of consumerism for your meanest entertainment - education means that the world of books and art and science is open to you to find the best way to energise yourself in later life.

    And I'm not American, so I wasn't afraid of the other cultures at my school - I certainly wouldn't have referred to them as niggers or mexcrement (there was a colombian girl at my school, but no mexicans. we called her Dolores though, not Colombiwhore or whatever).

    Your post is actually proving quite a few of my points, by the way - mostly in the way that you're refuting them. Please carry on.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:46 No.2094159
    >attend school or you go to jail
    yep sure sounds good to me, we should always listen to big government because they have our best interest at heart.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:48 No.2094162
    both sides of this argument are retarded
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:49 No.2094164
    >mandatory forced public schooling where government decides the cirriculum and what you learn = freedom
    jesus liberals are engaging FULL SPEED DOUBLE THINK today.

    Further, i am not american, further you truly think our white nations being turned into third world basketcases is a good thing..
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:49 No.2094166
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:51 No.2094167
    >I don't need freedom, because i have the government to help me out!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:52 No.2094168
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:54 No.2094171
    dear lord in heaven nuke this thread from orbit
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:55 No.2094174
    let's turn the opposing side of the argument into a hyperbole so we don't have to bother actually reading what they have to say
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:55 No.2094176
    better to not be allowed weapons? I'm sure a cop is only seconds away right if you manage to call them while you are being raped and murdered...
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)17:59 No.2094180
    Holy shit, Americans are so comically idiotic.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:00 No.2094184
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    >white nations being turned into third world basketcases

    I actually think that the most desirable human position is the end of the so-called "white races". I believe that immigration, and intermingling of cultures will provide a stronger, healthier and more genetically variable population.

    The future is off-white, coffee-coloured, and it's about a hundred years before there's virtually no "pure white" person left on earth.

    I hope that eats your fucking liver out you stormfront wanker. I honestly hope that the idea of your grand-daughter married to a "cross-breed" gives you a fucking embolism, and kills you.

    Because like it or not, you've lost - the whites are done for. The race war was lost a long time ago, and you know why? Too much fraternising with the "enemy". pic related.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:01 No.2094187
    >I actually think that the most desirable human position is the end of the so-called "white races".

    Liberals openly admit their goal is white genocide. Pay close attention, know your enemy, spare none lest future generations be afflicted with their cancer and treachery.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:03 No.2094189
    Also i still haven't heard a rational argument for why mandatory education in government run facilities is a good idea.

    Not even going to get into the cost and the forced integration with the subhumans, just the very concept of it, how is it a good idea?
    Does not freedom trump everything else?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:04 No.2094193
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    Don't be fucking stupid, chief. We stab the cunt. Guns are a pussy weapon. You want to get in close, see the light in the cunt's eyes die out when you do him.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:09 No.2094209
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    >the forced integration with the subhumans

    Ah, come on it won't be so bad. The other kids will get used to you eventually.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:10 No.2094213
    supposedly it is an extension of the right to an education
    i guess they assume the only reason not to become educated is a lack of education
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:11 No.2094217
    ITT: That one stormfag goes off on a rant again

    seriously mod why the fuck have you not banned this guy? free speech and all that is fine but for fuck's sake stop letting complete retards shit up this board
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:11 No.2094218
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    > Also i still haven't heard a rational argument for why mandatory education in government run facilities is a good idea.

    Because otherwise, you get hillbillies spouting off second-hand racist bullshit that they absorbed from their brother-sister parents without the checks and balances of school society to hand you your teeth in a bag when you start to expouse shit-for-brains opinions.

    Good enough? Good enough.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:13 No.2094224
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    god bless mah freedoms
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:13 No.2094225
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    >it's about a hundred years before there's virtually no "pure white" person left on earth.

    >3 generations
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:14 No.2094226

    >free speech and all that is fine

    Hey, I disagree with the stormfag as much as anyone, but that phrase should never be followed with


    It's like someone who says "I'm not a racist but..." - anyone who says "free speech and all that is fine but " actually doesn't believe that free speech is fine.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:14 No.2094228
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    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:15 No.2094232
    Oh ok, can't let people learn un-pc truths right?
    even a 4 year old can figure out that there is racial differences, especially when they are the victim of racial bullying... better teach them to be good little cowards and sheep.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:15 No.2094236

    That's what the stormfags say - 6% of children born are white nowadays or something?

    Three, four generations, nearly everyone will have some black or asian or whatevs in their blood. Racial purity is a nightmare of the past.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:16 No.2094239
    The only thing I need to learn is how to burn a cross in my yard and there aint no skool teachin it.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:16 No.2094241


    Did not open link. Try harder.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:18 No.2094242
    We saw how that works. Whites build civilizations, non-whites don't.

    when(if) whites are gone, the whole world will be a shitty totalitarian third world abomination.
    But of course that'll be ok, because liberals hate whites.

    So you have a "right" to an education..(you don't) and that translates into you MUST get an education at government approved facilities with government approved teachers and curriculum and then you must pass a government developed test?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:19 No.2094244
    >Racial purity is a nightmare of the past.
    yes because blacks and asians and jews and indians have never and will never talk/care about racial purity..
    When there are no whites, you have non-whites fighting over who has the most white blood.
    Look at fucking india for fuck sake they have been stratified by race for longer then civilization in europe has existed!!!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:19 No.2094245
    Im only a loser because of them jews and there conspiracys
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:20 No.2094248
    A minority can still be made of millions...It's not like all the redneck tards in the US or elsewhere are going to start intermarrying in 3 generations.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:20 No.2094250
    So still no actual argument.
    I'm a canadian anyways so your ad hominem completely miss the mark.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:21 No.2094254
    Telegraph isn't that bad. Could be the Mail.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:23 No.2094257

    Is that troll that was always circulating on /b/? The picture of the gray-haired old fag­got saying thing's like "The anti-whites"

    Dunno, always made me laugh
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:24 No.2094261
    yes, everyone that disagrees with you is a troll.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:25 No.2094264

    There's a difference, Son.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:27 No.2094268
    this is a thread about someone going to prison for not showing to to school.
    >You'll do whats good for you, OR ELSE!!
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:27 No.2094270
    wtf are you talking about.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:30 No.2094276
    So tyranny is good, as long as it pretends to be benevolent?

    Calling for/bragging about the genocide of whites, isn't anti-white?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:32 No.2094279
    This tractor jockey is pretty funny.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:37 No.2094293
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    Pic related: You are this crazy.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:38 No.2094297
    ITT: fags thinking America is the only country in the world
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:39 No.2094301
    no argument huh? Guess i can declare victory.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:41 No.2094308
    >declare victory

    Try logging out and leaving your parents' house every now and then.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:41 No.2094309

    If you like - you will anyway.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:42 No.2094314
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    You seem to have, in your delirium, confused me for someone else.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:46 No.2094324
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    You also seem to have confused the concept of genocide (which is probably what you would propose) and the concept of the white race simply disappearing because human beings will basically shag anything.

    pic related - if she wants my sperm, she can have a glassful and I'm not interested in what she does with it afterwards.

    You guys lost before you started, because you can't stop people getting horny. And one day, when your daughter brings home a Nigerian, you'll realise that.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:50 No.2094331
    >whole race disappearing
    >not genocide
    liberals and their thoughtful posts.

    ...any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

    (a) Killing members of the group;
    (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
    (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
    (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
    (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

    — Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Article II
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:51 No.2094334
    >And one day, when your daughter brings home a Nigerian, you'll realise that.
    I'd raise her properly.
    And if she did bring home a nigger, i'd kill her.
    Anyways typical liberal argument, completely illogical and retarded.
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:51 No.2094335
    Notice how "having sex with members of the other group" isn't in that list?
    >> Anonymous 09/21/11(Wed)18:52 No.2094337

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